
Cities 101 Florida League of Cities Conference August 11, 2011 Presented by Robert E. Lee, DPA, ICMA-CM Professor of Practice, Senior Executive in Residence and Executive Director of the Center for Florida Local Government Excellence at Florida State University Florida League of Cities Conference August 11, 2011 Presented by Robert E. Lee, DPA, ICMA-CM Professor of Practice, Senior Executive in Residence and Executive Director of the Center for Florida Local Government Excellence at Florida State University Florida Municipal Powers Florida Constitution U.S. Constitution Florida State Statutes Regulatory Agencies City Charter City Ordinances Florida Local Governments Cities School Boards Counties Special Districts Council/Manager Council or Commission Hybrid forms of Government Forms of Local Government Strong Mayor/ Council Remember when you are dealing with people you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotions... Dale Carnegie Truth is not determined by majority vote. Doug Gwyn

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