
Cheltenham & Gloucester Cricket Association

Handbook 2013

Don Browning Trophies

The Cheltenham & Gloucester Cricket Association is sponsored by

Cheltenham & Gloucester Cricket Association

President: Arthur Bailey

Chairman Len Attard, Cooks Green Cottage, Lower Apperley, Gloucester GL19 4DY

Tel 07973 278282 e-mail [email protected]

Vice Chairman Peter Jubb*, 66 Parton Road, Churchdown, Gloucester GL3 2AY

Tel 01452 715133 e-mail [email protected]

Secretary Derren Brown, 29 St Michaels Avenue, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham GL52 8NX

Tel 01242 678539 e-mail [email protected]

Treasurer Malcolm Brown, 3 Northbank Close, The Reddings, Cheltenham GL51 6UA

Tel 01452 714639 e-mail [email protected]

e.surv Surveyors Challenge Cup Competition Manager Len Attard – as above

Abbey Business Equipment Evening KO Cup Competition Manager

Len Attard – as above

Umpire Appointments by GACU&S Les Stenner Tel 01242 520884 e-mail [email protected]

Cheltenham & Gloucester League Chairman Eddie Baker, 42 Buckles Close, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham GL53 8QT

Tel 07870 850276 e-mail [email protected]

Cheltenham & Gloucester League Secretary Andy Russell, 21 Perry Orchard, Upton St Leonards, Gloucester GL4 8EH

Tel 01452 610002 e-mail [email protected]

Youth Co-ordinators Craig Hayward, 34 Glynrosa Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham GL53 8QS

Tel 07863 336901 e-mail [email protected]

Andy Russell – as above

Committee Members Dave Collinson, Andrew Gibbons, John Margetts, Geoff White#

*Rep to GCB Senior Club & Competition Development Group

# Rep to GCB Youth League & Performance Development Group

Cheltenham & Gloucester Cricket Association - Constitution Objectives

1. To promote and encourage cricket in the Cheltenham and Gloucester area, in liaison with the Gloucestershire Cricket Board and the England & Wales Cricket Board.

2. To unite clubs in the area for the furtherance of the game and for the purpose of taking concerted action in any matter relating to the game, for example coaching, youth development, ground tenure and maintenance, and for representation at County and up to National level.

3. To arrange Association matches and inter-club competitions as necessary, at both senior and junior levels, and to maintain appropriate records. Rules

1. The Association shall be called "The Cheltenham and Gloucester Cricket Association".

2. Full Membership shall be open to all cricket clubs in the area, subject to the approval of the committee, subject to membership also of their local County Board and E.C.B., and subject to payment of the appropriate subscriptions. Each full member club shall be entitled to one vote (only) at any General Meeting of the Association.

3. Subscriptions for Membership shall be set for the following year by the A.G.M., and shall be payable by 1

st March.

4. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held each year in October or November for the presentation of the audited Balance Sheet, the Election of Officers, and any other business. The financial year shall run from 1

st October to 30

th September each year. All member

clubs shall receive a minimum of fourteen days notice of the date of the AGM.

5. A Special General Meeting shall be convened should need arise by the Executive Committee or on written request of a minimum of one-third of the member clubs. All member clubs shall receive a minimum of fourteen days notice of such a meeting.

6. No alterations to these rules shall be made except by a simple majority vote at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting convened for the purpose. All member clubs shall receive a minimum of fourteen days notice of any proposed rule change.

7. A quorum at the Annual General Meeting shall consist of one representative from at least one quarter of Full Member Clubs (one-third in case of a Special General Meeting). Voting rights at a General Meeting shall be vested in the Honorary Officers and in those Full Member clubs represented at the meeting on the basis of one vote only per club.

8. The Honorary Officers and Executive committee shall be elected annually at the A.G.M. and shall meet as often as is necessary. The honorary officers shall be the President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The committee shall consist of the Honorary Officers together with the Youth Competition Organisers, Umpires' Association Representative, and the Co-ordinator of each of the C.G.C.A. senior competitions, and up to two other members. Nominations must be properly proposed and seconded (by two different clubs), and should be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least seven days prior to the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall have power to co-opt members, convene meetings and form subcommittees, in furtherance of the Objects of the Association. Committee Members will represent the Association as appropriate on other committees, e.g. Gloucestershire Cricket Board.

9. Member clubs shall furnish to the Honorary Secretary by the time of the A.G.M. competition entries and the name and address of the club secretary, and any other relevant information that may be requested. Each club is responsible for notifying the Honorary Secretary as soon as possible of any changes to these details.

10. The Executive Committee shall be the final authority in any matter of interpretation and enforcement of these rules, and the final arbiter in any dispute. It shall have full jurisdiction over all matters not provided for in these rules.

Cheltenham & Gloucester League – Constitution and Rules

1. Constitution

The objective of the League is to provide League Cricket in the Cheltenham, Gloucester and Tewkesbury area for teams below the Gloucestershire County Cricket League in the pyramid structure. It will encourage improvement of playing and other standards, and provide a competition for new teams in the area, provided they meet the criteria for entry.

The League is called the Cheltenham & Gloucester Cricket Association League, with a sponsor’s name added if required.

2. Management of the League

The League is run by the CGCA who vest its administration in a Management Committee which comprises the Officers named below:

League Chairman League Secretary Up to 3 other members

These officers will be elected annually at the League’s AGM. As far as possible the officers should be members of clubs playing in the League, and no club should be represented by more than one committee member. All Officers can apply for re-election.

This Committee is a sub-committee of the CGCA committee and reports to that. The Chairman will be an ex-officio member of the CGCA committee, but he/she can be represented by another Committee member, if unavailable, at a CGCA committee meeting.

The Committee may co-opt others and may create sub-committees.

The Committee and its sub-committees and officers are required to manage the League according to this constitution and rules. The Committee’s interpretation of these rules will be final, and the Committee is empowered to deal with any matter directly or indirectly affecting the League and covered by these rules, with the proviso that the CGCA Committee may over-rule.

The League will not have a treasurer or its own bank account, or hold any monies. Instead, the one of the committee members will liaise with the CGCA Treasurer, so that money for affiliation fees, balls, fines etc. is paid to the CGCA bank, and League expenses are paid from it. The League will set an annual budget which will be presented to the CGCA Treasurer and Committee. Expenses may only be incurred if they are pre-approved in a budget or get special approval from the CGCA committee.

Clubs must be efficient in their handling of League matters. The Committee may impose fines on clubs failing in this – e.g. failing to respond to League correspondence when required to do so.

3. Meetings

There will be an Annual General Meeting, normally to be held in October. At the AGM, each team due to be in the League the following season will have one vote. Attendance is compulsory, though clubs with more than one team in the League need only send one attendee. Though attendance is compulsory, if for any reason less than 75% of the teams due to be in the League are represented, the AGM will not be quorate and must be re-scheduled. Decision will be by a majority vote. Where playing rules apply to a single division, the rules shall be altered by a majority vote of the teams due to play in that division.

Failure of a club to send a representative to an AGM will result in a fine of £25.

The date of the AGM must be set and the clubs notified at least 35 days in advance. Proposals to be included in the agenda must be received by the Secretary 28 days before the AGM. The formal Calling Notice of the AGM shall be submitted to each club 21 days before the meeting date. The notice shall stipulate the venue, time, date and the agenda for the meeting. Propositions may be put forward by the Committee. Propositions coming from member clubs must have a seconder from a different club. No proposition will be allowed that is not on the published agenda. The agenda shall include:

Reports from the Officers of the outgoing Committee. Election of Officers Setting of affiliation fees, levels of fines etc. Provisional make-up of the League for the following season. Other propositions notified as above.

The Committee may call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) at any time. An EGM may also be called by a team in the League if that request is supported by at least 25% of the teams. If the Secretary receives such a call, the Secretary must arrange the EGM to be held within 42 days of receipt of the call. The timing of formal notice, quorum, voting rights and attendance at EGMs will be as for the AGM.

4. Member Clubs and teams. Boundaries

League teams must be from clubs within Tewkesbury, Cheltenham or Gloucester local government areas. Teams from just outside these boundaries (a few miles) will also be accepted provided there is agreement with the District in which they actually lie and approval from the Senior Club & Competitions Development Group of the Gloucestershire Cricket Board. The League will not accept a team from a club that has another team in another District League in the pyramid structure.

Clubs entering teams in the League must be affiliated to the CGCA, the GCB and the ECB. Clubs must hold Public Liability Insurance.

Clubs will pay an entry fee per team (in addition to the CGCA affiliation fee) and will pay for balls provided by the League, at cost.

5. Entry into the League

Teams relegated from the GCCL within the boundaries above are entitled to play in the League. New teams formed in the area may apply to join the league and will be accepted provided they meet the facilities criteria.

6. Facilities Criteria

The facilities criteria are as set out in section 6 of the GCCL handbook. Clubs applying to join the League will not be accepted if they fail to meet the facilities criteria. Clubs already are in the League that have facilities that fail to meet the criteria will be required to correct the failure within a time specified by the Committee. Failing that, the clubs will not be allowed to play in the League.

7. Ground, Pitch and Facilities marking

The visiting captain will report a mark for ground, pitch and facilities.

8. Player Registration

The GCCL rules for player registration will be used. However, players under 16 may register for more than one club, with no need for transfers. Other named players may be registered to play for more than one club without transfer if the committee has agreed beforehand.

9. Divisions, Promotion and Relegation

The team winning the League’s top division will be expected to apply to join the GCCL. If that team, for some reason, does not take the promotion, then the runners-up may apply to the GCCL.

Teams relegated from GCCL will be placed in the League’s top division. 2nd XI’s of teams relegated from WEPL can apply to play in the League, if that is appropriate, the division being determined by the assessed strength of the team.

At least the winner and runner-up from each lower division in the League will be promoted to the division above.

Sufficient relegations will take place to accommodate all the above.

At the AGM the outgoing Committee will present the provisional make-up of the League for the following season, i.e. how many divisions and which teams in each.

10. Fixtures

The League will arrange the fixtures. Clubs may, by mutual agreement, play a fixture on another day, provided the agreement is notified by both clubs to the Secretary not less than 7 days before the fixture was originally due. If a fixture is re-arranged, no one who played for any team in the club on the original date may play in the re-arranged fixture.

11. Disputes and Discipline

The Committee will appoint a Disciplinary Chairman and deputy, one of whom will oversee the resolution of all disputes and disciplinary procedures. The Process will be that set out in the GCCL handbook. As for the GCCL, appeals against fixed tariff penalties will be taken at League Committee level. Otherwise, appeals will be taken at CGCA level.

12. Playing Rules, Cancellations, Points Scoring, Results Reporting, League Table Ordering

The playing rules will be the same as those for the GCCL lowest division, except that there will be only one new ball per game, not one per innings.

Rules about cancellations, points scoring, results reporting and league table ordering will be the same as for the GCCL lowest division. The GCCL guidance on player-umpires is to be followed, except that there is no restriction on under 18’s standing at the bowler’s end.

13. Youth players

Captains must abide by the ECB directives on young players. Helmets must be worn. Those in the U-12 age group or below may not play (i.e. for the 2013 season, no one born after 31 August 2000 may play). See also section 8 about relaxed player registration rules for young players. 14. Social Media etc Players and club officials shall not make any public or media comment which is detrimental to the League, Clubs, Umpires or the game in general. The media includes press, radio, television, external websites, club websites, social networking sites and club match programmes.

Cheltenham & Gloucester League Fixtures 2013

CGCA Senior Evening Competitions – Standard Playing Conditions

1. Only member clubs of Cheltenham & Gloucester Cricket Association shall be eligible to participate. 2. Matches must be played on the dates specified, and if necessary on the ground named by the Competition committee. 3. A player may not play for more than one club in the competition in any one year. 4. Only bona-fide club members shall be eligible to play. No player shall be eligible who, during the current and/or the previous season, has played cricket professionally, played First-class cricket, or been contracted as a player to a First-class County Club. Only players eligible for England shall be allowed to play. 5. The home side shall provide a match ball, which must be of suitable quality as required by the Umpires, and which shall be used for both innings unless the Captains agree otherwise before the toss. The CGCA will provide match balls for the Final ties of each Competition. 6. The CGCA will nominate grounds for the Final ties. 7. Umpires shall be provided by the CGCA In the absence of the official Umpires, the Captains shall by agreement appoint emergency Umpires. Each team shall provide a Scorer. The Umpires should sign the scoresheet at the end of the match. Both teams shall pay one umpire a match fee of £10. 8. The result of each match must be posted on the Association's website ( by the home team by 8.00pm on the day following the game, and both teams must post full scorecards there by 12 noon on the following Sunday. Clubs will be fined if they fail to observe this notification procedure, or if they fail to fulfil a fixture or fail to notify in advance any changes to fixture arrangements. 9. In all matches, four fielders, in addition to the bowler and the wicket-keeper, must be inside a 30 yard circle from the wicket. 9a. Power Plays – notwithstanding Rule 9, for the first FIVE overs of each inning only TWO fielders can be positioned outside the 30 yard circle as the bowler delivers the ball. 10. Each match shall commence by 6.15pm. The toss shall be held at 6.00pm prompt. If one side is absent at 6.00pm, that side shall concede the toss. If the start of the match is delayed after 6.15pm, the duration of the match shall be reduced by one over per side for every six minutes (or part thereof) lost. Any match played after 31 July shall commence at 5.30pm. 11. A match shall consist of 20 six ball overs per side unless:

(a) A side is dismissed; (b) A side declares its innings closed; (c) The Umpires decide before the start that a match be shortened, either because the start is delayed by weather conditions, or because the prevailing and predicted conditions of weather and/or light make it unlikely that a full match will be played. No match may be shorter than 12 six ball overs per side; (d) The match has to be abandoned before completion because of adverse weather conditions. In this case the side batting second must have completed 12 overs for the match to be determined, and the side with the higher number of runs per completed over will be declared the winner.

12. The winning side in a completed match shall be the side scoring the most runs, irrespective of the number of wickets lost. In the event of the final scores being level in the preliminary league stages, the result shall be a tie. In the knockout stages, if the scores are level, the side losing the fewer number of wickets shall be the winner. Should the number of wickets also be equal, the result will be determined in turn by the comparative scores at the end of the 10th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th overs, the first comparison that produces a difference being decisive.

13. No bowler may bowl more than four overs in an innings. A six ball over must be completed in all circumstances - should a bowler be incapacitated in mid-over, another player must complete the over, and this will count towards that player's allocation. Any bowler unable to complete an over may not bowl again in the match. In a match where the start is delayed by weather conditions, the bowlers' allowance will be reduced according to the following formula: 16, 17, 18, or 19 overs per side - no change; 12, 13, 14, or 15 overs per side - maximum three overs per bowler. 14. Where a nominated player is late in arriving at the game, a substitute may field subject to approval of the opposing Captain, but cannot bowl or keep wicket. A substitute who fields for ten overs cannot be replaced, is deemed a playing member of the side, and may bat if in the side batting second. In the case of injury during a game, a substitute may field, but may not bat or bowl. 15. Any delivery that passes either side of the wicket sufficiently wide to make it virtually impossible for the striker to play a "normal cricket stroke" both from where he is standing, and from where he should normally be standing at the crease, shall be judged a "Wide". A "No-ball" shall be called if the ball passes over the head height of the striker standing upright at the crease. 16. Matches should be played on Tuesdays or Wednesdays as indicated by the CGCA. In the event of cancellation or abandonment, each team will be awarded one point. At the knockout stages, games not played on Tuesdays shall be rearranged for the Thursday immediately following. Fixtures cannot be altered in any way without the permission of the Competition Committee, and then only with adequate notice given. 17. In the Qualifying Competition groups, there shall be 2 points for a win, and 1 point for a tie or no result. In the event that two or more teams are tied on points, position in the mini-league will be determined by runs scored divided by wickets lost over the competition. 18. For a two-day Final

(a) The match shall be played as a two-innings match over two evenings. The side batting first on the first night shall bat second on the second night. (b) Clubs must provide a list of 15 players before the toss for the first night. Only these players shall be eligible to play in the Final. (c) The CGCA will provide a new ball for each night of the Final. (d) If the second night is cancelled due to weather conditions, the side scoring most runs on the first night will be declared the winner; if the first night is cancelled because of the weather, a one-innings match will be played on the designated second night; if both nights are cancelled because of the weather, the CGCA will endeavour to arrange an alternative date for the Final. (e) If either night has to be curtailed due to weather or light conditions, that night will be declared void unless the side batting second has completed ten overs. Otherwise the scores counted will be - for the side batting second, the score at the end of the last completed over; for the side batting first, the score at the equivalent stage of its innings. The decision to curtail will be entirely in the hands of the Umpires.

19. (a) The rules for the individual competitions take precedence over the standard rules, where necessary.

(b) Unless provided in the CGCA rules, the Laws of Cricket in all cases apply. (c) Any matter not provided for in these rules, and any disputes arising from the rules, shall be determined by the Executive Committee of the CGCA, and its decision shall be final.

20. Players and club officials shall not make any public or media comment which is detrimental to the League, Clubs, Umpires or the game in general. The media includes press, radio, television, external websites, club websites, social networking sites and club match programmes.

e.surv Surveyors Challenge Cup Qualifying Groups 2013

Group A

Tue 07-May-13 Hatherley & Reddings v Charlton Kings

Tue 07-May-13 Cheltenham v Cheltenham Civil Service

Tue 14-May-13 Cheltenham v Charlton Kings

Tue 14-May-13 Woodmancote v Hatherley & Reddings

Tue 21-May-13 Charlton Kings v Cheltenham Civil Service

Tue 21-May-13 Woodmancote v Cheltenham

Tue 28-May-13 Charlton Kings v Woodmancote

Tue 28-May-13 Cheltenham Civil Service v Hatherley & Reddings

Tue 04-Jun-13 Hatherley & Reddings v Cheltenham

Tue 04-Jun-13 Cheltenham Civil Service v Woodmancote

Group B

Wed 08-May-13 Gloucester City Winget v Apperley

Wed 08-May-13 Bredon v Arcadians NineElms

Wed 15-May-13 Apperley v Arcadians NineElms

Wed 15-May-13 Tewkesbury v Bredon

Wed 22-May-13 Bredon v Apperley

Wed 22-May-13 Tewkesbury v Gloucester City Winget

Wed 29-May-13 Apperley v Tewkesbury

Wed 29-May-13 Arcadians NineElms v Gloucester City Winget

Wed 05-Jun-13 Gloucester City Winget v Bredon

Wed 05-Jun-13 Arcadians NineElms v Tewkesbury


Tue 25-Jun-13 1st in Group A v 2nd in Group B

Wed 26-Jun-13 1st in Group B v 2nd in Group A


Tuesday 16 July and Wednesday 17 July

at the Victoria Ground, Cheltenham CC

The CGCA Cheltenham Challenge Cup is generously sponsored by e.surv Chartered Surveyors 0800 169 9661

Abbey Business Equipment Evening Knockout Cup 2013

Initial positions derived from the Challenge Cup qualifying groups above


Tue 18-Jun-13 4th in Group A v 5th in Group B (Match X)

Wed 19-Jun-13 4th in Group B v 5th in Group A (Match Y)


Tue 25-Jun-13 3rd in Group A v Winner Match Y

Wed 26-Jun-13 3rd in Group B v Winner Match X


Tuesday 9 July

at North Park, Hatherley & Reddings CC

(Reserve - Thursday 11 July)

The CGCA Evening Knockout Cup is generously sponsored by Abbey Business Equipment Ltd 01242 420240

Regulations for Youth Cricket Fixtures and Cancellations etc.

1. Under 15 fixtures will normally be on Monday evenings. Under 13 fixtures will normally be on Sunday mornings.

2. Under 11 fixtures will be scheduled for Sunday mornings. However if the home team already has a Sunday morning U-13 fixture, so there is no pitch available, the home team must organise the game on a day in the week previous to that, the home team to select which.

3. There will be no postponements for reasons other than weather or a cup game clash. If half your team is away on Scout camp or District / County duty or whatever, that is just tough, you play or concede the game. And you are encouraged to play, even if you are one or two short, rather than cancel a game. BUT ... let common sense prevail, in that

� if BOTH managers are happy to move, � by arrangement in advance, � to another day within 6 days before or after the original date,

that is permitted.

4. If a league game cannot be played or completed for weather or cup clash on the date scheduled, or as re-arranged above, then both teams get 1 point.

5. In some divisions, there may be some spare "rain days" available - but the CGCA organisers (not team managers) will determine which games are to be rescheduled, if any, and these will only be for reasons of weather or cup clashes.

6. Cup games, of course, must be played, and if the fixture is washed out, a re-arrangement has to be made, with the cup taking precedence over the league, though it would be preferable to avoid an existing league game. If a league game can't be played because of a re-scheduled cup game, then both teams get 1 league point. The league game is not re-scheduled (unless the league is able to use a "rain day").

Team numbers

7. For the Under 11 Taverners competition (pairs), the managers can agree to play 10-a-side rather than the normal 8-a-side.

8. There must be at least 7 in a team in a Taverners game or a T20 game. As stated above, it is emphasised that the game should go ahead even if a team is short.

Results, League points and tables

9. Results must be entered on ‘play-cricket’ as soon as possible after the game, by the home team. League points:

2 for a win (and when the other side concedes) 1 for tie or no result 0 for a loss (and conceding)

(NB ‘play-cricket’ will not allow a result to be entered until after the scheduled start time of the game. If a game is being played on an earlier date, either wait to enter the result, or contact one of the Youth organisers, who can move the fixture on ‘play-cricket’)

10. If teams finish on the same points, then the order in the league table is determined by the result(s) between the teams. If that is inconclusive, then net run rate will be used.

Balls and scorecards

11. The CGCA will issue 2 balls per team and a quantity of scorecards before the season starts. The home team is to supply the balls for each game.

Age groups

12. A player’s age group is determined by his or her age at midnight of 31 August of the previous year, i.e. for the 2013 season, to play in a U-11 competition the player must have been born after 31 August 2001.

Pitch, stumps and balls

13. The length of the pitch and sizes of stumps and bails should be as stated in the Laws of cricket for youth games, but it is recognised that clubs may not have the facilities to do this. If it is not possible to comply, then at least the following must apply for U-11 and U-13 games:

� Pitch length 21 yards (U-13) and at most 21 yards (U-11) � 4.75 ounce ball

Playing Rules – T20 games

14. The normal laws of cricket apply, except: � Each innings lasts at most 20 overs. � No bowler may bowl more than 4 overs. � A batsman must retire on reaching 50 (30 for Under 11), but may come back in if all others have batted. � The team with the most runs wins. In league games, if the teams finish on the same score, the result is a tie. In cup games, if the teams finish on the same score the team with the fewest wickets down wins. If that fails to determine the winner, then the runs scored at the end of the 19

th over will

decide, then wickets fallen at the end of the 19th, etc. back, until there is a decision.

Playing Rules – Taverners games

15. The normal laws of cricket apply, except: � Each innings lasts for 16 (or 20 if playing 10-a-side) overs. � Each team has 8 (or 10) players. � Every player, apart from the wicketkeeper, must bowl at least 1 and at most 3 overs. If a team wishes to switch WKs, then both players must bowl at least 1 over. � The score starts at 200. Each pair of batsmen bats for 4 overs. Each wicket costs 8 runs but the batsmen stay in until their 4 overs are complete. When a wicket falls, the not-out batsman must face the next ball, even if the wicket is as a result of a run-out, batsmen changing ends if necessary to achieve this. � If a team is short, playing with 7 (or 9), then one of the batsmen from an earlier pair (excluding the two with highest net score, i.e. runs hit minus wicket penalties) bats again in the last pair. � Except in the last over of each innings, wides and no balls count 2 plus any runs actually taken or scored. No extra ball is bowled. In the last over of each innings, wides and no balls count 1 and extra balls must be bowled. � The team with the most runs wins. If the teams finish on the same score, the result is a tie.

Coaching during play

16. There must be no coaching, field placing etc by managers / coaches / umpires during play in Under 15 games, but coaching, guidance may be given at drinks intervals and between innings. For the younger ages guidance may be given, provided it does not impede the progress of the game.

Helmets etc.

17. At all times ECB Directives and Guidelines on: � Code of Conduct � Fast Bowling Directives � Fielding Regulations � Helmets


Meld Marketing Under-15 League Fixtures 2013

The CGCA U15 Leagues are generously sponsored by Meld Marketing 01242 822950

CGCA Under-13 League Fixtures 2013

CGCA Under-11 League Fixtures 2013

Youth League Cup Draws 2013

The CGCA U15 League Cup is generously sponsored by Don Browning Trophies 01242 690314

The CGCA U13 League Cup is generously sponsored by Martin Berrill Sports 01452 523888

Club Directory 2013


Ground: School Lane, Apperley, Gloucester GL19 4ED

Sec: Roger Taylor 01452 780561 [email protected]

Senior Comps Contact: Rob Birch 07773 552685 [email protected]

Arcadians NineElms

Ground: Coney Hill RFC, Barnwood Park, Metz Way, Gloucester GL4 4RT

Sec & C&G League Contact: Nick Lewis 07717 454069 [email protected]

Fix Sec: Gordon Gabb 01452 413583 [email protected]

Senior Comps Contact: Sara Shortland 07906 154535 [email protected]

Birdlip & Brimpsfield

Ground: Sinclair Field, Birdlip, Gloucester GL4 8JH

Sec: Joanna Partridge 01452 863837 [email protected]

Fix Sec & U13 Manager: Ian Green 01285 658079 [email protected]


Ground: Hill Close Ground, Westmancote, Bredon, Tewkesbury GL20 7EU

Sec: Jennie Warren 07817 599252 [email protected]

Fix Sec: Isabel Masters 01684 772382 [email protected]

Senior Comps Contact: Will Rollett 07970 094404 [email protected]

Charlton Kings

Ground: Ryeworth Field, Greenway Lane, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham GL52 6PW

Sec: Suzanne Middleton 01242 515231 [email protected]

Fix Sec: Richard Cotterell 07564 360935 [email protected]

Senior Comps Contact: Chris Burrow 07896 037751 [email protected]

C&G League Contact: Steve Wright 07905 147976

U15’A’ Manager: Julian Ellis 01242 244086 [email protected]

U15’B’ Manager: Richard Cotterell 07564 360935 [email protected]

U13’A’ Manager: Dave Griffiths 07766 714258 [email protected]

U13’B’ & U11 Manager: Craig Hayward 07863 336901 [email protected]


Ground: Victoria Ground, Princes Street, Cheltenham GL52 6BE

Sec & Fix Sec: Geoff Trett 07876 348077 [email protected]

Senior Comps Contact: Andrew Gallagher 07802 300379 [email protected]

U15 Manager: Martin Pegler 07973 334890 [email protected]

U13’A’ and U13’B’ Manager: Ray McGrath 07792 888978 [email protected]

U11 Manager: Tim Buttress 07891 358062 [email protected]

Cheltenham Civil Service

Ground: Civil Service Sports Ground, Tewkesbury Road, Cheltenham GL51 9SL

Sec: Ben Nichols 07818 644987 [email protected]

Fix Sec: Craig Baker 01242 574628 [email protected]

C&G League Contact: James Lewis 07775 405479 [email protected]

Senior Comps Contact: Eddie Baker 07870 850276 [email protected]

U15 Manager: Eddie Baker 07870 850276 [email protected]

Cheltenham Saracens

Ground: The Folly, Swindon Road, Cheltenham GL51 9JR

Sec and Fix Sec: Richard Gunn 07836 663483 [email protected]

C&G League Contact: David Mansfield 01242 242779


Ground: John Daniels Way, Churchdown, Gloucester GL3 2QX

Sec: Mike Howell 01242 582337 [email protected]

C&G League Contact: Iain Stiles 07775 697764

U15 Manager: Paul Brooke 07966 061348 [email protected]

Down Hatherley

Ground: The Leasowe, Wood Lane, Down Hatherley, Gloucester GL2 9QB

Sec: Andrew Bishop 01242 680425 [email protected]

Fix Sec: Robert Hall 01452 863008 [email protected]

C&G League Contact: Paul Hathaway 07736 289252 [email protected]


Ground: Dairy Lane, Dumbleton, Evesham WR11 7TP

Sec & U15 Manager: Craig Sharp 07860 406236 [email protected]

Fix Sec: Richard Simpson 07980 600241 [email protected]

U13 Manager: Nick Holland 07970 223767 [email protected]

U11 Manager: Peter Boorman 07818 015754 [email protected]

Gloucester City Winget

Ground: The Spa, Brunswick Road, Gloucester GL1 1UY

Sec: Tim Hall 01452 617073 [email protected]

Fix Sec: Dave Hatton 07523 856499 [email protected]

Senior Comps Contact: Stuart Wilshaw 07921 944515 [email protected]

C&G League Contact: Tony Fadden 07795 295814

Youth Sec: Trina Wardley 07917 887993 [email protected]

U15 Manager: Phil Jordan 07970 495227 [email protected]

U13 Manager: Craig Whiting 07837 139416 [email protected]

U11 Manager: Dave Collinson 07766 793273 [email protected]

Gloucester Harlequins

Ground: Hucclecote RFC, Churchdown Lane, Gloucester GL3 3QH

Sec: Tim Hall 01452 617073 [email protected]

C&G League Contact: Dean Williams 07521 676928

U15 Manager: Neil Adcock 07866 851068 [email protected]


Ground: Freeman Field, Malleson Road, Gotherington, Cheltenham GL52 9ET

Sec: Colin Ralph 01242 673046 [email protected]

U15 Manager: Rob Sharp 01242 678057 [email protected]

U13 & U11 Manager: Yvonne Cosgrove 01242 676216 [email protected]

Hatherley & Reddings

Ground: North Park, Shurdington Road, Cheltenham GL51 4XA

Sec: Chris Strangeway 07801 166333 [email protected]

Fix Sec: Andrew Gibbons 07904 201474 [email protected]

Senior Comps Contact: Pete Fereday 07806 779592 [email protected]

C&G League Contact: Mark Wiltshire 07766 088075

Youth Sec: David Selley 07795 661694 [email protected]

U15'A' Manager: Paul Dent 07592 823862 [email protected]

U15'B' Manager: TBC

U13'A' Manager: John McLean 07904 701891 [email protected]

U13'B' Manager: TBC

U11’A’ Manager: Jim Green 07766 426477 [email protected]

U11’B’ Manager: TBC

Highnam Court

Ground: Highnam Community Centre, Highnam, Gloucester GL2 8DG

Sec & Fix Sec: Ashley Hathaway 01452 414323 [email protected]

C&G League Contact: Julian Brand 07805 133750 [email protected]


Ground: Sandhurst Lane, Sandhurst, Gloucester GL2 9NP

Sec: Neil Rayer 07887 678863 [email protected]

Fix Sec: Tim Wheeler 01452 618535 [email protected]

C&G League Contact: Liam Page 07999 144439

U15 Manager: Rob Baldwin 01452 423025 [email protected]

U13 Manager: Casper Swinley 01452 617221

U11 Manager: Mark Readstone 01452 380890 [email protected]

St Philips North

Ground: Stanton Court, Stanton, Broadway WR12 7NE

Fix Sec & U15 Manager: Warren Francis 07946 399645 [email protected]

St Stephens

Ground: Church Road, Swindon Village, Cheltenham GL51 9QP

Sec: James Spence 07709 366293 [email protected]

Fix Sec: Derren Brown 01242 678539 [email protected]

C&G League Contact: Ken Panter 07967 631119 [email protected]


Ground: Behind Bell Inn, Shurdington Road, Cheltenham GL51 4XQ

Sec: Sam Jones 07723 090748 [email protected]

Fix Sec: Richard Jones 01452 714073 [email protected]

U11’A’ Manager: Tim Johns 07951 554928 [email protected]

U11’B’ Manager: Lee Baldwin 07837 264936 [email protected]


Ground: The Swilgate, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury GL20 5PG

Sec: Nigel Hughes 07825 368248 [email protected]

Fix Sec: Jemma France 07816 319933 [email protected]

Senior Comps Contact: Tom Allcoat 07875 849403 [email protected]

C&G League Contact: Dave Allcoat 07891 875395 [email protected]

U15 Manager: Brendan Low 07787 561025 [email protected]

U13 Manager: Andrew Shiner 07880 652269 [email protected]

U11 Manager: Gwyn Williams 07854 348997 [email protected]

Ullenwood Bharat

Ground: King George V PF, North Upton Lane, Gloucester GL4 3EX

Sec: Tony Webb 01594 823876 [email protected]

Fix Sec: Paul Singh 01452 302090 [email protected]

C&G League Contact: Jonathan Peck 07988 576299 [email protected]

Upton St Leonards

Ground: Birchall Lane, Upton St Leonards, Gloucester GL4 8AD

Sec: Andy Russell 01452 610002 [email protected]

C&G League Contact: Simon Harkin 07973 269341 [email protected]

U13 Manager: Dave Harris 07972 588741 [email protected]


Ground: Corndean Lane, Winchcombe, Cheltenham GL54 5AN

Sec: Ann Willemstein 01242 222359 [email protected]

Fix Sec: Jason Hobbs 07798 743747 [email protected]

U15 Manager: Janet Woods 07813 149308 [email protected]

U13 Manager: Fiona Markwick 01242 604695 [email protected]

U11 Manager: Graham Jones 07718 152025 [email protected]


Ground: Great Witcombe, Gloucester GL3 4SP

Sec & C&G League Contact: Michael Carter 01452 714667 [email protected]

Fix Sec: Neil Hopwood 07765 863807 [email protected]

U15 Manager: Mike Burford 07775 594657 [email protected]

U13 and U11 Manager: Mark Folley 07969 572436 [email protected]


Ground: Bushcombe Close, Woodmancote, Cheltenham GL52 9HX

Sec & C&G League Contact: David Watkins 07766 652368 [email protected]

Senior Comps Contact: Ross Constantine 07904 336973 [email protected]

U15 Manager: Ian Creates 07891 988272 [email protected]

U13 Manager: Paul Price 07741 209857 [email protected]

U11 Manager: Jim Noyce 07722 255775 [email protected]


The CGCA is pleased to record its gratitude to its various sponsors: e.surv Chartered Surveyors (Cheltenham Challenge Cup) Abbey Business Equipment (Evening Knockout Cup) Meld Marketing (Under-15 League) Don Browning Trophies (Under-15 Cup) Martin Berrill Sports (Under-13 Cup)

We would also like to thank the umpires who officiate in our matches, and Hatherley & Reddings CC and Cheltenham CC for hosting the Senior Cup Finals.

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