  • 8/18/2019 China Implementation Measures of Special Tax Adjustment Consultation Draft


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    Implementation Measures of Special Tax Adjustment(Draft for Public Consultation)

    第一章 总则 

    Chapter 1 General Provision







    Article 1 - In order to standardize the administration of special tax adjustments, this regulation is drawn up inaccordance with the People's Republic of China ("PRC") Enterprise Income Tax Law (hereafter referred to as"Tax Law" or "EIT Law") with its implementation rules (hereafter referred to as "EIT Implementation Rules"), PRCTax Collection and Administration Law (hereinafter referred to as "Tax Collection Law") with its implementationrules (hereafter referred to as "Tax Collection Law Implementation Rules"), and relevant provisions of the taxtreaties (or arrangements) to avoid double taxation between the Chinese government and governments of othercountries (or regions) (hereinafter referred to as the "tax treaties").

    第二条  本办法适用于税务机关对企业的转让定价、预约定价安排、成本分摊协议、受控外国企业、资本


    Article 2 - This regulation is applicable to the administration of special tax adjustments by tax authorities fortransfer pricing, advance pricing arrangements ("APA"), cost sharing arrangements ("CSA"), controlled foreigncorporations ("CFC"), thin capitalization, and general anti-tax avoidance rules.


    This regulation shall not be applicable to tax audit cases which involve tax offenses such as tax evasion, taxfraud, refusal to pay tax and issuance of false tax invoices.


    第三条  转让定价管理是指税务机关对企业与其关联方之间的业务往来(以下简称关联交易)是否符合独


    Article 3 - Transfer pricing tax administration refers to administrative work by the tax authorities, includingverification, evaluation, investigation and making adjustments on transactions between an enterprise and itsrelated parties (hereafter referred to as "related party transactions "), on whether the related party transactionsare carried out in accordance with the arm's length principle.

    第四条  预约定价安排管理是指税务机关对企业提出的未来年度关联交易的定价原则和计算方法进行审核


    Article 4 - APA tax administration refers to administrative work by the tax authorities, including verification,evaluation of pricing principles and calculation methods proposed by an enterprise for related party transactionsin future years, and the conclusion of an advance pricing arrangement after negotiations between the taxauthorities and the enterprise.

    第五条  成本分摊协议管理是指税务机关对企业与其关联方签订的成本分摊协议是否符合独立交易原则进


    Article 5 - CSA tax administration refers to administrative work by the tax authorities, including verification,evaluation, investigation and making adjustments on CSAs entered into between an enterprise and its relatedparties, to ensure that the arrangement satisfies the arm's length principle.

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    第六条  受控外国企业管理是指税务机关对受控外国企业不作利润分配或者减少分配是否具有合理经营需


    Article 6 - Administration of CFCs refers to administrative work by the tax authorities, including verification,evaluation and investigation of the business reasonableness of non-distribution or reduced profit distribution by

    CFCs, and making relevant adjustments to attribute the appropriate profits back to the Chinese tax residententerprise.




    Article 7 - Administration of thin capitalization refers to administrative work by the tax authorities, includingverification, evaluation and investigation on the enterprise's debt from its related parties and equity investment toascertain whether the ratio is as stipulated or satisfies the arm's length principle, and to make relatedadjustments.

    第八条  一般反避税管理是指税务机关对企业实施其他不具有合理商业目的的安排而减少其应纳税收入或


    Article 8 - Administration of general anti-tax avoidance rules refers to the administrative work by the taxauthorities, including verification, evaluation, investigation on an enterprise to ascertain whether it has enteredinto transactions without any commercial purposes other than reducing its taxable revenue or income, andmaking related adjustments.

    第二章 关联申报 

    Chapter 2 Reporting and Filing of Related Party Transactions

    第九条  企业所得税法实施条例第一百零九条及税收征管法实施细则第五十一条所称关联关系,主要是指


     Article 9 - The term "related parties" as used in Article 109 of the EIT Law Implementation Rules and Article 51 ofthe Tax Collection Law Implementation Rules refers to one of the following relationships between one party and

    another party (i.e. enterprise, organization or individual):

    (一)一方直接或者间接持有另一方的股份总和达到 25%以上;双方直接或者间接同为第三方所持有的股份

    达到 25%以上。 

    (1) One party directly or indirectly holds 25% or more in aggregate of the shares of the other party; or a third partydirectly or indirectly holds 25% or more in aggregate of the shares of both parties;

    若一方通过中间方对另一方间接持有股份,只要一方对中间方持股比例达到 25%以上,则一方对另一方的持


    Where one party holds the shares of the other party through an intermediary, so long as that party holds 25% ormore of the shares of the intermediary, the percentage by which that party holds the shares of the other party isthe same as that of the intermediary's shareholding of the other party.


    Where two or more individuals are related by marriage, lineal descent, within three degrees of blood relationshipand other relations, and jointly hold shares of the same enterprise, their shareholding percentage should becombined in determining the aggregate shareholding percentage.


    构除外)之间借贷资金总额占任一方实收资本比例达到 50%以上,或者一方全部借贷资金总额的 10%以上是由另


    (2) Where one party's shareholding percentage in the other party, or a third party's shareholding percentage inboth parties, does not reach the shareholding percentage threshold as specified in (1), the total debts owed by

    one party to the other party (with the exception of an independent financial institution) exceed 50% of eitherparty's paid-in capital, or 10% or more of the total debts owed by one party is guaranteed by the other party (withthe exception of an independent financial institution).

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    % of total debts to paid-in capital = Annual weighted average amount of debts / Annual weighted average paid-incapital, of which:

    年度加权平均借贷资金= i 笔借入或者贷出资金账面金额×i 笔借入或者贷出资金年度实际占用天数/365

     Annual weighted average amount of debts = Book value of debt (i ) ×Actual borrowing days of debt (i ) in a year /365

    年度加权平均实收资本= i 笔实收资本账面金额×i 笔实收资本年度实际占用天数/365

     Annual weighted average paid-in capital = Book value of paid-in capital (i ) ×Actual investment days of paid-incapital (i ) / 365



    (3) Where one party's shareholding percentage in the other party, or a third party's shareholding percentage in

    both parties, does not reach the shareholding percentage threshold as specified in (1), one party's normalrunning of its production and operational activities are dependent on intangibles provided by the other party(including industrial property rights, trademark, patent, non-patented technology, etc.)



    (4) Where one party's shareholding percentage in the other party, or a third party's shareholding percentage inboth parties, does not reach the shareholding percentage threshold as specified in (1), the purchase and salesactivities, provision or receipt of services, and other business activities of one party are substantially controlled bythe other party.


    Substantial control refers to the right of one party to make decisions on the operational strategies, transactionterms, pricing, etc.





    (5) More than half of one party's senior management personnel (including the chairman, directors, companysecretary, general manager, chief accountant, chief financial controller, deputy general managers and personnelexercising similar powers), or at least one senior member of the board of directors who is able to exert controlover the board, is appointed by the other party, or concurrently hold senior management position of the otherparty or are able to exert control over the board of directors; two parties with more than half of their seniormanagement personnel, or at least one senior member of the board of directors who is able to exert control over

    the board of directors, is appointed by the same third party.



    (6) Where two individuals are related by marriage, lineal descent, within three degrees of blood relationship orother relations, the relationship between one party and one of the two individuals satisfies one of the definitionsspecified in (1) to (5) hereof, so does the relationship between the other party and the other individual.


    (7) Both parties are related by means of other interests.

    第十条  仅因国家持股或者由国有资产管理部门委派高级管理人员、董事等而存在第九条第(一)至


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    Article 10 - Any shareholding by the State or association through delegation of senior personnel by the State Asset Management Departments to a party, and therefore satisfying a relationship specified within (1) to (5) of Article 9, will not be deemed to constitute a related party relationship.

    第十一条  关联交易包括以下类型: 

    Article 11 - Related party transactions include the following categories:



    (1) The transfer of the ownership of or right to use tangible assets, including products, commodities, real estate,vehicles, machinery and equipment, and other tangible assets;



    (2) The transfer of financial assets, including accounts receivables, notes receivables, loans, other receivables,equity investment, debt investment, derivative instruments, and other financial assets;



    (3) The transfer of the right to use or the ownership of intangible assets, including patents, non-patentedtechnology, trademarks, copyrights, franchise, land-use rights, goodwill, value of going concern, etc.;



    (4) Financial transactions, including all kinds of long-term and short-term borrowing, lending and guarantees, andall kinds of interest bearing advance payments and deferred payments, group cash pooling, etc.;



    (5) Provision of services, including market survey, marketing, agency, design, consultancy, administration,technical services, contract research & development, maintenance, legal, financial management, audit,recruitment, staff training, centralized procurement, and other services;


    (6) Equity transfer; and


    (7) Other types of related party transactions.

    第十二条  实行查账征收的居民企业和在中国境内设立机构、场所并据实申报缴纳企业所得税的非居民企业


    When filing annual tax returns, resident enterprises which are taxed on an actual profit basis and nonresidententerprises with establishments in China which are taxed on an actual profit basis should prepare and submit the"PRC Annual Related Party Transactions Reporting Form".



    Enterprises which satisfy any of the following circumstances are required to complete the country-by-countryreporting form when filing the "PRC Annual Related Party Transactions Reporting Form".

    (一)该企业为跨国集团最终控股企业,且集团上一财务年度合并收入超过 50亿元。 

    (1) The enterprise is the ultimate holding company of a multinational group, and the annual consolidated revenueof the group of the last fiscal year exceeds CNY5,000,000,000.

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    (2) The ultimate holding company of the enterprise is outside China, but the enterprise has been designated bythe multinational group to prepare and submit the country-by-country report.

    第十三条  企业按规定期限报送确有困难,需要延期的,应当按税收征管法及其实施细则的有关规定办理。 

    Article 13 - Enterprises that have difficulties in submitting the "PRC Annual Related Party TransactionsReporting Form" may apply for an extension of time, in accordance with relevant provisions of the Tax CollectionLaw and its Implementation Rules.

    第三章 同期资料 

    Chapter 3 Contemporaneous Documentation

    第十四条  同期资料包括主体文档、本地文档和特殊事项文档。 

    Article 14 - Contemporaneous documentation includes a master file, a local file and a special issue file.

    第十五条  主体文档主要披露跨国集团全球业务的整体情况。主要包括以下内容: 

    Article 15 - The master file is mainly intended to provide an overview of the multinational's global business,which will include the following:



    (1) Organizational structure



    a. Chart illustrating the group's global shareholding structure and geographic location of all member entities. Amember entity refers to any business entity in the group including a corporation, partnership, permanentestablishment, etc.

    (二)  业务描述 

    (2) Business description


    a. A description of the group's business, including key value drivers creating profits;

    2.集团产品或者劳务的营业收入位居前五位以及占营业收入总额超过 5%的,说明其供应链和主要区域市场情


    b. A description of the supply chain and major market conditions in relation to the group's five largest productsand/or service offerings by turnover, plus any other products and/or services amounting to more than 5 percent ofgroup turnover;



    c. A description of important intragroup service arrangements, other than research and development (R&D)services, including a description of the capabilities of the entities providing the services, and pricing policies forintra-group services;


    d. A description of the value creating contributions from each group entity, including details of the functionsperformed, significant risks assumed, and important assets employed;

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    e. A description of business restructuring, transfers of functions, risks or assets within the group during the fiscalyear; and


    f. A description of reorganizations during the fiscal year, including changes in legal forms, debt restructuring,equity acquisition, asset acquisition, mergers, divisions, etc.

    (三)  无形资产 

    (3) Intangibles


    a. A description of the group's overall strategy for the development, ownership and exploitation of intangibles;


    b. A description of R&D facilities and R&D management, including location, main functions and personnel ofprincipal R&D facilities;


    c. A list of intangibles of the group which have a significant impact on the group's transfer pricing policy, and thelegal ownership of such intangibles;


    d. A list of inter-company agreements related to intangibles, including CSA, R&D service agreements, and

    license agreements;


    e. A description of the group's transfer pricing policies related to R&D and intangibles; and


    f. A description of any transfers of interests in intangibles among related parties during the fiscal year, includingthe related enterprises, countries, and consideration.



    (4) Finance arrangement


    a. A description of group's financing position and key financing arrangements with unrelated lenders;


    b. A description of the group entities that provide central financing for the group, including the country ofincorporation, and country of effective management; and


    c. A description of the group's transfer pricing policies related to financing arrangements between related parties.



    (5) Financial and tax status

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    a. The group's annual consolidated financial statement for latest fiscal year;


    b. A list of the group’s existing unilateral APAs and other tax rulings relating to the allocation of income amongcountries; and


    c. A list of the names and locations of member entities of the group that will prepare and submit the country-by-country report.



    Article 16 - The local file should mainly disclose more detailed information for the specific intercompanytransactions of the local enterprise, including the following:



    (1) Overview of local enterprise


    a. Organizational structure, including the functional departments, scope of responsibilities and number ofemployees;


    b. Management structure, including a description of the party(ies) to whom local management reports to and thecountry(ies) in which such party(ies) maintain their principal offices;



    c. Industry description, including an overview of the industry in which the enterprise operates and its developmentlevel, industrial policies, trade restrictions, other major economic and legal issues that may impact the industry,key competitors;


    d. Operating Model, including business strategy and key value drivers;


    e. Business description, including the business activities of each department in each working flow;


    f. Segmented financials for each type of business and products, including details of income, costs, expenses andprofit; and


    g. A description of reorganizations or transfers of intangibles in which the local enterprise is involved, and howthe change affects the local enterprise.

    (二)  关联关系 

    (2) Related party relationships

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    a. Information on related parties, including any related party which directly or indirectly hold shares of the local

    enterprise, and with which the local enterprise enters into transactions (i.e. name, legal representative, relevantinformation of senior officers, registered address, actual business address) as well as any related partyindividual's name, nationality, domicile and other information;


    b. Tax rate applicable for each related party, with details on names of the taxes with income tax nature, tax ratesand any preferential tax treatments; and


    c. Changes in related party relationships during the fiscal year.

    (三)  关联交易 

    (3) Related party transactions


    a. Overview of related party transactions



    (i) Description and details of related party transactions, including copies of contracts / agreements entered intobetween the local enterprise and its related parties, explanation of contract execution status, details on therelated party transactions (including background, nature, parties involved, timing, transaction value, settlementcurrency, contractual terms, trading model, etc.); and how these differ from transactions with unrelated parties;


    (ii) Business processes for related party transactions, including the flow of information, goods, and funds, andhow these differ from transactions with unrelated parties;



    (iii) Description of functions and risks, including the functions performed, risks assumed and assets employed bythe enterprise and its related party for each category of related party transactions, and any changes compared toprior years;



    (iv) Factors affecting the pricing of related party transactions, including intangible assets involved in related partytransactions and their impact on pricing; and the main economic and legal factors which may impact on thepricing of related party transactions; and




    (v) Financial information for the related party transactions, including the value of intra-group payments andreceipts for each category of related party transactions involving the local enterprise, with details of the receiptsfrom / payments to related parties in each tax jurisdiction; information on the allocation of income, costs and

    expenses, and profits between related and unrelated party transactions, and explanation of allocation key(s)being used.

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    b. Analysis on value chain



    (i)Transaction flow, physical flow of goods and cash flow within the group, including design, development,manufacture, marketing, delivery, payment, consumption, aftersales services, final cyclic utilization and otherprocess of products, service or other trading object and all involving parties;


    (ii) Annual financial statements (both consolidated and company level) for the latest fiscal year of each of thegroup entities involved in the value chain; and


    (iii) Allocation principles and actual allocation results of group profits amongst the global value chain.


    c. Outbound investment


    (i) Information on outbound investment, including the location, investment value, main business and strategicplan;



    (ii) Overview of outbound investment projects, including shareholding structure of outbound investment projects,

    organizational structure, details on employment of senior personnel, entity with final decision making authority,etc.; and


    (iii) Project data of the outbound investment project, including operational information.


    d. Related party equity transfer



    (i) Overview of related party equity transfer, including due dil igence report, background, parties involved, timing,pricing method, payment method and other factors affecting the equity transfer;



    (ii) Information on the equity transferred, including the geographic location of the target, date of the acquisition,acquisition method, cost, gains from the transfer, and other information; and


    (iii) Underlying asset valuation report for the transferred equity.



    e. Related party services

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    (i) Overview of related party services, including descriptions of the services provided, the service provider(s) andrecipient(s), pricing method, form of payment, transaction value, and other information;


     (ii) Calculation of service costs and methodology for determining relevant costs; and




    (iii) Where the related party services involve several service recipients, or where the service cost and expensescannot be objectively identified to determine the cost base, the enterprise should consider various allocation keysto allocate the costs between service recipients / service projects, e.g. income, operating assets, number ofemployees, employee salaries, utilization of equipment, data traffic, working hours or another reasonableallocation key.


    f. Unilateral and bilateral/multilateral APAs and other competent authorities' tax rulings which are not relevant tothe tax jurisdiction in which the concerned enterprise is located, but are relevant to the concerned related partytransactions.



    (4) Comparability analysis



    a. Factors considered in performing the comparability analysis, including the characteristics of the transactedgoods or services, functions performed and risks assumed by the relevant parties, contractual terms, economicenvironment, business strategies, etc.;


    b. Information related to the functions performed, risks assumed and assets employed by the comparableenterprises;




    c. Description of the comparable transactions, such as: the physical characteristics, quality and efficacy oftangible goods; normal interest rates, amount of financing, currency, duration, guarantees, credit ratings, terms ofrepayment, methods of interest computation for financing activities; the nature and the extent of services; thetypes and transaction forms of intangible assets, the right to use such intangible assets, and the benefits from theintangible;



    d. The source, selection criteria and rationale for the comparable information; and


    e. Adjustments and rationale for the adjustments made to the comparable data.

    (五)   转让定价方法的选择和使用 

    (5). Selection of transfer pricing methods

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    a. The selection of transfer pricing method, and the rationale for the selection; irrespective of the selectedmethod, the enterprise must explain its contribution to the groups overall profit or residual profit;


    b. How the comparable data can support the selected transfer pricing method;



    c. Application of the reasonable transfer pricing methods and results of the comparability analysis to determinethe arm's length prices or profits, as well as any assumptions and judgments made in the process; and



    d. Other information to justify the selection of the transfer pricing method.




    Article 17 - The Special Issue file should include details on any special issues for related party servicetransactions, CSAs and thin capitalization. Details of the requirements are provided in Chapter 7, Chapter 9 andChapter 11 of this regulation.

    第十八条  符合下列情形之一的企业,应当准备同期资料主体文档和本地文档: 

    Article 18 - Enterprises which meet one of the following criteria are required to prepare the master file and localfile:

    (一)年度发生的关联购销金额(来料加工业务按年度进出口报关价格计算)超过 2亿元人民币。 

    (1) The annual sum of related party purchases/sales is greater than RMB 200 million (for toll manufacturingactivities, the amount is calculated based on the import/export customs declaration prices)

    (二)年度发生关联购销以外的其他关联交易金额(关联融通资金按利息收付金额计算)超过 4000万元人民


    (2) The annual sum of other related party transactions is greater than RMB 40 million (for related party financing,the amount is calculated based on the interest received/paid)


    (3) A limited function and risk entity which has a loss.

    第十九条  符合下列情形之一的企业,应当准备同期资料特殊事项文档: 

    Article 19 - Enterprises which meet one of the following criteria are required to prepare the special issue file:


    (1) Has a related party service transaction.


    (2) Has a CSA in place.


    (3) Breaches the thin capitalization regulations.



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    Enterprises should prepare the contemporaneous special issue file in accordance with Chapter 7, Chapter 9 andChapter 11 of this regulation.

    第二十条  属于下列情形之一的企业,可免于准备同期资料: 

    Article 20 - Enterprises are exempt from preparing contemporaneous documentation if they meet one of thefollowing criteria:


    (1) Where related party transactions are covered under a concluded APA; or



    (2) The enterprise only enters into related party transactions with other related parties in Mainland China.

    第二十一条  企业应当在关联交易发生年度的次年 5月 31日之前准备完毕该年度同期资料,并自税务机关要

    求之日起 20日内提供。 

    Article 21 - Enterprises should complete the preparation of contemporaneous documents for a year before May31 of the following year, and submit the documents within 20 days of receiving a request from the tax authorities.

    第二十二条  企业因不可抗力无法按期提供同期资料的,应当在不可抗力消除后 20日内提供同期资料。 

    Article 22 - Enterprises that are unable to submit the documents due to force majeure should submit thedocuments within 20 days after the force majeure is over..

    第二十三条  同期资料应当使用中文,如原始资料为外文的,应当附送中文副本。 

    Article 23 - The contemporaneous documentation should be prepared in Chinese. If the original document isprepared in a foreign language, the enterprise should submit a Chinese translation.



    Article 24 - An enterprise that provides false or incomplete information which does not truly reflect the company'srelated party transactions, would be considered to have failed to satisfy the contemporaneous documentationrequirements.

    第二十五条  企业按照规定提供的同期资料须加盖公章,并由法定代表人或者法定代表人授权的代表签字或者


    Article 25 - The contemporaneous documentation should be submitted to the tax authority with the company'slegal seal and signature of the legal representative or the delegate empowered by the legal representative. Thesource of cited information in the documents should be provided.

    第二十六条  企业因合并、分立等原因变更或者注销税务登记的,应当由合并、分立后的企业保存同期资料。 

    Article 26 - If the enterprise changes or cancels its tax registration due to a merger or division, the relevantcontemporaneous documents should be maintained by the surviving enterprise after the merger or division.

    第二十七条  企业应当按照税收征管法实施细则相关规定保存同期资料。 

    Article 27 - Contemporaneous documents should be retained by the enterprise in accordance with the TaxCollection Law Implementation Rules.

    第四章 转让定价方法 

    Chapter 4 Transfer Pricing Methods

    第二十八条  企业发生关联交易以及税务机关审核、评估关联交易均应当按照独立交易原则,确定转让定价方


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    Article 28 –  An enterprise entering into related party transactions, and tax authorities in reviewing and evaluatingrelated party transactions, should follow the arm's length principle to determine a reasonable transfer pricingmethod.


    The transfer pricing methods include the comparable uncontrolled price method, the resale price method, thecost plus method, the transactional net margin method, the profit split method, and other methods.



    In applying a reasonable transfer pricing method, factors to determine the transfer price, or the profit of eachrelevant party should include the functions performed, assets employed, risks borne and value creation of allrelevant parties to the transactions.

    第二十九条  选用合理的转让定价方法应当进行可比性分析,可比性分析可以包括以下方面: 

    Article 29 –  A comparability analysis should be conducted when selecting a reasonable transfer pricing method,

    with consideration of the following five aspects:



    (1) Characteristics of the transacted assets or services, including: the physical characteristics, quality, andquantity of tangible assets; the types, the transaction forms, protection, term and scope, as well as the expectedreturns of intangible assets; the nature and scope of the services; the characteristics, scope, and riskmanagement of financial assets; and the nature and scope of the equity investment;





    (2) Functions performed, assets employed and risks assumed by the parties to the transactions. Functionsinclude: research and development, design, purchasing, processing, assembling, manufacturing, repairs andmaintenance, distribution, sales and marketing, advertising, inventory management, logistics, warehousing,financing, general administration, accounting, legal and human resource management, etc. When comparingfunctions, close attention should be paid to the types and characteristics of assets employed by the enterprises toperform such functions. Assets include tangible assets, intangible assets, financial assets, equity and otherassets. Risks include investment risks, research and development risks, procurement risks, production risks,market risks, management and financial risks, etc.;



    (3) Contractual terms, including the object of the transaction, the quantity and prices of the transactions, the

    forms and terms of payment; the terms of delivery; the scope and terms of after-sale services; conditions for theprovision of additional services; the rights related to modifying and amending the terms of the contract; durationof the contract; and the right to terminate or renew the contract; as well as the ability and behavior to deliver theobligations under the contract;



    (4) Economic circumstances, including: industry overview, geographic region, market scale, market level, marketshare, degree of market competition, consumer purchasing power, substitutability of the goods and services,prices of the production factors, transportation costs, governmental regulations, location specific factors, andother factors.


    (5) Business strategies related to innovation and development, business diversification, operational synergies,risk aversion, and market penetration.

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    第三十条  可比非受控价格法以非关联方之间进行的与关联交易相同或者类似业务活动所收取的价格作为关


    Article 30  – The comparable uncontrolled price method should be based on the prices of the same or similar

    transactions between unrelated parties as the arm's length price for the related party transactions.



    The comparability analysis should examine differences in the characteristics of the transacted properties andservices between related and unrelated party transactions, in the areas of contractual terms, operationalstrategies and economic environment, based on the nature of the transactions as follows:


    (1) Transfer of the legal ownership of or right to use tangible assets



    a. The process of transfer, including the time and location of the transaction; terms of delivery; conditions ofdelivery; terms of payment; quantity involved; timing and location of after-sale services, etc.;


    b. Stages involved in the transfer, including manufacturing, wholesale, retail, export, etc.;


    c. The economic environment for the transfer, including local customs and practice, consumer preference,political stability, as well as the fiscal, taxation and foreign exchange policies, etc.


    d. The functionality, specifications, models, configuration, types, and method of depreciation of the tangibleassets.


    e. The timing, duration and location of the right to use.


    f. The owner's investment expenditure and maintenance costs for these assets, etc.


    (2) Transfer of financial assets, including the actual terms, liquidity, security and rate of return of the financialassets.


    (3) Transfer of the right to use or legal ownership of intangible assets.


    a. The types, usage, applicable industries, and expected returns of the intangible assets.



    b. The development costs, conditions for the transfer, exclusivity, the degree and duration of the protection byrelevant laws and regulations, geographic location, useful life, stage of research and development, right to

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    maintain and update, the cost and expenses of the transfer, the functions and risks of the intangible assets,whether any substitutes are available, etc.


    4. Financing transactions, including the financed amount, currency, duration, guarantee, credit rating of borrower,terms of repayment, methods of interest calculation, etc.


    5. Provision of services, including the nature of the service, technical requirements, professional proficiencies,responsibilities assumed, forms and terms of payment, direct and indirect costs, etc.




    6. Equity transfer, including the nature of the company, business and asset structure, industry in which thecompany operates, industry cycle, operational model, company size, asset allocation and utilization, growth of

    the company, operational risks, financial risks, time of transactions, geographic location, equity relationships,historical and future operations of the company, goodwill, tax position, liquidity, economic trends, macroeconomicpolicy, revenue cost structure of the company and other factors.



    Where there are significant differences in the abovementioned factors between related party transactions andunrelated party transactions, a reasonable adjustment on the price of the transactions should be made to accountfor such differences. If it is not possible to make such adjustments, other transfer pricing methods in this Chaptershould be considered.


    The comparable uncontrolled price method is applicable for all types of related party transactions.

    第三十一条  再销售价格法以关联方购进商品再销售给非关联方的价格减去可比非关联交易毛利后的金额作为


    Article 31  – The resale price method involves determining the arm's length price for goods purchased from arelated party by deducting the gross profit of a comparable uncontrolled transaction, from the resale price to

    unrelated parties. The formula is as follows: 



     Arm's length purchase price = Resale price to unrelated parties ×(1 – Gross margin of a comparable

    uncontrolled transaction) 

    Gross margin of a comparable unrelated party transaction = Gross profit of a comparable uncontrolledtransaction/ Net sales of a comparable uncontrolled transaction x 100%





    When conducting a comparability analysis, special attention should be paid to investigating the differencesbetween the related party transactions and unrelated party transactions in terms of the functions performed,assets employed and risks assumed; contractual terms and conditions; and other factors which may impact the

    gross margin, such as advertising, marketing, distribution, warranty, as well as relevant services and inventoryrisk; value and useful life of machinery and equipment; use of intangible assets and their value; valuablemarketing intangibles, retail or sales channel, business experience, accounting treatment, managementefficiency, etc.

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    Where there are significant differences in the abovementioned factors between related party transactions and

    unrelated party transactions, a reasonable adjustment on the gross margin of the transactions should be made toaccount for such differences. If it is not possible to make such adjustments, the other transfer pricing methods inthis Chapter should be considered.



    The resale price method is usually applicable to situations where resellers do not materially change the shape,performance, structure, trademark etc. of the products, but only conduct simple processing activities or puredistribution activities.


    第三十二条  成本加成法以关联交易发生的合理成本加上可比非关联交易毛利后的金额作为关联交易的公平成


    Article 32 – The cost plus method establishes the arm's length price for related party transactions as thereasonable costs incurred under a related party transaction, plus an appropriate mark-up derived from a

    comparable uncontrolled transaction. The formula is as follows: 



     Arm's length price = Reasonable costs incurred under a related party transaction ×(1 + Cost plus margin of the

    comparable uncontrolled transaction) 

    Cost plus margin of comparable uncontrolled transaction = Gross profit of comparable uncontrolled transaction /Gross costs of the comparable uncontrolled transaction x 100%




    When conducting a comparability analysis, special attention should be paid to investigating the differencesbetween the related party transactions and unrelated party transactions in terms of the functions performed andrisks assumed; contractual terms and conditions; and other factors which may impact the cost plus margin, suchas manufacturing, processing, installation and testing functions; market and foreign exchange risk; value anduseful life of machinery and equipment; use of intangible assets and their value; business experience, accountingtreatment, manufacturing and management efficiency, etc.



    Where there are significant differences in the abovementioned factors between related party transactions andunrelated party transactions, a reasonable adjustment on the cost plus margin of the transactions should bemade to account for such differences. If it is not possible to make such adjustments, the other transfer pricingmethods in this Chapter should be considered.


    The cost plus method is usually applied for the transfer of the legal ownership of or right to use tangible assets,provision and receipt of services, and financing transactions between related parties.

    第三十三条  交易净利润法以可比非关联交易的利润率指标确定关联交易的利润。利润率指标包括资产收益


    Article 33  – The transactional net margin method uses profit level indicators of comparable uncontrolledtransactions to determine the net operating margin of the related party transactions. The profit level indicatorsinclude return on assets ("ROA"), operating margin, EBIT operating margin, net cost plus margin, Berry Ratio,etc. The formulae of various profit level indicators are:

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    (一)  资产收益率=净利润/资产总额×100%

    (1) Return on assets = net profit / total assets × 100%



    (2) Operating margin = operating profit / operating income × 100%



    (3) EBIT operating margin = net profit (before interest and tax) / operating income × 100%


    (4) Net cost plus margin = net profit (before interest and tax) / total costs × 100%

    (五)  贝里比率=营业毛利/(营业费用+管理费用)×100%

    (5) Berry Ratio = gross profit / (operating expenses + general administration expenses) × 100%




    When conducting a comparability analysis, special attention should be paid to investigating the differencesbetween the related party transactions and unrelated party transactions in terms of the functional and risk profile;economic environment; and other factors which may impact the operating profit, including functions performed,risks assumed, assets employed; industry and market environment; business scale; economic cycle; product lifecycle; the allocation of costs, expenses, income and assets between transactions; accounting treatment,operating and management efficiency, etc.



    The selection of a profit level indicator should be consistent with the comparable analysis, reflecting the functionsperformed, risks assumed and assets employed by the parties to the related party transaction. Wherenecessary, appropriate adjustments may be made to certain financial data.



    Where there are significant differences in the abovementioned factors between related party transactions andunrelated party transactions, a reasonable adjustment on the profit of the transactions should be made to accountfor such differences. If it is not possible to make such adjustments, the other transfer pricing methods in thisChapter should be considered.


    The transactional net margin method is usually applied for the transfer of tangible assets, transfer of intangibleassets, as well as the provision and receipt of services between related parties, where the transferor or serviceprovider is an enterprise without significant intangible assets.

    第三十四条  利润分割法根据企业与其关联方对关联交易合并的实际或者预计利润的贡献计算各自应当分配的


    Article 34  – The profit split method refers to the methodology where the aggregate profits (including both actualprofits and projected profits) are split amongst all relevant related parties according to the contribution from eachrespective enterprise. There are two types of profit split method: (1) general profit split method; and (2) residualprofit split method.



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    The general profit split method splits profit amongst related parties according to the functions performed, risksassumed and assets employed by each relevant entity, applying the arm's length principle to determine theappropriate profits for each related party.



    The residual profit split method first identifies the routine profit for each related party, and then subtracts theroutine profits from the total aggregate profits, thus deriving the residual profit. Next, the residual profit will besplit amongst the related parties in accordance with the contribution from each enterprise.



    When conducting a comparability analysis, special attention should be paid to the functions performed, risksassumed, assets employed by each related party; costs, expenses, income and assets allocated amongst eachrelated party; location specific factors, accounting treatment, reliability of the information and assumptions used inevaluating the contribution to the residual profit made by each related party.


    The profit split method is usually applied for those transactions where the related parties make unique valuecontributions, or where the related party transactions are highly integrated and it is difficult to evaluate theoperating results in isolation.

    第三十五条  其他方法包括价值贡献分配法、资产评估方法等方法。 

    Article 35  – Other methods include the value-contribution allocation method, the asset valuation method, andothers.




    (1) The value-contribution allocation method is applied by analyzing the value creation factors and theircontribution to the profits of a multinational group, to allocate a consolidated profit to each of the related partieslocated in various countries. A factor which is relevant to the value contribution, or a combination of such factors,needs to be considered in allocating the profit. Such factors include the assets, costs, expenses, sales income,number of employees, etc.


    The value-contribution allocation method is usually applied for those transactions that lack comparableinformation but that can reasonably determine the multinational group's consolidated profit, as well as thecontribution of each value creation factor.

    (二)   资产评估方法包括成本法、市场法和收益法等方法。 

    (2) The asset valuation method, including the cost approach; the market approach; and the income approach.



    Under the cost approach, the value of an asset is determined as the cost to replace the asset, based on the costsof creating a similar asset under the current market conditions. The cost approach is applicable in situationswhere the asset in question is replaceable.



    Under the market approach, the value of an asset is determined, either with a direct comparison or through acomparison analysis, based on the most recent transaction price of an asset of the same or similar nature in themarket. The market approach is applicable where comparable market data for the same or similar asset isavailable.

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    Under the income approach, the value of an asset is determined based on the present value of the expected

    return from the asset. The income approach applies to the valuation of an enterprise's aggregate assets, as wellas individual assets with future returns that can be reasonably forecasted. In applying the income approach toevaluate intangible assets, the economic life of the intangible assets should be reasonably determined.

    第五章 特别纳税调查及调整 

    Chapter 5 Special Tax Audit and Adjustment

    第三十六条  税务机关应当结合日常征管工作,开展关联交易风险分析,筛选特别纳税调查案源,确定被调查



    Article 36 - Tax authorities shall, in the normal course of their day-to-day tax collection and administrative duties,carry out related party transaction risk analysis and screen special tax investigation cases, to identify target

    enterprises for tax audits. In analysing the related party transaction risks through a comprehensive evaluationand analysis of the production and operating conditions of the enterprise and its related party transactions, thetax authorities should mainly refer to historical annual income tax filings, PRC Annual Related Party TransactionsReporting Forms, and other tax related documents previously submitted by the enterprise.

    第三十七条  税务机关确定被调查企业,应当重点选择具有以下风险特征的企业: 

    Article 37 - In identifying enterprises to be investigated, tax authorities shall focus on enterprises with thefollowing risk characteristics.

    (一)   关联交易``较大或者类型较多。 

    (1) Enterprises with high value related party transactions or with multiple types of related party transactions;



    (2) Enterprises with long-term losses, marginal profit or fluctuating profit;



    (3) Enterprises with a profit level below the industry level;

    (四)   利润水平与其所承担的功能风险不相匹配,或者分享的收益与分摊的成本不相配比。 

    4. Enterprises with profit levels that do not match their functions performed and risks assumed, or the benefitsreceived do not match with the costs shared;

    (五)   与低税国家关联方发生关联交易。 

    5. Enterprises that enter into transactions with any related parties located in a low-tax jurisdiction;



    6. Enterprises that fail to report their related party transactions or fail to prepare contemporaneous documentationin accordance with relevant regulations;



    7. Enterprises with a related party debt to equity ratio which exceeds the threshold as stipulated in the relevantregulations;

    (八)   在低税国家设立受控外国企业。 

    8. Enterprises that set up controlled foreign corporations in a low tax jurisdiction;

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    (九)   实施不具有合理商业目的的安排。 

    9. Enterprises that conduct a business arrangement without a reasonable commercial purpose;

    (十)   其他违背独立交易原则的情形。 

    10. Enterprises that do not satisfy the arm's length principle.




    Article 38 - In conducting a tax audit, the tax authorities shall designate two or more officers to jointly conduct theinvestigation, and the officers shall produce a "Tax Inspection Certificate" and serve to the enterprise a "Notice ofTax Audit" when conducting the audit.



    In cases where the audited enterprise is located overseas, the tax authorities may either serve the "Notice of Tax

     Audit" to the audited enterprise directly, or request that the domestic related party of the audited enterpriseforwards the "Notice of Tax Audit".

    第三十九条  税务机关实施特别纳税调查时,有权要求被调查企业及其关联方,以及与调查有关的其他企业提


    Article 39 - The tax authorities shall, in conducting special tax audits, have the authority to request the auditedenterprise, its related parties and any other enterprise related to the audit, to provide relevant information.


    (1) When requesting that the audited enterprise and its related parties provide relevant information, the taxauthorities should serve upon them a "Notice of Taxation Matters".


    In cases where the audited enterprise or its related parties are located overseas, the tax authorities may eitherserve the "Notice of Taxation Matters" to the relevant enterprises directly, or request that the domestic relatedentity forward the "Notice of Taxation Matters".



    (2) When requesting information from other enterprises under the same tax jurisdiction of the in charge taxbureau, the tax authorities shall issue a "Notice of Taxation Matters". If an on-site investigation is needed, a"Notice of Tax Audit" should be served.



    (3) When requesting information from other enterprises in different tax jurisdictions, the tax authorities shouldissue letters for assistance to the tax bureau in charge of that jurisdiction, which will serve the "Notice of TaxationMatters" to the relevant enterprise. If on-site investigation is needed, a "Notice of Tax Audit" should be served.

    第四十条  被调查企业及其关联方、以及与调查有关的其他企业应当按照税务机关要求提供真实、完整的相


    Article 40 - The audited enterprise, its related parties and any other enterprises involved in the audit mustprovide the true and complete information requested by the tax authorities. They may not refuse to provide orconceal the information.

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    (1) Provide the original version of documents maintained by the enterprise itself, including the original records,

    duplicate copies, etc. If the enterprise has difficulty in providing original version, it may arrange for certified truecopies, photos, excerpts, etc. but they must be certified by the entity that maintains the original documents,signed and/or affixed with the official seal by the provider.



    (2) When providing photocopies of the original documents preserved by the other relevant parties, the sourceshould be specified and the entity that maintains the original documents must certify the copies, with signatureand/or the official seal of the provider.



    (3) When providing documents or audio/visual materials in a foreign language, a Chinese translation should beattached. The provider should be responsible for the authenticity and completeness of the translation.



    (4) Overseas information should have the source specified. In case the tax authorities have doubts on theauthenticity and completeness of the information, they have the right to request the information provider to furtherprovide a certification issued by a foreign notary, an accounting firm or a qualifying tax agency. A list of qualifyingtax agencies is publicly available on the website of the State Administration of Taxation.

    第四十一条  以电子数据的内容证明案件事实的,税务机关可以采取以下方式进行取证: 

    Article 41 In cases which involve collecting electronic data, the tax authorities may undertake the followingactions:



    (1) Request the information provider to print out electronic data as hard copies with a clear indication of the datasource, place of printing, and a remark that it is "a certified true copy ", and to sign and/or affix a seal on the hardcopies.




    (2) Store the electronic data in physical devices; copying and sealing up electronic data into read-only storagemedia by inspectors together with the personnel designated by the party providing the electronic data, and sealedin a package with details of the name of electronic data, creation method, creation time, creator, file format andsize, as well as a remark that it is "verified with electronic data recorded in the original storage media", and tosign and/or affix a seal.

    第四十二条  务机关实施特别纳税调查时,可以依照法定权限和程序,采用实地调查、调取账簿资料、询问、


    Article 42 - In conducting a special tax audit, the tax authorities may carry out procedures as authorized by thelaws, such as on-site inspection, review of accounting books and records, conducting enquiries, investigatingbank records / accounts, issuing letters for assistance, initiating the information exchange procedure withcompetent tax authorities overseas, conducting investigations in other provinces/cities, etc.


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    For audited enterprises using the electronic information system for management and accounting purposes, thetax authorities have the right to request for tax-related information in accordance with the relevant provisions ofthe Tax Collection Law and its Implementation Rules.

    第四十三条  税务机关实施特别纳税调查时,应当依照法定权限和程序进行调查取证,收集能够证明案件事实


    Article 43 - In conducting a special tax audit, the tax authorities may, according to the legal procedures providedby the relevant laws and regulations, investigate and collect evidences which may be used to substantiate thefacts. They may take notes, record audio or video, take photographs, or photocopy the documents or materialsrelated to the case..



    In gathering information and making records, the contents should be signed by two or more tax officers, andchecked and confirmed by the audited enterprise, which should sign and/or affix a seal on the relevant records.The tax authorities should also inform relevant personnel prior to an audio or video recording, or takingphotographs.




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