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Beneath the messy agri-scapes: spaces

in between

Angela Castles Institute of Regional Development University of Tasmania [email protected]

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Complex messy landscapes

• planning has a very narrow interpretation of the peri-urban’s use

• prevailing view: a space with no firm identity and an inevitable transition to residential land use

• planning is allowing these spaces to be lost, and this seemed to be at odds with what can be seen

• an identity crisis taking place – messy and confused spaces

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Research imperatives

• does the peri-urban have an identity, and if so, what does it look like?

• if it does, then how can it subsequently be expressed in planning terms?

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Making sense of messiness • contextual forces: population

growth, agriculture and food security and sustainable landscapes (amenity, ecosystem services and open space)

• the multidisciplinary nature of the challenges - different types of knowledge required to respond to the research questions

• led to a view of the peri-urban as wicked and much of its wickedness lies in its complexity

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Unpacking complexity using landscape

• ten versions of the same scene (Meinig 1979)

• planners view the landscape too superficially (Armstrong 2006)

• rural landscapes are complex and we must accept this complexity rather than seeking to cure it – place it in its context and find an accommodation of the forces at play (Barr 2003)

• the peri-urban landscape as a distinct landscape

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Unpacking complexity using voice

• voice as a tool to unpack the complexity, to tear apart the peri-urban and find new accommodations

• allows us to capture meaning and values

• creates a space for people to talk about the landscape and the place and their relationship to it

• allowed a search for deeper meaning underneath the messiness to understand what causes and creates it

• a cacophony of voices emerged

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Voices in the peri-urban

• four main voices • the developer (loud) • the dense voice (loud when

challenged) • the media voice (persistent

background) • the producer voice (quieter

than expected) • different voices of different

strengths • expected dominant productive

voice was not as evident

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Voice highlighted...

• the failings of policy makers

• the state of life on the fringe is not as some would have us believe

• many people do not feel they get what they pay for when they relocate

• the very thing that attract people into the space is often temporary

• the same voice that seeks to escape the suburbs often seeks to recreate it

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Hints of emergent positivity

• a drive for change and disconnection from status quo

• some pursuing an alternate identity for the space

• a challenge to the relevance of the urban rural dichotomy

• hints of identity – a third space where producer voice reinvigorated

Reconfiguring assets and resources

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• its usefulness has been badly misinterpreted

• it is a useful space, especially when contextualised with challenges of food security, sustainability and growth

• multiple expressions of value and an ongoing challenge to value its inherent assets

An alternate identity: the peri-urban as

the new useful

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The new useful • a novel value chain

• an opportunity space to reconfigure resources into new enterprises

• a site of emerging collaboration

• a place where relationships are critical

• old has conflated with new to create an alternate identity – a new market

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• the peri-urban does have an identity • it can hold competing realities steady, in a way

that other pieces of land have not been able to do • the emerging peri-urban activity brings its assets

together to create new value and use • captured in the idea of a new market space where

individuals entwine its multifunctional assets together into a new business model

• this land can contain and hold what looks like a messy agriscape, but when centred around usefulness is much more

• quite possible that over time other platforms will also emerge


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Bibliography Armstrong, H. (2006), “Post-Urban/Suburban Landscapes: Design and Planning the Centre, Edge and In-Between”, in Anderson, K., Dobson, R., Allon, F. & Neilson, B. (2006), After Sprawl: Post-Suburban Sydney, e-proceedings of the ‘Post-Suburban Sydney: the City in Transformation’ conference, Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney, NSW. Barr, N. (2003), "Future agricultural landscapes", Australian Planner 40(2): 5. Brett, J. (2011), "Fair share. Country and city in Australia", Quarterly Essay 42: 1-67. Buxton, M., Tieman, G., Bekessy, S., Budge, T., Butt, A., Coote, M., Lechner, A., Mercer, D., O’Neill, D. & Riddington, C. (2007), Change and continuity in peri-urban Australia: peri-urban case study: Bendigo corridor, RMIT, Melbourne. Corner, J. (1999), ‘Recovering landscape as a critical cultural practice’, in Corner, J. (ed.) Recovering Landscape: essays in contemporary landscape architecture, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, pp.1-26. Franklin, M. (2010), ‘Julia Gillard urges states to plan for quality of life’, The Australian, 9 July, (accessed 29 August 2011). Hale, C. (2011), ‘Urban sprawl a subject of mixed messages’, The Courier-Mail, 19 July, (accessed 29/8/11). Law, J. (2004), After method: mess in social science research, Routledge, Oxon, UK. Low Choy, D. (2008). 'The SEQ Regional Landscape Framework: is practice ahead of theory?', Urban Policy and Research 26(1): 111-124. McConville, C. (1991), Reading a landscape. A heritage handbook, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW. Meinig, D. (1979), ‘The beholding eye: ten versions of the same scene’, in Meinig, D. (ed.) (1979), The interpretation of ordinary landscapes: geographical essays, Oxford University Press, New York, pp.33-50. Outer Suburban/Interface Services and Development Committee, Parliament of Victoria (2010), Inquiry into the Sustainable Development of Agribusiness in Outer Suburban Melbourne, Parliament of Victoria, Melbourne.

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