
Computer Science 111

Fundamentals of Programming IMore Data Modeling

More Modeling: a Bank

• Manages a set of accounts

• Operations– Add a new account– Remove an account– Access an account for deposits and withdrawals– Compute the interest on all accounts

Class Diagram




Describes the relationship between two classes

A Bank object contains zero or more SavingsAccount objects

Bank() # Returns a new bank

add(account) # Adds account to bank

remove(name, pin) # Removes an account from bank

get(name, pin) # Returns an account or None

computeInterest() # Computes the interest and # deposits it in each account

str(aBank) # Returns string rep of bank

The Interface of the Bank Class

from bank import Bank

wellsFargo = Bank()

for pinNumber in range(1000, 1005): wellsFargo.add(SavingsAccount('Ken', str(pinNumber)))


account = wellsFargo.get('Ken', '1001')





Example Use of the Bank Class

Defining a Bank Class

• Set up a data structure for the data

• Define methods to– Add a new account– Remove an account– Access an account for deposits and withdrawals– Compute the interest on all accounts

class Bank(object): """This class represents a bank."""

def __init__(self): self._accounts = {} # Other methods go here

Defining the Bank Class

Use a dictionary for the accounts, keyed by the name + pin

class Bank(object): """This class represents a bank."""

def __init__(self): self._accounts = {} def __str__(self): result = "" for account in self._accounts.values(): result += str(account) + "\n" return result

Defining the Bank Class

Always define __init__ and __str__ first

class Bank(object): """This class represents a bank."""

def __init__(self): self._accounts = {} def __str__(self): return "\n".join(map(str, self._accounts.values()))

Defining the Bank Class

Simplify, simplify!

class Bank(object): """This class represents a bank."""

def __init__(self): self._accounts = {} def add(self, account): key = account._name + account._pin self._accounts[key] = account

Adding an Account

An account is a value in the dictionary, keyed by its name and pin

The remaining methods are similar

Class Variables

• An instance variable refers to storage owned by a single instance

• A class variable refers to storage owned by the class, and thus available to all of its instances

• For example, each savings account owns a separate balance, so that should be an instance variable

• But all savings accounts have the same interest rate, so that should be a class variable

Class and Instance Variables


a1 a2



from account import SavingsAccount

a1 = SavingsAccount('Ken', '3322', 1000.00)

a2 = SavingsAccount('Catherine', '3321', 10000.00)


account = SavingsAccount('Ken', '3322', 1000.00)


SavingsAccount.RATE = 0.06


Using Class Variables

class SavingsAccount(object): """This class represents a savings account."""

RATE = 0.06 # Class variable

def __init__(self, name, pin, balance = 0.0): self._name = name self._pin = pin self._balance = balance

def computeInterest(self): interest = SavingsAccount.RATE * self._balance self.deposit(interest) return interest

Defining a Class Variable

Class variables are picked out using the class name as a prefix

Their names are usually in uppercase

Another Example: Playing Cards

• Used in card games, such as War, Blackjack, Poker, and Crazy Eights

• A standard deck consists of 52 cards

• Each card has a rank (a number from 1-13, where Ace is 1 and face cards are 11-13)

• Each card has a suit (Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs)

A Card: State and Behavior

• State: – a rank– a suit

• Behavior: examine the values of the state variables, but don’t ever modify them

>>> card = Card(3, 'Spades')

>>> print(str(card.rank) + ' of ' + card.suit)3 of Spades

>>> print(card)3 of Spades

Using the Card Class

A Card object contains two data values, and these are never changed

Thus, there is no need for accessor or mutator methods

Just reference the card’s variables to get their values

class Card(object):

SUITS = ('Spades', 'Hearts', 'Diamonds', 'Clubs') RANKS = tuple(range(1, 14)) def __init__(self, rank, suit): self.rank = rank self.suit = suit

Defining the Card Class

The Card class can specify the ranges of ranks and suits as class variables

class Card(object): …

def __str__(self): """Returns the string representation of a card.""" if self.rank == 1: rank = 'Ace' elif self.rank == 11: rank = 'Jack' elif self.rank == 12: rank = 'Queen' elif self.rank == 13: rank = 'King' else: rank = self.rank return str(rank) + ' of ' + self.suit

String Representation

for suit in Card.SUITS: for rank in Card.RANKS: card = Card(rank, suit) print(card)

Create and Print all 52 Cards

print automatically runs str to obtain an object’s string representation

A Deck: State and Behavior

• A deck initially contains 52 cards

• The user can – shuffle the deck– deal a single card from its top– check to see if there are more cards to deal




Deck() shuffle()

deal() # Removes and returns the top card



The Deck Interface and Its UseInterface

Deck() shuffle()

deal() # Removes and returns the top card


The Deck Interface and Its Use

from cards import Deck

deck = Deck()


while not deck.isEmpty(): card = print(card)



Application: The Game of War

• A simplified version with two players and a single war pile

• Each player has 2 piles of cards:– An unplayed pile– A winnings pile

Playing the Game of War

Deal 26 cards to each player’s unplayed pile

While both unplayed piles are not empty

Each player moves the topmost card from the unplayed pile to the top of the game’s war pile

If these cards do not have the same rank Move the cards from the game’s war pile to the winner’s winnings pile

The player with the largest winnings pile wins

Additional Classes

• Player contains 2 piles of cards

• WarGame contains a deck, two players, and a single pile of cards; allows the user to step through the game

• On each step, the cards are drawn and the war pile is shifted if there is a winner

Classes and Relationships






2 Card, Deck Player, WarGame

WarGame() # Creates a deck and 2 players deal() # Deals 26 cards to each player

step() # Draws the cards and shifts the piles

winner() # Returns None if the game is not over, # or the results as a string otherwise

str(aGame) # The current state of the game as a string

The WarGame Interface

WarGame() # Creates a deck and 2 players deal() # Deals 26 cards to each player

step() # Draws the cards and shifts the piles

winner() # Returns None if the game is not over, # or the results as a string otherwise

str(aGame) # The current state of the game as a string

Playing the Game

def main(): game = WarGame() while not game.winner(): game.step() print(game) print(game.winner())

For Wednesday

Data Persistence

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