Page 1: CHAPTER III - VLIZ · CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador ABSTRACT The meiofauna on a cross-shore gradient at an intermediate-reflective



Tropical sandy beach meiofauna: a case study on

the temporal patterns of a high and low water

station in Ecuador

Paper prepared as


Tropical sandy beach meiofauna: a case study on cross-shore and seasonal

patterns in Ecuador. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural.

Page 2: CHAPTER III - VLIZ · CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador ABSTRACT The meiofauna on a cross-shore gradient at an intermediate-reflective

CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador


The meiofauna on a cross-shore gradient at an intermediate-reflective Ecuadorian

sandy beach was studied fortnightly from June 2000 until July 2001 (this period had

undergone a strong La Nina event), in order to analyse the patterns in abundance

between upper and lower station at the intertidal zone and to assess the temporal

variability in view of seasonality (dry versus rainy season). The sea surface

temperature ranged between 21.4 and 27.5 °C, the pluviosity was restricted between

January and March 2001 (151-114 mm), the salinity ranged between 32 and 34 PSU

and the median grain size between 215 and 290 pm at the upper station and 191-301

at the lower station, corresponding to fine-medium sand. The meiofauna samples were

collected with plastic cores (3.6 cm diameter) to 20 cm depth. Fifteen meiofauna taxa

were registered, with Nematoda the dominant taxon on the beach (61% at the upper

station and 83% at the lower station). The total meiofauna density ranged from 186±14

ind./10 cm 2 to 3907±408 ind./10 cm 2 at the upper station and from 417±5 ind./10 cm 2

to 1940±166 ind./10 cm 2 at the lower station; however no significant differences on the

average meiofauna densities were detected between the stations. Multi-dimensional

scaling ordination based on higher meiofauna taxa densities showed cross-shore

differences, caused by highest densities of copepods at the upper station (275±86

ind./10 cm 2 ) and highest densities of nematodes (738±64 ind./10 cm 2 ), with a near

absence of copepods at the lower station. At the lower station the total meiofauna and

nematode densities showed a significant negative correlation with the distance (as a

proxy for elevation): a decreasing density was found lower on the beach; and a

significant positive correlation with the rainfall. A seasonal respond to the total

meiofauna and nematodes at the lower station were detected. At the upper station no

correlation were found. Compared with other cross-shore patterns illustrated in the

literature, the nature of the meiofauna data from the Ecuadorian beach increases even

at the high spatial and temporal variability of the interstitial meiofauna present in

different sandy beaches around the world. Therefore, there is not something like a

'typical' sandy beach meiofauna.

KEY WORDS: meiofauna, Ecuador, intertidal zone, intermediate-reflective beach,

temporal variability, tidal level.


Page 3: CHAPTER III - VLIZ · CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador ABSTRACT The meiofauna on a cross-shore gradient at an intermediate-reflective

CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador


In the intertidal beach, physical variables such as temperature, movement of sediment

and salinity are more variable than in the subtidal, and may greatly influence the

faunistic composition and distribution within and between intertidal areas (HICKS AND

COULL, 1983). MCLACHLAN AND TURNER (1994) described the intertidal environment of

sandy beaches as a continuum with at one extreme the coarse-grained, reflective

beach state characterized by high water percolation and, consequently, high

oxygenation, and at the other extreme dissipative beaches with finer sands and a lower

permeability which tend to harbour higher organic inputs and anaerobic conditions.

Exposed sandy shores are often considered to be merely an edge of the sea or the

land, but they also constitute an important ecotone with food chains based on

decomposers, grazers and suspension feeders (MCLACHLAN, 1981). The physical

harshness of the eroding, intermediate shore may be counterbalanced by oxygen-rich

conditions. On the accreting, dissipative shore a pronounced chemocline (sharp

gradient in chemical concentration) favours a dominance of nematodes (MENN, 2002).

Differences in availability of major food resources between the shores may also affect

the meiofauna. The longer the period between swashes, the better the conditions for

the fauna on exposed sandy beaches. MCLACHLAN et al. (1993) have suggested that

the swash climate directly controls the composition and structure of the sandy beach

communities. The interstitial fauna of marine beaches has been studied at different

latitudes and localities (e.g. HEIP et al., 1985 for an overview; COULL, 1988) but not so

much along cross-shore and temporal gradients in tropical areas (GOURBAULT et al.,

1998). From the South-eastern Pacific region no data on interstitial fauna are available

for sandy beaches. This study provides the first information about the meiofauna

composition and their distribution at the intertidal zone in the Ecuadorian sandy beach

over a one year period. The aims of this study were: 1. to contrast the density and

composition of intertidal meiofauna at the upper and the lower part of an exposed

Ecuadorian sandy beach; 2. to assess the temporal variability from June 2000 until July

2001, in view of seasonality (dry versus rainy season) and 3. to investigate the effect of

the environmental variables such as pluviosity, temperature, salinity, distance (as a

proxy for elevation) and median grain size on the structuring of the meiofaunal

community. The study period undergone a strong La Nina phase, after the 1997-98 El

Nino (McPhaden, 1999).


Page 4: CHAPTER III - VLIZ · CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador ABSTRACT The meiofauna on a cross-shore gradient at an intermediate-reflective




San Pedro

\ de Manglaraho

Gelb a. Ousyspol




0 200






CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador


Study site

The beach of San Pedro de Manglaralto is part of the denominated cove San Pedro-

Montanita and is an exposed sandy beach that displays a concavity with direction SO-

NE. The sampling station was located at the southern limit of the Centro Nacional de

Acuicultura e Investigaciones Marinas (CENAIM), (1°56'30"S, 80°43'30"W) (Figure

3.1). The beach has a semi-diurnal, mesotidal regime (DAviEs, 1964) with a tidal range

between 2-2.4 m. The Ecuadorian coastal climate is characterized by two seasons: a

dry-cool season (May-December) and a wet-warm season (January-April) and is

influenced by currents in the Pacific Ocean. From July until October the area is

subjected to the relatively cold (<22 °C) Humboldt-current, heading North, while during

the months January until April the warm (>25 °C) El Nifio-current, heading South,

dominates. In addition, wide inter-annual fluctuations of the weather can occur due to

the ENSO phenomenon (FIEDLER, 2002).

-82' -80° -78' -76 -74°

-82° -80° -78' -76° -74°

Figure 3.1 Location of the study site.

4 °

2 °

-6 °


Page 5: CHAPTER III - VLIZ · CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador ABSTRACT The meiofauna on a cross-shore gradient at an intermediate-reflective

CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador

Sampling strategy and laboratory work

Sampling was performed fortnightly from June 2000 until July 2001 at spring tides (full

moon and new moon). At the beach two stations were sampled: one at low and one at

high tide level. The position of both stations was assessed based on predicted time and

elevation of high and low water (La Libertad data, Institute Oceanografico de la

Armada). At each station, three replicate samples were collected for meiofauna

samples. They were obtained by forcing a hand core (3.6 cm diameter) (HIGGINS AND

THIEL, 1988) to 20 cm depth in the sediment and fixed with a heated (60 °C) 4%

buffered aqueous formaldehyde solution (Vinicx, 1996).

Additional sediment samples were collected for granulometric analyses. Sea Surface

Temperature (SST) and salinity data were taken from the nearby 'El Pelado'

Oceanographic station (01° 55' 53" S, 80° 46' 55" W), and pluviosity data from the

CENAIM-ESPOL (Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral) foundation.

Sediment particle-size distribution was determined using Coulter LS 100 © particle size

analyzer. The sediment fractions were defined according to the Wentworth scale

(BUCHANAN, 1984).

At each sampling location the beach profile was measured as the difference in

elevation every 5 meters along the transect using a leveller from a fixed reference point

(0) localized in front of CENAIM. The distance is used as a proxy for elevation.

In the laboratory, meiofauna samples were rinsed with a gentle jet of freshwater over a

1 mm sieve to exclude macrofauna, decanted ten times over a 38 pm sieve,

centrifuged three times with Ludox © HS 40 (specific density 1.18) and stained with

Rose Bengal. Meiofauna was counted by using a counting dish and identified at the

higher taxon level under a stereomicroscope. The presence of archiannelids

(Polychaeta) was observed in the samples but it was not possible to include them in

the counting because the specimens were fragmented.


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CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador

Data analysis

Beaches can be classified by three variables: The modal breaker height (H b ), in meters;

the modal wave period (T), in seconds; and sediment fall velocity (W s ), in meters per

second. The Ws was calculated from the median grain size following GIBBS et al.

(1971). The values to this study were: Hb= 0.4 m, T= 3 s and Ws= 0.03 m/s. These

parameters were combined into the dimensionless fall velocity 0 = H b/ WsT or Dean's

parameter (SHORT, 1999). When 0 < 1 beaches tend to be reflective, when 0 > 6 they

tend to be dissipative and in between (1 < S2 < 6) are the so-called intermediate

beaches (MASSELINK AND SHORT, 1993). The 'dry' (April-December) and 'rainy'

(January-March) seasons were defined according to the data set of the sampling year

(See figure 3.3). In order to detect temporal and cross-shore patterns in the meiofauna

data, the multivariate analyses were done after square-root data transformation. Lower

triangular similarity matrices were constructed using the Bray-Curtis similarity measure

to find a faunal structure with visual inspection of a clustering dendrogram. Patterns in

the meiofauna data were analyzed by non-metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling (nMDS).

One-way crossed analysis of similarities or ANOSIM (CLARKE, 1993) was used to test

the significant differences in meiofauna assemblage composition between beach

stations. The similarity percentage analyzer or SIMPER (CLARKE, 1993) was applied to

determine the contribution of higher meiofauna taxa to the discrimination between the

beach stations. The multivariate analyses were performed using PRIMER v5 software

package (CLARKE AND GORLEY, 2001). The univariate analyses were applied to the

average meiofauna densities of three replicates. The faunal densities were expressed

in individuals per 10 cm 2 (ind./10 cm 2 ). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to

check the existence of significant differences between dry and rainy season per station.

Pearson's correlation was applied to assess the relationship between meiofauna taxa

(at the upper and at the lower station) and environmental factors such as pluviosity,

temperature, salinity, distance (as a proxy for elevation) and median grain size. The

normal distribution of the data was checked by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Levene's

test was used to verify the homogeneity of variances prior to the analysis. When

conditions for the use of a parametric test were not fulfilled, the nonparametric Mann-

Whitney U test (Z statistic Mann-Whitney Test; p<0.001*** -very highly significant;

p<0.01** - highly significant; p<0.05* - significant) was employed at two independent

samples. Statistical analysis was performed using the STATISTICA v6.0 software

package (STATSOFT, 2001).


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40 20 80 100 120



0,5 -




Distance (m)

CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador


Physical environment

The width of the intertidal zone at the different sampling locations ranged from 90 to

120 m. The beach slope varied between 1:21 and 1:41. At the upper station, samples

were taken between 34-54 meters from the reference point (0), and at the lower station

the sampling distance ranged from 84 to 118 meters (Figure 3.2). In function of the

Dean's parameter 0, the study site is an intermediate beach (0 =1.2) but near the

reflective characteristics.

Figure 3.2 Beach profile at San Pedro de Manglaralto (June 2000-June 2001). The indication

bars 'upper station' and 'lower station' refer to the sampling distance over which

the actual samples were taken during the one year period (cf. text), following the

water line at high and low tide level. The vertical scale is exaggerated in

relationship to the horizontal. The origin (0) is named reference point in the text.


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CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador

The fine to medium sand fractions dominated the sediment. Median grain size ranged

from 215 to 290 pm at the upper station and from 191 to 301 pm at the lower station

(Table 3.1). The SST ranged between 21.4 and 27.5 °C and was highest in the rainy

season; salinity ranged between 32 to 34 PSU and was lowest in the rainy season; the

rainfall was mainly restricted from January 2001 (151 mm) to March 2001 (114 mm)

(Figure 3.3).



Upper station

SE Min Max Mean

Lower station

SE Min Max

Median grain size (pm) 258 ± 3 215 - 290 230 ± 6 191 - 301 % silt and clay (<63 pm) 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.7 ± 0.1 0.0 - 1.5

very fine sand (63-125 pm) 1.7 ± 0.2 0.0 -4.8 8.7 ± 0.8 1.0 - 18.9 % fine sand (125-250 pm) 45.6 ± 1.1 34.3 - 61.9 46.3 ± 1.1 33.7 - 57.1 % medium sand (250-500 pm) 46.9 ± 1.0 31.4 - 54.1 28.7 ± 1.3 14.7 - 42.6 °A) coarse sand (500-1000 pm) 5.2 ± 0.6 1.3 - 16.1 14.0 ± 1.6 5.5 - 48.6 % gravel (>1000 pm) 0.5 ± 0.1 0.0 - 3.6 2.5 ± 0.3 0.0 - 6.4

Table 3.1 Sediment characteristics at high tide level (upper station) and at low tide level (lower

station): mean of granulometric values and standard error of the mean (SE).

Meiofauna assemblage structure: upper versus lower beach

Multidimensional scaling (Figure 3.4) and cluster analysis (not shown) clearly reveal

the differences in meiofauna assemblage structure between the high water and the low

water positions: the sampling points of both stations are clearly separated during the

full sampling period.

One-way ANOSIM results confirmed that the composition of the meiofauna

assemblages differed significantly between stations at the beach (R = 0.78, p<0.001).

Following the SIMPER analysis, higher copepod densities at the upper station and

higher nematode densities and near absence of the copepods at the lower station

mainly caused the differences.


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re (


29 -

28 -

27 -

26 -

25 -

24 -

23 -

22 -

21 -




ity (













CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador

34,5 -


El Pelado Oceanographic station


El Pelado Oceanographic station

34,0 -






33,5 -






❑ Dry season ❑ Rainy season

Figure 3.3 Temporal fluctuation of the environmental variables: pluviosity,

temperature and salinity.


Page 10: CHAPTER III - VLIZ · CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador ABSTRACT The meiofauna on a cross-shore gradient at an intermediate-reflective


• 28 • 17

A 22 • 8


• 1 •

• 5

♦24 A 20 • 23

♦ 27 A 2 6A25

• 16

A 18

2 ♦ 21 A


0 16

• 7


10 0011

20 0 23 0 8 0 21


♦ Upper station o Lower station

28 1 14 0 12 0 0 20

5 °V 5.0 22 190 2607 270 24

25 013 70 40

017 12 • •14A g

stress: 0.11

• 6

• 15 1 1AA 4


CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador

Figure 3.4 Output of non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (nMDS) on square-root

transformed abundance data of the higher taxa of the meiofauna (numbers

indicate the fortnightly sampling in a chronological order from June 2000 to July


At the upper station, Nematoda was the dominant taxon (61%) with a mean density

value of 587±84 ind./10 cm 2 , followed by Copepoda Harpacticoida (29%) with a mean

density value of 275±86 ind./10 cm 2 , Tardigrada (4%) with 42±20 ind./10 cm 2 , naupliar

larvae (3%) with 29±6 ind./10 cm 2 and Turbellaria (1%) with a mean density value of

13±2 ind./10 cm 2. Other meiofauna groups represented less than 1% of the total

meiofauna density: Polychaeta, Isopoda, Cladocera, Rotifera, Ostracoda, Bivalvia,

Halacaroidea, Insecta and Oligochaeta.

At the lower station, the meiofauna was even more dominated by Nematoda (83%) with

a mean density of 783±64 ind./10 cm 2 , followed by Gastrotricha (9%) with 82±11

ind./10 cm 2 and Turbellaria (6%) with a mean density of 49±8 ind./10 cm 2 . Other

meiofauna groups represented less than 1% of the total meiofauna density: Copepoda

Harpacticoida, naupliar larvae, Polychaeta, Isopoda, Rotifera, Ostracoda, Tardigrada,

Bivalvia, Halacaroidea, Insecta and Oligochaeta.


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CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador

Temporal variations of densities

Total meiofauna density ranged from 186±14 ind./10 cm 2 in October 2000 (new moon)

to 3907±408 ind./10 cm 2 in June 2000 (full moon) at the upper station; while at the

lower station density ranged from 417±5 ind./10 cm 2 in April 2001 (full moon) to

1940±166 ind./10 cm 2 in January 2001 (new moon) (Figure 3.5). The Mann -Whitney

test, applied to total meiofauna densities did not show significant differences between

the upper and the lower station; nevertheless the average of the total meiofauna

density was slightly highest at the upper station than the lower. Meiofauna composition

and densities at the upper and the lower station are reported in the table 3.2.

The densities of nematodes ranged from 148±6 ind./10 cm 2 in October 2000 (new

moon) to 1673±162 ind./10 cm 2 during May 2001 (new moon) at the upper station and

from 298±32 ind./10cm 2 in September 2000 (new moon) to 1652±73 ind./10 cm 2 in

January 2001 (new moon) at the lower station; however no significant differences were

detected between upper and lower station (ANOVA, p> 0.05).

Significant differences between the upper and the lower station concerning densities of

the several taxa recorded were detected by the Mann-Whitney test: Copepoda (Z=6.4;

p<0.001***); Turbellaria (Z= -4.4; p<0.001'); Isopoda (Z=2.6; p<0.01**); Tardigrada

(Z=4.7; p<0.001***); Bivalvia (Z=-2.7; p<0.01**) and naupliar larvae (Z=4.2;


At the upper station, the temporal variation of copepods was characterized by highest

densities (2322±250 ind./10 cm 2 ) in June 2000 (full moon) and lowest densities (20A 15

ind./10 cm 2) in October 2000 (new moon), while at the lower station the densities

reached a maximum of 20±2 ind./10 cm 2 in February 2001 (new moon) (Figure 3.5).

The turbellarians registered the highest densities (33±4 ind./10 cm 2 ) in February 2001

(full moon) at the upper station and 160±25 ind./10 cm 2 in July 2001 (new moon) at the

lower station. Gastrotrichs, only present at the lower station, registered maximum

densities (245±29 ind./10 cm 2) in August 2000 (new moon) and minimum densities

(12±3 ind./10 cm 2 ) in April 2001 (full moon).

The ANOVA results did not show significant differences between the dry season (April-

December) and the rainy season (January-March), both for the upper and the lower



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3000 -

2500 - NE

O 2000 -











E 2000









0 • • 0 • 0





Upper station






Lower station


0-n M M O A D D N N F F J01 A S O J

• 0 0 • • 0


• 0 • 0 0 • 0 • 0 •



4000 -

CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador


o Full moon • New moon

Figure 3.5

Total meiofauna and nematode densities (ind./10 cm 2 ) (bars±SE) during the one

year sampling period (fortnightly intervals). All calculated by three replicates per



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CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador


Upper station

Mean SE Min Max Mean SE

Lower station

Min Max

Nematoda 586.6 ± 83.5 148 (Oct00) - 1673 (May01) 738.3 ± 63.6 298 (Sep00) - 1652 (Jan01) Copepoda 274.8 ± 86.4 20 (Oct00) - 2322 (Jun00) 4.5 ± 1. 1 0 - 20 (Feb01) Gastrotricha 82.4 ± 11.0 12 (Apr01) - 245 (Aug00) Tardigrada 42.0 ± 20.2 0 434 (Aug00) 0.4 ± 0.2 0 - 6 (Oct00) Naupliar larvae 29.1 ± 6.3 0 (Jul00) - 143 (Aug00) 6.1 ± 1.1 0 (May00) - 26 (Oct00) Turbellaria 13.4 ± 1.7 0 (Mar01) - 33 (Feb01) 48.6 ± 7.6 0 (Mar01) - 160 (Jul01) Rotifera 7.7 ± 2.1 0 44 (Jul00) 4.6 ± 1.8 0 - 43 (Feb01) Polychaeta 6.5 ± 2.2 0 48 (Aug00) 2.4 ± 0.5 0 (Sep00) - 11 (Jan01) Isopoda 1.0 ± 0.3 0 5 (Jul00) 0.1 ± 0.1 0 - 1 (Feb01) Halacaroidea 0.9 ± 0.2 0 5 (Feb01) 0.8 ± 0.2 0 - 3 (Mar01) Ostracoda 0.3 ± 0.1 0 3 (Sep00) 1.0 ± 0.5 0 - 13 (Jun00) Bivalvia 0.1 ± 0.04 0 1 (Dec00) 0.6 ± 0.2 0 - 3 (Jun00, Jan01) Oligochaeta 0.1 ± 0.1 0 2 (Jan01) 0.02 ± 0.02 0 - 1 I nsecta 0.1 ± 0.03 0 1 (Mar01) 0.07 ± 0.03 0 - 1 Cladocera 0.04 ± 0.03 0 1 (Mar01) Total 962.7 ± 166.8 186 (Oct00) - 3907 (Jun00) 889.9 ± 69.0 417 (Apr01) - 1940 (Jan01)

Table 3.2

Mean of meiofauna taxa densities (individuals/10 cm 2 ) and standard error of the mean

(SE) at the upper and the lower station in San Pedro de Manglaralto beach, from June

2000 until July 2001.

Relationship with environmental data

The relationships between the higher meiofauna taxa densities and the environmental

variables such as: pluviosity, SST, salinity, distance (as a proxy for elevation) and

median grain size revealed that, the upper station did not show any correlation (only

the regression between total meiofauna and nematode densities with distance are

given in the figure 3.6). At the lower station, the total meiofauna and nematode

densities showed a significant negative correlation with the distance (as a proxy for

elevation): a decreasing density was found lower on the beach (Figure 3.6),

nevertheless the results of ANOVA did not show significant differences between the dry

and the rainy season.

At the lower station the relationship between the residual values of the total meiofauna

and the nematodes versus pluviosity indicated that densities deviation from the

predicted average value were positively correlated: the more rainfall, the higher total

meiofauna and nematode densities (Figure 3.7). The ANOVA results showed

significant differences (p< 0.01) between the dry and rainy season, indicating a

seasonal respond to the total meiofauna and nematode densities.


Page 14: CHAPTER III - VLIZ · CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador ABSTRACT The meiofauna on a cross-shore gradient at an intermediate-reflective

r2= 0,0017; p= 0,8343 0 r> dry season • rainy season





0 0 • 0

O O•

0 •• ° 0

° 0 •

r2= 0,0000, p= 0,9788 o dry season

• rainy season

00 O


0 0.

O 0 8:•



0 o •

030 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56


30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56















z O 3000

.t( b 2500




a_ 1500

a. 1000


• o dry season • rainy season

e= 0,2130; p= 0,0134

0 • O





0 • 0


• • 0


O 6, O O

120 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115


o dry season • rainy season

r2= 0,2384; p= 0,0084

0 O

• Go

105 110 115 120 200

70 75 80 85 90 95 100







0 ▪ 1200
















° 1000




0 •

0 •

O 0 0 O

CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador





Figure 3.6 Relationship between the sampling distance (as a proxy for elevation) and (a) the total

meiofauna density and (b) the nematode density at upper and lower station; the

sampling of the dry and the rainy season are indicated separately.


Page 15: CHAPTER III - VLIZ · CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador ABSTRACT The meiofauna on a cross-shore gradient at an intermediate-reflective

• o dry season • rainy season

e= 0.0783; p= 0.1492




0 c0 0


r'= 0,2745; p= 0,0042 O dry season • rainy season

• •

• 0

6 0



o dry season • rainy season

r2= 0,2502; p= 0,0087



O O 0 O 0


.8 0

0 0 0

-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160


200 -20 0 20 40 60 60 100 120 140 160





es (










0 1200

0 1000









G 800



r= 0.1003; p= 0.1008 o dry season

• rainy season •

• •

0 0

00 ° 0










CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador





O 20 40 80 80




160 -20

O 20

40 60 60







Figure 3.7 Relationship between the pluviosity and (a) the total meiofauna density and (b) the

nematode density at the lower station; the sampling of the dry and the rainy season

are indicated separately.


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CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador


The meiofauna composition of an intermediate-reflective exposed sandy beach in

Ecuador shows clear differences between the high tide level (high abundance of

nematodes and copepods) and the low tide level (mainly high abundance of

nematodes) and with the season (increasing densities during rainy season at the lower

station). The beach is under a relatively low anthropogenic pressure, where is almost

no tourism (AERTS et al., 2004).

Most studies on the composition of meiofauna of sandy beaches refer to cross-shore

variability (ANSARI et al., 1984; OLAFSSON, 1991; RODRIGUEZ et al., 2001; GHESKIERE et

al., 2002; KOTWICKI et al., 2005 and GHESKIERE et al., 2005) and not so much to

temporal variability (GOURBAULT et al., 1998; COVAZZI et al., 2000; HOOGE, 1999 and

DEUDERO AND VINCX, 2000). The effect of dry-rainy seasonality, as is the case in

Ecuador, was not documented yet for the meiofauna assemblage structure of beaches.

In general, the very few studies on the composition of intertidal sandy beach meiofauna

in the tropics (GOURBAULT et al., 1998; and ANSARI et al., 1984) also reveal very

different results regarding temporal and cross-shore patterns.

The 'long term' temporal variability of 23 beaches in Guadeloupe (GOURBAULT et al.,

1998) was investigated from April 1979 until November 1984 (divided over 6 sampling

dates). No clear patterns could be detected and the spatial variability was much higher

than the temporal variability. The higher meiofauna taxa recorded was correlated with

sediment grain size and calcium carbonate content. The locations with the coarsest

sediment were dominated by harpacticoid copepods and the stations with finer

sediments (low calcium carbonate) were generally dominated by nematodes, followed

by tardigrades.

At a sheltered sandy beach in Mombasa, Kenya (ANSARI et al., 1984) the highest

densities of meiofauna occurred around the high tide level (2502 ind./10 cm 2 ) and the

densities dropped gradually (1268 ind./10 cm 2 ) towards the low tide level, while at an

exposed sandy beach the meiofauna was aggregated downshore and the highest

densities were recorded between mid and low tide level (2560 and 2131 ind./10 cm 2

respectively) and decreased towards high tide level (1717 ind./10 cm 2 ). On both

beaches, the meiofauna was dominated by nematodes (48% at the sheltered beach

and 62% at the exposed beach) followed by copepods (25 and 13% respectively).


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CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador

Significant differences in the total meiofauna densities were detected between the

sheltered and the exposed beach.

The interstitial fauna of beaches is extremely difficult to compare for the different

geographical areas (Cf. MCLACHLAN AND TURNER, 1994) since very high variability is

present in the morphodynamics of the beaches (gradients from reflective over

dissipative), the tidal regime level (macro-micro tidal), the nature of the substrate

(volcanic, quartz), the seasonality (polar, temperate, tropical) and the anthropogenic

influence on the substrate (e.g. tourism).

In San Pedro de Manglaralto, an exposed and intermediate-reflective Ecuadorian

sandy beach, fifteen meiofauna taxa were found and Nematoda were dominant

representing 61% and 83% of the total meiofauna density at the high and low tide level

respectively, followed by Copepoda (29%) at the upper station, and Gastrotricha (9%)

at the lower station. The results showed a trend of decreasing of average meiofauna

density from the upper station (963±167 ind./10 cm 2 ) towards the lower station

(890±167 ind./10 cm 2 ) on the beach; nevertheless not significant differences between

both stations were found.

The meiofauna assemblage on the southwest coast of Iceland varied considerably both

between and within the beaches (OLAFSSON, 1991). The beaches were different in

substrate, ranging from exposed coarse volcanic sands to sheltered sandy beaches. At

a very exposed beach consisting of very coarse volcanic sand, the density of

turbellarians was highest at the low tide level (up to 490 ind./10 cm 2 or 92 % of the total

meiofauna), and the nematodes increased towards the high tide level, from 25 ind./10

cm2 to 257 ind./10 cm 2 , representing 5 and 59% of the total meiofauna respectively. At

another beach, classified as rather exposed and consisting of medium fine shell sand,

the Gastrotricha dominated the lower station (89%), while nematodes dominated the

mid and upper stations (58 and 69% respectively). Copepoda reached 70% of the

meiofauna at the upper station of the beach consisting of extremely coarse volcanic

sands (highly exposed beach); and at the sheltered beach no group dominated,

nevertheless the lowest densities of total meiofauna and nematodes were registered at

the high tide level.

Taking into account literature data (including this study) did not show clear meiofauna

cross-shore patterns regarding beach type (sheltered versus exposed). However the

general increase in nematode densities towards the low tide level is noted in some

sandy beaches (MCINTYRE, 1968; GRAY AND RIEGER, 1971; HARRIS, 1972; GHESKIERE


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CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador

et al., 2002; GHESKIERE et al., 2005 and KOTWICKI et al., 2005) although some

exceptions with highest densities in the upper beach zone exist (RoDRIGuEz et al.,


Along the Belgian coast, at De Panne, a macrotidal dissipative sandy beach

(GHESKIERE et al., 2002), eleven meiofauna taxa were recorded and Nematoda were

dominant (76-97%) followed by Turbellaria. The total meiobenthic densities increased

from high tide (56±13 ind./10 cm 2 ) towards the low tide level (1470±303 ind./10 cm 2 ) as

a consequence of tidal exposure gradients. The study of KOTWICKI et al. (2005)

confirmed the intertidal zonation trend at De Panne: the average abundance of

nematodes decreased from the high tide level (81 ind./10 cm 2) towards the low tide

level (2663 ind./10 cm 2 ).

The Mediterranean and Baltic meiofauna study across the beach slope on microtidal

beaches (GHESKIERE et al., 2005) (tidal range between 0.1 and 0.5 m) showed that the

meiofauna assemblage structure denoted a clear cross-shore pattern and meiofauna

composition was related with anthropogenic impact (tourism). The upper zone was

more dissimilar in assemblage composition than the middle and the lower zones, which

was attributed to the absence of Insecta, Copepoda and Oligochaeta in the

Mediterranean tourist beach.

The patterns in meiofauna abundance and biomass (RODRIGUEZ et al., 2001) at

microtidal (around 2 m) sandy beaches, located in southern Chile were studied along a

gradient of morphodynamic beach types. The results showed that, depending on the

sediment grain size, the highest average meiofauna density and biomass were found at

the reflective beach (6172 ind./10 cm 2 ) as compare with the intermediate beach (3390

ind./10 cm 2 ) and the dissipative beach (3667 ind./10 cm 2 ). Also the highest meiofaunal

densities occurred at the upper station of each beach. In the reflective beach with

coarse sand, the meiofauna density was 4939 ind./10 cm 2 at the high tide level and

2515 ind./10 cm 2 at the low tide level; in the intermediate beach with medium grain

sand, meiofauna densities ranged between 5500 ind./10 cm 2 (HW) and 868 ind./10 cm 2

(LW); and in the dissipative beach with fine grain sand, meiofauna densities ranged

between 3619 ind./10 cm2 (HW) and 2315 ind./10 cm 2 (LW).

According to HOOGE (1999), the distribution of meiofauna abundance on northern

California beaches was influenced by the median grain size, air exposure percentage

and sediment saturation at mid and low water stations. At a Mediterranean beach,

COVAZZI et al. (2000) found that the very low absolute meiofauna densities, were


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CHAPTER III: Meiofauna study on "cross-shore" and temporal patterns in Ecuador

consistent with the low sedimentary organic matter content; also clear seasonal

changes were related to temperature between summer and winter: nematodes were

generally the dominant taxon in winter (on average 77% of the total meiofaunal density)

whilst copepods generally dominated in summer (on average 63% of the total

meiofaunal density).

In our study, total meiofauna densities ranged from 186±14 ind./10 cm 2 in October

2000 (new moon) to 3907±408 ind./10 cm 2 in June 2000 (full moon) at the upper

station; while at the lower station density ranged from 417±5 ind./10 cm 2 in April 2001

(full moon) to 1940±166 ind./10 cm 2 in January 2001 (new moon). At the upper station

no correlations between higher meiofauna taxa and the environmental variables were

detected; whilst at the lower station the distribution of total meiofauna and nematode

density were influence by the distance (as a proxy for elevation). Also the highest total

meiofauna and nematode densities were positively correlated with the highest rainfall.

The results revealed significant differences in seasonal variability linked to wet and dry



This study was done with the financial support of the VLIR-ESPOL program (1999-

2008). The first author acknowledges the staff of Marine Biology Section from Gent

University for the assistance in the statistical analysis. We are grateful to Nancy

Fockedey, Jan Wittoeck, Sonnia Guartatanga, Verbnica Ruiz and Luis Dominguez for

the sampling campaigns.


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