Page 1: Camera shots from our film

Point of view shot

In most of the openings to Saw, a light appears so we decided to use this technique as a point of view shot. We did this to make the audience feel quite tense about what room it is and why it is so dark etc. Wondering why the light is blurry, from who’s eyes we are seeing it and why he is there. This made the atmosphere quite dull, dark and frightening.

Page 2: Camera shots from our film

Instead of using insert shots or a close up of a tray with weapons on it, we did it as a point of view shot. This was to let us see exactly what the character is seeing from his eyes and know what is in his head. In this case it is revenge and hurting the druggy . This connected the audience to the character giving it a more personal touch which is more effective.This gave the movie a realistic feel to it and builds up tension and makes the audience afraid as to what weapon is going to be used on the actor etc.

Page 3: Camera shots from our film

We used a point of view shot when the druggy is inserting himself with drugs so the audience knows part of the story. The editing also shakes as he is doing it which shows hallucinations of druggies making it look more realistic and confusing as we are seeing it through the eyes of the druggy.

Page 4: Camera shots from our film

Over the shoulder shot

The second shot is a rule of thirds shot also using over the shoulder. It makes the audience concentrate on what the torturer is doing in the distance and waiting for him to walk up to the camera which makes the audience feel afraid and tense as they are waiting to see what happens.

Page 5: Camera shots from our film

High angle/angle shot We will be using shot reverse shot when putting these shots together so it is smooth. We used high angle shots to look down on the druggy, making him look inferior and isolated. Whereas the high angle shot shows that the gangster is bigger, more superior and in control as he stands strong and big showing his power and dominance. This also portrays the feeling of fear from the gangsters point of view. We thought these were effective as it shows a clear contrast between the two characters and makes the audience fear the gangster and sympathise with the druggy.

Page 6: Camera shots from our film

For this shot we used a close up of the gangsters legs walking down the stairs to the druggy. This makes the audience wonder where the actor is going and what’s happening etc. and this build up tension. Due to us not showing the gangsters face it leaves questions in the audiences head and makes them want to find out more, the editing we used was intercutting between this shot and a shot of the victim struggling trying to escape, this is to build up tension and make the audience feel afraid for the victim as the gangster is getting closer and closer.

Page 7: Camera shots from our film

After the close up shot we used of the druggies face we used long shots showing the room the actors are in. Due to the location being in a dull, dark and dirty cellar and the druggy is tied up. It makes the atmosphere quite frightening as the audience knows there is danger and feels afraid for the druggy. Also because he is tied up and can’t escape it shows he is trapped and helpless leaving the audience feeling on edge as they don’t know what is going to happen to him. We found using this shot effective as it introduces the location around the druggy and creates the scary atmosphere and sets the tone.

Page 8: Camera shots from our film

We used this close up shot as the druggy awakens and looks around the room confused. Nothing is revealed about the druggy or what’s happening in the scene apart from their facial expressions. This again leaves the audience wondering why they are so afraid and why they are hurt etc. so they want to find out more. We found this effective as it built up tension and curiosity even in the very beginning of our movie. We will use this technique in our movie as we want to build up tension and curiosity through the opening.

We used this shot to emphasise the blood and bruises on the druggies face to show that he’s already been in pain and that leaves the audience feeling bad for him as they can see his emotion and him being scared.

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