

1. Basic Package:Installation CD with licence for 6 work stations.Included: 10 reacall keyboard labels.

2. Extension Package:Licence for 6 additional work stations.Included: 10 additional keyboard labels.

3. reacall-keyboardStandard keyboard with red reacall key.

4. Emergency USB Audio Signal

5. USB Panic-Emergency-Pushbuttonand audio-alarm.

We recommend that all operational units (e.g. stress ECG) be equipped with an emergency pushbutton. Other work stations (e.g. doctor‘s office) should be equipped with an audio emergency unit. Existing key-boards can either be adapted with keyboard labels or be replaced with reacall keyboards. The basic package authorizes free upgrading to newer versions that will in the future be made available on the reacall home page.

Information and Consultation

Are you interested?Which components do you need for an optimal equip-ment of your office or institution?

Give us a call! We will be happy to assist and advise you. In close cooperation with you we will put toge-ther a package both superior to what others have to offer and affordable to you.

Tel: 0049 800reacall or 0049 800 73 222 55

You can use this form to fax your reply.Please add your address.

The number for your fax is:

Fax: 0049 30 66 09 30 10

Or e-mail us at:

[email protected]

You will find additional information at:

The Innovative Emergency AlarmSystem for Medical Facilities

reacall is a product of:readoxx. Schloßstraße 34, 12163 Berlin

TECANDO-GmbHFriedbergstraße 45, 14057 Berlin

© All Rights Reserved

© Tecando GmbH / Dr. Joachim Hendricks. The reacall logo is either a brand or a registered trademark of Dr. Joachim Hendricks / Tecando GmbH. Microsoft Windows or the Windows-Logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and worldwide. Names and logos of other companies here mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information.

System Requirements: Microsoft Windows® 2000 Professional, Microsoft Win-dows® XP Home or XP Professional, Microsoft Windows® Server 2000, Microsoft Windows® Server 2003, Microsoft Windows® Vista.General Requirements: USB Port (USB 2.0 recommended), CD-Rom Drive (for Installation)

Jochen Hendricks
Eingefügter Text

How efficient is your Alarm System?

Present day, internationally recognized guidelines set high standards for efficient emergency management. At the same time there is a constant increase in com-plexity and scope of outpatient medical facilities. The time required for an adequate response is so short that conventional ways of communicating an alarm such as running, calling or phoning often lead to considerable delays. In a worst case scenario this may cause loss of life.


1. Permanently available

2. Reliable Activation by way of Panic-Emergency-Pushbutton

3. Ultrarapid transmission of call

4. Combination of optical and acoustic alarm

5. Precise information on place and time of emergency

6. Feedback to caller

7. Event data recording

The Innovative Solution

is an innovative alarm system. It uti-lizes a route of communication permanently available in most doctors offices and clinics. It allows to transmit with lightning speed an emergency call to all prese-lected recipients. The optical alarm and acoustic alarm are combined in one system. Place and time of the incident/emergency are transmitted with precision. The system asks the recipients to confirm the call and to concur to the locale of the emergency. The caller’s computer screen shows immediate confirmation that his/her alarm has been received. He/she can then focus on providing primary care to the victim. It is also possible to record additional events such as arrival of bystanders, arrival of emergency equipment and first defibrillation. This gives invaluable information for the evaluation of emergency response and for training purposes. All data will be stored in a log and can be used for ulterior evaluation.

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