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Certificate in Pastoral TheologyChurch History

Lecture 26 The English Solution

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In God’s Time Evil Men work out His Purposes for Good Psalms 76:10, Isaiah 55:10-13. The 1500s in England

were bloody times indeed, but the mood for reform of the church was present, with good men concerned for the Gospel and bad men focused on the power and wealth they could win if they shook England free from Rome. 500 monasteries held vast wealth and king Henry and his friends eyed them with lustful eyes. Behind the scenes William Tyndale had built upon the work of Wyclif a century before and a new translation of the Bible into English was produced. Tyndale would be betrayed to the English Secret Service and executed in 1535 in Holland. “Lord open the eyes of the King of England”, were his final words. Martin Luther’s books and work started to work their way into society.

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The King’s “Great Matter”

After 100 years of civil and external wars England needed stability, but Henry was unable to produce a legitimate son. He would rule from 1509-1547, and was obsessed with having a son to follow him and produce stability for his people. He was also a lust consumed evil man, winning his title “Defender of the Faith” by writing against Martin Luther, supporting the Pope. He ordered the execution of William Tyndale, but when divorce was needed he split from Rome, pillaged and murdered the monasteries, and established a new church of which he was secular head. Within the evils there were godly men using the changes to spread the Gospel message and save souls. Most would give their lives in the great persecution under Henry’s daughter Mary. Do not look for either of them in heaven; it is unlikely they will be there!

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Great Men, Bad Men, and Good Men Look up the following and others in the

Church Chronology Files - Thomas Cranmer, Cardinal Wolsey, Thomas Cromwell, Miles Coverdale, John Rogers, Bishops Latimer and Ridley, John Foxe – who wrote his “Book of the Martyrs” in 1571 to remember the many men who went to their deaths to establish the Church of England as a Protestant Church.

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1. Marriage is God’s Plan for most people, barring only those with no sexual desire who can be celibate without concern. Eph 5:21-33, Col 3:14-19.

2. Marriage relationships are to be like that of Christ and the church; integrity, honesty, courage,

protective caring love. 3. Compatibility is crucial; equally yoked = pulling

the same weight in the same field of life endeavour. 4. Marriage ends with death, desertion, deception

(adultery), destruction of the spirit by the evil behaviour of the partner, Matt 5:32, 19:9, 1 Cor 7:10-16.

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