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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    Cine Bangla is the first Bengali movie channel wants to establish itself as an "Entertainment medium"

    for backward masses of rural Bangladesh. This Television channel will provide the viewers a complete

    atmosphere related with Bangladeshi film as well as film related any information which they have never

    eperienced before. !iewers will get to watch new or old film through this channel. They will also get

    the information about the film star through various shows which will be telecasted in Cine Bangla.

    !iewers will also get the information from various shows about the release of upcoming film the market

    of Bengali film the investment and return of every film the bo office result of each film the cinema hall

    related information etc. Cine Bangla will also try to produce Bengali film and wants to promote Bengali

    film for viewers of the world. That#s why Cine Bangla will encourage film directors to make world

    class movies due to its ultimate goal which is to put the Bengali film at the world class standard and make

    world class film in Bangladesh.


    Keep the community connected with their culture through the biggest entertainment of the

    Bangladeshis. We are the only channel which will promote the biggest screen of broadcasting media of

    Bangladesh at the international level.


    We will help BFDC Bangladesh Film Development Corporation! and together will ma"e our

    D#$%&W''D Dream( which is to ma"e world class film in Bangladesh as well as promote our film in

    the international arena.

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    #e$ Progra!

    Our Programs and services:

    $ur %rograms & services are''..

    (. Cine Bangla will telecast different types of Bangladeshi film within different categorical areas.

    )or eample*

    i. Comedy movies

    ii. +ramatic movies

    iii. ,ction films

    iv. Children#s films

    v. -ocial awareness film

    vi. +ocumentary

    vii. ,rt film etc.

    . Cine Bangla will telecast different types of shows related with Bangladeshi film industry. )or


    i. -hows about promotion of upcoming movies

    ii. -hows about film stars

    iii. -hows about the development of film industry

    iv. -hows about the market of current released movies etc.

    /. Cine Bangla 0ill telecast 1ovie#s songs.

    2. Cine Bangla will help to produce world class movies within our countries boundary.

    3. Cine Bangla will also help directors to make movies.

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    Program Schedule (Sample)

    Time Programs name

    45/6 am 1ovie song 7old8

    9566 am :pcoming movie news

    95/6 am 1ovie song

    ;566 am Movie

    (566 pm Talk show with film star

    (5/6 pm -hows about current released movie

    (566 pm 1ovie song

    (5/6 pm %romotion of upcoming movies

    566 pm Movie

    35 66 pm :pcoming movie news

    35/6 pm 1ovie song

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    $ur current ob=ective is to capture the ma=ority portion of viewers through the uni>ueness of

    program which is related with the development of the current situation of Bangladesh film

    industry. Ecept these we are trying to manage and operate the channel in the most efficient

    manner to enhance financial performance and to control cost of funds. 0e are also trying to

    focus or our current strategies or ob=ectives are given below.

    Strategic Goals:

    To identify viewers preference and other commercial organi?ations# needs and monitor

    their perception towards our performance in meeting those re>uirements.

    To review and update policies procedure rate card program schedule and practices to

    enhance the ability to etent better program for our viewers.

    To strive for viewer#s satisfaction through >uality control our program and show of

    timely basis.

    To promote organi?ational effectiveness by openly communicating company plans

    policies practices and procedures to employees in a timely fashion.

    To train and develop all employees and provide them ade>uate resources so that viewers#

    need can be reasonably addressed.

    To increase direct contact with viewers in order to cultivate a closer relationship between

    the channels and its viewers and business customers.

    Strategic Objectives:

    To become one of the best channel in Bangladesh in terms of showing Bangladeshi film.

    To ensure optimum utili?ation of all available resources.

    To develop and retain a >uality work force through and effective @uman Aesource

    1anagement system.

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    To pursue and effective system of management by ensuring compliance to ethical norms

    transparency and accountability at all levels.

    To ensure an ade>uate rate of return on investment.

    To maintain a healthy growth of business with desired result.

    orporate ulture:

    Employees of Cine Bangla will share certain common values which helps to create a

    cine bangla culture.

    -earch for professional ecellences.

    $penness to new ideas and new methods to encourage creativity.

    uick decision making.

    )leibility and prompt responses.

    , sense of professional ethics.

    The electric media industry in Bangladesh is not a old industry and Bangladeshi people introduce

    with the industry in very recent years. There have many media channel in Bangladesh but since

    the industry is booming and staying in growing stage. The electric media channels have a huge

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    investment opportunity yet and investors can get return very easily. t#s a service oriented

    business but investor can seek to make profit or at least to get back their investment very easily.

    n Bangladesh since investment in electric media now has been recogni?ed as profitable one

    therefore lots of Companies invested in this sector and got success. The businessmen are

    increasingly getting more interested in electric media channels.

    1oreover they are buying local and foreign established television broadcasting channels which

    are not economically viable. ,s a result concentration rather than diversification is gradually

    becoming the trend of the day. Electric media industry is still developing in our country ecept a

    very few most of Bangladeshi electric media channels are established by big business

    organi?ation or political backed power full people. -o it can be safely said that they have a good

    financial support. 0ith this background any one can#t deny the potential prospect of electric

    media industry in Bangladesh.

    Porter)s *i(e*orces

    Porters !ive !orces:

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    ". #is$ o% &ntr' b' potential competitors:

    Potential competitors: Electric media channel establishment need huge initial

    investment and abundant efficient employees. Deed to fulfill many governmental

    regulations so it#s very difficult to establish a electric media channel and opportunities of

    new comer is low.

    rand lo'alt'5 n electric media industry brand loyalty have a big impact. ,ll

    organi?ation tries to provide >uality programs and services and all channels face a huge


    bsolute cost advantage:The electric media channel have a large fied cost so all

    competitors try to improve their efficiency because of reducing their per minute cost of

    program broadcasting. The competitors always try to improve their production marketing

    and technology.

    &conomic o% scale: The electric media channel segment their program in different time

    and divided also their commercial advertising programs in differernt time to reducing

    cost structure and offer different charge for different time. )or bulk commercial

    advertising television channel demand reduced charge from client.

    ustomer s*itching cost:There is very low switching cost for customer. ,ll television

    channels in industry always offering competitive price from client so all electric

    broadcasting channels face a huge competition with rival.

    +. ,ndustr' competitive structure:

    There are many competitors competing for the same customers.

    1arket growth is slow which means intense competition.

    Because of high fied cost everyone tries to achieve economic of scale.

    ,s products lose value if not sold in one day so selling as soon as possible is a motive for


    Core product is hard to differentiate.

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    -. argaining Po*er o% ustomers:

    There are many sellers of electric media channel in this industry.

    -witching cost for buyer of the product is pretty low.

    @igh fied cost forces the electric media channel to sell more.

    t is hard to differentiate the core product so all the electric media channels are somewhat


    t is evident that customers have moderate bargaining power in this industry.

    . argaining Po*er o% Suppliers:

    Electric media industry re>uires raw materials tape camera broadcasting machine editorial machine

    =ournalists program maker editors information and other supplies.

    There are many suppliers for the electronic media industry.

    The customers of the suppliers are not fragmented rather their re>uirements standardi?e.

    There are also substitutes for the inputs re>uired by the electric media industry.

    -o the bargaining power of suppliers in the electric media industry is low.

    /. Threat o% Substitutes:

    The core business of electric media is to provide entertainment and news which are threatened

    heavily by other electric media channels internet cinema hall and theaters

    The cost of switching to the substitute products is very low. -ome cases it is even free to switch

    and convenient.

    The current trend of people is become internet centric.

    Threat of substitution for newspaper industry is very high. Today electric media industry re>uires

    innovation to survive.


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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    .+ reating core competencies and distinctive competencies

    The very first steps to enter Television industry is to find a way to the communication and

    information. This communication and information backdrop is the ultimate play ground that is

    enormous than the traditional mass media environment. To stay in the race to bottom to survive

    and flourish in the changing world and changing industry structure as well as competitive state

    the business undoubtedly re>uire an uni>ue competitive strategy. Business re>uires adapting to

    necessary changes and shows a >uick response to sustain its competitive advantage.

    , greater personali?ation of relationship and interactivity between customers and Television

    Company can be achieved through an integration of activities. $ur Television may offer package

    of services and products in to a complete service bundle for the customers. -ervices such as

    searchable news archives interactive forum and hottest information and media presentations

    will be offered by the business. The potential competitive advantage of television company is lay

    out by the increased integration of activities with the help of new technologies. , firm#s specific

    strength that allows it to differentiate its product and services are better known as +istinctive

    competencies. t may come in the shape of achieving substantially lower cost than its rival and

    thus gain a competitive advantage. +istinctive competencies arise from two complementary

    sources5 resources and capabilities. -ubstantial investment in capital and ade>uate epertise is

    re>uired to use these technologies in a competitive way.

    By strengthening distribution network capability the business can increase its capability.

    Eample distribution costs contribute about 6F of the total costs of a television

    company. -cale economies may help to gain a larger distribution network with the recent

    development of the technology. To network more efficient and faster the information

    technology will help us with networking. ,s a result a reduction in total cost of

    distribution is possible due to one common distribution network or also outsourcing can

    be an option to carry out distribution through independent companies.

    ,nother method to increase capability is to increase the efficiency in the production

    process. The eistence of economies of scale due to spreading product specific fied

    costs include the relative high epenses to set up a production process for eample the

    time and epense re>uired to set up a television before broadcasting. 0ith a uni>ue

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    design product market it can develop competitive advantage. @ence economies of scale

    in producing a circulation are incorporated as a result of the possibilities of mass

    production of the circulation.

    Aesources can be increased by marketing. , substantial fied cost is involved with

    marketing* this implies the eistence of economies of scale. 1arketing is used for another

    purpose that is to create brand image and loyalty of customers. mage and loyalty are

    related to the notion of Goodwill. The business shall build up goodwill with a

    consistent policy marketing and highly >ualified circulations. , television reputation and

    reliability depends crucially on the circulation of the program. Circulation products are

    sold in two markets5 the viewers market and the advertising market. , change in

    reputation in one market will affect the sales in both markets. Companies with a good

    reputation can sell their circulation to wider range of people.

    ndustries SWOT.NALYSIS

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    , -0$T analysis is a strategic balance sheet of an organi?ation* that is the strengths of the

    organi?ation the weaknesses of the organi?ation the opportunities facing the organi?ation and

    the threats facing the organi?ation. t is one of the cornerstone analytical tools to help an

    organi?ation develop a preferred future. t is one of the timeHtested tools that have the capacity to

    enable an organi?ation to understand itself to respond effectively to changes in the environment.

    The purpose of the -0$T analysis is to provide information on strengths and weaknesses in

    relation to the opportunities and threats.


    0nlimited demand:The electric media broadcasted all over the world and their demand

    has all the countries of the world.

    Per%ormance as a mass media:The electric media can provide entertainment news

    educational programs and can easily reach all the people all over the world.


    Trust *orthiness:The electric media can reach any people anywhere at any time and

    mass people fre>uently trust what they watch at electric media channel.

    iggest entertainment:The electric media one of the biggest way to entertain people.

    The media entertain people and give them pure satisfaction of their laser time.


    2ac$ o% e3perience:t a very recent industry of our country and industry face a lot of

    problems to get eperience people and support organi?ation.

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    ost o% e4uipment: The establishment and daily performance the sector need huge

    amount of costly e>uipment and it#s very difficult to arrange that e>uipment.

    2ac$ o% e%%icient and e3perienced people: The electric media always face eperience

    energetic and >ualified people.

    Government regulations:To establish and run the business the industry need to followgovernmental strict regulation. )or this reason many organi?ation leave the industry.

    #is$ o% entertain into the industr':,ll organi?ation over the industry try to give full

    satisfaction of their viewers and it#s very difficult to broadcast differentiated and >uality

    programs and attract viewers.


    5e* and emerging industr': n Bangladesh the electric media industry is new and now

    at growing stage. -o all organi?ation have opportunities to earn a profit.

    Source o% income: 1any people want to establish their carrier with electric broadcasting

    organi?ation and the industry give them the opportunities. 2abor cost: Comparatively in our country labor cost is cheap so there have huge

    opportunities to establish a world class competitive organi?ation.

    ultural opportunities:$ur country is rich of own culture and the industry have the

    opportunities to reach the culture all over the world.


    Political threats:n our country almost all electric broadcasting channels established by

    politically influenced people. -o the channel faces problems if they elected as opponent


    arrier %rom religion: n our country the electric broadcasting channel face many

    religious problems from many religion parties.

    &conomic %luctuation:$ur country face economic fluctuation and that fluctuation have

    strong impact on electric media channels.

    +ompetitive Advantage

    , competitive advantage is an advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater

    value either by means of lower prices or by providing greater benefits and service that =ustifies

    higher prices.

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    Iow Cost


    Figure: Competitive Advantage

    n order to achieve a superior customer response we wish position our television as a symbol of

    uni>ueness where it will be act as an independent entity. This can only be achieved by pursuing a

    +ifferentiation strategy. 0e are also going to follow low cost strategy along with differentiation.

    -o it means we will follow the focus strategy which includes both low cost and differentiation


    @ere our selection of criteria is uni>ue design and high >uality which will =ustify our premium

    price. @owever we beg to differ in our program by following the best cost structure. The best

    cost structure is the combination of low cost strategy with differentiation. 0e will produce

    competitively priced products that charge the same price as the premium >uality producers

    eisting in the market however the look of the product will be uni>ue as well as attractive.

    The core competences described above will help us to achieve this -trategy. -ince we are group

    of new generation television channel we know the total >uality management effectiveness in the

    production system. The efficiency level will rise.

    -ome competitive advantages described below which will distinguish us from other competitor






    7 ,nnovation

    7 8ualit'

    7 &%%icienc'

    7 ustomer




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    8ualitative service: 0e are so enthusiast to provide the customers better >ualitative

    program than our competitors.

    0ni4ue Program: 0e will telecast different movies on different segment such as

    Aomantic ,ction @orror etc. ecept this we are showing different %rograms like 1ovie

    songs talk show with celebrity movie news etc.

    ll time Movie:Do other channel than us telecasted all time movie.

    Mass vie*ers: ,s our business is mainly focused on the general people of our country

    we will provide them most important needs along with their biggest entertainment.

    igh Television #ating Point (T#P): )rom our analysis we found that the TA% of

    movie is the higher than any other program due to the biggest viewers of our country

    who are likely to watch movies. n current situation there is no individual movie channel

    in our country.

    Additional StrategicConsideration

    ction to capitali;e on ne* opportunities and de%ense against threats:

    ction to capitali;e on ne* opportunities:

    (. 1aking public relation for publicity

    . Establishing strong and fleible distribution channel for reducing cost

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    /. Evaluating market and trying to enter into new industry

    2. 1aking good relation with employees for their best effort

    3. Epand and enrich relation with suppliers

    ction against threats:

    (. Try to creating monopoly

    . ncrease diversification

    /. Create market barriers for new entrants

    2. Giving different promotion

    3. !ast amount of advertisement

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    +ifferent competitive positions of companies in the industry

    ntensity of rivalry within and between groups

    %rofit potential of various groups

    mplications of competitive position

    $ur strategic group members are Jmy T! Bangla !ision Baishakhi ,TD Channel and others

    because they are providing almost same service to the local customer as we want to do. They

    also have good customi?ation in terms of program relaying toward viewers. They have already

    created distinctive competencies through relaying various >uality program service. But our

    business strategy is not >uite similar with them because no other cable tv concentrates on

    specific program like 2 hours Bangla movie and movie related programs they are unable tocompete directly with us.

    Potential Customers/." Potential ustomer:

    )ilm ndustry is a very prominent and well recogni?ed sector in our country among different

    classes of people. $ur country#s people are much ethnocentric toward their own culture

    traditional values and norms. That#s why they more prioriti?e the own cultural related program

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    and Bengali film is one of the favorite T! program among all classes of people. The two third

    people living in rural area who are mostly like to watch Bengali film. The rest of the people

    reside in urban area who also watch such program. -o we can assume that our potential

    customer is spread out in both rural and urban area.

    1oreover attracting a new customer is two times harder than keeping a good relationship with

    the old customers. -o companies always have to keep in mind that the customers need which

    will help us to some etent to shape our business strategies. Customer needs are basically derived

    by the customers segment that we have targeted. ,s our Channel program is transmitted through

    the Cable Detwork and Cable network is available in both rural and urban area so it would not be

    a problem for local potential customer to watch our program. -o it would be a logical thinking

    to consider mass customer rather than specific segment.

    Size and Growto! te "ar#et

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    Electronic media industry is not so small in Bangladesh the growth rate is >uite also high as the

    number of television channel ways of use and types of offerings are increasing day by day.

    Traditionally only Bangladesh Television 7BT!8 were published before (;4( but now a

    day#s lots of companies are coming in this industry. t got popularity because the world is

    globali?ed and people want to know information within a second.

    The market demand of the telecast channel in +haka city is high. ,t present days many

    television channels are established on the basis of individual category.

    The country has now 3.43F G+% growth and 46Hdollar per capita income which means higher

    purchasing power and affordability of the people. Thus we can epect that the growth rate of

    both the industry and the business will be positive in future as well.

    Strategic Group Anal$sis

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    /.- Strategic Group nal'sis-trategic group ,nalysis is used to determine5

    +ifferent competitive positions of companies in the industry

    ntensity of rivalry within and between groups

    %rofit potential of various groups

    mplications of competitive position

    !igure: #ate o% rela'ing movie ( in da's) per *ee$

    $ur strategic group members are Jmy T! Bangla !ision Baishakhi ,TD Channel and others

    because they are providing almost same service to the local customer as we want to do. They

    also have good customi?ation in terms of program relaying toward viewers.They have already

    created distinctive competencies through relaying various >uality program service. But our

    business strategy is not >uite similar with them because no other cable tv concentrates on

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    specific program like 2 hours Bangla movie and movie related programs they are unable to

    compete directly with us.

    @owever some @indi movie channel is our direct competitor. Their target group and our target

    groups are also >uite similar. But as they are already in a suitable position in the market and

    have a good market share and we are new in the market but want to capture the share of the

    market as they did we will open our corporate office in the 1oghba?ar area as we are starting

    our business from the scratch and strengthen the company using that platform. 0hen we will

    have an established position in the industry we will plan to their areas as well.

    $ur position among the strategic group members are shown by a positioning map below5

    Cine bangla

    m' tv

    T'pes angla 9ision

    o% aisha$hi

    hannel T5< ,< and ntv

    6esh tv

    " + - / = >

    !igure: !re4uenc' o% movie program (in da's)

    The above graph shows that how many days different movie channel relay movie and other

    movie related program within a week. my T! scored highest 3 days Bangla vision / days ,TD

    bangla Channel ntv days and +esh T! relay movie =ust one day per week. The rate of

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    relaying movie and movie related program is not sufficient because viewers# have less time to

    watch such program. Time management is the most comple thing for themselves in order to

    watch such program. They even don#t know when they will get free time for entertainment. By

    considering those facts we want to make it available in order to respond various type of viewers

    at a time by relaying movie in whole week. That position might help us to differentiate ourselves

    among competitors.

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    0e are going to establish a great strategic plan for Cine Bangla. Basically these plans are for

    Crafting mplementing and Eecuting company strategies. The management of Cine Bangla will

    use those plans to stake out a market position conduct its operation attract and please customers

    choice among alternatives. There is another ma=or tendency of this strategic plan and that is the

    company will be always ready to meet changed circumstances new technology new

    competitors a new economic environment. or a new social financial or political environment

    to positively react with changes taking proper steps whenever needs.

    1hat does our strateg' consist o% are given belo*:

    Planned Action %

    initiatives to

    compete rivals

    Action to


    resource &ase !or



    (e)ne ow to

    manage *% (+

    Production+ sales+

    mar#eting+ )nance


    Alter Geograpic


    "erge, Ac-uire

    to strengten


    Action to diversi!$


    revenue &ase %

    enter to new



    *eact to cange'

    Action to

    capitalize an new

    opportunities %

    de!end against



    alliance to








    approaces tat



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    Long Term % Sort termStrateg$

    Short term strateg'

    Planned actions and initiatives to our competitive rival:

    ,s a new company in T! channels ndustry Cine Bangla will have to locate its planned actions

    and initiatives to compete with the rivals. )or this first have to make available information in

    order to endure and prosper in the today#s changing industry structure and competitive situation.

    T! channel companies clearly re>uire a viable competitive strategy. 0e have to make passable

    editions to these vibrant changes and react >uickly to create our competitive advantage.

    ,t first increasing network capability. The information technology will enables us to

    network more efficient and faster. @ence we can reduce the total cost of distribution

    when we have only the facility of +ish cable network system instead of overall network

    coverage in whole country.

    ncrease company#s image and loyalty that are related to the notion of Jreputation#. 0e

    will build up a reputation with a consistent policy marketing and highly >ualified

    circulations. T! channel companies offer circulations that are crucially depended on their

    reputation and reliability.

    nnovations in T! channel industry are an important source of scale and scope

    economics. By innovating new movie related program and design we can raise our

    company#s capability and beat the competitors.

    ction to diversi%' compan's revenue base and enter into ne* business or industr':

    )or our Channel we can take some initiatives to increase our revenue base5

    -tructure coalition with the other leading media components.

    ,chieving high arrive at in marketing promoting and advertisement.

    Aeducing advertising and media charges.

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    Effective distribution channels that brings less epenses as well as efficiency and

    decrease compleity.

    2ong term strateg'

    0e have a plan to epand our Cine Bangla near future to other industry. Iike if we are success

    in T! Channel industry then we will move forH

    -ports Channel

    0orld Class Cinema @all business.


    ction to strength resource base %or competitive capabilities:

    !ast resource can make a company successful and effective. -o we are trying to emphasi?e on it.

    )or our Channel in managing resource management we will includes certain criteria#s which are

    as follows5

    @uman resource management 7assign and hiring effective and efficient people for the

    =ob and also through head hunting8

    Efficiency record

    Technological advancement.

    n=ecting more on the A&+ 7innovation is the key to differentiation8

    6e%ine ho* to manage production< #?6< sales< mar$eting< and %inance:

    )or managing production A&+ sales marketing and finance we will take some initiatives they

    are below5H

    Aecruiting people like marketing people only for marketing department finance people

    only for finance department.

    0e will arrange weekly and monthly supervision for their work.

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    Each department will be separate from each other but they will have strong

    communication and echange of information.

    0e will budget for each department.

    :pdating departments with changes.

    -uccessful implementation of / layers of manager for maintaining each department.

    Continuous research for making them up to date.

    lter geographic coverage:

    To alter geographic coverage we will make our channel superior with global standard. -o to

    reach that level we will incorporate the following strategy

    0e will make strategic alliance with some foreign movie to have better access for

    entertainment and provide better sound and picture >uality to the viewers.

    0e will invest in A&+ to improve so that our viewers and advertisers are satisfied fully

    like new design for movie related program to deliver interesting & relevant entertainment

    in such a way that engage the viewers# heads and hearts and make it possible for the

    advertiser to focus particular segment they want to target.

    0e will provide wide variety of local & world movie news.

    0e will conduct researches to find out what viewers want most and develop based on


    0e will show special movie on some Dationally and nternationally -pecial day such as

    !alentine day )athers# +ay 1other#s +ay ndependent +ay !ictory +ay nternational

    mother language +ay Eid +ay %u=a etc.

    #eact to change:

    1anagers often make the mistake of assuming that once a change is started that employees will

    see that it is going to take place and get on side. This is rarely the case. Because change causes

    fear a sense of loss of the familiar etc. so we will try making our Channel go away from it.

    There are reasons behind taking time to react with change. They areH

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    a8 :nderstand the meaning of the change and

    b8 Commit to the change in a meaningful way.

    t is very important to make capable our Channel to go through stages in their attempts to cope

    with changes.

    -ome business reasons are responsible for change. They are below5H

    sales development

    new product development

    new market development

    business organi?ation shape structure and processes development 7eg outsourcing eH

    business etc8

    tools e>uipment plant logistics and supplyHchain development

    people management and communications 7capabilities and training8 development

    strategic partnerships and distribution routes development

    international development

    ac>uisitions and disposals

    There are some steps for response to as soon as possible to cope up with changes. They are5

    (. ncreasing employee empowerment

    . Growing customer relationships

    /. Escalating employee motivation

    2. ,t all times involve and agree support from people within system 7system K environment

    processes culture relationships behaviors etc. whether personal or organi?ational8.

    3. :nderstanding where the organi?ation is at the moment.

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    )igure5 T! Broadcasting value chain

    /0isting CoreCompetencies

    Competencies make a product or service differentiated. -ame goes for The CINE BANGLA.

    $ne of the key core competences is the channel itself which provides superior >uality Bengali

    movies uni>uely designed others movie related shows with spectacular combinations as

    customers want or customi?ed. @owever a range of options is always ready for customers to

    pick their choices. ,nother precious core competence is the effective human resources. t is

    indeed very efficient way to eecute the whole process. ,ll the people who are working are >uite

    efficient to pursue their =obs effectively efficiently and spontaneously. This effective human

    resource is going to formulate our channel different that no one can offer. $ur human resources

    are going to ensure that all the work will be done in the right way on the right time and with

    pertinent completion in the end. f they are not active then it#s really tough to come up with valid


    1uture Competencies

    Though we are coming with a channel based on only movies it is not a much familiar and most

    importantly no other channel is using the Bengali films as core competency. -till the competition

    is high among various channels. ,s the competition is high in this sector so if we conduct our

    business with very professional way and satisfy this areas people desire* then it is certain that we

    can capture the target markets. 1oreover our other desires to epand the business so if we

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    actively do our activities and duties in near future we will capture the leading position in this


    @owever CINE BANGLA can analy?e its future competencies through the following -0$T



    , company should be aware of its core capabilities and sources of competitive advantages. Core

    capabilities are the critical skills and processes that an organi?ation eecutes so well that its

    reputation builds around it.

    onvenience: t will provide only movies around the whole day long and most update

    news about upcoming movies at a single place which will be convenience for the

    customers. ,s they don#t have to switch channels to watch movies.

    &nthusiastic Management: t has some enthusiastic young entrepreneur and they are

    committed to the business to make it very profitable.

    8ualit' products:its services will be superior to our competitors and >uality will be

    monitored strictly. t will not compromise anything with >uality.

    Mar$et segmentation:ts market demographic segmentation is much broader

    &as' and !aster broadcasting:ts broadcasting process is faster and customer can get

    information about when and which movie will be broadcasted.

    Superior creativit' s$ills o% the emplo'ees:ts service is >uality assured because its

    people are the best. ts attention to detail and honest approach will earn customers trust

    and loyalty. Employee#s creativity and eperience will provide its customer with strategic

    solutions to their marketing needs H no matter how demanding.

    Promotional tool:J0ord of mouth# H its reputation brand awareness superior >uality

    and uni>ue value proposition will spread via its clients.

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    igh 4ualit'< e3pedient and convenient service:To achieve the planned turnover by

    sponsorship and to build up customer loyalty on a consistent basis it provides >uality

    epedient and convenient service to its customers. This will help to build up a long term

    relationship with clients.


    n addition to knowing its strengths an organi?ation must recogni?e its limitations. 0e do have

    some limitations as well.

    5e* emplo'ees:t wants to diminish its operating cost and that is why it will employ

    new employees who might not have previous eperience to work in this businesses.

    igh cost:due to high inflation the costs of the raw materials are etremely high.


    Eternal and internal environments present both driving and restraining forces. $pportunities

    may occur suddenly. 0ith the past pace of globali?ation and technology changes what may

    initially present itself as an opportunity may become a threat if organi?ational responsiveness is

    too slow or not well plannedL

    Etension of the services5 n future it is epecting to increase its offered broadcasting

    programs. )or eample5 Talk shows inviting the movie personal.

    $pen market5 CINE BANGLAwill work within an open market and has the scope of

    growing big in the short span of time depending on how known its brand name is. 1arket Epansion through diversification5 1anagement of CINE BANGLA gradually

    epands their firm by diversifying their services offered in the near future.

    )urther promotion5 t will educate people about its services through leaflets describing its

    services and how it is different. t will promote through electronic media and billboard.

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    Threats are negative eternal environmental factors which influences an organi?ation#s decision.

    Eternal factors are not controlled by the organi?ation and to survive every organi?ation needs to

    be very alert about its threats and how they can overcome this problem. $rgani?ations should be

    proactive rather than reactive and should be aware of what are the competitors# moves and

    should take necessary action in advance to face those moves.

    #ivalr' ompetition:,t first it will have to compete with various established channels

    who are broadcasting diversified programs.

    5e* &ntrants:-eeing its business similar business may arrive which might grind our


    &conomic !luctuation: Economic instability will lead the business into chaos. ,nd

    inflation recession depression etc. will lead economic downturn of the company.

    6emand o% the customer:n gift and flower section people demand are changing day to

    day so in future it is difficult to predict people demand and satisfaction which is another

    threat for CINE BANGLA.

    Product,ServiceOverview>.- Product@ Service Overvie*

    $ur ob=ective is to change the people#s taste and remind the root of our culture that has been

    blemished with so called movies that are full of pornography and irrelevant songs. 0e have set

    out services that we are going to give customers is nothing but the true taste of Bengali movie.

    0ell the total feature has been described in section.

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    0e will try to come up with the best facility that a customer can epect. 0e are surely going to

    offer our valued customers with valued facilities. These offers simply make their life soothing by

    getting all the time movie taste. They don#t have to wait a week for a single movie. They can =oin

    when they want. 0e pledge to do all the convenient facilities for our customers. The esteemed

    facilities are* onHline news movie schedule different types of version for different occasions =ob

    offering in our office. 0e are doing all these because our customers are special to us and we

    consider that this is our responsibility give them the best offer which also look after to save their

    time. ,ll other regular utmost facilities will be provided there in our channel regarding movies.

    /-uipment % "aciner$

    0e decorated our office and outlet in a very creative way. 0e created our office such a way that

    it always looks fresh colorful and festive look. $ne of our partner eperts in interior designing

    and another one have effective managerial epertise. This attributes boost up >ualitative

    atmosphere in the business.

    )or office we have chairs tables computer and -tationary tems in each of the room. ,ll

    the rooms are epecting to have around (66s>. feet.

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    Broadcasting e>uipment

    %roduction e>uipment

    0hole building will be central airHconditioned.

    n recreation room there will be a plasma T! a sofa set and a coffee machine.

    There will be individual department for each section i.e. @A )inance 1arketing T


    $ur office will also have a big free?e to keep some refreshment for the guests and


    )or documents we need some fied shelf.

    $ther decorating items office.

    0e also need 3truck or other stuffs for distribute the newspapers.

    Iights fan paintings and creative posters for cool look.


    The key stages in the production process for Cine Bangla Channel are5

    " A Submit

    + A 6evelopment- 7 &ditorial pproval

    7 udget pproval

    / 7 ontractual ,ssues

    = 7 Production

    > 7 6eliver' and Transmission

    " ASubmit:

    Ta$e an idea that is right %or ine angla.

    Think about who would watch it the schedule how it will be made who will be in it who will

    make it how long it#ll be and why it should be made now. 1ake sure you know about the

    Channel#s commissioning priorities and re>uirements. t can find out this information in the

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    Commissioning section of this website. This#ll give an idea as to the commissioning editor that

    should approach 0atch Cine BanglaM t#s a good way to figure out if something is right for the


    1rite a clear proposal

    The proposal shouldn#t be longer than 366 words and it should have a very clear proposition. t

    should be able to sum up the programme in a few sentences.

    Submit 'our idea

    :se the $nline proposal system which is on the main navigation of the cine bangla producer#s


    1ell respond *ith a B'es or Bno or Bma'be *ithin *ee$s.

    + 7 6evelopment

    ,% the ans*er is a B'es ma$e sure 'ouve read the ine angla ode o% Practice 7 This

    outlines how the commissioning and commercial affairs processes work and who has

    responsibility for what throughout the process. Nou can access this in the resources section of the

    cine bangla %roducers website.

    ,% its a B'es< the commissioning editor *ill call 'ou in %or a meeting and 'ou can both

    decide i% the idea *ould *or$ on an' other plat%orms

    Cinbe Bangla nteractive will help decide if it has crossHplatform appeal or if you have contacted

    other platforms directly they#ll direct it to the relevant commissioning editor.

    ,% its a Bma'be< 'ou might be as$ed to develop the idea %urther and submit a treatment

    - A &ditorial pproval

    Once go7ahead is given< a project %orm is raised

    The form should be raised < weeks before production is due to begin you#ll be informed by the

    commissioning editor#s assistant that this has been done.

    5egotiations about the budget and rights issues should no* begin.

    Cou should no* submit an &ditorial Speci%ication %orm

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    Nou can find a blank form in the resources section of the Cine Bangla %roducers website. The

    form#s purpose is to pin down details of the program which will form the basis of negotiations

    with Commercial ,ffairs. The price we will pay is determined by tariffs set for each genre of

    programming which can be found within the Code of %ractice.

    A udget pproval

    There are - stages o% Price approval:

    ". ommissioning &ditor? ommercial %%airs Manager

    +. ead o% 6epartment

    -. Program !inance ommittee or usiness pproval oard

    Before the final stage you#ll need to determine whether the pro=ect re>uires deficit funding. f

    the pro=ect does it will be your responsibility to find the funding.

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    / A ontractual ,ssues

    0hilst the price is being agreed you#ll also be negotiating the contract details and rights with a

    Commercial ,ffairs 1anager. Before preHproduction begins the contract should be signed and


    Nour pro=ect is not fully commissioned until the budget and contract have been signed and

    agreed by both parties.

    = 7 Production

    0hilst the production is underway you will discuss the %ress and 1arketing potential of your

    program. %ress and 1arketing possibilities will be eplored in line with Channel priorities. The

    commissioning editor will attend viewings during postHproduction according to an agreed

    timetable. f appropriate the nteractive Editor will work on the online content

    >7 6eliver' and Transmission

    6eliver' o% completed program

    1ake sure that your program meets all delivery re>uirements you must have read and adhered

    to the program end credits guidelines and the program delivery guidelines both of which can be

    found in the Aesources section of this site. f relevant you must also ensure all online

    deliverables meet the technical specification established by the interactive department.

    Transmission and go liveD


    Nou should have a follow up meeting with the commissioning editor to discuss how the pro=ect

    went. This should include ratings performance editorial strengths and weaknesses business

    issues the team program vs. proposal press & publicity and marketing issues and user traffic.

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    *esearc % (evelopment

    ,ll our enthusiastic directors are committed to their =obs and consistent service development.

    Their devotion and thoughts towards the service are highly appreciable. That#s why* we always

    have the eagerness to develop our service through research and development. 0e follow the

    trend and have the plan to stick with the trend. f necessary in the future we#ll go for market

    survey to get the current state of the market demand and we#ll bring change in our channel

    accordingly. 0e strongly believe that research and development is the sole way for sustainability.

    2ualit$ Assurance

    0e assure the >uality. 1aintaining >uality is our commitment towards our valued customers.

    Therefore (66 percent >uality is assured. 0e won#t comprise anything to our >uality. ,s we say

    we will be neutral and independent. t is very important while you are in broadcasting business.

    The customer who is loyal will like to have best >uality movies. -o if we don#t keep our >uality

    best then we can#t hold our brand value to them. $n the other hand our research and

    development* is there for consistent >uality development and for sustaining the >uality


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    1arketing strategies deal with the perspectives of markets to be served. Therefore our marketing

    strategy is primarily based on positioning of our Bangla movie channel service to the mass

    segment where cable T! is available. $ur primary target market is general people of both rural

    and urban area. $ur marketing strategies reflect the ways to motivate the people to watch such

    specific program like movie channel. $ur venture needs a marketing plan to capture the market.

    0e are going to enter a current market rather not going to target a niche market.

    Brand Ele!ents

    o 5ame o% hannel:Cine Bangla



    Memorabilit' Meaning%ulness 2i$abilit' Trans%erabilit' daptabilit' Protectabilit'

    ine angla



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    Sales % "ar#eting

    -ales and marketing is a very important part of the marketing plan of a business. n the 1ovie

    program business through cable T! sales and marketing is interrelated to each other. 0e are

    focusing on both BB & BC here because we are staying in the primary stage. The marketing

    strategy will blend both push and pull strategy together. ,s we are new in this business we will

    have to push first. ,fter that when we will have strong brand value then naturally it will turn into

    pull strategy.

    The program 7service8 flow in case of BB & BC is shown in the diagram below5

    Figure: B2B & B2C ervi!e Flo"

    Purchasing movie


    *ro! *il!



    ocal ,eo,le

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    0e purchase movie and movie related program from different movie producer in )ilm industry.

    )irst we make contractual agreement so that they will ensure to supply >uality movie in some

    consecutive years. Then we keep such inventory of movie in our server and organi?e it indifferent time schedule in order to maintain relay time. Eventually we distribute such program

    through the connection of our server and satellite in different plays where such cable T! is



    0e will relay our service 7movie program8 through our own movie channel as we want to

    establish our business and want to introduce as a only )ully local movie channel among all cable

    T! network.

    Ph'sical outlet:

    0e will relay our movie program mainly from our main office that is situated in the kawran

    ba?ar area.

    Advertising % ServicePromotions

    The company will maintain the best >uality for its service and use selected advertisement

    1edias. n our promotional campaigns we want to introduce our specific movie channel through

    uni>ue offer in a broader etent. 1ost of these promotional tools will be targeted to our target


    Transit d: Transit ad is one of the common and available source in order to advertise of

    different product and service. ,s we are movie channel this type of ad might be effective for

    enhancing our publicity and ac>uire viewers attention toward us. Because a large number of

    vehicles drive on the street and people are moving continuously from one place to another.

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    ill board : Bill board ad is another vital advertising media in order to draw the attention of

    large number of viewers and promoting our service rapidly. The source helps to reach large

    number of customer at once . -o. t is very important to properly locate the Bill board ad by

    assessing the viewers level crowed place and less advertisement of others company#s

    product and service. The most important benefit of Billboard ad is that viewers can control

    the pace of receiving the message clearly other than Television and Aadio advertisement


    Trailer in inema hall5 Cinema hall is one of the gathering place and effective source for

    catching large number of viewers. Everyday a large number of viewers watch movie in

    cinema hall and it is a popular media for our country#s viewers. Besides people are more

    interested to watch movie in cinema hall than T!. -o giving trailer in cinema hall might be

    a effective source for introducing our channel to the large viewers.

    dvertising in print media li$e ne*spaper ? maga;ine5 %eople fre>uently use such

    media source for knowing the various type of daily weekly and monthly news in an instant

    moment. Besides such media is available in our country where each regional people can

    access easily. f we use such media for our channel advertisement we might be the catch large

    number of viewers attention within a short moment. 1oreover 1aga?ine is another

    important source for attracting women viewers because they are more used to read the


    Customer Service

    ,vailable of different foreign movie channel change our local people#s taste & flavor in terms of

    entertainment source. t is because some of the foreign movie channels make their movie related

    program available while movie seeker can easily watch at any moment. $n the other hand such

    movie channel is not available in our local T! network. Besides though some private channel

    slightly recover customer satisfaction but they don#t have availability in relaying movie like any

    other foreign channel. ,s a result local people rushing toward foreign movie channel in order to

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    get ultimate satisfaction and distracting from local taste and flavor. f it is continue the ultimate

    effect would be on our local film industry as well as etinction of our local culture.

    :nder such status we want to change the current phenomenon by bring back to the local people

    toward local taste. ,s a result we want to satisfy customer by make such movie program

    available and by providing what type of movie they want through considering our key business

    ob=ectives. -o we would have to think about attracting viewers toward our channel and retaining

    them. f the relaying of movie program is not up to the mark it would be difficult for us to arise

    the willingness to watch our movie program. -o we have to maintain the movie program

    available and maintaining the relaying of >uality movie.

    Customer service is a significant part for any business $rgani?ation because effective and

    efficient customer service can ensure the Customer loyalty and long term sustainability of

    business. 1ost of the channel relaying programs without knowing the taste and preferences of

    viewers and don#t maintain the effective time schedule. ,s a result most of the viewers might

    deprive from watching such preferable programs because of their =ob responsibilities and other


    n addition receiving customer complaint eposes the ethical and accountable motive of doing

    the business. But most of the eisting channels are far behind of concentrating on such viewers#

    complaint and solving problems. The ultimate effect would be the viewers switching from local

    T! channel to foreign movie channel. :nder such status we considering such program related

    issues and thrive to initiate the corrective action in order to solve the problem. 0e the

    representative of Cine bangla designed some viewers responsive process in order to provide

    ultimate satisfaction to the customer. The feasible process for receiving customer complaint

    might be $nline system Customer care sending letter through %ost bo etc.

    Online s'stem: 0e are living in technological age and nternet service is the wonder of twenty

    first century. !iewers are more technology oriented and like to access internet in order to

    performing particular activities.

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    Online Boo1ing *or!2

    Dame of the ,pplicant 5

    Dame of the Company 5

    Email ,ddress 5

    Contact ,ddress 5

    Telephone Do 5

    1obile Do 5

    Ae>uested +uration 5

    Ae>uested Time -lot 5

    1onthly %ackage 5

    1essage -ub=ect 5,dditional 1essage 5

    $ur $nline customer responsive form provides opportunity for customer to inform their

    particular preferences regarding favorite movie related program and also in scheduling such

    program. n $nline form we offer customer to inform the favorite program and scheduling option

    where they can submit their program and likable watching schedule.

    #esponse vie*ers through Telecommunication: 0e want to respond all type of viewers in

    order to make our Channel prominent among mass viewers and fulfill the business ob=ectives.

    @owever not all viewers are likely to access to $nline form because of technological difficulties

    and viewers in capabilities. ,s a result we offer a cost free code number in order to response the

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    viewers need through which customer can inform our representative about their program

    preferences and complaints regarding the >uality of the program.

    #esponse vie*ers through dropped in post bo3: $ur potential viewers is spread out in both

    local and urban area and cable T! network is recently available in village. @owever rural people

    might not aware such telecommunicating system in order to inform their complaints regarding

    the >uality of the program and variability in movie. Besides nternet communication is a rare

    case in rural area and people are absolutely unfamiliar with such facilities. ,s a result we set up

    a post bo especially in such area where satellite channel are visible and people can easily send a

    letter through post bo regarding their favorite 1ovie and movie related program.

    &valuating the 4ualit' and availabilit' o% program through Surve' method: -ervice

    providing is our core business ob=ective which is not sufficient for surviving among competitive

    market of Channel ndustry. -o there is no alternative method ecept developing and updating

    the program telecasting which might be the only source in order to survive in suffocates Channel

    ndustry. ,s our vision indicates the long term sustainable business ob=ective updating program

    relay and maintaining >uality of the program would be the right pathway in order to implement

    our dream.

    0e initiate a survey method which would be conduct per year among local viewers through a

    >uestionnaire. n this procedure we select at least 66 people from different ?one in order to

    determine our current customer satisfaction level and >uality level of our movie program.

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    The @uman Aesources +epartment 7@A+8 function includes a variety of activities and key

    among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent

    contractors or hire employees to fill these needs recruiting and training the best employees

    ensuring they are high performers dealing with performance issues and ensuring your personnel

    and management practices conform to various regulations. ,ctivities also include managing your

    approach to employee benefits and compensation employee records and personnel policies.

    0ithout a proper @A+ their can be a variety of different salary and pay arrangements in our

    organi?ation. $pportunities eist to bring these different systems into a new framework that may

    overcome the difficulties of the past. -taff needs to have confidence in the salary administration

    system. They want the rewards to be shared fairly and e>uitably.

    +issatisfaction can cause severe morale and performance problems. -ome enlightened Councils

    may establish an improved salary administration structure which is developed specifically to

    meet local re>uirements. t is possible to develop a simple structure that overcomes the

    difficulties of the past yet is simple enough for everyone in the organi?ation to understand. This

    can be tied to a completely new performance management approach including better

    performance appraisal mechanisms. ,ll these will be done by the perfect @A+.

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    3e$IssuesThe Cine Bangla#s effective @A policy has several key issues those are described as following5


    Aecruitment refers to the process of attracting screening and selecting >ualified people for a=ob

    at an organi?ationor firm. )or some components of the recruitment process midH and largeHsi?e

    organi?ations often retainprofessional recruitersor outsource some of the process to recruitmentagencies. Our recruitment processes are as %ollo*s 7

    Success!ul 4nsuccess!ul

    All application

    su&mitted to


    Searc 6o&





    5* Portal

    +ine BanglaWe&site

    Contacted via email

    inviting to a come along

    to a )rst interview+ as

    well as detailing te

    time place and wic

    items are re-uired to &e

    &rougt along' 8I'e'

    Contacted via email+

    in!orming tat applicant

    ave un!ortunatel$

    &een unsuccess!ul on

    tis occasion' :ut

    as#ing candidate i!

    e,se wis to &e

    *egister C7


    tree #e$



    areas o!


    Searc !or


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    2a'o%% Strateg':

    Polic': 7t is the Cine Bangla#s sole discretion to determine the need for layoffs the

    classification of employees to be laid off and the layoff unit. $ur organi?ation will minimi?e the

    effects of indefinite layoff or reduction in time upon employees in career positions.

    Principle: 7$ur organi?ation priority is to provide continuing employment to current

    employees and thus minimi?e layoff action.

    #easons %or 2a'o%%: 7

    Budgetary Constraints.

    Iack of work or operational constraints.

    Aeorgani?ation or Aedefinition of Cine Bangla or +epartmental needs.


    There are many important aspects to consider here. To create the -trategic Training and

    +evelopment %lan we will need a detailed profile of our own*

    Employee Training and TrainHtheHTrainer needs

    Team Building and Team +evelopment

    Ieadership +evelopment

    Eecutive Coaching

    Competency Ae>uirements and -kills %rofiling

    $b=ectives and ,ction %lans


    Licence9 suita&le positions in te


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    ,ll of these profiles will further have to be considered within the realms of E>uity and +iversity

    $rgani?ation !alues Business %rocess mprovement Change 1anagement and $rgani?ation

    +esign and -tructure.

    n order to bring about the best results for the training strategy the training products or services

    need to be marketed and promoted by manipulating the following*

    %roductO-ervice H keep the training cutting edge and future focused. 1ake sure there is a

    practical transfer of learning put a development support network in place and ensure

    alignment to >uality standards.

    %romotion H commit to a core training value system. Create a slogan or tagline to brand

    your training. Bridge the gap between perception and reality. Give your training a

    personality and a brand and remember your customers 7your employees are customers8

    want to know "0hatPs in it for me".

    %rice H cost the training accurately and calculate the value received.

    %lace H decide between onHtheH=ob classroom distance learning webHbased and virtual

    learning. ,ccess location and distribution are keys to consider.

    %eoplePs needs H establish what your customers want and need. Ensure your customers

    know the training is meeting their needs and that these needs provide a base for decisions

    in all other areas.

    %ro=ect 1anagement H Establish roles and responsibilities. ,ction the Training and

    +evelopment -trategic %lan. 1onitor and evaluate progress and make ad=ustments where


    0e should have the budget for our recruitment program training program and as well as for the

    layoff program. The distribution of the money for our recruitment program training program and

    layoff program are as follows5

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    Program 5ame Mone' &stimated (nnuall')

    Aecruitment 66666

    Training 366666

    Iayoff 366666

    Total "+uity

    Eternal e>uity

    ndividual e>uity

    $rgani?ational e>uity

    t#s very important to give employees a lucrative compensation package. 0ithout this employees will not

    be interested to utili?e their effort at a great etent. Beside this a nice compensation package creates a

    sense of =ob satisfaction in the employees. Employees became more loyal towards the organi?ation.

    n the present world compensation is the most important issue. -o we should have a lucrative

    compensation package in its organi?ation. 0ithout this they will not be able to motivate the employees to

    work efficiently. $n the other hand if the international epatriates are not getting a nice compensation

    package then they will not =oin in our organi?ation.

    1oney is the main issue. That means without a lucrative compensation package nobody will utili?e their

    full effort in our organi?ation. -o @A+ of the company should design and implement a perfect

    compensation package for the local and international epatriates while considering the industrial standard.

    , good compensation package will motivate the employees more and more to work hard for us. $ur

    Compensation -tructure is as follows H

    T'pe (annuall') dministration Selling

    6irectors #emuneration /666666

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    Salar' 46666666 /666666

    ,ncrement F "E 4666666 /66666

    onus 3666666 /66666

    Provident %und 666666 366666

    Travelling &3pense 66666 466666

    Sta; *e-uirements

    2evel ategories mount

    usiness 2evel CE$ & +irectors ualified employees and match them to =obs for which they are best

    suited. Through nternational @uman resources +epartment training and labor relations

    managers and specialists will find out the best workers for us for the international assignments.

    1anaging international employees will be very difficult task for us.

    n an effort to enhance morale and productivity limit =ob turnover and help to increaseperformance and improve business results international epatriates help their firms effectively

    by using their skills. 0ithout a proper training from @A+ epatriates will not be able to match

    with the various cultures. ,nd this will create problem for them to continue their work in

    different culture.













    C1O "ar#eting






    l Analist








    Operation Level /mplo$ee 8

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    Culture shock is a term used to describe the aniety and feelings 7of surprise disorientation

    confusion etc.8 felt when employees have to operate within an entirely different cultural or

    social environment such as a foreign country. t grows out of the difficulties in assimilating the

    new culture causing difficulty in knowing what is appropriate and what is not. This is often

    combined a dislike for or even disgust 7moral or aesthetical8 with certain aspects of the new or

    different culture. To solve the problem of cultural shock we should have a training program for

    the epatriates. 0ithout @A+ it will be impossible to manage and organi?e training program for

    the epatriates to overcome cultural shock.

    1oreseea&le% 4n!oreseea&le:arriers

    o !oreseeable #is$

    ,s in the market lots of established television channels are already in the market. -o it is

    tough to do business in this industry until distinctive competencies can be made.

    ,s the niche market we are concentrating on is attractive enough with an emerging

    segment of affluent customers the eisting competitors may also come to this area with

    their new outlets.

    ncreasing import ta is a big threat to us. t may decrease our profitability in the long


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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    :npredictable political situation of the country is another threat to our business. %olitical

    instability has always hampered business of all types in Bangladesh.

    o 0n%oreseeable arriers

    , sudden change in government policy about ta rate on terrestrial e>uipment may be

    an unforeseeable risk for the organi?ation.

    The natural calamities may suddenly take place and that will hinder the operation.

    Economic downturn can hamper the return of investment.

    Change viewer#s perception lack of distinctive competencies will be an ultimate risk in

    order to do business for the long run.

    Mar$et ris$

    !iewer#s demand for product may change drastically over the time. n addition to that different

    eternal environmental causes like political and legal issues may results in highly risky market

    situation. )or eample increasing inflation and fluctuating echange rate can increase the cost of

    the company. Though we epect the demand for these services will increase step by step because

    the market is reali?ing more value in these things as a result of education developed mentalityincreased buying power and improved taste. These intuitions regarding the market indicate that

    there are lots of risks associated.

    Operational ris$

    The Company has only a few employees. Thus the firm will be solely dependent on these

    employees. The absence of the employees will create problem and hamper sound operations


    redit #is$

    nitially the company will need money to finance for raw materials outlet e>uipments and

    vehicle. This money is epected to finance by taking loans from the bank and from our funds. -o

    if we encounter loss it will be tough for the company to pay back its debts.

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    2i4uidit' #is$

    ,ccording to our long term vision we will epand our market by opening new outlets. ,s in the

    initial stage our profit will not be much to launch new outlets the company may have to take

    additional loan from the banks. @owever a substantial portion of asset of the company will be

    pledged for bank loan. This may force the company into a shortHterm li>uidity crisis.

    #is$ alculation based on #evenue earned per 'ear %rom various channels perspective:

    Revenue per year Deviation Squared Deviation

    ATN 115,436 22,847.58 522012064.2

    !" 36,#34$55,654.42% 30#74140#5

    T& 45,511$47,077.42% 2216283160

    & 84,437$8,151.42% 664455#3.67

    '()1 117,130 24,541.58 60228#312.5

    *!)+ 188,678 #6,08#.58 #233208025

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    D+ 80,347 80,347.00 645564040#

    DS! 84,#80$7,608.42% 57888004.17

    -T& 113,833 21,244.58 451332321

    +T& 28,1##$64,38#.42% 4145##6#7#

    NT& 130,441 37,852.58 1432818065

    RT& 85,135$7,453.42% 55553420.01

    Tota 1,111,061

    /ean #2,588.42

    Tota Deviation #2,588.42

    Tota Squared Deviation 28,336,881,447.#1

    /ean Aoute Deviation 7,715.702,361,406,787.33

    /ean Squared Deviation 5#,532,047.#2

    &arian*e 214,673,344.30

    Standard Deviation 14,651.7351#

    Q,ll the amounts are in B+T and in 1illions.

    Television channel business is not a new concept from the aspect of Bangladesh. Iocations but

    our competitive advantage is uni>ueness fight for the truth and low price compare to other

    television centre. That is why we need epert manpower to make the decoration unconventional

    to differentiate the program as well as the importing country from where we can import at a

    significant lower price and deliver them to the customers at a relatively lower price by

    maintaining the >uality.

    Cine Bangla Television channel will provide the viewers a complete atmosphere related with

    Bangladeshi film as well as film related any information which they have never eperienced


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    Start 0p ,nvestment:

    The total start up re>uirement or investment re>uired for opening a television channel like Cine

    Bangla is about B+T /E=/-+. The total investment comes from two sources. $ne is from

    getting debt from Bank and capital. Total start up re>uirement is given below.

    Start Up requirement

    and and Deveopent 20,000,000

    uidin at 10,000,000

    road*atin -quipent 262,331,088

    rodu*tion -quipent 50,000,000

    -e*tri*a -quipent 52,000,000

    'aette 10,000,000

    Air'onditioner 6,78#,244

    9::i*e -quipent 25,000,000

    urniture i;ture 15,000,000

    /otor &e(i*e 25,000,000

    Se*urity Depoit SS 50,000

    Se*urity Depoit S-' 500,000

    Se*urity Depoit TT 207,400

    Se*urity Depoit to o*a S

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    9::i*e Re:re(ent 150,000

    Repair and /aintinan*e o: &e(i*e 65,000

    9::i*e /aintinan*e 100,000

    +naura -;pene 4,000,000

    9t(er 2,000,000

    Cash and Bank Balance

    *a( in (and 1,000,000

    /ar*antie an< "ar=an a>ar r. 5,000,000

    +ai an< anade( td. 1,000,000

    ++' an< td. 500,000

    +' +ai* an< td. 1,000,000

    Standard '(artered an

  • 7/25/2019 Business Planning TV Channel






    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media



    The total capital of this pro=ect is B+T +"H/-+which is 2/.;F of the total investment.

    Total Turnover:

    Total revenue can be collected in different forms of T!C. )or eample

    Television Commercials.


    1ovie -ponsorship etc.

    $ur rate card for giving advertisement on our Television is given below.





    $rdinary )ied



    Break in



    Break in








    (st 1id



    nd 1id



    Iast -pot








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    ? >+??






















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    Propert'< Plant and &4uipment:

    $ur %roperty plant and e>uipment for this particular business are.

    (. Iand & Iand +evelopment

    . Building & )lat

    /. Broadcasting E>uipment2. %roduction E>uipment

    3. Electrical E>uipment


    ;. )urniture & )iture

    (6. 1otor !ehicle

    0e are assuming (6F depreciation on the above property plant and e>uipment on the basis of

    our competitor view of taking depreciation rate.


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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    0e conducted our audit in accordance with Bangladesh -tandards on ,uditing 7B-,8. Those

    standards re>uire that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about

    whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. ,n audit includes eamining

    on a test basis evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. ,n

    audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant statement

    presentation. 0e believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

    Source o% %inancing:

    The initial spending will be part financed by the partners and part by long term loan. ,mong the

    4 partners the CE$ of the organi?ation Da?rul slam will provide B+T +"H/-+which is

    2/.;F of the investment and the rest B+T +I>/-+will be loaned from CB slami bank

    for (/F interest rate. The finacing is given below.

    Operating &3penses:

    $ur operating epenses are divided into two parts.

    (. ,dministrative epenses

    . -elling Epenses

    $perating epenses for the first year is given below.

    *perating Expense


    (e&t 'B> E

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    MGT-489 Strate ic Business Plan on Electronic Media


    +dministrative Expense

    Saary Ao=an*e 70,000,000

    onu 5,000,000

    Dire*tor? Reuneration 3,000,000

    rintin Stationary 2,000,000Travein -;pene 500,000

    9::i*e Rent 6,000,000

    ee ro:eiona '(are 300,000

    Audit ee 125,000

    9::i*e Re:re(ent 3,000,000

    'onveyan*e 80,000

    Repair /aintenan*e &e(i*e 1,000,000

    9::i*e /aintenan*e 1,000,000

    Teep(one, oie +nternet i 2,000,000Teep(one /oie Set ur*(ae 60,000

    Ne=paper eriodi*a 138,000

    Se*urity Servi*e 2,000,000

    +nuran*e reiu 600,000

    Su*ription Donation 60,000

    -e*tri*ity -;pene 2,500,000

    -quipent /aintenan*e 1,500,000

    -poyee rovided und 2,500,000

    -tai(ent -;pene 180,000

    @ater i 250,000

    Sateite Rent 18,480,000

    'ine ana 'oan Ta(i 1,000,000

    So:t=are /aintenan*e 100,000


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