Page 1: ChemInform Abstract: Three Sulfur-Containing Diborane(4) Compounds

2000 structure

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30 - 026Three Sulfur-Containing Diborane(4) Compounds. — The structuresof diborane compounds (I), (II), and (III) are described. Compound (I) isplanar and in amine adducts (II) and (III) the dimethylamine ligands arebound to each boron in anti conformation about the B–B bond with tetrahedralgeometry at the B atoms. The crystal packing is influenced by a number ofS···S interactions, resulting in a herring-bone arrangement of molecules. —(NORMAN, NICHOLAS C.; ORPEN, A. GUY; QUAYLE, MICHAEL J.;RICE, CRAIG R.; Acta Crystallogr., Sect. C: Cryst. Struct. Commun. 56(2000) 4, 440-444; Sch. Chem., Univ. Bristol, Cantock’s Close, Bristol BS81TS, UK; EN)


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