
Business Etiquette


As the most common of all forms of greetings, the handshake is a traditional sign of trust. In the past, extending your hand in friendship demonstrated that you were unarmed.


Today, the handshake is an important symbol of respect, the most important aspect of the proper protocol for business greetings. Whether you are male or female, to be taken seriously, you must shake hands appropriately. You want your handshake to give you the respect you deserve.


Some handshakes send the wrong signals. Match the type of handshake with the meaning often attached to it.

Handshakes___1. Limp

Handshake___2. Bone-crushing

handshake. ___3. Two-handed

handshake, in which a hand is placed on top

on the one being shaken.

___4. No response to extended hand.

___5. Sweaty palms.

A. The person is aloof.B. The person is nervous.C. The person is a wimpD. The person is trying to dominate you.E. The person is acting too familiar or trying to establish power.

How to Shake Hands

Say your name and extend your hand. Usually the higher-ranking person should extend a hand first, but if he or she doesn’t, you should.

How to Shake Hands

Extend your hand at a slight angle, with your thumb up. Touch thumb joint to thumb joint. Put your thumb down gently once contact has been made, and wrap your fingers around the palm of the other person’s hand.

How to Shake Hands

Provide a firm handshake but not a bone-breaking one. About two or three pumps are enough.

Small Talk Skills

Small talk may seem unimportant, but it has a potentially huge impact on how others respond to you. It contributes to your credibility and your ability to establish rapport; it also helps set clients at ease.

Small Talk Skills

The ability to effectively engage in small talk includes three key components:

1. Tuning-in techniques 2. Listening manners3. Acting appropriately when it’s your

turn to talk.

Tuning-In Techniques

The first step for success in small talk is reading yourself to listen. The second step is letting others know that you are paying attention to them. The acronym SOFTEN explains how to show someone you are paying attention.

Tuning-In Techniques

S = Smile. A smile is a sign of friendliness and receptivity


Tuning-In Techniques

O = Open posture. Appear attentive and face the speaker. Don’t cross your arms or legs.


Tuning-In Techniques

F = Forward lean. Leaning forward shows that you’re alert. However, don’t invade the other person’s space. Stay about an arm’s distance away.


Tuning-In Techniques

T = Tone. Make your tone of voice show interest. In addition, don’t mumble, shout, or whisper.


Tuning-In Techniques

E = Eye contact. Look directly at the speaker without staring.


Tuning-In Techniques

N = Nod. Nodding indicates agreement or just understanding of what is said. Be careful not to nod too much.


Tuning-In TechniquesThrough posture, eye contact, and gestures, you are telling people that you are receptive to what they have to say. You can use these cues to signal that you are ready for conversation. Or, by omitting them, you show that you are temporarily too rushed, overloaded, or otherwise unable to talk at the moment. You should also pay attention to these cues in the body language of others.

Tuning-In Techniques

Label the following body-language signals. Use (P) for those that create a positive, polite impression and (N) for those that give a negative, impolite impression—mannerisms that can signal someone is giving the speaker full attention.

Tuning-In Techniques

Positive or Negative? Tapping feet Arms at side Hanging head Swaying Shoulders relaxed Hands in pocket Direct eye contact

Tuning-In Techniques

Positive or Negative? Head and chin up Shifting feet Looking away Feet still Crossed arms Hands on hips Slouching

Listening Manners

We have two ears and one mouth for a good reason: We should listen twice as much as we speak! You can get ready to listen in these ways:

Listening Manners

Create a setting in which you can listen.

You may need to close the door, hold telephone calls, or sit next to the person who is speaking.

Listening Manners

Tune out internal distractions. You might be feeling hungry, have a headache, or even be wondering how to deal with your difficult co-worker. However, you won’t really hear what the other person is saying if you think about those things instead of what she’s telling you.

Listening Manners

Monitor your body language. If you’re frowning, fidgeting, or staring into space, you’re sending signals that tell the speaker you’re not receptive.

Listening Manners

You need to let the speaker speak and then reflect back the person’s words.

If you interrupt, finish someone’s sentences, or think about what he or you might say next, you won’t fully communicate. You need to repeat or paraphrase what was stated, ask questions that clarify the comments, and offer words of encouragement or acknowledgment.

Your Turn to Talk

While it is usually appropriate to respond to what someone else has said, it’s also a good idea to have a repertoire of topics that you feel comfortable bringing up. You can find things to talk about by paying attention to current events, the weather, the world around you, and developments within your industry.

Your Turn to TalkSome topics should be avoided during casual conversations. Some examples:

Your health or someone else’s health.Personal misfortunes.Income.Stories of questionable taste, dirty jokes, or gossip.Religion and highly controversial issues such as abortion.Intimate details about your personal life.

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