Page 1: Chapter 12 PHOBIC AXINETY DISORDER. Introduction Phobias are characterized by intense, persistent, irrational and recurrent fear of specific object, place


Page 2: Chapter 12 PHOBIC AXINETY DISORDER. Introduction Phobias are characterized by intense, persistent, irrational and recurrent fear of specific object, place

IntroductionPhobias are characterized by intense, persistent, irrational and recurrent fear of specific object, place or situation that results in a compelling desire to avoid the dreaded place, activity or situationEpidemiologyLifetime prevalence of specefic phobia is 4% in men and 13% in women.Classification1.Specific phobia2.Social phobia3.Agoraphobia

Page 3: Chapter 12 PHOBIC AXINETY DISORDER. Introduction Phobias are characterized by intense, persistent, irrational and recurrent fear of specific object, place

Definition of Specific PhobiaMarked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable, cued by presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation.Subtypes1. Acrophobia (height)2. Ailurophobia (cat)3. Hydrophobia (water)4. Clustrophobia (closed area)5. Cynophobia (dog)6. Mysophobia (dirt & germs)7. Pyrophobia (fire)8. Xenophobia (stranger)9. Zoophobia (animal)

Lifetime prevalence 12-16%; M:F = ratio variable

Page 4: Chapter 12 PHOBIC AXINETY DISORDER. Introduction Phobias are characterized by intense, persistent, irrational and recurrent fear of specific object, place

Social phobia (social anxiety phobia)Definition: marked and persistent fear of social or performance situations in which one is exposed to unfamiliar people or to possible scrutiny by others; fearing he/she will act in a way that may be humiliating or embarassing (e.g. public speaking, initiating or maintaining conversion, dating, eating in public)Lifetime prevalence may be as high as 13-16%; M<FDiagnostic Criteria for phobic sorder1. Exposure to stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response; may present as a panic attack

2. Person recognizes fear as excessive or unreasonable3. Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety/distress4. significant inerference with daily routine, occupational/

social functioning and/or marked distress 5. If person is < 18 yrs , duration is at least 6 months

Page 5: Chapter 12 PHOBIC AXINETY DISORDER. Introduction Phobias are characterized by intense, persistent, irrational and recurrent fear of specific object, place

Treatment1. Psychological Exposure therapy/desensitization, insight-oriented

psychotherapy behavioural therapy is more efficacious than

medication2. Biological β blockers or benzodiazepines in acute situations

(e.g. public speaking) SSRIs, MAOIs, clomipramine


Page 6: Chapter 12 PHOBIC AXINETY DISORDER. Introduction Phobias are characterized by intense, persistent, irrational and recurrent fear of specific object, place

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