
Compose an essay of 750-1000 words, explaining why you desire this summer study fellowship. Be sure to consider your past experiences and future goals, and link this opportunity to your personal, academic, and professional interests. You may compose this essay in Microsoft Word or similar program and copy/paste into this box.Goals:A summer study fellowship aboard Visiting a foreign land and studying a different way from what I am used to. Alone and far away from what you know. Terrifying? No it is not, it is an opportunity to embrace a new culture and become a part of the world community no matter what major held. It jumps starts a professional career and I always wanted to visit eastern parts of the globe. There are very few words to describe that this type of fellowship other than: exciting, fun, and a chance to see the world.In pursuit of my academic goals of achieving an engineering degree at first I was content with just reaching that goal. This singular goal didnt satisfy my thirst for knowledge. The practical applications meant little if I didnt understand what were the fundamental forces behind that. In my sophomore year I decided to double major in applied physics. Did I know that it would increase my workload? Yes. This decision will never be regretted even if I struggle throughout my academic career. Taking courses that were not required for me to graduate, but just because I can. The closer I get this goal the more I want it to never end. In that respect I am applying to grad school for a master degree in engineering. With this fellowship it allows me to understand varying engineering techniques done in other countries. Personally I would relish the chance to visit a foreign land that I have not grown accustomed to. Living in Texas we would visit the border and go into Mexico. The culture shock in visiting that country was not as bad as thought. I was able to understand the language and fit in on my visits. As the years passed there was more blending of cultures, but there were things that separated me, a Texan with Mexican heritage, and those from Mexico. As I grew older I noticed the flaws within one of the culture that inherited through my family. Old values that had no business being in todays world: treatment of women, subservience to the patriarch or matriarch who manipulates family members into guilt to do what they want, etc. It is something I have grown to disdain with a passion. It is something I would like to distance myself from, but that is impossible. My culture is a part of me, but I wont let that define who I am. The Midwest ironically enough is another part of my heritage from my mothers side. Spending a few years here I have learned much through my extended family, the students, and other individuals around the area. My friends had a major impact in understanding the culture of this part of the country, similar but different. Though most of them are now gone from my life. It has stymied my pursuit of cultural knowledge leaving me to pursue other avenues. That is when I saw the flyer mentioning this venture in studying abroad. I wanted to increase my understanding of people outside the United States, and the best way to appreciate other principles is to immerse in it.Professionally it is sound move by any part to go overseas whether to study or work. It signifies to employers that the person is not attached to one place, independent and self-sufficient, and above all else willing to take risks in pursuit of achievements and success. My career as an engineer when it starts I could go anywhere within the United States. I dont want to be limited to a single country; with this I could go anywhere. It is a gateway to visiting other countries and learning there customs and ways, what they value about all others, and embrace the farthest reaches in my cultural heritage. Freedom from being tied to one place while I am still restless and want to move. True, I could be content with having a job in a firm in the States and leave at that, but that is not me.I am not attached to any one place at the moment. It allows me to pursue any goal that is worthwhile to me. Honestly I dont comprehend why more people pursue this lifestyle. Is it fear or the unwillingness to give up their comfort? For years I have grown accustomed to living on my own around people for the most part that I did enjoy, but there is always more to do, to see, to hear. There couldnt be a better way to start it than this fellowship.

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