

February 2014 The Ticker Club • Wythenshawe Hospital • Southmoor Road • Manchester M23 9LT Page — 4

1987 - 2014 27 Years

Affiliated to the British Heart Foundation

Charity No. 519754

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Chairman’s Chat Hello to you all! I hope that you all had an enjoyable and peaceful Christmas and I wish you all the very best for a healthy and happy 2014.

I was delighted to see so many of you at the Annual Hotpot Supper on the 12th December at the Railway Inn, Hale, the climax of one of the Ticker Club’s main fundraising events, our annual Christmas Draw. It was especially good to

welcome some of our newer members to this event. My thanks to you all for your support in buying Christmas Draw tickets again this year. And I’m sure you’ll all join me in thanking our vice chairman Martin Merriman for the tremendous effort he and his team of sellers did in the weeks running up to the Draw.

I also want to say a big thank you to one of our members Jane Sopala and her team for the hard work they put into organising the Club’s Golf Day at Chorlton-cum-Hardy Golf Club last October. After being run for 10 years by our secretary Cliff Clinkard, on this 11th occasion Jane stepped up to take this annual event forward for us. We really do appreciate Jane’s efforts in making such a success of this special day, one of our major fundraising events of the year.

At the Volunteers’ Christmas Lunch, UHSM Trust Chair Felicity Goodey, presented some of our volunteer team of visitors with Long Service awards. All of our Club volunteer team continue to do a superb job in the various hospitals where we visit. The Committee continue to work hard in keeping the Club moving forward with our aims of supporting and representing patients, as well as the fundraising that allows us to provide financial support for various projects in the Cardiac Unit.

As I write this article, let me share with you my location - a sunny veranda 300 yards back from the Indian Ocean at my daughter’s home about 20 miles north of Perth, Western Australia (I do hope our printers have the type the right way up!). But I’ve not totally switched off from Ticker Club duties whilst here on holiday, having had the good fortune to speak with Joyce Mynett, a past President of the Fremantle Cardiac Support Group. By coincidence, Joyce advises me, this group down under is exactly the same age as us, celebrating their 25th anniversary just 2 weeks after our own celebrations in 2012. Joyce is the ward and clinic visitor coordinator and was able to share with me the roles they carry out, a mirror image of our own activities, covering ward and clinic visiting as well as fundraising. Joyce did offer me an invitation to their members’ meeting on 21st January, but unfortunately I was going to be back in the UK by then. But I have an open invitation to contact her again on my next visit down under.

Whilst I was away, I was saddened to receive news of the passing of one of our joint Presidents, MP Paul Goggins. Paul was a great supporter of the Ticker Club’s work, attending our 25th anniversary celebrations in 2012 and coming along to talk to us on occasion at our members’ meetings in Hale. Val & Jim Shillito, Cliff Clinkard and I attended his funeral in a very full Salford Cathedral on 16th January and I’m sure you would all want to join me in offering condolences to Paul’s family at this very sad time.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at future events, so don’t forget to keep your eye on the Newsletter and the website regarding future members’ meetings, our get togethers and of course the AGM on 10th April in the Education and Research Centre at Wythenshawe Hospital.

Best wishes John Phillips

TICKER CLUB HELP WITH CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH Diane Daniel, Research Manager of the Cardiovascular Research Department at Wythenshawe Hospital had approached the Ticker Club, with

regard to our funding an Electro Cardiograph (ECG) Machine to assist them in their work. She explained to us how that if they had their own

ECG machine, it would speed up the time for patients involved in the research process.

This would also relieve the workload on the central ECG department

freeing up slots to perform tests on other patients. The Research

Department at UHSM carry out many varied studies involving hundreds

of patients and the new ECG machine will allow them to expand their

studies to advance Cardiovascular treatment in the future.

The Executive Committee agreed to fund the equipment subject to

assessment of the suitability of our involvement by Co-opted

Committee member Sue Clinkard, a retired Senior Nurse from UHSM

Trust. Sue met with Diane and after discussions, felt it was appropriate

to recommend the purchase.

The equipment has cost £6,035 and as a Charity there is no VAT paid.

Pictured with the Phillips Healthcare Cardiograph machine is Val Shillito

(Ticker Club Treasurer) and members of the Cardiovascular Research

team - Research Nurse Amanda Moran and Clinical trial Administrators

Lawrie Rogerson and Schvern Allen.

Paul Gerard Goggins Sadly , we have to report the untimely death of PAUL GOGGINS , Member of Parliament for Wythenshawe and

Sale East and Joint President of the Ticker Club. He gave great support to Wythenshawe Hospital over many years.

He was highly regarded and respected in Parliament and was also an excellent local Member of Parliament for his


Our thoughts are with his wife and children at this very sad time.

Val and Jim Shillito , John Phillips and Cliff Clinkard attended his funeral service at Salford Cathedral on Thursday 16th

January 2014 and were proud to represent the Ticker Club members for one of our valued friends and supporters.


Val’s recipe




10g Dried porcini mushrooms

3 tablespoons olive oil

1 onion chopped

1 carrot chopped

150g chestnut mushrooms chopped

200g chestnuts (merchant gourmet vacuum packed)

Teaspoon thyme leaves

1.25 litres chicken stock (vegetable

stock if preferred ) Method 1. Soak porcini mushrooms in hot

water for15mins 2. Heat oil in large pan add onion and

carrot, cook until soft 3. Add porcini chestnut mushrooms,

thyme and chestnuts, cook gently 10 mins

4. Add stock and cook 15mins

5. Blend Topping: 200g mushrooms chopped cooked in

butter Single Elmlea cream Spoonful of each to be added to each

bowl when served

Will freeze without topping Serve with a warm crusty baguette and butter


by Martin



1st - No. 149 – C Cooper £50

2nd- No. 252 – Mrs Seddon £25

3rd- No. 156 – P Green £12.50


1st - No. 161 – C Laithwaite £50

2nd - No. 239 – C Clinkard £25

3rd - No. 125 – J Miller £12.50

December (Big Draw)

1st - No. 142 – M Court £100

2nd - No. 121 – R Noel £50

3rd - No. 232 – Re-donated £25

Thank you to everyone for buying tickets.

This is much appreciated

DONATIONS Thanks for all your donations both large and small,

whether from individual members, non members or

from other organisations that support our work. Total Donations £2,235.89 (Oct – Dec 2013)

Special thanks to the following Donors of over £100 K Carter £500

Mr & Mrs Derby £150

Mr & Mrs Greer £100

J K Murphy £250

In memory

Mary Johnson £130

Marie Dale £510 Smaller donations are individually recorded and all

are very much appreciated GIFT AID – If you are thinking of donating money

to the Ticker Club , have you considered Gift Aiding

it? By completing a short form, we can claim Tax

back at no extra cost to yourself, providing you are a

Tax payer.


We have had a number of new members since

October 2013 - welcome to you all :-

Mr J Cunningham

Mrs Karen Robb

Mrs Jackie Richards

Mr Alan Hunt

Mr David Dale

Mr David Knight

Mr Roy Williams

Mr M Goacher

Mrs Jayne Denby

Mr Ian Buckley

Total membership = 415 of which 69 are joint


Responding to a British Heart Foundation

invitation, the Club took part in a heart support

groups meeting in Manchester in December.

Chairman John Phillips and Membership

Secretary Hazel Phillips, together with

committee member John Miller, joined

representatives of other NW heart support

groups to discuss a new BHF initiative.

The aim is to improve the BHF’s relationship with groups such as

ours and with other organisations such as the NHS and local


Under discussion with members from groups as far apart as Chester

and Trafford were subjects such as better links for groups with the

BHF and between each other so that, for example, patients could be

referred on to other more local groups who might offer exercise

classes or opportunities for regular social contact. Some of the

groups were looking for help with issues over finding and funding

qualified trainers, or with organisational and management issues, as

well as means to promote a wider knowledge of their existence.

In this connection it emerged that none of the groups present has

any connection with their local BHF shops, so a new initiative of

posters on BHF shop community notice boards promoting local

groups was welcomed by all.

Changes in the NHS meant for some of us a weakening of links with

the former NHS patient and professional involvement bodies (PPIs)

which in the past had kept us in touch with developments in patient

care as well as other groups. It was felt the BHF could help here by

providing groups with more details of their local network and

suggesting ways of engaging with the new NHS structures. With

staying involved and influencing services depending very much on

who to know and how to influence them, BHF representatives felt a

useful action point here would be for them to develop a suitable

‘cribsheet’ for groups.

When it came to issues around the affiliation of groups to the BHF,

some of us found the process more time-consuming and

bureaucratic than need be, with very little feedback other than

acceptance and a certificate. A case then of more relationship, less

bureaucracy? A very useful one-liner to carry away with us!

BHF initiative brings together NW heart support groups

February 2014 Email us at [email protected] Page — 2 Page — 3 February 2014

Wythenshawe Hospital Volunteers meet the Lord Mayor of Manchester UHSM South Manchester Trust / Wythenshawe Hospital, has over 500

volunteers who work in all areas of the Hospital.

The Lord Mayor of Manchester, Naeem ul Hassan, visited a coffee morning

held for the Volunteers where Ticker Club Secretary, Cliff Clinkard, welcomed

him in his role as Hospital Governor for Volunteers.

The Lord Mayor spent time chatting to the volunteers and thanked them for the

excellent work they do.

Organising the Chorlton Golf Day (or any Golf day) for the first time, Ticker Club Member Jane Sopala & Martin Merriman worked hard

(many a sleepless night) to ensure that there was a full complement of teams and sufficient donors of prizes for the competition and the

raffle. The only thing that they could not control was the October weather, which until the day of the event had produced incessant rain,

but the 11th October proved to be the only dry day of the month and was thoroughly enjoyed by all the players taking part.

The competition was tough and won by team ‘Davenport Proclaimers’ – Messrs McGowan,

Penney, Haresnape, Wadd (pictured) with 97 Stableford points, on a card play-off with team

‘Wednesday Warriors’, winners at Alsager at the spring Charity Golf Day. Mr Amiss of the

‘Wednesday Warriors’ treated us to a ‘Hole in One’ on the 17th and provided a customary bottle of whisky for all to celebrate . Well done Sir !!

The net total raised for the Ticker Club and therefore its beneficiaries, was a

record £2,200.

We would like the thank all our sponsors for their contributions and in particular

SNOOPER who donated electronic golfing equipment ‘SHOTSAVER’ as the main prizes,

Barclays Bank who matched the raffle takings and Clive Bibby of Help2Hear who again

donated a substantial cash amount. Sponsor of previous Golf Days at Chorlton, BEST, again

donated a substantial cheque to cover the cost of various Prizes. Generous prizes were also

donated by Ticker Club members and friends. Again thanks to you all.

Jane would like to thank the Ticker Club Members,

their families & friends who helped out on the day to

provide refreshments, sell raffle tickets and with general


Thanks to Chorlton-cum-Hardy for providing the venue

(11th year), a Prize and excellent catering and as usual,

being friendly and gracious hosts. Last but not least our

successful Charity Golf Day depends on the support of

all our Golfing friends who helped us raise a

tremendous total on the day. See you all next time?

Corporate sponsors: the R & A, Sainsburys, Marks

and Spencer, Geotek, Titleist, Max Spielmann, Bramhall

Golf Club, Davenport Golf Club, Styal Golf Club,

Chorlton-cum-Hardy Golf Club and Didsbury Golf Club

This year’s Christmas event food was a hearty bowl of Hotpot followed by Christmas Cake and a slice of Cheddar cheese,

which all went down well on a cold winters night. Over 30 members attended and were challenged by a difficult Christmas

Quiz presented by Newsletter editor Roger Booth.

Our thanks go to Simon Jesson, Charge Nurse at Wythenshawe Hospital, for drawing the winning tickets.

We have raised approx £2,930 thanks to your generosity in supporting our

Fundraising efforts organised by Barbara and Martin Merriman.

Christmas Draw 2013 Prize winners

‘Twas the night before Christmas….’ The only Dry Day in October – Chorlton Golf Day


is being held on Thursday 13th February at the RAILWAY INN,

Hale WA14 2UN. Free car parking is available in the Train station

car park opposite the venue. We start at 8.00pm and have a Guest

speaker , quizzes, update of Club matters and a light buffet is served.

ALL are WELCOME so why not come along and give it a try.



will be held at Wythenshawe Hospital on Thursday 10th April

2014 starting at 3.00pm. The meeting will be held in the Education &

Research Centre at the rear of the Hospital. This is where you elect

your Committee for the forthcoming year and the Annual Report of

the Club’s activities including Finances will be discussed. Light

Refreshments available. Contact the office if you require directions



Is on Thursday 8th May 2014. This is for all current volunteer

visitors but also a chance for persons considering becoming a

Hospital visitor. Please contact the Ticker office 0161 291 2873 and

confirm your place on the Seminar. Light refreshments available.



All are welcome and bring some friends along on Saturday 12th

July 2014 at their house in Poynton. Book your place soon by

contacting the office or be disappointed.


It’s NEVER too early to inform all of our faithful (and valued!) golfing

supporters of the arrangements for our annual Charity Golf Day so here goes,,,,,

Set the date of Thursday 22nd May 2014 in your golf diary to

come along to The Ticker Club’s visit to Alsager Golf & Country

Club and help us celebrate our 10th consecutive Golf Day there.

The format is the usual one of four-golfer teams, any gender

combination you like and as usual we offer (a) an excellent golf

course (b) mouth-watering bacon baps on arrival (c) great

company and last, but not least, a very enjoyable day’s golf –

with the knowledge that your participation will, once again, help the

Ticker Club raise funds for The Heart Centre at Wythenshawe

Hospital. Cost for 4 person team is only £120

In previous years, we have had in excess of 100 golfers on every

occasion, why not come along and join us?

Interested? ; want to know more? Contact Alan Imrie on the

Ticker Club office telephone 0161-291-2873 and leave a message for

me or ring my home 01477-535963 or email me on

[email protected]. Entry forms will also be sent to previous

participant captains later this month, but contact me if you want a

specific tee-time in advance. Alan Imrie


Simon Jesson, Charge Nurse on the Cardiac

Ward at Wythenshawe Hospital draws the

winning tickets in this year’s Christmas

Draw assisted by Martin Merriman (Vice

Chairman of the Ticker Club)

Barbara Merriman delivers the 1st prize of

an I-pod mini Tablet to winners Mr & Mrs


Treasurer Val Shillito presents Alison

from Wythenshawe Hospital Catheter

Labs with her 2nd prize of £200 cheque

1. No.671 - Mrs Bruce - IPod mini Tablet 4. No.3007 - Mrs Bold - Female Cosmetics

Hamper 7. No.4497 - John Miller - Tin of


2. No.087 - Alison (Catheter Labs) - £200 5. No.2871 - K Elliott - Traditional Hamper 8. No. 282 - John Pimblett - Recipe


3. No.4303 - P. Thorneycroft - Tea for two 6. No.3969 - Mr D Seal - Male Cosmetics Hamper Thank you to all for buying tickets

Could you be a volunteer? We are once again looking to expand our Clinic and Ward visitor team.

We would be absolutely delighted to hear from members, both ladies and gentlemen, who could give a little time each

week to providing patient support in the Clinics at Wythenshawe Hospital, Tameside Hospital, Wigan Hospital or the

Fairfield Hospital, Bury.

Our presence in the Clinics and on the Wards is greatly appreciated by patients, their families and staff.

Would you be happy to help? If you feel that you’d like to ‘give a little something back’ please contact our Clinic &

Ward volunteer coordinator John Phillips or Club secretary Cliff Clinkard at the Club Office on 0161 291 2873

(ansaphone), or call John’s mobile 0777 17 18 339 or email him at [email protected]

John or Cliff will be happy to arrange for you to begin by trying a ‘TASTER’ session or two with a current team member.

Volunteer Long Service Awards at Wythenshawe Hospital The Volunteers Department held their Annual Christmas thank you Luncheon for hospital Volunteers on Tuesday

10th December 2013 at Hough End Police Social Club. UHSM Chair Felicity Goodey handed out Long Service

Awards to many of the hospital volunteers and thanked them for the dedicated work each of them carries out in

the hospital.

We are pleased to inform you that seven of our Ticker Club Volunteers received awards at the event. Peter

Jackson, Wilf Livingstone, Cliff Clinkard, John Walton and Valerie Shillito received certificates for 10 years voluntary

service; Eileen Bate and John Phillips received certificates in recognition of 5 years service.

Linda Hilton from Barclays Bank at

the Prize table. Organiser Jane Sopala with Clive

Bibby of Help2Hear

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