Page 1: CHURCH OF CHRIST Gospel Series.pdfV. Romans 6:23 A. Although the wages of sin is death (the second death), God, in His mercy, offers the gift of eternal life through His Son, Jesus

The First Steps

The Gospel Series A Bible study series for seekers/new converts


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Bay Shore, New York 11706


Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations…Matthew 28:19 NKJV

Page 2: CHURCH OF CHRIST Gospel Series.pdfV. Romans 6:23 A. Although the wages of sin is death (the second death), God, in His mercy, offers the gift of eternal life through His Son, Jesus


Table of Contents

Series 1 - The Gospel (beginner‟s edition) ……………………………………… Page 03

Series 1 - The Gospel (advanced edition) ………..……………………………… Page 06

Series 2 – Discipleship ……………………………..……………………………… Page 09

Series 3 - The Kingdom …………………………….………………………........... Page 10

Series 4 - The Church ………………………………...…………………………… Page 12

The Gospel Illustration ………………………………..……………………......... Page 15

The Baptism Illustration ………………………………………………………….. Page 16

Charles Finney‟s Quote …………………………………………………………… Page 17

The Four Kingdoms Illustration ………………..……………………………...... Page 18

Answers To Some Common Objections …………………………………………. Page 19

Additional Materials:

The Love of God ……………………………………………………………….. Page 24

Flogging & Crucifixion Illustrations……….………………………………… Page 25

Spiritual Awareness Survey ………………………………………………….. last page

Page 3: CHURCH OF CHRIST Gospel Series.pdfV. Romans 6:23 A. Although the wages of sin is death (the second death), God, in His mercy, offers the gift of eternal life through His Son, Jesus


THE GOSPEL (Beginners)

Series 1

I. Exodus 20:1-17

A. These commands are known as the 10 Commandments

a. Adultery:

i. Defined as the act of having sex with a married person

ii. Having lustful thoughts for another person (Matthew 5:28)

b. Murder:

i. Defined as the act of killing a person unlawfully and with premeditated malice

ii. Having hatred for another is considered murder (1John 3:15)

B. Of the 10 commandments mentioned in this passage, how many have you broken?

II. 1John 3:4

A. Breaking the Law of God is called “sin.”

B. Let‟s see what sin does to a person‟s soul…

III. Isaiah 59:2

Man (with sin) Sin God (without sin)

A. Sin separates us from God

B. There is no unrighteousness in God (Psalm 92:15).

C. When it comes to man, we all sinned (Romans 3:23), therefore, none of us are righteous (Rom. 3:10).

D. Let‟s look at what happens beyond the grave…

IV. Revelation 21:8

A. The Bible speaks of two deaths:

a. First death – physical death (cf. Hebrews 9:27)

b. Second death – spiritual death (the lake of fire)

B. Are you guilty of any of the sins mentioned in this passage?

C. We all are guilty but there is good news…

V. Romans 6:23

A. Although the wages of sin is death (the second death), God, in His mercy, offers the gift of eternal life

through His Son, Jesus Christ…

B. This gift is available to anyone who desires forgiveness of sins and eternal life with God…

VI. John 3:16

A. God loves us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, that through belief in Him, we should not perish

(not suffer the second death). Instead, through Jesus, we will be able to live in Heaven forever!

B. Believing in Christ includes believing the gospel…

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VII. Romans 1:16

A. The word “gospel” comes from an Old English word which means “good news.”

B. The gospel is the power of God to save those who believe.

C. What makes the gospel powerful to save?...

VIII. 1Corinthians 15:1-4

A. The gospel is this:

a. Jesus died for our sins

b. He was buried

c. He was resurrected from the dead (show the Gospel Illustration on page 15)

B. Let‟s see why Christ‟s death and resurrection are vital to salvation

a. There are two things that keep us out of heaven:

i. The first is the “sin” problem – we learned that sin separates us from God

1. The death of Jesus brings the forgiveness of sins!

a. Ephesians 1:7

i. Through Christ‟s blood we have:

1. Redemption, that is, deliverance from the second death!

2. His blood was shed for our forgiveness!

3. Isn‟t that GREAT NEWS?! How can we pass it up?!

b. 1Peter 2:24

i. He bore our sins so that we may quit sinful living and pursue

righteous living.

1. This is called “repentance.”

ii. The second is the “grave” problem – our physical bodies cannot enter heaven

1. The resurrection of Christ brings hope in our resurrection from the grave!

a. 1Corinthians 15:20-23

i. Christ is the firstfruits (primary) of those to rise to never die again!

ii. Those who physically die while in Christ will one day rise from

their graves

b. 1Corinthians 15:50-54

i. When Christ returns, the dead in Christ will rise from their graves

with new, immortal, and imperishable bodies, ready for Heaven!

iii. The gospel takes care of those two problems:

1. Christ‟s death takes care of our sin problem and …

2. Christ‟s resurrection takes care of our grave problem!

3. Boy, I want in! Don‟t you?!

4. Let‟s continue…

IX. 2Thessalonians 1:6-8

A. We already learned that at Christ‟s return, He will raise up the dead with new bodies.

B. He will also punish those who do not know God and those who do not obey the Gospel.

C. The gospel is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus (refer to the Gospel Illustration).

D. How does one obey the gospel? Let‟s see ...

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X. Romans 6:3-7

A. We obey the gospel (the death, burial and resurrection) through baptism. (Show the Baptism Illustration

on page 16).

B. We are united to Christ, His death, His burial and His resurrection through baptism.

C. Therefore, our sins are forgiveness at baptism as we will see in this next passage of Scripture…

XI. Acts 2:37-41

A. The people wanted to get right with God.

B. Peter tells them to REPENT:

a. The word “repent” means to change one‟s mind, which also involves a change in one‟s actions.

b. We must be willing to turn away from sinful practices.

c. Let‟s look at some examples of evil practices we must turn away from…

1Corinthians 6:9-10

1. sexual immorality – sex outside of marriage

2. idolater – putting things before God

3. swindler – cheating people of their money

C. Peter then tells them to BE BAPTIZED for the forgiveness of their sins:

a. As we saw in Romans 6:3-4, baptism is a burial (refer to the Baptism Illustration).

b. We are united to Christ and His death at baptism.

c. Jesus shed His blood at His death:

His blood was shed for our forgiveness (Ephesians 1:7)

Therefore, we receive forgiveness of sins when we are baptized into Christ and into

His death.

d. We also learned that one obeys the gospel through baptism (refer to the Baptism Illustration).

D. Afterwards, God shall give them the Holy Spirit as a gift.

a. The Holy Spirit is God‟s seal, stating that we now have eternal life (cf. Ephesians 1:13-14).

b. The Holy Spirit strengthens us in our walk with Jesus (cf. Romans 8:26).

E. In verse 41, those who accepted God‟s gift of salvation repented and were baptized. They have become

“born again”…

XII. John 3:3-5

A. A person must be born again to see and enter the Kingdom of heaven.

B. One is born again:

a. By water (baptism for the forgiveness of sins) and…

b. By Spirit (receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit).

XIII. Matthew 10:34-36

A. Those who choose to receive God‟s gift of salvation will be persecuted by their own relatives.

B. Is forgiveness of sins and eternal life worth it to you?

XIV. Acts 22:16

A. What is God telling you to do here?

B. Are you ready today to make Jesus your Savior and Lord?

Give (or lend) the person a copy of the “What Is the Gospel?” DVD as a supplementary study.

If the person wants to obey the gospel, do the “Discipleship” study with them.

Should they decide NOT to get baptized, but want to study again, do the “Love of God” study with them.

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THE GOSPEL (Advanced)

Series 1

QUESTION: Do you consider yourself to be like the Bereans?

I. Acts 17:10-11

A. The people from Berea (the Bereans) examined the Scriptures to make sure what they were being taught

was Biblically true.

B. We should always be like the Bereans and test everything spiritual leaders say.

C. What do you think the Gospel is?

D. The word “gospel” means “good news.” Let‟s be Bereans and see what the Scriptures say…

II. 1Corinthians 15:1-4

A. The gospel is the good news of Christ‟s death, burial and resurrection (show the Gospel Illustration

on pg. 15).

B. Let‟s look at a very powerful and convicting passage…

III. 2Thessalonians 1:7-10

A. Jesus will punish those who do not know God and those who do not obey the gospel.

B. Since the gospel is the death, burial and resurrection, how does one obey the gospel?

a. Obeying the gospel starts with discipleship. The word “disciple” means “student”

b. Did you know that the word “Christian” appears 3 times in the Bible, while the word “disciple”

over 270 times?...

IV. Acts 11:25-26

A. Disciples were first called “Christians” by the people of the city of Antioch.

B. Therefore, a Christian and a disciple are the same…

V. John 8:31

A. A true disciple holds to the teachings of Christ.

B. Can a person know Christ and yet disobey His commandments?...

VI. 1John 2:4-6

A. A true disciple obeys God‟s commands and walks in the manner of Christ.

B. Let‟s see what Jesus says a person must do to become His disciple…

VII. Luke 14:25-33

A. We learned in Acts 11:26 that a disciple is the same as a Christian.

B. In all honesty, does this passage describe you?

a. The Greek word for “hate” is “miseo,” which means, “love less.”

b. We are influenced by those whom we love the most.

c. In order for us to be Jesus‟ disciple, His words must have a greater influence on us than the

words of family, friends, and religious leaders.

C. In verse 33, Jesus says we must give up everything. This includes preconceived ideas…

a. For example: When you wanted to become born again, did you say a prayer, asking Jesus to

come into your heart?

b. Asking Jesus to come into one‟s heart is known as the “sinner’s prayer” or the “altar call.”

c. Did you know that the sinner‟s prayer was started in the 1800s by a man named Charles Finney?

i. This is why we must be like the Bereans…

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VIII. Matthew 15:9

A. What type of teachings lead to vain (useless) worship?

B. The “sinner’s prayer” is a man-made teaching.

C. May I show you how people became born again in Bible times?

a. If Old Testament is available: 2Kings 5:10-12

i. Before we look into how one biblically becomes born again, let‟s look at 2Kings 5:10-12

ii. Naaman had his own preconceived ideas as to how God was going to heal him.

iii. As a result, Naaman got angry because he wanted to be healed on his terms, not on

God‟s terms.

iv. Preconceived ideas prevent a person from receiving the teachings of God

v. This is why we must give up everything, including preconceived ideas, to be His


vi. Do you see yourself as a person who gladly receives God‟s teachings?

vii. Let‟s see what the Bible says about how one becomes truly born again.

b. I‟m going to show you three passages that beautifully link together…

IX. John 3:3-5

A. A man must be born of water and Spirit to enter the Kingdom of God.

B. What do you think “born of water” means?

C. There are many interpretations as to what it means. Acts 2:37-38 will clarify its meaning. But before we

turn there…

X. Matthew 16:16-19

A. Jesus gives Peter the keys of the Kingdom.

B. Keys are used for opening doors, in this case, the door to the Kingdom.

C. Consider these two points:

a. Since the kingdom is entered by water and Spirit, the keys of the Kingdom must involve “water”

and “Spirit”

b. Since Jesus gave Peter the keys of the Kingdom, then we should expect Peter to be the first to tell

people how to be born again. And that he does…

XI. Acts 2:37-38

A. When the people wanted to be saved, what did Peter, the man given the keys of the Kingdom, tell them

to do to become born again?

B. In the Greek, the word “repent” (metanoeo) means “change your mind,” which also involves a change

in one‟s actions

C. Then he tells them to “be baptized.” That‟s the “born of water” part.

D. Afterwards, God will give that person the gift of the Holy Spirit. That‟s the “born of Spirit” part.

E. Do you see how John 3:5, Matthew 16:19 and Acts 2:38 perfectly flow together?

F. According to verse 38, for what two reasons must a person be baptized?

a. Yet, those who teach the “Sinner‟s Prayer” say a person must “ask Jesus into their hearts” for the

forgiveness of sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

b. Do you see how the “Sinner‟s Prayer” replaced the purpose baptism had?

c. Charles Finney admitted that the sinner‟s prayer replaced the purpose baptism had (show the

Charles Finney quote on page 17).

XII. Colossians 2:11-12

A. According to verse 12, at what point does Jesus circumcise (cut away) our sins?

B. The reason why baptism is for the forgiveness of sins is because Christ circumcises us at baptism.

a. This explains why Jesus said a man must be “born of water” to enter the kingdom of heaven…

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XIII. Ephesians 1:7

A. We receive forgiveness through Jesus‟ blood.

B. His blood was shed at His death. Do you agree?

a. Let‟s see how one gets into Jesus and into His death; that is, His blood…

XIV. Romans 6:3-4

A. How does one get into Christ and His death?

B. Notice the death, burial and resurrection in this passage?

a. A person obeys the gospel in baptism (show the Baptism Illustration on page 16).

XV. Mark 16:15-16

A. According to Jesus in verse 16, how does one obey the Gospel? In other words, who will be saved?

B. Yet, many church leaders teach: “he who believes and is NOT baptized will be saved”.

XVI. 2Peter 2:21

A. If we reject the truth after we learned it, it will be worse for us on Judgment Day than if we never knew

it at all.

B. Satan will use false teachers to try to get you to reject all you learned today. Protect yourself from

falling into Satan‟s trap by following Jesus‟ example…

XVII. Matthew 4:3-9

A. Jesus used Scripture to refute Satan.

a. We should never say, “Well, I think…” or “Well, I feel…” or “Well, my minister says…”

b. Rather, we should respond like Jesus and say “It is written…”

B. In verses 6-7, Satan quotes Scripture, which causes Jesus to say, “It is ALSO written…”

a. Therefore, whenever a person uses Scripture, we ought to respond like Jesus and say, “It is ALSO


C. For example: Let‟s read John 3:16

a. Someone may refer to this passage and say: “Well, baptism is not mentioned in John 3:16. It just

says believe. Therefore, we don‟t need to be baptized to be saved”.

b. Using Jesus‟ example in Matthew 4:6-7, how would you respond?

i. I would respond: “It is also written in Acts 2:38…”

XVIII. Romans 16:17

A. God commands us to stay away from those who teach contrary to His teachings.

B. Should we continue attending groups that do not teach purely from the Scriptures?

XIX. Acts 22:16

A. What is God telling you to do?

a. Just as God told Naaman to dip 7 times in the river to be healed, God is telling you not to delay,

but to arise and be baptized and wash away your sins.

b. This passage shows us that we call on His name through baptism.

Additional Passages:

Examples of conversions – Acts 2:41; Acts 8:12; Acts 8:26-39; Acts 16:31-34; Acts 18:8

Other baptism passages – Galatians 3:27; 1Peter 3:18-21

Give (or lend) the person a copy of the “What Is the Gospel?” DVD as a supplementary study.

If the person wants to obey the gospel, do the “Discipleship” study with them.

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I. Acts 11:25-26

A. Which is the more popular term: Disciple or Christian?

B. The word “Christian” only appears three times in the Bible. It was the name those in the world gave

the disciples several years after the church began.

C. The word “disciple(s)” occurs over 270 times in the Bible.

D. A Christian and a disciple are the same.

II. Matthew 28:18-19

A. Jesus wants everyone to become His disciples.

B. The word “disciple” means “student.”

a. Therefore, a disciple is eager to learn God‟s Word.

C. Disciples are called to make disciples.

a. A disciple‟s mission is to tell others of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

b. A disciple is called to teach newly baptized believers the ways of God

c. Let‟s see what‟s required to be a disciple of Jesus…

III. Luke 9:23-26

A. A disciple must deny himself and pick up his cross daily.

a. A cross is a Roman instrument of death.

b. A disciple crucifies his sinful desires and lives to please God.

B. Being a disciple is more valuable than gaining all the riches of the world.

IV. Luke 14:25-33

A. A disciple must love Christ more than their own relatives (cf. Matthew 10:37).

a. The Greek word for “hate” is “miseö”, which means to “love less”.

b. We tend to be influenced by those whom we love the most.

c. In order for us to be Christ‟s disciple, our love for Christ and His words must be greater than

our love for our family, friends and even career.

B. A disciple must be willing to take up his cross (crucify sin) and follow Jesus.

C. A disciple must be willing to give up everything that stands in the way of Christ.

a. He must make Jesus Lord over his/her life.

V. John 13:34-35

A. People recognize Jesus‟ disciples by their love for one another.

B. Disciples get the opportunity to show their love for each other when they gather together as a church.

C. The church is also referred to as the kingdom of God (we will discuss this more in a later study)…

VI. Matthew 6:33

A. A disciple puts the kingdom of God (the Church) first in their priority list.

a. They are dedicated to worshipping God and learning His righteous ways.

i. You will find disciples attending:

1. Sunday Worship

2. Wednesday Night Bible Class

3. Other Church functions (devotionals, small group meetings, etc.)

Challenge: Are you ready to become a disciple today? What if it gets hard?

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Series 3

I. The Old Testament Predictions of the Kingdom

A. Isaiah 2:1-3

1. God will establish His mountain in the last days.

2. All nations will stream to His mountain.

3. This will all take place starting in Jerusalem. Note: Zion is the high point on which Jerusalem was built. That's why Jerusalem and Zion are mentioned together.

B. Daniel:

1. Daniel 2:25-45

a. Daniel interprets the king of Babylon‟s dream

(Show ‘The Four Kingdoms’ Illustration on page 18):

i. Gold – The Babylonian kingdom (King Nebuchadnezzar).

ii. Silver – The Medo-Persian kingdom

iii. Bronze (Brass) – The Grecian kingdom.

iv. Iron – The Roman kingdom.

v. The Rock that became a mountain, covering the Earth – Kingdom of God

We can now see that the mountain in Isaiah 2:2 is referring to God‟s Kingdom.

b. The Rock struck the feet of the statue (the Iron)

The figure here is that God was going to establish His kingdom during the times of the

Roman kings or “Caesars.”

2. Daniel 7:18

a. The saints of God will possess the kingdom forever.

b. The word “saint” comes from the Greek word “hagios”, which means “holy one”.

II. New Testament Predictions of the Kingdom

A. Jesus:

1. Matthew 4:17

a. Jesus preached the coming of the kingdom was near.

b. Jesus preached during the reign of the Roman Kingdom (Iron).

c. Rome is in control and God is about to establish His Kingdom as Daniel predicted!

2. Mark 9:1

a. The kingdom would come during the lifetime of the apostles.

b. The kingdom will come with power.

3. John 3:3-5

a. The kingdom is entered by water and by Spirit.

4. Matthew 16:16-19

a. Jesus gave Peter the keys of the kingdom.

b. Keys are for unlocking doors. Since the kingdom is entered by water and by Spirit, the “keys

of the kingdom” must involve water and Spirit.

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III. The Fulfillment: The Kingdom Comes

A. Acts 2:1-4 – Come with power (Mark 9:1b)

1. A powerful event happens at Pentecost.

B. Acts 2:5 - All nations / Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2-3)

1. Devout men from every nation are present.

2. This event is taking place in Jerusalem.

C. Acts 2:14-17 – Some will not taste death (Mark 9:1a) / Last Days (Isaiah 2:2)

1. Peter and the other eleven who were with Jesus in Mark 9:1 are present.

2. Verse 17 identifies the day of Pentecost (verse 1) as being within "the last days".

Note: The "last days" signifies the New Testament era. We are in the "last days" now. Hebrews 1:1-2

and James 5:1-3 refers to the current times as the "last days".

D. Acts 2:38 – Water and Spirit (John 3:5) / Peter with the keys (Matt. 16:19)

1. Jesus said the kingdom is entered by water and Spirit (John 3:5).

2. Acts 2:38 interprets John 3:5 for us:

a. Be baptized – born of water.

b. Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit – born of Spirit.

3. Jesus gave Peter the keys of the kingdom - Matthew 16:19.

4. Peter delivers the keys of the kingdom in Acts 2:38.

IV. The Church is the Kingdom of God on Earth.

A. Colossians 1:13-14

1. Paul told the Colossian church that they have been brought into the Kingdom (present tense).

2. The Church is the Kingdom of God.

B. The saints possessing the kingdom forever (Daniel 7:18)

1. Romans 1:7; Ephesians 1:1; Philippians 1:1

a. Church members called “saints”.

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The word “church” comes from the Greek word ekklessía, which means, assembly.

I. Ephesians 2:19-20

A. The church is the family of God. God


Disciple Disciple

(son) siblings (daughter)

B. The church is built on the Word of God.

Apostles = New Testament

Prophets = + Old Testament

The Bible

II. Ephesians 1:22,23 Christ (head)

A. Jesus is the Head of the church. Church (body)

B. The church is His Body.

III. Ephesians 4:4 Christ (head)

A. There is only one body, that is, one church.

B. There are many divided groups claiming to be Christ‟s body. bodies?

C. How can we identify the true body of Christ?...


A. The Church‟s Organization

1. Ephesians 4:11-12

a. Just as the physical body is made of parts that perform various functions, the Body of

Christ has members with different functions:

i. Apostles

These were men appointed directly by Jesus to carry His message.

o There were 12 apostles appointed for the Jews (Matthew 10:2-8).

o Paul was an apostle appointed for the Gentiles (Acts 9:1-16).

o Apostles were able to raise the dead (Matthew 10:8)

ii. Prophets

These were men to whom God spoke through visions, dreams or direct

speech (Numbers 12:6-8).

iii. Evangelists

These are men who preach at the Church -- like Timothy (2 Timothy 4:5)

iv. Pastors (also called elders, bishops or overseers)

These are aged men to whom the task of overseeing (or pastoring) the

Church is given (Acts 20:28).

Their qualifications are listed in 1Timothy 3:1-7 & Titus 1:6-9.

v. Teachers

These are disciples who teach other disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).

b. The function of these men is to prepare God‟s people to do works of service (ministry).

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2. 1Timothy 3:8

a. Deacons (an attendant; waiter)

Their job is to serve the members of the Church.

In Acts 6:1-6, seven men (deacons) were appointed to wait on tables.

Their qualifications are listed in 1Timothy 3:8-12.

b. Reverend, Father, Pope, Cardinal, Arch Bishop, Sr. Pastor, and Jr. Pastor

These titles are never worn by Christians in the Scriptures.

In Matthew 23:8-10, Jesus taught the people not to elevate any man with titles.

In God‟s Family, we are all brothers; God is the only One worthy of titles.

3. 1Timothy 2:12 (1Corinthians 14:34)

a. The Lord‟s Church does not have women preachers and pastors

B. The Church‟s Worship Pattern

1. Lord‟s Supper

a. It‟s purpose -- 1Corinthians 11:23-26

i. The bread represents Christ‟s body

ii. The cup (called the „fruit of the vine‟ - Matt. 26:29) represents Christ‟s blood

iii. Each time we take the Lord‟s Supper:

o We remember what He did for us on the cross

o We proclaim His death until He comes

In other words, the Lord's Supper looks back at Christ's

death and looks forward to His return!

b. It‟s Frequency -- Acts 20:7

i. The Lord‟s Church broke bread on the first day of the week (Sunday).

2. Singing

a. Singing is a sign of happiness (James 5:13)

b. We declare God‟s name and praise Him in the Church by singing (Hebrews 2:12)

c. We teach one another by singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Colossians 3:16)

3. Giving Financially

a. 1Corinthians 16:1-2

i. On Sundays, members of the Lord‟s Church would set aside a sum of money to

help God‟s people

a. The monies are used toward church expenses and to support missionaries

and the propelling of the gospel with tracts and other materials.

b. The contributions of the church at Philippi were considered a sweet offering and sacrifice

to God (Philippians 4:15-18).

i. Giving is an act of worship to God.

ii. God is pleased when we give, especially when we give with a cheerful heart

(2 Corinthians 9:7)

4. Public Reading and Teaching of God‟s Word

a. In the Church, the teachers, especially the evangelists, are to read, teach and preach God‟s

Word (1Timothy 4:13)

5. Prayer

a. The following is to be made for everyone (1Timothy 2:1-2)

i. Requests – lifting up requests before God.

ii. Prayers – lifting up general prayers before God.

iii. Intercession – lifting up prayers on behalf of others.

iv. Thanksgiving – lifting up prayers, expressing thankfulness to God

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C. The Church‟s Teaching on Salvation

1. A person must believe what the Bible says about Jesus

a. He is the Son of God (John 3:16)

b. He is God (John 1:1)

c. He died, was buried and rose again -- the gospel (1Corinthians 15:1-4)

2. A person must repent of sinful behavior

a. Those who do not repent will be lost (Luke 13:3).

3. A person must confess Jesus as Lord

a. One must confess that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9)

4. A person must be baptized

a. Baptism is for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38)

b. One is united to Christ at baptism (Romans 6:3-4)

5. A person must remain faithful until death

a. Those who remain faithful to the end will be saved (Mark 13:13; Rev. 2:10)

D. Titles That Identify the Church

1. 1Corinthians 12:27 - The body of Christ.

2. Ephesians 2:19 – The household of God.

3. 1Corinthians 1:2 - The church of God

4. Romans 16:16 – The churches of Christ

V. Hebrews 10:24-25

A. The purpose for Christians assembling together is for mutual encouragement.

B. We are to devote ourselves to the gathering of God‟s people.

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A quote from Charles Finney…

“The church has always felt it necessary to have something of this kind to answer this very purpose.

In the days of the apostles, baptism answered this purpose. The gospel was preached to the people, and then all those who were willing to be on the side of Christ, were called out to be baptized.

It held the place that the anxious seat does now as a public manifestation of their determination to be Christians.”

Charles Grandison Finney (1792-1875)

Note: The term “anxious seat” is what religious leaders call today “the sinner‟s prayer” or

“the altar call.” Finney admits that in the days of the apostles, the Gospel was preached,

and the people responded in baptism (see Mark 16:15-16). He goes on to admit that the

“anxious seat” -- also know as the “sinner‟s prayer” -- replaced the purpose baptism held.

God‟s Word says baptism is for the remission (forgiveness) of sins (Acts 2:38), yet, many

religious groups today teach that the “sinner‟s prayer” is for the forgiveness of sins.

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Answers To Some Common Objections

Objection 1: “What about the thief on the cross? He was saved without being baptized.” (Luke 23:39-43)

Soul Winner: “We learned that the gospel is the good news of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus

(1Cor. 15:1-4). How can the thief on the cross be baptized into a death, burial and

resurrection that had not yet occurred? In Romans 6:3-4, it says we are baptized into

Christ's death, burial and resurrection. The thief died before the burial and resurrection of

Jesus. A person obeys the gospel in baptism. After His resurrection, Jesus told his disciples

to go and preach the gospel (good news) to all creatures. He who believes and is baptized

will be saved (Mark 16:15-16). Every example in Acts shows people hearing the gospel,

believing it and immediately responding in baptism (Acts 2:41; 8:12; 8:35-38; 16:13-15;

16:30-33; 18:8).”

Objection 2: “Well, I was baptized by immersion. Therefore, I‟m saved.”

Soul Winner: “Consider this: You believed you were forgiven of your sins after you prayed the sinner's

prayer, right?”

“Since you believed that your sins were forgiven before you were baptized, then

apparently, your baptism was not for the forgiveness of your sins. Acts 2:38 says baptism is

for the forgiveness of sins. In Acts 22:16, it says our sins are washed away at baptism. Yet,

you were taught that your sins were forgiven and washed before you were baptized. You

see the problem here?”

“Let‟s read Acts 19:1-5. In this passage, these men were baptized into the wrong baptism.

After Paul explained the truth, they got baptized into the right baptism. Therefore,

according to Acts 19:1-5, it does make a difference what baptism one receives, right?”

“And now that you learned of Biblical baptism and how it differs from the baptism you

were taught and received, you ought to consider being baptized for the right reasons.”

Objection 3: “Romans 10:9 says confess and believe and you shall be saved.”

Soul Winner: “Amen! We must confess Jesus as Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him

from the dead! If a person does not believe Christ rose from the dead and if they do not

confess Him as Lord, they certainly will not be saved! Now, let me ask you this: According

to Jesus in Luke 13:3, must a person repent to be saved?”

“Romans 10:9 says nothing about repentance, yet we know that a person must repent to be

saved. We must take into consideration all passages that deal with salvation. Passages like

John 3:16, Mark 16:16, Matthew 10:32-33 and Mark 13:13.”

“This is why I went over Matthew 4:6-7 with you. We should never set Scripture against

Scripture, as Satan tried to do with Jesus. Rather, as Jesus did, we must say: “It is also


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Objection 4: “John 3:16 says those who believe will not perish. Baptism is not mentioned.”

Soul Winner: “Amen! We must believe in Him! Now, keep in mind, John 3:16 is part of a conversation

that starts at verse 2. In verse 5, Jesus describes a true believer as one being born of water

and Spirit.”

“Also, in John 3:21, Jesus describes a true believer as one who lives by the truth.”

“In John 17:17, Jesus defines God‟s Word as Truth. Therefore, John 3:16 refers to those

who accept, believe and apply everything God‟s Word has to say.”

Objection 5: “It‟s the blood of Jesus that washes away our sins, not water!”

Soul Winner: “Yes, it is the blood of Jesus that washes away our sins! We already established that fact

in Ephesians 1:7, where it says the blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins. And we

already established the fact that Christ shed His blood at His death. Let me remind you,

according to Romans 6:3, how does one get INTO Christ and INTO His death?”

“We also covered Colossians 2:11-12. According to verse 12, at what point does Jesus

circumcise our sins? When we are buried with Him through what?”

Objection 6: “You are insinuating that water washes away sins!”

Soul Winner: “No, it‟s the blood of Christ that washes away sins. The reason Acts 22:16 says „arise

and be baptized and wash away your sins‟ is because Jesus circumcises our sins, through

His blood, at baptism (Colossians 2:11-12).”

Objection 7: “Ephesians 2:8 says we are saved by grace alone.”

Soul Winner: “I agree that we are saved by God's wonderful grace! The Greek word for "grace" is

"charis," which means "unmerited gift." Ephesians 2:8 says we are saved by grace through


“Romans 10:17 says faith comes from hearing the word of God. According to Acts 2:38,

how does one receive God‟s gift of salvation?”

Objection 8: “Baptism is a work. Ephesians 2:8 says we aren‟t saved by works.”

Soul Winner: “I agree that we are not saved by our own works. And I agree, baptism is a work.

However, let me ask you this: Where did baptism come from? Did it come from the mind of

God or from the mind of man?”

“If baptism comes from the mind of God, then whose work is it? Colossians 2:11-12 says

God is the One circumcising our sins at baptism. He is at work, not us. God is the Surgeon,

we are merely the patient.”

Objection 9: “Acts 2:21 (Romans 10:13) says those who call on His name will be saved.”

Soul Winner: “Amen! According to Acts 22:16, at what point does a person call on His name?”

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Objection 10: “I know I‟m saved! I felt the Holy Spirit and started to speak in tongues!”

Soul Winner: “Read Matthew 7:21-23. At Judgment Day, there will be many who will claim to be saved

because of the „miracles‟ they‟ve experienced. According to verse 23, what will Jesus tell

these people?”

“What matters to God is that we hear and live by His words (Matthew 7:24-25). In

2Corinthians 5:7, we are told to walk by faith and not by sight. Faith comes from hearing

the word of God (Romans 10:17). Therefore, we must walk according to God‟s Word, and

not by what we see, feel or experience (Proverbs 16:25).”

Objection 11: “What about the person on their death bed or in a desert?”

Soul Winner: “Well, let me respond to that question with this question: In John 14:6, Jesus says He is the

Way, the Truth and the Life and that NO person can come to God except through Him. Is

that always true?”

“Now, since John 14:6 says what it says, what about the millions of people who die without

ever knowing Jesus. What will happen to them?”

“2Thessalonians 1:8 says that Jesus will punish those who do not know God, along with

those who do not obey the Gospel. Psalm 119:89 says the Word of God is forever settled in

Heaven. Therefore, what the Bible says is unchangeable. John 14:6 is a permanent truth.”

“Since Mark and Acts are part of God's Word, Mark 16:16 and Acts 2:38 are permanent


“By the way, the Bible tells us of a „desert‟ conversion: In Acts 8:26-39, Philip, the

preacher, met an Ethiopian man traveling on a desert road. After Philip preached the

gospel to him, they came to an oasis and Philip baptized the man! With God, all things are

possible! I know of people who were very sick who, with God‟s grace, were able to be

baptized. As the old saying goes, „where there is a will, there is a way.‟”

Objection 12: “Revelation 3:20 says that Jesus stands at the door, waiting to come into a person‟s heart.”

Soul Winner: “Revelation 3:20 does not say, „Ask Jesus to come into your heart.‟ In fact, the word „heart‟

is not even mentioned there. The context shows Jesus addressing the lukewarm disciples of

the Laodicean church (see verse 14-21). History tells us that the city of Laodecia had

water problems. By the time the water reached the city, it was lukewarm, thus

undesirable for satisfying thirst (COLD) or for bathing (HOT). Jesus was comparing these

disciples to their city‟s water – lukewarm and nauseating. He was telling them to turn from

their wickedness and be useful for God!

“In addition, if Revelation 3:20 was referring to the “sinners' prayer,” you would see the

sinner‟s prayer being taught throughout the book of Acts. (read Finney‟s quote again)”

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Objection 13: “We are saved by faith alone.”

Soul Winner: “James 2:24 says that a person is not justified by faith alone. James 2:26 says faith without

works is dead. Romans 10:17 says faith comes from hearing the word of God. Since faith

comes from hearing the Word of God, and since faith without works is dead, according to

Acts 2:38, how does one receive God‟s gift of forgiveness and the Holy Spirit?”

“Also, keep the following in mind: faith is a work (John 6:28-29). If you say that there is

nothing we can do to be saved, then faith is unnecessary for salvation.”

Objection 14: “The word „for‟ in Acts 2:38 means „because of‟ therefore, we are baptized because our sins

are already forgiven.”

Soul Winner: “Well, this raises at least two problems: (1) Matthew 26:28 and Acts 2:38

both say „for the remission (forgiveness) of sins.‟ If “for” means “because of,” then that

means Jesus died in vain. The passage would then be interpreted as saying this: His blood

was poured out for many BECAUSE OF the forgiveness of sins. (2) Not one Bible

translation reads „because of‟ in Acts 2:38.”

Objection 15: “Do you get baptized every time you sin?”

Soul Winner: “In Acts 8:22, Simon, a baptized believer who sinned, was told to repent and pray. When

a baptized believer sins, he is to repent and pray to God for forgiveness. Also, in 1John 1:9,

John, speaking to the Christian, tells them that if they confess their sins, God will forgive


Objection 16: “I believe the term „born of water‟ in John 3:5 means „physical birth‟. I believe it is the water

that comes our of a woman‟s womb before she gives birth.”

Soul Winner: “Your reason for believing that comes from verse 6, where it mentions how flesh gives birth

to flesh and Spirit gives birth to spirit, correct?”

“Well, if „born of water‟ meant „physical birth,‟ then this raises some problems: (1) Why

didn‟t Jesus simply say „unless one is born of the Spirit?‟ Why did He bother listing the

physical birth as a requirement to enter the kingdom of Heaven? If someone asked me:

„What must I do to get into Princeton University?‟ it would be pointless for me to say to

him: „ Well, first, you need to be physically born…‟ So why would Jesus make a pointless

statement by saying a man must be „physically born‟ and „spiritually born‟ to enter the

kingdom? (2) If „born of water‟ meant „flesh,‟ then why didn‟t Jesus use the same phrase

he did in verse 6 and simply say, „unless a man is born of flesh and Spirit…‟? (3) Since

Jesus mentions both water and Spirit as requirements for entrance into the kingdom of

heaven, and since you say „born of water‟ means „physical birth,‟ then that would mean all

babies that died before birth are in hell. Acts 2:38 clearly interprets John 3:5 for us: „be

baptized…‟ (born of water)… „and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit…‟ (born of

Spirit). By the way, John 1:12-13 is clear regarding natural birth. Why didn‟t he use the

term „born of water‟ there? I believe God knows how to communicate clearly.”

“Also, keep this in mind: all the early Christian apologists of the 2nd

and 3rd

centuries, some

whom even sat at the feet of the apostles, unanimously taught that born of water meant


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Objection 17: “I was baptized as a baby.”

Soul Winner: “We learned that in Romans 6:4, baptism is a burial, not a sprinkling. We are to be buried

with Christ through baptism. Other passages, such as Colossians 2:12, refer to baptism as a

burial as well.”

“Also, we learned in Acts 2:38 that a person must first repent and be baptized. Acts 2:41

says those who accepted the message were baptized.”

Objection 18: “It says in the Bible that households were baptized. Households include children.”

Soul Winner: “In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven belongs to the children. An

adult, on the other hand, must become as a little child and be converted to enter the

kingdom of heaven (Matt. 18:1-3). A person enters the kingdom of God through baptism.

In Acts 8:12, we read of adult believers being baptized upon hearing the good news of the

kingdom and of Christ, not children.”

“Another point to consider is this: In Acts 16:31-33, it says that Paul and Silas spoke the

word of the Lord to the jailer and his household. Mark 16:15 causes us to believe that the

word of the Lord that was being spoken was the gospel. Paul and Silas were sharing the

good news of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ to those who were capable of

hearing and understanding what was being preached. Can a baby hear, understand and

respond to the gospel in baptism? (cf. Mark 16:15-16). Can a baby change its mind in

repentance and respond in baptism (cf. Acts 2:37-41)? What sin did a baby commit?

Baptism is for the forgiveness of sins. It is for those who desire to be in the kingdom of

heaven, not for those who already are in the kingdom.”

“A third point to consider is this: In Acts 8:5-12, Philip preached to a whole city there.

Obviously, there were adults and children present in the audience. In verse 12, it says the

men and women who believed Philip‟s message were baptized.”

Objection 19: “How do I know if the Bible is true?”

Soul Winner: “There is a great deal of scientific evidence that supports the Bible. In ancient times, people

thought the earth was held up by some legendary being. The Bible spoke of the earth

hanging on nothing (Job 26:7). Also, in ancient times, people thought the world was flat.

However, the Bible spoke of the circle of the earth in Isaiah 40:22. In Hebrews 1:10-11, the

Bible speaks of the universe wearing away (the Law of Entropy). Also, the Bible speaks of

hundreds of predictions that took place centuries later. For example, predictions regarding

Jesus Christ: He would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18-25); He would be

born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Luke 2:4-7); He would die for our sins (Isaiah 53:5-9;

Romans 5:8); He would rise from the dead (Psalm 16:10; Acts 2:27). Other predictions

include Daniel chapter 2, where Daniel spoke of God establishing His Church during the

times of a future „fourth kingdom.‟ Historically, this came true: The Babylonian Kingdom

fell to the Medo-Persians. The Medo-Persian Kingdom fell to Greece. The Grecian

Kingdom fell to Rome. During the times of the Roman Kingdom, the Church was

established (33AD). Daniel‟s prediction was accurate!”

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