Download - CLIPP Notes

  • Who to susp


    Coughs that

    Dry coughs

    15 yo with recurrent URI, strep, or staph_x000D__x000D_Pt has high fever, toxic appearance, sometimes cellulitis or fluctuance

    Often appear well_x000D__x000D_Nodes can rupture through skin though > tx with surgical excisionAsthma_x000D_Sinusitisental irritant_x000D_Fungal infection_x000D_Asthma

  • Barking co


    Brassy/honChange in vLaryngeal irritation (can be from rhinitis, GERD, etc)

    Radiology f

    00D_Subglottic disease_x000D_Foreign bodyPertussis_x000D_Chlamydia_x000D_Mycoplasma_x000D_Foreign bodyHabitual cough_x000D_Tracheitis

    Primary complex (large hilar adenopathy with initial lung focus)_x000D_Focal hyperinflation_x000D_Atelectasis_x000D_Small local pleural effusions

  • Who uses inWho gets meWhen asthma is suspected but spirometry is normal

    Abx to treat

    Timing of


    All pts with persistent asthma_x000D__x000D_Need to monitor BP, glucose, growth delay, cataracts

    Cefuroxime_x000D_AmoxicillinclavulanateEthmoid and maxillary at birth_x000D_Frontal start around 68 yrOrbital sinusitis_x000D_Cavernous sinus thrombosis_x000D_Meningitis_x000D_Epidural abscess

  • Cause of rh

    Cause of co

    Mucus/secretions in airways_x000D__x000D_Continuous, low pitched, polyphonic

    Lymphoid hyperplasia_x000D_ from chronic post nasal drip and with chronic nasal allergies

  • Stages of

    reaction: 1 hr, PGs/LTs, permeability, hypersecretion, bronchoconstriction_x000D__x000D_Late: 23 hrs later, epithelial destruction, fibrotic remodeling, hyperplasia of bronchial smooth muscle_x000D__x000D_Airway hyperresponsiveness can persist for days to weeks

  • Cerebellar

    Most commo

    Classic vs

    Triad of ICPComplicatiBlindness from elevated pressure around optic nerve sheath

    Hemispheric: limb abnormalities, nystagmus, tremor, dysmetria (spares speech)_x000D__x000D_Deep nuclei: resting tremor, myoclonus, opsoclonus (neuroblastoma)Medulloblastoma (20%)_x000D__x000D_Juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma (20%)Classic has aura_x000D__x000D_Common: no aura, more commonHTN_x000D_Bradycardia_x000D_Irregular respiration

  • Causes of Location ofPineal gland or suprasellar region


    Male predo

    Two peaks o

    Obesity_x000D_Meds (Vit A, tetracycline, OCPs, steroids)_x000D_Metabolic disorders (galactosemia, hypoPTH)_x000D_Infection (sinusitis, OM)

    Infratentorial: cerebellar signs, signs of raised ICP_x000D__x000D_Supratentorial: focal motor and sensory abnl on opposite side of lesionMedulloblastoma_x000D_EpendymomaFirst decade_x000D_8th decade

  • Ages where

    Who does po


    Examples ofAge of neu6mo to 3yo

    Supra < 2yo_x000D_Infa in kids_x000D_Supra in adolescents/adults

    13 yo_x000D_Several wks after viral infection (varicella, coxsackie)_x000D_CSF w/ pleocytosis, high protMumps_x000D_Enterovirus_x000D_EBV_x000D_Bacterial meningitis pathogensAlcohol_x000D_Anticonvulsants_x000D__x000D_Often get dysmetria and nystagmus also

  • Initial wor

    Murmurs as

    When is a V

    EKG changeWhen are APreschool age

    Most commo

    What does S

    D_EKG_x000D_(save echo for later)stenosis_x000D_Coarctation_x000D_PDA_x000D_VSD

    Days to weeks of age_x000D_ occurs as pulmonary resistance decreasesLarge: RVH and upright T wave in V1_x000D_Moderate: LVH_x000D_Small: nlInnocent murmur_x000D_37 yoMusical/vibratory_x000D_Best heard LLSB, supine_x000D_37 yo

  • Digoxin and

    Most commo

    ComplicatiHow long af24 wks after GI or GU infectionWhat actionInternal rotationHow is painBy opening the hip capsule (hold hip in flexion and external rotation)Key way to Elevated ESR, CRP in septic arthritis (can wait for lab values before doing joint tap if low suspicion)

    Symptoms of CHF_x000D__x000D_ Digoxin: not good for VSD

    SCFE_x000D__x000D_ posterior displacement of capital femoral epiphysis from femoral neck through cartilage growth plate

    Femoral head deformity_x000D_Degenerative arthritis_x000D__x000D_often in boys 410 yo

  • What worse

    Time of ESR

    Weight bearing_x000D__x000D_Pain is NOT position dependent (like in septic arthritis or transient synovitis)

    ESR: remains elevated for weeks after improvement_x000D__x000D_CRP: elevated 46 hrs after initial insult, peaks at 3650 hrs, and returns to normal after 37 days

  • 3 reasons k


    Dx of diabeMost commoCerebral edema

    1. Higher SA to body mass ratio_x000D_2. Higher basal metabolic rate_x000D_3. Higher percentage of body weight that's water1. Random BS > 200_x000D_2. pH < 7.3 or HCO3 < 15_x000D_3. Modlg ketonuria or ketonemiaglucose > 200_x000D_2. Fasting > 126_x000D_3. 2hr GTT > 200_x000D_4. HbA1c > 6.5

  • Replacemen

    Cause of is

    Hyponatremia: replacement can cause central pontine myelinolysis_x000D__x000D_Hypernatremia: replacement can cause cerebral edema

    Iso: AGE, diarrhea_x000D_Hypo: adrenal insufficiency_x000D_Hyper: breastfeeding failure, DI, inappropriate rehydration solutions

  • Risk factor

    Other Abs Sodium conc4550 mEq/LWhere's theBlood in stool but not in vomit

    High BUN_x000D_Acidosis with hypocapnia_x000D_Attenuated rise in Na+ with treatment_x000D_Admin of bicarb

    Antipancreatic (Anti insulin, GAD, IA2)_x000D_Autoimmune thyroiditis and celiac_x000D__x000D_DON'T check TFTs (can be elevated due to nonthyroidal illness)

  • Current jellElectrolyteHypochloremic, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosisTime of pre312 weeks

    Order of ex

    Most importAppearanceBulging, yellow, poorly mobile

    Bacterial c

    Intussusception_x000D__x000D_ also bilious emesis, crampy abd pain, and sausage mass on exam

    obs_x000D_2. Eyes_x000D_3. CV/Lungs/Abd_x000D_4. Ears/oral cavityMobility and Position_x000D__x000D_ Also color, translucency, and other

    1/2. S. pneumo/Nontypeable H. inf_x000D_3. M. catarrhalis_x000D_4. S. pyogenes

  • Who do we tKid with fever > 39C or moderate to severe otalgia


    Use of conv

    Which hear


    VRA: good 6 mo to 2.5 yo, not ear specific_x000D__x000D_Conventional: > 4yo, frequencyspecific

    Otoacoustic emissions (OAE)_x000D__x000D_ measure cochlear fxn in response to presentation of stimulus

  • Findings as

    Who to use

    Bullous myringitis_x000D_Radial vascular dilation (bicyclespoke distribution)_x000D_Marked erythema with cobblestone" appearance of TM"

    Abx: < 6mo, 6mo to 2 yr: if certain dx or severe disease, >2 yo with severe illness_x000D__x000D_No abx: 6mo to 2yr with uncertain dx, > 2yo without severe illness

  • Who should Test for 0 Denver II

    ComplicatiCause of RUFitzHughCurtisWhat shouldBear down as you enter the rectum to relax the external sphincter

    Effusion > 3mo_x000D_If nl, follow q36mo_x000D_If not, consider bilateral myringotomy with tube placement

    Permanent sensory neural hearing loss (SNHL)_x000D_Tympanosclerosis_x000D_Adhesive otitis media_x000D_Cholesteatoma_x000D_TM perforation_x000D_Mastoiditis, Labyrinthitis, Meningitis_x000D_Epidural/brain abscess

  • PresentatioUse of CT fAbscesses and AppendicitisUse of US iPID, tuboovarian abscess (TOA)

    Use of bari

    Use of KUB What causeBacteria spills from uterus, tracks along paracolic gutter, and causes inflammation of the hepatic capsule and diaphragm

    Immediate What can beOctreotide

  • EKG findin

    2 causes o

    2 types of

    Wide complex tachycardia_x000D_ inc PR interval_x000D_ QRS widening_x000D_ QT interval prolongation

    Myocardial depression of Na+ channels_x000D__x000D_Alpha1 blockPallid (acyanotic): associated with fall_x000D__x000D_Cyanotic: associated with anger_x000D__x000D_ occurs 6mo to 6yr

  • Time period

    Time of SID

    Other nameFracture thToddler's fracture: fracture of tibia in walking childrenPosterior r Squeezing baby's thorax (shaken baby syndrome)What's the 4mo: 25% of weight is fat

    When is the

    What can ca

    Several hours > 5 nights/week_x000D__x000D_Age: > 2 wks, peaks at 6 wks, lessens by 34 moSIDS: most are midnight to 6am_x000D__x000D_ALTE: most are 8am8pm

    Congenital dermal melanocytoses_x000D__x000D_Slate gray patches

    9 weeks_x000D_Hgb 11_x000D_Then starts to rise afterAdrenal insufficiency_x000D_Hypothyroidism

  • Screening v

    What percen

    Screening (newborn): detects immunoreactive trypsinogen in blood_x000D__x000D_Confirmatory = genotyping for specific mutations

    8590%_x000D_aka 1015% don't have it (they have normal weight gain, normal stools)

  • Pain scalesMost commoFunctional abdominal pain

    First signs What percen50% are guiac positive

    FLACC (face, legs, activity, cry, consolability) for nonverbal kids_x000D__x000D_FACES: for 38 yo_x000D__x000D_010 scale: > 8 yo

    Slowing of weight gain (or especially weight loss)_x000D__x000D_Change in height velocity suggests more long standing illness

  • 2 problemsAre crypt UC

    2 studies t

    2 characterDoes UC orCD

    1. Contrast delays potential colonoscopy_x000D__x000D_2. Increased risk of toxic megacolon with UC

    Upper GI study_x000D_Colonoscopy

    1. Cobblestoning_x000D_2. Separation from nearby loops (bowel wall thickening)

  • Treatments

    When do youMost varia LanguageWhen does 9, 18, and 30 months

    What cause

    How long do

    1st line: aminosalicylates (mesalamine)_x000D_> Corticosteroids, abx (cipro, metro), immunomodulators (6MP, MTX), antiTNF

    age 2_x000D__x000D_premature infants should catch up by then

    Internal tibial torsion_x000D_ common in childhood, resolves with growth8 yrs_x000D_ can have flat feet until then

  • When does cWhen do yo18 and 24 months

    3 realms of

    Which types


    yo_x000D_ heel strike present

    1. Social interaction_x000D_2. Communication_x000D_3. Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns

    Neurodegenerative disease_x000D_Psychosocial

    Heterogeneous group of nonprogressive disorders_x000D_ motor and postural dysfunction

  • Risk factor

    Sequence of


    asphyxia (10%)_x000D_Intrauterine infection (28%)_x000D_Prematurity (78%)_x000D_IUGR (34%)Extraretinal fibrovascular proliferation_x000D_Detachment_x000D_Blindness/visual impairment_x000D__x000D_ risk: BW < 1500g

    Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL)_x000D_ damage from hypoxia, ischemia, inflammation

  • Complicatio

    2 surgeriesCause of galHemolytic anemia > bilirubin gallstones > cholelithiasis > cholecystitis

    Which sickl

    PCV23 is g

    Abnl motor development (choreoathetoid cerebral palsy)_x000D_Sensorineural hearing lossTonsillectomy_x000D_Cholecystectomy

    Age 2 mo to 56 yrs_x000D_ oral penicillin BIDPts with sickle cell get PCV23_x000D__x000D_ 2yo and then repeat 35 yr later_x000D_ same schedule for meningococcal

  • 2 things th

    Who gets t

    Causes of i

    1. Myelosuppression by viruses (parvovirus)_x000D_2. Hypersplenism (spleen enlarges and traps RBCs)Sickle cell pts between 215 yo_x000D_ determine risk of stroke (10% risk by 15 yo)

    Chronic anemia_x000D_Poor nutrition_x000D_Painful crises_x000D_Endocrine dysfunction_x000D_Poor pulmonary function

  • What happenBaseline Hg69Treatment ofIVF and IV narcotics

    Peak time o

    Most common

    Becomes progressively fibrotic and no longer palpable by age 46_x000D__x000D_Hgb SC or Sbetathal can have splenic enlargement into adolescence

    Age 46 yo_x000D_ tonsils can be mildly enlarged during this time

    Spontaneous peritonitis_x000D_ often S. pneumo or GNRs

  • Management

    What are p

    1. Albumin infusion_x000D_2. IV furosemide_x000D_3. Corticosteroids (taper over wks)_x000D_4. Sodium restriction (15002000 mg/d)

    Venous thrombosis_x000D_ urinary loss of anticoagulants, lipids destabilize platelets, inc fibrinogen, inc blood viscosity (high Hct)

  • 4 categoriPID and TOAUltrasoundChronic abdBarium studyWho needs Kids younger than 68 wks

    What is the

    Steroid responsive_x000D_Relapsing_x000D_Steroiddependent_x000D_Resistant (> bx)

    Cold extremities_x000D_(pt can be cold with adequate circulation)

  • What do thWhat's a prVasoconstriction can make it difficult to get a good pulse ox measurement

    Next line oProphylaxi Rifampin, cipro, or ceftriaxone

    D: disability (quick neuro assessment ICP, toxidromes, etc) and dextrose (check for hypoglycemia)_x000D__x000D_E: exposure/environment (expose all parts of pt, keep pt warm)

    Intraosseus line_x000D_ if peripheral IV can't be placed in 90 seconds_x000D_ central line also acceptable in older kid or adult

  • Complicati

    Problem wit


    1119% get complications:_x000D_ hearing loss_x000D_ neuro disability_x000D_ digit/limb amputations_x000D_ skin scar

    Doesn't eliminate carrier state._x000D_ Need rifampin (kids, young adults) or cipro (adults) or 57 d ceftriaxone to eliminate carrier stateesis imperfecta_x000D_Fracture_x000D_Recently used site_x000D_Infection

  • Complicatio

    Actions of


    Fracture_x000D_Fluid into subQ (> compartment syndrome)_x000D_Osteomyelitis_x000D_Microscopic fat, BM emboli

    Inhibit reuptake of NE_x000D_Antagonize ACh (> hypotension), Na+ channels (> dysrhythmias), and GABA (> seizure)Mydriasis_x000D_Fever_x000D_Diaphoresis_x000D_Tachycardia_x000D_Agitation_x000D_SZ

  • Opioid tox



    00D_Resp depression_x000D_Hypotension_x000D_Bradycardia_x000D_Hypothermia_x000D_AMS

    Miosis OR mydriasis_x000D_Hypotension_x000D_Bradycardia_x000D_Hypothermia_x000D_SedationDry skin_x000D_Flushing_x000D_Tachycardia_x000D_Ileus_x000D_Urinary retention_x000D_Fever_x000D_Delirium, SZ

  • Cholinergic

    What is giv

    0D_Sweating_x000D_Urinating_x000D_Bronchorrhea_x000D_Bronchospasm_x000D_Muscle twitch_x000D_Bradycardia_x000D_SZ, coma

    Cathartics_x000D_ charcoal helps absorb the toxins and cathartics accelerate defecation

  • Series of e

    Best tests

    Amenorrhea_x000D_Bradycardia_x000D_Postural hypotension_x000D_Electrolyte abnormalities_x000D_Continued deficiency of Ca, Mg_x000D_Neuro changes, increased reflex tone, compromised cardiac function

    Platelet function tests_x000D_Factor VIII activity_x000D_vWf antigen and activity (Ristocetin)_x000D_aPTT (but can be normal, other tests are better)

  • Genetics o

    Meds to tr

    Most commo

    When does f

    Autosomal dominant with variable penetrance: Type 1 and 2_x000D__x000D_Autosomal recessive: Type 3

    Intranasal or IV desmopressin_x000D_vWF_x000D_OCPs/levonorgestrel IUD (for menorrhagia)von Willebrand's disease_x000D_ 1% of population

    Usually 2472 hours after_x000D__x000D_MMR and Varicella: can be 710d after

  • 3 clinical tMost commoS. pneumoHow common present in 35% of 336mo with fever


    1. Kernig's: resist knee extension_x000D_2. Brudzinski's: flex hip/knee in response to neck flexion_x000D_3. Opisthotonos: hyperextension of neck and spine_x000D__x000D_ often NOT positive in infants

  • Who doesn't

    Treatment oWho shouldAfter second febrile UTI or with concerning findings on renal/bladder ultrasoundWho shouldPts who don't respond to txHow prevalPresent in 2550% of infants following first UTI

    Kids 1 yo)_x000D_TMPSMX: good

  • Management

    Benefit of

    Most common type_x000D_ most often resolves spontaneously in 25 yrs_x000D_ PCP can follow (whereas grade 35 needs to be referred to urology)

    Exposes pt to smaller doses of radiation than VCUG_x000D_ preferred imaging study to follow pts with VUR

  • What percen

    Sequelae o

    What is gru

    Signs and c

    Only 1030%_x000D_ some just have fever and irritability_x000D_ most common in 10 mo 3 yrIncreased caloric requirement_x000D_Illness_x000D_Neuro disease

    Respiratory distress_x000D_ closure of glottis with expiration

    Chest drawn in with inspiration, abd rises_x000D_ Force of contraction from diaphragm >> ability of chest wall muscles to expand

  • Sounds withSounds froRhonchi

    Cause of fiWhat shoulObtain imaging (xray or fluoroscopy) firstDynamic evaChest fluoroscopy

    Two manifes

    Above: stridor_x000D__x000D_Below: wheezing

    Coarse: purulent secretions in alveoli_x000D__x000D_Fine: pulmonary edema, interstitial disease

    Partial obstruction: get air trapping/hyperinflation_x000D__x000D_Complete obstruction: get atelectasis, signs of volume loss of xray (mediastinal shift)

  • Most consi

    Findings o

    Standard ka

    Purpose of

    Which vacci

    #1 finding = Hypotonia_x000D_ small ears are also common

    Nuchal skin thickness_x000D_Nasal bone ossification_x000D_Growth parameters

    Lymphocyte karyotype_x000D_ easier than skin fibroblasts

    Infancy: leukemoid rxn, transient myeloproliferative disorders (TMD)_x000D__x000D_> 1 yo: iron deficiency anemiaTdap_x000D_Meningococcal

  • Methods of

    CharacterizTanner stagStage 4Tanner stagStage 2Tanner stagStage 3Differentia Costochondritis: lasts hrs to days (compared to seconds to minutes)

    Symptoms o

    Total body water_x000D_Total body potassium_x000D_Bioelectrical impedance_x000D_Dualenergy xray absorptiometrysporadic onset, sharp_x000D_Location: LSB_x000D_Exacerbated by deep inspiration_x000D_Lasts sec to min_x000D_Resolves spontaneously


  • Erythema m

    Common timSelenium suTinea versicolorTreatment oPO griseofulvin, 68 wks

    Zinc oxide Strength ofClobetasol > Betamethasone > triamcinolone > hydrocortisoneLocation of Folliculitis often below waste/groin

    Dusky red macules > wheals > target lesions > fixed for 13 wks_x000D__x000D_Most common with HSV, meds

    Diaper dermatitis, 710 mo (can also have satellite lesions)_x000D__x000D_Tx: nystatin or imidazole antifungals

    Irritant dermatitis_x000D__x000D_ spares intertriginous creases

  • PseudofolliRadiographMass with central ring of hypoattenuation (mesenteric fat in intussusceptum)

    Most commoWhat is smaConstitutional factors maternal ethnicity, parity, weight, height

    3 risks forPresentatioRuddy"/red color to skinRespiratory distressPoor feedingHypoglycemiaSluggish blood flow"

    Papules NOT pustules_x000D_ distinguish from acne by presence of inflammation

    000D_65% colicky abd pain_x000D_25% renal involvement_x000D_510% intussusception


  • Symmetric

    5 basics of

    What perce

    Symmetric: both head and abd circumference decreased proportionately_x000D__x000D_Asymmetric: greater decrease in abd than head (head sparing phenomenon")"D_Warm (large SA/V)_x000D_Position_x000D_Suction_x000D_Stimulate (vigorous cry)

    30% of newborns_x000D_10% of 12 mo_x000D__x000D_Often palpable 12cm below L costal margin

  • Most commo

    5 types of

    > 90% have no clinical evidence of disease as newborns_x000D__x000D_But 40% are SGA, 30% preterm, 25% of males have inguinal hernias

    Lubrication_x000D_Antiinflammatories_x000D_Topical hydrocortisone_x000D_Antihistamines (sedating and non)_x000D_Calcineurin inhibitors

  • 2 things to

    2 metabolic

    Severe maniSigns of keOpisthotonus, rigidity, oculomotor paralysis, tremor, hearing loss, ataxia

    When and ho

    Stop bottle feeding by 1215 mo_x000D__x000D_Fluoride (promotes remineralization of Ca into enamel)Galactosemia_x000D__x000D_HypothyroidismLose suck reflex_x000D_Lethargy_x000D_Irritability_x000D_Seizures_x000D_Deathwks_x000D_Direct hyperbili (progressive)_x000D_Acholic stools

  • How does j

    Optimal ti

    Time of bre

    Cephalocaudal direction_x000D_ 45 at face, 1015 below knees_x000D_ dermal zones often underestimate true level though

    >/= 24 hrs after birth_x000D_ earlier: might miss PKU and other metabolic disorders that require accumulation

    Breast feeding: early 1st week_x000D__x000D_Breast milk: first 47d, peaks 1014d, can last up to 12 wks

  • Is PE commNO. Often only occurs with underlying clotting disorder or placement of central venous catheter

    Is prematur

    Are APGAR s

    Small, appr

    NO_x000D__x000D_TTN: more common in term babies_x000D_ risks: mother with DM, C/S delivery

    NO_x000D__x000D_ Documented asphyxia is correlated with neuro outcome. Check cord arterial blood gas for acidosis.SGA: < 10th %_x000D_AGA: 1090th %_x000D_LGA: > 90th %

  • Complicati

    What is Tra

    Causes of Which cardiTransposition of the great arteries (TGA)

    clavicle_x000D_Brachial plexus injury_x000D_Facial nerve palsy_x000D_Complications of C/S, forceps, and vacuum_x000D_Hypoglycemia

    Delayed absorption of pulmonary fluid_x000D_ aka persistent postnatal pulmonary edema.

    Meconium aspiration syndrome_x000D_Diaphragmatic hernia_x000D_Hypoplastic lungs_x000D_In utero asphyxia

  • Best indicaRelationshiBabies with RR > 80 often can't tolerate oral or NG feeds and need IV nutrition

    HypoglycemiWhat can haRebound hypoglycemia 12 hrs after

    When are el

    Major malformations are directly related to the FirstTrimester HbA1C level_x000D_ HbA1C levels >12: 12x risk

    < 35 if asymptomatic_x000D__x000D_< 45 if symptomatic

    After 1224 hours_x000D__x000D_ sooner: indicative of mother's status and any medications administered

  • What are th

    What is anDistinguishJitteriness: stimulussensitive movements, generalized symmetric

    Breech position: 3050% of DDH cases occur in infants born in the breech position._x000D_ Gender: 9:1 female predominance._x000D_ Family history.

    Myelopathic signs/sx for atlantoaxial instability_x000D_ importance of cervical spine positioning during procedures

  • Risks of hoDefinition > 65%

    When does

    Causes of l

    Neonatal tetanus_x000D_Omphalitis_x000D_Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn (with no Vitamin K)

    12 days_x000D_ sx due to protein in breast milk or formula > poor feeding, lethargy, and vomiting

    Skeletal disorders (rickets, osteogenesis imperfecta)_x000D_Chromosomal abnl (Down)_x000D_Hypothyroid_x000D_Malnutrition_x000D_ICP

  • Causes of p

    Later symp

    Most commo

    Risk of aduPsychiatricODD/CD

    When to sta

    Microcephaly_x000D_Craniosynostosis_x000D_Hyperthyroidism_x000D_Nl variantLarge tongue_x000D_Hoarse cry_x000D_Puffy myxedematous faciesmo_x000D_poor suck and weak cry20% of obese 4 yo_x000D_80% of obese adolescents

    Vision: start 3 yr_x000D__x000D_Hearing: newborns, then resume at 4 mo

  • Sequelae of

    When to su

    Who and ho

    Sleep apnea (7% of overweight)_x000D_Dyslipidemia_x000D_HTN (33% of obese)_x000D_Nonalcoholic fatty liverIn young kids_x000D__x000D_> 6 yo: most is primary

    > 10 yo or puberty onset_x000D_q2 yr with fasting serum glucose_x000D__x000D_ overweight, FH, race/ethnicity, insulin resistance (AN, PCOS, HTN, dyslipid)

  • Car seat ru

    Causes of a

    Times of ad

    Times of adTimes of ad12 mo, second dose 6 months after and before 2nd birthday

    Times of ad

    Times of a

    < 2 yo: rear facing car seat_x000D_24 yo: forward facing car seat_x000D_48 yo: belt booster seatCataracts_x000D_Glaucoma_x000D_Retinoblastoma_x000D_Chorioretinitis0, 1, 6 mo_x000D__x000D_3 times2, 4, 6 mo_x000D__x000D_3 times

    yr_x000D__x000D_2 times_x000D_ same as MMR1 yr and 46 yr_x000D__x000D_2 times_x000D_ same as Varicella

  • Times of ad

    Times of ad

    Times of ad

    Times of ad

    2, 4, 6 mo, 46 yr_x000D__x000D_4 timesD__x000D_4 times_x000D_ same as HibD__x000D_4 times_x000D_ same as PCV2, 4, 6, 15mo, 46 yr_x000D__x000D_5 times_x000D_ start getting Tdap 1112 yo

  • Elevated ESR, CRP in septic arthritis (can wait for lab values before doing joint tap if low suspicion)

  • Bacteria spills from uterus, tracks along paracolic gutter, and causes inflammation of the hepatic capsule and diaphragm

  • Hemolytic anemia > bilirubin gallstones > cholelithiasis > cholecystitis

  • After second febrile UTI or with concerning findings on renal/bladder ultrasound

  • Mass with central ring of hypoattenuation (mesenteric fat in intussusceptum)

  • NO. Often only occurs with underlying clotting disorder or placement of central venous catheter

  • Babies with RR > 80 often can't tolerate oral or NG feeds and need IV nutrition

  • csv-export

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