Page 1: Cell  Organelle Cloze Notes

Common Cell Traits1. Cells come in different ______________________and__________________.2. All cells have a ___________________________ which is an outer covering that controls what comes

into and out of a cell.3. All cells have _____________________ which is a _____________________material.4. Only________________, __________________, _____________________, and _______________

have cell walls.5. Cell walls are tough, rigid outer coverings that protect the cell and give it shape

Nucleus of a Cell6. The ___________________ is the control center of the cell because it holds all the

_____________________material which tells the cell what to do.7. It is protected by a membrane called the ________________________________________.8. The ________________________is inside the nucleus and this is where ___________________are


Organelles in the Cytoplasm9. _______________________are tiny cell structures which carry out specific functions within the cell.10. Examples include the ______________________,

_______________________,________________________,____________________________, ______________________,________________________, and _____________________.

Mitochondria 11. ____________________________are rod-shaped organelles known as the “powerhouses” of the cell.

They convert energy in food molecules to energy the cell can use to carry out its functions.

Ribosomes12. ______________________are very small grainlike structures that function as factories to produce

proteins.13. They may be attached to the ______________________ ___________________ or they may

__________ in the cytoplasm.

Endoplasmic Reticulum(ER)14. The ________________________ _________________________is a series of folded membranes or

passageways that carry ______________________ and other _________________ from one part of the cell to another.

15. It may be rough or smooth. The ______________________ has no attached _____________________. The rough ER has attached ribosomes

Golgi Bodies16. The ____________________________ are stacked, flattened membranes which receive

___________________ and other newly formed materials from the ER, __________________ them, and _______________________ them to other parts of the cell.

17. Golgi bodies are like the _______________.

Chloroplasts18. __________________ cells have ____________________________ which are green organelles that

capture the energy from sunlight and use it to make _________________. 19. _____________________ make leaves ______________________.

Page 2: Cell  Organelle Cloze Notes

Vacuoles 20. __________________________ are the _____________________ areas of cells. 21. Most ___________________ have _________________ _________________vacuole while animal cells may have one, more than one, or no vacuoles.

22. ___________________store food and other materials needed by the cell.23. They also store ___________________.

Lysosomes24. ________________________ are small, _________________ structures containing chemicals that

________________ down certain materials in the cell. 25. Lysosomes are the cell’s ___________________ __________________.

Cytoskeleton26. _______________________________ and __________________________ both make up the

Cytoskeleton framework. They both support the cell.

Levels of Organization Cells Tissues Organs Systems Organism

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