
CHAPTER FIVE SECTION TWO THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR A. Crisis in Cuba 1.Spain=dying empire 2.Jose Marti-Cuban independence leader 3.Butcher Weyler 4.Much U.S. sympathy for Cuban independence B. The Yellow Press 1.Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst 2.Pushed for war with exaggerated stories of atrocities 3.Jingoism=aggressive nationalism C. Explosion of USS Maine 1.Accident or Sabotage? 2.The Yellow Press accused Spain 3.April 1898, U.S. Congress declared war D. War in the Far East 1.In Philippines Commodore George Dewey destroyed Spanish fleet 2.Filipino nationalists led by Emilio Aguinaldo defeat the Spanish army 3.In August, Spanish surrendered to US E. Meanwhile in Cuba 1.Although poorly trained, troops were successful 2.Theodore Roosevelt led Rough Riders 3.Charge up San Juan Hill F. A Splendid Little War Treaty of Paris 2.Cuba-Independent(sorta)-Platt Amendment 3.Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines = US territories 4.Turning point in the history of American foreign affairs

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