Page 1: Celador Powerpoint - Zachary buchanan


By Zachary Buchanan

Page 2: Celador Powerpoint - Zachary buchanan

Celador Introduction/Ownership Celador entertainment is a independent production company which was

originally formed in 1983, and has produced a great amount of “light entertainment” based shows such as Who wants to be a millionaire.

Ownership Down the line of their early success the company was brought out by

“Complete Communication” and shareholders Paul Smith and Jasper Carrott. But after gaining fame and getting more popular and finally gathering enough money Celador finally departed from Complete and brought back their company before Complete had the chance to sell it to 2waytraffic whom they would later do business with. an thus became a independent company again.

Another Problem accrued in 2004 where Celador sued against Disney claimed were unpaid profits from Disney screening of the programmed in the US. Celador was awarded £177m

It was also in business with 2waytraffic (A Dutch group) and sold Who wants to be a Millionaire.

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Since Celador is a small company it may have various problems when coming to

creating projects since it hasn’t got house production but they actually have production crews on a project to project basic. By passing along projects to an company called Northman which actually made the film and the crew would have been free lancers.

During making a project companies will worry about various problems such as Licensing where small companies will do great deals with a big production company. In return the small (independent) companies will give the big company first refusal to distribute projects and the fee could be enough to cover the small companies administrate costs.

Companies will do deals with other similar companies tons of Independent UK films like Dirty Pretty Things are Co- Production will small companies from other European companies.

When making the Descent, Celador actually had to have help from Pathe and actually co-funded the movie with them by Celador actually selling distribution of the Descent to them.

They also acquire money to produce films from bank loans, private investment and film funding bodies.

Operating Model

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Product Distribution Fees will be sold to other companies to help the original company’s fund before it’s

been made. The distributor is guaranteed a final product and the producer gets the budget up front.

Celador has tons of different products such as Radio, TV, Theater, Films where they have co production with various other American ands English based where they made famous hits like Slumdog Millionaire and The Descent.

The most known projects that they have made are: Many Jasper Carrott It's Been a Bad Week The Hypnotic World of Paul McKenna Winning Lines Deal DMC.TV Talking Telephone Number National Lottery Winning lines Commercial Break down You are what you eat All About Me BBC The Detectives Richard Disgraces Greatest Bits

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Market Position and Competition Celador Films started off as an small independent business where they started of great but

having being bought out and then buying back there own company back after hard work and creating There own Radio shows, Music, TV and Films.

There are Three main Companies that rivals with Celador such as Sony, DNA and Film Four. By comparing the biggest movies in their work to Celador with:

 The Descent having £3.5 million as budget and made over $57,051,054  Sony having "The Amazing Spider" $230 million budget and making over $757,930,663  DNA making "28 Days Later"  and having a budget of £15 million and making over

$64,238,440 And Film 4 making Shaun of the Dead having a budget of £6 million and making over

$30,039,392 When comparing all of the company's and seeing who made the most out the company's

when considering how they spent compared to the actual marketing results. In comparison from budget to marketing The Descent actual did the best having nearly 16 times more and beating both Film 4 and when mentions budget/ box office they also beat DNA.

however when we talk who made the most it was the Amazing Spider however only having 3 times, so when talking about completion Celador can stick it too the big company's in certain times  although in marketing they might not be the strongest.

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