
Books and Elephants!

By Sharna and Ffion Books and Elephants!

Task!!Task:Do all of the books in the Riddells Creek Primary School library weigh more than an Elephant?

Method:Understand- you have to understand the question and the task.Plan- you have to plan how you will work out the answer. You need to know what type of Elephant it is, How much the books weigh and the average. Then you add all the weights in the classroom up and divide it by the amount of books you added up. This will give you the average weight of 1 book in the library. Then you times it by the amount of books in the library and see if it more or less than the weight of the Elephant.Do it- you need to then actually do it and work out the answer.What we did!!We found out the weight of a female adult Asian elephant We then we weighed 6 books- 3 chapter books, 2 picture books and 1 nonfiction book.All of the 6 books together weighed 2200g.

Once we added all of the weights from our classmates together we got 21,600. Now we divide it by 59 which is the total number of books we weighed and we got an average of 366.1016949152542 then multiply that by the number of books in our library. Our total answer was 4,551,010.169491525g.3The AnswerOur answer was that if you weighed every book in the library it would weigh more than a female adult Asian elephant. An elephant weighs 2000-4000 kg and the books weighed altogether 4,551,010.169491525grams.

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