  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide

    Version 5.5

    Phone: (937) 449-4512 FAX: (866) 737-9598


    Copyright NCR Corporation, 2014; all rights reserved. Gasper is a trademark of NCR Corporation (NCR). All Gasper programs and documentation are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Gasper. The contents of the Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide are subject to change without notice and do not represent a commitment on the part of NCR. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document. However, due to ongoing project improvements and revisions, NCR cannot guarantee the accuracy of printed material after the date of publication, nor can it accept responsibility for errors or omissions. NCR will publish updates and revisions to this document as needed. For information on Gasper products, manuals, training, sales, and customer service, call (937) 449-4512 during standard business hours (Eastern Time) or fax us at (866) 737-9598. All brand names and product names used in this manual are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders. This document was prepared according to NCR requirements by NCRs Gasper Documentation staff with the help of NCRs Gasper Customer Support, Development, and Sales staff. Publication Date: March 3, 2014.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 1


    Table of Contents

    Preface ___________________________________________________________________ 3

    Overview __________________________________________________________________ 3

    Components ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

    Network Configurations .................................................................................................................................... 6 Internal/External Web Server Configuration .................................................................................................. 6 Web Farm Server Configuration .................................................................................................................... 8 Internal/Testing Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 10 Multi-Port Firewall Configuration ................................................................................................................. 11

    Security ............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Web Services ............................................................................................................................................... 12 Web Client Interface Files ........................................................................................................................... 12

    Prerequisites _____________________________________________________________ 13

    Installation Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................ 13

    Prerequisite Skills ............................................................................................................................................ 13

    Recommended Order of Installation .............................................................................................................. 14

    Recommended Order of Uninstallation ......................................................................................................... 15

    Oracle System Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 16

    SQL Server System Requirements ................................................................................................................. 16

    Firewall Considerations ................................................................................................................................... 16

    Existing Web Sites ........................................................................................................................................... 16

    Preinstallation Steps for Browser Workstation installation (OS Specific) ____________ 17

    Windows 7......................................................................................................................................................... 17

    Windows 2008 Server ...................................................................................................................................... 23

    Windows 2008 Server R2................................................................................................................................. 27

    Browser Workstation Installation Program _____________________________________ 33

    Postinstallation Steps for Browser Workstation Installation (OS Specific) ___________ 50

    Windows 7......................................................................................................................................................... 50

    Windows Server 2008 ...................................................................................................................................... 53

    Windows 2008 Server R2................................................................................................................................. 57

    Manual Configuration ______________________________________________________ 62

    Database Connection Configuration Wizard ................................................................................................. 62 Configuring a Database Connection............................................................................................................ 63 Changing the DSN Connection Info Password ........................................................................................... 68 Changing the Database User Password ..................................................................................................... 69 Viewing Database Connection Configuration .............................................................................................. 70

    Web Service Configuration Utility .................................................................................................................. 71 How to Update References to Web Services .............................................................................................. 73

    LDAP Authentication Configuration .............................................................................................................. 74 Gasper LDAP Service Impersonation Utility ................................................................................................ 74

    MSMQ Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 75

  • 2 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Report Directory Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 79 Defining the Report Directory ...................................................................................................................... 79 Using a Mapped Drive to Support the Report Directory .............................................................................. 81

    Securing the Report Directory ........................................................................................................................ 81

    Excluding Files from the Reports List ........................................................................................................... 85

    Generating a Lock Manager Proxy ................................................................................................................. 86

    Permission Set Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 92 User Permissions......................................................................................................................................... 92 Gasper Web Site Permissions ..................................................................................................................... 93 Gasper Web Services Permissions ............................................................................................................. 96

    Configuring Gasper Dashboard Options ....................................................................................................... 97

    Optional Settings __________________________________________________________ 99

    ASP.NET Session Service ............................................................................................................................... 99

    Automatic Login ............................................................................................................................................. 102

    Custom Text Definition .................................................................................................................................. 103

    Enable/Disable Filtered Views ...................................................................................................................... 104

    Enable/Disable Menu Icons ........................................................................................................................... 105

    Enable/Disable Password Validation ........................................................................................................... 106

    Logout URL Redirection ................................................................................................................................ 107

    Maximum Sessions per User ........................................................................................................................ 108

    Open Reports in a New Window ................................................................................................................... 109

    Session Timeout Value .................................................................................................................................. 110

    User Description Login .................................................................................................................................. 111

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 3



    This document, the Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide, is a supplement to the Gasper Vantage User's Reference Guide. This document provides detailed instructions regarding the installation and configuration of the Gasper Vantage Browser Workstation application.

    The Overview section of this document provides information regarding the capabilities, components, and web server configurations associated with the Browser Workstation application.

    The Prerequisites section of this document provides information regarding the platforms and software required to support the Browser Workstation.

    The Preinstallation section of this document provides step-by-step pre installation instructions by operating system.

    The Installation section of this document provides step-by-step instructions on using the Browser Workstation application's installation program.

    The Postinstallation section of this document provides step-by-step post installation instructions by operating system.

    The Manual Configuration section of this document explains how to configure system setting requirements that are beyond the scope of the Browser Workstation application's installation program.

    The Optional Settings section of this document explains how to customize features of the Browser Workstation application for your institution's specific needs.

    The Browser Workstation application provides a Web browser interface to the Gasper Vantage Ticket History database. The Browser Workstation applications graphic display indicates the current Object network availability while providing links to current Tickets and the Ticket History database. For detailed information regarding other elements of Gasper Vantage (e.g., applications, services, database, etc.), refer to the Gasper Vantage User's Reference Guide.


    The Gasper Vantage Browser Workstation application provides a Web browser interface to the Gasper Vantage database. The Browser Workstation applications graphic display indicates the current Object network availability while providing links to current Tickets and the Ticket History database. The Browser Workstation application provides a variety of functions:

    Users can review, add, and edit Tickets in the Gasper Vantage Ticket History database.

    Users can issue Object-based commands via the Automated Command Manager application.

    Users can view Gasper Vantage Crystal Reports published for viewing on the Web.

    Users can add Object, Contact, and Contact Group records to the Gasper Vantage database or edit existing Object, Contact, and Contact Group records.

    Most of the Browser Workstation applications functions are also available via the non-web-based Gasper Vantage applications. The unique benefit of the Browser Workstation application is that it can provide Gasper Vantage system access to a wider audience than could be reached without the use of the web. Because the Browser Workstation is a web-based application, its configuration and installation differ significantly from the configuration and installation of the other Gasper Vantage applications. Gasper recommends becoming familiar with the Browser Workstation components and recommended web server configurations prior to planning the installation of your Browser Workstation application.

  • 4 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide



    Unlike most of the Gasper Vantage applications, the Browser Workstation application is not a single executable file. The Browser Workstation application is made up of a broad collection of interdependent components. These components work together to provide the interface and functions collectively referred to as the Browser Workstation application.

    The following list presents descriptions of the Browser Workstation components presented in the diagram.

    Web Client Interface Files: This component consists of the web pages, graphics, and icons that define the user interface of the Browser Workstation application. The Web Client Interface Files define the formatting and presentation of information on a users web browser. The Web Client Interface Files only define the display of data; this component contains no Gasper Vantage data of its own.

    Web Services: This component consists of a series of services that support communication between the Web Client Interface Files and Gasper Vantages data. The Web Services obtain and provide the data used to populate the display of the Web Client Interface Files.










    Gasper Vantage

    Browser Workstation


    Data Filter


    Lock Manager


    Web Client

    Interface Files


    Manager Service



    Shaded elements are not installed as

    part of the Browser Workstation.


  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 5


    Request/Response Queues: The Browser Workstation applications Web Services communicate with the Request Manager service via request and response queues. The queues are scalable to provide the necessary communications flexibility required by the Browser Workstation application when it needs to contact the Message Processor.

    Request Manager Service: This component consists of a service that handles any requests and responses made between the Browser Workstation application and the Message Processor. The Request Manager service supports the Browser Workstation applications ability to interface with the other Gasper Vantage applications through the Message Processor. For example, the Request Manager service supports the Browser Workstation applications ability to trigger Object-based commands by facilitating requests from the Browser Workstation application to the Automated Command Manager application via the Message Processor.

    COM+ Connection: The DCOM communications protocol is used to support the required availability of certain services across different servers.

    Data Filter Service/Proxy: This component consists of a service that determines if the Gasper Vantage user at the Browser Workstation application has the right to access specified data. Just as with other Gasper Vantage applications, the Gasper Vantage User record used to log into the Browser Workstation application can define Object filtering as well as permissions for available functions.

    The Data Filter may be set up as a service or a proxy depending on proximity to the server hosting the

    Web Services. If the Data Filter service and the Web Services are run on separate servers, a Data Filter proxy will be present on the server that hosts the Web Services.

    Gasper Vantage Database: This component represents the data storage facility of the Gasper Vantage system. The Gasper Vantage database contains all current Ticket and Ticket history data as well as all tables associated with the Gasper Vantage Definitions database.

    The installation and configuration of the Gasper Vantage database is not a part of the Browser

    Workstation applications installation. For detailed information on the Gasper Vantage database, refer to the Gasper Vantage Users Reference Guide.

    Message Processor: The Message Processor provides message filtering and translation operations, supports database updates, and feeds the monitoring, ticketing, two-way communications, and dispatching operations of Gasper Vantage. In Gasper Vantage versions prior to and including 5.4, the Message Processor is an executable application. In Gasper Vantage versions 5.5 and later, the Message Processor is a Windows service.

    The installation and configuration of the Message Processor is not a part of the Browser Workstation

    applications installation. For detailed information on the Message Processor, refer to the Gasper Vantage Users Reference Guide.

    Lock Manager: The Lock Manager is a service that locks access to elements of the Gasper Vantage database when Gasper Vantage applications access them. The Lock Manager service prevents the various Gasper Vantage applications from overwriting data that is being accessed.

    The Lock Manager service is installed as a subordinate element of the Message Processor. The Lock

    Manager may relate to the Browser Workstation as a service or a proxy depending on proximity to the server hosting the Web Services. If the Lock Manager service and the Web Services are run on separate servers, a Lock Manager proxy will be present on the server that hosts the Web Services.

  • 6 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Network Configurations

    There are several network configurations that can be used to support the Browser Workstation applications web and Gasper Vantage connectivity requirements. The following sections present several common network configurations that you can use to support the Browser Workstation application.

    Internal/External Web Server Configuration

    The Internal/External Web Server configuration is recommended by Gasper for the implementation of the Browser Workstation application. The Internal/External Web Server configuration has the following characteristics:

    Two web servers are positioned on either side of the main firewall.

    The web server on the external side of the main firewall hosts the Browser Workstation applications Web Client Interface Files.

    The web server on the internal side of the main firewall hosts the Browser Workstation applications Web Services.

    A separate server is used to host the other Gasper Vantage applications. The Internal/External Web Server configuration provides security to the Browser Workstation application by maintaining all database operations behind the main firewall. In addition, the Internal/External Web Server configuration only requires a single port to be open in the main firewall to support the Browser Workstation application.



    File Server

    Internal Web Server

    with Web ServicesFirewall



    External Web

    Server with

    Web Client

    Interface Files



    Internal/External Web Server Configuration

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 7


    The following list presents the configuration issues associated with each element of the Internal/External Web Server configuration.

    Gasper Vantage File Server - The Message Processor application server's port 1500 must have two-way TCP communications with

    the internal web server. - If the database is Microsoft SQL Server, the default port is 1433. This port is reconfigurable by SQL

    Server. - If the database is Oracle, the default listener port is 1521. This port is found in


    Internal Web Server - Software prerequisites include: Microsoft Windows 2003, Microsoft Windows 2008 Server, Microsoft

    Internet Information Server 5.0 (minimum), Microsoft's .NET 1.1 framework, and Microsoft's Message Queuing service.

    - Local port 2600 is used by the internal web server to connect to the Message Processor application. - When installing the Browser Workstation application, the Custom setup type must be used to allow

    you to only install the Browser Workstation applications Web Services, Data Filter service, and Request Manager service. For detailed information on installing the Browser Workstation application, refer to the Browser Workstation Installation Program section of this document.

    Main Firewall - A single port must provide two-way communications between the Browser Workstation application

    components on the internal web server and the external web server. By default, port 80 is supported, but this port can be changed.

    External Web Server - Software prerequisites include: Microsoft Windows 2003, Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0

    (minimum), Microsoft Windows 2008 Server, and Microsoft's .NET 1.1 framework. - When installing the Browser Workstation application, the Custom setup type must be used to allow

    you to only install the Browser Workstation applications Web Client Interface Files. For detailed information on installing the Browser Workstation application, refer to the Browser Workstation Installation Program section of this document.

  • 8 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Web Farm Server Configuration

    The Web Farm server configuration is recommended by Gasper for the implementation of the Browser Workstation application. The Internal/External Web Server configuration has the following characteristics:

    Coordinated web servers are positioned on either side of the main firewall.

    Multiple web servers on the external side of the main firewall host the Browser Workstation applications Web Client Interface Files. One of the external web servers functions as an ASP.NET state server to coordinate session communications with the internal web server.

    A single web server on the internal side of the main firewall hosts the Browser Workstation applications Web Services.

    A separate server is used to host the Gasper Vantage applications. The Web Farm server configuration provides security to the Browser Workstation application by maintaining all database operations behind the main firewall. In addition, the Web Farm server configuration only requires a single port to be open in the main firewall to support the Browser Workstation application. NOTE: Servers in a Web Farm configuration must use Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server for the support provided by the operating systems load balancing capabilities.



    BrowserExternal Web

    Servers, each with

    Web Client

    Interface Files



    Web Farm Server Configuration




    File Server

    Internal Web Server

    with Web Services

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 9


    The following list presents the configuration issues associated with each element of the Web Farm server configuration.

    Gasper Vantage File Server - The Message Processor application server's port 1500 must have two-way TCP communications with

    the internal web server. - If the database is Microsoft SQL Server, the default port is 1433. This port is reconfigurable by SQL

    Server. - If the database is Oracle, the default listener port is 1521. This port is found in


    Internal Web Server - Software prerequisites include: Microsoft Windows 2003, Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0

    (minimum), Microsoft Windows 2008 Server, Microsoft's .NET 1.1 framework, and Microsoft's Message Queuing service.

    - Local port 2600 is used by the internal web server to connect to the Message Processor application. - When installing the Browser Workstation application, the Custom setup type must be used to allow

    you to only install the Browser Workstation applications Web Services, Data Filter service, and Request Manager service. For detailed information on installing the Browser Workstation application, refer to the Browser Workstation Installation Program section of this document.

    Main Firewall - A single port must provide two-way communications between the Browser Workstation application

    components on the internal web server and the external web server. By default, port 80 is supported, but this port can be changed.

    External Web Servers - Software prerequisites include: Microsoft Windows 2003, Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0

    (minimum), Microsoft Windows 2008 Server, and Microsoft's .NET 1.1 framework. - When installing the Browser Workstation application, the Custom setup type must be used to allow

    you to only install the Browser Workstation applications Web Client Interface Files. For detailed information on installing the Browser Workstation application, refer to the Browser Workstation Installation Program section of this document.

    - One of the external web servers must function as an ASP.NET state server. The state server hosts

    the ASP.NET State service and must be accessible from all other external web servers. For detailed information on configuring the ASP.NET state server, refer to the ASP.NET Session Service section of this document.

  • 10 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Internal/Testing Configuration

    The Internal/Testing configuration is only recommended for testing and limited intranet use of the Browser Workstation application. The Internal/Testing configuration has the following characteristics:

    A single server functions as both the Gasper Vantage file server and the web server.

    No firewall is defined between the web server and the networked workstations. The Internal/Testing configuration provides no security to the Browser Workstation applications operation. Therefore, it only suitable for restricted implementations (i.e., system tests). The following list presents the configuration issues associated with each element of the Internal/Testing server configuration.

    File Server/Web Server - Software prerequisites include: Microsoft Windows 2003, Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0

    (minimum), Microsoft Windows 2008 Server, Microsoft's .NET 1.1 framework, and Microsoft's Message Queuing service.

    - The Message Processor application server's port 1500 must have two-way TCP communications with

    the internal web server. - Local port 2600 is used by the internal web server to connect to the Message Processor application. - If the database is Microsoft SQL Server, the default port is 1433. This port is reconfigurable by SQL

    Server. - If the database is Oracle, the default listener port is 1521. This port is found in

    \Network\Admin\TNSNames.ora. - When installing the Browser Workstation application, the Complete setup type can be used to install

    all Browser Workstation application components. For detailed information on installing the Browser Workstation application, refer to the Browser Workstation Installation Program section of this document.

    Gasper Vantage

    File Server &

    Web Server



    Internal/Testing Configuration


  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 11


    Multi-Port Firewall Configuration

    The Multi-Port Firewall configuration is only recommended for testing and limited intranet use of the Browser Workstation application. The Multi-Port Firewall configuration has the following characteristics:

    A single web server on the external side of the firewall hosts the Browser Workstation applications Web Client Interface Files and Web Services.

    A separate server on the internal side of the firewall is used to host the Gasper Vantage applications.

    No firewall is defined between the web server and the networked workstations. The following list presents the configuration issues associated with each element of the Web Farm server configuration.

    Gasper Vantage File Server - The Message Processor application server's port 1500 must have two-way TCP communications with

    the firewall.

    Firewall - Multiple ports must be available to provide two-way communications between the Browser

    Workstation application components on the web server and the Gasper Vantage file server.

    Gasper Vantage Web Server - Software prerequisites include: Microsoft Windows 2003, Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0

    (minimum), Microsoft Windows 2008 Server, Microsoft's .NET 1.1 framework, and Microsoft's Message Queuing service.

    - When installing the Browser Workstation application, the Complete setup type can be used to install

    all Browser Workstation application components. For detailed information on installing the Browser Workstation application, refer to the Browser Workstation Installation Program section of this document.

    Gasper Vantage

    File Server



    External Web Server Configuration


    Web Server


    Gasper Vantage

    Web Service Components

    and Interface Files


  • 12 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide



    Web Services

    The Browser Workstation applications web service components are designed to only process requests for users who have a valid Browser Workstation session. For any request to the Web Services, a session token must be received and validated by the Web Services before the request processing can proceed. If an invalid session token is passed to the Web Services as part of a request, the request will be refused immediately. The Web Services do not support Windows Authentication. However, if your web server configuration requires Windows Authentication, you can implement Windows Authentication for the Web Client Interface Files. If Windows Authentication is implemented for the Web Client Interface files, the Windows Authentication will be required by the Browser Workstation application before it generates a session token for the Web Services. Because the session token creation at the Web Client Interface files is governed by Windows Authentication, the access to the Web Services will also be governed by Windows Authentication.

    Web Client Interface Files

    The Browser Workstation application normally requires the entry of user authentication parameters before the Browser Workstation application will grant access to its display and functions via session token. Windows Authentication or other authentication methods can be implemented for the Web Client Interface Files to provide additional security measures.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 13



    Installation Prerequisites

    The Browser Workstation application's server can be supported by Microsoft Windows Server 2008 edition (32 bit) with Service Pack 2, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit) with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard and Enterprise editions (both 32 and 64 bit) with Service Pack 2, Microsoft Windows 2003, and Microsoft Windows XP Professional (32 bit) with Service Pack 3. The server must run Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0. The Browser Workstation application requires Microsoft's .NET 1.1 framework and Microsoft's Message Queuing service to be installed on the server. The platforms that are certified to support the Browser Workstation application client include:

    Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (32 bit) with Service Pack 2 (SP2)

    Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit) with Service Pack 1 (SP1)

    Microsoft Windows 7 (32 bit)

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard and Enterprise editions (32 bit) with Service Pack 2

    Microsoft Windows 2003

    Microsoft Windows XP Professional (32 bit) with Service Pack 3 The web browsers that are certified to support the Browser Workstation application include:

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0+

    Firefox 3+

    Prerequisite Skills

    The Gasper Browser Installation program allows you to install the files required to support Gasper Vantage's Browser Workstation application. However, the Browser Workstation application's setup requires additional steps to be taken by your Network/LAN Engineer. Some tasks involved in implementing the Browser Workstation application require specialized Network/LAN Engineer skills. Prerequisite tasks to be accomplished before installing the Browser Workstation application include:

    setting up the Gasper Vantage file server

    setting up the web server(s)

    establishing the firewall(s) between the web server and the Internet.

  • 14 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Recommended Order of Installation

    The Browser Workstation application depends on the coordination of several software elements. Some software elements are associated with the web server and others are associated with Gasper Vantage. Due to the interdependencies of the Browser Workstation application and its prerequisite software elements, it is recommended that you follow a specific sequence when installing software elements on the server that will host the Browser Workstation application. The following software elements should be installed in the listed order: 1. Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0 (minimum). 2. MS Queuing Service. 3. Gasper Vantage. If you intend to use separate servers to support the functions of the Web Server and the Gasper Vantage

    File Server, you should not install Gasper Vantage on the Browser Workstation applications Web Server in addition to the Gasper Vantage File Server.

    Lock Manager Service. The Lock Manager service is installed with the Message Processor during the Gasper Vantage

    installation. If the Message Processor and Lock Manager service are installed on a server other than the one that will host the Browser Workstation applications Web Services, the Browser Installation program will define a Lock Manager proxy on the web server that hosts the Web Services.

    4. Connection Wizard Script. You must run a connection wizard script on the Gasper Vantage database. The script creates a small

    database in SQL that will be required during the Browser Workstation applications setup. The script used depends on the type of database used to support your Gasper Vantage system. If your Gasper Vantage system has an Oracle database, you must run the OraConnectionWizard.sql script. If your Gasper Vantage system has a SQL Server database, you must run the SqlConnectionWizard.sql script.

    5. OS Specific Pre Gasper Vantage Browser Workstation installation steps.

    Windows 7 Windows 2008 Server Windows 2008 Server R2

    6. Gasper Vantage Browser Workstation. The Gasper Browser Installation program allows you to install the main components of the Browser

    Workstation application:

    Web Client Interface Files

    Web Services

    Request Manager Service

    Data Filter Service. In addition, when the Gasper Browser Installation program installs the Web Services, it also installs the

    following software elements:

    Microsoft .NET 1.1 Framework

    MDAC 2.6 (This element is necessary for servers running Windows 2000). 7.OS Specific Post Gasper Vantage Browser Workstation installation steps.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 15


    Windows 7 Windows 2008 Server Windows 2008 Server R2

    Recommended Order of Uninstallation

    Circumstances may dictate the need to uninstall software elements from the Browser Workstation applications web server. The process of removing software required by the Browser Workstation application can be performed to various levels. The following list describes progressive levels of software elements you can uninstall from the Browser Workstation applications web server. 1. Gasper Vantage Browser Workstation. If the web server hosts a proxy for the Lock Manager service, the Lock Manager proxy must be removed

    using the Control Panels Add/Remove Programs tool. If you uninstall the Browser Workstation application to prepare for the installation of an upgraded version

    of the application, the uninstall will leave several files and folders that can cause issues if they are not removed prior to installing the upgrade. After uninstalling the Browser Workstation application, the following should be performed before attempting to install an upgrade:

    Windows Server 2008/Windows 7:

    a) Go to Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Local Policies > Security Options. i. Disable the policy for "User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval

    Mode" ii. Reboot server (required for policy change to apply).

    b) Go to %drive%\Inetpub\wwwroot and delete any folders containing the name Gasper. c) Go to %drive%\Program Files\Gasper and delete the Browser and RequestServer folders. d) Go to %drive%\WINNT\Assembly (or %drive%\Windows\Assembly) and delete/uninstall any files

    containing the name Gasper as well as any remaining Data Filter service, Lock Manager service, or Request Manager service files.

    e) Go to %drive%\Program Files\ComPlus Applications and delete the {68DE648E-6993-418B-8F65-E36DD14C5439} and {57F59A74-DDA1-4BFD-B40D-846FA6FF81ED} folders if they exist.

    f) Enable the policy for "User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode" from step (a).

    g) Reboot Server.

    Windows Server 2003/Windows XP: a) Go to %drive%\Inetpub\wwwroot and delete any folders containing the name Gasper. b) Go to %drive%\Program Files\Gasper and delete the Browser and RequestServer folders. c) Go to %drive%\WINNT\Assembly (or %drive%\Windows\Assembly) and delete/uninstall any

    files containing the name Gasper as well as any remaining Data Filter service, Lock Manager service, or Request Manager service files.

    d) Go to %drive%\Program Files\ComPlus Applications and delete the {68DE648E-6993-418B-8F65-E36DD14C5439} and {57F59A74-DDA1-4BFD-B40D-846FA6FF81ED} folders if they exist.

    e) Reboot Server. 2. Gasper Vantage. If Gasper Vantage is not installed on the Browser Workstation applications web server, there is no need

    to uninstall it from its own server to enable further software removal from the web server. 3. Microsoft WSE 2.0. 4. Microsoft Message Queuing Service. 5. Microsoft .NET 1.1 Framework.

  • 16 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    6. Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0. Before uninstalling any software element shown in the list, all software elements listed above the element to be uninstalled must be removed.

    Oracle System Requirements

    When installing the Browser Workstation application to support a Gasper Vantage system that uses an Oracle database, preliminary steps must be taken to ensure the Gasper Vantage database can support the Browser Workstation application.

    The database script OraConnectionWizard.sql must be run to properly configure the Gasper Vantage database. The OraConnectionWizard.sql script is provided on the Gasper Vantage installation CD using the following directory path:

    - {CD Drive Letter}:\DatabaseScripts\Tables\OraConnectionWizard.sql.

    SQL Server System Requirements

    When installing the Browser Workstation application to support a Gasper Vantage system that uses a SQL Server database, the database script SqlConnectionWizard.sql must be run to properly configure the Gasper Vantage database. The SqlConnectionWizard.sql script is provided on the Gasper Vantage installation CD using the following directory path:

    {CD Drive Letter}:\DatabaseScripts\Tables\SqlConnectionWizard.sql.

    Firewall Considerations

    To preserve the security of your Gasper Vantage database, Gasper recommends that communications with your web server be routed through your company's firewall. The following two steps associated with firewall configuration should be addressed before attempting to install the Browser Workstation application.

    1. Define a rule on the firewall to allow communication strictly between the Gasper Vantage file server and the web server on the database server port for the Gasper Vantage database.

    The specific requirements of this step must be determined by your Network/LAN Engineer based on your institution's firewall configuration.

    The purpose of this step is to allow the Browser Workstation application's web pages to access data from the Gasper Vantage file server while preserving the security of the Gasper Vantage file server from direct internet inquiry.

    2. Define a rule on the firewall to allow access via web server port 80 to the IP address/web site of the

    Browser Workstation application.

    The specific requirements of this step must be determined by your Network/LAN Engineer based on your institution's firewall configuration.

    The purpose of this step is to allow remote workstations to access the Browser Workstation application via the Internet without having to go through a home page.

    The IP address of the Browser Workstation application will be defined by the web site set up on the web server in Microsoft Internet Information Server.

    Existing Web Sites

    If you intend to install the Browser Workstation application on a server that hosts any other web sites, you must know the server port assigned to each web site already on the server.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 17


    Microsoft Internet Information Server requires each web site to have its own server port. If an existing web site uses a specific server port, any attempt to create a new web site using the same server port will result in the new web site being created under the existing web site. During the installation process, the Browser Workstation Installation Program prompts you to provide a server port that the Browser Workstation application will use. If you want the Browser Workstation application to be installed as its own web site, the server port specified for the installation of the Browser Workstation application must be unique. If you want the Browser Workstation application to be installed underneath an existing web site, the server port specified for the installation of the Browser Workstation application must belong to the existing web site. Refer to the Browser Workstation Installation Program section of this document for detailed information on the input required during the installation process.

    Preinstallation Steps for Browser Workstation installation (OS Specific)

    Windows 7

    There are three things you need to remember during the browser installation. First, the installer should login as a user who belongs to the local Administrators Group. Only admin has the right to add, modify or remove certain local system resources like folder, system configuration, email, and so on. Second, you should always right-click any programs (Setup.exe, and so on) and select Run as administrator in the popup menu (if there is one) instead of double clicking the program icons or .exe file.

    Third, if you would like to uninstall the Browser, the original installer needs to do the Browser uninstall to ensure the Browser can be removed completely. Other users should not try to uninstall it. There are a couple of steps the installer needs to take care of before the browser installation begins.

  • 18 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Install Step 1 Since the current Browser is using ASP.NET 1.1, there are certain steps installer needs to do in order for ASP.NET to run. Since Windows does not include .NET 1.1 by default; you will have to install it if it hasnt been installed. Run the dotnetfx.exe from the main CD folder. Also, you will need to install .NET 1.1 SP1; as this version of .NET will not work without it because of the new Data Execution Prevention additions. Run NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe from the main CD folder.

    Install Step 2 Now you must enable IIS 6 Compatibility Mode (this may already be installed). Open Server Manager, expand Roles, then click on Web Server (IIS), then click on Add Role Services (if this option is grayed out then you already have a full IIS 7 install).

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 19


    Install Step 3 Within Server Manager expand Roles, then click on Web Server (IIS). Scroll down to Role Services and click Add Role Services (if this option is grayed out then you already have a full IIS 7 install).

  • 20 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 21


  • 22 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Install Step 4 Now, you have to register .NET 1.1 with IIS. Open an administrator command prompt, and type cd c:\Windows\\Framework\v1.1.4322; then run aspnet_regiis ir enable. This will mark the .NET 1.1 dll as Allowed in the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions module in IIS 7, and will also create a new app pool called ASP.NET 1.1; it will also set Enable32BitAppOnWin64 to True if running on a 64 bit system. (NOTE: If you have other versions of .NET running in 64 bit Application Pools this may cause issues; you will have to install the 32 bit versions of the other .NET frameworks you might be using). You can use the following steps to enable the .NET 1.1 to run on the Web server.

    (a) On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. (b) In the Connections pane; click the server name. (c) Double click the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions icon in the Home pane.

    (d) Right click the .NET v1.1, select Edit in the popup menu, and check the checkbox Allow extension path to execute. Click OK to close the window.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 23


    Now proceed to the Browser Workstation Installation Program section.

    Windows 2008 Server

    There are three things you need to remember during the browser installation. First, the installer should login as a user who belongs to the local Administrators Group. Only admin has the right to add, modify or remove certain local system resources like folder, system configuration, email, and so on. Second, you should always right-click any programs (Setup.exe, and so on) and select Run as administrator in the popup menu (if there is one) instead of double clicking the program icons or .exe file.

    Third, if you would like to uninstall the Browser, the original installer needs to do the Browser uninstall to ensure the Browser can be removed completely. Other users should not try to uninstall it. There are a couple of steps the installer needs to take care of before the browser installation begins.

    Install Step 1 Since the current Browser is using ASP.NET 1.1, there are certain steps the installer needs to do in order for ASP.NET to run. Since Windows does not include .NET 1.1 by default; you will have to install it if it hasnt been installed. Run the dotnetfx.exe from the main CD folder. Also, you will need to install .NET 1.1 SP1; this version of .NET will not work without it because of the new Data Execution Prevention additions. Run NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe from the main CD folder.

  • 24 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Install Step 2 Now you must enable IIS 6 Compatibility Mode (this may already be installed). Open Server Manager, expand Roles, then click on Web Server (IIS), then click Add Role Services (if this option is grayed out then you already have a full IIS 7 install).

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 25


  • 26 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Install Step 3 Now, you have to register .NET 1.1 with IIS. Open an administrator command prompt, and type cd c:\Windows\\Framework\v1.1.4322; then run aspnet_regiis ir enable. This will mark the .NET 1.1 dll as Allowed in the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions module in IIS 7, and will also create a new app pool called ASP.NET 1.1; it will also set Enable32BitAppOnWin64 to True if running on a 64 bit system. (NOTE: If you have other versions of .NET running in 64 bit Application Pools this may cause issues; you will have to install the 32 bit versions of the other .NET frameworks you might be using). You can use the following steps to enable the .NET 1.1 to run on the Web server.

    (a) On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information

    Services (IIS) Manager. (b) In the Connections pane, click the server name. (c) Double click the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions icon in the Home pane.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 27


    (d) Right click the .NET v1.1, select Edit in the popup menu, and check the checkbox Allow extension path to execute. Click OK to close the window.

    Now proceed to the Browser Workstation Installation Program section.

    Windows 2008 Server R2

    NOTE: IIS Server Only: Connecting to a Gasper Certified version of Oracle requires Oracle 10G R2 10.2.05 32 bit Client. There are three things you need to remember during the browser installation. First, the installer should login as a user who belongs to the local Administrators Group. Only admin has the right to add, modify or remove certain local system resources like folder, system configuration, email, and so on. Second, you should always right-click any programs (Setup.exe, etc.) and select Run as administrator in the popup menu (if there is one) instead of double clicking the program icons or .exe file.

  • 28 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Third, if you would like to uninstall the Browser, the original installer needs to do the Browser uninstall to ensure the Browser can be removed completely. Other users should not try to uninstall it. There are a couple of steps the installer needs to take care of before the browser installation begins.

    Install Step 1 Since the current Browser is using ASP.NET 1.1, there are certain steps installer needs to do in order for ASP.NET to run. Since Windows does not include .NET 1.1 by default; you will have to install it if it hasnt been installed. Run the dotnetfx.exe from the main CD folder. Also, you will need to install .NET 1.1 SP1; this version of .NET will not work without it because of the new Data Execution Prevention additions. Run NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe from the main CD folder.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 29


    Install Step 2 Now you must enable IIS 6 Compatibility Mode (this may already be installed). Open Server Manager, expand Roles, then click Web Server (IIS); click Add Role Services (if this option is grayed out then you already have a full IIS 7 install).

  • 30 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 31


    Install Step 3 Now, you have to register .NET 1.1 with IIS. Open an administrator command prompt, and type cd c:\Windows\\Framework\v1.1.4322; then run aspnet_regiis ir enable. This will mark the .NET 1.1 dll as Allowed in the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions module in IIS 7, and will also create a new app pool called ASP.NET 1.1; it will also set Enable32BitAppOnWin64 to True if running on a 64 bit system. (NOTE: If you have other versions of .NET running in 64 bit Application Pools this may cause issues; you will have to install the 32 bit versions of the other .NET frameworks you might be using). You can use the following steps to enable the .NET 1.1 to run on the Web server.

    (a) On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information

    Services (IIS) Manager. (b) In the Connections pane, click the server name. (c) Double click the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions icon in the Home pane.

  • 32 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    (d) Right click the .NET v1.1, select Edit in the popup menu, and check the checkbox Allow extension path to execute. Click OK to close the window.

    Now proceed to the Browser Workstation Installation Program section.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 33


    Browser Workstation Installation Program

    The Gasper Browser Installation program includes all Browser Workstation application components. The installation program can install all Browser Workstation components (Complete Installation) or allow the selection of individual components (Custom Installation). The following instructions describe how to use the installation program.

    Install Step 1 Close all Windows applications on the web server PC. Place the Gasper Vantage Installation CD in the CD drive of the web server with the web site defined during the firewall setup. The InstallShield Wizard for Gasper Vantage will start automatically. Click the Cancel button on the InstallShield Wizard. An Exit Setup message will indicate that the setup is not complete and will prompt you to verify your intention to quit the setup. Click the Yes button on the Exit Setup prompt. Run Setup.exe which is located in the Gasper Vantage Installation CD's GasperWebSetup directory. The Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard will start and display the Welcome page.

  • 34 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Install Step 2 Click the Next button on the bottom of the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard. The wizard will display the Setup Type page.

    The Setup Type page allows you to select the type of installation you want to perform.

    Selecting the Complete option allows you to install all Browser Workstation application components.

    Selecting the Custom option allows you to select what Browser Workstation application components you want to install.

    Install Step 3 Decide what type of installation you want to perform and select either the Complete option or the Custom option. Then click the Next button on the bottom of the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard.

    If you selected the Complete option, proceed to Install Step 5.

    If you selected the Custom option, proceed to Install Step 4.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 35


    Install Step 4 When you select the Custom option on the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard's Setup Type page and then click the Next button, the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard displays the Custom Setup page.

    The list of icons displayed on the Custom Setup page allows you to select the individual components you want to install. When you right-click a component's icon, a menu displays the installation options available for that component.

  • 36 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    The Change button on the Custom Setup page allows you to change the install destination of the currently selected component. When you click the Change button, the Change Current Destination Folder dialog box will be displayed and will allow you to select the desired directory.

    Select the Browser Workstation application components to be installed and click the Next button at the bottom of the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard.

    If you select to install the Web Client Interface Files, proceed to Install Step 5.

    If you select to install the Data Filter service, Web Services, and/or Request Manager service but do not select to install the Web Client Interface Files, proceed to Install Step 6.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 37


    Install Step 5 When performing a Complete install or a Custom install that includes the Web Client Interface Files, the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard will display the Gasper Web Configuration page.

    If both the Web Client Interface Files and Web Services are being installed, the Server name where Gasper Web Services are installed field will be disabled and the Gasper Web Services Port field will be hidden. The Gasper Browser virtual directory name and Gasper Browser Server Port fields allow you to define the virtual directory name and port number of the Browser Workstation application. External web clients will use the virtual directory and port defined here to access the Browser Workstation application. NOTE: Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0 requires each web site to have its own server port. If you want the Browser Workstation application to be installed as its own web site, the server port specified for the installation of the Browser Workstation application must be unique. If you want the Browser Workstation application to be installed underneath an existing web site, the server port specified for the installation of the Browser Workstation application must belong to the existing web site. The Server name where Gasper Web Services are installed and Gasper Web Services Server Port fields allow you to define the server and port number required to provide the Web Client Interface Files with access to the Web Services. If necessary, the values assigned on the Gasper Web Configuration page can be changed at a later time using the Web Services Configuration utility (refer to the Web Services Configuration Utility section of this document for details). Define the values on the Gasper Web Configuration page and click the Next button on the bottom of the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard.

  • 38 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Install Step 6 When performing a Complete install or a Custom install that includes the Web Services, the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard will display the Gasper Web Services Configuration page.

    The Gasper Web Services IIS website name and Gasper Web Services Server Port fields allow you to define the web site name and port number of the Web Services. If necessary, the values assigned on the Gasper Web Services Configuration page can be changed at a later time using the Web Services Configuration utility (refer to the Web Services Configuration Utility section of this document for details). Define the values on the Gasper Web Services Configuration page and click the Next button on the bottom of the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 39


    Install Step 7 When performing a Complete install or a Custom install that includes the Web Services, the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard will display the Gasper Server Configuration page.

    The field for the Data Filter services server name is disabled when you install the Data Filter service. If the Data Filter service does not reside on the web server where you are performing the installation, identifying the web server where it was previously installed will allow the Browser Workstation Installation program to configure a required Data Filter proxy on the web server. The Lock Manager service is installed with the Gasper Vantage Message Processor. If the Message Processor and Lock Manager service do not reside on the web server, identifying the server where they are installed will allow the Browser Workstation Installation program to configure a required Lock Manager proxy on the web server. Enter the correct server names in the fields of the Gasper Server Configuration page and click the Next button at the bottom of the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard.

  • 40 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Install Step 8 When performing a Complete install or a Custom install that includes the Data Filter service on a Windows 2000 web server, the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard will display the Service Identity Configuration page.

    Enter the user account information for the Data Filter service in the User, Password, and Domain fields. The User fields entry defaults to the ID of the user currently logged into the server and performing the installation. The Password field masks the display of any entered text. The Domain fields entry defaults to the name of the server running the Browser Workstation Installation program. NOTE: The User account specified in the User, Password, and Domain fields must be a Windows user with Administrator rights to the PC. After defining the fields on the Service Identity Configuration page, click the Next button at the bottom of the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 41


    Install Step 9 After you have defined the installation's configuration data, the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard will display the Ready to Install the Program page.

    Click the Install button at the bottom of the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard.

  • 42 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Install Step 10 Once the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard begins installing software, the Installing Gasper Browser page will be displayed.

    If necessary, you can halt the installation by clicking the Cancel button on the bottom of the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 43


    Install Step 11 Once the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard has installed the software components, the Database Connection Configuration wizard will display the Select Database Provider page. NOTE: If the Database Connection Configuration Wizard is ran manually it must be run in Administrator Mode. This is not needed when running Setup programs as Windows Vista and above will automatically run a Setup program in Administrative Mode. To run this utility manually in Administrative Mode right click on the Exe and select Run as Administrator.

    Select the correct provider for the database to which you will connect and click the Next button at the bottom of the Database Connection Configuration wizard.

  • 44 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Install Step 12 After you define the database provider, the Database Connection Configuration wizard will display the Database Connection Parameters page.

    The following list describes the fields of the Database Connection Parameters page that are displayed when Oracle provider for Oracle is chosen on the Select Database Provider page:

    User: This field defines the name of the database user account that grants access to the Gasper Vantage database.

    Password: This field defines the password of the database user account that grants access to the Gasper Vantage database.

    TNS Name: This field defines the name of the server hosting the Gasper Vantage database. The following list describes the fields of the Database Connection Parameters page that are displayed when Microsoft provider for SQL Server is chosen on the Select Database Provider page:

    User: This field defines the name of the database user account that grants access to the Gasper Vantage database.

    Password: This field defines the password of the database user account that grants access to the Gasper Vantage database.

    Server Name: This field defines the name of the server hosting the Gasper Vantage database.

    Catalog: This field defines the name of the database catalog that supports the Gasper Vantage database.

    Define your database connection information, then click the Test button.

    If your database connection information is correct, you should receive a prompt that indicates the database connection test was successful. Once you have successfully tested the connection, the Next button will be enabled. Click the Next button at the bottom of the Database Connection Configuration wizard to proceed.

    If you do not receive an indication that your database connection test was successful, verify and retest your database connection information.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 45


    Install Step 13 After you define the database connection parameters, the Database Connection Configuration wizard will display the DSN File Settings page.

    This page defines the database user information required to access the Gasper Vantage database with limited permissions in order to gather the Gasper Vantage user information defined on the Database Connection Parameters page. The following list describes the fields of the DSN File Settings page that are displayed when Oracle provider for Oracle is chosen on the Select Database Provider page:

    Connection User: This field defines the name of the database user account that grants limited permission access to the Gasper Vantage database.

    User Password: This field defines the password of the database user account that grants limited permission access to the Gasper Vantage database. Under normal circumstances, this field can be left blank in order to default the password to the one Gasper Vantage provides.

    Connection File Location: This field defines the path to the DSN connection file installed with the Database Connection Configuration wizard. The DSN connection file normally is installed to the same directory as the Database Connection Configuration wizards executable file.

    The following list describes the fields of the DSN File Settings page that are displayed when Microsoft provider for SQL Server is chosen on the Select Database Provider page:

    Connection User: This field defines the name of the database user account that grants limited permission access to the Gasper Vantage database.

    User Password: This field defines the password of the database user account that grants limited permission access to the Gasper Vantage database. Under normal circumstances, this field can be left blank in order to default the password to the one Gasper Vantage provides.

    Connection Database: This field defines the table in the Gasper Vantage database used to support limited permission access.

    Connection File Location: This field defines the path to the DSN connection file installed with the Database Connection Configuration wizard. The DSN connection file normally is installed to the same directory as the Database Connection Configuration wizards executable file.

  • 46 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Define your database user information, then click the Test button.

    If your database user connection information is correct, you will receive a prompt that indicates the test was successful. Once you have successfully tested the database access, the Next button will be enabled. Click the Next button at the bottom of the Database Connection Configuration wizard to proceed.

    If you do not receive an indication that your database access test was successful, verify your database user connection information. The default Connection User setting is conninfo.

    NOTE: Prior to attempting to test the DSN File Settings, you must run the Connection Wizard script on the Gasper Vantage database. Refer to the Prerequisites section of this document regarding the order of installation procedures and database requirements for Oracle and SQL Server databases for detailed information on the Connection Wizard script.

    Install Step 14 After you define the DSN file setting data, the Database Connection Configuration wizard displays the Timeout Values page.

    The following list describes the fields of the Timeout Values page.

    Command (sec.): This field defines the timeout value for a Browser Workstation connection to the Gasper Vantage database when processing commands. This field has a range of 0 to 100 seconds, and the default value is 0 seconds. A value of 0 indicates an infinite command timeout. A 0 value is a recommended setting due to the fact that some queries can be quite lengthy.

    Connection (sec.): This field defines the timeout value for a Browser Workstation connection to the Gasper Vantage database for non-command processing. This field has a range of 0 to 100 seconds, and the default value is 30 seconds. A value of 0 indicates an infinite connection timeout. A 0 value is not recommended due to the fact that establishing a connection to the database should not be a lengthy process.

    Define the timeout values in the Command and Connection fields. After you define the timeout values, click the Next button at the bottom of the Database Connection Configuration wizard.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 47


    Install Step 15 After you define the timeout values, the Database Connection Configuration wizard displays the Connection Settings page.

    The following list describes the fields of the Connection Settings page that are displayed when Oracle provider for Oracle is chosen on the Select Database Provider page:

    Use Pooling: This option allows you to determine whether or not connections will be drawn from the appropriate pool or created and added to the appropriate pool.

    Enlist: When this option is selected, the pooler automatically enlists the connection in the current transaction context of the creation thread if a transaction context exists.

    Lifetime: When a connection is returned to the pool, its creation time is compared with the current time, and the connection is destroyed if that time span (in seconds) exceeds the value specified by this field. This is useful in clustered configurations to force load balancing between a running server and a server just brought online. A value of zero (0) will cause pooled connections to have the maximum timeout.

    Max. Pool Size: This field allows you to define the maximum number of connections allowed in the pool.

    Min. Pool Size: This field allows you to define the minimum number of connections maintained in the pool.

    Increment Size: This field allows you to define the number of connections that are established when all of the connections in the pools are used. The number of connections is never increased above the value specified in the Max Pool Size field.

    Decrement Size: This field allows you to define the number of connections that are closed when an excessive number of established connections in the pool are not used. The number of connections is never reduced below the value specified by the Min Pool Size field.

  • 48 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    The following list describes the fields of the Connection Settings page that are displayed when Microsoft provider for SQL Server is chosen on the Select Database Provider page:

    Use Pooling: This option allows you to determine whether or not connections will be drawn from the appropriate pool or created and added to the appropriate pool.

    Enlist: When this option is selected, the pooler automatically enlists the connection in the current transaction context of the creation thread if a transaction context exists.

    Connection Reset: This option allows you to determine whether the database connection will be reset when being drawn from the pool. For SQL Server version 7.0, not selecting this option avoids making an additional server round trip when obtaining a connection, but the connection state, such as database context, is not reset. The connection pooler is not influenced by the ChangeDatabase method as long you select the Connection Reset option. As the connection comes out of the pool, the connection is reset with the server moving back to the login time database. There are no new connections created or reauthentications. If you do not select the Connection Reset option, connections in the pool to different databases might result.

    Lifetime: When a connection is returned to the pool, its creation time is compared with the current time, and the connection is destroyed if that time span (in seconds) exceeds the value specified by this field. This is useful in clustered configurations to force load balancing between a running server and a server just brought online. A value of zero (0) will cause pooled connections to have the maximum timeout.

    Max. Pool Size: This field allows you to define the maximum number of connections allowed in the pool.

    Min. Pool Size: This field allows you to define the minimum number of connections maintained in the pool.

    This page allows you to define various other database connection options. The settings should be left to their default values. Before changing any values on the Connection Settings page, contact your Gasper Professional Services or Customer Support representative. Click the Finish button at the bottom of the Database Connection Configuration wizard to complete the Browser Workstation installation.

    Install Step 16 If you have purchased the optional LDAP Com Interface for Gasper Vantage, the Gasper LDAP Service Impersonation utility will be started after the database connection settings are defined. Information on this utility is provided in the Gasper LDAP Service Impersonation Utility section of this document.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 49


    Install Step 17 The Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard will display the InstallShield Wizard Completed page.

    Click the Finish button at the bottom of the Gasper Browser InstallShield Wizard to complete the Browser Workstation application installation. After you have completed installing the Browser Workstation application, you should start the Gasper Request Manager service. You can start the service via the installation PC's Services window or by restarting the installation PC.

  • 50 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Postinstallation Steps for Browser Workstation Installation (OS Specific)

    Windows 7

    1. Set up the Gasper Web Sites to use the application pool with .NET 1.1 It normally defaults to .NET version 2.0 or higher in Windows Server 2008. You may need to add a new application pool which uses .NET Framework v.1.1.4322, and than assign it to all Gasper sites in the IIS Manager.

    (a) Run the IIS Manager.

    (b) If you dont want to use the Application Pool ASP.NET 1.1, you can add a new one by selecting the Application Pools, click Add Application Pool, and pick the v1.1 version in the dropdown. Give a meaningful name and click OK to save it.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 51


    (c) Select Default Web Site and click View Applications.

    (d) In the center applications list, right click the first one and select Basic Settings

  • 52 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    (e) In the popup window, click the Select button.

    (f) Select the application pool you created earlier and click OK.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 53


    (g) Repeat the step (d) to (f) for all Gasper applications.

    2. Restart the IIS Server. NOTE1: The Email/Fax utility must be run as Admin to configure email server connections, but will not send emails; Outlook will attempt to send emails as Admin if the utility is run as Administrator. So, to send emails, the utility must be run as the user with the Outlook account. Otherwise, the utility sends emails, but freezes when trying to access the connection configuration. NOTE2: This installation requires the Microsoft.NET 1.1 Framework as a prerequisite. The .NET 1.1 installation displays a popup saying, "This software has known incompatibility with IIS services on this platform." To date, no incompatibilities that affect Vantage software have been documented.

    Windows Server 2008

    1. Set up the Gasper Web Sites to use the application pool with .NET 1.1. It normally defaults to .NET version 2.0 or higher in Windows Server 2008. You may need to add a new application pool which uses .NET Framework v.1.1.4322, and than assign it to all Gasper sites in the IIS Manager.

  • 54 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    (a) Run the IIS Manager.

    (b) If you dont want to use the Application Pool ASP.NET 1.1, you can add a new one by selecting the Application Pools, click Add Application Pool, and pick the v1.1 version in the dropdown. Give a meaningful name and click OK to save it.

    (c) Select Default Web Site and click View Applications.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 55


    (d) In the center applications list, right click the first one and select Basic Settings

    (e) In the popup window, click the Select button.

  • 56 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    (f) Select the application pool you created earlier and click OK.

    (g) Repeat the step (d) to (f) for all Gasper applications.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 57


    2. Restart the IIS Server. NOTE1: The Email/Fax utility must be run as Admin to configure email server connections, but will not send emails; Outlook will attempt to send emails as Admin if the utility is run as Administrator. So, to send emails, the utility must be run as the user with the Outlook account. Otherwise, the utility sends emails, but freezes when trying to access the connection configuration. NOTE2: This installation requires the Microsoft.NET 1.1 Framework as a prerequisite. The .NET 1.1 installation displays a popup saying, "This software has known incompatibility with IIS services on this platform." To date, no incompatibilities that affect Vantage software have been documented.

    Windows 2008 Server R2

    1. Set up the Gasper Web Sites to use the application pool with .NET 1.1. It normally defaults to .NET version 2.0 or higher in Windows Server 2008. You may need to add a new application pool which uses .NET Framework v.1.1.4322, and than assign it to all Gasper sites in the IIS Manager.

    (a) Run the IIS Manager.

  • 58 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    (b) If you dont want to use the Application Pool ASP.NET 1.1, you can add a new one by selecting the Application Pools, click Add Application Pool, and pick the v1.1 version in the dropdown. Give a meaningful name and click OK to save it.

    (c) Select Default Web Site and click View Applications.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 59


    (d) In the center applications list, right click the first one and select Basic Settings

    (e) In the popup window, click the Select button.

  • 60 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    (f) Select the application pool you created earlier and click OK.

    (g) Repeat the step (d) to (f) for all Gasper applications.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 61


    2. Restart the IIS Server. NOTE1: The Email/Fax utility must be run as Admin to configure email server connections, but will not send emails; Outlook will attempt to send emails as Admin if the utility is run as Administrator. So, to send emails, the utility must be run as the user with the Outlook account. Otherwise, the utility sends emails, but freezes when trying to access the connection configuration. NOTE2: This installation requires the Microsoft.NET 1.1 Framework as a prerequisite. The .NET 1.1 installation displays a popup saying, "This software has known incompatibility with IIS services on this platform." To date, no incompatibilities that affect Vantage software have been documented.

  • 62 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    Manual Configuration

    Database Connection Configuration Wizard

    The Database Connection Configuration wizard enables you to define and edit the database connections used to support the Browser Workstation application. NOTE: If the Database Connection Configuration Wizard is ran manually it must be run in Administrator Mode. This is not needed when running Setup programs as Windows Vista and above will automatically run a Setup program in Administrative Mode. To run this utility manually in Administrative Mode right click on the Exe and select Run as Administrator. The Database Connection Configuration wizards executable file (DBConnectionWizard.exe) normally is installed to the web server when you install either the Web Client Interface files or the Web Services components. The Gasper Browser Installation program places the Database Connection Configuration wizard in the C:\Program Files\Gasper\Shared directory. When you open DBConnectionWizard.exe, the Database Connection Configuration wizard will be displayed.

    The Select a function page of the Database Connection Configuration wizard allows you to choose one of the following four functions for the wizard to accomplish: 1. Configure Connection: Selecting this function allows you to redefine all aspects of the Browser

    Workstations connection to the Gasper Vantage database. 2. Change DSN Connection Info Password: Selecting this function allows you to edit only the password

    associated with the Gasper Vantage database DSN connection information. 3. Change Database User Password: Selecting this function allows you to edit the password associated

    with the user name that grants access to the Gasper Vantage database. 4. View Configuration: Selecting this function allows you to view the database connection parameters as

    they currently exist.

  • Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide 63


    After you select a function, clicking the Next> button at the bottom of the Database Connection Configuration wizard causes the wizard to display the functions next required page. The following subsections describe how to use each of the Database Connection Configuration wizards functions.

    Configuring a Database Connection

    The following instructions describe how to use the Database Connection Configuration wizard to configure the Browser Workstation applications connection to the Gasper Vantage database. 1. Open the Database Connection Configuration wizard.

    The Database Connection Configuration wizards executable file normally is located on the Browser Workstation applications server in the C:\Program Files\Gasper\Shared directory.

    When the Database Connection Configuration wizard opens, it will display the Select a function page. 2. Select the Configure Connection option and click the Next> button.

    The Database Connection Configuration wizard will display the Select Database Provider page.

    3. Select the database provider used to support the Gasper Vantage database from the list and click the Next>


    The Database Connection Configuration wizard will display the Database Connection Parameters page.

  • 64 Browser Workstation Application Installation Guide


    The following list describes the fields of the Database Connection Parameters page that are displayed when Oracle provider for Oracle is chosen on the Select Database Provider page:

    - User: This field defines the name of the database user account that grants access to the Gasper Vantage database.

    - Password: This field defines the password of the database user account that grants access to the Gasper Vantage database.

    - TNS Name: This field defines the name of the server hosting the Gasper Vantage database.

    The following list describes the fields of the Database Connection Parameters page that are displayed when Microsoft provider for SQL Server is chosen on the Select Database Provider page:

    - User: This field defines the name of the database user account that grants access to the Gasper Vantage database.

    - Password: This field defines the password of the database user account that grants access to the Gasper Vantage database.

    - Server Name: This field defines the name of the server hosting the Gasper Vantage database. - Catalog: This field defines the name of the database catalog that supports the Gasper Vantage

    database. 4. Click the Test button after defining the fields of the Database Connection Parameters page.

    A Test Connection message box will be displayed to indicate whether the Database Connection Parameters page fields were defined successfully or not.

    - If the test was successful, click the OK button on the message box to close it. - If the test was not successful, click the OK button on the message box to close it. Then review the

    entries of

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