Page 1: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded




Bekki White, State Geologist and Director






William D. Hanson


Daniel S. Rains

Little Rock, Arkansas


Page 2: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded
Page 3: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded
Page 4: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded
Page 5: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded



Bekki White, State Geologist and Director






William D. Hanson


Daniel S. Rains

Little Rock, Arkansas


Page 6: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded



Mike Beebe, Governor


Bekki White, State Geologist and Director


Dr. Richard R. Cohoon, Chairman…………………………………………Russellville

Mr. Bill Cains……………………………………………………………………Fort Smith

Mr. Ken Fritsche………………………………………………………………Greenwood

Mr. David Lumbert……………………………………………………………..Little Rock

Mr. Quin Baber III……………………………………………………………….....Benton

Mr. Gus Ludwig…………………………………………………………………..Quitman

Mr. William Willis……………………………………………………………...Hot Springs


Page 7: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded







Tertiary and Quaternary………………………………………………………………14

Mineral Resources…………………………………………………………………………….15

Current Mining…………………………………………………………………………15

Historical Mining……………………………………………………………………….15

Water Resources………………………………………………………………………………17

Fossil Fuels…………………………………………………………………………………….17





Fig. 1: Location of Howard County. Also shown are the physiographic provinces of


Fig. 2: Stratigraphic column of Howard County.…………………………….………………6

Fig. 3: Angular unconformity between the Pennsylvanian Johns Valley Formation

(lower sandstone) and the Cretaceous Trinity Group (upper gravel)……………………..7

Fig. 4: Ostrea Franklini…………………………………………………………………........11

Fig. 5: Gypsum quarry, DeQueen Limestone Member of the Trinity Group……………11

Fig. 6: Dinosaur tracksite in the DeQueen Limestone Member of the Trinity Group….11

Page 8: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


Fig. 7: Chalk of the Annona Formation……………………………………………………..11

Fig. 8: Basal Gravel of the Woodbine Formation…………………………………………..12

Fig. 9: Basal Gravel of the Tokio Formation………………………………………………..12

Fig. 10: Chalk of the Annona Formation …………………………………………………...13

Fig. 11: Ostrea falcatta………………………………………………………………………..13

Fig. 12: Teeth and bones of the mosasaur………………………………………………....13

Fig. 13: Chalk of the Annona Formation…………………………………………………….14

Fig. 14: Echinocorys cf.E. texana……………………………………………………………14


Plate 1: Geologic Map of Howard County, Arkansas

Plate 2: Howard County Mineral Commodities


This report is an accompaniment to the 1:50,000 scale geologic map of Howard

County, Arkansas. The 1:50,000 scale geologic map is a mosaic of 7.5 minute

quadrangle geologic maps, printed at a 1:50,000 scale. Underlined terms are defined in

glossary. This publication is available on CD, paper, or the agencies website,

Page 9: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


Geologic Report of Howard County, Arkansas


Howard County is located in

southwestern Arkansas (Fig. 1), has a

population estimated to be 13,789 and an

area of approximately 587.42 square miles

(US Census data 2010). The county lies

between latitude coordinates 34.360o and

33.740o, and longitude coordinates -93.830o

and -94.261o (Plate 1). The highest

elevation in the county is about 1660 ft. (506

m) above sea level, and occurs on Big Tom

Mountain in the northeastern part of the

county (Athens 7.5 min. quadrangle). The

lowest elevation is approximately 255 ft. (78

m) above sea level, at the confluence of

Mine Creek and Lake Millwood (Mineral

Springs South 7.5 min. quadrangle). Major

surface drainages include the Saline and

Cossatot rivers, Mine and Harris creeks,

and Sulphur Slough - which flow north to

south - and Muddy Fork, which flows west

to east.

Figure 1: Location of Howard County. Also shown are the physiographic provinces of Arkansas

Howard County straddles two

physiographic provinces: the Ouachita

Mountains in the northern third of the county

and the West Gulf Coastal Plain in the

southern two thirds (Fig. 1). All rock types

exposed in these provinces are

sedimentary, but their ages and histories

are strikingly different.

Page 10: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


Rocks of the Ouachita Mountains in

Howard County are between 488 and 299

million years old (Paleozoic Era). At that

time the area was an abyss, where

sediment accumulated in oceanic

environments up to thousands of meters

deep. Thousands of feet of sandstone,

shale, novaculite, and limestone bedrock

formed from this sediment. Eventually,

pressure from colliding plates in the earth’s

crust caused the bedrock to rise above sea

level, deform, and fracture. Thus, the

Ouachita Mountains were formed. Over

millions of years, these up-thrown rocks

eroded into the ridges and valleys we see

today. The prominent ridges are typically

made of erosion-resistant rock, such as

sandstone or novaculite, while the valleys

are mostly easily-erodible shale. A gap in

the rock record that represents a period of

erosion/non-deposition, such as this, is

called an unconformity.

An unconformity occurs when no

rock is deposited in an area, or erosion

removes rock for a significant period of time,

so that there is a gap in the rock record for

that time span. There are two major

unconformities in Howard County (Fig. 2).

Minor unconformities also separate the

formations of the West Gulf Coastal Plain,

but those unconformities represent much

shorter time spans.

Figure 2: Stratigraphic column of Howard County

The oldest major unconformity is

between the Ouachita Mountain rocks and

Page 11: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


the rocks of the West Gulf Coastal Plain.

From about 250 to 145 million years ago,

Howard County was above sea level and

erosion, rather than deposition, was taking

place. Around 145 million years ago

(Cretaceous Period), southern Arkansas,

including southern Howard County,

subsided below sea level, as the Gulf of

Mexico was forming. Now inundated, new

sediment began accumulating in the shallow

sea covering southern Arkansas.

Eventually, that sediment became the rocks

of the West Gulf Coastal Plain (Figs. 1, and

2, and plate 1). Because the strata of the

Ouachita Mountains are tilted and the West

Gulf Coastal Plain strata are relatively flat-

lying, we refer to this contact as an angular

unconformity (Fig. 3).

Figure 3: Angular unconformity between the Pennsylvanian Johns Valley Formation (lower sandstone) and the Cretaceous Trinity group (upper gravel)

Rock layers of the West Gulf Coastal

Plain typically strike east-west and dip

gently to the south at about 1o. Unlike the

Paleozoic rocks, which are very hard, the

Cretaceous rocks are, for the most part,

unconsolidated and erode easily. For

convenience, geologists divide Cretaceous

rocks into lower and upper units (Fig. 2),

both of which were deposited in shallow

nearshore marine environments between

146 and 66 million years ago. The Lower

Page 12: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


Cretaceous rocks consist mostly of cross-

bedded sandstone, but include two intervals

of fossiliferous limestone. Upper

Cretaceous rocks are of variable lithology,

but consist largely of sand, clay, gravel,

chalk, tuff, and marl: unconsolidated marine

clay and calcareous sediment.

The younger major unconformity in

Howard County is still developing, as rocks

of the West Gulf Coastal Plain have been

elevated above sea level and subject to

erosion since the end of the Cretaceous

Period, 66 million years ago. On this

erosion surface, Quaternary (2.6 million

years ago to present) “rock” is being

deposited today. The Quaternary “rock”

units on the Geologic Map of Howard

County (Plate 1) are not true rocks, but

rather sediment that has recently (last 2.6

million years) accumulated along streams.

Quaternary alluvium consists of sand, silt,

clay, and gravel, deposited in floodplains

and channels of modern streams.

Quaternary terrace deposits have the same

composition as alluvium, but were deposited

in higher-elevation floodplains and channels

that streams occupied in the recent past.


Paleozoic (444 - 299 million years ago)

The Silurian aged (444 – 416 million

years ago) Blaylock Formation is the oldest

rock formation that outcrops in Howard

County. It consists of tan to gray, fine- to

medium-grained sandstone, interbedded

with black fissile shale and rarely contains

graptolite fossils and trace fossils. The

Blaylock Formation is exposed in northeast

Howard County (Plate 1).

Also of Silurian age, the Missouri

Mountain Formation was deposited on the

Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale

interbedded with conglomerate, as well as

novaculite and sandstone. Few identifiable

fossils have been recovered from this unit.

The Missouri Mountain Formation crops out

in northeast Howard County (Plate 1).

The Arkansas Novaculite was

deposited on the Missouri Mountain

Formation between the Devonian Period

Page 13: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


and the Early Mississippian Period (416 to

347 million years ago). Three divisions of

the Arkansas Novaculite are recognized.

The lower division is white massive

novaculite with some interbedded gray

shale near the base. The middle division is

greenish to dark-gray shale, interbedded

with many thin beds of dark novaculite. The

upper division is white, thick-bedded, and

commonly calcareous. The Arkansas

Novaculite occurs in northeast Howard

County (Plate 1). It is an important

commodity, quarried for application as an

abrasive (for instance, whetstones).

The Stanley Formation rests

conformably on the Arkansas Novaculite

and spans part of the Mississippian age

(about 347 – 318 million years ago). It is

composed predominantly of grayish-black to

brownish-gray shale, with lesser amounts of

thin-bedded to massive, fine-grained, gray

to brownish-gray, feldspathic sandstone,

dark green to black tuff (the Hatton Tuff),

and chert. After weathering, the sandstone

is generally porous and brown and the shale

is olive-gray.

The Jackfork Formation conformably

overlies the Stanley Shale. It is Early

Pennsylvanian age, 323 to 315 million years

ago. It consists of thin- to medium-bedded,

fine- to coarse-grained, brown, tan, or

bluish-gray quartzitic sandstone, with lesser

amounts of brown silty sandstone, and

charcoal-colored shale.

The Johns Valley Formation is the

youngest Paleozoic rock exposed in

Howard County and it rests conformably on

the Jackfork Formation. It was deposited

during the Pennsylvanian Period, between

318 and 299 million years ago. It is

composed of black shale with numerous

intervals of brownish sandstone. It also

contains small amounts of gray-black

siliceous shale and chert. The Johns Valley

locally contains exotic boulders thought to

have been deposited by mass wasting


Page 14: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


Cretaceous (146 – 66 million years ago)

The Lower Cretaceous Trinity Group

has a wide range of lithologies: sand,

gravel, clay, limestone, gypsum, and

celestine. It is primarily composed of fine-

to medium-grained, cross-bedded, white to

red sandstone that is locally barite

cemented. Clay of the Trinity Group,

though not abundant, is tan, light-gray, gray,

and brown. The base of the Trinity Group

contains abundant gravel, mostly in the size

range of 1 to 6 in. (2 – 15 cm). There are

numerous gravel pits developed in this

interval north of Dierks, Arkansas. Above

the gravel horizon and interbedded with the

sandstone intervals are two limestone

members: the Dierks Limestone and the

DeQueen Limestone. The Dierks

Limestone Member is 30 – 60 ft. (9 – 18 m)

of fossiliferous limestone, interbedded with

green and gray calcareous clay. The oyster

fossil Ostrea franklini is common in the

Dierks Limestone Member (Miser and

Purdue, 1929) (Fig. 4). Outcrops of this

member are exposed east of the Cossatot

River. The DeQueen Limestone Member

consists of up to 100 ft. (30 m) of

interbedded, fossiliferous limestone,

calcareous clay, gypsum, and celestine.

Cassiope branneri and Ostrea franklini are

common fossils in the DeQueen Limestone.

Gypsum and celestine increase in

abundance toward the east side of the

county, where they outcrop as thin beds and

lenses (Fig. 5). The DeQueen Limestone

Member is also known for its dinosaur

tracksites (Fig. 6). One significant tracksite

was unearthed and studied in 1983 and a

second in 2011. These tracksites are

approximately 4.25 miles (7 km) apart.

There are barite roses and disc-shaped

barite dollars in the Trinity Group on the

west side of the county (Fig. 7). Asphalt

impregnated sands and gravels, when

present in the Trinity Group, are found

below the DeQueen Limestone.

Page 15: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


Figure 4: Ostrea franklini

Figure 5: Gypsum quarry, DeQueen Limestone Member of the Trinity Group

Figure 6: Dinosaur tracksite in the DeQueen Limestone Member of the Trinity Group

Figure 7: Barite Roses in the Trinity Group

The oldest Late Cretaceous

formation in Howard County is the

Woodbine Formation. It rests

unconformably on the Trinity Group. It is

approximately 200 ft. (61 m) thick and

consists of gravel, water-lain tuff, sand, and

clay. The gravel is found at the base of the

unit and can be up to 60 ft. (18 m) thick, but,

is generally 20 ft. (6 m) thick. The average

clast is about 2 in. (5 cm) in diameter, sub-

rounded to rounded, and composed of chert

or novaculite (Fig. 8). Some highly-altered

igneous pebbles have also been noted in

the basal gravel. The water-lain tuff is

cross-bedded, and blue to green on freshly

broken surfaces. Weathering of the tuff

produces distinctive, red, waxy clay.

Page 16: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


Figure 8: Basal Gravel of the Woodbine Formation

The Tokio Formation rests

unconformably on the Woodbine Formation

and consists of clay, sand, and gravel. A

gravel unit at the base of the formation is

approximately 30 ft. (9 m) thick and consists

of sub-rounded to rounded grains, ranging

from pebble- to cobble-sized. The average

grain is about 1 in. (2.5 cm) in diameter and

is typically composed of novaculite, chert,

quartz, sandstone, or quartzite (Fig. 9). The

clay of the Tokio Formation is dark gray to

almost white. The dark gray clay is

fossiliferous and contains plant fragments,

and plant and shell impressions. Some of

the lighter colored clay beds are altered

volcanic ash. The clay content of the unit

increases westward. Sandstone of the

Tokio Formation is fine- to medium-grained,

sub-rounded to rounded, and cross-bedded.

Glauconite and ilmenite are accessory

minerals in the sandstone. The Tokio

Formation is about 300 ft. (91 m) thick.

Figure 9: Basal gravel of the Tokio Formation

The Brownstown Formation rests

unconformably on the Tokio Formation and

consists of fossiliferous, gray to dark gray

marl and sandy marl. The marl units are

fairly uniform in thickness across the county.

The most recognizable fossil in this unit is

the oyster Exogyra ponderosa (Fig. 10).

Page 17: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


The Brownstown Formation is about 240 ft.

(73 m) thick.

Figure 10: Exogyra ponderosa

The Ozan Formation rests

unconformably on the Brownstown

Formation. It is marl, sandy marl,

glauconitic marl, and sand. The Buckrange

Sand Member, at the base of the unit, is

about 20 ft. (6m) thick. This sandy interval

contains glauconite, phosphate nodules,

black chert, and shark’s teeth. Marls of the

Ozan Formation are dark gray and

fossiliferous. Notable fossils include

Exogyra ponderosa and Ostrea falcatta

(Fig. 11) (Dane, 1929). Teeth and bones of

the mosasaur, a large extinct marine reptile,

have also been identified in this unit (Fig.

12). The Ozan Formation is approximately

200 ft. (61 m) thick.

Figure 11: Ostrea falcatta

Figure 12: Teeth and bones of the mosasaur

The Annona Formation consists of

massive, slightly fossiliferous chalk and

rests unconformably on the Ozan

Formation. On a freshly broken surface, the

chalk is blue-gray. After weathering, it is

typically white (Fig. 13). Like glass, broken

surfaces of the chalk display conchoidal

Page 18: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


fracture. A noted fossil from the unit is

Echinocorys cf. E. texana (Dane, 1929)

(Fig. 14). This unit is about 120 ft. (37 m)


Figure 13: Chalk of the Annona Formation

Figure 14: Echinocorys cf.E. texana

Above the chalk of the Annona

Formation is the Marlbrook Formation. It

consists of blue-gray marl that is light-gray

after weathering and is fossiliferous. Noted

fossils include Ostrea falcatta, Exogyra

ponderosa, and reptilian fossils. It is

approximately 220 ft. (67 m) thick.

The Saratoga Formation was

deposited on the Marlbrook Formation and

is a sandy, glauconitic chalk. On a freshly-

broken surface, it is blue-gray, but after

weathering, it is almost white. It is typically

between 30 and 70 ft. (9 and 21 m) thick

and is fossiliferous.

The youngest Upper Cretaceous unit

in Howard County is the Nacatoch

Formation. It rests on the Saratoga

Formation. The Nacatoch Formation

consists of cross-bedded, fine- to medium-

grained quartz sand, marl, sandy

fossiliferous limestone, glauconite, and

other clays. In Howard County, the

Nacatoch Formation is about 40 ft. (12 m)


Tertiary and Quaternary (66 million years

ago to present)

All units mapped that are younger

than Cretaceous, including the Tertiary and

Page 19: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


Quaternary units, are unconsolidated sand,

silt, clay, and gravel.

Mineral Resources

Current Mining

Industrial minerals currently being

extracted from Howard County are gypsum,

sand and gravel, clay, and shale (Howard,

2012) (Plate 2). Gypsum is produced from

the DeQueen Limestone Member of the

Trinity Group, north of Nashville, Arkansas.

The gypsum is mined primarily from three

beds, which are about 20 ft. thick combined.

Two additional gypsum lenses are found

locally but are not used as ore. Gypsum is

present from Plaster Bluff along the Little

Missouri River, westward, to the Saline

River. It is used in the manufacture of

drywall. The drywall is marketed from

Texas to Florida and, northward, into the

Ohio Valley Region. Unconsolidated units

of the Cretaceous-aged Trinity Group,

Woodbine Formation, and Tokio Formation,

and Quaternary-aged alluvium, are quarried

to produce aggregate material, sand and

gravel, and clay. Much of this material is

utilized locally. Shale, from Paleozoic units,

is mined for fill material and as top dressing

for secondary roads.

Historical Mining

In the northern part of the county,

lead, zinc, and mercury were prospected,

but only mercury was commercially mined

(Stroud et al., 1969). Lead and zinc are

typically found in the minerals galena and

sphalerite, respectively, in faults and quartz

veins of the Jackfork Formation. Both were

prospected in T7S, R29W but were never

produced (Plate 2). Cinnabar, the ore of

mercury, is present in an east-west-trending

zone across the northern part of the county.

Cinnabar was mined from the Stanley

Formation in T7S, R27W (Plate 2). Total

production of mercury from this location was

ten to twelve, 76 pound flasks (Stroud et al.,

1969). Quartz veins that bear cinnabar also

contain the accessory minerals barite,

limonite, and dickite. Shale collected from

the Stanley and Jackfork formations in

Page 20: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


Howard County has been utilized in the

production of brick.

In central and southern Howard

county, historical mineral production

included chalk, celestine, barite and heavy

mineral sands. Chalk was produced from

the Annona Formation in the vicinity of

Okay, Arkansas, T11S, R27W, for use by

the cement industry (Plate 2).

Celestine, which is ore of strontium,

was produced from thin beds in the lower

part of the DeQueen Limestone Member of

the Trinity Group (Plate 2). The principle

use of Strontium is in fireworks and other

pyrotechnical applications. Production of

celestine was centered in T7S, R27W; T8S,

R28W; and T8S, R29W (Plate 2). Total

production was 90 tons of ore (Stroud et al.,

1969). The celestine ranged from 5.5 to

97.0% SrSO4, and less than 1% SrCO3

(Stroud, et al, 1969).

Barite was produced in Howard

County, from 1963 to 1965 from two areas:

one east of Dierks, Arkansas and the other

south of Dierks (Plate 2). East of Dierks,

barite was mined from several open pits in

the pike gravel. It occurs as cement in

gravel and sandstone, and fills veins and

fractures in the unit. Reserves were

estimated at 5 million tons, containing 5 %

barite. In the deposit south of Dierks, the

barite occurs in concretions and cement, in

sandstone beds of the Trinity Group. That

deposit covers 12 acres, with reserves

estimated at 300,000 tons, containing 10

percent barite.

Heavy mineral sands were mined

from an area northwest of Mineral Springs,

Arkansas, T10S, R28W (Plate 2), from the

upper part of the Tokio Formation.

Titanium-bearing mineral grains collected

from the sands include ilmenite, rutile,

leucoxene, and anatase. Accessory

minerals include monazite, zircon,

tourmaline, spinel, andalusite, pyroxene,

amphibole, and kyanite. Original source

areas for much of the ilmenite include

Magnet Cove, Arkansas and other igneous

Page 21: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


intrusions in the surrounding area (Hanson

1991, 1997).

Water Resources

Surface water resources of Howard

County are rivers, streams, and reservoirs.

Notable surface water impoundments

include Millwood Lake, Dierks Lake, and

Gillham Lake. Groundwater is sourced

from sand and gravel units of the Trinity

Group, Tokio Formation, and terrace

deposits in the West Gulf Coastal Plain.

Wells in the area typically have an average

initial output of about 25 gallons (95 liters)

per minute and are less than 250 feet (76

m) deep (determined from water well

completion reports on file at the Arkansas

Geological Survey). Wells in the Ouachita

Mountains region of Howard County

primarily produce from fracture systems and

quartz veins. Wells drilled into shale and

sandstone units in this area produce limited

ground water, and output is difficult to


Fossil Fuel

The potential for fossil fuel

production in Howard County is very low. At

the present time, neither oil nor gas is

produced within the county. A three foot

bed of coal was discovered while drilling a

water well in T10S, R27W. Sufficient data

does not exist to evaluate the resource

potential of that coal (Stroud, et al., 1969).


Although limestone is present in the

county, there is little or no potential for karst,

such as sinkholes, to develop. The

limestone beds of the county are thin and

are interbedded with clay, which reduces

permeability and limits its susceptibility to

karst development.

Calcareous clays, such as those

found in the Brownstown and Ozan

formations and parts of the Trinity Group,

have the potential to shrink and swell. The

foundations of buildings that are built on

those marl units may be vulnerable to

cracking and settling.

Page 22: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


Landslide potential is relatively low

in the county, however, in areas that are

underlain by shale or other poorly

consolidated rock or sediment, the

likelihood of landslide is higher. A good

natural defense against landslide is

vegetation. Stripping land of vegetation

exacerbates slope instability and should be

avoided when possible.

Finally, a significant geohazard

threat to Howard County is the pollution of

the water supply, both groundwater and

surface water. Fresh water is a necessity

for every person plant and animal in the

county. Proper handling and disposal of

waste and other potential contaminants, and

good agricultural practices are significant

defenses against water pollution.

Page 23: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


For additional information concerning the mineral commodities of Arkansas please refer to the

agency’s website:, and for more information

about groundwater in Arkansas:


Dane, C.H., 1929, Upper Cretaceous formations of southwestern Arkansas, Arkansas

Geological Commission Bulletin 1, 215p.

Hanson, W.D., 1991, Titanium-bearing minerals of the Tokio Formation in southern Howard

County, Arkansas, Memphis State University Masters of Science, Memphis, TN, 76p.

Hanson, W.D., 1997, Heavy-mineral sands of the Tokio Formation in southwest Arkansas,

Arkansas Geological Commission Information Circular 34, 40p.

Hanson, W.D., 2006, Geologic Report of Sevier County, Arkansas Geological Commision

County Geologic Report 133, 6p.

Howard, J.M., 2012, Mineral commodity database, Arkansas Geological Commission in-house


Howard, J.M., Colton, G.W., and Prior, W.L., 1997, Mineral, fossil fuel, and water resources of

Arkansas, Arkansas Geological Commission, Bulletin 24, 115p.

McFarland, J.D., 2004, Stratigraphic Summary of Arkansas, Arkansas Geological Commission

Information Circular 36, 39p.

Miser, H.D., and Purdue, A.H., 1929, Geology of the DeQueen and Caddo Valley quadrangles,

Arkansas, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 808, 195p.

Stroud, R.B., Arndt, R.H., Fulkerson, F.B., and Diamond, W.G., 1969, Mineral Resources and

Industries of Arkansas, U.S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin 645, 418p.

U.S. Census Data, 2010,

Page 24: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


Glossary of terms

Aggregate – crushed stone.

Alluvium – unconsolidated material deposited by flowing water in streams and rivers.

Asphalt – a brown to black, viscous, liquid hydrocarbon.

Bedrock – the solid rock beneath the soil and loose sediment.

Calcareous – Containing significant calcium carbonate.

Chalk – a soft earthy, typically-white limestone, comprised primarily of the skeletons of

microscopic marine organisms.

Consolidated – having undergone the process by which loose earth materials become firm and


Cross-bedded – Arrangement of strata, inclined at an angle to the main stratification, that forms

in flowing water due to the current.

Crust – The outermost layer of the earth.

Feldspathic – said of a rock or mineral aggregate containing feldspar.

Fossiliferous – Containing fossils.

Karst – A type of landscape that forms in limestone, dolostone or gypsum by dissolution of

bedrock, and characterized by sinkholes, caves, and underground drainage.

Limestone – A sedimentary rock composed primarily of the mineral calcite.

Marl – Marine sediment composed of a mixture of clay and calcite.

Mass Wasting – A general term for the downslope movement of soil and rock material under the

direct influence of gravity.

Massive – Said of a rock that lacks bedding: homogenous.

Novaculite – A sedimentary rock composed, almost entirely, of microcrystalline silica, notable

for its density and hardness, and similar to chert.

Physiographic province – A region of which all parts are similar in geologic structure and climate

and which has had a unified geomorphic history; its relief features differ significantly from those

of adjacent regions.

Sandstone – A sedimentary rock largely composed of sand-sized grains.

Sediment – loose, solid, clastic material.

Sedimentary – A type of rock composed of sediment that has been lithified.

Page 25: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


Shale – A type of sedimentary rock that is typically laminated, and composed primarily of clay


Siliceous – said of a rock that contains abundant silica.

Strata – Layers of rock.

Terrace – A level surface above a river’s floodplain that represents the dissected remnants of an

abandoned floodplain, formed at an earlier time in the stream valley’s evolution.

Tuff – A general term for consolidated pyroclastic rock.

Unconsolidated – Sediment that is not cemented together.

West Gulf Coastal Plain – A physiographic province in southwestern Arkansas characterized by

a south-sloping plain of gently-rolling hills.

Many of the above definitions are taken in part or paraphrased from “Dictionary of Geological

Terms”, third edition, American Geological Institute, 1984.

Page 26: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


Page 27: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded
Page 28: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded
Page 29: CGR-061 STATE OF ARKANSAS ARKANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY · Also of Silurian age, the Missouri Mountain Formation was deposited on the Blaylock Formation. It consists of shale interbedded


1625 Howard gypsum Center Point 17 8S 27W 34.06489 -93.89447 Certain Teed Nashville Plant & Mine Weyerhauser Gypsum Mine, Boral Gypsum Mine, James Hardie Mine, Briar Mine, BPB Gypsum mine Certain Teed Gypsum 794 Hwy 369 N, Nashville, AR 71852 870-845-7100 Trinity Gp A ADEQ, USBM Bull. 645, MSHA 2002, AGC 2002 Field data, Google earth 2010 6/26/2001 Product is marketed under CertainTeed name, but St. Gobain owns the facility and mine; facility is located at 34.08181, -93.85645, operation has been in existence for nearly 50 years under almost 10 different owners.

1661 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 9 9S 27W 33.99117 -93.89188 Gravel pit Tokio A 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, DOQQ 2000, AGC 2006 field data, Google earth 2010 12/17/2001 4 acre area disturbed

1662 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 9 9S 27W 33.98927 -93.89247 Gravel pit Tokio A Google earth 2010 8/4/2010 ~2 acres disturbed on Google earth imagery with stockpile

1663 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 9 9S 28W 33.98926 -93.89356 Gravel pit Tokio A 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, DOQQ 2000, AGC 2006 field data 12/17/2001 active, signs of recent equipment present

1737 Howard shale Baker Springs 19 5S 29W 34.30228 -94.13877 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp A AGC 2006 field data 4/17/2006

1766 Howard shale Umpire 9 6S 29W 34.26327 -94.09720 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp A Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 4/5/2006 incorrectly noted as gravel pit on topo map

1727 Howard shale Baker Springs 6 6S 29W 34.26657 -94.12628 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp A Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 equipment on site when visited in 04/06, incorrectly noted as gravel pit on topo map

1671 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 22 9S 28W 33.95732 -93.97678 Blue Bayou Sand & Gravel S. White Company Danny Jewell PO Box 738, Dierks, AR 71833 870-845-5727 Tokio A*** 1976 AGC Worksheet, Topo map 1951, MSHA 2002, AGC 2006 field data 12/17/2001 *MSHA 2002 lists Blue Bayou Sand and Gravel as operator; **MSHA 2002 lists 229 Oliver Road, Nashville, AR 71852 as mailing address; ***MSHA 2002 lists as active, ADEQ status unknown, visit on 10/04/02 noted active operation

1615 Howard barite Dierks 6 8S 28W 34.10178 -94.03160 Cherry deposit Trinity Gp Ab AGC IC 18, USBM Bull. 645, Topo map 1966, AGC 2006 field data 8/10/2001 barite cementing sandstone and gravel, noted on topo map as gravel pit, site full of trash

1617 Howard barite Newhope 19 7S 27W 34.13276 -93.91026 No name Trinity Gp Ab USBM Bull. 645, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 barite cementing Pike gravel

1619 Howard barite Newhope 23 7S 28W 34.13604 -93.94637 No name Trinity Gp Ab Topo map, 1969; USBM Bull. 645, 1976 AGC Worksheet, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 Marked as gravel pit on topo map, barite cementing gravel

1621 Howard barite Newhope 13 7S 28W 34.14868 -93.94384 Lucky 13 deposit Lucky Strike deposit Trinity Gp Ab Topo map, 1969; USBM Bull. 645, 1976 AGC Worksheet, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 Marked as gravel pit on topo map, completely overgrown with trees and vegetation

1622 Howard barite Newhope 14 7S 28W 34.15065 -93.94646 R. McElwaine Trinity Gp Ab Topo map, 1969; USBM Bull. 645, 1976 AGC Worksheet, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 Marked as gravel pit on topo map, small trenches and exposure of barite cemented gravel

1624 Howard chalk Mineral Springs South 29 11S 27W 33.77562 -93.90644 Quarry Annona Ab USBM Bull. 645 8/13/2001 agricultural lime

1628 Howard lead & zinc Dierks Dam 13 7S 29W 34.15293 -94.04105 Buzbee deposit Jackfork Ab USBM Bull. 645, 1976 AGC Worksheet 8/13/2001 3 shafts on faulted sandstone breccia, no production recorded

1634 Howard sand & gravel Center Point NE 14 7S 27W 34.14478 -93.85030 Gravel pit Tokio Ab AGC 2006 field work 4/17/2006

1635 Howard sand & gravel Center Point NE 24 7S 27W 34.13079 -93.83874 Gravel pit Tokio Ab AGC 2006 field work 4/17/2006

1636 Howard sand & gravel Center Point NE 24 7S 27W 34.13199 -93.82982 Gravel pit Tokio Ab AGC 2006 field work 4/17/2006

1640 Howard sand & gravel Nathan 3 9S 27W 34.00616 -93.86999 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 8/9/2001 fenced and some pasture

1641 Howard sand & gravel Nathan 3 9S 27W 34.00500 -93.87425 Gravel pit Tokio Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/21/2006

1644 Howard sand & gravel Nathan 34 8S 27W 34.01663 -93.86863 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 8/9/2001 gated

1645 Howard sand & gravel Nathan 34 8S 27W 34.01712 -93.87003 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 8/9/2001 gated

1651 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs South 3 11S 28W 33.82899 -93.98316 Gravel pit Terrace Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, AGC 2006 field data 12/18/2001

1652 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs South 4 11S 28W 33.83711 -93.98999 Gravel pit Terrace Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, AGC 2006 field data 12/18/2001

1653 Howard sand & gravel Nashville 11 9S 27W 33.99459 -93.84766 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, AGC 2006 field data 12/19/2001

1654 Howard sand & gravel Nashville 22 9S 27W 33.95269 -93.87093 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, AGC 2006 field data 4/17/2006

1655 Howard sand & gravel Nashville 22 9S 27W 33.95273 -93.87444 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, AGC 2006 field data 4/17/2006

1656 Howard sand & gravel Nashville 25 9S 27W 33.94514 -93.83752 Sand pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, AGC 2005 field data 12/19/2001 grown up with brush

1657 Howard sand & gravel Nashville 25 9S 27W 33.94196 -93.83568 Sand pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, AGC 2005 field data 12/19/2001 excellent field trip outcrops, site readily visible from road

1658 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 7 9S 27W 33.99346 -93.91359 Gravel pit Tokio Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/5/2006 on vegetated hillside, used as fill for chicken housing construction

1659 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 7 9S 27W 33.99629 -93.91385 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, DOQQ 2000 9/24/2002 vegetated on DOQQ

1660 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 9 9S 27W 33.99189 -93.89095 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, DOQQ 2000, AGC 2006 field data 12/17/2001 small excavation on ridge

1664 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 10 9S 28W 33.99294 -93.97746 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, DOQQ 2000 12/17/2001

1665 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 12 9S 28W 33.99801 -93.93869 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, DOQQ 2000 12/17/2001

1667 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 14 9S 28W 33.97256 -93.95025 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, DOQQ 2000, AGC 2006 field data 12/17/2001

1668 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 22 9S 28W 33.95974 -93.97745 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, DOQQ 2000 12/17/2001

1669 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 22 9S 28W 33.96213 -93.96606 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, DOQQ 2000, AGC 2006 field data 12/17/2001

1672 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 26 9S 28W 33.94208 -93.96413 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, DOQQ 2000, AGC 2006 field data 12/17/2001

1673 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 26 9S 28W 33.95305 -93.96436 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, DOQQ 2000, AGC 2006 field data 12/17/2001

1674 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 27 9S 28W 33.94860 -93.96635 Gravel pit Tokio Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, DOQQ 2000, AGC 2006 field data 12/17/2001

1675 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 35 9S 28W 33.93994 -93.96375 Gravel pit Alluvium Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map 10/8/2002

1676 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 36 9S 28W 33.92716 -93.93819 Gravel pit Terrace Ab 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, DOQQ 2000 12/17/2001

1677 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 8 10S 27W 33.90192 -93.90948 Gravel pit Terrace Ab USBM Bull. 645, 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, DOQQ 2000 8/13/2001 USBM Bull. 645 located in Terrace, STATEMAP has in Alluvium

1678 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 8 10S 27W 33.90190 -93.91101 Gravel pit Terrace Ab DOQQ 2000 10/8/2002

1679 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 8 10S 27W 33.89810 -93.90969 Gravel pit Terrace Ab USBM Bull. 645, 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, DOQQ 2000 8/13/2001 USBM Bull. 645 located incorrectly in sec. 18; STATEMAPand 1976 AGC Worksheet has in Tokio

1680 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 8 10S 27W 33.90130 -93.90990 Gravel pit Terrace Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/5/2006

1682 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 7 10S 27W 33.89701 -93.91792 Gravel pit Terrace Ab AGC 2006 field data, Google earth 2010 4/5/2006 new road just SW of site, old road on old topo does not exist, now field on Google earth imagery

1683 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 20 10S 27W 33.87600 -93.90065 Gravel pits Alluvium* Ab USBM Bull. 645, DOQQ 2000; 2002 AGC field data; Statemap 1995 8/13/2001 two small irregularly shaped ponds on topo map are near location given in USBM Bull. 645 which abandoned gravel pits; general area contains 20 small shallow abandoned gravel pits; thin Alluvial gravels approximately 5' in thickness; *mapped as Alluvium on Statemap project, called Terrace by USBM Bull. 645

1684 Howard sand & gravel Newhope 21 7S 27W 34.13685 -93.87875 Gravel pit Trinity Gp Ab 1976 AGC Worksheet, Topo map 1969, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1685 Howard sand & gravel Newhope 21 7S 27W 34.13741 -93.88075 Gravel pit Trinity Gp Ab 1976 AGC Worksheet, Topo map 1969, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1691 Howard sand & gravel Newhope 22 7S 28W 34.13731 -93.97275 Gravel pit Trinity Gp Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/17/2006

1694 Howard sand & gravel Dierks Dam 29 7S 28W 34.12886 -94.01383 Gravel pit Trinity Gp Ab 1976 AGC Worksheet, Topo map 1966, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 land for sale

1695 Howard sand & gravel Dierks Dam 20 7S 28W 34.13666 -94.01055 Gravel pit Trinity Gp Ab 1976 AGC Worksheet, Topo map 1966, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1698 Howard sand & gravel Dierks 6 9S 28W 34.00191 -94.02280 Gravel pit Woodbine Ab 1996 STATEMAP geologic map, Topo map 1966, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 assumed abandoned as road to site is gated

1699 Howard sand & gravel Dierks 2 9S 29W 34.01367 -94.05412 Gravel pit Terrace Ab 1996 STATEMAP geologic map, Topo map 1966, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 pine trees and grass, scattered trash

1701 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 4 9S 27W 34.00035 -93.89256 Gravel pit Tokio Ab AGC STATEMAP geologic map 1996, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1706 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 20 8S 27W 34.04077 -93.89693 Gravel pit Weyerhauser Tokio Ab AGC STATEMAP geologic map 1996, Topo map, 1970 8/13/2001 some pine and grass

1707 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 20 8S 27W 34.04080 -93.89761 Gravel pit Weyerhauser Tokio Ab AGC STATEMAP geologic map 1996, Topo map, 1970 8/13/2001 some pine and grass

1708 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 20 8S 27W 34.05041 -93.90965 Gravel pit Weyerhauser Woodbine Ab AGC STATEMAP geologic map 1996, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 11/29/2001 used as logging staging area

1710 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 31 8S 27W 34.01550 -93.92672 Gravel pit Tokio Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/7/2006

1712 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 31 8S 27W 34.01416 -93.92620 Gravel pit Tokio Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/7/2006

1713 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 31 8S 27W 34.01656 -93.92741 Gravel pit Tokio Ab AGC STATEMAP geologic map 1996, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 11/29/2001

1714 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 21 8S 27W 34.04929 -93.88396 Gravel pit Woodbine Ab AGC STATEMAP geologic map 1996, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 11/29/2001 no road access

1715 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 21 8S 27W 34.04998 -93.88666 Gravel pit Woodbine Ab AGC STATEMAP geologic map 1996, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 11/29/2001 no road access

1716 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 22 8S 28W 34.04843 -93.96793 Gravel pit Weyerhauser Trinity Gp Ab AGC STATEMAP geologic map 1996, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 11/29/2001 site obliterated by clearcutting and road building

1718 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 28 7S 27W 34.11645 -93.88137 Gravel pit Terrace Ab AGC STATEMAP geologic map 1996, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 11/29/2001 logging equipment staging area now

1726 Howard shale Baker Springs 12 6S 30W 34.25220 -94.15572 Shale pit Howard County Wildlife Management Area Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 incorrectly noted as gravel pit on topo map, 2 levels of shale cuts

1728 Howard shale Baker Springs 31 5S 29W 34.27219 -94.14404 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 incorrectly noted on topo map as gravel pit

1729 Howard shale Baker Springs 30 5S 29W 34.29395 -94.13359 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 incorrectly noted on topo map as gravel pit

1730 Howard shale Baker Springs 17 5S 29W 34.31369 -94.12725 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 incorrectly noted on topo map as gravel pit, deer camp on east end of pit area

1731 Howard shale Baker Springs 8 5S 29W 34.32820 -94.13005 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 some type of guaging or insect trapping station inside pit

1733 Howard shale Baker Springs 34 5S 30W 34.27503 -94.19072 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1739 Howard shale Baker Springs 23 5S 30W 34.30318 -94.17364 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1740 Howard shale Baker Springs 22 5S 30W 34.31039 -94.19121 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1741 Howard shale Baker Springs 22 5S 30W 34.30880 -94.19796 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1742 Howard shale Baker Springs 21 5S 30W 34.30571 -94.20388 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1743 Howard shale Baker Springs 18 5S 29W 34.31807 -94.14450 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1744 Howard shale Baker Springs 18 5S 29W 34.31781 -94.14533 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1745 Howard shale Baker Springs 18 5S 29W 34.31880 -94.13383 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/17/2006

1746 Howard shale Baker Springs 4 5S 30W 34.35260 -94.21320 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/24/2006

1748 Howard shale Baker Springs 10 6S 30W 34.25517 -94.18214 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/24/2006

1749 Howard shale Baker Springs 10 6S 30W 34.25469 -94.18327 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/24/2006 long abandoned, covered with pines and grass

1750 Howard shale Baker Springs 10 5S 30W 34.33187 -94.18628 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/18/2006 pines and grass

1751 Howard shale Baker Springs 10 5S 30W 34.33223 -94.18771 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/18/2006 pines and grass

1752 Howard shale Baker Springs 12 5S 30W 34.32665 -94.15673 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/18/2006

1754 Howard shale Baker Springs 14 5S 30W 34.31314 -94.18222 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1755 Howard shale Baker Springs 15 5S 30W 34.31811 -94.19506 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1756 Howard shale Baker Springs 16 5S 30W 34.31760 -94.21069 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/18/2006 used for materials storage presently

1759 Howard shale Baker Springs 17 5S 30W 34.32455 -94.23195 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 pines and grass

1761 Howard shale Baker Springs 18 5S 30W 34.32229 -94.23910 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab AGC 2006 field work 4/18/2006

1762 Howard shale Baker Springs 18 5S 30W 34.32584 -94.24250 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 soil storage area presently

1763 Howard shale Umpire 8 6S 28W 34.25039 -94.00919 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 4/5/2006 incorrectly noted as gravel pit on topo map, inaccessible

1764 Howard shale Umpire 8 6S 28W 34.25473 -94.00629 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 4/5/2006 incorrectly noted as gravel pit on topo map, grass and pine tree covered

1765 Howard shale Umpire 8 6S 28W 34.25524 -94.00629 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 4/5/2006 incorrectly noted as gravel pit on topo map, grass and pine tree covered

1771 Howard shale Umpire 21 5S 28W 34.29597 -94.00127 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 4/5/2006 incorrectly noted as gravel pit on topo map

1774 Howard shale Umpire 15 5S 29W 34.31376 -94.08787 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/20/2006

1775 Howard shale Umpire 14 5S 29W 34.32068 -94.07550 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/20/2006

1776 Howard shale Umpire 13 5S 29W 34.31309 -94.04911 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 4/5/2006 incorrectly noted as gravel pit on topo map

1778 Howard shale Umpire 7 5S 28W 34.32954 -94.03390 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/20/2006 scrubs and grass

1779 Howard shale Umpire 8 5S 29W 34.32777 -94.12020 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 4/5/2006 incorrectly noted as gravel pit on topo map, grass and building refuse

1782 Howard shale Umpire 3 5S 29W 34.34094 -94.08528 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 4/5/2006 incorrectly noted as gravel pit on topo map

1784 Howard shale Newhope 1 7S 28W 34.17562 -93.94241 Shale pit Stanley Gp Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/24/2006 grass and moss covered, wet

1785 Howard shale Newhope 2 7S 28W 34.17537 -93.94395 Shale pit Stanley Gp Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/24/2006 pine tree covered

1786 Howard shale Athens 15 5S 28W 34.31610 -93.98562 Shale pit Stanley Gp Ab AGC 2006 field data 4/20/2006 long cut parallel to power line

1787 Howard shale Athens 34 5S 28W 34.27734 -93.97500 Shale pit Stanley Gp Ab Topo map 1980, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 mislabeled on topo map as slate pit, grass and scrub covered

1631 Howard mercury Center Point NE 13 7S 27W 34.15130 -93.83323 Rock Fence Stanley I Topo map, 1970; AGC IC 23 8/13/2001 open cut, shaft, and stope

1632 Howard mercury Center Point NE 12, 13 7S 27W 34.15336 -93.82270 Pyle prospect Stanley I AGC IC 23 8/13/2001 3 major trenches and water-filled pit

1633 Howard mercury Center Point NE 12 7S 27W 34.15521 -93.82794 Floyd prospect Stanley I AGC IC 23 8/13/2001 shaft and bulldozed area

1642 Howard sand & gravel Nathan 36 8S 27W 34.01328 -93.83651 Gravel pit D & D Farm Tokio I AGC 2006 field data 4/21/2006 sandy gravel, ~10 acres

1643 Howard sand & gravel Nathan 36 8S 27W 34.01140 -93.83952 Gravel pit D & D Farm Tokio I AGC 2006 field data 4/21/2006 ~5 acres

1666 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 12 9S 28W 33.98590 -93.93573 Gravel pit Tokio I 2002 AGC field data 10/7/2002 in and adjacent to intermittent drainage, pit on east side of drainage abandoned

1735 Howard shale Baker Springs 27 5S 30W 34.28236 -94.18776 Shale pit Montgomery County Stanley Gp I Topo map 1986, AGC 2004 field data 8/13/2001 ~ 5 acres

1753 Howard shale Baker Springs 12 5S 30W 34.32824 -94.16409 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp I AGC 2006 field data 4/18/2006

1757 Howard shale Baker Springs 16 5S 30W 34.32193 -94.20607 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp I Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1758 Howard shale Baker Springs 16 5S 30W 34.32133 -94.20675 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp I Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1767 Howard shale Umpire 33 5S 29W 34.27013 -94.10370 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp I Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 4/5/2006 incorrectly noted as gravel pit on topo map

1773 Howard shale Umpire 22 5S 29W 34.30477 -94.09410 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp I AGC 2006 field data 4/20/2006

1777 Howard shale Umpire 7 5S 28W 34.32996 -94.03924 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp I Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 4/5/2006 incorrectly noted as gravel pit on topo map, recent work done after reclamation efforts

1789 Howard stone, crushed Gillham Dam 29 6S 30W 34.21806 -94.21556 Quarry Stanley Gp I AGC MP 18D 7/5/2001

1793 Howard strontium Dierks 7 8S 28W 34.07992 -94.02447 James prospect Trinity Gp I USBM Bull. 645 8/14/2001 90 tons of celestine ore mined in 1942-43

1670 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 22 9S 28W 33.95645 -93.97691 Blue Bayou Sand & Gravel S. White Company Danny Jewell PO Box 738, Dierks, AR 71833 870-845-5727 Tokio I*** ADEQ, AHTD, Topo map 1951, 1976 AGC Worksheet, MSHA 2002, AGC 2006 field data 6/26/2001 listing by ADEQ had incorrect lat/lon; *MSHA 2002 lists Blue Bayou Sand & Gravel as operator; **MSHA 2002 lists 229 Oliver Road, Nashville Arkansas 71852 as mailing addrss; ***MSHA 2002 lists as active, ADEQ lists permit as inactive

1616 Howard barite Dierks 31 7S 28W 34.10328 -94.02958 Gravel pit Trinity Gp R Topo map 1966, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 noted on topo map as gravel pit, site destroyed recently by clearcutting and logging

1618 Howard barite Newhope 24 7S 28W 34.14014 -93.94178 No name Trinity Gp R AGC 2006 field data 4/17/2006 pond; barite cementing gravel exposed as ledge on west side of pit next to road

1623 Howard chalk, clay Mineral Springs South 30 11S 27W 33.76875 -93.93474 Ideal Cement Company Pit, strip mine symbol Annona R Topo map, 1975; USBM Bull. 645 8/9/2001 Now flooded by Millwood Lake; extended into section 25, T11S, R28W

1626 Howard gypsum Nathan 11, 14 8S 27W 34.06972 -93.85219 Mine Weyerhauser Gypsum Mine, Boral Gypsum Mine Trinity Gp R Topo map 1970, Google earth 2010 8/9/2001 noted by 3 mine symbols on map; now pasture and woods with lake on Google earth imagery

1627 Howard gypsum Nathan 11 8S 27W 34.07375 -93.85038 Mine Weyerhauser Gypsum Mine, Boral Gypsum Mine Trinity Gp R Topo map 1970, Google earth 2010 8/9/2001 reclaimed as forest with some grassland on Google earth imagery

1637 Howard sand & gravel Nathan 1 9S 27W 34.00366 -93.83916 Gravel pit Tokio R 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, AGC 2006 field data 12/19/2001 pasture

1638 Howard sand & gravel Nathan 2 9S 27W 34.00443 -93.84428 Gravel pit Tokio R 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, AGC 2006 field data 12/19/2001 pond and pasture

1639 Howard sand & gravel Nathan 2 9S 27W 34.00646 -93.84335 Gravel pit Tokio R 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 8/9/2001 pasture

1646 Howard sand & gravel Nathan 25 8S 27W 34.02573 -93.83748 Gravel pit Tokio R 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 8/9/2001 pasture

1647 Howard sand & gravel Nathan 25 8S 27W 34.02633 -93.83769 Gravel pit Tokio R 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 8/9/2001 pasture

1648 Howard sand & gravel Nathan 26 8S 27W 34.02633 -93.84551 Gravel pit Tokio R 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 8/9/2001 pasture

1649 Howard sand & gravel Nathan 26 8S 27W 34.02672 -93.84592 Gravel pit Tokio R 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 8/9/2001 pasture

1650 Howard sand & gravel Nathan 26 8S 27W 34.02758 -93.84540 Gravel pit Tokio R 1995 STATEMAP geologic map, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 8/9/2001 pasture

1681 Howard sand & gravel Mineral Springs North 8 10S 27W 33.89820 -93.91031 Sand pit Terrace R AGC 2006 field data 4/5/2006 pine tree covered

1686 Howard sand & gravel Newhope 20 7S 27W 34.13126 -93.90902 Gravel pit Trinity Gp R AGC 2006 field work 4/17/2006 brush cover

1687 Howard sand & gravel Newhope 20 7S 27W 34.14107 -93.89373 Gravel pit Trinity Gp R 1976 AGC Worksheet, Topo map 1969, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 now pasture

1688 Howard sand & gravel Newhope 20 7S 27W 34.14075 -93.89518 Gravel pit Trinity Gp R 1976 AGC Worksheet, Topo map 1969, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 pond, ~5 acres

1689 Howard sand & gravel Newhope 17 7S 27W 34.14924 -93.89523 Gravel pit Trinity Gp R Topo map 1969, USBM Bull. 645, 1976 AGC Worksheet, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 Pike gravel, pond

1690 Howard sand & gravel Newhope 17 7S 27W 34.15089 -93.89436 Gravel pit Trinity Gp R Topo map 1969, USBM Bull. 645, 1976 AGC Worksheet, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 Pike gravel, pine covered

1692 Howard sand & gravel Newhope 28 7S 28W 34.12899 -93.98362 Gravel pit Trinity Gp R AGC 2006 field data 4/11/2006 pine tree covered

1693 Howard sand & gravel Dierks Dam 29 7S 28W 34.12599 -94.00994 Gravel pit Trinity Gp R 1976 AGC Worksheet, Topo map 1966, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 2 chicken houses on the site; June Pinson for Tyson

1696 Howard sand & gravel Dierks Dam 20 7S 28W 34.13859 -94.01253 Gravel pit Trinity Gp R 1976 AGC Worksheet, Topo map 1966, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 grass covered

1697 Howard sand & gravel Dierks Dam 22 6S 29W 34.23275 -94.07270 Sand pit Alluvium or Trinity R 1976 AGC Worksheet, Topo map 1966, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 erroneously labeled a gravel pit on topo map, covered with mature pines

1702 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 1 9S 28W 34.00572 -93.93980 Gravel pit Tokio R Topo map 1970, USBM Bull. 645, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 pasture

1703 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 1 9S 28W 34.00714 -93.94080 Gravel pit Tokio R Topo map 1970, USBM Bull. 645, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 pasture

1704 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 1 9S 28W 34.00770 -93.93993 Gravel pit Tokio R Topo map 1970, USBM Bull. 645, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 pasture

1705 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 33 8S 27W 34.01124 -93.88292 Gravel pit Trinity Gp R AGC STATEMAP geologic map 1996, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 grass and pasture

1709 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 32 8S 27W 34.01558 -93.90941 Gravel pit Tokio R AGC STATEMAP geologic map 1996, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 11/29/2001 pasture

1711 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 31 8S 27W 34.01649 -93.92723 Gravel pit Tokio R AGC 2006 field data 4/7/2006 grass

1717 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 16 8S 28W 34.06586 -93.99652 Gravel pit Terrace R AGC STATEMAP geologic map 1996, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 11/29/2001 grass, pines and several water holes

1719 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 26 7S 28W 34.11771 -93.95998 Gravel pit Weyerhauser Trinity Gp R AGC STATEMAP geologic map 1996, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 11/29/2001 grass and pine trees

1720 Howard sand & gravel Silver Ridge 36 9S 29W 33.93140 -94.03772 Gravel pit Tokio R AGC 2006 field data 4/20/2006 pond

1721 Howard sand & gravel Silver Ridge 30 9S 28W 33.94763 -94.03364 Gravel pit Tokio R AGC 2006 field data 4/20/2006 pond and pine trees

1722 Howard sand & gravel Silver Ridge 29 9S 28W 33.94423 -94.01129 Gravel pit Tokio R 1997 STATEMAP geologic map, AGC 2006 field data 1/4/2002 ~10 acres, reclaimed as pasture, highwalls still present

1723 Howard sand & gravel Silver Ridge 29 9S 28W 33.94878 -94.01656 Gravel pit Tokio R 1997 STATEMAP geologic map, AGC 2006 field data 1/4/2002 house trailer and pasture on site

1724 Howard sand & gravel Silver Ridge 20 9S 28W 33.96127 -94.00808 Gravel pit Tokio R 1997 STATEMAP geologic map, AGC 2006 field data 1/4/2002 pasture

1725 Howard sand & gravel Center Point 28 7S 28W 34.12482 -93.98795 Gravel pit Weyerhauser Trinity Gp R AGC STATEMAP geologic map 1996, Topo map 1970, AGC 2006 field data 11/29/2001 farm and 2 chicken houses on site

1732 Howard shale Baker Springs 8 5S 29W 34.33923 -94.12688 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp R Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 2 pictures of reclamation

1734 Howard shale Baker Springs 32 5S 30W 34.28056 -94.23091 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp R Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 4/17/2006

1736 Howard shale Baker Springs 19 5S 29W 34.30048 -94.14445 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp R Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001

1738 Howard shale Baker Springs 24 5S 30W 34.29657 -94.16055 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp R AGC 2006 field data 4/18/2006 reclaimed as parking area for Harris Creek Trail entrance

1747 Howard shale Baker Springs 4 5S 30W 34.35405 -94.20748 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp R AGC 2006 field data 4/18/2006 reclaimed as pond

1760 Howard shale Baker Springs 17 5S 30W 34.32532 -94.23262 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp R Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 reclaimed as pond

1768 Howard shale Umpire 27 5S 29W 34.29033 -94.09599 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp R AGC 2006 field data 4/20/2006 pines and grass

1769 Howard shale Umpire 28 5S 29W 34.28168 -94.11190 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp R Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 4/5/2006 incorrectly noted as gravel pit on topo map, now pond with grass and pines

1770 Howard shale Umpire 29 5S 28W 34.28601 -94.00994 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp R Topo map 1986, AGC 2006 field data 4/5/2006 incorrectly noted as gravel pit on topo map, grass

1772 Howard shale Umpire 19 5S 28W 34.29800 -94.03525 Shale pit Stanley Gp R AGC 2006 field data 4/18/2006 currrently used for materials storage by highway department

1780 Howard shale Umpire 9 5S 29W 34.32836 -94.10315 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp R AGC 2006 field data 4/20/2006 grass and pines

1781 Howard shale Umpire 9 5S 29W 34.32815 -94.10218 Shale pit Weyerhauser Stanley Gp R AGC 2006 field data 4/20/2006 grass

1783 Howard shale Newhope 13 6S 28W 34.24270 -93.93747 Shale pit Stanley Gp R 1976 AGC Worksheet, Topo map 1969, AGC 2006 field data 8/13/2001 2 small ponds, pines and scrub

6387 Howard barite Dierks 16 8S 29W 34.07272 -94.10078 Northwest 16 deposit Trinity Gp U AGC IC 18 8/10/2001 barite cementing sandstone

6388 Howard barite Dierks 16 8S 29W 34.07247 -94.08809 Northeast 16 deposit Trinity Gp U AGC IC 18 8/10/2001 barite cementing sandstone

1620 Howard barite Newhope 22 7S 28W 34.13733 -93.97276 No name Trinity Gp U Topo map, 1969; USBM Bull. 645, 1976 AGC Worksheet 8/13/2001 Marked as gravel pit on topo map

1629 Howard lignite Nashville 10 10S 27W 33.90007 -93.86844 Outcrop Tokio U USBM Bull. 645 8/13/2001 in bank of Mine Creek, proved unsuitable for blacksmithing

1630 Howard lignite Columbus 22 10S 27W 33.87008 -93.87335 Occurrence Tokio U USBM Bull. 645 8/13/2001 reported 3-foot bed of lignite with 2-inch black shale parting in water well drilled in this section

1700 Howard sand & gravel Nashville, Nathan 1, 12* 9S 27W 33.99457 -93.83237 Deposit Tokio U USBM Bull. 645 9/16/2002 gravel deposit; gravel varies from 12-30' thick; *lat./lon. estimated from description in USBM Bull. 645

1788 Howard stone, crushed Gillham Dam 32 6S 30W 34.20444 -94.22500 Test blast Stanley Gp U AGC MP 18D 7/5/2001 Proposed quarry site; Lat/Lon Approximate

1790 Howard strontium Dierks 11, 12, 13, 14 8S 29W 34.07577 -94.05145 Deposit Trinity Gp U OK GS Circ. 102 8/13/2001 bedded deposit extends under ridge that extends sw and ne from this point

1791 Howard strontium Dierks 7, 8, 17, 18 8S 29W 34.08392 -94.02819 Deposit Trinity Gp U OK GS Circ. 102 2/19/2003 bedded deposit extends into sections 7, 8, 17, & 18, T8S, R28W; * lat./lon. estimated at northern center of the deposit

1792 Howard strontium Nathan 14* 8S 27W 34.06157 -93.84664 James Hardie Gypsum Mine James Hardie Gypsum Trinity Gp U OK GS Circ. 102 8/13/2001 thin bedded layers interbedded with gypsum wasted during mining operation; * entire mined areas cover major portions of sections 11, 12, 13 and 14

1794 Howard strontium Dierks, Center Point 8 8S 28W 34.07433 -94.00519 Goodson prospect Trinity Gp U USBM Bull. 645 8/14/2001 20 test pits over 1.5 acres, maximum thickness 4 inches for celestine bed

1795 Howard strontium Nathan 15 8S 27W 34.06659 -93.87281 Deposit Trinity Gp U USBM Bull. 645 8/14/2001 Table: nodules and geodic bodies in massive beds of De Queen Limestone Member

1796 Howard strontium Center Point 15 8S 28W 34.06375 -93.96744 Deposit Trinity Gp U USBM Bull. 645 8/14/2001 Table: nodules of white celestine in 2nd limestone above base of De Queen Limestone Member

1797 Howard strontium Center Point 15 8S 28W 34.06380 -93.97195 Messers Creek Trinity Gp U USBM Bull. 645 8/14/2001 listed in table

1798 Howard strontium Dierks 17 8S 28W 34.07015 -94.00504 Dierks Lumber Company Trinity Gp U USBM Bull. 645 8/14/2001 Table: ledge of celestine above thin gray limestone

1799 Howard strontium Dierks 17 8S 28W 34.06800 -94.00535 Wynn home Trinity Gp U USBM Bull. 645 8/14/2001 Table: 2-inch bed and 6-inch bed separated by 4 inches of shale

1800 Howard strontium Dierks 8 8S 28W 34.07749 -94.00068 Outcrop Trinity Gp U USBM Bull. 645 8/14/2001 Table: celestine outcrops in roadside ditches

1801 Howard strontium Center Point 12 8S 28W 34.07564 -93.93032 Bene Bean Trinity Gp U USBM Bull. 645 8/14/2001

1802 Howard strontium Center Point 12 8S 28W 34.07581 -93.94358 Kesterson Trinity Gp U USBM Bull. 645 8/14/2001 Table: cut in hill, 450 feet long by 40 feet wide

1803 Howard titanium Mineral Springs North 11, 12, 13, 14 10S 28W 33.90231 -93.93753 Pink Green deposit Tokio U AGC IC 34, USBM Bull. 645 8/14/2001 Pink Green deposit restricted to section 12

1804 Howard titanium Mineral Springs North, Mineral Springs South 23, 24 10S 28W 33.87445 -93.95004 Beulah Green deposit Tokio U AGC IC 34, USBM Bull. 645 8/14/2001

1805 Howard titanium Mineral Springs North 18* 10S 27W 33.88827 -93.92254 Deposit Tokio U USBM Bull. 645 8/14/2001 *lat/lon estimated from description in USBM Bull. 645

1806 Howard tripoli Umpire 16* 5S 28W 34.32052 -94.00499 Bog Springs Community deposit Arkansas Novaculite U USBM Bull. 645 9/19/2001 at least 20 feet of soft, tough and coherent tripoli exposed; *lat/lon estimated from description in USBM Bull. 645

1807 Howard tuff Mineral Springs North 16 9S 27W 33.97685 -93.88312 Deposit Woodbine U USBM Bull. 645 8/13/2001 tests show suitable bloating for lightweight aggregate

1808 Howard tuff Nashville 2, 11, 14 9S 28W 33.98792 -93.84543 Deposits Woodbine U USBM Bull. 645 8/13/2001 outcrops extend to secs 2, 11, and 14, T9S, R27W and north to sec 20, T8S, R27W

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