Page 1: Computer Programming in MATLAB - Atauni

Atatürk University

Functions, IO

Atatürk University

Prof. Dr. İrfan KAYMAZ

Computer Programming in


Atatürk University Engineering Faculty

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Page 2: Computer Programming in MATLAB - Atauni

Atatürk University

Functions, IO User Defined Functions

MATLAB has a number of built-in (compiled) functions, e.g. sin , sqrt, sum. If you find that you are often building a function from several Matlab commands, you can develop a user-defined function that can be used in a same way as the built-in Matlab functions.

Page 3: Computer Programming in MATLAB - Atauni

Atatürk University

Functions, IO User Defined Functions


function [output variables] = function_name(input variables);

defines function function_name that accepts inputs variables and returns outputs variables.

The rules for writing an M-file (user defined) function are the following:

1- The first line of a function has to be the following syntax:

function [output variables] = function_name(input variables);

2- Function written to an m-file must be saved with the same name of «function_name»

3- A user-defined function is called by the name of the m-file.

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Atatürk University

Functions, IO Example 1

Write a function that computes the final velocity of a free-falling object.

Function file (file name sonhiz.m) (subprogram) function v= sonhiz(g,h) % file must be named with sonhiz v=sqrt(2*g*h); m_file (Main program) clc clear all g=9.81; h=10; v=sonhiz(g,h)

Page 5: Computer Programming in MATLAB - Atauni

Atatürk University

Functions, IO Example 2

Write a function that computes the the area and perimeter of a cicrcle.

Function file (file name circle.m) (subprogram) function [area,perimeter]=circle(R) area=pi*R^2; perimeter=2*pi*R; M_file (Main program) clc clear all R=1; [area,perimeter]=circle(R)

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Atatürk University

Functions, IO Example 3

Write a function that computes the distance between two points

x1= x coordinate of the first point; x2= x coordinate of the second point

y1= y coordinate of the first point; y2= y coordinate of the first point

Function file (dis.m) (subprogram) function distance= dis(x1,y1,x2,y2) distance=sqrt((x2-x1).^2+(y2-y1).^2); m_file (Main Program) clc clear all x1=3; y1=4; x2=1; y2=2; distance= dis(x1,y1,x2,y2); fprintf('distance between two points=%g\n',distance);

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Atatürk University

Functions, IO Example 4

Write a MATLAB program that computes the value of the following equation according to the x and y received from keyboard.


log10 (y)+tan(



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Atatürk University

Functions, IO Example 5

Write a MATLAB program to solve the value of the following equation for x from 3 to 13 by increments of 0.1, and then plots the x and y data in the main m-file. The values of the variables must be given in the main m-file, a=5, b=6, and c=8

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Atatürk University

Functions, IO Solution 5

Main m-file (Named with: soru.m )


clear all





Function File (Named with deneme.m)

function y=deneme(a,b,c,x);


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Atatürk University

Functions, IO Example 6

Write a Matlab program to find the sum and mean of the successive odd integers from 1 to 35, and print the results in the following format.

Sum of numbers =324

Mean of numbers =18

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Atatürk University

Functions, IO IO

When you get into serious programming, you will often need to store data on a disk. The process of moving data between MATLAB and disk files is called importing (from disk files) and exporting (to disk files).

Direct input of data from keyboard becomes impractical when the amount of data is large and the same data is analyzed repeatedly.

In these situations input and output is preferably accomplished via data files.

The process of moving data between MATLAB and disk files is called importing (from disk files) and exporting (to disk files).

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Atatürk University

Functions, IO File open: fopen

fopen, opens a file or obtain information about open files.


fid = fopen(‘filename’, ‘permission’)

opens the file filename in the mode specified by permission and returns fid, the file identifier.

fid-> file identifier

filename -> file name

permission -> r,w,.., etc.

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Atatürk University

Functions, IO File open: fopen

'r' Open file for reading (default).

'w' Open or create new file for writing. Discard existing contents, if any.

'a' Open or create new file for writing. Append data to the end of the file.

'r+' Open file for reading and writing.

'w+' Open or create new file for reading and writing. Discard existing contents, if any.

'a+' Open or create new file for reading and writing. Append data to the end of the file.

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Atatürk University

Functions, IO File close: fclose

fclose closes one or all open files.


status = fclose(fid);

fid-> file identifier

Status-> if succesful 0; otherwise -1.

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Atatürk University

Functions, IO Writing data to a file: fprintf

Write formatted data to file.



fprintf (fid,‘%format%format%format….’,var_1,var_2,var_3,….)

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Atatürk University

Functions, IO Example 7

Write a MATLAB program that writes the following M array to a file named with «veri.dat»

M=[1 2 3 4];


fprintf (a,'%d %d %d %d',M);


M=[1 2 3 4];


for i=1:4

fprintf(a,'%d ',M(i));



With for loop

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Atatürk University

Functions, IO Example 8

Write a MATLAB program that writes the following M matrix to a

file named with «veri.dat»

A=[1 5 11 ; 2 4 5];


for i=1:2

for j=1:3

fprintf(a,'%d ',A(i,j));




Page 18: Computer Programming in MATLAB - Atauni

Atatürk University

Functions, IO Reading data from a file: fscanf

fscanf: fscanf reads formatted data from a file


[value, number_of_values_read] = fscanf(file_variable, 'format', count);

value : The returned information is the value

number_of_values_read : the number of values actually read count : Amount of data to read: n, [n, m], Inf

Page 19: Computer Programming in MATLAB - Atauni

Atatürk University

Functions, IO Example 9

Write a MATLAB program that reads the all data from a file named with «veri.dat» and assigns them to b variable.

veri.dat 1 5 11 2 4 5

clear all


a=fopen ('veri.dat', 'r' );

[b,sayi]=fscanf(a,'%d ',inf);



Page 20: Computer Programming in MATLAB - Atauni

Atatürk University

Functions, IO Example 10

Write a MATLAB program that reads the first two data from a file named with «veri.dat» and assigns them to b variable.

veri.dat 1 5 11 2 4 5

clear all


a=fopen ('veri.dat', 'r' );

for i=1:2

b(i)=fscanf(a,'%d ',[1]);




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Atatürk University

Functions, IO Reading data from a file to more than one variable

To read the data from the file which is in the same format

with the left side;

a = fopen('veri.dat', 'r');

b = fscanf(a, '%g %g', [2 inf]);



1 10

3 12

4 14

5 15

6 16

7 18

1 3 4 5 6 7

10 12 14 15 16 18

To assign the rows to different variables


d=b(2,:) a=fopen('veri.dat','r')

for i=1:6





To read the data direcly

from the file


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Atatürk University

Functions, IO

Another method;


clear all


for i=1:6

for j=1:2





k=(masa(:,1))' % tırnak işareti transpoz işlemidir



1 10

3 12

4 14

5 15

6 16

7 18

Reading data from a file to more than one variable

Page 23: Computer Programming in MATLAB - Atauni

Atatürk University

Functions, IO Example 11

In a cargo company, a pricing policy according to the package weight is as follows; Base price is 5 TL for packages up to 2 kg. For the packages heavier than 2 kg, 0.5 TL should be added to the base price for every 1 kg. If the packages is heavier than 35 kg, 10 TL should be added to the total price. The packages heavier than 50 kg are not accepted because of worker’s health. Write a Matlab program that computes the price according to the above-mentioned scheme and then writes the following table for 1:50 kg pacages to a file named with veri.dat. (Assume that the scale readings are only integer values)

Ağırlık (kg) Fiyat (TL)

1 5

2 5

3 5.5

4 6

… …

50 39

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