Page 1: Class Interaction is About Students Having an Active Discussion During Class

Class interaction is about students having an active discussion during

class. Interactions occur both between students with no teacher present, and

with the teacher who probes student thinking among the whole group. There are

many ways on how to communicate with students, especially in the classroom.In

general a teacher plays a major role towards having good interaction in the

classroom. Whether by small groups or whole-class discussion, teachers can do

much to create an interactive classroom.

The first and foremost rule is to create a friendly environment. Teachers

should invest some class time in learning students' names, asking about other

classes, inquiring about students' lives outside college, or sharing something

about their own. These informal interactions offer a chance to use facilitative

responses. It may seem like time consuming , but studies indicate that this kind

of hospitality pays off in higher student achievement.

Then it’s the teachers role to make sure that the students understands

each and every instruction and orders that he has given to them.As in certain

cases there are teachers who speak too softly or they may face problems in

pronouncing certain words .This may create a scene and students may loose

their interest due to the weak communication . In which leads to a serious

communication breakdown in between the teacher and the students .

Another important issue that a teacher should take into consideration is to

make sure that he or she pays the same amount of attention to all the students I

a classroom and there is no any form of favouritism among their students .All

students must be given an opportunity to ask or to express their views in the

classroom.In certain cases there are teachers who prefers only his or her

favourite students to awnser or give any form of feedback towards the lesson that

has be carried out.This creates an unpleasant feeling among the other students

and it creates dissatification among them and another communication


Page 2: Class Interaction is About Students Having an Active Discussion During Class

One more issue that may effect the communication in the classroom is the

way a teacher reacts towards any form of situation that takes place in the class .If

the teaher has a positive method in handling situation,then the students will not

hesitate to communicate in the class.Obviously,when a teacher has managed to

catch their students interest and attention,the classroom would be a great place

to be in and there will be no any form of communication breakdown in between

teacher and students .

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