

Tips To Have A Good Night’s Sleep


Was there a time when you crawled into bed worn out, thinking you’d snooze off in seconds,

only to find yourself still wide awake an hour or so later? Or maybe you wake up many times

throughout the night despite being able to fall asleep when you go to bed. If you responded yes

to either question, you may be dealing with insomnia.

Tips to have restful sleep

Observe a sleep schedule - Those who keep a consistent schedule for hitting the bed and waking

up throughout the week tend to get some shut eye more easily and remain asleep long enough to

feel refreshed the next day.Don’t use your bedroom other than for sleep and sex - If you read

books, watch TV, work or eat in bed, it may be time to change these habits so you can keep

insomnia at bay.

Go to bed when you are tired - If you go to bed when you’re not yet tired, you will only keep

yourself awake if you force yourself to get some shut eye. If you can’t sleep yet, try doing an

activity that can help you relax or become tired in another room and then go to bed when you’re

ready to sleep.

When already in bed, do not use equipment that produce blue light - Tablet devices, laptops,

smart phones, and televisions give off blue light which messes up your system's biological clock.

Blue light is useful in the daytime because it improves attention, reaction times, and mood. But

when used for long hours at night, it can cause sleeplessness.

Avoid big meals, caffeinated beverages, liquor and nicotine - Caffeinated drinks and nicotine

when consumed after lunch can prevent you from falling asleep at night. Even though alcohol


could make you drowsy at first, it can also cause you to wake up frequently at night which in

turn causes sleep deprivation.

Remove bedroom clocks - The less aware you are of the present time, the

sounder your sleep shall be. You can set your alarm to help you wake up

as per your schedule, but hide your wristwatches, phones, and other


Use a sound machines - These devices give off white noise or sounds you will hear from nature

which help block out disturbance, for example, your bed partner’s snoring and other noise from

your surroundings. The emitted sounds are also relaxing so you will have an easier time falling

asleep and so you don’t get awakened several times at night.

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