Page 1: Building Relationship With People Of Other Beliefs
Page 2: Building Relationship With People Of Other Beliefs
Page 3: Building Relationship With People Of Other Beliefs

God’s plan at the beginning

of Creation was man and

woman living in loving harmony with each other, with the animal kingdom, with

the natural environment and with the

Creator. (Genesis 2:18-


God’s plan at the beginning

of Creation was man and

woman living in loving harmony with each other, with the animal kingdom, with

the natural environment and with the

Creator. (Genesis 2:18-


St. Francis’ with his

humble love, truth,

honesty and passion for

peace closely

portrayed God’s vision for mankind.

St. Francis’ with his

humble love, truth,

honesty and passion for

peace closely

portrayed God’s vision for mankind.

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When God’s plan was shattered by the forces of evil, He sent his Son Jesus to bring love and peace, to restore harmony, and “to

gather into one the dispersed children of God”

(John 11:52).

When God’s plan was shattered by the forces of evil, He sent his Son Jesus to bring love and peace, to restore harmony, and “to

gather into one the dispersed children of God”

(John 11:52).

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Page 6: Building Relationship With People Of Other Beliefs
Page 7: Building Relationship With People Of Other Beliefs

‘‘Not everyone who Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, says to me, "Lord,

Lord" shall enter the Lord" shall enter the kingdom of heaven’ kingdom of heaven’

(Matt. 7:21)."(Matt. 7:21)."

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“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome, lacking clothes and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me." Then the upright will say to him in reply, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome, lacking clothes and clothe you? When did we find you sick or in prison and go to see you?" And the King will answer…..”

Matthew 27: 35-40

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Page 10: Building Relationship With People Of Other Beliefs

Do you Love the Do you Love the Lord your God, with Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your heart, with

all your soul, with all all your soul, with all your mind and with your mind and with all your strength?all your strength?

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St. Francis of Assisi caught God’s vision and gave it

new life. He once summed up the mission of the

community he founded.

“Brothers,” he said, “we have been called to heal

wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring

home those who have lost their way.”

St. Francis of Assisi caught God’s vision and gave it

new life. He once summed up the mission of the

community he founded.

“Brothers,” he said, “we have been called to heal

wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring

home those who have lost their way.”

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What if we also took this desire seriously?

What if we made it the central project for our lives?

Could we commit ourselves to the way of healing and


All of us have the capacity to develop some simple, ordinary

ways of carrying a spirit of love, unity, peace and

reconciliation into all our relationships.

What if we also took this desire seriously?

What if we made it the central project for our lives?

Could we commit ourselves to the way of healing and


All of us have the capacity to develop some simple, ordinary

ways of carrying a spirit of love, unity, peace and

reconciliation into all our relationships.

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With Francis of Assisi, “We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their


With Francis of Assisi, “We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their


It is tempting to shift responsibility to those who

have special expertise or are in positions of authority

instead of doing our part. It seems too complicated and

overwhelming for us. But complexity and difficulty do not excuse us from our own

individual efforts.

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With each person we meet, we should look beyond the surface, beyond the external

qualities that seem to divide us—to the core of each person, the sacred

center where God resides, and show them His unconditional love.

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Page 16: Building Relationship With People Of Other Beliefs

Where there is hatred,

let me sow love;

Where there is doubt,

let me sow faith;

Where there is injury,

let me sow pardon;

Where there's discord,

let me sow unity;

Where there is hatred,

let me sow love;

Where there is doubt,

let me sow faith;

Where there is injury,

let me sow pardon;

Where there's discord,

let me sow unity;

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Where there is error,

let me sow the truth;

Where there is despair,

let me sow hope;

Where there is sadness,

let me sow joy;

Where there is darkness,

let me sow the light.

Where there is error,

let me sow the truth;

Where there is despair,

let me sow hope;

Where there is sadness,

let me sow joy;

Where there is darkness,

let me sow the light.

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Page 19: Building Relationship With People Of Other Beliefs

O Master, that I may not seek to be consoled, but to console;

Not to be understood,but to understand;

Not to be loved,but rather to love;

O Master, that I may not seek to be consoled, but to console;

Not to be understood,but to understand;

Not to be loved,but rather to love;

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For it is in giving, that we will receive;

And in forsaking, that we truly gain;

By forgiving, that we are forgiven;

And in dying…

For it is in giving, that we will receive;

And in forsaking, that we truly gain;

By forgiving, that we are forgiven;

And in dying…

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