Page 1: Cf. John 12:3 Holy Cross Lutheran after that. ISS submitted a bid of $385 to clean, wax and seal the brick floor in


Holy Cross Lutheran Church

“Sharing the

Ointment for Jesus’

Feet, Giving God

our Very Best” Cf. John 12:3

Our mission statement:

Celebrating God’s love

by worshipping God,

caring for each other,

and serving in community.

Vol. 24

No. 11

November 2018

Jonah is under the direct call of God. No subtlety about what he is

supposed to do. No wiggle room here. So he kind of has to respond, and he

does so sullenly, after much prodding. There is a slapstick sort of clumsi-

ness to his reaction, trying unsuccessfully to avoid God. How do you keep

the Universe and its Creator at a comfortable distance when you are an in-

trinsic part of it?

So the Lord speaks: “Go to Nineveh.” Not Kansas City, not Pyong-

yang, not Cairo, not Copenhagen, but Nineveh.” And Jonah lams out in the

opposite direction, 180 degrees wrong. This is ironically in contrast to the

directional change of the attitudes and beliefs of the people of Nineveh later

in the story.

God said, “GO.” Jonah said, “NO.” And things go downhill from

there. The unconverted prophet inadvertently effects the conversion of pa-

gan sailors to belief and rejoicing in God. For all that, he is thrown over-

board, with his permission, of course (he displays histrionically suicidal ide-

ation and tendencies.)

Then while drowning, he thinks better of his self-indulgent drama,

and prays in fear for his life. God sends a BIIIIIIIIIIG fish to rescue him

and taxi him back to shore. Here is a good place for a satirical note.

… /// ...



Page 2: Cf. John 12:3 Holy Cross Lutheran after that. ISS submitted a bid of $385 to clean, wax and seal the brick floor in


The main fishgod of the Sumerians, an international neighbor of

Israel, is co-opted by our Real God to do a little bit of taxiing for him. The

false, foreign god is a tool of our God. The fish repents from his normal

daily routine of swallowing the sun at night, swimming through the under-

world to the other side of the world and throwing up the sun in the morning.

Jonah sings a psalm about his horrible self-inflicted plight and prom-

ises to do better. He does it in such a disingenuous manner that it even

makes the fishgod sick, and that is pretty hard to do. So the fishgod regurgi-

tates him onto the shore and now Jonah has a second chance to deliver the

message, which he has been told in no uncertain terms to deliver.

Once again, reluctantly he begins to go about doing what God has

commissioned him to do. And glory be….one day into the job of announc-

ing a 40 day grace period before certain destruction, the whole city of Nine-

veh is turning to the Lord. The final outcome is a wonderful story of grace

and of multiple, serial repentances and salvations of all the characters in-

cluding the most disreputable, with one exception. The prophet of God, the

Cream of the Crop, The Called and Commissioned to proclaim the Good

Judgments of the Almighty, The Chosen One, can only resent. He cannot

repent. We don’t know if he ever did.

SOOO…..all of us are called to something. What’s Your Nineveh?

What is your irrational fear that won’t come true? Where is your resistance

and stubbornness? What inconveniences your plan?

The call to follow probably won’t be convenient. It may be, so to

speak, “the road less travelled.” The easy road is comfortable and logical

and manageable. The hard road consists of many unknown challenges where

we have to trust God.

God will call for the re-imaging of normal life and living. He will

bring us to the place of re-tasking the usual. … /// ...

… /// … Bergy’s Babble: “Jonah the Reluctant Prophet”

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His activities will bring repentance and joy to those all around us and we are

simply asked to share in the celebration of life. Sometimes we are called by

God to do difficult and frightening things. God will call us into his presence

with both fear and love. It is always time to go to Nineveh.

See you in worship …………………………….. Bergy

… /// … Bergy’s Babble: “Jonah the Reluctant Prophet”


Altar flowers were donated by:

07 Betty Mooney

14 Louise McDonnold

21 Bernice Rogge, Stan Rogge,

Donna Fisher

28 Betty Mooney


at PAPPYS Restaurant

November 11th, Sunday at 11:45 a.m.

12313 Katy Frwy — Houston, Texas


Happy Fall

Call or text if you can join us at this new location.

Jeanette Dukleth


Page 4: Cf. John 12:3 Holy Cross Lutheran after that. ISS submitted a bid of $385 to clean, wax and seal the brick floor in



SEPTEMBER 19, 2018

The September 2018 Church Council meeting was called to order by

President Warren Schick on Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 2:02

p.m. Pastor Berggren opened the meeting with a prayer.

In attendance were: Pastor Jim Berggren, Pastor Jhon Jairo Arroyave,

Warren Schick, Bettie Baring, Jay Byerly, Pat Curran, Deacon Karen

Davidson, Julie Kilkenny, Wendy Lambeth, Bettye Raschke, Wayne

Schaper, and Fredda Yurk.

The minutes from the August Council meeting were submitted by Julie

Kilkenny and unanimously approved by Council. They will be submit-

ted for publication in Crossties and on the website.

The Treasurer’s report was presented by Wayne Schaper. Offerings for

the month of August were $21,652, which was a decrease of $9,081

from the previous month. Expenses for the month of August 2018

were $28,422, a decrease of $11,673 from the previous month. Year to

date expenses exceeded offerings by $61,987. The checking account

balance at 8/31/18 was $172,576, not including restricted funds. Mr.

Schaper noted that the year to date figures were bothersome, express-

ing concern about the decrease in offerings for 2018 (after adjusting

for the mail snafu at the end of December 2017). He also thanked

Fredda Yurk for her recovery and restoration efforts of the financial

data after the computer in the church office went down. The Endow-

ment Committee has $699 interest available for disbursement. The

Treasurer’s report was unanimously approved as presented.

Pastoral Staff Reports:

Pastor Berggren updated Council on his activit ies over the past

month. He marked the beginning of the new school year with a letter

thanking the ELC parents for their participation and welcoming them

to Holy Cross. … /// ...

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He formalized his involvement in the ELC chapel services once a

month. He conducted funeral services for Michael Payne, Robert

Raymond Ellis and Robert Alvin Schultz. He noted his participation

in the hymn selection group, which meets regularly. He remarked

that he and Candy had a great vacation, and he expressed his grati-

tude to the congregation.

Pastor Arroyave gave a quick update on his activit ies. Sunday

School is up and running, with approximately 22 students participat-

ing. He noted that the Spanish congregation will again help with the

setup and takedown for the Rummage Sale later this month.

Deacon Davidson r epor ted on her activit ies for the month. In

addition to her usual activities, she filled in for Pastor Berggren

while he was on vacation. Adult Forum will resume the first Sunday

in October to revisit the study of W orship Matters, requested by

popular demand.

Old Business and Committee Reports:

Building and Grounds:

Mr. Schick noted the continued problems with the projectors in

the sanctuary (for the Power Point presentation). He has been in

contact with Audio Consultants, which has done previous work

for HCLC, and was advised that to replace both projectors and

update to wireless high definition technology would cost just

under $8,000. He recommended this action, as the current system

is outdated and problematic, and he noted that a member of Holy

Cross had expressed the desire to fund this project.

Mr. Schick has heard back from two companies on resurfacing

the parking lot. These estimates range from $96,000-$156,000 to

take the asphalt down to the base and start over. … /// ...

… /// … HCLC Minutes for Council Meeting — September 19, 2018

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Council discussed the importance of minimizing the disruption of

church, ELC and Pantry activities. Both companies can do this

work in stages, which would also spread out the financial burden.

He is waiting on a 3rd bid for this project, and discussion will

resume after that.

ISS submitted a bid of $385 to clean, wax and seal the brick floor

in the Youth Room. Council appr oved this pr oject .

Bettie Baring gave a quick update on WELCA activities. Work

continues on the Rummage Sale (Saturday, September 27 th, with

the Boutique also open Friday, September 26 th.) She noted that

there are 3 pianos in the FLC, one of which is not in working

condition, and wondered if any of them could be sold in the Rum-

mage Sale. The annual WELCA retreat, “Grace and Mercy” is set

for January 28, 2019. The WELCA yearbook was completed and

copies have been distributed. The Craft Show will be in April


There has been no word back from Pastor Markert or the Synod

regarding the Spanish ministry issues and resources discussed at

the August meeting.

President Schick reminded everyone to study the proposed revi-

sions to the HCLC Constitution and By-Laws, to be discussed at

the next meeting.

New Business:

Mr. Schick reported on developments in the East Spring Branch Food

Pantry expansion. Due to difficult ies in modifying the exist ing

shed to fit their needs, the Pantry would rather construct a new

outbuilding (adjacent to the existing one) better suited for their use.

He distributed a letter received from the “Up With People” group

requesting HCLC participation in providing lodging for group mem-

bers for the week they are in Houston in October. … /// ...

… /// … HCLC Minutes for Council Meeting — September 19, 2018

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Council thought this was not a good fit, as the location of HCLC is

not particularly close to Strake Jesuit High School, where they will

be performing. Also received was a letter of request for the use of

the parking lot on November 10th by an HCLC neighbor during her

wedding. This request was approved by Council.

Mr. Schaper reported on other requests for building use. He received

a request from Total Football Club to use the gym and Telge property

for a soccer camp to be held in the summer of 2019. He did not hear

back from Spring Branch Memorial Sports Association (SBMSA) on

their earlier request to hold soccer practice on the Telge property.

Mr. Schick noted that per C13.02 of the Constitution, the Nominating

Committee must have 1 Council member on it. He volunteered to be

the Council representative. (Nominating Committee: Ricky Finstad,

John Wenger, Ruby Schaper, Madeline Price, Warren Schick)

Bettye Raschke read some thoughts she had prepared on the direction

of Holy Cross. After discussion several Council members asked if

she would be willing to share them with the congregation as a whole.

Her observations will be posted on the bulletin board in the FLC

(Gym) and in the Crossties.

The next Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 17,

2018 at 2:00 p.m.

Upon motion to adjourn, the meeting was closed with the Lord’s


Respectfully submitted,

Julie Kilkenny

… /// … HCLC Minutes for Council Meeting — September 19, 2018

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1 Kings












10:11-14 [15-18]






7:9-10, 13-14









Next Council Meeting:

Wednesday, November 14, at 2:00 p.m. in the Annex.

Church Council

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Thank you to everyone who helped with the Rummage Sale this year!

It is a pleasure to work with such a wonderful group of people. I truly

enjoy this week every year! Through the efforts of everyone who donated,

sorted, and priced items, and those who helped the day of the sale.

WELCA made $6,500 to support their programs. Thank you for all of your

service. The sale would not be possible without you.

Amy Schomburg


will be meeting Saturday, November 17, for a pot luck supper. Thanks to

Stan Crick and John Wenger for volunteering to host our evening.

Please come at 3:00 p.m. so we will have time to eat and get home before

dark. Stan and John will provide dessert. Everyone else, please bring a cov-

ered dish to share. Hope to see you there.

Nancy Beamesderfer

THE FRIENDSHIP CLUB will be having a Christmas Party on December

1st, at Fratelli' s located at 1330 Wir t Road. We will be meeting at 3:00

p.m. There will be a choice of 3 or 4 entrees. The cost is $20.00 per person

and will be payable in cash only (no credit/debit cards please).

Please contact Madelyn Price (713-462-3682) to reserve your place.

Nancy Beamesderfer

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If your name is not listed or if this is incorrect information

please contact Ann Larson so that the list can be corrected.

Ann Larson (713) 957-0972 email: [email protected]

Holy Cross members celebrating birthdays this month:

02 Dolores Fojt

04 Kay Vaccaro

05 Kim Rose

07 Yvonne Mosburg

09 Lucy Candler

11 Lynn Ballard

12 Zoila Orellana

13 Antonio Rauda

Fred Gardner IV

16 Jean Seveny

17 Doris Polker

18 Alan Lambeth

21 Natalie Hansen

23 Karen Davidson

Penny Schick

Marsha Thompson

25 Libby Alexander

27 María de León

Jacob Martínez

28 Cassie Walker Case

29 John Wegner

John Stokes

30 John Lambeth

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Haiti to Houston

Life has been very different since the middle of summer when we evacuated

from Haiti to Turks and Caicos Island. I have been spending a week in vari-

ous places so that I really hardly know what day it is.

My time up in the mountains of Haiti at the former Baptist compound was

just wonderful as they have such nice facilities and everything is green and

beautiful and it has been so very nice and cool, even requiring long sleeves!

Being here has been fun.

Haiti is doing good. The people are so resilient. They have been through so

very much and still they get up and fight for a better life. The earthquake hit

upper Haiti so we sent doctors and med teams there. It is about a six hour

drive and they stayed three days working at the hospital there, offering our

support and encouragement but we found that they were quite capable of

handling the situation but did appreciate the additional help.

There will be a large number of doctors arriving this week so we will be

able to have two mobile units visiting four villages a week rather than just

two. More people treated, helped and hearing of God's love for them.

The following week I will be back at Turks and Caicos and then back to

Haiti for all of November. Maybe I can unpack my knap sack.

I thank you for following my journey and praying for the medical and mis-

sion work here in Haiti.

My love,


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The homebound, disabled,

long-term ill and

prolonged recovering.

If you are not receiving HCLC

Prayer Request emails and would

like to, please contact

Renee Allcorn:

[email protected]

or call (713) 254-8638

Note that Prayer Request emails

are sent out daily, so if you are on

the email list and did not receive

any email, please contact Renee.



8:30 am—4:30 pm


8:30 am—2:30 pm

You may sign up for

Altar Flowers

in the Narthex.

Suggested donation is $50.00

and $12.00 for a rose.

Ed Cooper

Betty Firth

Betty Morris

Doris Pannell

Elaine Snell

Rosie Stork


If you have any questions call

Wayne Schaper, Sr. at (713) 465-5206.


Receipts $ 29,916.61

Expenses 36,585.58

Balance < $ 6,668.97 >


Operational receipts

year to date received …….. $ 290,007.81

Expenditures year to date ..… 358.126.99

Balance < $ 68,119.18 >


Building Rental $ 19,610.00




Saturday: 14

Sunday: 67


Sunday: 73

Harold Braun

Ron Burns

Dolores Fojt

David Garwick

Nanette Luker

Mark Martínez

Doug Pfluger

Dorothy Preuss

Al Pivonka

Michael Vaccaro

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100 Church Office

101 Sussy Terry

103 Rev. Jim Berggren Senior Pastor

104 Rev. Jhon J. Arroyave Hispanic Pastor

105 Karen Davidson Deacon

107 Financial Office

108 Stephen Ministry Office

109 Family Life Center

111 Volunteer Office

Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Spring Branch

A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

7901 Westview Dr. Houston, Texas 77055

Tel. (713) 686-8253 Fax (713) 686-9095

E-mail: [email protected]


“Holy Cross Lutheran Church is a community of Christians

gathered by God’s grace and reaching out through God’s love.”


† Rev. Jim Berggren — Senior Pastor Email : [email protected]

† Rev. Jhon Jairo Arroyave — Hispanic Pastor Email : [email protected]

† Karen Davidson — Deacon Email : [email protected]

† Sussy Terry — Office Manager Email : [email protected]


Cathy Elijah Music Director / Organist

Jo Ann Meeker Pianist

Ann Crick Pianist


ELC (713) 461-5535


Warren Schick President

Bettye Raschke Vice-President

Julie Kilkenny Secretary

Wayne Schaper, Sr. Treasurer


6:00 p.m. — Atrium


English Service : 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School : 11:00 - 11:45 a.m.

Spanish Service: 11:00 a.m.

Estudio Bíblico y Escuela Dominical

12:00 noon

Office Manager & Events Coordinator

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