
Centre for Inner Resources

Development(A Unit of Narayanashrama Tapovanam)

Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

Centre for Inner Resources Development

(A Unit of Narayanashrama Tapovanam)

“The goal of spirituality is to make us master of the world, by making us master of our own mind and intelligence.”


Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

• Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha is a disciple of

Poojya Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha.

• He evinced a strong inclination for the spiritual

path from a very young age.

• A PhD in Physics, he was a scientist and

assistant professor in the Radar &

Communication Centre of Indian Institute of

Technology – Kharagpur.

• He is affectionately called Nutan Swamiji.

Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

• At 24, he was initiated into the

pursuit of Brahma-vidya (Self-

knowledge) by Baba

Gangadhara Paramahamsa of

Dakshinkhanda, West Bengal,


• In 1987, he renounced his professional life and dedicated himself wholesomely to spiritual pursuit & the service of Poojya Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha.

• Whether in his experiential rational approach to Vedanta or his striving for excellence in any endeavour, Nutan Swamiji’s keen insight, rare clarity, gentle humour and love are a source of inspiration and guidance for all seekers.

Poojya Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

• A Knower of the Supreme Truth, Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha has been exposing seekers to the path of Self-knowledge for over fifty years.

• His rational interpretation of Bhagavadgeeta, Upanishads, and other spiritual compositions has shown how the ancient wisdom of our land can be effectively applied in home as well as in administration.

• Founder of Narayanashrama Tapovanam, India, and the Centres for Inner Resources Development, in India, Malaysia and USA.

Swamiji with his Guru, Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha’s Gurudev

• Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha plays a crucial role in the following areas:– Growth and development of both Narayanashrama

Tapovanam and different centres (Centre for Inner Resources Development) in India, USA and Malaysia.

– Dissemination of Spiritual Knowledge & Value education – conducting lectures and classes on Upanishads & Bhagavadgeeta.

– Spiritual guidance to devotees and seekers.

– Editing of all Ashram publications including “Vicharasetu – the Path of Introspection” (the monthly Ashram journal).

– Administration and Management of the different Centres.

Mission of World Welfare

Knowledge must Transform

• Swami Nirviseshananda emphasizes that “the main aim of spiritual pursuit is to gain the right knowledge of ourselves as well as of the world so that we can live a life of joy, freedom and fulfillment. Evidently, the earlier in life we start the pursuit the better.”

• Swamiji’s brilliant exposition of the Upanishads and Bhagavadgeeta inspires the seekers to apply the universal values to their daily life and expand their mind with the spiritual magnificence of the eternal concepts.

Swamiji says…

“Shift the focus from external situations, to the mind's response to them. Do whatever leads to mind's expansion, strength and transparence.”

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“For self-improvement, always try to bring in the transformation at the causal level. Shift the focus from actions to their cause – the thoughts; from the thoughts to their cause – the mind-set (bhaava) giving rise to them. Transform the mind-set or “bhaava” by relentless contemplation on the infinitude and unaffectedness of the Soul.”

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“Progress in spiritual pursuit is measured by the growth of our unaffectedness in any world situation.”

• Narayanashrama Tapovanam emerged as an abode of learning in 1963.

• The Ashram located in Trichur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Ultimate Reality) through regular classes, discussions, publications, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual Master.

• The focus is on the study of the mind and its behavioural intricacies to make it free and fulfilled.

Narayanashrama Tapovanam

“Religion depends on the faith in some concept of God or the Creator of the Universe. Spirituality begins when we start questioning our faith, our concept of God.”


Centre for Inner Resources Development (CIRD)

Near Delhi



CIRD was conceived of as a unique knowledge institution that will help individuals discover and harness their Inner Resources through a deeper understanding of the human mind and develop a poised all-embracing personality.


• For – Articles by Swamiji – Recording of Swamiji’s discourses– Chanting of shlokas– the Monthly journal Vicharasetu

“Most people think of spirituality as rejection of the world. In truth, spirituality means accepting the world wholesomely without getting subdued or weakened by any situation.”



For further information, contact

Narayanashrama TapovanamVenginissery, PO Paralam,

Trichur Dt., 680575, Kerala, IndiaPhone: 0487-2278363, 2278302

Email: [email protected] Website:

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