Download - Chapter III Dawet

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This chapter presents the method used in this research.It covers

kind of research, design of the research, subject of the research, area of the

research, procedure of research , criteria of success and instrument of the research.

3.1 Kind of Research

Based on the problem of the research, the kind of this research is

classroom action research. Classroom Action Research is intended to change all

the learners by themselves and change the situation in teaching learning process.

Action research has the purpose of developing new skills or new approach to

solve problem in the field or the other actual problem by using direct

implementation. The function of an action research is basically as a tool for

improving the quality and efficiency of the application of the educational activity.

In short, a classroom action research is intended to solve a problem in the

classroom. This research wants to know how can the teaching of English by using

Problem Based Learning improve the speaking ability of the seventh grade

students in SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Wuluhan. Classroom Action Research is

purposed to change the situation in teaching learning process involving

collaboration with English teacher in the class.

3.2 Design of the Research.

The design of this research is collaboration Classroom Action Research

(CAR) which focuses on a particular group of students in a certain classroom.


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This research was done in collaboration with the English teacher. Based on the

interview with English teacher in SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Wuluhan, the English

teacher and the researcher discussed and carried out some actions to find an

appropriate strategy in teaching speaking ability. It will be applied to improve the

student's speaking ability by using Problem Based Learning (PBL). According to

Arikunto (2010:131) there are four activities of classroom action research

procedures as follow: (1) the planning of the action, (2) the implementation of the

action, (3) observation, and (4) reflection of the action.

The design of the Classroom Action Research can be illustrated in the

following diagram:

The design of the Classroom Action Research

(Adopted from Arikunto, 2010:131)

3.3 Subject of the Research

The subject of this research is seventh grade students at SMP

Muhammadiyah 6 Wuluhan which is located on Jl. Ambulu no 5 Wuluhan

Jember. The class consist of 29 students each class and the researcher takes

seventh C as the subject of the research, because the students’ speaking ability

was still low in this class.



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3.4 Area of the Research

In this Classroom Action Research SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Wuluhan was

chosen as a place to conduct the research. The school was chosen because of some

reseons: (1) Problem Based Learning has never been applied by the English

teacher in teaching speaking. (2) Seventh grade students at SMP Muhammadiyah

6 Wuluhan had difficulties in speaking english.

3.5 Procedure of the Research

Based on the research design, the actions of the research are implemented

in some stages, they are: 1). Preliminary Study, 2). Planning, 3). Implementing,

4).Observing, 5). Reflecting.

3.5.1 Preliminary study

Procedure of this research begin with a preliminary study by observing the

class and interviewing the English teacher on November, 9th 2013 to investigate

whether the students have problems in speaking ability. Based on the interview,

they were still unable to use the target language to fulfill their need in their daily

activity and the teacher had not taught speaking yet to the seventh grade students.

She still taught two skills, reading and writing only. It can be the reason that is

why the students’ speaking score were still low. There were three seventh grade

classes in SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Wuluhan in which there are 29 students in each

class. The English teacher said that the students still got problem in the learning

speaking English. The English teacher also explained the material theoretically in

teaching learning process without asking the students to practice their English in

front of the class and it caused them had difficulty to use the target language.

Beside that the students felt bored to study English language.


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After the researcher doing pretest on January, 13th 2014 for the basic

speaking skill of the students in VII C, the researcher got the result that only 48%

students are able to get the score ≥ 65. It means, it less than 50% students have

good enough score for speaking skill and actually it really need an action to

increase the pr oblem above.

3.5.2 Planning of the action

The first step is planning of the action. Before implementing the action in

the class, the researcher prepare some activities. They are as follows:

a. Choosing the themes and sub themes taught in the 2013/2014

academic years.

b. Selecting the materials used in teaching speaking taken from the

students’ text book and the internet. They were chosen based on the

themes and sub themes chosen from the curriculum which is used in

the school.

c. Writing the lesson plans for the first, second. thirds in the first cycle

( the lesson plans for the seconds cycle is revised based on the lesson

plans in the first cycle).

d. Preparing the guide of observation in the form of checklist containing

the indicators observed.

e. Preparing the way to score the students’ speaking test.

3.5.3 Implementing the action

Implementing of this research plan is done during the School hours. The

action in the teaching speaking is by using Problem Based Learning. It is given to

the research subjects in every meeting of each cycle. The implementation of the


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action in cycle 1 is based on lesson plan 1 and 2. Then, the implementation of the

action in cycle 2 is based on the lesson plan 3 and 4. Each meeting is provided 80


3.5.4 Observing

Observing is done by the researcher and the English teacher. It is used to

observe the activities in the teaching learning process through Problem Based

Learning in each cycle. Observation would be focused on the indicators of the

performance of the students’ active and passive involvement in speaking teaching

learning process. Research Instrument

Research instrument are some tools used when a research is conducted in a

particular method( Arikunto, 2010: 192). They are needed, in order to get the data

for the research . In this research the researcher only uses test. The requirement of

thetest must be valid and reliable. Test

Arikunto (2006: 150) states that test is a set of questions or other

exercisess use to measure skill, aptitude, knowledge, intelligence of individual or

groups. Speaking test is conducted in this research, achievement test is used to

measure the seventh grade students’ speaking ability after taught using Problem

Based Learning. As it is cited in Arikunto (2006:151) achievement test is a test

use to measure the individual’s achievement after learning something. The test is

using to know the result of speaking ability after giving treatment to the group.


Page 6: Chapter III Dawet .1 Validity of the Test

In this research the researcher uses content validity in that the test item of

the test are based on the curriculum. According to Borg (1981:94) in Lina 2010

content validity is the degree to which items on a test represent the content that the

test is designed to measure.

A test is called valid if it can measure what should be measured (Arikunto,

2010:211). An instrument’s validity depends on the number of the tasks that have

been made. The validity of the test will be established according to the test

materials constructed. The test will be conducted to measure the students speaking

ability. It means that, a test should measure whatever it is supposed to measure

and nothing else. This test is valid because the material has been taught and the

test item of the test is based on the curriculum.

Competence Standard

9. Expressing meaning in simple transactional and interpersonal to interact with the closest environment.

Basic Competence

9.2 Expressing meaning in transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal conversation (socialization) by using simple and acceptable spoken language involving the act of making asking something.


of asking something.

1. Instructions : The students can

read the conversation with their partner in

front of their friends.

Indah: Hallo Yanti, How are you?

Yanti: I’m fine thank you. How about


Indah: I’m Fine too. Thanks. By the way,

who is the girl next to you?

Yanti: She is my sister Mitha.

Mitha, she is Indah. Indah, she is Mitha.

Indah: Hi… Mitha, nice to meet you!

Mitha: Nice to meet you too.

Yanti: Well… girls, are you hungry?

Indah&Mitha : Yes, I do.

Yanti : What do you say if go to



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Mitha: Ok, why not?

Indah: Yeah... I agree. I want to buy pecel


Yanti: Ok, let’s go!

2.Instructions : Complete the dialogues

and Work in pair.. You can change your

name to answer the question.

1. A : What is your full name? B : 2. A : What is your nick name? B : 3. A : Where do you live? B :4. A : How old are you? B :5. A : What is your mother’s name? B :

6. A : How many sisters do you have? B : 7. A : How many brothers do you have? B : 8. A : Where do you study? B : 9. A : What is your hobby? B : 10. A: What is your favourite food? B: The Reliability of the Test

According to Arikunto (2010: 221), reliability is determined by the

carefulness of evaluation instrument and the importance of reability is

consistence, how far the test or instrument can be believed. To know whether the

test is reliable or not the researcher uses alpha formula. Arikunto ( 2006: 196)

States that alpha formula is used to know the reability of the instrument of which

the score is not 1 and 0. To identify whether the test reliable or not based on


The formula is as follow:


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r ıı = k (1 ־ ∑ σ1b²) kı σ²τ s

Where :

rıı : Reliability of the instrument

k : Number of Questionnaire item

∑σ1b² : Variant item

σ²τ : Total variant

After calculating the reliability of the try out test that is given to the

student, the researcher can find the result of the reliability of the try out test and

the calculation, the realibility of the test is 0,9. According to R-table (Arikunto,

2010:402) with N= 29 and significance 95% is 0.367. It can be concluded that the

test is reliable.

3.5.5 Reflecting

Reflecting is the activity to analyze the result of observation and test to

know how far the development of the strategy’s success to solve the problem or

on the contrary what kind of factors can make failure. The researcher compares

the result of the activity with the criteria of success. The purpose of reflection is to

know the criteria which is achieved or the causes of failure. As long as the criteria

of success has not been achieved, the researcher should hold the next cycle until it


To measure the The percentage of students who get score ≥65 in speaking

ability, the researcher uses the formula:

E = n x 100 % NWhere:


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E : The percentage of students who get score ≥65

n : The number of students speaking score get ≥ 65

N: The total number of the students

3.6 The Criteria of Success

The criteria of success are used to know whether the implementation of

the action achieve the target. According to Mulyasa ( 2009:183) in Fifit (2011) the

actions are regarded successful if more than 75% of students could achieve the

minimum standard score requirement (SKM) that is 65. Meanwhile, if the

requirement above could not be achieved in cycle 1, the action will be continued

to the next cycle.


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