Page 1: Circus Field brief3 - March 09 revision Ver · 2011-04-05 · redevelopment project for the town. The bulk of the site
Page 2: Circus Field brief3 - March 09 revision Ver · 2011-04-05 · redevelopment project for the town. The bulk of the site
Page 3: Circus Field brief3 - March 09 revision Ver · 2011-04-05 · redevelopment project for the town. The bulk of the site

Circus Field Development Introduction

1. Aylesbury Waterside is a major mixed use redevelopment project for the town. The bulk of the site lies either side of Exchange Street extending from the existing Hale Leys Shopping Centre to the Aylesbury Arm of the Grand Union Canal. Associated with the Exchange Street redevelopment are two further development sites; a site for housing, new multi storey car park and social club off Walton Street and a site for mixed use development including a canal-basin at Circus Field (off Oakfield Road/Stocklake).

2. The sites are allocated in the adopted (January 2004) Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan. Saved policy AY.11 of the Local Plan relates to Circus Field and encourages a comprehensive approach to the development of the site, including a canal basin.

3. The recently published draft Core Strategy, which will form part of the Aylesbury Vale Local Development Framework when adopted, sets out the overall strategy for development within Aylesbury Vale up until 2026

4. These revised guidelines include updated advice with regard to community involvement, highways, leisure/ecology/open space, contamination, air quality, affordable housing and sustainable construction.

5. The purpose of these guidelines is to:

• illustrate the Council’s planning vision and aspirations for the site

• promote high quality design of the public realm

• provide guidance on achieving a high quality, mixed use, accessible, sustainable form of development

• highlight site specific constraints and opportunities

• promote high standards of layout and design

• set out principles for the production of the scheme submission.

Waterside Planning and Design Guidelines

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Site Description

6. Circus Field lies on the eastern outskirts of Aylesbury. It is bounded to the west by Oakfield Road, to the south by the Aylesbury Arm of the Grand Union Canal, to the north by Stocklake, and to the east by agricultural land. The land is raised slightly above the adjoining roadway, Stocklake, as a result of the deposition of building demolition rubble in the 1960s. A watercourse and deep hedgerow adjoin the Stocklake frontage, whilst pockets of trees front onto the Oakfield Road bridge embankment. A field drain forms the eastern boundary; the boundary to the canal is open save for two pockets of recently planted trees.

Neighbouring uses

7. Askey’s factory (across the Oakfield Road) lies to the west, the Grand Union Canal (with open space and housing immediately to the south), agricultural land to the east, and the biological notification site of ‘Three Ponds Meadow to the north


8. Except for a strip of land alongside the Canal owned by British Waterways the remainder of Circus Field is owned by Aylesbury Vale District Council.

Plan showing location of Circus Field Aylesbury Growth Arc

9. Regional planning policy identifies Aylesbury town as a growth hub and accordingly the Council has to plan for this and make appropriate allocations. A significant amount of greenfield land to the east of Aylesbury has been identified as the most suitable location for the majority of growth that Aylesbury has to accommodate.

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10. The growth arc allocated within the Core Strategy consists of three Strategic Development Areas, one of which, the SDA East immediately adjoins the Circus Field site. The SDA East proposes the development of 2, 450 dwellings located to the west of the proposed eastern link road, which is proposed to run from the A418 near Hulcott turn to the A41 roundabout at the western end of the Aston Clinton bypass.

11. Allied to this will be a proposed highway connection from the eastern link road to Oakfield Road (Stocklake link); the precise route of this road has yet to be determined however, it may have a major impact upon the ecological sites adjoining Circus Field. To counter this significant areas of mitigation have been included within the eastern SDA consisting of land to the east of the proposed link road and land adjoining the Grand Union Canal.

12. With regard to managing flood risk, modelling results for the eastern SDA have shown that it would be possible to not only match current run off rates, but reduce the run off rate from the site by providing on site storage and attenuation. It is likely that the run off volume will increase due to increased impermeable surface coverage but the application of SUDS and other systems should be able to provide sufficient storage so that peak run off rate is reduced and the volume of water is released at a much slower rate than that of greenfield run off rates.

Development Principles

Highways and ALUTS

13. Buckinghamshire County Council, as highway authority, has indicated that there will be a need for traffic signals at both Stocklake junctions with Oakfield Road, which should include pedestrian crossing facilities. However, a Transport Assessment will be required to identify the full effects on the highway network and the necessary mitigation measures needed. Alternative measures may need to be considered should the line of the proposed eastern link road be finalised together with the proposed Stocklake link prior to this site being developed.

14. Two points of access from Stocklake into the Circus Field site will be required; improvements to this section of Stocklake will be necessary to cater for the additional vehicular and pedestrian traffic generated from and to this site. The western most access will need to take account of the needs of the proposed boat basin.

15. Highway design will need to be in line with current best practice and allow for buses to enter the site. Proposals should include plans for the improvement of, and addition to, pedestrian and cycle links from Circus Field; these will need to take advantage of the direct link that the canal towpath allows into the town centre and the rest of the Waterside development. In this respect the possibility of providing a bridge link across the canal from the Circus Field to the towpath and

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adjoining open space should be explored. Whilst the existing Oakfield Road bridge embankments are considered too steep for new footpaths and cycleway links there is the possibility of forming a link for this purpose at the north west corner of he site.

16. As part of the Aylesbury Land Use Transport Strategy (ALUTS), the Council has adopted supplementary planning guidance relating to developer contributions for non-MDA developments at Aylesbury (SPG4). This sets out thresholds for transport contributions based on the number of vehicle trips for a particular type of land use and the basis for their calculation. If appropriate these contributions will be secured through a POA.


17. A sustainable drainage system (SuDS) is encouraged, which incorporates appropriate elements of permeable surfacing, retention features and pollution control. Emphasis should be placed on infiltration wherever possible. Design of the site specific system should be in line with ‘CIRIA 522 Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems – Design Manual for England and Wales’ and will need to be considered at concept layout stage. Elements of the system may be integrated into the open space and landscape design.


Archaeology and Heritage

18. Circus Field is not within an Archaeological Notification Site.

Nature Conservation

19. Circus Field is located in an area abundant with biological interest. ‘Three Ponds Meadow’ immediately to the north of Circus Field is a County Wildlife Site rich in flora and fauna, and containing many county rare plant and animal species, including Great Crested Newts. This meadow is a biological notification site. The brook running along the northern boundary of Circus Field is also a biological notification site and acts as a movement corridor/breeding site for many species of birds, bats, and amphibians.

20. An ecological survey of the site and its immediate surroundings will be necessary; it is recommended that advice is sought prior to undertaking this study from the Council’s Biodiversity Officer.


21. The hedgerows surrounding Circus Field contain a significant number of Black Poplar (Populus nigra subsp. betulifolia). This is a rare species of tree, of which Aylesbury Vale District has a high proportion of the British population. Black Poplars are important

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features in the landscape of Aylesbury Vale; they also support a wide variety of wildlife such as birds and insects, and their importance is recognised by saved policy GP.40 of AVDLP.

22. A tree survey of Circus Field in accordance with "British Standard 5837: Trees in relation to construction - recommendations" will therefore be required. Advice should be sought from the Council’s Green Spaces Team prior to undertaking this survey.


23. A full contaminated land assessment will be required which shall include a desk study detailing the history of the site and propose a site investigation strategy based on the relevant information identified in the desk study. A site investigation should also be undertaken and a report submitted detailing the investigative works and sampling on site, the results of analysis, risk assessment and proposed remediation strategy.

24. The work should be carried out in accordance with recognised best practice detailed in guidance documents such as CLR 2 Guidance on Preliminary Site Inspection of Contaminated Land (Environment Agency, 1994), CLR 11 Model Procedures (Environment Agency, 2004), BS 5930:1999 Code of Practice for Site Investigations, BS 10175:2001 Investigation of Potentially

Contaminated Site – Code of Practice and BS EN 1992-7:2007 Eurocode 7 Part 2: Ground Investigation and Testing.

Air Quality

25. If the proposed development will provide 50 or more parking spaces, an Air Quality Assessment will be required. The assessment should demonstrate the likely changes in air quality, or exposure to air pollutants, as a result of the proposed development. It should also consider the potential impact of emissions arising during the construction phase and propose appropriate measures to reduce and / or control these. Advice should be sought from the Council's Air Quality Officer prior to undertaking the assessment.

Canal Basin

26. There is a requirement for the development to provide for the operational and maintenance needs of the Canal Society. It is envisaged that residential short and long stay moorings in harmony with the intrinsic semi-rural setting and supported by boating facilities is appropriate in this location. All these works must be in accordance with British Waterways Board requirements. The siting and indicative area for the new basin is shown on Plan B.

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Secured by Design

27. Security and natural surveillance of both public and private areas should be integral to the design of both schemes. Proposals should accord with the Council’s SPG ‘Safety Through Design’, and the Thames Valley Police ‘Secured by Design’ standards. Early consultation with the Police Crime Prevention Design Advisor is recommended.

Car Parking

28. Parking and servicing should be in accordance with adopted SPG ‘Parking Guidelines’. Attention is also drawn to the English Partnerships publication ‘Parking – What Works Where’ in relation to scheme designs. Consideration should also be given to underground and/or undercroft parking where apartment blocks are proposed and/or where development would exceed a density of 50 dwellings per hectare.

Affordable Housing

29. Provision of affordable housing at this site has been the subject of previous negotiations and it has been agreed to provide 25% of the proposed development as social housing; the mix and tenure should be agreed with the Council’s Strategic Housing Team prior to submission of any planning application.

30. The mix of the private housing should reflect that needed at the time of submission of the planning application.

Open Space/Leisure

31. The Council normally requires open space to be provided as part of residential schemes in accordance with adopted supplementary guidance. However, it is recognised that in the case of Circus Field it will be appropriate for this provision to be off site due to the nature of the mixed use development proposed.

A contribution towards the future leisure needs within Aylesbury will need to be provided in accordance with adopted SPG ‘Sport and Leisure Facilities’. Funds will be used for appropriate capital works within the local area.

Sustainable development/construction

32. The Council expects and encourages developers of new housing developments to exceed minimum national/regional standards for residential and non residential buildings as set out in policy CS9 of the Core Strategy.


33. Buckinghamshire County Council may seek a financial contribution towards education provision in the town.

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Urban Design

34. The layout, form and detailed design of the development must reflect and interpret the best characteristics of Aylesbury and respond sensitively to local context including the Grand Union Canal, topography, existing trees and neighbouring built forms. Character and sense of place should be developed to relate to function, and the context of Aylesbury and the Grand Union Canal. The design of the development, including scale of buildings, skyline and roofscape are important considerations in ensuring that the development will successfully knit into the fabric of the town and enhance the canal corridor.

35. In this context design issues should have regard to advice contained within ‘By Design – Urban design in the planning system: towards better practice’ published by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) in 2000, and the ‘Urban Design Compendium 2’ published by English Partnerships and the Housing Corporation in 2007

The development will need to demonstrate that the criteria outlined in Building for Life (CABE 2008) have been fully incorporated into the design standards.

36. Local distinctiveness is a key element relating new development to its context. Development within this site should take reference from the distinctive features

of Aylesbury, particularly narrow plot frontages and vertical emphasis; there is an opportunity to replicate this distinct element at this site on the canal edge.

37. A contemporary interpretation of the canal/industrial aesthetic would be appropriate where new buildings front onto the Grand Union Canal; a contemporary interpretation of local distinctiveness would also considered appropriate for the proposed new housing within the site.

38. The development should aspire to create distinctive buildings that should be of high quality design and respond positively to the best characteristics of the built form of Aylesbury, as indicated in ‘By Design’. New buildings should respect the physical characteristics of the site and its surroundings, the building tradition, ordering, form and materials of Aylesbury. They should also respect the historic scale and context of the setting, the natural qualities and features of the area, and the effect on important public views.

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39. The new housing should be built in a series of perimeter blocks to allow maximum security to the rear of properties, and with all buildings fronting the public realm. Residential use along the canal edge will need to be provided with a clear indication of the transition between private and public space, to protect the privacy of residents.

40. Proposals should include plans for the improvement of, and addition to, pedestrian and cycle linkages from Circus Field to other areas including connections to the canal towpath, the open space between Oakfield and Northfield Roads, and the existing and proposed facilities within Aylesbury town centre.

41. The enhancement of the environment must be central to any proposals submitted for this site. Opportunities for partnership working with British Waterways, the local community, and interest groups should be explored. At this location it is considered important that the trees and hedgerows to the north and eastern boundaries of the site are retained, and if necessary reinforced, and should therefore form an integral part of the design and layout of the proposed development. New development should be sited at least 10m away from these areas to allow for satisfactory retention of wildlife habitats.

42. These guidelines are complementary to British Waterways own publication, ‘Waterspace Design and Planning Strategy’ which looks at the entire length of the Aylesbury Arm (from Aylesbury Basin east to Marsworth where it joins the main line of the Grand Union Canal). It provides a wealth of detailed information and outlines British Waterways vision and concept for the Aylesbury Arm. This document is available direct from British Waterways.

Storey Heights

43. Within Circus Field 2/2.5 storeys should be the maximum to complement the existing housing areas in Northfield Road, Wingate Walk, and Meadow Way. However, 3 storey buildings fronting onto the Grand Union Canal will be considered acceptable as this would be in keeping with canalside developments elsewhere and bring a ‘sense of place’ to this proposed development.

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Refuse Collection and Recycling

44. All developments shall be designed so that waste and recycling issues are taken full account of as part of the pre-planning application process. For further advice please refer to the Council’s Refuse and Recycling Requirements Advice Note for Developers published in November 2006 and available on the AVDC website.

Community Involvement and Consultation

45. One of the Council’s key aims is to achieve safe, active and healthy communities and provide accessible services. The adopted Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how and when people can become involved in the planning process, and covers both plan making and planning applications.

46. The SCI can be accessed via the Council’s website and gives advice on what form of pre - application community involvement should take in relation to developments of this nature.

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Three Ponds


Stocklake narrows

in this area




Stocklake Junction

with Oakfield Road



Open Space Open Space

Lack of connection

between towpath

and open space









Biological site

Site boundary

Biological notification site

Black Poplar


Crown copyright. All rights reserved.Aylesbury Vale District Council. LA 077046 2006


Important hedgerow

and trees














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Biological site

Site boundary

Wildlife habitat

protection zone


Crown copyright. All rights reserved.Aylesbury Vale District Council. LA 077046 2006


Active frontage


Indicative primary

circulation routesArea reserved

for canal basin

(indicative only)

Highway improvements to Stocklake

Pedestrian link AccessAccess




Stocklake Junction

with Oakfield Road



Stocklake narrows

in this area



Public open space




Public open space

Bear BrookGrand Union CanalAylesbury Arm

Three metre


with new


Possible bridge

link to connect

site to towpath

and open space

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Aylesbury Vale District Council

Development Control

Susan Kitchen Tel: 01296 585180


Roger Newall Tel: 01296 585403

Environmental Health

Deborah Ferady Tel: 01296 585621

(Contaminated Land Officer)

Emma Fuggles Tel: 01296 585148

(Air Quality Officer)

Design and Conservation

Paul Acton Tel: 01296 585366

(Urban Design)


Beryl Kemplen Tel: 01296 585336


Green Spaces

Matthew Dodds Tel: 01296 427972


Ian Hopcraft Tel: 01296 585368


Contract Services

Bob Bryant Tel: 01296 585500

(Operations Manager Refuse Collection)

Buckinghamshire County Council

All enquiries to -

James Fox Tel: 01296 382745

e – [email protected]

(Development Contributions Co-ordinator

Planning and Environment)

Thames Valley Police

Ian Carmichael Tel: 01296 621915

(Crime Prevention Design Advisor)

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