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Complete list of Secondary School KanjiKanji On-Yomi Kun-Yomi Meanings year-end age occasion opportunity undertake scheme design attempt plan

. .

. .


. . .


bestow participate in give award impart provide cause gift godsend abet help save alms apply bandages administer first-aid well well crib town community

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. . . . . . fresh vivid clear brilliant Korea oversee official govt office rule administer ring circle link wheel hearing judge trial Europe accusation sue complain of pain appeal to incur cover veil brood over shelter wear put on difference differ


. . . .


. . . .

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. . .

. .


be exposed (film) receiving transit ford ferry cross import deliver diameter migrate shadow silhouette phantom include bear in mind understand cherish beat attack defeat conquer assistant help nucleus core kernel

. . . .

dissolve melt condition situation ford ferry port


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echo also N5116 sound resound ring vibrate stab protruding thrusting thrust pierce prick solicit invite ask aggression attack promontory cape spit coach command urge lead supervise sponsor hold (a meeting) give (a dinner) reach out exert exercise cause gulf bay inlet

. . .

. . . . .

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. .


detach separation disjoin digress pinch pick pluck trim clip summarize son counter for sons search look for locate transcend superultraheal cure

. . .

. . . . . . . . . . - . . shake wave wag swing catch capture

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jammed in shellfish mediate concern oneself with welcome meet greet marketing sell trade offering counter for drinks present offer hanging scroll width fiber tie rope seacoast beach seashore he that the carrier carry all bases fort rampart walls base(ball)


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. - .

. .

. . .


home country country Japan dance flit circle wheel dispatch despatch send give donate do undertake confront resist defy oppose masculine male hero leader superiority excellence crowded mixture in bulk included (kokuji) tense solid hard reliable tight interchange period charge

- . . . - . .

. - .

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change? fortune-telling divining forecasting occupy hold have get take abolish obsolete cessation discarding abandon creek inlet bay trust request colleague official companion good luck joy congratulations route way road step trample carry through appraise evade payment slip out extract

. .

. .

. . .

. .

. - .

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. . . . . . .

pull out pilfer quote remove omit demolition break destroy bond loan debt expand stretch extend lengthen increase bomb burst open pop split ceremony rule affair case a matter inherit succeed patch graft (tree) fight war interment bury shelve

. . . .


. . . .

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. .


evade avoid avert ward off shirk shun universal wide(ly) generally Prussia apprehend chase marriage


age urge force imminent spur on floating float rise to surface beguile delusion perplexity crumble die demolish level

. . . . . . . . .

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. .

. .

. . . . .

. . .

listen headstrong naughty careful inquiry undress removing escape from get rid of be left out take off push stop check subdue attach seize weight shove press seal do in spite of overthrow fall collapse drop break down complete finish afflicted disease suffer from be ill tighten tie shut lock fasten


. . . - .

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- . . tenacious take hold grasp take to heart entwine coil around get caught in tassel tuft fringe bunch lock (hair) segment (orange) house room recruit campaign gather (contributions) enlist grow violent remove withdraw disarm dismantle reject exclude pay clear out prune banish dispose of plane sharpen whittle pare

. .



. . . . . .

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. .

set aside give up suspend discontinue lay aside except ride board get on place spread 10**44 . rise up camp battle array ranks position do change make benefit welfare be of use reach to try practice cost serve as good advantage as a result of slow late back later

. . . .

. . .

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repress well now in the first place push shove press seal do in spite of choose select elect prefer excel excellence beauty surpass indications sign omen symptom collect seek refer to question

. - . . . . . . . reparation make up for recompense redeem bullet twang flip snap

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foothold based on follow therefore . . . incense smell perfume grow late night watch sit up late of course repel refuse reject decline punish penalty sentence punishment hillock mound doth do send forward cause exert incur engage embrace hug hold in arms winding reel spin

. . .



. . .



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. . . . . . .

turn (pages) look up refer to tail end counter for fish lower slope of mountain sketch compose write draw paint fear dread awe

small bell buzzer tray shallow bowl platter tub board phonograph record paragraph nape of neck clause item term (expression) miss mourning . consort accompany bring with

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. .

. .

. . . - . - . . - . .

companion suspend hang 10% install depend consult rereturn revert resume restore go backwards gigantic big large great quake shake tremble quiver shiver surpass cross over move to exceed Vietnam pledge promise vow put up (a notice) put up hoist display hang out publish describe


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. .

leap dance skip abandon throw away discard resign reject sacrifice contact touch feel hit proclaim announce conflict residence mansion reliant depend on consequently therefore due to enroll domiciliary register membership


. . . . . . . send back return dirty pollute disgrace rape defile

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. .

. .

. .

mutually reciprocally together prudence thought concern consider deliberate fear frame framework spindle spool bounding-box (kokuji) favor blessing grace kindness dew tears expose Russia open sea offing rise high into sky escape flee shirk evade set free slacken loosen relax lessen be moderate

. . . . . .

. . .

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. . . . .

ease demand request need lean incline tilt trend wane sink ruin bias subscription buy

. .

allot fill thong beginning inception end cord strap tracks mark print impression stop-over reside in resident tribute support finance . . instead on the contrary rather

. .

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. .

edge origin end point border verge cape introduce inherit help seize get find earn acquire can may able to join get together unite collective penetrate clear pierce strike home sit up (all night) collide brunt highway opposition (astronomy) thrust pierce stab prick char hurry impatient

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. .


irritate burn scorch singe rob take by force snatch away dispossess plunder usurp employ hire bay creek inlet gulf beach seacoast exchange spare substitute perchop divide tear analyze defer turnover transfer convey appellation praise admire name title fame


. . . -

. . . . . . .

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. . challenge contend for make love to entice lead tempt invite ask call for seduce allure distract be mistaken for go astray divert stimulate urge press demand incite humility be careful discrete prudent withdraw draw in hold back refrain from be moderate presents send give to award to confer on presenting something

. .

. . . . .


. .

. .


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grip hold mould sushi bribe sagacious genius excellence -

. . . . . . astringent hesitate reluctant have diarrhea gun arms . . . portable carry (in hand) armed with bring along heart interior checkup seeing diagnose examine dilute thin weak (tea)

. .


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. . - . . . . . . . . - .

packed close pressed reprove rebuke blame consign requesting entrusting with pretend hint snapshot take pictures encroach invade raid trespass violate fasten tie up arrest constrict


. . - . . - . - . . - . - . . - . -

hang suspend depend arrive at tax pour

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pair set comparison counter for pairs . . . thorn pierce stab prick sting calling card arrival proceed reach attain result in drive run gallop advance inspire impel lie down sleep rest bed remain unsold transparent permeate filter penetrate haven port harbor ferry


. .

. . . . . . . . .

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wall lining (stomach) fence . . - . rice plant split rend tear cleverness agile alert just so this right justice repudiate exclude expel reject abundant rich fertile strict hard solid tough tight reliable steal rob pilfer turf lawn


. .

. .

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hawser class (genus) rope cord cable . . . . . handle entertain thresh strip look back review examine oneself turn around sue accuse . commandment welfare happiness . . reputation praise honor glory . delight joy persuade recommend advise encourage offer boisterous make noise clamor



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disturb excite clique lineage pedigree faction clan armor high (voice) A grade first class former instep carapace . straw rope cord

. . . . . . .

swing shake sway rock tremble vibrate . . . . excuse dismissal previously already long ago recommend mat advise encourage offer


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neighboring trouble worry in pain distress illness splendor flower petal shine luster ostentatious showy gay gorgeous honorable manipulate govern pattern example model

. . .


. . . . . . . .

conceal hide cover

philosophy clear

cedar cryptomeria

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. . . . . - . . .


laid waste rough rude wild

stiff hard gentle peace depravity intimidate dignity majesty menace threaten overpowering great powerful excelling Australia stagnate be delayed overdue arrears delicate minuteness insignificance hump high noble prosperity

. . .




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. . . . . .

bury be filled up embedded

symptoms illness temporarily a while moment long time liver pluck nerve chutzpah yell cry scream exquisite strange queer mystery miracle excellent delicate charming sack bag pouch cord rope . . attack advance on succeed to



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. .

pile heap blow breathe puff emit smoke sociable kind courteous hospitable cordial design pattern build nature handle crank grip knob shaft wonder be surprised frightened amazed hemp flax seal closing daughter girl dose medicine drug


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. .

rapids current torrent shallows shoal gist proceed to tend become collapse fall into cave in fall (castle) slide into purification Buddhist food room worship avoid alike pierce 8 1/3lbs penetrate brace hermit wizard cent consolation amusement seduce cheer make sport of comfort console intelligent wise wisdom

. . . . . .

. .


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cleverness decameron 10day period season (for specific products arm ability talent . - . concurrently and delicious relish show a liking for purport will clever expert instant namely as is conform agree adapt willow falsehood lie deceive pretend counterfeit forgery contrast compare


. . .

. .


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. .

hegemony supremacy leadership champion bed counter for beds floor padding tatami detailed full minute accurate well-informed resist reach touch threaten coerce tender weakness gentleness softness overgrown grow thick be luxuriant sacrifice long-distance spur fetlock gracious elegant graceful

. . . . . . .



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. .

refined decorate ornament adorn embellish netting network dragon imperial luxuriant thick overgrown frequency complexity trouble Mr. hall mansion palace temple lord concentrated thick dark undiluted wing plane flank lagoon fascination charm bewitch


. .



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. . . . .

dislike detest hate adjusted alike equal similar variety of spread pave sit promulgate hug embrace possess protect lead shoulder sphere circle radius range zero spill overflow nothing cipher penalty punishment

. - .


. .

. . .

angry be offended

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. . .

destroy ruin overthrow perish cornerstone foundation stone


. . . . .

rot decay sour

skids leg undercarriage . . . - . - . - . - . - . . . . overnight put up at ride at anchor 3-day stay

exhaust use up run out of deplete befriend serve

counter for cupfuls wine glass glass

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toast me I (male) . . slippery slide slip flunk orphan alone inflammation flame blaze compensation indemnify longevity congratulations one's natural life stubborn foolish firmly sweet coax pamper be content sugary chain irons connection coloring paint makeup

. .

. . . .

. .

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. . . . . .

chafe rub polish grind scrape encourage be diligent inspire sweep brush dig delve excavate radiance shine sparkle gleam twinkle amass keeping a concubine phonograph axis pivot stem stalk counter for book scrolls patrol go around circumference exhausted tire weary earnings work earn money




. . . . . .

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wink blink twinkle all everything cannon gun

. .

soft erupt spout emit flush out sink be submerged subside be depressed aloes boast be proud pride triumphantly auspicious happiness blessedness good omen good fortune animal sacrifice offering regularity salary order


. .


. . . .

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sovereign the emperor god creator tempt seduce instigate promote thwart separate from prevent obstruct deter impede peaceful calm peace easy Thailand bribe board supply finance slap strike hit beat tell speak frozen congeal refrigerate ditch moat canal

. . . . .

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chrysanthemum . . . . smoke . . affinity relation connection edge border verge brink solely only merely simply swell get fat thick -proof enduring . . romance in love yearn for miss darling cram school private school . . leak escape strangle constrict wring



. . .

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. .

time jubilation congratulate rejoice be happy fierce rave rush become furious wildness strength perfume balmy flavorable fragrant penal chastise punish discipline outskirts suburbs rural area sabre sword blade clock hand loins hips waist low wainscoting jump dance leap skip patent clear


. . .


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chess piece Japanese chess shogi constancy always . . . - . . sleep die sleepy hoist fry in deep fat risk face defy dare damage assume (a name) ethics companion exhibit state relate explain recollection think remember . . . . . . . . dreadful be frightened fearful submerge conceal hide lower (voice)



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. .

hush rare curious strange overcome kindly skillfully point peak mountain outline condition approximation generally arrest seize concerned adhere to despite silence become silent stop speaking leave as is partial side left-side radical inclining biased atmosphere fog interview treat entertain receive deal with




. .



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. . . .

consult with cramped narrow contract tight consume eat drink smoke receive (a blow) eminent table desk high provisions food bread register record book hearth furnace kiln reactor particularly especially exceptionally augment increase multiply raise warship

. .

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. . . -

melt dissolve thaw comrade fellow people companions

. . .

strange strangeness curiosity ridicule laziness conspire cheat impose on plan devise scheme have in mind deceive clap beat (music) length 10feet measure Mr. Ms. height stature all (one has) only that's all merely

. .

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. . .

. . .

tolerant leniency generosity relax feel at home be at ease broadminded capsize cover shade mantle be ruined placenta sac sheath tears sympathy isolate alternate distance separate gulf clean purify cleanse exorcise Manchu Dynasty equal head counter for small animals roll of cloth drown sink hide fall into disappear die

. .

. .

. .

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spare time rest leisure time leave of absence upright chastity constancy righteousness specimen take warning from learn from shade yin negative sex organs secret shadow inscription signature (of artisan) pointed sharpness edge weapon sharp violent follow though notwithstanding while during both all obey submit to comply at the mercy of (the waves)



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. .

ardent violent vehement furious severe extreme inquire fathom look for draft copy manuscript straw rust-colored red red lead pills disclose open say hill knoll ridgepole ridge lot earth soil cartoon involuntarily in spite of oneself corrupt mysterious occultness


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sticky glutinous greasy persevere enlightenment perceive discern realize understand shop store

. . . . .

pregnancy paint plaster daub smear coating flats counter for houses eaves inflation advancing going consummate accomplish attain commit (suicide) lunatic insane crazy confuse shout exclaim yell

. . . . . .

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branch off fork in road scene arena theater horizontal woof left & right latitude cultivate foster decline wane weaken rowboat small boat . . yield bend flinch submit thin faint pale fleeting pluck pull extract excel expose open courts imperial court government office




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. .

quasisemiassociate exhort urge encourage immersed soak dip steep moisten wet dunk surplus besides gall bladder courage pluck nerve slender fine thin kimono drought dry dessicate drink up heaven emperor void emptiness unpreparedness crack fissure untruth

. .

[. . . .

. .

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spirits soul . . . repent regret rebuke admonish charge warn persuade pray wish wretched disaster cruelty harsh tyrannize oppress flip turn over wave flutter change (mind) crash fall (down) marsh lake bog swamp pond set lay a foundation install


. . . . .

. .

. .

. .

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equip squat down sit down gradually slowly deliberately gently board load (a vehicle) ride hair of the head

. . .

busy occupied restless shield escutcheon pretext waterfall rapids cascade rut wheel track model way of doing disturb prevent hamper obstruct grate rub scratch scrape chafe


. . - . .

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scour whale villa inn cottage feudal manor consent assent agreement thunder lightening bolt . drift float (on liquid) pocket feelings heart yearn miss someone become attached to bosom breast intuition perception plantation planting kidnap falsify


. . . . . . .

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. . . .

burdensome pack horse horse load send by horse annexed accompany marry suit meet satisfy attach append garnish imitate sweat perspire crown best peerless diagonal slanting oblique wandering waves billows Asia rank next come after -ous lie falsehood deceive pretend podium stage rostrum




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terrace meritorious deed merit witch demon evil spirit . repay reward retribution purple violet . . . . damp wet moist family crest figures . wholesale . column handrail blank space deviate idleness leisure miss the mark evade elude parry diverge

. . .

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horizon shore . clear (the land) open break up (land) flower pot bottle vial jar jug vat urn prison jail esteem furthermore still yet carve engrave chisel blossom bloom calm quiet moderation . . . . appear existing adroit skilled ingenuity

. - . . .

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. . . -

halberd arms festival float hedge fence wall seduce call send for wear put on ride in buy eat drink catch (cold) deceit cheat delude angling fish catch allure ensnare tin can container cosmetics adorn (one's person) vessels counter for ships fish birds arrows one of a pair

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. .

. .

fat grease tallow lard rosin gum tar solemn quietly softly foolish folly absurdity stupid encounter meet party association interview join erect frame mount support shelf construct ghost devil commoner all bastard texture skin body grain


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immature young

shoes nourishing more & more be luxuriant planting turbidity phantasm vision dream illusion apparition . . . . boil cook

princess vow swear pledge grasp faggot bunch counter for bundles tread step on trample practice carry through


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. . .

. . . .

display offer present send exhibit alienate rough neglect shun sparse face-up look up depend seek respect rever drink take dull slow foolish blunt

. . . . . . .

shame dishonor

sturdy strength . rapidly subjugate attack the rebellious collect taxes

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. .

smash break crush familiar popular noh chanting

. . . . .

marry into bride self-effacing humble oneself condescend be modest sigh lament moan grieve germ fungus bacteria mud mire adhere to be attached to

. .


repeatedly recur harp koto shelf ledge rack


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. . .

mount mantle trellis cruel severe atrocious unjust superintend manager rule corridor hall tower loneliness quietly mellow mature death of a priest corner nook accidentally even number couple man & wife same kind prostrated bend down bow cover lay (pipes)

. . . . .


spicy bitter hot acrid

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. .

grind polish scour improve brush (teeth) Go vulgar customs manners worldliness mundane things vague obscure desert wide wicked injustice wrong sparkle clear crystal black ink India ink ink stick Mexico tranquilize ancient peace-preservation centers den cave excavation footgear shoes boots put on (the feet


. .


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inferiority be inferior to be worse assault hit beat thrash with child pregnancy . observance offer present dedicate melancholy grieve lament be anxious sad unhappy crude simple plain docile pavilion restaurant mansion arbor cottage vaudeville music hall stage name surname cylinder pipe

. . . . . .

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. .


. .

. .

tube gun barrel sleeve suspicious mystery apparition grains drop counter for tiny particles admirable greatness remarkable conceited famous excellent drunk feel sick poisoned elated spellbound pity be sparing of frugal stingy regret harvest reap excellent beautiful good pleasing skilled wet be watered profit by receive benefits

. . .

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favor charm steep . . . lament grieve over destitution scarce limited above-stated the said that specific proceed get become tend mulberry marrow pith basin lantern festival tray ear ear (grain) head crest (wave) robust manhood prosperity dike bank embankment


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. . -

hungry starve bystander side besides while nearby 3rd person epidemic accumulate involvement trouble tie up continually


stupid foolish conveyor carry transport tatami mat counter for tatami mats fold shut up do away with healing cure quench (thirst) wreak enclosure quarters fortification red-light district

. .

. .

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urine villain evil bad luck disaster spit vomit belch confess tell (lies) banquet feast party V.I.P. guest captive barbarian low epithet for the enemy skin body grain texture disposition pottery porcelain bell gong chimes remorse regret be sorry

. .


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. -

descendants elder brother insect coarse rough rugged revise correct decide umbrella equestrian riding on horses counter for equestrians


rather preferably laundry wash pour on rinse sequential fellow endure bear put up with conceal secrete spy sneak cat

. .

. .

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. .

neglect laziness likeness like such as as if better best equal dormitory hostel villa tea pavillion pagoda tower steeple seethe boil ferment uproar breed lead pearl gem jewel


. .

. . . . . -

congeal freeze stiff be absorbed in seedling sapling shoot

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animal beast pathetic grief sorrow pathos pity sympathize hop leap up spring jerk prance buck splash sputter snap artisan workman carpenter candy cakes fruit snake serpent hard drinker lucidity be clear clear clarify settle strain look grave

. . .

. . - .

. . - .

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sew stitch embroider Buddhist priest monk . . how many how much how far how long stare watch look at see scrutinize T'ang China


. . . . . .

give do something for mediocre recess rest relax repose gutter ditch sewer drain 10**32 . respect reverent

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reap cut clip trim prune drowsy sleep die confused mix be in disorder chief count earl uncle Brazil . cap headgear mausoleum imperial tomb fog mist soul spirit

. .

wither die dry up be seasoned abuse evil vice breakage

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queen princess liner ship . . . . . starve hungry thirst hard up destitute suffer perplexed cornered manipulate rule administer conduct palm of hand lovely companion stinking ill-smelling suspicious looking odor savor fragrance be fragrant stink glow be bright ecstasy joy rapture blade sword edge

. .


. . . .

. .

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8. .


truss arrest bind tie restrain calendar almanac best regards good blind blind man ignoramus chic style purity essence pith cream elite choice embarrass humiliate shame control wedge monkey bowstring chord hypotenuse


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plug up obstruct . - . cook boil deluge flood vast . . . . . . vicarious surrogate act in addition to sated tired of bored satiate superfluous uselessness . . . . . refreshing nice and cool

peach tree . . - . hunt raid gather boat ship

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vermilion cinnabar scarlet red bloody whirlpool eddy vortex sire good belt gentleman hinge pivot door tombstone monument . forge discipline train drum beat rouse muster naked nude uncovered partially clothed token sign mark tally charm furthermore still yet

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clod lump chink clot mass rotation go around cash bad habit humble prefix gift Shinto offerings of cloth rope cut paper membrane fan folding fan . . . . vat tub tank . mercy agreement consent comply with fell strike attack

hate detest

. . .

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. . . - . .

punish pickling soak moisten steep parch dry up twist ask investigate verify tomb mound two-mat area 36 sq ft livestock domestic fowl and animals dark blue navy


. .

disconcerted be confused lose one's head recreation pleasure

gauze thin silk Rome

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boy priest's residence priest gorge ravine stipend salary rin 1/10sen 1/10bu summit peak . . . brew cause condolences mourning funeral the latter duplicate strange witty soup juice broth sap gravy pus nun everywhere times widely



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generally equilibrium measuring rod scale send forth fragrance fragrant be scented smoke (tobacco) game-hunting shooting game bag goodwill article section friendship collusion review inspection revision spy hoarse scold daring sad tragic pitiful frail feeble womb uterus

. . .

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fermentation aroused resent be indignant anger pork pig . intercept interrupt obstruct front door title page front page sulphur pardon forgiveness . . . . . . pinch between stealth steal secret private hushed bubbles foam suds froth


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. -

or again furthermore on the other hand rue be sad sigh lament


spinning regret bear a grudge resentment malice hatred obese fat

. .

. . . . . . .

aid help assist frolic play sport mourning abhor detestable death anniversary voiced uncleanness wrong nigori impurity run bustle

. .


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Big Dipper 10 sho (vol) sake dipper swift fast . resemblance bowl rice tub pot crown decay rot remain in seclusion husk nut shell receive undergo answer (phone) take get catch clan enclosure . cloudy weather cloud up mediator go-between chicken



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. . .

Zen silent meditation entrust request send a message trunk torso hull (ship) hub of wheel transfer alternation

. .

insert put in graft wear (sword) obeisance follow accompany attend on divide musical score music note staff table genealogy permanence distant long time leisure graceful gentle pure


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sail daybreak dawn in the event greatness excellence guy slave manservant fellow lock fetters shackles . . transition move change . bungling clumsy unskillful waiter samurai wait upon serve mountain peak mountain pass climax crest (kokuji) fervent kind cordial serious deliberate

. .



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thirst dry up parch uncle youth


feminine female withstand endure support resist confer relate narrate describe vinegar sour acid tart versify singing recital relay in turn sending tremendously very great exceedingly adore respect revere worship

. . . . .


. .


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. .

lacquer varnish seven headland cape spit promontory mannerism habit vice trait fault kink pleasure happy rejoice reef sunken rock barracks police station camp matrimony marry

. .

mimic aim (a gun) at nominate imitate fence wall (kokuji) lips

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leisure seclude confine to a room deep profound secluded faint dark tranquil calm cadet friend . . . . . . . recitation poem song composing lowly base vile vulgar scorn despise make light of contempt casting mint rub paint erase military officer jailer

. . . .


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old man rank slave servant prisoner criminal follower calamity misfortune evil curse dairy products whey broth fruit juice stalk stem commander leading troops governor

. .

departed die drip drop hide shelter shield collar neck lapel lightning-bug firefly

. .

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widow minority few diarrhea commonplace ordinary employment pit hole burglar rebel traitor robber . squeeze paddy ridge levee cavity hole slit very great exceedingly torture beat lass girl Miss daughter

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mountain stream valley

venerable old man bargain reason charge suspicion point account purity honest low price cheap rested contented peaceful discreet reverently humbly kiln oven furnace praise extol . ugly unclean shame bad looking measuring box 1.8 liter martyrdom follow by resigning



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. .

anxiety trouble worry pain ill annoy nuisance irksome censure criminal investigation

. . .

degenerate descend to lapse into tariff crop tax borrowing scaffold cleat frame jetty bolt (door) bridegroom son-in-law pining yearn for love dearly adore quit stop leave withdraw go rectify straighten correct


. .



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reform cure control pretend falsify so-and-so one a certain that person captured criminal arrest catch ooze flow soak in penetrate secrete steadily gradually advancing finally barely mosquito unlucky misfortune bad luck disaster seaweed duckweed legitimate wife direct descent (non-bastard)

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menacing dignity majesty threaten convex beetle brow uneven rhyme elegance tone frost nitrate saltpeter . imperial order coffin casket Confucian distress grieve lament be anxious watchtower lookout high building fuel firewood kindling

. .

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brown woollen kimono . . . grant gift boon results darning repair mend trim tidy up adjust plug bolt cork bung stopper concave hollow sunken pay respects visit ask inquire question implore tempering refine drill train polish inmost heart mind inside



. .



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pursue drive away chase accomplish attain commit reject retreat recede withdraw repel repulse imperial edict wee hours evening early night delusion unnecessarily without authority reckless bar-tending serving sake the host draw (water) ladle scoop pump distribute disseminate partition understand limb arms & legs




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mimeograph copy heir succeed furrow 30 tsubo ridge rib extract selection summary copy spread thin lazy laziness barbarian I one marquis lord daimyo arc arch bow affixed attach refer to append . however but

. .

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potato old woman grandma wet nurse . . emulate imitate frugal economy thrifty cocoon moreover also furthermore third class 3rd 3rd calendar sign ladle one tenth of a go dip monme 3.75 grams (kokuji) officer an official model molding ground-breaking open up farmland


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II two second axe 1.32 lb catty counter for loaves of bread majestic plural imperial we

. .

excessive overflow spread out baron peerage court rank emperor's seal pox smallpox counters for things

decrease dilate distend bulge fill out swell expectation consideration uneasiness fear

. . .

. .

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. . . . .

anxiety concern

audience audience (with king) levy ode prose poem tribute installment abide by follow obey learn pig iron weight plumb bob sinker

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