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Class 14Patterns & diversity in our Solar System

Kinematics of the solar system

Comparative planetology

I : The kinematics of the Solar System

We have learned about the laws of physics (motion andgravity) which explain… Why planets move in elliptical orbits (with Sun at one of

the foci of the ellipse), How the velocity of the planet changes as it orbits the Sun, How the period of the orbit depends on the semi-major

axis of the orbit But there are other patterns in the kinematics that are

not explained by these basics physical laws… All planetary orbits are almost circular All planetary orbits lie in the same plane (within a few

degrees) All planets orbit the Sun in the same sense Most of the planets (apart from Venus & Uranus) rotate in

the same sense as they orbit These patterns must be imprints of the way the solar

system formed…

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II : The basics of comparative planetology

What kinds of comparisons can we make? Size and mass ⇒ density Properties of the surface Properties of the atmosphere Presence/properties of any satellites Magnetic fields

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Size, mass and density…

Radius r of a planet is trivially determined… ifwe measure the angular diameter of planet tobe θ, then its radius is r=θD/2 (D=distance toplanet from Earth)

Mass M of a planet is determined by applyingNewton’s laws to either a satellite of the planetor a passing spacecraft

Then the average density of the planet is

Planets fall into two groups…

Terrestrial (Earth-like) planets Small (diameters 4,880km - 12,756km) Close to Sun (0.39AU - 1.52AU) High density (3934 - 5515kg/m3) Contains significant amount of dense elements (e.g. iron) Have hard surfaces with relatively thin atmospheres

Gas giant (Jupiter-like) planets Large (diameters 49,582km - 142,984km) Far from Sun (5.2AU - 30AU) Low density (687 - 1638 kg/m3) Composed primarily of light elements (H and He) Vast majority of planet is gaseous… no hard surface

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A few other ingredients we need to know about…

Asteroids Rocky objects orbiting Sun… most are between orbit of Mars

and Jupiter (Asteroid Belt) Largest has diameter 1000km (Ceres); most are much smaller Some have orbits that cross planetary orbits (including Earth’s)

Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) Icy objects orbiting Sun beyond orbit of Neptune Most of them are in the Kuiper Belt (30-50AU) Largest one is Eris, most famous is Pluto

Comets TNOs whose orbit has been disturbed, sending them plunging

inwards towards Sun Ices start to vaporize when they are close to Sun

433 Eros

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Properties of the surfaces(Terrestrial planets only)

Planets can be struck by asteroids or comets Collisions were very common in the early solar system But they occurs even now… All terrestrial planets and satellites display the marks of

these impacts, craters

Very different degree of cratering found on the differentplanets… for example The Moon and Mercury are very heavily cratered Earth and Venus show far fewer craters Mars is in-between

Why the differences? Thought to be due to thepresence or absence of geological activity.

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Barringer Crater (also called Meteor Crater)Arizona (Earth)

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Yablochkina Crater on Venus(63km diameter)

There is a pattern here… the largerterrestrial planets have fewer craters The lack of cratering indicates geological

activity… plate tectonics, volcanoes etc. In turn… geological activity indicates a hot,

molten interior Makes sense… larger planets are able to

retain their internal heat for longer than asmaller planet

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Magnetic fields

A planets magnetic field gives us moreinformation on the interior structure

Earth’s magnetic field “dipole” form (same as bar magnetic) Due to currents flowing in the molten

interior of the Earth… forms a “dynamo” Lesson… the presence of a global (dipole)

magnetic field signals the presence ofelectrical currents in a fluid interior

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Diversity of magnetic properties Mercury

No global field (no fluid interior) But signs of “relic” magnetization in surface rocks

Venus No global field (despite fluid interior!) Maybe rotates too slowly?

Earth Moderate strength global field (fluid interior)

Mars No global field (no fluid interior)

Jupiter and Saturn Strong global field Currents generating field are produced in the

“metallic hydrogen” in the core

Uranus and Neptune Moderate global field Currents generating field are flowing in liquid

water containing dissolved ions

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