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We would like to express our gratitude to all those who gave us the possibility to complete this thesis. We want to thank Mr. Dominic Sales for giving us the permission to commence this thesis in the first instance, to do the necessary research work and to use departmental data. Thanks to Mr. Dominic Sales at the final version of the thesis for English style and grammar, correcting both and offering suggestions for improvement.

Our former colleagues from the Trent Information First Technical Career Institute supported us in our research work. We want to thank them for all their help, support, interest and valuable hints.

Thanks to our Family, for providing us with the tools to discover and explore the ever stimulating and fascinating world of computer science! I appreciate all that you have done to me.

And finally, to our Almighty God who continue to guide us and bless us in our everyday life, for giving protection, knowledge and wisdom.

ABSTRACT We, Enerson Nuay, Edlyn Dones, Daisy Lyn Segundo, Jenyfer Caete undergraduate student of Trent Information First Technical Career Institute, San Juan Taytay, Rizal, batch 2012-2013, taking up Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, introducing our thesis proposal, entitled, Computerized Grading System for Manuel I. Santos Memorial National High School. Computerized Grading System for Manuel I. Santos Memorial National High School was developed to lessen the burden and paper works of teachers. The school is located at Taytay Rizal. There are certain problems that the school encounters, the school are still using a manual process in terms of computing the grades, which is time consuming. There is a slow pacing of services that result to parents waiting to know the grades of their child. Because the school teachers cannot track or not yet done computing the grades. Generations of reports are done manually. The proponent objectives are: to develop software that is able to save time, minimize workload of personnel involved. To develop and design software that is able to generate an accurate report. This project examines the issues related to Automated Grading System that implements a local based application of grading system. This would create a system of reliable and accurate to compute grade in all different subjects. A comparatively fast access of information of grades: generates reports and information of the input of teachers. This will be designed with the intent to generate report. It helps teachers to minimize time consumed in computing grades of the students using manual method. The proponent used the Descriptive, Developmental, Library, Creative and Internet Research methods to help them to gather information remarkably needed and important in the development of the said study. Different data gathering instruments are also used. These survey and interview, DFD, ERD, HIPO and Program Flowchart are used as analytical tools. The programming Language to be used is Visual Basic 6.0

INTRODUCTION Today, most people don't need to know how a computer works. Most people can simply turn on a computer or a mobile phone and point at some little graphical object on the display, click a button or swipe a finger or two, and the computer does something. An example would be to get weather information from the net and display it. How to interact with a computer program is all the average person needs to know.

But, since you are going to learn how to write computer programs, you need to know a little bit about how a computer works. Your job will be to instruct the computer to do things. Basically, writing software (computer programs) is describing how to do something. In its simplest form, it is a lot like writing down the steps it takes to do something - a process, a procedure. The lists of instructions that you will write are computer programs, and the stuff that these instructions manipulate are different types of objects, e.g., numbers, words, graphics, etc...

So, writing a computer program can be like composing music, like designing a house, like creating lots of stuff. It has been argued that in its current state it is an art, not engineering.

An important reason to consider learning about how to program a computer is that the concepts underlying this will be valuable to you, regardless of whether or not you go on to make a career out of it. One thing that you will learn quickly is that a computer is very dumb but obedient. It does exactly what you tell it to do, which is not necessarily what you wanted. Programming will help you learn the importance of clarity of expression. Nowadays, in a highly technological society, human productivity is made more efficient through the development of electronic gadgets. Now, with the advent of such modernization in education, one way to globalize the process of research is to realize that technology is advancing at an incredibly fast phase. Computers are not confined to being used for entertainment but its role in education is also vast.

Grading is one of the most important activities a faculty member does. Many problems in teaching arise because of grading issues.

We can say that this kind of innovation assist each and every one of us uses to experience a well-situated life. Thus, we students also need to use different gadgets, devices or modern technologies in order to have an easy going life at school. A manual computation in a school wont give us a quick computation. Grade is the primary need in every school all over the world.

Some schools are using a manual computation of grades of each student, which is the traditional use when technology is not yet developed. Manual computation is very prompt to risk for any circumstances. It is time consuming in terms of recording grades, computation using of calculator. If some records are lost, they never retrieve it in case of unexpected calamity. Accuracy and security is not been so defined.


On the continues operation of Manuel I. Santos Memorial National High School there is still a setback regarding on their Grading System. Specifically the study sought to find solution to the following problems: 1. The manual computation of grades the Manuel I. Santos Memorial National High School. 2. Submitting grading sheets contains time consuming to prepare High School Card to deliver to Parents during Card Day. 3. Students records are sometimes lost and cannot be retrieved in case of any circumstances.

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The main purpose of the study is to: reduce the time reduce the ability for losing or damaging the documents

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDYGeneral objectives: Develop a computerized grading system for Manuel I. Santos Memorial National High School that is reliable, fast and efficient use.

To develop a system that will replace the current Grading System in the state which is highly manual.

Specific objectives: to identify the existing system to enumerate the problems that encounters

SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY This study will focus on a proposed Grading System of a certain school. On this part, the proponent intends to conduct the study in Manuel I. Santos Memorial National High School the proposal is concerned itself in computerizing the Grading System needed by the school which is still done manually. Application Database System will make record keeping highly accurate, well-organized, tightly secure and easy access. This will provide a user-friendly application that will help the company/school to make work easy. The proposed system has a login and password it will limit unauthorized access to the system.

This will provide a user-friendly application that will help the school to make their work easy. The proposed system has a login and password it will limit unauthorized access to the system.

The subject of concentration includes the study of its manual system, the procedures and process that are done in their office which provide all the information about the grades of the student and how will the proposed system will serve as the key to the development and advancement of the school.

The study does not cover expert system, but are surely capable of providing information for grading system. The proposed system will also serves as an information system because all the information needed by the student about their grades can be access and view using this system.


Computer- A device that computes, especially a programmable electronic machine that performs high-speed mathematical or logical operations or that assembles, stores, correlates, or otherwise processes information. One who computes.Setback- An unanticipated or sudden check in progress; a change from better to worse.Programs- A set of coded instructions that enable a machine, especially a computer, to perform a desired sequence of operations. An instruction sequence in programmed instruction.Vital goal- Goal setting is an important tool for life planning. If you have a clear idea of where you are going, it will become easier to get there. Identifying long-term and short-term goals can provide an easy way to solve problems and navigate through life. Using goal setting will assist you in creating success in your life.Swipe- To hit with a sweeping motion. To pass (a swipe card) through an electronic readerLaborious- Marked by or requiring long, hard work. Hard-working; industrious.Manipulate- To move, arrange, operate, or control by the hands or by mechanical means, especially in a skillful manner.Proponent- One who argues in support of something; an advocate.Prompt- To assist with a reminder; remind.Vast- Very great in size, number, amount, or quantity.Pace- Therateofmoving.Cope- To encounter; to meet; to have to do with, to match one's self against.Crave- To desire strongly; to feel an insatiable longing; as, a craving appetite.Tedious- Involving tedium; tiresome from continuance, prolixity, slowness, wearisome.Proficient- The quality of state of being proficient; advance in the acquisition of any art, science, or knowledge; progression in knowledge; improvement; adeptness; as, to acquire proficiency in music.Consumption- The state or process of being consumed, wasted, or diminished.Reliable - a reliable source of information, conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief.Efficient- performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort.Secure in safe custody or keeping.Manual - Controlled or manipulated by a humanoperator.Retrieved To get back; regain, revive or restore.Circumstances - A condition or fact that determines or must be considered in the determining of a course of action.

















Hierarchical Input Process Output of Computerized Grading System of Manuel I. Santos Memorial National High School.

Object Oriented Database Methods of Computerized Grading System of Manuel I. Santos Memorial National High School.

|Faculty ||ID ||Faculty ID ||Faculty Name ||Contact ||Position ||Address |

|Students Grade ||Student ID ||Name ||Year Level ||Section ||Subject ||Grade ||Remarks |

|Faculty ||ID ||Faculty ID ||Faculty Name ||Contact ||Position ||Address |

|Students ||ID ||Students ID ||Students Name ||Year Level ||Section ||Contact ||Address ||Mother ||Father |

|Subjects ||ID ||Subject Name ||Subject Code ||Category ||Year Level |

|Students ||ID ||Students ID ||Students Name ||Year Level ||Section ||Contact ||Address ||Mother ||Father |

|Subjects ||ID ||Subject Name ||Subject Code ||Category ||Year Level |

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The mere importance of the study is to lessen the burden of the teacher to compute the grades of the student.

Educational Significance:

The software will serve as a guide to improve knowledge of the school faculty. To learn and develop their professional attitudes towards work. The system will serves as a guiding tool for the member of the faculty. This will help them to lessen their work and make it easy to compute grades of every student. It will also give them knowledge about computer in terms of operating system.

Technological Significance:

Computers are widely used in todays technology. Almost everything are manufactured and develop with the used of computers. It seems to be the answer to make mans life easier and more productive. The present method which is manual system of the school is still way behind with the technology we are having right now and this system will help the teachers as well as school to easy operation of the office procedure. The study gives way to adapt to the technology that is presently available and widely used and accepted in any other establishment. The study can serve as one of the basis for a faster and easy work of every teacher.

Economical Significance:

One of the primary concerns of this system is the economic relevance. The proposed software aims to help the school teachers to minimize their operation cost by consumption decrease in office supplies. Using the proposed software, the teachers may also save time, effort and many in writing, generating and keeping records. It may improve the operation flow as it lessen the workload of the teachers because the staff may now focus on teaching and making their lesson plan without worrying for computing the grades of the student.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents a survey of related literature and studies conducted that will help the researchers in undertaking the study. Here, the researchers relates to the previous studies that are discussed further to give the author more idea in pursuing the study. The thorough review of literature is required to provide deeper insights in formulating conceptual framework, selection and application of methods of research with the end in view of formulating generalization or principles, which the researchers could contribute to the fund of knowledge. This review includes some articles, books, magazines and internet in order to improve the proposed software and be more proficient in its design, other unpublished thesis also helped to provide proof that this study is originally and its discussion of fact were also based on recent studies in creating more sources of related information.Related LiteratureA System approach is necessary to increase productivity and maintain consistency and quality since information is an important commodity for business and establishment, a computerized storage is very important within the organization. According to Caridad, Melody (Computerized Billing System for Jet Delivery Services),In order for us to maintain consistency and quality, we must make use of the new technology that is not widely used by different countries, which is computer. As we see, information technology, the application of computer and related technologies have accompanied information age to generation and communication of information. Information technology has enabled forms to automate their processing of data and confirmation, so that most processing is performed without the direct involvement of human. Hicke, James stated in his book entitled Information System in Business that, The Computer age has become the information age. Business people who successfully apply computers are not primarily interested in computer. They are not concerned with their need for information and how to build a computer based information system. To meets those needs. A businessperson who does not have basic understanding of the tools and techniques for determining his/her information needs and how to transform this need into computer software will never apply computer successfully. Business people are interested in how to put the computers to work, how to build and use Information System. Interests in information system has increased during recent years not only in the world of business but also in all areas were resources are managed. Computer based information system are in most businesses today and computers are found in many houses. In fact, many firms even small ones businesses are applying computer based information system to gain advantages over their competitors. An information system provides information for making decision. In the book entitled Computer Programming in Basic with Business Application, George Ten Chou cited that, Electronic Computers are originally developed to provide a computational tool to help perform, time consuming, tedious task and calculations are important tools in problem solving and decision making. As they become increasingly abundant and readily available, the ability to use a compiler properly also becomes a vital skill in our society. This in turn requires familiarization with computer system and the acknowledgement in programming. Many people today have some understanding of computers purpose. A computer helps people balance the work in terms of computing grades. If you want to begin programming you have probably used a computer for some time. Nevertheless, as a future programmer perhaps you should review some fundamental computing concepts before mastering the ins and outs of a new computer language. Larry and Nancy Long n the book entitled Introduction to Computer and Information System, stated that; We talk to computer within a framework of a particular Programming Language. There are many programming language, most of which have highly structured sets of rules. The selection of programming language depends on who is involved. And the nature of the conversation. Each programming language has an instructions set with several instructions in each of the following instructions classification input-output, computations, control, assignment and formal instructions. Program Development is the important part after defining the computer and programming language to use. It includes the actual programming, debugging, testing, and implementation. According to Awad, Elias (Business Data Processing), Until the nineteenth century people found business calculation a very complex job because they have to be done. Writing materials were very scarce therefore expensive to use for ordinary purpose. He also stated that, Many professional such as doctors, lawyers and engineers use computers in their field of work. Computers are coming into classroom of not only colleges but grade schools and high schools as well. Thousands of people have their computers in their home. It is generally recognized, however, that the introduction of the computer in the 20th century, followed by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process, although its impact on the media was not immediately apparent. It now became possible to combine thousands, later millions, of individual transistors on a single chip. Computers became smaller and more powerful. They became personal too, as well as institutional, with memory and storage increasing and display becoming crisper. They were thought of, like people, in terms of generations, with the distance between generations much smaller.

RELATED STUDIESIt is the true that todays digital technology can transfer your production process specially on business purposes, methods delaying transaction and time consuming digital process makes the workers easy to deliberate, understand a productive work and give them additional knowledge. The company does not need additional office supplies and digital processing and give accurate data. An editor in Philippine Daily Inquirer (September 2001) stated that, The rate increase of the processing power of computer hardware and the continuing sophistication of software is staggering. Computers that would full wings of universities and that function as little more that adding machines have been replaced by technology that fits on desk in most office.

CHAPTER IIIMETHODOLOGY In this chapter, the proponent will discuss the methods of research that was applied in the study. The ways of this study was facilitated with the aid of variety of ways through which research is being completed. To make the software become successful, the proponent must use some methodology for efficient arrangement. Proper methodology can help the proponent make the entire development of the proposed software.

RESEARCH DESIGN/METHODS OF RESEARCH USED A combination of theory and experimentation directed toward finding scientific explanations. It is concerned with finding solutions to problems of social importance. In this study the proponent used different methods of research to be able to find some logical explanation that will help in the development of this study.

Descriptive ResearchThis method is used to analyzed, interpret and report the present condition of the existing system. This method of research will be applied by the researcher to gather data and use them as basis for justification of the study.According to Mateo, Tiffany D., Accounting System for D&R General Merchandising, Incorporated. The following should be done in conducting the preliminary investigation: * Obtain a letter of notification and authority. * Conduct interview to obtain the necessary information. * Review the systems document to the extent necessary to understand the operations of the current system. * Correlate the information obtained * The interview is an important fact finding activity and should be approached as logically as computer programming.She also makes use of the following step in interviewing: * Determine whom to interview. * Set objective for each interview. * Define specific question to be asked during the interview. * Be sure to make appointments prior to interview. * Record and evaluate the interview.

DEVELOPMENTAL RESEARCHThe proponents will conduct developmental method. The focus is on finding a more suitable instrument or process that has been available. The proponent is using modern programming application. The proponent will make use of some analytical tools that the proponents thinks will help them in developing the proposed system.EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHA procedure involving the control of condition for the purpose of studying the relative effects of various treatments applied.This method will need all the information about the success of the proposed topic. The basic purpose of experimental is to discover the influence of one or more factors upon a condition, group or situation, purpose of which is to discover what will be. Through this method the researcher can also gather enough knowledge, idea, techniques, approached that will help a lot to come up with the important factors upon a condition. This method is fact finding with adequate interpretation.

LIBRARY RESEARCH This refers to any research that needs the facilities of the library. This method provides the researcher a great help to a wide range of information about the study. It was used to gather data or information from different literature and studies that are related to the study.CREATIVE RESEARCHThis method is used in the design and development of the software. Under this method the researcher has the opportunity to apply the study of computer studies particularly the principles of software engineering and system analysis and design.INTERNET RESEARCHThe researcher used this method for the collection of the world wide needed information. World Wide Web is a library of resources available to computer users through the Internet. It enables users to view a wide variety of information, including magazine archives, public and college library resources, and current world and business news. World Wide Web (WWW) resources are organized so that user can easily move from one resource to another. The WWW links exist across the Internet, forming a large -scale, distributed multimedia knowledge base through related words, phrases, and images. Smaller-scale implementations are present on the enterprise Internets used by businesses.METHODS TO BE USED IN DATA GATHERINGThe following are the techniques used in developing the research, in acquiring as much as possible as reliable information needed for more scientific investigation of the software to be implemented. The proponents will use different data gathering instrument necessary for the completion of the research.InterviewInterview is a major technique in gathering data or information. It is defined as a purposeful face to face relationship between two persons, one to whom called the interviewer who ask questions to gather information and the other is called the interviewee or respondent who supplies the information ask for. The proponents will use this method in order to collect ideas from some concerned people involve in this particular study. It helped the proponents how the existing system operates and how they tacked in their office everyday. By doing this, the proponents found out and clarifies what is deficient and what should be done to improve the present system. It will be used as a means of evaluating the proposed system. This will guide the researcher in generating information that can help in the development of the system. The acquired knowledge will be helpful in designing and making the system efficient.

ObservationObservation is a means of gathering information for research may be defined as perceiving data through the senses. The proponents will need to observe the ways and he movement of the existing system. It is where the proponents will visit and look personally the actual system being performed by the personnel involved.

SurveyIt is a means of finding out information by posing questions of individuals or organizations. Telephone or personal interview may carry out survey. Most surveys only involve a sample of respondents. The proponents will use this method to be able to know if the Target School is willing to purchase the proposed system.

METHODS TO BE USED IN DEVELOPING THE SOFTWARE PRODUCTSoftware design and development is the stage by which the proponent put up together the important parts of the proposed design and software flow were used to have totally sufficient software. In the development of the proposed software, there are factors to be consider, they are the following: Problem AnalysisIt can be considered as the most difficult phase. The life of the software depends so much in this stage. To ensure that the software will meet the demand of the user, the researcher will carefully and clearly analyze and study the software. In this stage, the proponents must be able to analyze why there is a need to propose a new system. The following tools will be used to analyze the problem that this study sight to see the answer and to be able to prepare a format for this system design.

HIPO (Hierarchical Input Process Output). It is analytical tools that present the analytical order of precedence of the branches of the program in a hierarchical form provides a map that allows the reader to locate a program module within the main system. This is a skeletal structure of the system.

DFD (Data Flow Diagram). The Data flow diagram is the logical model of a system. The model does not depend on hardware, software and data structure or file organization. The diagram shows graphical pictures of logical system. It tends to be easily used for even non-technical users would understand it and thus serves as an excellent communication tools. Because this diagram, the researcher will be guided on how to deal with data on hand.

FLOWCHART. It is a sequential diagram employed in many fields to show the step-by-step procedures used in performing a task, as in manufacturing, or solving a problem, as in an algorithm. Flowcharts are commonly used in the designing of computer programs. Flowcharts is use to have an overview of the activities the program will perform and to show the logical structure of the system program.

PROGRAM DESIGNProgram design is the definition of modules and intermodular interfaces so that each module of the system design corresponds to a new set of modules containing program specification. This is where most of the bulk of the study was concentrated. The proponents will be facing the task of creating a program that will aid the user in using the proposed software. It comes with a simple design enough to do the task. Because effectiveness and user-friendliness, the user or beneficiaries of this is accepted to learn everything of its feature by simply pressing a key in a keyboard and clicking a mouse.

Program ImplementationModern programming language provides many features that help the programmer to have a quality source code and feature more design. It also involves design specifically into source code and debugging documentation and testing of the source code. The systems will utilize this technology to make grades easy.

Programming Language. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 is the fastest and easiest way to create applications for Windows. It provides you with a complete set of tools to simplify rapid application development. Visual Basics programming language is fairly simple and uses common English words and phrase for the most part. Visual Basic is more then a language it is a complete programming environment, and one of the firsts that is still greatly in use today.

TestingIn a system development process, testing is the most critical part. Software testing would mainly lead to debugging or error checking. It would start in detecting the errors and finally to some action that would regenerate it into on error free system.

Entity Relationship Design and Database DesigntblFaculty>This includes the ID, Faculty ID, Faculty Name, Contact, Position and Address.

| |

tblStudents>This includes the ID, Students ID, Students Name, Year Level, Section, Contact, Address, Mother and Father.

| |

tblSubjects>This includes the ID, Subject Code, Subject Name, Year Level and Category.

| |


A Thesis presented to the College of Computer Science Trent Information First Technical Career Institute San Juan Taytay Rizal

In partial fulfillment of the Academic requirement For the degree of Associate of Science in Computer Science


Enerson NuayEdlyn Q. DonesDaisy Lyn A. SegundoJenyfer Caete

tblGradeThis include ID, Student ID, Student Name, Year Level, Section, Subject, Grade and Remarks.| |

Curriculum Vitae


146 Col. Guido Street San Roque, Angono, Rizal

Cell# 094978-9013

Email: [email protected]


Date of Birth:Ferbruary 11, 1993

Place of Birth:Zamboanga, Del Norte

Civil Status:Single

Age:19yrs. Old



Weight:53 lbs.

Religion:Roman Catholic


Languages Spoken:Tagalog, English and Bisaya

Father:Jack Idioma Sansano

Occupation:Market Vendor

Mother:Elena Soria Sansano

Occupation:Market Vendor


Tertiary:Computer ScienceTrent Information First Technical Career InstituteTaytay, Rizal

Secondary :Angono National High SchoolAngono, RizalYear; 2008-2009

Primary:Polanco Elementary School Zamboanga, Del Norte2004-2005

Curriculum Vitae


Velasquez St. Bangiad Brgy. San Juan Taytay, Rizal

Cell# 09265851614

Email: [email protected]


Date of Birth:February. 9, 1994

Place of Birth:Taytay, Rizal

Civil Status:Single

Age:18 yrs. Old



Weight:75 kg.

Religion:Roman Catholic


Languages Spoken:Tagalog and English

Father:Venancio Segundo


Mother:Rosita Segundo



Tertiary:Computer ScienceTrent Information First Technical Career InstituteSan Juan, Taytay, Rizal

Secondary :Manuel I. Santos Memorial National High SchoolSan Juan Floodway Taytay, Rizal2006-2010

Primary : San Juan Elementary School San Juan Floodway Taytay, Rizal2000 -2006

Curriculum Vitae


0334 Sitio San Antonio Tayuman Binangonan Rizal

Cell# 09071918793

Email: [email protected]


Date of Birth:September 15,1991

Place of Birth:Abuyog Sorsogon City

Civil Status:Single

Age:21 yrs. Old



Weight:45 kg.

Religion:Born Again


Languages Spoken:Tagalog , English and Bicol

Father:Eduardo C. Dones


Mother:Normelita Q. Dones



Tertiary:Computer ScienceTrent Information First Technical Career InstituteSan Juan, Taytay Rizal

Secondary :Abuyog National High SchoolAbuyog Sorsogon City2004-2008

Primary : Abuyog Elementary School Abuyog Sorsogon City1998-2004

Curriculum Vitae


Blk12 L3 Holyfield Brgy. Sta. Ana Taytay, Rizal

Cell# 09486731911

Email: [email protected]


Date of Birth:January.16,1990

Place of Birth:Pasig City

Civil Status:Single

Age:22 yrs. Old



Weight:65 kg.

Religion:Roman Catholic


Languages Spoken:Tagalog and English

Father:Jaime Yao


Mother:Simplicia Nuay

Occupation:Jitney Operator


Tertiary:Computer ScienceTrent Information First Technical Career InstituteSan Juan, Taytay Rizal

Secondary :Valencia National High SchoolBong-ao Valencia, Dumaguete City2004-2006

:Rizal High SchoolTramo, Pasig City2002-2004

Primary : De Castro Elementary School De Castro Pasig, City1996-2002


Manuel I. Santos Memorial National High School


Error = 0

Display Login Window

Input Username & Password


If Error > 3

If Username & Password = TRUE

Error = Error + 1


Display Main Screen

Input Choice



Set-up Section

If choice = Set up

Transaction Section

If Choice = Transaction

Report Section

If Choice = Reports


Set-up Section

Input Choice

If choice= Files

Display Files

If choice = User Managementt

Display User Management

If choice = Logout

Display Logout screen


Transaction Section

Input Choice

If choice = Students Grade

Display Students Grade


Reports Section

Input Choice

If choice = Students List

Display Students List

If choice = Faculty Records

Display Faculty Records

If choice = Subject List

Display Subject List


Grading System

Log In

Main Menu




List of Student

Student Grades


Faculty Records


Subject Lists



User Management

Log out




User Management

Library Files





Faculty Name

Faculty ID










Year Level

Students Name

Students ID

Year Level

Subject Name

Subject Code






Year Level




Student Name

Student ID


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