Page 1: Children’s Survey 2014

Children’s Survey 2014

Grangetown Primary School

Page 2: Children’s Survey 2014

We asked 164 Grangetown children……

Do you enjoy school?

The survey said:

162 children said YES.

That’s 98.8%.

2 said ‘sometimes’.

That’s 1.2%.

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We asked 164 Grangetown children……

Do you learn new things in


The survey said:

162 children said YES.

That’s 99%.

2 said ‘sometimes’.

That’s 1%.

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We asked 164 Grangetown children……

Are your lessons interesting

and fun?

The survey said:

158 children said YES.

That’s 96.3%.

6 said ‘sometimes’.

That’s 3.7%.

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We asked 164 Grangetown children……

If anyone in class gets stuck with

their work, is there someone in

class to help?

The survey said:

164 children said YES.

That’s 100%.

0 said ‘sometimes’.

That’s 0%.

Page 6: Children’s Survey 2014

We asked 164 Grangetown children……

Are you expected to work


The survey said:

163 children said YES.

That’s 99.4%.

1 said ‘sometimes’.

That’s 0.6%.

Page 7: Children’s Survey 2014

We asked 164 Grangetown children……

Do teachers show you how to

make your work better?

The survey said:

162 children said YES.

That’s 98.8%.

2 said ‘sometimes’.

That’s 1.2%.

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We asked 164 Grangetown children……

Do you feel safe in


The survey said:

159 children said YES.

That’s 97%.

5 said ‘sometimes’.

That’s 3%.

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We asked 164 Grangetown children……

Do you behave well

in school?The survey said:

156 children said YES.

That’s 95%.

8 said ‘sometimes’.

That’s 5%.

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We asked 164 Grangetown children……

Do most children in school

behave well in school?

The survey said:

157 children said YES.

That’s 96%.

7 said ‘sometimes’.

That’s 4%.

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We asked 164 Grangetown children……

Are other children


The survey said:

157 children said YES.

That’s 96%.

7 said ‘sometimes’.

That’s 4%.

Page 12: Children’s Survey 2014

We asked 164 Grangetown children……

If there was ever anything you were

worried about, do you know how to

get help if you needed it? Is there an

adult to go to in school?

The survey said:

160 children said YES.

That’s 98%.

4 said ‘sometimes’.

That’s 2%.

Page 13: Children’s Survey 2014

We asked 164 Grangetown children……

Are teachers fair

to you?

The survey said:

163 children said YES.

That’s 99.4%.

1 said ‘sometimes’.

That’s 0.6%.

Page 14: Children’s Survey 2014

We asked 164 Grangetown children……

Do teachers listen to

your ideas?

The survey said:

163 children said YES.

That’s 99.4%.

1 said ‘sometimes’.

That’s 0.6%.

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We asked 164 Grangetown children……

Do teachers give you the chance to work

independently (on your own), or to do

special jobs on your own. Are you trusted

to do things on your own?

The survey said:

158 children said YES.

That’s 96.3%.

6 said ‘sometimes’.

That’s 3.7%.

Page 16: Children’s Survey 2014

Your comments about

school:You made lot’s of positive

comments about your


Do you want to hear

some of them?

Page 17: Children’s Survey 2014

Pupil Survey – Summer 2014 – the Comments Section

1. What do you like about your school? Years 5 & 6

I like all of the events we do e.g. the summer fayre, Grangetowns Got Talent, school productions, trips, parties, discos, empire dance, bike-ability, clubs and competitions

My favourite thing about this school is that we go to football with Arj and we watch DVDs. Also we play games, we go to ICT and we have summer fayres

Fun events like: summer fayre, school productions and Spanish day. Fruity fantasy, concerts, parties, stay healthy stay safe week, planet smart, arts and crafts, school trips, International week, sumdog competition, sports day, parent workshops

I like that the year 6s have got an xbox and games to go with it, and I like that we get visitors and different types of activities

The superb Sumdog competition and the great summer fayre

I enjoy my clubs: cookery and big games.

Year 4

What I like about school is that it has nice teachers and I have good friends

Getting prizes for 100% attendance

I like maths, friends and nice teachers

I like school because everybody is friendly

We have Golden Rules to keep us safe and the teachers make school fun

I like the courtyard, the climbing frame and the field

Learning new things, meeting new friends, having the best teachers

Teachers, lessons, trips and the courtyard.

Year 3

When I came to school when I was in nursery I cried because my mum left me but an adult came and cheered me up. Now I’m in year 3 and I like our topic because it is Ancient Egypt, I have the best teacher.

Everyone’s friendly and kind

I have a nice teacher and lots of friends

I get to go with Miss Christie

Everything - art, PE, ICT, English, assembly, maths…..just everything

We have lots of topics like Egypt and we do different PE lessons

We get a pen license, and we have nice teachers

I love art and ICT

I like assembly when they do the Monday draw, and I like the special things that go on out and about around school.

Year 1/2

Exciting literacy and maths, dancing and singing, reading books, using ipads

Nice lessons, amazing teachers, exciting trips, clubs

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Hard work, fun trips, friendly people, singing, Spanish, playing outside, happy topics

The teachers and people who look after me, friends and activities

Trips, PE lessons, using the ipads, playing with toys, trips to the park, exciting stuff, school

Fun trips, sports day, fun topics, nice teachers, Mathletics

Extremely interesting work, amazing teachers, friendly people

3 times tables, Miss Grainger is the best, I like maths

Miss Grainger and Miss Gaffney

I love my Spanish teacher.


Going on the iPads

I like going to arts and crafts

I like going on school trips, the farm was my favourite

I think all of the clubs are good

School trips, arts and crafts and the monkey bars.

2. How could we make our school even better?

Years 5 & 6

A lot of children have asked for the following: more clubs, swing, slide, treehouse, xbox, Wii, trampoline, bouncy castle, swimming, football goal, shading area, treehouse, parasol, nature garden, loom band stalls, lunch outside, toys back out/new shed, swings/slide, pool, bike stand for KS2

More indoor games for wet playtimes, an area for making loom bands outside, longer playtimes

Ipads for Yr 5

To have football every day

A real football tournament

A nature garden and pond to look for animals

We could be able to eat our dinners outside on sunny days

Year 4

More clubs, more loom bands

More flowers

More buddies

Make my handwriting more neater

Make the yard better and plant more trees

Put more climbing frames on the field

Make choir an after school club

Tennis racquets and balls, hockey sticks, and some shops at lunchtime

More equipment like swings, hula hoops and things like that.

Year 3

A number of children have mentioned: new toys, outdoor toys, trips, discos, swings, tree house, trampoline, slide

A football pitch

Paint the school

going on trips, have more art

Get 100% attendance

Get a shed

A big obstacle course

By putting more toys on the field

To have more things in the library.

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Year 1/2

A lot of children asked for: Swings, slide, more work, getting more toys, add more parties, homework club, getting more toys, more instruments, monkey bars

A year 7 so we can stay in this wonderful school longer!

Change the walls in different colours, change doors, change all carpets

Do more work and stick it on the wall

More school councillors, climbing frame on the year 1 yard, tent in the year 2 yard

Dance lessons, more toys, more parties, swimming lessons

More computers in classrooms

A zipline.


Plant some flowers


The children expressed interest in having a bike day: being allowed to play on their own bikes.

3. Are there any other Clubs you would like? Reception:

Football club for reception / Dancing / Gardening

Years 1 – 6:

Loom band 36 Swimming 22 Dancing 19

Zumba 17 Tennis 17 Gymnastics 12

Bike/cycling 10 Wii/xbox 9 Basketball 8

Sports 7 Homework 6 Golf 6

Cricket 5 Art/Drawing 5 Minecraft 4

Gardening 4 Skipping 4 Fifa club 4

Running 4 Karate 3 Lego club 3

Singing/choir 3 Football 3 Maths 3

Reading 3 Trampoline 3 Match Attax 3

Library 3 Cheerleading 2 Make up 2

Netball 2 Jumping 2 Times tables 2

Baseball 2 Cookery 3 Exploring 2

Hairdresser 2 Spanish 2 Playstation 2

Hockey 2 Experiments 2 Eating/drinking 1

Library 1 School work club 1 Butterfly club 1

Sweets 1 Nature 1 Fashion 1

Penalty shoot outs 1 Drama 1 Design a dress 1

Music 1 Soft play 1 Toy club 1

DVDs 1 Climbing 1 Writing 1

Literacy 1 Sewing 1 Keep fit 1

Puppets Rugby 1 Dog and Cat club


Gaming 1 Flower pressing 1 Guitar 1

Cake making 1 Dodgeball 1 Guessing 1

Scooter club 1 Animal 1 TV 1

Poetry 1 Inventing club 1 Writing 1

Jacuzzi club 1 Athletics 1 Go kart racing 1


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4. Is there anything else you want to say about your school? Years 5 & 6

I like the lessons, I like Grangetowns Got Talent, I like Empire dance, I like the Fruity Fantasy

Fab, nice, great. Great Headteacher and Deputy Head

We have cool stuff

Our school is fun.

Year 4

I would like to say thank you teachers for making us work hard in lessons

School is good.

Year 3

The school is absolutely perfect

I love school, it’s very hard working

It is amazing

It is nice

It’s beautiful.

Year 1/2

It’s an awesome school

Nice people

Grangetown Primary is the best, we would like some horses to ride

It is the best school ever

Best school ever

It’s awesome, I enjoy this school, it’s great, it’s fun, greatest school ever

Best school ever

We have the best teachers in the world

It’s the best school in the world and they is the best teachers

I like school, I love my teachers

It’s awesome

It’s extremely awesome


The children spoke very positively about our school and were very sensible and mature in their responses. We feel very proud of them!

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