


SACRAMENTSReconciliationWeekdays:7:30am-7:50amSaturday:7:30am-7:50am 8:30am-9:30am 4:00pm-5:15pmMarriagecontactFr.RudolphBaptismcontacttheParishOf ice763-537-8401

CONTACTwww.straphaelcrystal.orgParishOf ice-763-537-8401Fr.MichaelRudolph,[email protected],[email protected] ice-763-504-9450



MassIntentionsMonday,March58:00am RaymondFerrianTuesday,March68:00am Therese & Clare KerkesWednesday,March78:00am RichardW.Cotter,Sr. 5:30pm John & Lorraine DegnanThursday,March88:00am Mrs. RobertsFriday,March98:00am Tom ArseneauSaturday,March108:00am Richard Co er5:30pm St. Raphael ParishionersSunday,March118:30amFr. Michael Rudolph 10:30amRosary Society

PLEASEPRAYFOR…. NorbMeier AndrewEisenzimmerEricaLauingerDelorisMalrichBobGuimondJimFossland.TomCorbett ClaraZupcoJoeNoe DavidMcMillenJohnMairura MaryLouWensmanToaddanamepleasecall763-537-8401x523.

READINGSFORTHEWEEK: Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30 Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23 Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17; Mk 12:28-34 Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14 Sunday: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23; Ps 137:1-6; Eph 2:4-10; Jn 3:14-21 Alternate readings (Year A): 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]

Pastoral Council: Dale Hoffmann, Julie Smith, Sharon Hedman, Kevin Matzek, Mike Vecellio, Tom Cotter, and Betty Kreuter

Pastoral Council Meetings: The next Pastoral Council mee ng is on March 13, 2018. If you would like a par cular item on the Council agenda, please contact Fr. Rudolph.

ParishDirectoryParishOf ice763-537-8401PRIESTSPastor,Fr.MichaelRudolphx205ParochialVicar,Fr.RobertAltierx206PARISHADMINISTRATIONBusinessAdministrator,GinnyMetzgerx202Bookkeeper,CarrieNellex222SocialNeedsCoordinator,BunnyArseneaux214AnnulmentInquiry,x522CrisisPregnancyHotline,x500FAITHFORMATIONFaithFormationCoordinator,MikeGerads,x211YouthMinistry&Con irmationCoordinator,AnnaScherberx210RCIACoordinator,MaryJoSmithx511WORSHIPPrayerLine,x528SickLine,x523AdorationCoordinators: ThereseJuba763-533-8514 BettyKreuter763-537-1399

Don’t forget!

Daylight Savings me begins on Sunday March 11th at 2:00 am.

Move your clocks ahead one hour.

I, the Lord, am your God… You shall not have other gods besides me.

—Exodus 20:2a, 3

Over the past couple of weeks, I have seen statements by at least two Cardinals of the Church regarding what they called a “paradigm shi ” in the Church’s teaching. Some of these shi s are about sacramental and moral issues. For instance, there is the use of language which is vague, at best, and allows for interpreta ons of the basic teachings of the Church which are contrary to anything the Church actually teaches. We are seeing this in the presenta on that what Jesus and the Church teach about marriage is merely an ideal. However, since we live in the real world, ideals are just lo y goals which we do not expect anyone to reach, so we will forget the ideal and operate from a far lower “norm” which is what most people live.

Once this “ideal” language is used, then we can claim that marriage is not permanent, we can allow for remarriage without an annulment, we can say people in a state which is objec vely contrary to what the Church teaches can go to Holy Communion. This has opened the door to yet another paradigm shi in the minds of these people saying that since marriage is only an ideal, then the concept of marriage being the union of a male and a female is only an ideal. For this reason, the Bishops in Germany have suggested that some homosexual unions can be blessed by the Church.

The same Bishop’s Conference from Germany also noted that if it is permissible to give Communion to people in an invalid marriage, then it could be permissible to give Communion to a non-Catholic spouse. A er all, the necessity to be in union with the Church and in the State of Grace are only ideals that we can never expect to be fulfilled by the average person. Maybe a Saint could achieve these ideals, but they are out of the reach of most people.

This kind of reasoning is now being used to suggest that contracep on is acceptable. In fact, one priest who teaches Moral Theology in Rome said in a recent talk that in some cases contracep on is not only acceptable, but obligatory. In other words, it would be a sin not to contracept! I find it interes ng that virtue is an apparently una ainable ideal, but vice is perfectly acceptable. This “paradigm shi ” is nothing other than turning the unchangeable teaching of the Church upside down, not only allowing devia ons from the truth, but presen ng the polar opposite of the truth.

There is no paradigm shi in the Church nor can there be now or ever. All the Church’s teachings are interwoven in such a way that if you remove one piece of truth, the en re structure collapses. It all began with the vague sugges on that in some cases people who are divorced and remarried outside the Church can receive Communion. Once the sanc ty and indissolubility of marriage was found ques onable, the door has opened to all the ancillary areas to be ques oned. Since other doctrines are based on these ancillary teaches, each of those will be called into ques on as well.

Since it all topples, albeit slowly, while one doctrine at a me is removed, we should just cut to the chase. Rather than arguing about this or that doctrine and whether or not we can find a way to get around the “ideal,” let’s just look at the founda on of it all because if the founda on is cracked, the structure will fall, but if the founda on is solid, the structure remains firm. While it may take a while before the unfolding process gets to the founda on, it is the inevitable end point. So, I will just go there and save the me and agony of ge ng there one doctrine at a me.

Since it all began with the vagueness of language regarding marriage, we will begin there. If marriage is not a permanent union between a man and a woman, then what Jesus teaches in Scripture is wrong. One could say He was only presen ng an ideal, but that is certainly not the way Ma hew and Mark present things in their Gospels. So, if we do not believe what Jesus teaches about marriage, then we are saying Jesus was wrong. If He was wrong, then He is not God. If what the Scriptures say is wrong, then they are clearly not divinely inspired. If what the Church teaches about marriage, mortal sin, and the Eucharist is wrong, then why should we believe anything else the Church teaches? Jesus founded one Church as we read in Ma hew 16. But if Jesus is not God, the Scriptures are not divinely inspired, and the Church is not the pillar and bulwark of truth, as St. Paul tells Timothy, then why would we believe any of her teachings? Con nued on page 4


Saint of the Day Saint of the Day – Saint Casimir

Casimir was born on October 3, 1458, the third of thirteen children of Casimir IV, King of Poland, and Elizabeth of Hungary. When he was only fourteen, Casimir was sent by his father to lead an army into Hungary at the request of the Hungarian nobles and against Ma hias Corvinus, the king of Hungary. When Casimir got there, he found out that the nobles who had requested Polish help were abandoning him, King Ma hias had assembled a large number of troops, and his own troops were deser ng. He took the advice of his officers and retreated. His father was not happy about this and punished him by confining him to a castle for three months. Casimir could never again be persuaded to engage in military ac on. He also had no ambi on to be a ruler. At the same me, he wasn’t passive. He took many ac ons on behalf of the poor, oppressed, pilgrims and cap ves. He brought to his father’s a en on any injus ce or needs of the poor that he thought had been overlooked. He experienced great sa sfac on in giving away everything he had to the needy, who called him “Defender of the Poor.” Much of his day was spent in church, par cipa ng in Mass and the Divine Office. Some mes he was so caught up in prayer that he would miss meals. At night, he would return to the church to worship outside its locked doors. Casimir was friendly with everyone, but took a firm stand against schisma c Chris ans. He convinced his father to not assist in the restora on of their churches. Casimir also had a great love for Our Lady. At his wish, he was buried with a copy of the hymn Omni die dic Mariae (Every Day Speak of Mary). He also refused every a empt to convince him to get married, saying that he knew of no other salva on or life than Jesus Christ, and would soon be dissolved to be with Him. Sure enough, he died of tuberculosis in 1484, at the age of twenty-three. Saint Casimir, pray for us! (Excerpted and adapted with permission of the Publisher from Butler’s Lives of the Saints, New Full Edi on ©Paul Burns 2003, Published by Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN)

Con nued: This leaves us in a state where each person can have his or her own doctrine and morality. The Church’s teachings, a er all, are just ideals, so you can decide for yourself which ideals you agree with and what you think is true. This means that what Satan tempted our first parents with was actually true: you will be like God. There would be no objec ve truths. Each person has his or her own truth. Everything is rela ve and each person’s opinion is equally valid. Another word for this is anarchy.

No, the truth has not changed, there is not and never will be a paradigm shi in the Church because the Church is Jesus Christ and Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, according to St. Paul’s Le er to the Hebrews. Sacred Scripture is the divinely inspired Word of God, so it cannot change either. Thankfully there are objec ve standards that help us to know what is true so that we can conform our lives to the truth. Of course, in our humanness we sin, but that is different from not a aining an ideal. The truth is within the reach of every reasonable person. Rather than trying to change what the Church teaches so we can jus fy our sins, perhaps it is

me we stand for the truth and change our lives to conform to that truth.

February25,2018 Contributions: $11,649 Budget: $20,809 BuildingFund: $386 Budget: $2,600 Mr.JScholarship: $135


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - An Invita on to be a Subs tute for Eucharis c Adora on Yes, I am willing to be a subs tute for one hour of Eucharis c Adora on, when I am called and I am available. Name: ______________________________________________________________

E-mail Address: ________________________________________________________

Phone Number(s) home: _____________________ cell: _____ ______________________ (Please include area code)

Please print the day and me you would be available to be a subs tute. Please place completed form

in collec on basket or in envelope on sign-in counter in Chapel or drop off in the Parish Office.

Early Morning A ernoon (midnight to 6:00 AM) __________________________ ___ Noon to 6:00 PM_________________________________ Day Time Day Time Morning Evening (6 AM to noon) ___________________________________ (6 PM to midnight) _______________________________ Day Time Day Time Your informa on will be added to a list of subs tutes. It is all right to say “No” when called. No reason is necessary. If you want to be removed from the subs tute list or change your hour(s) of availability, call Barb at 763-971-8460 or email [email protected].

Eucharis c Adora on - Subs tutes Needed contact Be y Kreuter at 763-537-1399

or Therese Juba at 763-533-8514

A subs tute for Adora on is an Adorer who is able to come and pray once or twice a month or only in the summer or only in the winter, etc. During this season of Lent maybe you want to pray more, but you are unable to commit to any one specific hour every week. You are invited to pray about having your name placed on a subs tute list with a day or par cular me you might be able to be a subs tute for an hour. Later this month this list will be compiled and distributed to all Adorers so that they may use this list as an aid to find their own subs tute when they are unable to pray in the Eucharis c Chapel during their commi ed hour. Subs tutes are very important in this ministry. Most o en people make a life-long commitment to being an Adorer. Health, family emergencies, travel, etc. some mes prohibit the Adorer from being able to come to the Chapel. That is when a subs tute is called. A subs tute may always say “No, I am not available for that hour,” on that day or night. No reason needs to be given. If you feel you are able to par cipate in this way, as a subs tute, please complete the form below and place it in the envelope on the sign-in counter outside the Eucharis c Adora on Chapel, place it in the collec on basket or turn it in to the Parish Office. If you want to speak to Barb about being on the list, contact her at 763-971-8460 or email [email protected]. If you have ques ons regarding Adora on, please contact Be y or Therese at the above numbers. Be y may also be contacted at cell: 763-354-4796.


Thisone-dayretreatforhighschoolstudentswillfeaturefourtalksbyFr.RobertAltier.Thedaywillalsoincludelunch,EucharisticAdoration,Confession,smallgroupdis-cussion,SundayMass,andmore!Don’tmissthiswonderfulopportunitytoentermoredeeplyintoyourLentenjourneywithJesus.Saturday,March10,2018,9:30amto6:30pmatSt.RaphaelCatholicChurch.Costis$10perperson.Contact:[email protected]

YouthMinister&Con irmationCoordinator:AnnaScherber









Sponsored by:

Did You Know? – The Office of Evangelization

The Office of Evangeliza on recently launched a new ini a ve called “Behold.” Its mission, through retreat experiences and speaker series, is that each woman will recognize the gi she is, realize the gi s she’s been given, and give to the world the gi s that only she can give, and to do so with boldness, heroic virtue, and authen c femininity.

Global Solidarity Sunday: March 10 and 11 Global Solidarity Sunday is the weekend of March 10 and 11 when we celebrate that “The Light came into the world” (John 3:19). It is a unique opportunity to share the light of the Lord in solidarity with our brothers and sisters overseas. We are invited to offer gifts of support by contributing to the four global initiatives designated by U.S. Catholic Bishops: The Church in Africa, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe and humanitarian activities of Catholic Relief Services. Please help our brothers and sisters who are sharing the light of the Lord overseas during Global Solidarity Sunday.

FUN FOR SENIORS Please note that you have two opportuni-

es to take me to reflect on your per-sonal faith journey.

RETREAT: WED., March 14th, 2018 You are invited to a end our annual day of reflec on and prayer at Christ the King's Retreat Center in Buffalo. Theme: "Take Courage." More informa on about the theme is included on the registra on form. Cost: $58 per person includes two conferences, reconcilia on, mass, lunch and transporta on. Pre-registra on is required. Please complete a form with a check payable to St. Raphael's Church no later than Mon., March 5th. Forms are located in the church office OR on the circular stand in the east gathering space OR you can mail in your registra-

on to St. Raphael's Church, A n: Sharon Reinert, 7301 Bass Lake Road, Crystal, MN 55428. We'll gather by Mari-an Hall on the church’s lower level on the east side of the church. The bus departs at 8 am and returns approx. 4 pm. There also will be a bus stop at St. Joseph the Worker in Maple Grove if more convenient to board there. If ques ons, please contact Sharon Reinert at 612-242-3200. HOLY THURSDAY CHURCH TOUR - MARCH 29, 2018 The seniors of St. Alphonsus has been visi ng various churches for over 25 years through Lil Mandile Tours. Several of us joined them last year and found it to be a wonderful experience. Once again, we're invited and have 18 seats available to share between St. Raphael and St. Joseph the Worker. The churches to visit this year in-clude: Na vity of Our Lord, St. Francis de Sales, St. Stani-slaus, St. Bernard, St. Casimar all in St. Paul. The day in-cludes a brief history/tour of each church, followed by praying a decade of the rosary before moving on. We'll lunch at the Downtowner Woodfire Grill. Cost: $65 per person includes transporta on, lunch, church dona on, tour. If interested, please obtain a form from the parish office or from the circular stand in the east gathering space. Complete the lower por ons of the form, desig-nate menu selec on, include your check wri en to Lil Mandile Tours and mail to me. My address is listed on the form. Paid registra ons are taken on a first come ba-sis un l seats are gone. Registra on deadline & cancella-

on penalty (no refund) begins March 14th. If ques ons, please call Sharon Reinert at 612-242-3200.

Depart 8:00 am from St. Raphael (gather by Marian Hall); return @ 3:45 pm. This will allow me to a end Holy Thursday Mass at 7:00 pm.

Two Days for MCCL's Student Day at the Capitol in March and April

Student Day at the Capitol will be here soon! The annual event, one of MCCL's longest-running programs for young people, brings students to St. Paul for a day of pro-life educa on and poli cal involvement.

MCCL's 15th Student Day will be offered on both March 22 and April 10th, 2018, due to limited space at the Capitol. Students in grades 7-12 learn about and par cipate in the poli cal process. The day begins with educa onal sessions that

cover abor on, current pro-life legisla on, the legisla ve process, how to lobby elected officials, and more.

In the a ernoon, most students are able to meet with their own legislators and lobby them to support pro-life legisla on. The students may also tour the Capitol and hear from pro-life elected officials.

Students need to pre-register. Learn more and register at the MCCL website day or by calling the state office at 612-825-6831.

A $10 dona on includes lunch. The program starts at 9:30 am each of the two days and runs un l 2:00 pm. The combined event is limited to 200 par cipants, so please register early to reserve a spot.

If a bad person wrongs you, forgive the person, Lest there be two bad people.




UseSCRIPgiftcardsforeverydayhouseholdneeds.Whenbuyingyourgroceries,gas,mealsout,andapparel,purchaseaSCRIPcardandsupportourschool. Foryourshoppingconveniencewehaveavarietyofgiftcardsavailable.StopbytheSCRIPdeskintheEastGatheringAreaandpickupyourgiftcardstoday.Ifwedon’thaveit…placeanorderandwewillgetitforyounextweek.

Living Stations of the Cross

The 7th grade class at St. Raphael School will present

the Living Stations of the Cross at 9:00 am on Wednesday, March 21st in the school gym. All are invited to join us as we walk with Jesus. There will be coffee and a light breakfast served in the school cafeteria after Morning Mass before the Living Stations begin.

The Church of St. Raphael is part of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis


Our March Rosary Society mee ng will be Saturday, March 10 in the Conference Room following morning Mass. This is the annual Rosary Society Disbursements mee ng. All requests for funds from the Rosary Society must be submi ed in wri ng and placed in the Rosary Society mailbox by Monday, March 5. When you submit your wri en request, please include your contact informa on, name of associated group, dollar amount requested and the descrip on of how the funds will be used. All board members and persons reques ng funds (or their representa ves) must a end the mee ng. Ques ons regarding money requests, please contact Anne O’Meara at 612-860-1454 MCCW (Minnesota Council of Catholic Women) Deanery Day March 12, 2018 St Charles Borromeo, St Anthony, MN


A big "thank you" to all individuals and families who rode the St. Raphael bus to the Prayer Service for Life at the Cathedral of St. Paul and the 45th annual MCCL (Minnesota Ci zens

Concerned for Life) March for Life at the State Capitol on January 22. Archbishop Bernard Hebda gave the main address at the Cathedral and spoke clearly of our Chris an commitment to respect all human life at every stage from fer liza on to natural death. MCCL 2018 New Legisla on: Ultrasound access. Allow women to view their ultrasound prior to an abor on. (The majority of women who see their ultrasound usually choose life.)

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