Page 1: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300

Technkd DataCkamac*erk?iqk9esGedmiques

‘ LTM1300Mobile CraneGrue autonnotrice


Page 2: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300

EE!!iJ51ft-197ftE!5ilm.... GiL80001bsE!!

I 51 ft 69 ft 85 ft 103 ft l19ft 138ft

\ II I

154 ft 172ft !188ft 197ft


10 i 719 66111 I 665 ~ ~~~ ! ! 1’12

1l_; 619 , 485 I

13 1 580 547 !’12

48514 545

la509 464 391 156 I

15 ! 510 476 38014

441 154 301 1

16 ; 474 457 I 417 36915

148 29417 ! 450 ! 440 I ii 16

402 358 143 287 22418


lj~~j~i~~~347 138 280 219

20 327 128 ‘267 207 224 I18

130 I

z l&is%~s~~ z~y i% %: ,;RJ M ;%~176’/l’ ;:


26 i 326 i 321 i 314 276. 106 ~232 I~ 3CU6

19828 302 295 262 101 :221 171 189

~~~ \+x 26139__ 95.5 ‘


; 287 , 284 278 249 95.5 ;211 163 180 102 ,159i 2.70

135 94269 1 262 238 90.5 202 156 173 98

I 30”

z.- — ~153 130

254 i 253 ~ 248 227 86.5 194a w ~5i;~ ;% 88.5 ;% i I

—-%— “%36 I 239~3S ‘ 233 ;;; 82.5 ~18638 \ 223 I 223 219 79 178 137 154 86:5 I137—”—40

119I 206

86.5-2 i ;196 75.5 i170 132 149

%–-83.5 I132 115 84 100 ! 84.5 I 79.5

45 I 179 17640

68.5 )153 121 136 76 ~122 107 77.5157

93.5 79.5 76156 62.5 138 111

45124 70 !113 995 73

R I 140 13887.5 I 76 I 72 Go_=

57.3 I126 103 114 64.5 ~104 ‘——92.5 68.5 8260 123

I 68 5552.9 I116 96 104 60

6576.5 i ~~.5 64

I 1;; ‘ ;:- ;1::.5 ‘g:; :;-5 ~;.: ~ :“: ;.; ‘ i:; g

69==—-L.—— ..___~ ~ ~;.5 65

7075 ~


78.5 83 49:3 I 78.80

70.5 ~ 53X 64 I 58.6 53.9 7583.5 74 77.5 46.5 I 73 67


I 7660.5 ! 55.5 51—— A..—. —

70.5 72 63.5 I 47.7 x‘ 90 70 67 68 5.8 I L8 596 I 45.1 Z.; I %6 i %:2 So_

95I I

64 39.6 I 60.5 56~8Q—–100

51.7 I 47.5 4460

9537.4 I 56.7 53.3 I 40.6

105._ 49.~ i 45.1 41.9 100

i!l 53.6 50.2 38.6 46.6 I 42.9 40110


●47.4 1 36.7 445 I 41.1 ~ 38.4 11.0.

115 II ~::.7 .4:-9~ 3GT-L- 42.6 ‘ 39.4 36.7120

115I 46.1

12540.8 I 377 35.1 120.——... — ——L —z .

40.9 i 32.2130

38.9 I 36 125

13539.2 ‘ 309 37.3 I 34.6 ! %:.- —— 130_

, 37.8 I 29.7 35.8 I 33.2 30.7140

13535.61 28.6

14534.2 ! 31.9 29.2 140

160 I II ~ 27.8 145

15531.5 ~ 29.6 26.6 150

160 Ill I I30.4 / ~:~ , &~ 155


170 Ill Ill175180 Ill

I%: ~a: :%I i! ]=:8 .21:3 ———175

f 20.3 180II o 50<%’0 94 0 94 0 94 94’0 84 94 ; 100 I

o 0 0! 0! 5094 94 94 94 ‘946 .:941 OOII

‘;’ ; : .,0 :9:;: 5: : { 5: ‘;’: ~1~0:0:

% ml

*)overrear Ien arricre TAB 80255 / W=.:

Remarks referring to loadcharts.

1. The tabulated lifting capacities do not exceed85 % of the tipping load.

2. The cranes structural steelwork is in accor-dance with DIN 1S018, part 3. Design and con-struction of the crane comply with DIN 15018,part 2, and with F. E. M. regulations.

3. The 6S % overturning limit vafues take intoaccount wind force 5 - wind speed 20 mph.

4. Lifting capacities are given in kips.5. The weight of the hook blocks and hooks mus t

be deducted from the lifting capacities.6. Working radii are measured from the slewing

centreline.7. Ths Ufting capacities given for the telescopic

boom only apply if the folding jib is taken off.

8. Lifting capacities are subject ta modifica-tions.

9. Llftlng capacities above 485 kips only withspecial equipment.

Remarques relatives aux tableauxdes charges.

1. Les forces de levage indlqui!es ne d.Spassentpas 8S % de la charge de basmdement.

2. b norme DIN 15018, 3&me partie est appli.qu& pour les charpentm. La construction de lag-rue est r&lisee c0nf0rm6ment Ala normeDIN 1S018. 2&me partie, et aux rbgles de laF. E. M.

3. A 85 % de la charge de basculement. ils etitenucompte dhm vent de force 5 = vitesse devent 20 mph.

4. Les forces de levagt? eont donn~es en k.ips.6. Le poids des moufleset crochets doit Mra SOUS.

trait des charges indiqubea.6. Les porties sent cnicukiea Apartir de lkxe de

rotntion.7. Lee forces indlquees pour la fldche ttileacopi.

que s’entendent fl&hette d~pliable dbposee,8. Les forces de levage sent modifiable Bans

pl-.%avis.9. Forces de levage plus de 485 klps seulement

avec bquipement suppl&mentaire.

Page 3: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300

, — –—..

E!i!!iL-ftE!Il m... m.....,.=I

I 1“ 10



522 i 50113


16 453 ~ 443 I 41715

’369 1148 294 ,17 435 I 426 .,401 358

16;143 287 ,224

18$$ ‘%mw.% 1% % ;;; 224 ,30 :


E 351x)

344 I308 120 256 197 215 12324 330 328

22320 !291 113 244 187 206 117 176

307 30624

299 276 232 178 198 112E 285 285

168 ;279 262 t%


30c221 171 189 107 163



32 244 244 z l%: E; % x% % 1% R ‘:% EE

34 228 228 225 i224 86.5 194 149 166 94 14736

126 91214 214

108 u211 ,209 82.5 186 143 160 90.6 142 123

38 200 20088.5 105 36

197 ‘195 79 15440

86.5 137184 I182 75.5’ % iW ,119 86.5 102 38

149 83.5 132 115 100 I 84.545

79.5 40158 /156

50:135 i 68.5 153 136 76 122 %.5

62.5 135 [;!;,107

138 124 70 113 99.5 73 :::; %“5 I ;: ::121

%64.5 104 ; 92.5 68.5

%J I g:: %: I% ;~ ~ %9 :: ~ : :3.; 6’J.: :.5 :;.5 ! E ~:6570

92.5 I 89.546:2


60.583.5 [ 83.5 82:5 52:4 82’ 75” 56:8 68 62

7567 70

80 ; ~: ;:::/ ;;:: :::: :: :;5 :::; g. g::; ::9 ::


66.5 I 61.5 44 6254” 60.6 I 55.5 41.8 57 f %:: 2::

57:% I ~56 1 -44:;2

50.1 39.6 52.4 t 52.9 42.8 51.7 47.51% 45.3 37.4 48.1 48.8 40.6 49.1 45.1 I %9 95105


11043.7 46.1 38.6

::”: I ::”: ~ ::4105

11539.9 I 41.6 36.7 110

, 36.5 i 38.3 35120

40:5 39:4 36:733.4 I 35.1 33.5 37.7 37.7 I 35.1

125I , 32.2 32.2 34.9 36


! 29.7 30.9 32.3 34135 I / 27.3 29.7140

29.9 31.8 I 30.7 135~ 25.2 28.6 27.7 29.5

14529.1 140

1’I 25.6 27.4

15027.5 145

23.7 25.6156

25.6 150_I

16022 23.8 23.8 165

16522.1 22.2



17020.6 20.6 165

17519.2 19.2 170

I180 Illi I 17.9 ;::; 175

I o180

50 !94’0 9410 I 94 0 94 94 0 84 I 94 100 I

OiOr O 60 I 64!94 o 94 94 94 94 \ 94 100 II0!0!0 o I 50 0 94 60 94 94 64!94o~ 0/94 o 0 I o 94 o 0 94 60 ~ 94

11over rear I en arri&m3 TAB 802S7 /802-!X3

-- .. . . . ..— —..-— . ..— —— ..— —-—

Les forces de Ievage saat chances41!EAM4L&meI!??lnnnh mwa

Page 4: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300




Lifting heights.Haurteums de Ievage.












\ \




\ \\















00 17 33 50 65 82 99 115 132 148 164 180 197 ft.

. .

a .. -..———.———.. ..- —..

Page 5: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300

Lifting capacities at guyed telescopic boom. Ei@ClForces de 9evage a la fleche telescopique haubanee.

@!!i185ft.197ftml ELoo E!, .......85 ft 103 ft l19ft 138 ft >’1s4 ft 172 ft 188 ft 197 ft


14 400 137 ( !15 397 136 272 \

14f (

16 384 135 272 \ 19415

17 372 133 27116 ;

362 132 270 ; 194H 343 130 218

II 89.5 !;~

22 328 12824 315 126

x ~ :::266 194

;:: / ~.:

26 303 12428 289 122 ~ ~:~ ;:; [ S& :: ,32 ~ g~

,30 274 121 244 194 21032

89:5258 120 234 194 203 89.5 ]~~ I ~~ i ~~

34 244 119 225 I 190::: ! :::: 1 ::: ::: 1 ::

82.5:: ;

36 231 118 216 I 18234

38 218 117 20782.5 ,


;: I :::: ::: ‘ H: i :: 82.540 205 115 199 168


45 ‘ 177 106 179 I 15482.5 64 58.2 40 ‘

155 96 158 142 148 I z:; 133 I :282.5 64 58.2 ; 45


:: 136 8783.6 82.5 64 58.2

140 I 13150

I60 121 79.5 $ 124 122 ::! 1 g:: M ;!: ~ I :: 82.5 58.2 ; 55

65 107 73.5 11199 ~ / p: 10982.5 , z 58.2 60 I

70 96 6982.5 64

102 72:5 102 S1- i g; 80 6458.2 ~ 657

75 89:5 96.5:: I X:; E ;;.5 I 63.5 ;:”5 g.


80 81 888590

73.5 80 78.567 73.5 Zii5 i %2 72

62 I 2:”: ! ii i

: ~ ;;;; ~;58:2 ; 85=

9s 6359.2 I 56.2

I 65.690



57.7 I 53.2 62.5 52.1I 95


60;S 54.7 j 51.6S6.8 57.7 , 49.7


11057.4 52.4 48.4 105 ~

51.5 63.4115

47.7 56 50.3 47.4 : no_

12047.6 49.5 46.8 52 48.3 45.6 115 ,

1254S.8 44 48.7 46.3 43.942.5


13042.3 45.4

1353!3.5 i 40.8 42.3


x:: ! ::.: ;::36.7 , 39.5 39.5 41.133.6



14536.8 38.8 I 37.9 1 140

15034.4 36.3 36.4 145—

15532.1 34 34.1 ‘ 160


:;: 1 :: I :::q

165 I 28:1 1667170

28.126.3 26.4


18024.7 24.7 175


23.2019410,94! o 94

18094!0 64 94 1

III O 0100 I

5o194~94[o 94 94 I 94 94 64 100 IIIIII O 0 0 I 50 0194 50 84 94 94

%~lo 9494 100

010 I 0!94 o 0 I 94 50 64 100 IvTA2 80302

Page 6: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300

e @E!iJ8.-?7ftEil EL. @!433001bsI

I 85 ft 103 ft l19ft 138 ft 154 Pt : 172ft 188 ft


, 400 13715 ! 397 ~ 136 ; 272 , I R16 / 384 I ;:: i 27217 1 372 271 194 I :;I 362 ; 132& I 343 ! 130 !%: 1;: 218 89.5

Ii M

22 328 128 ! 267 ,! 266

21824 ; 312

89.5t 126 194 218 89.5 162 I I I H

26 ~ 295I :% % I %

218 89.5 I28 277

162 ~215 89.5

30162 ! 132 x

I 258 j ~~~ 244 194 210 89.5! 240

162 132234 194 203 89.5 162 I 132

z ~ 225I ;:: i ~:

190 196210 182 189

g~~gjwg, ‘~:%; ‘:1%

:: : 195 I 11740 182 I 115 ~ :: I % :;: 64 58.2 ! 4046 I 155 1 106 I 154 154 89.5 143 I 86 I 82.5 64 58.2 4550 ] 134 ! 96 / 137 141 135 89.5 130 ~ 116 83.5 82.5 64 ‘ 58.2 ~ 50

% i M ! $:.5I M I :% 118 , 87.5 1 117j :::

81 64I %: (3.&

58.2 ; 55104 82.5 104

% I % ! 80” 64

58.2 60

~ [ ~“5 1 ~~”s I %5 ‘ l~& %.577.5 I 92.5 82572.5 , 83.5

58.2 I 6558.2 I 70

75 180 ~

:; ~ ;;5 g’ ::.: ;;5 , Z:%5 I %-5 %5 ::”: ! %

85 ,I :::: \ :$:

60.5 61% 62 1 .3;:: 60:5 ; 84 62’90 I

58:2 I 8554.7 58.4 56.6 57.4 : 59.1

95 i59.2 56.2

49.1 55.6 51.8 52.6100 I 44.1 53.2 47.3105 I

48.3 I %; ~ g“; %“: ;;”9;:

10042.9 44.4 49.7 46:4 47:6 47.3

110 ‘ 47.7 I 43105

38.9 41 44.3 44115 \

11035.3 37.5 44.9 , 39.9 4~.~

12040.9 115

I125 ~

32 I 34.2 41.7 i 37 38.4 38.1 120

II38.6 1 34.2

130 I i PM I 35.935.8 35.5 125

13531.5 33.4 33.2 130

140 I iI %7 %-3 I :.: ;:.7 :!.;



150 !26.6

I 22:5 24.6 24:8 { ;% ~155

II1 20.7 22.7 22.9

160 I155

165 i21 21.2 160

1’ I10.4

170 j 17.8 ;:”5 I %175 I180 ! 1! 16.5 16.6 I 175


I:94i O!94i015.3 180

940 94 9410i94 94 100 I I010!50 I 94 94 94 I 94 94 ! 94 94 100 II

L&:!9:\:~5: :::: 5: \ ‘: :~zz!;g ;;


-... .

Page 7: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300

Lifting heights.Hauteurs de Ievcage.


9Guyed telescopic boom.Fl~che telescopique haubanee.

213 !1






115 e







00 17 33 50 65 82 99 115 132 148 164 180 197 ft.


Page 8: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300

Lifting capacities at the IaWiceForces de Ievage & la fleche~te

fly iib.treiRk fixe.

I LTM1300

m... (2ELoo,bE


-. .-— -. .-— ..- .-

Page 9: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300





lifting heights. E@EHauteurs de Ievage.

Latticeflyjib.Flechettetreillisfixe. *
























Page 10: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300

Liftimg capacities cat We hsffing lattice iib. EiEElForces de Ievcqe a la fleche~te treih releva?de.

* Fik’ft.ll,ftLz!!!il.9ft-230ftm El..ooml.......@I

r’85ft + 10ft* l19ft + loft* I 1

-~~t \69ft 92 ft 115 ft!138 ft,161 ft 184 ft 207ft 230ft 69ft 92ft il15ft 138ft 161 ft 184 ft;207 ft\230 ftI

34 I105 I I

36 !104 I !1 !%j38 104

IG8 \38

40 103 83.5 4045 103 83 ! 67 45 ‘50 102 82.5 62.5 I 66.5 ; 54.1 5065 101 82 62 65.6 { 53.7

~ 81.5 61.5 ! 49.9 I 53.3 [ 41.255

60 101/ = i 52.7

6066 100 81

::”5 / %: I 37.440.8 65

70 97.5 80.5 ! 63.5 ! 52.3 40.4 33.1 70

E 1 i%.5 %i~;l% =.851.8 40.1 32.8 25.4 7561.3 39.7 32.4 25.1 i 19.8 I 80

85 I 79 6060 i z:; % ;:; 23.3

51 39.3 32 24.8 i 19.7 i90 ! 74 50.6 38.9 31.8 24.6 i 19.595 i %::~E.7 I % %: %2, M i I 38.7 31.7

100 38.4 31.4105


2; 1 ;::: I :::; ~~.3 8

59.2 47.5 35.9 27.9 22.8 17.2 ; 38.1 31110 58.8 ; 47.4

.24 I 19.2 I 1535.7 27.7 22.8 17 37.9 30.0 23.8 i 19 I 14.9 % 1 %

115 47 35.5 27.5 22.7 17 I 37.7 30.5 23.6 ; 18.9 I 14.8 11 [ 11s120 I 46.7 35.3 27.3 22.5 16.9 I 30.2 23.5 i 18.9 i 14.7 10.8 I 120125 I 46.6 35.2 27.2 22.3 16.7 I

29:7 % I ::; I 2“: ;:.; ~ ;:301130 46.4 35 27 22.1 16.5 ! ,.135 I 34.8 26.9 22.1 16.5 / ‘ 22.9 I18.3 14.3 10.7 ~ 135140 34.6 26.8 22 f 16.4 ! 22.6 i 18.1 14.2 10.6 14014s 1 34.4 26.7 21.8150

16.3 !34.2 26.7 21.8 16.3 i R I H , :;.9 M I :;:

1s5 I 34 26.5 21.7 16.1 ;I II

21.9 I 17.8 I 13.7 10 155160 26.4 21.6 16 17.7 I 13.6 9.9


160165 26.4 21.6 16

1117.7 1 13.5 9.9 165

170 26.2 21.4 15.8 ~ 17.5 I 13.4 9.7 170175 21.3 15.8 ;180 / 21.2 15.7 I185 I 21.1 15.5 I

y-: ,::.2 :J ;;:

12.9 9.5 , 185190 21.1 15.3 I 12.9 9.5 I 190195 I I 20.9 1s.1

I12.7 9.3 I 195

200 : 15

Iii9.1 ! 200

210 : 14.8 I 8.7 ! 210220 ~ 14.6 \ 8.5 ] 220 ,

1adapter/ pike d’adaptatam TA8 80023. 1/2


9...—-——. .-. _ _—--— .-—.—.

Page 11: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300

IiiiEil::ft.l?.ftEE!5Lft.230ftEl m... m430.0,bs E5b154 ft + loft*

1172ft + loft* I


69 ft 92 ft 115 ft 138 ft 161 ft 184ft 207 ft ;230 Pt!I

69 ft ~ 92 ft l15Pt 138 ft 161 ft.!184 ft

50 42.1 ~ 30.2 ~55 41.8 \ 33.8 30 23.460 41.4 I 33.4 , 29.8 23.365 41 33.3

6029.6 23.3 I


40.7 I 32.9 25.3 29.4 23.1 16.s75 40.3 ! 32.6

7025.& 20.5 29.2 22.9 16.7

80 32.4 24.%12.5

i 20.3 15.785 32 / 24.8 I 20.1 15.5

22.8 16.7 12.4 8.5 ;22.8 16.6 12.4 8.5 1:’

90 31.831.7 % I %3 2?2 H 8.5! 22.6 16.6

9512.1 8.3 I 60

22.4 16.4 12.1 8.3100

5.6 95

I %; ;:: t~.8 ::: ;: ! 5.816.3 11.9 8.2 ;

1055.5 i 100


I ::”: :;.2 14.6 ~~11.9 8 5.3 I 105 ~

8.3 , 5.8 16.1 11.8 8115

! 5.3 \ 11014.4 10.9 I 8.3 ( 5.7 15.9 11.6 7.9

120 i 23:26.3 115

18.9 14.2 10.8 8.2 5.6I 5.6 ~

15.8 11.6125

7.8 , 5.3 12018.7 14.1 10.7 8 11.4 7.8 I 5.I I


18.5 13.9 10.5 8 5.4135

11.4 7618.4 13.8 10.4 8 5.3 7“5 I ::: ! %11.4 .

140 18.4 13.7 10.4 7.9 5.3145

7.5 ! 5.113.6 10.2 7.8 6.1 \ 7.6 I 5.1 I ;:: ;

150 13.6 10.2 7.8 ~ 6.1155

7.313.4 10 7.6 i 4.9 7.3 i::l:::l

160 9.9 7.5 : 4.9 ‘165 9.9 7.5 I 4.8 l:.:~;g:

170 9.7 7.3 4.6.

1754.9 170

9.7 7.3 1 4.6 4.9 \180


I9.6 7.3 , 4.5

1854.9 180

7.2 : 4.4190 w’

185 i




210 I7 , :.; 200

220210 ~

I 4:11 220 ~● adapter/ pkice d’adaptataur TAB 80023.2

. .

Page 12: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300


kifkimgheighfs.Huuteuws de levage.


Luffing lattice jib.F16chette treillis relevable.


396 It.









-0---1 ?----33 50 65 -82- W ’115 ‘132” 148 164 ‘“ “180--197 213 230 ft.

e; Telescopic boom I Fleche telescopique: 83°

Page 13: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300

Lifting capacities at the Juffing lattice iibwi~h guyed telescopic boom.Forces de ievage u la flechette treilk relevableavec ffleche telescopique haulxmee.

Ei5J:ft.ll,ftuz1169ft_230ft[.1[=13.00(2ELooo@85ft + loft* I l19ft + loft*

69 ft 1/’92 ft l15ft I 138ft 161ft ~lS4ft 207ft 230ft 69ft 1’92ft 115ft~ 138ft 161ft 184ft 207ft ~230ft

80 94.5I

85 90 I ! I l“%90 85

I* I ~ /!95 80 76.5 f

~ ::I 59.8 )

!100 74 \ 58.6105 69.5 %3 I 57.5 49.5 ijt;:g110 66 62.5 ,56.2 : ~48.7116 63 61 I 48 i i!M120 58.4 49.3 i I 47.3 41.1 !


55.5 49 I 46.5130

40.7 !53 48.8 I

Iii45.8 40.4 !

135 50.7 48.5 ! 36.3 i 40.1 i 32.7140 48.5 47.4 I 36.1



145 45.4 / 35.8 28.1 I i: I R 1 %2 25.4 ! I ! ;;!150 43.5 35.5 27.9 I155 41.8 35.3 / 27.6 I % i al % I I I R160165

40-l~fi:~l~~jj~ ~ ~ 1I 24.’7 ~ R:: : ~ ‘ ;:;

31.7 24.931.5

170 34.5 I 26.9 21:41!

31.3 24.5 [ 18.4 I / I175

17034.3 I 26.8 21.2 16.1 I 31.1 24.3 ! 18.3 ! 14.4 1


33.5 26.5 ; 21 ~ 15.9 I 24.3 18.2 : 14.3185

18032.4 26.1 20.8 15.7 I (

190 31.2 26 ~ 20.6 15.5195 25.8 ; 20.4 15.4 : ;/i :: i :!1 i ;:;: ‘ ,03 y

200 25.6 20.3210

15.2 :II

17.9 14 , 10.1 ; 21 20.1 15 i ~ ] 17.7 I 13.8 9.9


230 1::: % ~ I I17.5 ~ 13.6 9.9 220

2’4013.6 9.8 230

14.2 ; , \ ] 13.5 9.7250 I 1;


260~ 9.7 250

I I I I 9.5 260● adaptar I pi~ce d’adaptateur TAB801O9,1

. .. -- .

Page 14: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300


iiislRLt.172ftm.9ft.230pt@Il m3600m.oo.lbt!E


I\ 154ft + loft” 172ft + loft*


! \ 69 ft 92ft ~ l15ft 138ft ! 161ft ~ 184ft /207ft 230 ft 69ft ; 92ft l15ft 138ft I 161ft

105 32.5 (

110 1 31.81’ /i

1 I ‘in””I:;: I %: 27.4,

123/ II 22.7 I I I ;;:


26.9 j 18.4


130 26.3 ; I 21.9 ‘ 18 i 1 130135 ( 25.9 23.1 ! 1 ‘ 17.7 I

I 140 25.5 ~ 22.6 17.3 ! 13.9I Ill:%1 145I I z:: :;:: ! I

~ ;;.; 13.6150 111%155 ‘ 21.5 17.2 I

160 21.2 16.8 I 13 II I “’;:: I i %“113 IRII

165 20.8 16.5 12.8 12.8 9.9 7.2170

16520.4 ; 16.3 12.6 ! I1 12.6 9.7 I 7.1 I 170

175 ~ 16.1~:1:11

12.5 I 175180 I 15.8 . l::i Y7\4!I 180185 i i W i;; ! R i H I ~ iq::~fl 185190 I 19019.5

::;\fi[y 34 I8.8 6.3 3.9


210 I 8.5 i 5.8 3.4 ,220 8.3 I 5.8 3.2 i z l:’:!230 I 8.3 , ::: ;:: , I 3.4 230240 , 240250 5.3 3.1 ;260


5.3 3! 260270 ; I 2.9 I 270

● adapter / piha d’adaptateur TAB 80109.2

..——- . ..—--- . -------- —— --—— —— .... . ..

Page 15: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300


L;ftingheightsat the [Wing Iattice @ EEiiCwith guyed telescopic boom.Hauteurs de levage a la fieche~te treiIIis relevabieavec fleche te{escomique haubanee.

is -363























17 33 50 65 82 99 115 132 148 164 180 197 213 230 246 262 279 295 ft..-


i Telescopic boom/ Y?leche telescopique: 68°

Page 16: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300

:—20,31 /2,,

:—1 3,7”/2$,

-! H7

~7’2i/z c’+ 41 “





c) Dimensions I Encombroment mm



A D- E6“’* IF a B

~ “14.00 R 25 13’3/4” 12,63,,4,,

13’11/2” ~13y4- Id ,;2 . .

* lowered /abaiss617” 16.5° I 9“

Page 17: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300


Poids.I LTM1300



I I1 I 2 ! 3 ~4’5


Total weightPoids total

I 1

lbs 26400 26400 26400 26400 26400 26400 26400 184800

mI Load (kips)”

bNo. of sheavea


No. of lines I Weight lbs

Forces delevage(kips) Poulies Brins Poids lbs,

440 12 24 I 5940370 9 19 I 5280300 7 15 ~ 5390226 ! 5 11 I 4290150 3 1 7 3190

66 1 1 3 167022 I 1 I 860

IIThe s~etY re@ations of the respective country shall be applicable.Les specifications de sdcurit&du pays concern~ seront en vigueur.

Working speeds.Vitesses.




1 2 3 4 5 R,*


1813 22 30 40 8.6 18%I


mph .~~a ! 3.75 6!. 10 14 19 4 32 ‘%

o@ 1 14.00 R 25

mDrive I infinitely variable ~ Rope diameter I Rope length I Max. single lirtepuH

M&anismes I en continu I Diam&re duc&ble /Longueurduc&ble Effort au brin maxi,

I o _ 492 ft/min single line II ftfmin au brin simple

9V,.S’”11640’ I 22420 Ibs

ft/min single line0-492

ft/min au brin simple‘VT6”I 2000’ I 22420 lbs

0- 1.3 rpm

l----++-‘nv-vs’”sq”’’830-- *approx. 70 seconds to reach 83° boom angie

approx. 7012401490 seconds for boom exten;ion from 69 t I Ig I 197~< (incl. locking)env. 701240 1490s pour passer de 69 I 119 t 197 ft (incl. verrouillage)

Page 18: Cần cẩu Liebherr LTM 1300

Truck chassis. I LTM1300 1










Driver’s cab:

Electrical system:

Liebherr designed and manufactured, box type, torsion resistant, all-welded construc-tion made of high-tensile structural steel.4 sliding beams with hydraulic extension cylinders and hydraulic support pad jacks.Front outriggers mounted between axles 2 and 3, rear outriggers at rear of truckchassis.Diesel, 12 cylinder, watercooled, make Daimler-Benz, type OM 444 A, output 390 kWDIN (530 HP) at 2100 rpm, max. torque 1734 lbs-ft at 1100-1500 rpm.Fuel tank capacity: 162 gallons-Allison type CLBT 755 automatic transmission with torque converter and hydro-dynamic retarder brake. 5 forward speeds, 1 reverse. Splitter gearbox with differentialand off-road range.Heavy duty crane truck axles, all 7 axles sprung. Axles 1 to 3 and 6 and 7 steered. Axles1,3,4 and 5 are planetary axles with differential locks.All axles are hydropneumatically sprung with automatic levelling. Load equalizationbetween axle pairs.14 t$res, all axles with single tyres.T~e size: 14.00 R 25.ZF semi-unitary hydraulic power steering, dual circuit system, with hydraulic servomechanism and auxiliary pump circuit.Service brake: servo assisted air brakes acting on all wheels, dual circuit system.Hand brake: spring-action, acting on all wheels of axles 3 to 7.Large-area, all-steel cab with resilient mountings, safety glass windows and full rangeof instruments.24 Volts DC, 2 batteries, lighting to German road vehicle regulations.

Crane superstructure.


Crane engine:

Crane drive:

Crane control:Main winch:

Luff ing gear:Slewing gear:Crane cab:Safety devices:

Telescopic boom:

Electrical system:

Liebherr-made, torsion-resistant, welded construction made of high-tensile structuralsteel. Connection to truck chassis by triple roller slewing ring, designed for 360° con-tinuous rotation.Diesel, 6 cylinder, watercooled, make Daimler-Benz, type OM 447A, output 213 kWDIN (290 HP) at 1800 rpm, max. torque 950 lbs-ft at 1000-1600 rpm.

Diesel-hydraulic, with 5 axial piston swiveling pumps with servo control and automaticoutput regulation.By self-centering control Iever, movable in 4 directions (cross-control arrangement).

Axial piston motor, full hydraulic power up and down. Hoist drum with integratedplanetary gear and spring loaded brake.Twin double-acting hydraulic cylinders with integral safety locking valves.Planetary gear with flange connected hydraulic motor and spring loaded brake.AU-steel construction, safety glazing, controls and instruments.LICCON overload safet y indicator, hoist limit switch, safet y valves to protect hydraulicsystem against pipe and hose fracture.1 boom pivot section and 4 telescopic sections. All sections separat hydraulicallyextendable.Boom length: 51 ft -197 ft.24 Volts DC, 2 batteries.

Additional equipment.

6attice jibs: Luffing lattice jib 57 ft – 230 f t, lattice fly jib 34 f t -138 f t.

isting gear 2: For two-hook operation or to luff the lattice fly jib.

Other items of equipment available on request.

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