
1. Tangible Storytelling + Play + Learning blending the digital and physical worlds to expand childrens transmedia experiences Erin Reilly Managing Director + Research Fellow USC Annenberg Innovation Lab [email protected] 2. Dallas, Texas 1977 5 Years Old 3. Transmedia Stories Expand the World Extend the Timeline Deepen the Characters Increase Engagement 4. Opened at the Museum of Science in 2005 20 venues Eight-year international tour More than 3 million visitors worldwide experienced this exhibition. 5. Buy the Book thats it?! I went to the exhibit Can I still play and learn?! 6. The Flotsam Experiment expanding to Transmedia Play + Learning 7. Partners 8. A Wordless Childrens Picture Book Flotsam is about boy at the beach, who finds a camera that washes up on shore. He has the film developed and follows the stories that the pictures reveal. 9. Transmedia Stories Expand the World Extend the Timeline Deepen the Characters Increase Engagement 10. Where do all these children live? Where are the giant starfish and tiny whales migrating to? 11. Game Rules 1. Your piece of Flotsam must cross the equator 3x to win the game 2. You can use your Dare card (one in the middle) if you get stuck in an Eddy 3. If your opponent doesnt accept the Dare, then you have to do it in order to get unstuck from the Eddy so choose Dares that youre willing to do too! 12. Bridging the Physical and Digital Spaces Exploring tangibility in Transmedia Story + Play to enhance 21st Century Learning 13. 1. Manipulability 2. Physical Connectivity 3. Performativity Manipulability Objects can be directly moved, changed or otherwise altered using ones hands or other methods of physical interaction. Affordances of Tangibility 14. 15. Blacklight and foot steps Logo of California Science Center 16. 17. 1. Manipulability 2. Physical Connectivity 3. Performativity Physical Connectivity Objects or the childs physical body can directly connect to, or otherwise interact with, the story, other objects or location. Affordances of Tangibility 18. 19. 1. Manipulability 2. Physical Connectivity 3. Performativity Performativity Objects can literally become storytellers by using visual, auditory, or kinetic methods for the object to communicate with the play partner. Affordances of Tangibility 20. 21. Whats next What role do hyper-personalization and customization play in connecting Tangibility to Transmedia Story + Play + Learning? 22. 23. Print at Home Print at Service Provider Print at Childrens Museums 24. Questions to consider How do we make a 3D printed artifact change the story in an exhibit? How do we do something simple enough that it is not too costly? How do we design for the usual timed museum visit for a child to manipulate it and use it to augment a museum exhibit? And if it doesnt need to happen during the visit, can it be something mailed as a way to extend the experience beyond the museum? 25. The Winklebeans Experiment Tangible Storytelling + Play + Learning Team: Erin Reilly, Alisa Katz, Geoffrey Long, Aninoy Mahapatra, Daniel Burwen, Mitch Thompson, Shane Reilly 26. Meet the Winklebeans! Toag Neas Caitir Onchu Aodh Barra 27. 28. Children can 3d Print their own Winklebean elements to add to the Story World 29. Tangibility Manipulability Physical Connectivity Performativity Transmedia Story + Play + Learning Hyper-personalization Customization Constructivist learning 30. Now Imagine... Flotsam Experiment 31. For More Information Erin Reilly 207-251-1617 [email protected] @ebreilly

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