Page 1: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

1mm corzx LIMITED

Cin No. L17100ml1983PLm31 114


STATION, 3mm}? (WEST), mm — 400018

Ennil id : agilcomxlimitedm flamed-1 Telephone No. 022-21560482

Wabdte: m.hpi1comdinmed

Dalc: 10m Seplembcr. 2019


The Secretary] Corporate Relation Dapl,The Bombay Stock Exchange lem‘,

P J Towers,Dalal Streak

Fort. Mumbai 7400001

Script Code: 512036

Dear Slr/ Madam

Sub: Submission of Annual keLm-c 2018-19

R Regulation 34 of SE!!! [Listinv Obligations and Madonna

Regnnmmls] Rflhfinn 2015.

Pursuant to Regulauon 34 of SEE! (Llsling Obligations and Disclosure

Requirements] Regulation 2015, we enclosed herewith Lhe Annual Report2018» 19.


Kmdly lake abuvc un record and acknowledge recap! onhc same.

Thanking You,


, ga‘WQWMr. F scam“ mum


Din no. 01393037

171A, mm lousmA, um Hum.

Tum ROAD. Hm smvm TALAD,

33.1mm? m1 may , moan

Page 2: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a





Page 3: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

(ISTlAlnllJAL upon-


mu col-Ex LIMITED

mu orncl: as :15, minus mu, L. n 5. mu, mmama» RAILWAY sunny,

murmur wear), MUMBAI , «one-Ia

cm: mmom-ngasmaa: uc

Tel No: 9 ”22} 21m32

2mm 11): klgilcotaflimiudmmnomin

mm or1,,ng


Mr PRAKASHCHANDRA RATHI (DINV Olsgwy Chavrman A cm 4w , Tfaszom)

ms mm. mm [ormum, “mm mm, [W at 19 07 2019)

YOGESH mm mm mzuum Dlmm

mum sums“: mm. 02883120) Non Indemndenl Naanxecum/e

‘RAKESH sowm [0w 02554156} independent Nan Execunve Duecmr

‘ rams“ mmmm 02mm) lndepenuem Nan mam 0mm

wm mmnwm away 5mm;


Federal Bank

Opp Swam Narayan Maud“,

Dada: mam,Mun-man


R K Somam a Assouales..

Chartered Accounmnzs

E 103. Jmnam Arcadc.B T.Mflls Compound,Near 58!, L a s Marg,

Ehxudup lwcslh, Mumba. moms

sauna-rm Annnons-

Deepnk Ran:

“ms-rm a. SHARE, unusual

Address: Um. Na 49, Building Na. :3 AB‘ 2nd Hm,Smnhua Communal CurOp Society m,

OffAndhcn Kurla Rd, mm. lam

Sakmaka, Mumbmr400072

Tdcphoncx’gl 22 933204511452Fax. 4172272351 mos

Ermml : mmagsauuuccurpmmcom

Astute av sum-n7 SHARES:

353 Limited

Page 4: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a


nm a hmby ngeu nan 36" mm. mm. mum a! me members 01’ mm

com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a.. Srpltmber, em; a: J an pm an the

Rzguumd mane of mg Campany a“, Dre-ans Mall L a s Malg, Nan Bhandup Emmysaanan, Bhandup‘W], Mumban , mu m m Lmnsam me follwwmg buslnass


To mm, anemia and adapt me audnod Enanual skimmer)! ar me Companyrer {he finammal ymr ended 3h: Mamh, 2am, and .eppn u( me mm at

uneamrs and Audnms Ihgraen

Tu appom: a Dymdm' .n pVaA-c ar Mus Pumim Ram: (Dm Na u1274425p, who

mums by munch. and being engm‘e ofius Myselffwr neapmnnnene


1 A MEMBER mmm) TO ATTEND mu vow: a-r THE MEETING xs EN’rrrLED


The Few ow waxy you ma ANNUAL swam. MEETING IS wemsm

waxy m 0mm: TO up mm MUST up. RE .vzn n my. RmIsTERED

omca 0F me mummy ND‘I‘ LESS mm 43 Houks seven The:


2 may mean." unmkd m yale a. me Annaau Genera: M<=ng nflhc company can

name! we prams Yadged at “12 Company a‘ any um: dunng me busmus new

at me Company mu" Lb: penod begmmng many four hour: perm Lhe mae

fixed [or me emnmenaemen. anne Annual Geneva! Maenng and amine on me

cannnnan Mme mnehng Hnwrvnr. a pnnrnahee nyna, Iene man 3 [thrm] dayxm wnnng anne "Hannah: 19 Inspecl .he proxies 10(1ng shan be requirad lo ae

pmvuded m the Comps-UV

3 The Regan a! Mamba: and share “Vans!” 3pm at me Campany mu mnam

finned rm me many an»- aepeemaea, mm m Sammy m. Supkumber, 2019

{mm days mcxnnvey

4 Members are renuesnd m nomy immedmlelv any churg: m [hear nddrw .a me

Campany amewnh any rhangr- n. m hank drunk ahaany .agnnma wuh me

rempany ,

se wanna mama!mam mus

\ xn compliance wuh provlsmns ar Seenan Ioe ar um campamu Acl, 2am,

Ruin: 20 ar me amnyane. (Minagcmull and Admmmmuany Rnuea, 2014 as

amended by me Companies {Managemem and Admyhyenanan) Ammdmrm

Rules 2015 and .egmanan 44 pr me Securmcs and :5th Board nunna

[Lwtmg Obhgnhwns and Dixlusum quuxnmrnls) Rtegulalmn- 2m: (L‘sung

Rmflalvms}, me Company .s plawd m provide members enemy m alarms:

mm! nghr [a me on resaluuons pmpaeaa m be cnnsldzmd a! m: Annual

Genem: Meeting (Acm by :laclmmc meane and me busmus may be

(ransacmd mmuxh eVanm Semoes. The (aemry a cum-x the vmu by me

mcmbfls nnng an dcclrumt vuung eynem rm a place amer man ~12an of

me am («rename e voung’] Wm be pnmded by Nan’unat Seem-mu

Depasnary Lxmned (Nsnu

u. The raenny [or Velma through ballot paper an." pa mane Iva-lable m the

mm and u.» mgmben anenamg me meenng who have am can men me by.emme eevmmg she“ be able m enemae their rent al the maeling throughtulle! paper

m The mempm who have (an Lhmr me by mom a mung pnor to me AGMy

may also anend meAGM) am shall "at be enuuad loam phenvme )5ng

Page 5: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a





Th: lemme Hmong mm cvmmenoes on 25": Sam-noun 2on no as am]Ind undo on 27m ammo“, 2mg [s an my Dun-mg uuo unnuu memben' or

(11: Company, balding shale: end-1e! ur ooyormr form or .n matensllm

farm, as on me our ou dale or 19:» September, 2019‘ my um Ihew vu|e bymum: mourn; Thr mm: Norma mnduk mu be dusabkd by NSDL hr

voung themlur One: Lhe vote on o raciuuon ‘5 ml oy [he member, the

membtf shall not be allowed to Chung: u subsequauly

11.: prowess and mam-Au ror mom zrvoung an; a under

A In use a Member mum on emafl {mm MD). "at membars whose email

ID: are momma wuh Lhe Company/DCWMW Pmrupuumg]

4:} Open email and open PDF m: m "remoxe Hour-goof “001 your

com m or wouo No a; pmwuru Th: said For five cmlams yeur

um m and password/PIN for rem/Me :vmmg, Pies: net: mu the

pmun‘hsu o; password

my Launch inmmex bums” by mung the fullawlxg URL

hr! wwwevuun urdlmrn

no] Chck on Shzmhaldgrr Lug")

m} Pm um n: and pmoru as rnruor ward/MN norm rn sup 1" ohm

Chck Lagm

(w Passwurd charm: menu sum, Changc mu pusward/PIN wnh nay

pun-mo nfyuur chum: wuh llunnnum s digllechamlzrs or wmbmalwn

[hrruuf Nam ntw magnum! n .o omnguy mommended nut m .rhare your

password wvlh any oLhtr pmon and Ink: ulmm an In mo your pamordcanlidumal

on] Humr page or rrmoxn Houng opom Clmk on mmm: woung Auxvg

meg Cyclgs

rum Select 1mm M‘Kapll Com Lvrmmd'

(you an you axe ready {or remake vnung as am Vote pag: ooonn

(m am your vote by selecling apprapnnte oouon ono duck on “Submu' and

also ‘Com'm'w’rmn vmmmed.

{x} Upon cmfimmmn, the message ‘Vctgcasl sumsmlly' onn be dlsulayed

(:0) Once you my: mod on the mmmnon, you will nor be allowed to yummyyour vol:

um) Inxuluuonal shareholdfls LL: other Lhan mdlvldunls, HUP, m cm) are

requu'ed ro send Manned copy (Pumps Vflflflafl n' (H: ulsuan' Hoard

Rusouuion/ Aurhunly Immr etc Ingerher wun ouurod xpaumzn ngnau-Irr or

Khe duly sumo-«nod ngnummru, who on nummu In vom, m m.

Scmlimmr mmugh buml ro ufilcdgmmhraanfimmxum with u copy

maruoo ro avonng nsdl no m

In m o« any ouones, you may refer u» qumfly Aokou Quemans 4mmror Mcmbmi and mum; Nouns ustr mmua.‘ ror Mamba; oyuruouo at the

dawnlaads secnon alwww waurgnsdlcom or can on ron fine no 130072227


w you ale already mgsmrzd with Nsm. ror remote Huang Ihen you oun use

your «mung umr m and password/PIN ror fining your Von:

Vou can {Ilsa uvdm your mob/dc number and tmufl Id n1 the usm’ Pl'Dfilrdunno ufche mm which my be uscd ror scndmg lulur: ammunroorronm

nu mung ngI-ns ofmcmbem aha.“ on m oropumon m {heir share: om. paidup uquuy sham captlai or me Camp‘ny as on the cul-ofi am or new

Soorumoun 2019

Page 6: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

x Any Pusan, who acquxres Shams a! (in: Company and mm: number of the

Compny mar d-Ispamh n1 Ihe “once and mum; mares as of m. rum"

dim re mm Saplembtr, 2am, may chum the lcgm ID and password byMann; 3 rrquut ai rmnniamsdlmm gr semcfinsaldhlecm—pamtcumHawgver. r¢ynn are alwsdy reg‘stzred vah NSDL {or minute rvulmg mrn you

can me your wrung um yo and named [arcasung your vote lfyeu[ax-gm your password, wu can run ynnr pkwmd by using 'Fmgm Um

Deule/Paxmm’d' aplvan avadahle on www :voung null com or mum!

usm a1 (ht fohuwmg mu (mg no man 222 990

x: A member my pumcxpale m rm AGM mn alter :xemxsmg ms nghr m vote

Waugh more mourn; hm sha" nnl beaflawed to vote ngrrn a! the AGM

X}: A person, my name vs recorded In :he register nr members ur r. the

regzsml of beneficial wwners mull-named by :he deposlwnus as nn m: cnrnn

am Duly shall he enmled {a ma lhl: facfluy or man ornrrng .5 well a

van“; n m: mm rnmngn mum par."

xm Deep“): Kane, mmcrng company Seamus, (Mnmbrrsnrp No AC5 2mmhas been appum'ed «or R: «h. Scruxmxwr var mam fucdxly [a [by

members or Ihe Company xn Ha'uunlze (he vonng and rename wrung

pups; rr. 5 {:urand rmsparkm manngr

xw The. chnnnan shall, a( (he ACM, at m; and of ducuiaun an the mluuonl

on which mm; 1; n7 hr: hdd, snow vuhng wuh [hr axxlslzncl; n; srrnnnnrr,

by u: nf‘E'Alm Papgr‘ for a.“ dung mzmhts who am pmsgul an um um

hm hravr nu! cas‘ mnrynn»: by nvmhng m.» mmem r» mung [sunny

xv The Scnmnlier sha“ after Ihe cunduswn of wunz ar the. genem.‘ meelmg,mu am rnuvll m. vulr» ads! in lhv wrung Ann Ihmfltr unbYuck me your

cast mmugh remote wrung m an ptvsmce m 31 Im: mo wxmesszs nm In

L,“ :mplaymmt of the Company and snnn make, not lam) than three days a!

the cancxrurnn of rho mm, n cansohdawd scrunnmrs report of IN: mm!

mu [an m raw." or 154mm, rr Any, m mt Chan-man or n pear-n

aummud by hu-n In wnnng, umn mu wunlnxxgn we arr-re and dcclzm mg

rL-alu‘l of ms voting fmhwrm

XVI The Resuks declared alungwuh (he rewn of the Smrxrrmr srrnn be placednn rh. wnbsnr cf [hr [(3le mm mm and on (he mum of as}:

1mmzd|aldy anzr Ihg dac‘amnmx a! rexuh by (h: Chairman or a person

authnnmd by him \n wnlmg The lesulls my am he .rnrnedrmly forwarded

to the BSE hmucd, Munmn )

manner: on“ n mum: or 11::mm

09116.nm mm

L. a. s. Ila-[rlatman-p run—yam

Bhandup (an. "mum-400MB mil-m

Date: 30/05/2019 nirnnnr

mn. 139mm

171A, uum KRISBAIA. um

mm. mm mm.m

smvulrmmm was:

mm 400073.

mnmuu To In: “new! 35- ANNUAL GENERAL IETIIIG or mm.

comx 1.1me

Pursuam ra Rule 13 of King Cumpames (Appolnmnt and Qushficanun nr Dueclnrsy

Ruias, 20M Nance As hereby gym Lhax [he Cmpany has received a Nance u/s \so

cl {he Companies Act, 2013 .n wnung {mm a Member slgzufy|ng his mlcnuan to

propose sypaxmmcn: of Mr Wakash Chandra Ram: as a chm Bummal Officer

[cm a. appumlmm! of Mrs Pamam Red“ 25 a Msnagnmg Dnmnr m Lhe msumg

Annual General Mceung of me onrnpany scheduled m be has an 23"- Scplnnber,2019 an M00 PM 3r (he Refinslered Office a! th: Company .2 275, Dream Malls, L a

s Mara, Ehsndup [W], Mumbar , 4000723

Page 7: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

Accmdmg'y, rna Campany prwpmcs m pass 111: mum Rauluuons alongwflll amsr

Rem: menmmcd 1n :1» Now a! ma Annual comm Msanng as pan 0' the SpecanEnsnass of ma AGM, m the ran-n aran ordrnary Rmmxran an m om ban-1v

1m no a APPOIITIIEIIT or In. runs; cummn mm 115 A camp

mmncuu. omen (c1701

Ta mnsxdcr and. 11 mans}: m, m pass W“?! or wmmul modmcauom 111a [ollmrmg as an

Ordmary Ramluuon.

-sto1.v1zn THAT punsuan! m Seamus 196, 197, 193, 203 and wnh Sanadma v and

an mher awhmbk: promsxons, 1r any 0‘ the Compames m, 2013 nucludmg any smnnmy

modxficauons u: mmacmwns therenf and sublet! na such panama and apvrvvals[mm any auxhonncs, as may be naaassay, 1mm mm to ma, ma Campany hereby

anpmvm me appmnanam a1 and mmunerauan payama 1a Mr Fukuh cnannra Rad-u

(1)111; 1153259251 as cm {Kay Managerial Pasannan a1 ma Company, rm a penud 0‘

three 131 years wuh area from June 12,201» as par me [trims and Commons as grand

m 1.11s :tplanalory swam“ [0 {lug rcsoluuon, mm may 10 me Board of Dream

(hcmnaflcr rclcrmd (0 aa 'lhe Boerd‘ whrch 1m 51-211 be deemed 10 manna any

cumrmnee whxch the Board may cunsumle to exercise powers. mmnmg ma pawns

comer-m by um muluuml m aflcr and vary 111: terms and fmdmons n1 appnmunmr

and/ or remuntranun u may be agreed to aamn Lh: Board and Mr kaash Chandra

Ram, snmea 10 me pmswns athe Cmnpanles Am, 21:13

RESOLVED FURTHER 1-1-1.“ 1n: remuncnauan as stand 1n the exp1anazary snaxemau 10

11115 mamnon, shau 1x pad and aumm as mmimum ranunaaapn to Mr Pmkzsh

Chandra Rad-n dun-mg ma currency a1 nrs Icnurc as Direcmrrhnancu, nuzwnhstandmgma abscncc nr mamqnaay a1 prams 111 any [manual year

RESOLVED Fukmmz THAT the Board pa and 15 hereby amnanaaa lo mke a11 such

slcps as may be necessary, mapsr or arpadrem m gm clkct 1a ma resoluuon.‘

mm 1104. Aflonl‘l'llllfT or m. room: 121111-11 B A ".1“!me mm‘ron

roman-a1: mn—vflhmvflhnntmam am.

menu Mun-alum

wagon/En mu m accordance wnn .na prmxsmns of Secuons 195,197, 193, 203 and

Omar appnaama pmvxsmns 0‘ me emnpanas AUQOIS (-ma Act’p raan wnh Schedule v

to (he Act and r11: Compamubkppmm‘menr and Rmmneranan ofMaJ-ngnial Persunnd)

Rana, 2014(Ancludmg any summry modLficaumns, amendmenns, mcmem or tea

enacn'nent Lhcrcuf [or lhc Lme bang 1.11 may mc apprava of me mcmbem a! .na

Company be and 1a nappy acannad {or appomuncnr or Mrs Poona.“ Kalb) (um

0127442121 as Managmg Diyermr for a panaa afS yaars wnh effect {mm July 19, 2019

and payment anamnnaranan as aaranaa m an aap1anarary szaannanc annual 11am

{mm lune m 1am,

~1uasow1zn FUHHER THAT any Dwecmr 01 ms Company or ma Company Secretary a1

the Company he and 15 hereby sevemhy amnansad to 1am such naps as may be,

nm—asary for obrzmmg nawary appravals, 1n ra1aaan m Lhe above and to some an

mamas ansmg cm of and mndenta! ma am and m srgr and {acute aaana, apphcauons,documents and wnungs max may he «qunad, an hehzlfof ma Cmnpany and 1a do an

such acts, deeds, mama and 1:1is as may be deemed nemsar‘h proper, expcdlcnl or

mcldcmal {or gvmg gifts! m {[113 regululmn-


mum-on s'rA'ruan msumr To sum-101: 111211) or run col-mm

m, 2m:

1m nor a

As pcr me prowsm a1 compel-11:5 Apr, 2013 and (he rules made Lhcr: under, 11 has

become naaasaary for ma Company [a appoint Chief Financial maa [are] n arda m

comply why. me provlsxan of ma Campanraa Asa 2013

Page 8: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

A: p2! the premium of m: Cumpnmes Act, 2013‘ mm shafl be afieaq one cm in me

Company Therelare, [he Board rucummcud; m appoml Mr mm, Ram: 25 mg cm m

we Company

’l'heTerms and candluun! [or m appemlmml m as mums

1 Rmunuzxian Nu

2 Pcnod oprpolnmvgm» a yenrs

No Director, Kcy Managmm manna M m: relanve, «my: Mr, Prakash Ram: and M13.

Poonam Ram; 15 mteresmd or mnocmcd m m rc‘wluuon

The Board mmmmmds (he resoluuon set fnnh m Item no 3 for Lhc avpmval 01 m.



The Board a! Duecmrs [mg on Lhu nommauun & mummum Comrmuefiy 1m

appmmd Mrs Foonam Ram: as rhe ManzgngHermrw 2" July 19,2019

mm to her aypmnrmenl as Managm Du’ccmr, Mn. Foonm Each: was houmg postman

omelnmer Dmtar quhc Compmy.

The Company has zmmd hm Mrs Povnsm Ram: m Conscvu to act as Managngmm»: (1)] Inumauwn :11 Form aura m (ems of Campamgs [Appmnu'nenK &

Quwmuon ofDxmcmrsy Rules, 2014 to me dkuma: shexs nmdlsquzhfied undersub

section 2 ofthc socuun m on)“ Companms m, 2913

The Terms and wndxuon: for my appomuncm are as [cums

1 Remunmnon - Nd

2 Periud ouppmmmm : 5 years

3 Mr: Pmnam Rad-u shall padon'n such dunes a: mm mm. Ame m mu: mar-med byha m u1C Board of Dxrecmrs, 91me m the supermlzndencu, guldano: & Conmfl or

New O'Du'eclnrs.

mg resuklnnn seek approval of run-Imus xn lm‘ns DISccuon ms and 197 mm wflh

sd-mdulc v and oxhcr zpphcablg plovxsmn of the Companies Act, 2012 and m: rules

made rhzreundtr (Inc‘udmg any :mmlory maimcaums or rermarlmenqs}, rherrnf (or

me me bung 1n force] [or the appomlmcm 0! Mrs pmam Ram: z: m: Managngwacwr m! July 13, 2024

No Dmccwcr, Key Managerial Parsonntl alhu rclast, uxccpt Mr. mm Ram; and Mrs

Poonam Rain: .5 mtenstcd m «mremrz‘ m me resolunon,

The Bnard recommands Lhc resolunon set forth m nan na, 4 {at me sppmm of Lhe


xv mum: on: THE mm



mm 013930“

17/.4, mm mus-mm,

mu Hum, Tum mum

NEAR saw“: nun,sumvr wss'r mm 400078

yuan: Hum“

Due: 23/05/2019


Page 9: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

numerous amm-


To,The Members,

sz11 cmex Liumed

The Dreams have pleasure in submirung Lhzir 36m ANNUAL REPORT slungwith the Audired Balm-1M Sheet and Profit a Loss Account for me year ended

am March, 2019


1 ‘ Cmnt Yen \ Cur-en: Yen:

‘ ended ended

\ 3110312019 31.03.2013

112-1 (Ra

: Income 1 , 7

Revenue m a

> , 7



\ omer Income ‘ 3,66,268 6,45,591‘

133.1 Revenue‘

3,66,253 szgsfiLLess : Tmal Ex enses Exdudin 1 6,054,697 524,512


mat/(Loss. aernre nepreemien a. (2:57.429) 21,379

lumtinntr H Dcpredafinn

42,549 55491

Profit/[Loss] Bern-e Tmfinn 3 Eur-7‘

(2.80.0781 (35,112)

Ordinnry heme‘

use: M: Ordinary menu>77 ,

o o

hank-e) seam Tmunn (2,313,013)'


H Pranson {or Taxauan o ‘[1) Current Tax 0 ‘

(u) Dem-red Tax 0 5,606 \

[Iii] Inemne Tnv Prnviu'en earner year 3.725 0

Profit/[Loss] for the yen : (2 as 304)7

[41 11s] _


Tolal revenues {or the year ended 31,

March, 2019 is Rs 3, 66,263/7, as

age-um Rs. 6>45,891/- in Lhe previous are Prafil/[Lossj herure depreciationand xaxan'on 1s (Rs 2,37,429/7] as against Rs 211379/7 in me previous year.

The nu profit/11,059 of the Company {or the year under review was placed is

(“2,33,304/4 as agamsl Lam (Rs. 41mm») m vhe previous year


In View at less ineurren by are mmpuny, (he ducmrs are um retommendmg

any d1v1dend.

SHARE cam-rm.

The paid up equuy Denim us an March 31, 2019 was RsJ,O4,00,000/r.

During the year under revxew, (he camptmy has not issued any shines.


Page 10: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a


There have not been any material changes and commitments aireeu'ng the

financial pos‘tion oi ilie Company between the end oi the financial year at

the Company as on March 3l, 2019 and Lhc date or tliis report i,e. May 30,2019


During the financial year 201849, your Cnmpany has not assisted any

deposit Milan Lhc ineaning oi Sections 73 and 74 of the Companies an,

2013 and rules made them under

Na significant or material ordu's wnc passed by the RPgulamys or Courts or

Tribunals wlucb impafl ilie going eoneern status and Campanfs apmfiansin luture

The Company has in place policy as per the provisions of the Sexual

Hastnent of Women a! Wnrkpl'excr [Prevt-nuun, Prohibition and Rakessal)

Act, 2013 During the year, eompany has no women employees during tine



Mrs. Poonam Ratiii retires hv rotation and, being ebgble, ofiers heiseli {or

reappointment The Directors iecotumeud Mia Poonani Raihl [or re»


133ch110): or mammal-l- nnmc‘roxs

The independent Directors have submitted their disclosures to the Board

that they fulfill all the requirernenis as stipulated in Seeuon ”9(5) oi the

Companies Ari, 2013 so as Ln qualify themselves to be appointed as

independent nireeiors uniler ilie provisions or Lhc Companies Act, 2013 and

lb: relevant niles

Bond Mmfinn

Puxsuanl to the pmvisiuns oi the Companies Act, 2013, the Board has

carried out an evaluation oi its own pcrfnrmznce, the directois individuallyas well as the evaluation or the working oi its Audit,


in terms nf Section l34 [5) of the Companies Act. 2013. the directors would

like to stale that

ii in ine preparation oi the annual accounts, the applicable accounlingstandards have been followed.

iii The directors have seleetetl such aeeounting policies and applied iliein

consistently and made judgments and estimates that were reasonable and

prudent so as io give a me and {air view or ilie suite oi ailairs or the


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Company at the end of Lhe financial year and at the pxofit or loss of the

Company for LL11: year under revrew.

m) The directors have taken prayer and suflicmnt (‘Arl' {or the maintenance

of adequate amounling retards in aemrdanee wiLh the pentagram or this Aet

for sateguardjng the assets of the Company and fur pmmung and deledmgfraud and oLhrr inegulanttea

W] The drreetors have prepared the annual accounts on a garng concern


v] The directors had laid down mmrnal financxa] cantmls to be {oflnwed by(he Dumpany and that such rnteenal final-mm! comrols are adequate and

were wpu'adng ettetuvely.

v.) The dinners had devised proper syslun Io ensum tampuanee wad: Lhe

pmvlsions or an applimblc laws and that such systcm wcrt adequate and

operating effectively

smasmmuz comm

The Company does net have any mhsidiary


A talendnr of Mccungs is prepared and urculatcd in advanu m the


During the year Five Board Meetings Werc convened and held and the

intervening gap between the Meaungs was wadun the pmnd prescribedunder Lhe Cnmpanies Act, 2013.

SN Date or Meeting -


There wa. nu eanrrntt nr arrangements madl’ wtth related pames as defined

under Secfiun 183 Q! the Companres Act. 2013 during Lhe year under review.

PARTICULARS OF LOANS, Gunman-2m on mum-rs:

The company has no! gven any laans or guarantees mvered under the

pmVIslons of semen 186 atthe companies Act, 201:.

The detau at the investmenm mark by company is given in the notes to the

financial statements

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nrruuun. comm. sums m 11mm ADEQUACY:

The Company has an lnternnl CnnLrul System, cammmlsulam With the size,

sale and complexity of its operations, To muinrnin its ohyeeuviry and

independence, the Inlemal Audii iuneuon reports to the choir-man of the

Audit Committee oirhe Hoard {k m Lhe Chan-man or Director,

The Acwunts nepnnrnent monitors and evaluates Lhe efficacy and adequacyoi inmmzl eonirol system in the Company its compliance wirh opereu'ng

syslems, amnunling prooedures and policies.

Based on the report oi inteniel audit iuncuon, corrective action is taken and

thereby mnglhen ihe controls simiirienni audit nbservalions and

recommeodntions along with i-oi-reeiiye seiinns ihereon are premnted to the

Audit Committee nle-iz Board


The Nominnuon nncl Remuneration Committee has been constituted as per

the section 178(1iolihe Companies Aci, 2013.

AIIDI'I' com-nu

The Companfs Audit Committee has been mnmmlcd as per schion 177 at

the Companies Aer, 2013. Four meetings oi the Audit Committee were held

during the financial year 2013719.

STAKEHOLDERS RELA'rlollsl-m: comm-Tu:

The Company’s Sinkeholdem Relsuonship Committee has been constituted

as per section 177 oi the Companies Act-2013. Four meetings or ihe

Stskzhnlders Relationship Committee were held during the financial year


vxcn. mailman / WHISTLE BLOWER poucy:

The Company has a Vigil mechanism named Flaud and Risk Managrmeni

Pulicy [0 dml w-llh instunee of mud and mismanagemeni. if any.

In sisyi'ng tnie to our values oi Strength, Periormnnm and Passion and in

line with our vision or being one or ihe most respected eompsnies m lndls.

the CDmpany is eomniitred to the high stondnrds of Corporate Governance

and stakeholder responsibility

The Company has a Fraud Risk and Management Policy to deal With

instsnees oi fraud and mimeongemenr, ii any.

The FRM Policy ensures lhal srnct confidentiality is maintained whilsi

dealing wiLh (cums and also [113! no discrimination will he meted ou: In

any person ior a genuinely reused conoem.

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A high level Committee has been cansttluted which looks tnto the complalnlsraised. The Commttlee reports to Lhc Audit Committee and the Board

BUSHIESS max murmur»:

Pursuant to seouon 134 13) {ml of the Companies Act, 20w the campany has

cansntuted a busincs risk manfigrmenv mmmittee The drlafls oi the

eemmtrtee and its terms uireierence are set 0‘.“ tn the corporate gavel-name

report forming part or the Buards report.

At present the upmpany has apt idenuued any element oi nsk which may

threaten the existeoee oi the company


The Auditors Report does not Contam any qualification, reservation or

adverse remark on the financial statements lot the year ended Marrh 3!,20m The Notes on financial statement reierred (D in the Auditors Report

are seflrexplanamry and do not call let any rut—ther enmments

ln aecprdanue path See 139 ol the Companies Act, 2013, M/s. R K. Sealant

h Assoctates, chartered Accountants ucAl Flt-m Registration No, llaaoawl,were appninh-d by the shareholders of the Company at the Annual General

Meeting held on Septemher 29, 20l7, as Statutory Audllols for a period ois

years to hold place until the condusmn oi the 39th Annual General Meeungoi the Company in calendar year 2022


As per section 135 or the Campanms Act, 2013, the Company has appointed

M/s G sToshruwal 3t Asset-jaws, chartered Aeopuntants, mlernal audrtots

lor the year to 20192020 to annduet the internal audit and to ensure

adequacy ul lhe tnlemal controls, adherence to Company’s policies and

ensure statutory and other oompltanae through, periodical checks and

intemal audit

cos-r Atmn‘ons

As per Section 145 read wult Companies (Audit a Auditors) Rules, applicableto cost auditors, the mmpany was nLlI liable to appomt Cost auditors for the

financial year 2618719


Pursuant to provisions or secttnn 204 or the Companres Act. 2013 and The

Compatues [Appointment and Remuncmuon of Managerial Personnel] Rules,

2014 the Company has appointed M/s Decpalr Ram: a Company Secretaries

in practice to undermke the secretanal And.“ of the Company. The

Srmlarlal Audit report is annexed herewtth

mum- or ANNUAL mm

Pinsuam lo the pmVIs'm-ls of Semen 92(3) oi the Companies Act. 2013 read

with Rule [2”) or the Compames (Management and Adminism'jon) Rules,


Page 14: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

2014, the eeratl nf Annual Return 01 me Company {or the finananl year

mdcd on March 3L 2019 m Form M5129 .s annexed hem-um.

comma SOCIAL mmnsmnrn' mTlA‘l‘lVES

The company does not meet me crilena nf Semen 135 of Compamcs Act,2013 rend wiLh Ihz Compmucs [Curpumlc Sada} RtSponslbthy Pnhcy) RulcS,2014 so there .s no requu'emmt m consutune Corporate 50ml ResponsbunyCommittee.

comm-m some: Ann WAGE-mm- DISCUSSION a


SEE! Circular No. No SEEI/LAGNRO/GN/QOISrlG/Om dared 02nd

September 2015, we are under exempxeo calrgory as me paid up squny

mpiml or me Company is below Rs ll) Crates and New vmnh 15 below Rs2s

Cmres as on me 135! day uf Lhe pmmus financial yrar mom-d. .1»

3| 03 2013


on ADVERSE REMARKS on mscLAmRS mum BY nu “muons

Ann nu mmcmc comm SECRETARY m Tm REPORTS

A) Thu-e wen no quahficauons, rcscrvauons or admsc remarks made by Lhc

Auditors in their upon.



TEE 1:“chan comm SECRETARY m nun: REPORTS AR: AS


1. As per pmv'uinns of Sgecinn m of eon-ponies m, 2013,

Comp-ny has not nppoineed Key Managerial yemnners

except nypoinunent or Compmy Send-1y we 2m Much,

2019. Also, a: per ReguleAn 5 arms s x amen; Obligatinnand Disclosuse Sequin-neon) Reguhfinn, 2015, Company Ins

.ppuincea ML Snnu‘ yam-m u Compmy Semenxy mu

compliance OLE“: of the Company w.e.£ 27m Mann, 2019.

Ans The Company is m process of rerunsdluung Its Board 111 me

near future by appointing executivc Director & Key MmgemlPersunnal [KMH as per ms provisions or Lhc Companies Au and


2. Compnny does not have [nudnnal webn'b: in Compliance

win: chnlih‘nu 46 of SE3! (Lining Ohflpfinn “a Di-clnslue

Requiremenu] Regunson, 2915.

The Cnmpany du hav: a wepsne however due to some lechmca]

emu in ms not funflinn'rxl, so me company has discuss will: [he

techmrzl person for issues As they try “a remlve (he ted-mirzl

xssuzs at me carhcst


Page 15: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

mscwslm: mm m 5mm. my: or woman AT

WORKPLACE (Pmmmlll mommon AII'D mm) ACT, 2013

As such more Is no woman emplovre in the Campany, an Anlicsexua]

llamssment Policy in hne umh the requiremeurs anhe Sexual Hnramnent

olwtunen at wtirlrplnee lPrevenu'tm, prohibition and Redressalj Act, 2013 LS

nul appfimblc [D the oompaiw,


lnfomaxjun as per section rearl with rule 5 ol the Companies (Appomtmentand Remunrralmn or Managurii—l] Parson-ind) Rules, 2014 in mspccx al

employees ol the Cnmpany is not applicable

OONSERVAT‘IOH or ENERGY, Tumowcv mommy, rogues

“CHANGE mimic. Ann 01mm

Considering the nature or atlwllirs or the company, the anarmalxon relatingto ocnscrvauon of charge], technology absaxplion and rot-elm exchange

earnings and outgo are not applicable to rhe Company Homer, the

Company is making all efl‘nns l0 conserve the some and the Cnmpany’s

technology being indigenous, the question oi ahsorptian by .he Cnmpany

does not arise Also no foreign exchange were earned or spent

DETAILS ongns upon-r. mt muons:

During lhe year under renew, there were no fiends reported by SlammryAuditors unner provision or section MJUZ) onhe Companies An, 2013 and

rules there under ~


Your Company and its Directors Wish to extend their sincerest (hanks to the

Members of the Company, Bankers, Slate Government, Luca] Bodies,

Customers Suppliers, Executives, Stall and warkus at all levels for their

continuous maperalion and n var“?

moe- numhai By Order of the Enaxd

mm: 30/05/2019

123515me OFFICE

may no. 216, manna“ Rum Poona mum

”mus MALL, Din 01393037 Din. 01214428

L a. sr ms, Director Dkeetor

BEAI'DIIP (was-r),Human-400018

Page 16: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

Farm No Mme

,xch 0: mm nzwnmm on ma rmMmAL vm mom on m n: mm

[mm «2 mm 921:) MM: company; At! 2m: m m m w M

(mam WHEN. m1 Mammy" p 20141

\ age smmu m ,mfifié

4 m, unmmsmmm

u mmm m “mam

4|L “am: :V‘hé mm KAP‘L mltx uwgp

w c mm rsubfmerny cH—r ,- rram/ Mm. NanCn-mmm‘ Gummy

u '1st wr‘h:Nay\pVKm‘Arzmin-mhtdem sHuv No 275 mmswu 1 a s was um mum

mwmmm muuup wm wMEM «rm/A

w Nhflh-v mm mm»

w. «m Amatsancfiarmme’a'nrflyjsuavandhan: um ‘ swam”mm mm mm

3312 Swyfimmen? wt: 5‘ Jungeushsuufl 90 «mmhuman can Nah mm , 4111077

u mumm amuiss Aclwmes of mi column

AH m I“ M, Jr W numb W in s. u m 0‘ ~va mm m ”m mum, w a.

5v m. Mimamdflggmymn umpmmmwm mo cm M m

mum mm

x m WWW”. mm.“

{ 011m Imam: 1m.

meumsur mm. suasmnywmmrs mum's:

s: m M: And Ad-ilm mm Comm-I! ml» mw Summary .m mom wizard:km.“ . «m



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m was mum; Mum mg 5m2gmu. .5

LEW: Shun mung


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Page 20: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

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pox mnmmcm mm mm on 31 men, 2019

[Pursuantta section 204(1) ofche Companies Act, 2013 and rule 9 ofate

Conlpanigs (Appoutmtene mldRemunmn ojfllanngcfialf‘emnnzn Rules.



The Members

Kapil come Limitul

shop Nu 276, Dream Moll, L, l3, s, Marg,Near Bhandup Rndwoy Stauon,

Bhandup [W], Mumbai - 400 078.

l have conducted the Secretarial Audit of the comphanoe of applicable statutory

pramsons and the adherence to good oorporate pracuoes by Kaptl Colcx Lhtutod

(cm; uncomllgsamcosnml [herein aficr mined as ‘thc Company‘) for

financial year 2018719. Scurtarizl Audit was conducted in a manner that providedtne a teasonoble basis ror tvaluau'ng the t-ot-potatte conducts / statutory

oompuanoes and expresstng my meinn d-tereon

Based on my vmficalinn of the Company’s books. papers, ttunute books, farms and

returns filed and other remtds majnlaincd by the Company and also the

infnrlnalion pmtnded by the Cnmpany, its omeers, agmls and euthon'red

representatives dunng the eonduct of Seoretanal Audtt, l hereby report that in my

optniott, the Company has, dot-tug the audit pen'od covering the rtnanctal year

ended on an March. 2019 (‘Audit Period") oomphed with the statutory provtstons

listed hereunder and also that the Company has proper Boardrpmcesses and

compliancemechatttstrt in place to the extent, att’the manner and subject In the

reporting made hereinafter:

l have examned, the Books, Papets. Minute Books, Farms and Returns filed and

other mmrds motntauted by the Company and produced before us for the financial

year ended 31”Mar:h, 2019, as per the proyi ans or

(t; The Campamcs ACL 2013 (-the Act') and the rules made there under,

(u) The Seem-stirs Cnnu'xcls [chulafianl Act, 1956 and the rules made there


my The Deposttones Act, 1995 and the regulattons and Byerlaws framed there



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[ill] Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the rules and tegulan'cns made


rhrre undt-r te the extent cl Foreign Dixcfl investment, Overseas Direct

investment and External Connect-cal Borrowings; [Not applicable to the

company during the Audit Period)

The lollutmng Regulations and Guidelines ptescnbed under the Secuiibes and

Exchange Board onndia Act, 1992 (SEE! ACT’p dunng the Audit Penod.

(11) The Seeunues and Exchange Beam oi ladia (Substanual Acquisition of

Shares and Takenvets) Regulations, 201 I:

(b) The SPrul-hies and Ext-hangs Board or India (thibiliun nllnsitlet Tiatlingj


Regulations, 2015;

The Setunties and Exchange Board at 11-1sz (issue at Capital and

Disclosute Requitetnents) Regulations 2009, [Nm applicable to the

Cnmpany noting the Audit PEI-And}

(a) The Secunucs and Exchange Beam oi india (Emphync Stock Optionscheme and Employee Stack Purchasc theme) Guidelines, 1999 and The

Securhies and Exchange Hoard of india [Shun Based Empleyee Benefits}

Regulations) 2014 notified on 28 Oaabzl' 2014; (Not applicable to the

Campany during the Audit Ptriod)

[2) The Securities and Etehange Board or lndia menistiais to an issue and


shaie Teanstet Agents) Regulations, 1993 rewding the Companies Act

and dealing with client; (ND! applitable as the Company is not teginei-edas Registtat to an issue and shate Tianstet Agent dunng the Audit Period)

The Securities and Exchange Board oi lama [issue and Listing of Debt

Semriiics} Regulations, 2008

The Secutities and Exchange Beam of lniila [Delisfing oi Equity shares)

Reguladuns, 2009; (Not applicable in the Company during the Audit


(h: The Seem-mes and Exchange Board of lndia [Buyback af Szturilias)



Regulations 1998,

The Securities antl Exchange Board of india [Lisung Obligalian and

Disclosurr Requiteinenisl Regulations, 2015

i, refied on 1he iepttseniatiun made by the Company and its Officers in

respecl of systems and mechanism {aimed / [allowed by the Company for the

cemphance uithe iollowtng laws applicable specifically to the Company

a) The income Tax Act. 1961,

b] The Cmtml Goods And Services Tax Art 2017

l have alae Examlncd compliance with the apphwhle muss at the following:


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l, Seuctarial Smdards 1 and 2 as rssued and rcvrsed by The lnsnmre of

Company Secreranes of lndla wnh ellccr [mm October I", 20w

The Seeunues and Exchange Board cl India (Listing ohugadun and

Disdnsum chuircmcnls) Regulsn'ens, 2015 as amended and made cflccnve

{mm rnne m umc

Based on lhe aforesald mldnnalidn pmvuled by .he Cmrl my, l repnn Ihal dln-lnglhe finanunl year under repnn, lhe Company has complied with me pruvisinns pr

rhe abnvzrmendnncd Act/s, Rules, Regulanona Gmdcunes, Standaxds, etc.

menuoncd nbove (D the exrmr apphrable except the followmg. ,

1. Company does not havefurmlmnul website In amphrmw 111th Regulrman 45

9/553: (Listing obllgddm and olsclasdre Requirements) Reguldnnn, 2015.

2 As per pmvlsnms of Sem'on 203 of companies Am, 2013, Company has my!

appamled Key Mdndgendl Pasomlel's Except dppmnlmem of Cmvlpany

Secretary we] 27w Man-i; 2mg, Also, as per Regulamm 5 D] me 51:31

(usung Obligation and Dlsclasure Requlremems) Regulddon, 2015, Companyhas nppamred Ms, Swan Mdheshwan as Company Secretary and Camplmrlce

o/fioer ofrhe Company wee ] 27“ March. 2mg

1 innher report that -

The Board nl Direcmrs of the Company Is duly consumed vnrh all rhe onecrnrs m

NoneEYeculive Directors with adequate nnx of lndependenr Duetmfs The changesin rhe anrnpdsnlcn of Lhc Beard uf Dimmers rhal Inuk place during lhe Audn Period

under review were carried our in compliance wilh (he pmv‘lsmns dl‘ lhe Acl

Adequate nouns ls given rn all dilccmrs about scheduled Board Meetings) agendaand denalled nmes an agenda were [manually sent at leasr seven days in advanee,and a syslem exists for sreking and oblalmng [unhzr Inl'nn-naLiun and darificaLions

0n the agenda rrems before the meeung and {or meanrnglul pardclpaudn a! the

meedng )

1 runner report that Lhere are adequate sys-lems and processes 11: lhe Campanycommensurare with (he size and npera'inns nr lhe mmpany rd manner and ensure

compliance wirh applitzble laws, rules, regulandns and gurdeunes.

Place: Mumbai Deepak Rane

nave 30/05/2019 Medan; Company Stu-ctary

PedpnemrCP Noe an 7

This repan is (o be read with any lener of even dale whirh is annexrd as Anngxnm

w and forms an mtcgral pan of this mpunv


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Tlie Menhels,

Kapil Comet Limited

Shay No 275, Dream Mall, L as. MargNun Blmndup Railway Station,

Bhandup (W), Mumbal , 40 0078. MH

report nl cvtn datc is to be read along wttlt Lbis letter

]. Mamlcnanu: of secretarial rcmrd 15 me mspanslblfity omie managcincnt of

the Company. Our responsiblliry is m explvss opinion on tnese senelan‘al

records basgd on our and“

2. l have followed the audit pmctlces anrl processes as were appropriate to

obtain reasonable assiranoes about the carrcclness of the contents or the

secretarial mcord. The venfimtion was done on test basis to ensure that

correct {acts are reflected in secretarial reeords, l believe that the processes

and practices l followed provide a reasonable basis {or my nomion.

a. l have not verified the correctness and appropriateness of {manual rcmzds

and Books of Acwunts ortne Company

4. Wherever requn'cd, l have obtained the Management representation about

the compliance of laws> rules regulations and happening of events etc.

5. The compliance of the provislon ol corporate and other applicable laws

rules, regulations, slandardsls I.he respunsl ilily or Lh: management My

examination ms linuted to the vmncation of procedures on test bans

5. The secretarial Audit xeporl is ncilher an assurance as (D the future viabilityof the Company nor of the efficacy or effectiveness with which managementhas conducted the affairs or the mmpanv

.Plane Mumbai Deepak Rane

Date 30/05/2019 Pmcucing Company Secretaryr Propnelor‘

c? No. sn 7


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R. 1c mun .- Assocm'rzs


21ml, 2:1 mm, W]:Wham Coal). Sodas, Lu, Plunnlzl silk nan Compound,

LES lug. min}: [17), Inmhi 400018.

1-: . +91 22 497M105. Luna: rmimaiw‘ com

woman? Aunlmns mom-


The ma: nm/s mu. cmzxumn


Ws have suslupd ms accompsnymg {manual slumsuls pl mm mm uln'rulhhe companyj, whlch

campuses Balance She" as at alu Mar 2mg, ms Smremmt pr Profit and L155 ancuunl pnsl Cash Flow

smsmsm for me year (hm mded, and a Summary of slgvulicanl’ accuunnng pelicles and pmsr explannlowInlormauon

Miami'sawry [or theWsumac:

1n: Campany’s anml pl Dnrcmow is msponslbh: for mu maxim stated m Sccuun mlsl of lhc Compamrs Au.

ml: [‘the Act'] wun respeu m an pltpalanon cl these finanmzl smsmsms rhar give 2 nus and lalr new a! the

financial posm'an, financial perfur‘manc: and cash flaws o( Lhe opmppny .n accordance wnh mp mounnng

pnnmples generally mspud m Indla, .npluamg mp Accuunung Sundzrds spsplnsu under 5ppupn 133 of ms

m, read wlth Rule 7 nulls Compames [Arnxunls] Ru‘rs,2ma This psspnnsunluy also mdudes mnlmnpncs n;

adequate accounurg records Ln accurdanc: wun the pramsmn of an Act for saleguardlng pr mp asset or me

Company and [or pruvcnung and dclcclmg. frauds and pulp: u-mgulunucs, scbccuml and apphcsuon or

appropnatc amoumlng wholes, makmg Judgments and cslmlaxcs that are reasonable and pludem, and dam

,mplsmsmauon and mauusnancs of ndpqunn lnterrlal unauml pnnupls, that were upemurg eKecnvzly for

snsunng (he amumcy and mmpluencs: onus accounung rewrds, mlmuu m me preparation and prussuuuon

pl the annual Sunni-ems um give a nus and lalr vlew and are free from mammals mlxsntcment, whemer uup

to lraud or error

mam». Respondldllty

Our msppnsmmy ls m Cxpms: uu apuuou pp mm slunaulpm financxal smxcmmls based on our sudu Ws have

taken mm account ms provxsvorl 0! me, An, ms arcmmrmg and audil‘ug smndard: and maners wnlpn ups

mum: m be lncluded ln ms audll «purl under (he provulnns prms Act and ms Rules made mere. undsr

We conducted Our audit m accordance wah we Slandards on Audlnng rpecxfied under Sump 143(l0) pl Lb:

Act Those Slaudards {‘3un mm W: cumply mm suucul requlrements and plan and perform mp audn m (mum

.sasmlapls assurance abuulwhclhzr the financial :Ialcmcnu um rm rml-n mapcn‘nl mlssmlcmcn‘

An uudu mvolvcs pafonmng prosedurss m chum zudu evndence zbnut me amuunwx 2nd me duclosura u. the

financla! srarnnrnrs The procedure selected slspsnpls on Lhe audunr's Judgxucnt, mcludmg Lhc assessmcm ofrhe

nsks of maternal nussu-usmsm a! the manual smtemenls, whether due to {mud or errorv |n mukmg those nsk

pssssspnsm, ms audllur ppnsulm uucmul manual comml rclrmm m Yhe Company’s plepalnnun of ms

{manual sum-lamps mar gins a nus and fab mew m mm m dzslgn nudu procedures mm are nmeDml: ln ms

susumsunces, but not [or ms purposs of Egressmg an ppu—uon on whemer ms Company has m place an

ausquass lmcmal [Manna] annuals sysmn snsl ms uperaung sllsuuvpnpss a! such conuoL An sum also

Includzs evaluznyg ms :ppmpnalcntss pr [he acmunung pplma used and me reasombkness at me

mpunung esumales made by um Company's nlmlors, as well as evaluating me nvmll pmcelnatmn oi the

nnpupul slain-nulls

Ws uslms Lhzk {he suau evidence we have uhLmncd ls suIficlenl and amoral: zp ptvvvde a buns 1m our audn

pplmpn pn mu slpmluloup finanua‘ slalmenls


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2, In our npmlbn 2nd to ma b=st afoul lnlomlannn and according In the axnlananons given m as, the arbrasalsl

Enamels] slalanasnla gm Lht lnrannauon rcqulrcd by the ACI m m manner 50 I'IKIulred and gjve a «ma and by

View .n ranformuy wlrh ma aocmlnnng pnnuplzs genzrally 5:95pm ln rnslla or Lh: album: or Mann of the

Cambany as a: my Match, 2019. and us Pram and us casn now [or me year ended on ma: dale.

Report on own: up: ma gammyWu“:

3, As rcquvrnd by lh: Compam'cs (Audumr’: Repmt) ol—oar, 2015 (me Oman lssued by ms Conn-nl Cavemmznl ln

terms of Secncn Ma [11) of me Act, we anclnsod ln Lhe menu: w smasnonx on menu‘s Sprcified m

paaagann a b 4 cum and ordtr.

4. As requlled by Secuon I43 43y othe Act, we report that

a] We nayo snugm and obtsmed all me lrlfnl-mavinn and explananans wnlan m me has: of uur knwwledge and

ballaywna nacsssary fur mo purpose. ol bur anon,

b; ln our opmlbn, props: books m account as requle by law have bean kept by mo Company so far as ll

abbaus (mm nul’ axannnauon cf moss books.

cl The Balanct Shea and ms Snmment bl mm and Loss and Cash Flbw Statement daall wllh by [his chunM: .n aymcnl wan 1116 books olaccoum

all ln our nplnlnn, ans afmesald smndalune {manual summenls comply wlnh Lb: Accounuxlg Slandms

specified under Sacunn 133 mm Aol, mad wnn Ru|e 7 or the Companies Mommas) Rules, mm

a. ln anr anxnlbn (her: are no nbsananons or comma-us on ma final-lam] nansamnns, wnlcn may have an

amass effect on {he runabonm or Lllc Company

ll On Lhc basls or (he wnltcn rtprcsmrznons recelvcd [ml-n lhe dIXCCIOYS as on my Mar 2019 2nd mken on

record by ma Board bl Du’ecmrs, we mpon mat nnno bl ms du’ecmls ls dlsquallflcd as on 3w Mar 20m

from bung aooolnloa as a dlrecmr m (erms ofsecllon lsalzl am. m

g) Rtparr an me Kmenlal Flnanalal annuals under Clause (1) DYSubrsccuun 3 olsecnon I43 ufmc campanles

Act, 2013 ['Lhe Acr‘] , ls malased an m’l' m rhis repafl

ll] wlln {tsptct m the nuns: manels to ba .nnlnnsd ln Lhc Audlmr's chur! ln accordanoc wth rule ll of ms

Combanlas mum and Audltms) Rules, 20”, ln our apmxon and to In: best or our \nformzflun and

according lo Lhc cxplanauans glvcn [0 us

l As Informed to us me Company has pendmg langauons w|llch would Impact us finanClal posmon

a TM Company and not nava any lawman cunLchL: mdudmg denvauvc commas for wnlan mere

were any Illalcrlal {on-sociable \osss

There Wm no zmounts wnlan Wu: requlmd m ba uansrsnasl k7 Lhc Investor Educanon and

Promcuan Fund by the Company,

lv Based an audit prnoaduras and repmsenmuuns wavldcd lo us by me managsnlmn we rcpon {hat ms

allsclnsum an m accordance wlm ma beaks cf acrmlnts mamxamad by ma company and as

pmduced m us by ma Managornem

Fox 1:. K. Smnani a. Assam-s.


Wu“: sauna

"My no: mm

lmlm'emlnu: Imam

mu: 30/05/2019


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R. K sol-11111 a; ASSOCIATE


2103, an nope, madnp 1nduetrle1 Estate (Do-op. Society Ltd, retinal-1 suit mil Compound,li_d.s Mug, nhandop (W), Mnmhai 400072;.

Te 91 22 49704105, Dunn : rheommieecpnaiheom


Rel-cried to in puuntth 1 under the lac-Lin; oi “Repott on mam and mehemeow

oi mu “Ext orecen date

on the bad: at such rhecks as we considered xpproprialz and in terms or the intonnnrion and orplanntions

glven la ns, we state that. e



a. The company has maintainnd pmpc-r rcoords showing rull particulars, including quantitative

details and situation or its fixed assets

)3 As explained to usv titted 3&3 have been physically ven'iied by thc management at

reasonahle tntervals: no material discrepanetes were noticed on such verification.

c. The title deeds oritntnovahle properties are held in the name omie 09me

As explained to its, inventories have been physically venficd during the year by the management at

reasonable intervals No material discrepancy was noticed on physical verification oi stocks by the

management as compared to book records

According to the information and etplanataorts given to us and on the hasis o1 our examinaficn oi the

bunks ct account, the Company has not granted any loans secured or unsecured, In companies,

iii-ms. Limited Linhiiity Partnerships or other parties listed in the register maintained under Section

159 oi the Companies Act, 2013.cnnsectuently, the provtstons oielatises iii tat. [b] and (clcithe order

are not applicahle to lhe Company :

in our opinion and according to the information and explanations g'vm to us, company has complied

thin the provtston oi section 155 and 186 oi the Compames Act. 2013 in respect orloans, investment,

guarantees and security.

The company has not accepted any deposits from the public and hence the directives issued by ch:

Reserve Bank of lndia and the prom 'on or sections 73 to 7:: or any other relevant protosicns orthe Act

and the Companies tAcoeptance orneposttl Ruleszals wtth ligands to the deposts accepted 1mm the

public are not applicable

As per infin-maljon at explanation yvrn hy the management, maintenance oi cost records has not been

specified by the Contral Government under subcxcuan (l) of section 14801' the Companies Act, 2013

According to inlor-iniition and explanations given In us and on basis or out examination oithe books oi

nocount, and records the company has hem generally regular in depositing undisputed statutory

dues indudjng lncninetax, Salestai, Service Tax, Custom Duly. Excise Duty, value added tax. cess

and any other statutory dues with the appropriate authon es Accurding to the information and


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explanations given to us there were no autsmnding statutory does as on 31st of March, 2019 far a

period of inoie than six months [mm the date Lbzy became payable,

In our opinion and according to the Information and explanations given by the managuncut, we are oi

the opinion that, the Company has not demulted in repayment oi dues to a financial institution or

bank, The Company has not talten any loan either fmm financial institutions or smit- the government

and has not issued any dcbmtums.

Based on our audit prooedures and actoidmie to the information given by the management, the

campany has not raised any money by way or initial public older or itirther public offer (including debt

instrumentst or talten any teiin loan during the year.

Accurdlng to the lnfnnnafion and explanations given to us we report that no baud by the company or

any baud on the Company by its oitioers or employees has been noticed or reported during the year.

According to the infurrnalion and explanations given to us. we report that managerial remuneration

has been paid or provided in aroordance with the requisite approvals mandated by the provisions or

section 197 read with Schndule v to the Companies Act.

The company is not a Nldhl Company, Therafm'c clause [Kn] oi the order is not applicable to the


According to the iniormation and explanations given to us, all transacbons Wllh the related parties are

in compliance wiLh sections 177 and 1213 of Companies Acl, ems where applicable and the details

have been disclosed in die Finantial Statements ett- as required by the applicable accounting


Based upon the audit vmcedul'ts perronned and the inrorinnuon and erplanadons given by the

management, Lhc oompatiy has made preferential allotment during the year under review,

Based upon the audit procedures periormed and the inioi-mation and explanations given by the

management, the rontpany has not entered into any nonecash transactions wilh directors or person

connerted With him Attordingt ,the provision at clause 3 (xv) or the Order are not applicable to the

Company and henoe not commented upon.

in our opinion, the company is not required to be reg'mtered under section 454A oi the Reserve Bank

otlndis Art, l934 And accordingly, the provis'oris o1 clause 3 [xvi] oidic Order are not apphahlz tothe Company and hence not commented upon,

For R. 1c Salami h Mme

chartered Account-om

Ramlusbore Somaoi

Imhuship flu: imam

met-trim}PL- uumhat

bate. 30/05/2019


Page 31: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

x. xc 90ml 5 ASSOCIATES


2103,211 Float, Bhnndup Luauam name my. Soday n.1, mum Silt Mm Cnmpunnd,

LBS 1mg, mndnp (w). flumhal 400075.

Td:- «91 22 49704105, Luna: : them-Mean:

my 'ty Indzpmdmt Amman Rm

mom- ml mmnu. mmcml. CONTROLS own FINANCIAL momma

mammmlmndflcmuknnfluqhyJ otmmnnsnrmn1unmacflnmg.


We have audited Lhe In]:sz nuanml mums om finanrxs‘ rapmmg anVZ ummm-ma Campnnfy as ufMarch 31,

2019 in conjuncuun wnh uur audxl of me financxal >Ia|cmc la ofrhe Cmnpany var aha year ended on Khaldzue

W:zmm nu- [ma-nuWCmmk

The Company: nunagment .5 respunubl: for cslahhshxng and mamlsmmg Iflrtmal nnamau mama Based on ma

mama: gunun! am financml reporting cmana esmbhshed w me Cumpany cansxdenng the csscnual cemponmr; of

xnternal control shied m m Guidance Nulc on Audu a! human mama! Commls 0m Fmancml Repomng issurd by

the Insdlute of channel Accounmnks of Indm Tnaaa mspunsxbflmes mcmde ma dzsuzn, xmvluncnlauon and

nvamtenancu oraaaquaza mum)“ finamax mum; (hm “ma Operating eflecmely {m msunng the orderly and effluent

conduct of us buamnss, mmudmg adhemnce w mmpany's Whales, Lhc safeguarding of Its asset; the grammar. and

derecunn affrauds and mm, Lhc accuracy and completeness of ma accaunung recnrds, and me many pmpsranon of

rehable financial mlormauon, aa mqhurcd under me Companies Ann 2013


0.” rgsponsnbillry .5 m express an apmmn an m: Company‘s min-n31 financial comm]: m finance! reponing bum an

Dur uudu Wa conducmd our and“ .n madam mm the Gulrhncr, Me on mm of [menu] Fmancul CaanIS Over

anual Rtpomng [(he 'Gmdzmcz “012', and me Standards on Audmng, xssucd by um) and deemed m be prescnbnd

under mm. mm] othe Cumparues Am, 2013, m um one“ appncama m an and“; of mun-ml final-1:131 commls, mm

applicable to an and)! of In|crma¥ Fmanmal Controls and, mm xssued by me Imumu: archarzcmd Acconnmms of India

Thus: Standards and ma Guidance Note require (hs! we comply wurh erhmal rtquxmments and pan and perion'n mo and“

(a omam reasonable assume abom Whexhgr aligquam mama; financial cunh'ok over (manual rnpomng was

esmhhshed and mmnlmned and ,r such comrais uperared :Hecuveiy |n all mamnal mama

Our and“ mom performmg proczduxfl m ubmn and)! evxdcncc abouv ma adequacy of the unsung] financial annuals

gym", oven {manual rcpomng and Lhur gamma mama.“ uur zudu of mlemzl financml mum aver financual

mpomng mcludad obmnmg an understandmg a! mama: financxak annuals uvcr financial reperung, assaaaag ma nsk

mat a maternal wmkness :xusls, and [ems 2nd rvaluzlmg ma dang): and upernmug mamas: a; xmmax control

hand an m: assessed nsk The pmcedures selecmd depend on ma mama Judgment, mum rm assessment af ma

nsks ufmatcna] m\ss(a(:menr anha mama smut-nexus, wthhcr due (a Band or mm.

W: bchevg that Lhe and“: evidence W: m»: shunned .a sufficxmr and appropnara m gravid: a basis {at our audit upmmn

an m Comp:an mama: manual comma sysmn (ma financml yapomng


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mg.mmug-1 conmu Over Han-Ida!m

A compsnys lntemal financial comml aver financlal repnmng ls s proctss desgned m pmmde reasonable assurance

regatdxng ms rellablhly 0f {manual mm and [he prcpmnon or financial smnncnrs fm sxrcmsl purpnsss m

accordance mun genmlly zcczpmd maul-lung pnnclpks A campanys mien-la] [manual control over llnnncpsl reparnng

mcludes thus: pollute: and pruccdul’cs mm

l pmnnn m m: mmnrenance a! records that, m reasonable dcull‘ smnrszcly and my rcnccx (he mnsacnnns and

dlspoqnan: arm users a! me campany;

2, pmldc reasonable assurance mm transacunns are recorded 3 neccssary my pen“)! pruparamn cl flnancval

smmmns .n zcwrdanoc mm gentmfly awptcd aocolmrlrlg prmrlples, and ms: ,cmpls and sxpsndlnms of the

company are belng mssls only in accnrdance w|Lh aumcnmuuns ufmznsgcmcnl and dnclolx of me Cm'nparly; and

3 Hand: reasonable mumlsc ngaxdll-lg pmmuon or nmcly delrcnon n1 nnnnsnopzyssl ssqmslucn, usc, ur

alsppsmsn sl ms mpsnys assets 11ml could have a mala-lsd circcl on me financxal Slatcmenis

mam: mum of menu; “gland-J panknll am Fimndal Eugenia;

ascsusc of the, mheren! llmitauons cr munml financlal mnn’nls over {manual repornng, mdudlng the mummy at

coflusmn m lmpmpgr management pvsmslc or annuals, mammal mlssmtmenls all: to error or fraud may cow. and um

be dammed Also, pmxccuons ursny evaluallm oflhe lnlemal (manual conxmls aver finance! .sppmng to future perms

ax: gubjccl m the nsk {Max the mmma| financlal comm cm financial repumrg my baton-Ac lnadsquak: becausc of

(Ilangts m Dondluons. ar ms: ms degree ofcempllance um (he [wholes m Madurai may dcmncms


ln sur npmmn, the Company has, m an matmal mspws, an adequate lnrsmzl finanmal connsls syslsm cm financla|

rcpan‘ng and such .nlsmal finnncn] mnh’uls over financial rcpsmng were npcrahng sllecuvcly as all March zl, 2mg,

basscl on me mlcmsl cpnuol pm financial repomvlg cruel-la cszsbllsnsd by m Company ccnsnlsnng Lhe 559mm]

mmponsnls of lnlcrnal canml smsd .n ms Guidance Nate an Audl: of Internal sznclal Cummls Over Flnaxlclsl

Repumng lssucd by (he lnsumrp («charmed Arcauluams m lndla

For n. x. sum a ”data.

Chmued Amount-at:

lemming": soups

“sums-p ma: mam-I

(hm)puss mm

Me: 30/05/2019


Page 33: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

KAPIL corsx qurEn

@216. mmammo. M-u, us an: mmmw, mmmm

an m mewmmmmm‘

Mums mm: n nu ma, mus

an‘mlzu ummmum"... mummy.“mum”; mwwmu

m »m, mm wwn

rm mum. in Dhaka

rd Immmmlxrw

m M-

m ommnnnkmm

m .mmmmrmmm

m amwuummmman humpba-

m mm mm

my Mum»


m M

WWW“ ., “M,

m Mm mm M

(1)00er WWW


by MW

:aWw,‘ .M


«m; m mm mm“

a.) .m um.“ mm (mm

m M

m nmn (a, k. Wm


«Miami Amn


1: mun m mum


m [um mum



”mam “mm

m mm mm,

H mm

m Mmufi

«mama ,mm mm.

\d‘flflmum WM plm

mama" ”.an



by man


(mymmimmmx mm,

m ”mm mm

m mm Wm

m ”WWW” (an}


mm .3, m

mssmz nzmw


253% 295W

gums: 301mm

<o4mmn 104mm

17 35,194 <7u7sm6


237 um :37 m

34 am 34 am

311mm 30mm



mm um»:

"mum“, “4527



Mimi) (mumm)mum... mm)

mm". mm ammonium

Page 34: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a


6476,6312 rm 3, dreams me Mall, ms Marg, Bhandnp w, Mumumoo on

CIN Na. L17100MH1983PlC03111‘



Nate figures as m we “gums as n the


Na‘ end 9121321215 and gamma“:


1 Rcvcnue lvam operauons 11 ,

mm vncome u 366,265 645,391

mummy: m 366,263 54559;

u use:

Emp‘avcc Eenthl Exptnxc 15 6.000 mm

Dzumnahon and Amamzalmn Expense 15 42,549 55,ng

Other sxpanm )7 597,597 432,071

Tam! Exnmsts m $46345 mm;

m Pmm hefar: m (I m , 2mm . 35,112

v m egg";

(1) Cunem (ex

momma m 2,72s 5,505

(3) mmmelax paw! av Earher Years (w/um

Pmfillor me my uv} 72mm: , £1,718

other comm»! ham:

(0 1mm; that w m be vedassmed m Frcfimr Loss 1,102,405 2 ”3,977

m Income ux mmmg m .n-m m w nm he mdnssmad 20 mm nr Loss , 275m: mm

my lmms that w a: rezlassxfied xo mm a: loss ,

(w) mm m manngm mm; m: w m vocizsslficd m Pmflrorlm‘ ,

mm: on," Empmhzmive Inmmziw the m" mu'alml (v) alum 2,590,112

w Tam! Compvehensr'v: 1mm form: Ymr w v) 54mm 2.93qu

vn Eammg Dzreumw shave-

(11 am a 52 z «5

(ZyDHutcd 0.52 245

”m, Wm mm:[m mm..gmym,/sm.m.m1mm m, mm

m pummmmm am.

Fan R.K.SDMANI AND ASSOCIATES mu mmcurzx uan

anKrEREn AccouNuNrs

(ms nu nasaswl



Mzmbtvship "“7 mm

mm: : MUMMI

om: mamas

[Pnlfish R: (Pounm mu)

(nlnEcle (nmmony

am no. 01293037 mu no mums


Page 35: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

um cogx m

c m a. 1m 2m:

mmums :1 mm. :4 a: 2m

mum Amumr Wm Aluum’

A ms» 1 rva

m M: We ux ‘ mmmwwv Mm [250 an) (15,112)


mm mm (mm (50 mm

mm...“ x. yummy mm- Amumuhm 42 645 55.491

wanna e22 25x) me my

arm Mm rm “mm ‘ mz 405 may

mm , 2.2mm

rpmnwc Mom Kmswmanuflflm mNnFs mm mam


m...“ m Sundry aemchunem mm mm “32045)

Manse/deans: m Sunflly W «7009) um;

one. 01va M5 yum s Mama) :1 m

m flaw Mme my mum“ (0‘75) ma:

Wm. M Pun/cm mm» ‘9752

gin mm. 0mm mm A 45‘ 536 me 550

a mm new mom InvEsrwG mus

\nlu-sl/(kmm‘sun Wan-7m: MAJ-Kw so mm

mm“ at rm Asa: ,

pwm tram: 22223; 206.55:

mm mm an m ,

mm" m Shara 4mm [mm m)

cm «W m Wm; Amumas a (mam) (1mm)

1: "mm mm mm m YE

54mm“ Pmmum o . 0

mm m: Expemes n 0

sm Cam: 0 n

c a n

w Immse/Deaen \nCnh s cm 24.1mm: A.“ m om 095.3521

0mm; 5mm mom a.“ swam; 295139 Aenszt

mm, mm «cm. x. cm tax-mum zsams 2954a!

Fm Mmmm a. mus run mafia mum

mum Accmunms

(am no. umw)

(mm mm Mm m4)

[mum (mm

. mmm


Manna-inn M 164527

m: Mumnr

ms, mums

mm m. mm: mu m mum

Page 36: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

:5,85. 52.2



i 2......5555 iiizal.21.12....

.Iaizfip...I!3.E.i I35: 15.5.19 3. 2.11““. 6.le

i2 .9.uniting, xiii;

ufi 5.2... 3.11%...

I? :clap-ill; Effixsnais?

it}; 1.2!: re..55.:

1.5%!i! ‘ i1



Page 37: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a



Mme-150mW a: Rs


mum mum


m ‘5 mm:

1 mug-mummmwwmmw an immune zvmnnm

mm mm m m we

wanmlwlvsmmavmmbam,mwvmuu mmam mmm

Munmvarmmmnwmsh-aaunnu» muylnuwmm

:4: mm... H ”Mum

m.‘ mum: mmmm

m. 1 manual},5- M .. m A. u m


was um 19

2 Wm hmmm mm lhxmnl} s 50 am 5 mm

m Add‘lmm/fl‘Mhmm-flnlmrvuv

A 5w asu 55mm

1 mmwwwmm. 7931257 mm:m mm m um um 25: am n m

5 mm 45: 2m 2m

x MWVMMM mam 5444mm

mummy mama wmsw

M... 4 ”(land Ynh'nlimu

Sn_ mm.

mm: Anxam

u“‘ "

mums mm 15

A— 1 Mu ms ‘414 as

kpmumkuwmmm 4: m 5545‘

upvmmwmm ansm 35m

mleveme m mm. Yuan Damon 1) mu 2‘ u:

wwwmm yr.“ WWW a nsuah a 72s I. m

mm“.‘mmummmmmmmw gummy“ fissm mm

”my. numb-u; 2 a: 524 2 754 sss

[me mmmmmm

mm: A. .x m


mm; mama

1 AMnFmthk 2mm mail)

1 mm”; Hack mu

. nxumrvmv'e m»,

5 (uple‘mhuuermm”whkUm-xhlun)

r .mmwwmm. 55m 59m)

. m. Mmmnm manna» 207 5M 2M 55h

”mm. ”(use

.o mm 9‘; v

m 127m 237M:

Nate >550”:MW


Aim mm M :1 m


mm mm

1 mmhmml‘hx man mm

m. :4 34 m


Page 38: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a


Males running Pan am: Balance sum as at 315! March, 2013

Nate :8 Narrtunent Investments In Rsv In Rs


As at 315! As :1 am

No Mamms Marduk)

1 umsmm in Quoted sum Shares 24.52102 n,szs,nn

2 Invemnenx My aim plrmisns 5,025,000 smemo

TOTAL 30,653,121 29.55: an

More .- 9 Trade Recievnbles‘ ‘


As a am As 2| 315!

No Mammy Marcus

1 Dmndig roman than six months

2 Dmrs

a ngumd (anydered Good

h Unsecured cansmum Gnnd 47mm

mm Amm .

Note : 111 Cash & Cash Equivalent' ~

Sr. As m 3151 As a! 31stPanimlars

Na Marcus Marcus

MCash Ba‘anw Imus 202.997

Sun max (A) mus may

Bank Eilim

m [Amen Acmunr mel bank m Mumbil . 103,060 19mm

Sub tau: (:1 1w mum

Tnul I A . a] zsuns 23mm

Nate : 11 shun Tenn: Loans and Advanzes‘


As at am,,

Na mums

1 Rent Due ,

1 Mmckafl’uh (szmbursemenldne) ,

mm , »

Note .- 12 other Assets‘ ‘


As ax am As a! 315!

No MarmJB Maxims



Page 39: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a



Nam: Iikvnlul/mmbpenm‘om m R: m Rs



Inmam Ann;


w mm,“

mm V,



mm: mum


mm Damn

1 (m.m an 13k a! mates ”3/

1 madam/«mm: 122253 105,553

1 mm m". 5,595

. (ammmm/(mumy mm mm

5 u" ,mmmmmumu

5 WWW 1. W mm

mm ;(n L‘s-91

NatuflEmplvyanemfitExper-sz:s.‘ Mama

WmM mums

)Salarv m:

x symwwmmm

mm mm mu-

mm, 1:mm" -Am" 5mm

y, Mam mum


Mamas mm,“

1 mummy. 11m 5619)

um um sum

NMHUDMHE'KM5r mum mam


mm my

‘ Mmmlaum min “a

1 "mm um mm

3 Wm, ‘ um

. mm,“ mm

5 “mumman 17m»

6 mm

1 mmmmon um 13w

: mum“, 1,171

, hwx‘mwmnpv mm mm

m Summoning: 34,12“ 15,130

11 anyway“ 15.x law

11 mmulunmummmnm ,

13 «nrtmaMudKFecs aym me

1: “mm 195mm

)5 oranampnmm...‘ mm mm

15 albumin; ”u

17 muuzndumr m

n mmusmmmwm , ms

3 “mm“. um mm

m mmmmuw. mm

21 nazmmum mm

1. Wa‘mnm mm

a gummy.“ a m

u “mm“..w m

[mm 5.1m Axum


Page 40: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a




















































































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Kapll chm llmlltd u mgagcd u. [he busmcss or chulc A .u alllcd pmducB Dunng the

gamma: year, u are not get any New rm u; mam ohput uawarar, u gm

“mummy & “mama m sauna the good; a{ may. alums & earned

hmkaraga/cmsulrmy mam u huh dcals m shares a Secunucs, whm u earned

Wm gams a: 4mm mom


mm “(@3135

The Flnancml smlcmmb are pmpm’od under the hmhncal rosl conwnfiun and m

accordance wuh genemfly accepted aaahuhuhg pnnmpks m The AccaunungStandards Baum hy The Insutute or Chsncmd Accounranls of India along mm the

pmulcns mm Companies Ac; 2013

The Company, Luncruuy» rollaws U15 mercanulc ayulc . of accuuuung and mogmm

mm: and upendlrure an accrual hams numlahd income ls recogwlzed as a. when


Tamales and assumpunns used m Lhc prcparauon affilc filmnclal :la‘zmcnls are bastd

upon managemmv mluarm or the {plmm’ ram and rlmumslznras as of the dare of

me fihahual slahemams, whlch may dlfler lmm Lhe acmal Insults ah a subsequmx dam.

lawman. a mugggmt flabmflu:

A firm-luau la momma when where l5 p—amr (lhhgaunn as a raaulr ofpask event and 1:

lg probahla am an outflow a! rzsources wul ha mqulred m smla {he abllganun, m respacx

ll whmh a nimble esumam can ba made. Flwvlsmns are delermlned bued on {he best

esumau or me mhum rmuucd )0 mac um abhgauuh ax Lhc Balancc sheet mm

Conmlgen! Liablhues are run recugnlmd 111 mu financial :mlcmcnls bu[ u alsclosaa

gggh Shite

ThC carmng< nonm’du‘ed m asczrminmg the nampahys laps campfiaaa ma net prhru after

m The number alaharea used 111 ($111qu bull: BPS .s welghted mange number of

shares hurslahdmg dunl'g ma year,

1» Mt

Shorlrlclm mployee benefiu ara raaaghuad n ah mama ar an undlsmunled amoum

m The FIVE! & ms: Account ur Ihc year m whlch the {dated strive: a, rendered As par

the (wand Asa : “Employte Benefirs', u .s mandamry Lhzl uha company should pravldc

llablmy on ma hum of Autumn] Vaiuamms. l-luwmr, |hc wmpany has «mall-lied

mpluyee benefits on cash bails a u when dammed by cmployec 5'. he prmsmn: tor posx

:mpluylncnl benefixs have baau mada

m :

The Company has can-led huh mvaauuam acuvlues & earned capual gala: a dividend

mama, the same has haah mogulzad upgmaly m Lhtz prof“ a loss amuru omer mm

(1115, K has can-led Cunsulvancy & brokerage mom Much has been shown sepaxalfly lh

m: P&L Acmum


Page 42: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a





Cunmt lax .s determined as the mount oflax Dayubl: m respecl elmenle meme for

the year Dcfmcd (3x .5 recognized m that em.” only, subject m cunslderauon of

prudmce |n respect of deferred eex 355531, or umu'lg alumnus, hen-g lne alvrmnces

between Lhc Whit: mcome and accounling income ms! olignate .n one year and m

capable olrmrszl m one or more subuquen: years, hall-mg Bx ennseqnenus


Invesn'nents are clasLfied as Non Currcnl mmmenls and sun-cm inveslmems

lnveslrnenzs um m rmdlly reshubk and lnxended m be held for nut more than n yw

are slassllled as curnml lnvesunenls, All olller lnvcsunems me clasmficd as Nan cul'mnt

mvesmlems ”mom-{em lnvesmems are smed s: (as! and any desune nmer men

umpnmy, in Lhe value el such mv=smenls ls chargcd lo the prof“ and loss accoum

amen: mveslmsnls ere slalcd all me cost mcc vamm“ pmVISIC'n for dmlnuuan In

Value ls mad: [0 recognlse a alt-dine olhee m2" rempomry .n me value e1 mvesunenws.


I. All fixed assets are slnlenl at hlslnncal oust er acqmsmon/ronstmrrim: em less

acneeemuon. casls mclune all expenses mcuxmd (0 mm; use users m us present

Incanon a Cnndiunn

ll maul-ml (0 [he Requuemems a! me Scheduk ll of me Companies Act, 2013 me

Company has mused me depremzncn mtes wel lV- Ayn], 2014 as pr=scrlb¢d under sud

Act The company nns adopted me csumeled usclul me or the fixed asses as supulared

by Lhc Schedule n of Lhc Au. '1 has followcd [he sxmlgm lme Memon 1m chmgmg el



The Company assesses as each Balsnee Sheet whemer mese ls any mellennen mnl essels

my be weaned, ll any such melleauons my, me Company estimates the reewemlsls

nmonnl olme assets or me msnegenemng umr and .{ me same ls kss men xts carrylng

ammunl, me carrying amount .s {mused :e us reewemblr, amount. The reducnon ls

new m an lnlpamem has: and .s magnum m me Smemsm a! Pmlk and Less. Hal

me Balanee Sheet dam (her: ls an mdlcalmn am ll :- premusly assessed lmpulrmcnl

loss no lenger masts, the recoverable emeunl ls msesscd and mc assele are reamed 2!

U1: ream/arable senelml



(DIRECTOR) mlklscwlalul 01393037 ulnv (11274on


Page 43: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

Plug Pm

(Pursuam m mum. Iusm} mm Campamns Au, 2m and rule may Mm: Cumpams‘Managemem and Adm-mnmunu] Rules, 2014)

cm u-uoomnsznmauu

NggigafghecnmgjnW mmm 7

Regismnd mite ac. 2-15. mam-x nu” L]. s. um, ummm

mm“? sum,mmmm . mun

Name um; Shawl-midi:,

335m” Addles:

«man no

Folio ND cum m

up n:

U v43 mmmgmgmmns) 0;, , . “mama”: “mama," ‘muympm1 NW



gran.“ him


1< my] aur plnxy m unend and mm [on a pull) my rut/us and an my/our mm: ax am am.

Annual Gmm Maeung arm campany, m be held an 1112 Salurdny 23m day cl Sgpgmbgr,2019 a! o an m a! UG.21&, Dreams Mall, L a s Marg, New Bhandup Hallway Susan“,

Bhandup (wen), Mumbai , moms and m any adjaummem thereof In '25me of such

may-mus as are mdlmted haw

s. No Rusamnnnlsr v”:

For Agalml. “who" armmm of mm A Loss, Mme 5m, Rpm

of Mum and Audimr's (m m: «mm: yak 3x5: mm,


2 mm Phonam Rm, mum» [mm

W minivan,_ >

a chinmeni oer mm Chandra mm as 3 cm

ummm‘ Officzr {(2)7014 | Appointmum mm pawn. Ram, 25 a Mmgmg mrecmr

i 7


Ayphcablc for "\va “mam m Blecuum: {am

SAgned m. 2m 9day m.

ng'mtule nfShAmholdcr S‘gnaxum a! [7me Hulda!

Nat: n This form of pmxy m order m h: eflecuve shun‘d be duly camp‘aed and

deposxed m m: Regmered om ulvhe Company nul lu- "Inn 4: mun ham: m

mmmmmm Mme Mbumg

2. The proxy need um be a member Mme mpmy


Page 44: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a


Cm no. unmistsncnsxua

weave, nmus nu, L. n. 5. um um mummy mum s'u'nml,mummy my, Mum 7400013

m m : nmydwemmr An

Telephane No. 022721681432

Website: m.h12uwtadimnej


(to be handed Mr at [he yegmauon counter]36m Annual General Mecung

Fnlm No

DF 11) and Chm! ll)



No. ow Shams

x / w: hereby record my / cur presence a| Lhc 35m Annual General Mccungol the Cumpany on Saturday, 23m Sgprember, 2019 m 4.00 pm. at a! my

275, Dreams Mall, L a s, Marg, Nea Bhavvdup Radway Stanon, Bhandup

(west), Mun-lbw 7 400075

Fnsl/ Sole holder / mey Serand mm" / pmy mm hmdn / Proxy

Page 45: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a

Polling Papa

[nan-um a: mum 19915, at an: Companies Act, 2013 and m: 21(1) (z) atuu

Compnnis (u;- rem! and Adminiflzifinn] Rah, mu}mm of me Cumlnny: mm. max mum-m

Egg-tad om“: “6»216, 13mins mu, 1.. n s. mm, mm: may

mwu STATION. EHAIIDDP my], man . 400073

cm: mnooumasmmnu

mun- mm:

Emile. Tammi." [>th

1. Name oflhzfirsl named

shaxaholaer on Block Leucrs]

2 Voilal addmss

z Regsxcrcd Fake No.

7 k W 77


massarsaara mam Share:

"a. ham Ila. u». of Imntm 1 am:

sham the (mm

held 11y 15mm ‘LheIn: Helnlnflun

Audimd finznaal Smtemencs M the

1 Company as at 31" March, 2019,

mgethur wILh the Profit & Loss Accuun!

for me year mm on ma: dam and

report 0' me mrecvms 2nd Audxmrs‘

Lhcrcon ‘

2 Raaapamaaam of Mrs. paanam Rail-u, \’

who As halal: m reure b romuon‘

a Appmnunmt uf NLL Praknsh Chandra

Ram, as a Chef Fmancxal mum

«cm4 Appumu'nun‘ at Mm Paonaln Ram, as a

Managng Director


mm (Si‘nIm: niche slnuehnlda‘y

['as per Company "was,

Page 46: cm:L17100MH1983PLc031114 › bseplus › annualreport › 512036 › 512036… · )lo'nc: nma hmby ngeu nan 36" mm.muma! me members 01’ mm com man-m an" Xx new an snnnsay nae 2a


mg: mmmu




oo W 376!

Wm: mm:






3I Khmm

" Muffins:



may.“ .


9 ,

wars. 1. *— mu: m

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