
256 Oceanographic Abstracts

region. Unfortunately there were few data for the tropics; therefore the above mentioned result is only preliminary.

6. As a result of a deep situation of the discontinuity layer the major part of the phytoplankton suffered light starvation (in the boreal region from 72 per cent to 87 per cent, in the tropical region from 13 per cent to 52 per cent). This fact explains the low productivity of boreal waters in winter.

7. The main reason of the differences in the productivity of boreal and tropical regions lies, probably, in the different conditions of mineral nutrition.

KOUTYURIN, V. M. and A. P. LISITSIN, 1961. Vegetable pigments in the suspended material and in bottom sediments of the Indian Ocean. Mezhd. Korn. Mezhd. Geofiz. Goda, Presidiume Akad. Nauk, SSSR, Okeanol. Issled. (3): 90-116.

The paper discusses results of spectrophotometric determinations of the content of green and yellow vegetable pigments in separate samples of suspended solid matter taken from the surface waters of the Indian Ocean. An analysis is made of fresh material as well as of material stored in dry and moist conditions during different periods of time. Data are given on the preservation of chlorophyll in sea organisms under different conditions of the treating and keeping of material. Concurrently chlorophyll content was determined also on the membrane ultrafilters; samples for this analysis were taken from the surface layers and on the vertical sections down to the bottom. Chlorophyll contents are given in mg per ~, of suspended solid matter and in ~, per litre of water. Suspended solid matter in different places contained from 0,02 to 4.60 ~//I. The content of chlorophyll in the organic matter of suspension ranged from 0.10 to 2.42 per cent, mostly within 0-254).5 per cent, which is much less than the values given by other authors. A study of the qualitative content of vegetable pigments showed that it is connected with the qualitative content of phytoplankton. The quantity of chlorophyll rapidly decreased with the depth and at a depth of ! 00 m suspended solid matter contained 10-20 times less chlorophyll than at the surface. Nevertheless a part of chlorophyll and pigments reach the bottom as deep as 5-6 1000 m and are preserved in bottom sediments.

KOZLYANINOV, M. V., 1961. Relation between transparency and currents in the north-eastern Pacific. Trud. Inst. Okeanol., Akad. Nauk SSSR, 45: 102-112.

The possibility of the use of the transparency of sea water for the characteristic of the oceanic currents is considered. The transparency was measured by instruments. Vertical profiles of the transparency distribution are compared with dynamical profiles. Relation between the structure of the currents and the general outline of the transparency distribution is well seen. The motion of the North Pacific Current is investigated, using the transparency distribution for some depths. The sharp decrease of the transparency in the frontal zones is noted.

KUMPF, H. E. and H. A. RANDALL, 1961.. Charting the marine environments of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Caribbean, l 1 (4): 543-551.

By use of the diving sled in conjunction with aerial photos charting of the marine biotopes of St. John, Virgin Islands was carried out expediently and accurately. The method of operation of the diving sled is discussed and possible application to other phases of aquatic investigation are men- tioned. The chart of the marine environments of St. John is figured.

LA GRANGE, J. J., 1961. Sea-ice observations in the South Atlantic Ocean during summer 1960/61. Notos 10 (1/4): 119-121.

The ice conditions encountered by the icebreaker Ob and the expedition ships M.V. Polarhav, M.V. Erika Dan and M.V. Kista Dan in the South Atlantic sector of the Antarctic Ocean during December and January/February 1961 are described.

LA GRANGE, J. J., 1961. Notes on the sea surface temperatures between Cape Town and Norway Station, Dec. 1960/Jan. 1961. Notos 10 (1/4): 121-122.

A summary and a diagram of the sea surface temperatures measured between Cape Town and Norway Station (70.5°S, 2"5°W) during December, 1960 and January, 1961 are presented.

LAUBIER, L., 1961. Acanthicolepis cousteaui n. sp., un aphroditien de profondeur r6colt6 par la soucoupe plongeante. Bull. I'Inst. Ocean., Monaco, 58 (1221): 12 pp.

During a 270 m depth diving with Cdt. COUSTEAU'S ' diving saucer ' a new form of polynoid Polychaete has been collected. It belongs to the genus Acanthicolepis Mc'Intosh, the two known species of which are deep-sea forms.

While describing A. cousteaui n. sp. the author has revised the material of A. asperrima from FAUVEL'S coUection which includes a special form for which it is perhaps necessary to create a new subspecies.

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