  • 7/29/2019 Brookings Government & Politics 2010 Catalog


    Government & Politics 2010



  • 7/29/2019 Brookings Government & Politics 2010 Catalog


    Arming without AimingIndias Military Modernizationsee p. coe & sul auaAnyone with an interest in the growing

    rivalry between India and China, or inthe impact that a stronger, although stillextraordinarily outdated, Indian militarywill mean for U.S.-India ties, shouldread this. This is an important book onan important subject, which is likely toremain unparalleled for many years.

    Edward Luce, Washington bureau chief, Financial Times2010 / 350 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0402-7 $34.95

    Brain GainRethinking U.S. Immigration Policyarrell m. WeBrain Gain raises the questions that needto be asked if we truly want a debateabout immigration policy that prioritizesthe long-term economic development ofour country. Michael Holston, execu-tive vice president and general counsel,Hewlett Packard

    A Brookings FOCUS Book

    2010 / 182 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0482-9 $24.95

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    Climate Change and Forests

    Emerging Policy and MarketOpportunitiescarloe sre, oer sullva,to Jao-s &ard taraof, ed.A timely summary of emerging policyand opportunities related to forestry-basedcarbon markets.Choice

    A Chatham House book

    2010 / 350 pp. / paper 9780-8157-0427-0 $39.95

    Counsel for the SituationShaping the Law to RealizeAmericas PromiseWlla t. colea Jr.,w oald t. blForeword .s. suree cour

    Jue see breer

    Bill Colemans story is one that youngergenerations should mark and inwardlydigest, lest they forget the pioneers whohelped to make a better America possible.

    That story also . . . [helps] us understand how in the mid-twentiethcentury an individual could become, at one and the same time, agreat lawyer, a wise statesman, and a leader in the fight for equalrights. From the Foreword by Justice Stephen BreyerOctober / 450 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0488-1 $34.95

    Detention and DenialThe Case for Candor afterGuantnamobeja WeBenjamin Wittes pulls back the curtainof silence to discuss what the U.S. andits allies are currently doing in the way ofdetention and issues a persuasive call forgreater coherence, clarity, and candor indetention policy and practices.November / 150 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0491-1 $22.95

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    Digital MedicineHealth Care in the Internet Era

    Revised editionarrell m. We & dward la mllerWest and Millers exploration of the costsconcerns, and possible benefits of digitalmedicine is both thoughtful and timely.Librarians, health advocates, and policy-makers on both sides of the issue will chewon this food for thought.Library Journal

    2010 / 185 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0455-3 $22.95

    Fast ForwardEthics and Politics in the Ageof Global WarmingWlla ol & sroe taloStrobe Talbott and Bill Antholis havemade an admirable and important effort tomove beyond the recent political rancor inWashington. They have a plan for leaderswho want to be serious about energy andclimate. Instead of starting from entrenchedideological base camps, they concentrateon identifying common goals. . . on which Republicans andDemocrats alike can agree. Richard G. Lugar, U.S. Senator

    A Brookings FOCUS Book

    2010 / 144 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0469-0 $22.95


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    Targeting in Social ProgramsAvoiding Bad Bets, RemovingBad Applespeer h. su & ard J. ZeauerAt once lively and entertainingand ana-lytically rigorous and policy relevant.

    It deserves a wide and influential readershipbecause the country really would be betteroff with social programs that made fewerbad bets and removed more bad apples. William Kristol, Weekly Standard2010 / 175 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0428-7 $19.95

    Toughing It Outin Afghanistanmael . halo & haa serjaA superb analysis of the current strategyin Afghanistan. . . . It is a must-read forthose who want a clear understanding ofthe situation, the strategy, and the pathahead in this crucial conflict. General Anthony C. Zinni, USMC (ret.)Includes maps

    2010 / 164 pp. / paper 9780-8157-0409-6 $22.95

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    To Serve the PresidentContinuity and Innovation in theWhite House Staffbradle h. paeroThis masterful work will serve as a valuableresource . . . and should be widely read by

    those interested in the art and craft ofgoverning. Highly recommended. Allreadership levels.Choice2010 / 475 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0511-6 $26.95

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    Wiki GovernmentHow Technology Can MakeGovernment Better, DemocracyStronger, and Citizens More Powerfulbe soe noveNovecks approach to e-governance is to

    study where citizen online collaborationcan have an impact, and she shows thatone can design for participatory democracywith compelling results.Library Journal

    A well-argued and fact-filled promotion of expertocracy,the ways in which experts can contribute their narrow skills tospecific problems.Science2010 / 224 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0510-9 $19.95

    Journey into AmericaThe Challenge of Islamar edAhmeds insights should be requiredreading for anyone grappling with nationalsecurity, national identity, and nationalcohesion in todays complex era.

    Colonel David Kilcullen, author ofThe Accidental Guerrilla

    2010 / 528 pp. / cloth, 978-0-8157-0387-7 $29.95

    Leading Change in aWeb 2.1 WorldHow ChangeCasting Builds Trust,Creates Understanding, andAccelerates Organizational Change

    Jao neroManagement expert Jackson Nickersonprovides new insights into why people and

    organizations are so difficult to engage inchange. He proposes a combination ofprocesses and techniques utilizing Web 2.0

    technology that will not only lead and direct change in anorganization but actually accelerate it.

    A Brookings Innovations in Leadership Book

    2010 / 142 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0484-3 $24.95

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    Power and ResponsibilityBuilding International Order in anEra of Transnational Threatsbrue Joe, carlo paual &

    see Jo sedaThis major new treatise on twenty-first-century global security . . . provide[s] aconceptual framework and comprehensiveagenda for U.S. foreign policy in a worldof security interdependence. . . . One of thebest efforts yet to provide a coherent synthesis of the security-interdependence worldview.Foreign AffairsOctober / 360 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0512-3 $24.95

    A Skeptics Case forNuclear Disarmamentmael . haloMichael OHanlon takes a clear, ana-lytical look at the implications of nucleardisarmament. He argues that abolition isimpractical, but that dismantlement of allnuclear weapons is imperative. His bookmakes a major contribution to this vitalissue. William J. Perry, former U.S.Secretary of Defense

    2010 / 165 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0507-9 $26.95

  • 7/29/2019 Brookings Government & Politics 2010 Catalog


    Opportunity 08Independent Ideas for Americas Next PresidentSecond editionmael . halo, ed.

    2008 / 412 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-6471-7 $22.95

    Promoting the General WelfareNew Perspectives on Government Performancela s. gerer & r m. paa, ed.2006 / 344 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-3121-4 $26.95 (cloth ed. avail.

    Red and Blue Nation? Volume 1Characteristics and Causes ofAmericas Polarized Politicspero s. nvola & avd W. brad, ed.Highly recommended.ChoiceCopublished with the Hoover Institution

    2007 / 317 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-6083-2 $24.95(cloth ed. avail.)

    Red and Blue Nation? Volume 2Consequences and Correction of AmericasPolarized Politicspero s. nvola & avd W. brad, ed.Copublished with the Hoover Institution

    2008 / 320 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-6079-5 $24.95

    (cloth ed. avail.)

    U.S. Immigration PolicyJe bu & ma mar, ardward lde, roje dreor

    A Council on Foreign RelationsIndependent Task Force Report

    2009 / 60 pp. / paper 978-0-87609-421-1 $15.00

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    Work over WelfareThe Inside Story of the 1996 Welfare Reform Lawo haA marvelously detailed and nuanced study of thereform, which few are better suited to write aboutthan Haskins.Library Journal

    2007 / 450 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-3515-1 $24.95

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    Creating Competitive MarketsThe Politics of Regulatory Reformmar k. ad, mar . ev & mar saro, ed.Wide-ranging and clear-eyed, this book is a rich gift

    to students of public policy and practitioners of policyanalysis.Martha Derthick, University of Virginia2007 / 368 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-5115-1 $29.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Drawing the LinePublic and Private in Americadrew sarAmerican politics will become less combustible whenwe realize that we are not divided between conservativeswho prefer the private to the public and liberals whoinsist on the opposite. In this compelling book, AndrewStark shows us how we can improve our political dis-course.Alan Wolfe, Boston College2009 / 240 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0333-4 $28.95

    Investing in DemocracyEngaging Citizens in Collaborative Governancecare sraA pioneering work that breaks new ground in patternsof governance, civic engagement, and the meaning ofdemocracy for the twenty-first century.Harry C.Boyte, Humphrey Institute, University of Minnesota2009 / 306 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0312-9 $26.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Journey into AmericaThe Challenge of Islamar ed

    An absolutely riveting journey into an America mostAmericans have no idea about. As the U.S. faces upto the tensions within its own Muslim communities, itcould not be more timely.Christina Lamb, SundayTimes Washington Bureau Chief

    This important new book advances [Ahmeds] heroic,even dangerous, five minutes to midnight effort to saveus from our foolish mutual animosities. Pray his effortsare not too late. Tony Blankley, Washington Timesand Heritage FoundationSee page 2 for additional description.2010 / 528 pp. / cloth, 978-0-8157-0387-7 $29.95

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    Counsel for the SituationShaping the Law to Realize Americas PromiseWlla t. colea Jr., w oald t. bl

    Foreword .s. suree cour Jue see breerBill Coleman has spent a lifetime opening doors and breakingdown barriers. He has been an eyewitness to history; moreover,he has made history. This is his inspiring story, in his own words.See page 1 for additional description.October / 450 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0488-1 $34.95

  • 7/29/2019 Brookings Government & Politics 2010 Catalog


    cngss & th psincy

    Absolute PowerHow the Unitary Executive TheoryIs Undermining the Constitution

    Jo p. makezeFor everyone who prizes our freedom, it is must reading.

    Anthony Lewis, author and formerNew York Timescolumnist

    A Century Foundation Book

    2008 / 77 pp. / paper 978-0-87078-511-5 $14.95

    Advice and DissentThe Struggle to Shape the Federal Judiciarysara . bder & Forre malzaThe work as a whole has remarkable historicalsweep and detail. It will be instructive and useful toboth students and specialists.David W. Rohde,Duke University2009 / 198 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0340-2 $22.95

    The Challenge of LegislationBipartisanship in a Partisan World

    Jo . hlleAn engrossing, informative, and uplifting story ofWashington as it can be, of Washington at its best.Eric Redman, author ofThe Dance of Legislation2008 / 276 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-3653-0 $22.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Difficult TransitionsForeign Policy Troubles at the Outset ofPresidential Powerkur m. caell & Jae b. seerUnquestionably a book that members of the Obama

    administration should read and reread.National Interest2008 / 204 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-1340-1 $26.95

    Guardian of the PresidencyThe Legacy of Richard E. Neustadtmaew J. o & lzae . neuad, ed.

    Neustadts former colleagues and students celebrate therich and diverse contributions of the most penetratinganalyst of power since Machiavelli.2007 / 217 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-1842-0 $29.95

    Includes photos

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    Power PlayThe Bush Presidency and the Constitution

    Jae p. pffferReveals the Bush administrations violations oflongstanding, constitutionally mandated democraticprinciples.Publishers Weekly2009 / 299 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0335-8 $22.95

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    To Serve the PresidentContinuity and Innovation in the White House Staffbradle h. paeroAn excellent portrait of the White House staff. . . . Thebook will be an important source of information . . . forthose who study the presidency. Martha Joynt Kumar,author ofManaging the Presidents MessageSee page 2 for additional description.2010 / 475 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0511-6 $26.95

    Vital Statistics on Congress 2008nora J. re, toa . ma &mael J. malThe most recent edition of this celebrated series skillfullycombines historical context with insightful observationsand copious data to produce an invaluable analysis of theU.S. Senate and House of Representatives.2008 / 192 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-6665-0 $29.95

    What Do We Do Now?A Workbook for the President-Electsee heOne ofLibrary Journals Best Books of 2008!With presidential transition-team experience goingback to Eisenhower, Hess distills all that hes learnedand gives us a page-turner accessibly combining seriouspurpose and fun.2008 / 174 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-3655-4 $18.95

    The White House and the WorldA Global Development Agenda for the

    Next U.S. President

    na brdall, ed.A Center for Global Development Book2008 / 220 pp. / paper 978-1-933286-24-2 $22.95

    cmpigns & ctins

    Democracy in the StatesExperiments in Election Reformbrue . ca, todd oova & carole J. toler, ed.This is the ultimate fine-grained handbook for small-ddemocrats at every level of our wild and crazy politicalsystem.Hendrik Hertzberg, senior editor, The NewYorker, and author ofPolitics: Observations & Arguments

    2008 / 238 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-1337-1 $26.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Election FraudDetecting and Deterring Electoral Manipulation. mael lvarez, tad . hall & sua . hde, ed.Foreword paul egreoro & a marezPresents research on defining, measuring, and detect-ing election fraud and electoral manipulation by leadingscholars of election law, election administration, andU.S. and comparative politics.2008 / 255 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0139-2 $26.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

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    Get Out the VoteHow to Increase Voter TurnoutSecond editionoald p. gree & la s. gererA valuable resource for grassroots campaigns across thespectrum.National Journal2008 / 225 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-3267-9 $19.95

    Is There a Culture War?A Dialogue on Values and American Public Life

    Jae avo huer & la WolfeHighly recommended. ChoicePew Forum Dialogue Series on Religion and Public Life

    2006 / 118 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-9515-5 $18.95

    See descriptions of this and additional volumes in the

    series online at

    The Marketplace of DemocracyElectoral Competition and American Politicsmael p. moald & Jo sale, ed.Students, faculty, and researchers would be wise toconsult this important contribution to U.S. elections.Highly recommended. ChoiceCopublished with the Cato Institute

    2006 / 312 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-5579-1 $24.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    A Matter of FaithReligion in the 2004 Presidential Electionavd . caell, ed.Students of elections and those interested in religionand American politics will find this volume useful

    reading. Recommended.Choice2007 / 308 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-1327-2 $26.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Primary PoliticsHow Presidential Candidates Have Shaped theModern Nominating Systemlae c. kaarIf you want to know why Barack Obama is now in theWhite House, theres no better place to find out thanElaine Kamarcks invaluable book. Jeff Greenfield,CBS News2009 / 216 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0292-4 $18.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Red, Blue, and Purple AmericaThe Future of Election Demographicsu texera, ed.Provides a clear and nuanced understanding of the geo-graphic and demographic changes that are transformingthe United States and how that transformation isreshaping American politics and public policy.2008 / 274 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-8315-2 $22.95 (cloth ed. avail.

    Reforming the PresidentialNomination Processseve s. s & melae J. srer, ed.The editors of this volume leave no stone unturned inrecounting 2008s primary contests. . . . The book offers asignificant contribution to the growing reform debate.Politics2009 / 205 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0289-4 $19.95 (cloth ed. avail.

    The Swing Voter in American PoliticsWlla g. maer, ed.Defines what swing voters are and the role they play indetermining the outcomes of contemporary elections.2008 / 151 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-5531-9 $19.95 (cloth ed. avail.

    Voting TechnologyThe Not-So-Simple Act of Casting a Ballotpaul s. herro, ard g. ne,mael J. haer & oerA must read for anyone interested in this importanttopic.Paul DeGregorio, former chairman,U.S. Election Assistance Commission

    2008 / 215 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-3563-2 $20.95 (cloth ed. avail.Includes photos

    micn pitics

    Fth cming

    Financing the 2008 ElectionAssessing Reformavd b. male & o corrado, ed.

    The latest installment of a series that dates back nearly half acentury, Financing the 2008 Election is the definitive analysis of howcampaign finance and spending shaped the historic presidentialand congressional races of 2008.2010 / 240 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0332-7 $29.95

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    pbic picy

    sci picy isss

    Boosting PaychecksThe Politics of Supporting Americas Working Poorael p. geraIlluminates a commonly neglected part of the Americansafety netpolicies designed to support low-wage work-

    ers and their familiesat a time when they are neededmore than ever.2009 / 180 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0308-2 $22.95

    Borrowing to LiveConsumer and Mortgage Credit Revisitednola p. ea & r s. bel, ed.Copublished with the Harvard University Joint Center

    for Housing Studies

    2008 / 289 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-7413-6 $28.95

    Creating an Opportunity Societyo ha & iael sawll

    A bold and thoughtful vision of how to changeAmerican economic and social policy to promote a moreproductive and less unequal society. . . . A major contri-bution to the policy debate.James J. Heckman,

    Nobel laureate, University of Chicago2009 / 347 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0322-8 $28.95

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    The Greenspan CommissionWhat Really Happenedoer m. ball

    A Century Foundation Book

    2010 / 74 pp. / paper 978-0-87078-517-7 $14.95

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    Reconsidering RetirementHow Losses and Layoffs Affect Older Workerscoure c. cole & pll b. eveGoes beyond the headlines to explain how the economiccrisis will affect retirement patterns and the well-being ofolder Americans.October / 160 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0499-7 $28.95

    Saving Social SecurityA Balanced ApproachRevised edition

    peer . aod & peer . rza2005 / 294 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-1837-6 $22.95

    Stuck in the MiddleIs Fiscal Policy Failing the Middle Class?oo ae & a ezer, ed.At every stage of development, sustaining effective pub-lic policies for poor people requires engaging middle-classvoters. Here is a book that actually studies them froma global perspective: their interests, their attitudes, theirprospects, their power.Robert Solow, Nobel laureatein economics2009 / 199 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0284-9 $28.95

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    After the CrashThe Future of Financeyauu Fua, ard J. herr &oer . a, ed.Takes a hard look at how the financial industry and someof its practices are likely to change in the years ahead.

    Copublished with the Nomura Institute of CapitalMarkets Research

    2010 / 175 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0404-1 $26.95

    n W

    Brain GainRethinking U.S. Immigration Policyarrell m. WeAn invaluable work that as dispassionately, factually,and objectively as possible analyzes the political andeconomic aspects of immigration and their effect onour nation.Vartan Gregorian, president, CarnegieCorporation of New York

    See page 1 for additional description.A Brookings FOCUS Book2010 / 182 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0482-9 $24.95

    The Future of Insurance Regulationin the United Statesmar F. grae & oer W. kle, ed.2009 / 232 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0286-3 $34.95

    n W

    Lobbyists, Government and PublicTrust, Volume 2Promoting Integrity through Self-Regulation

    An OECD Book2010 / 168 pp. / paper 978-92-64-08493-3 $39.00

    Fthc m in g

    Moving ForwardThe Future of Consumer Credit andMortgage Financenola p. ea & r s. bel, ed.Copublished with the Harvard University Joint Center

    for Housing Studies

    December / 275 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0503-1 $28.95

    Plug-in Electric Vehicles

    What Role for Washington?avd b. sadalow, ed.2009 / 260 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0305-1 $29.95

    Includes photos & graphics

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    Too Big to FailThe Hazards of Bank Bailoutsgar h. ser & o J. FeldaForeword paul . VolerThis book should be required reading for all policymakers. Highly recommended.Choice2009 / 230 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0304-4 $22.95

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    Fast ForwardEthics and Politics in the Age of Global WarmingWlla ol & sroe talo

    Fast Forward makes the case in clear, concise, and compellingterms for urgent action and American leadership in addressing thethreat that global warming poses to our nation and our planet.Senator Dianne Feinstein (DCalif.)See page 1 for additional description.

    A Brookings FOCUS Book

    2010 / 144 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0469-0 $22.95

    n W in p p bc k

    Targeting in Social ProgramsAvoiding Bad Bets, Removing Bad Applespeer h. su & ard J. ZeauerAt once lively and entertainingand analytically rigor-ous and policy relevant. It deserves a wide and influentialreadership.William Kristol, Weekly StandardWon Honorable Mention for the Charles Levine Prize asbest book in Comparative Policy and Administration.2010 / 175 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0428-7 $19.95

    n W in p p bc k

    Working LongerThe Solution to the Retirement Income Challengela . muell & seve . saA well-researched, thoughtful explanation of a criticalnational issue and a well-reasoned proposal to cope with

    this challenge. Highly recommended.Choice2009 / 212 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0311-2 $19.95

    nVinmnt / ngy picy

    Acting in Time on Energy Policykell s gallaer, ed.Foreword avd t. llwoodThis excellent book tackles the hardest questions inenergy policy today.James E. Rogers, chairman,president, and CEO of Duke Energy2009 / 194 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0293-1 $26.95

    n W in p p bc k

    Climate Change and ForestsEmerging Policy and Market Opportunitiescarloe sre, oer sullva,to Jao-s & ard taraof, ed.An absolute must for any environmental discussionand for community and college library environmentalcollections.Midwest Book ReviewSee page 1 for additional description.

    A Chatham House book

    2010 / 350 pp. / paper 9780-8157-0427-0 $39.95

    Climate Change and Global PovertyA Billion Lives in the Balance?ael braard, al Joe & nel purv, ed.

    Provides a much needed blueprint for overcomingthe two great crises of our time.Helene D. Gayle,President and CEO, CARE USA

    A Brookings Blum Roundtable Project

    2009 / 307 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0281-8 $24.95

    Climate Change, Trade,and CompetitivenessIs a Collision Inevitable?Brookings Trade Forum 2008/2009ael braard & iaa sor, ed.Topics include the economic and environmental effectsof border tax adjustments for climate policy, technologytransfers and climate change, and lessons for governing

    global climate from world trade.2009 / 197 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0298-6 $36.00

    Climatic CataclysmThe Foreign Policy and National SecurityImplications of Climate Changekur m. caell, ed.2008 / 237 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-1332-6 $29.95

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    Cubas Energy FutureStrategic Approaches to Cooperation

    Joaa beja-lvarado, ed.

    Foreword V huddleoReveals the ways Cuba can secure access to adequateenergy resources, including greater cooperation with itslongtime nemesis, the United States.2010 / 172 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0342-6 $26.95

    Energy SecurityEconomics, Politics, Strategies, and Implicationscarlo paual & Joaa ld, ed.Looks at the United States and global quests for energysecurity within the context of geopolitical, economic,and environmental challenges.2009 / 279 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-6919-4 $22.95

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    Making Choices about HydrogenTransport Issues for Developing Countries k. mela & gra bole, ed.

    A United Nations University Press Book

    2008 / 336 pp. / paper 978-92-808-1155-1 $36.00

    Managing Water for AllAn OECD Perspective on Pricing and Financing

    An OECD Book

    2009 / 148 pp. / paper 978-92-64-05033-4 $32.00

    OECD Environmental Outlook to 2030Looks at the best policies to tackle the challenges we facetoday, including climate change, biodiversity loss, toxicchemicals, and water scarcity.

    An OECD Book

    2008 / 461 pp. / paper 978-92-64-04048-9 $117.00

    Repairing ParadiseThe Restoration of Nature in Americas

    National ParksWlla . owrAsseses the ambitious efforts to reverse environmentaldamage in four popular national parks: Yellowstone,Yosemite, the Everglades, and the Grand Canyon.2009 / 287 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0274-0 $28.95

    Includes b&w photos

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    Sustainability ScienceA Multidisciplinary ApproachSustainability Science 1hro koaa & oer, ed.

    A United Nations University Press Book2010 / 375 pp. / paper 978-92-808-1180-3 $37.00

    Climate Change andGlobal SustainabilityA Holistic ApproachSustainability Science 2aa su & oer, ed.2010 / 325 pp. / paper 978-92-808-1181-0 $35.00

    Books in the Sustainability Science Series explorespecific sustainable development issues on regional andglobal levels. All five volumes in the series are availablefrom Brookings online at

    n W

    Usable ThoughtsClimate, Water and Weather in theTwenty-first Centurymael h. glaz & Qa yeEncourages thought and discussion on the earths climatesystem, including its interrelation to human society andthe environment, the impact of climate variability, andclimate extremes and change.

    A United Nations University Press Book

    2010 / 270 pp. / paper 978-92-808-1186-5 $10.00

    Fthc m in g

    The Future of InternationalEnvironmental Lawavd ear & balara pua, ed.

    A United Nations University Press Book

    November / 340 pp. / paper 978-92-808-1192-6 $36.00

    Global Energy GovernanceThe New Rules of the Gamedrea goldau & Ja mar We, ed.A far-ranging and sober look at the challenges facingthe world energy system.David G. Victor, Universityof CaliforniaSan DiegoCopublished with the Global Public Policy Institute

    2010 / 372 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0343-3 $39.95

    Global WarmingLooking Beyond Kyotoreo Zedllo, ed.Copublished with the YCSG

    2008 / 237 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-9715-9 $28.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Green CitiesUrban Growth and the Environmentmaew . ka2006 / 160 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-4815-1 $19.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    n W

    Greenhouse GovernanceAddressing Climate Change in Americabarr g. ae, ed.The responsibility to address climate change continuesto fall to national, state, and local governments, many

    of which have demonstrated tremendous leadership andcreativity. This timely volume brings together prominentexperts to examine policy experience to date, both withinthe United States and beyond its borders. The result isinvaluable insight into climate governance that works,as well as pitfalls to be avoided by U.S. policymakers. Kathryn Harrison, University of British Columbia2010 / 382 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0331-0 $34.95

    Heads Up!Early Warning Systems for Climate-, Water-,and Weather-Related Eventsmael h. glaz, ed.

    A United Nations University Press Book2009 / 228 pp. / paper 978-92-8081169-8 $19.00

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    Keeping the Lights OnTowards Sustainable ElectricityWal paeroClearly thought out, simply written, and straightto the heart of the major issues in energy today.Ronan Palmer, chief economist,UK Environment Agency

    A Chatham House / Earthscan Book

    2009 / 170 pp. / paper 978-1-84407-798-4 $25.95

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    Achieving an AIDS TransitionPreventing Infections to Sustain Treatmentmead verArgues that nation donors have an obligation to helpsustain financing for the treatment of millions of AIDS

    patients who would not survive without it.A Center for Global Development Book

    2009 / 150 pp. / paper 978-1-933286-38-9 $19.95

    n W in p p bc k

    Digital MedicineHealth Care in the Internet EraRevised editionarrell m. We & dward la mllerInvestigates the factors limiting digital technologysability to remake health care and explores the political,social, and ethical challenges presented by online care.See page 1 for additional description.

    2010 / 185 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0455-3 $22.95

    n W

    Fit not FatObesity and the Economics of Prevention

    An OECD Book

    2010 / 200 pp. / paper 978-92-64-06367-9 $84.00

    From Few to ManyTen Years of Health Insurance Expansionin Colombiamara-ua oar, ada glaa,rula gedo & oo guffrda, ed.

    2009 / 180 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-2479-7 $24.95

    Health at a Glance 2009OECD Indicators

    An OECD Book

    2009 / 200 pp. / paper 978-92-64-06153-8 $35.00

    n W

    Health Policy Developments 13Focus on Health Policy in Times of Crisis,Competition and Regulation, Evaluation inHealth Carea moa, ker blu, eard bue &soa slee, ed.

    A Bertelsmann Stiftung Book2010 / 168 pp. / paper 978-3-86793-059-8 $28.00

    Reforming MedicareOptions, Tradeoffs, and Opportunitiesher J. aro & Jeae m. areww par F. healAaron and Lambrew are two of the most thoughtful,judicious students of health policy around, and theirefforts at achieving clarity and balance are evident inevery page.Health Affairs

    A Century Foundation Book

    2008 / 202 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0124-8 $29.95

    Restoring Fiscal Sanity 2007The Health Spending Challengele m. vl & Joe . o, ed.Highly recommended. Choice2007 / 233 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-7493-8 $18.95

    Using Taxes to ReformHealth InsurancePitfalls and Promisesher J. aro & eoard . bura, ed.Copublished with the Urban Institute

    2008 / 282 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0125-5 $28.95

    Who Has the Cure?Hamilton Project Ideas on Health Care

    Jao Fura, ed.2008 / 277 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-3009-5 $24.95 (cloth ed. avail.

    bn pitics & picy

    American MetropoliticsThe New Suburban Realitymro rfeld

    2002 / 221 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0249-8 $32.95 (cloth ed. avail.

    n W in p p bc k

    BoomburbsThe Rise of Americas Accidental Citiesoer . a & Jefer eFurThe wealth of statistical and contextual analyses ofthese places makes the book valuable for graduatestudents and faculty in urban affairs, as well as for city

    planners. ChoiceJames A. Johnson Metro Series

    2009 / 212 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0303-7 $22.95

    Includes photos

    Building Assets, Building CreditCreating Wealth in Low-Income Communitiesnola p. ea & r s. bel, ed.Copublished with the Harvard University Joint Center

    for Housing Studies

    2005 / 395 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-7409-9 $29.95

    From Despair to Hope

    Hope VI and the New Promise of Public Housingin Americas Citiesher g. cero & ora dal, ed.This vibrant, full-color volume documents the evolutionof HOPE VI, a federal program that promotes mixed-income housing integrated with services and amenities.It details the fate of residents, neighborhoods, cities,and public housing systems through personal testimony,interviews, case studies, data analyses, researchsummaries, photographs, and more.2009 / 334 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-1425-5 $29.95

    Includes charts, maps, and color photos

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    pbic picy

    Revisiting Rental HousingPolicies, Programs, and Prioritiesnola p. ea & r s. bel, ed.Foreword o owA Choice Recommended Book.The ideas offered will make the book of interest topractitioners and academics working in the assisted

    rental housing sphere.Journal of the AmericanPlanning AssociationCopublished with the Harvard University Joint Center

    for Housing Studies

    2008 / 370 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-7411-2 $29.95

    Still Stuck in TrafficCoping with Peak-Hour Traffic Congestiono ow

    2004 / 455 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-1929-8 $28.95

    Sunbelt/FrostbeltPublic Policies and Market Forces inMetropolitan Development

    Jae oeer pa, ed.A work of impressive and original scholarshipthroughout.Midwest Book Review2005 / 232 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-6810-4 $24.95

    Includes 19 color maps

    Taking the High RoadA Metropolitan Agenda for Transportation Reformbrue kaz & oer puee, ed.2005 / 331 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-4827-4 $24.95

    Twenty-First-Century GatewaysImmigrant Incorporation in Suburban America

    udre ser, sua W. hardw &carole b. breell, ed.Foreword her ceroAccessible to all relevant audiences. Students willappreciate the superb organization of each chapter.Faculty will identify national and regional trends relevantto their research. . . . Highly recommended. Choice2008 / 330 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-7927-8 $28.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Includes 30 maps

    Urban and Regional Policyand Its EffectsVolume Imarer u turer, howard Wal &harold Wola, ed.2008 / 257 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-8601-6 $29.95

    Volume IIna pdu, howard Wal & harold Wola, ed.2009 / 267 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0297-9 $29.95

    Brookings-Wharton Paperson Urban Affairs 2009gar burle & Jae oeer pa, ed.Topics include job location and postwarsuburbanization, mortgage lending, andurban sprawl in Europe.2009 / 290 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0300-6 $36.00

    The Geography of OpportunityRace and Housing Choice in Metropolitan AmericaXaver de souza br, ed.Foreword Wlla Julu WloA much needed and long-awaited voice on race andspace.Journal of Regional Science2005 / 353 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0873-5 $29.95

    Growth Management andAffordable HousingDo They Conflict?o ow, ed.

    2004 / 290 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-1933-5 $24.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Mega-ProjectsThe Changing Politics of Urban Public Investmentla . luler & avd . ueroffCopublished with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

    2003 / 368 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0129-3 $24.95

    Redefining Urban andSuburban AmericaEvidence from Census 2000

    Volume 1brue kaz & oer . a, ed.

    2002 / 305 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-4859-5 $26.95

    (cloth ed. avail.)

    Volume 2la berue, brue kaz & oer . a, ed.Migration, income and poverty, and housing trendsin the nations largest cities and metropolitan areas.2005 / 348 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-4897-7 $26.95

    (cloth ed. avail.)

    Volume 3la berue, brue kaz & oer . a, ed.The changing shape of metropolitan America andthe consequences for policies on employment, publicservices, and urban revitalization.2006 / 275 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0883-4 $26.95

    (cloth ed. avail.)

    Retooling for GrowthBuilding a 21st Century Economy inAmericas Older Industrial Areasard m. mgae & Jefer s. Ve, ed.iroduo kee ew & dward edell

    New frameworks, cutting-edge analysis, and innovativepolicy solutions for a sustainable and supportableeconomy in older industrial areas.Copublished with the American Assembly

    2008 / 437 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-5556-2 $39.95

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    pbic picy


    n W

    Affirmative Action for the RichLegacy Preferences in College Admissionsard . kaleer, ed.Looks at the origins, impact, and legality of higher educa-tions longstanding program that tends to benefit wealthywhites: legacy preferences for the children of alumni.

    A Century Foundation Press Book

    2010 / 400 pp. / paper 978-0-87078-518-4 $19.95

    n W

    Are New Millennium LearnersMaking the Grade?Technology Use and Educational Performancein PISA

    An OECD Book

    2010 / 150 pp. / paper 978-92-64-01773-3 $40.00

    BesiegedSchool Boards and the Future of Education PoliticsWlla g. howell, ed.A systematic look at how school boards fare when theyinteract with their political superiors, teachers unions,and the public.2005 / 356 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-3683-7 $29.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    The Black-White Test Score Gapcroer Je & mered pll, ed.The most important work to appear in recent decadeson this controversial subject. Orlando Patterson,Harvard University

    1998 / 536 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-4609-6 $26.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Bridging the Achievement GapJo . cu & to ovele, ed.Highly recommended.Library Bookwatch2002 / 236 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-1401-9 $24.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    n W

    The Brown Center Report onAmerican Education 2009How Well Are American Students Learning?to oveleThis years report tackles perennial questions of how to

    interpret trends in test scores, the distribution of achieve-ment, school turnarounds, and charter schools.2010 / 100 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0493-5 $12.95

    Closed Minds?Politics and Ideology in American Universitiesbrue . . s, Jere . maer &. ee FrlerA remarkably lucid and penetrating study of the recenttrends affecting the nations universities and the cultureof the academy.Richard C. Atkinson, president emeri-tus, University of California2008 / 278 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-8028-1 $32.95

    The Education GapVouchers and Urban SchoolsRevised editionWlla g. howell & paul . peero2005 / 323 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-3685-1 $22.95

    Exclusion, Gender and EducationCase Studies from the Developing Worldmauree . ew & marlae . oeed

    A Center for Global Development Book

    2007 / 242 pp. / paper 978-1-933286-22-8 $19.95

    Inexcusable AbsenceWhy 60 Million Girls Still Arent in Schooland What To Do about Itmauree . ew & marlae . oeed

    A Center for Global Development Book

    2007 / 180 pp. / paper 978-1-933286-14-3 $18.95

    From Schoolhouse to CourthouseThe Judiciarys Role in American Education

    Joua u & mar . We, ed.Few aspects of education policy have escaped judicialinvolvement. Schools and districts now regularly face law-suits over discipline policies, personnel decisions, holidaycelebrations, and more. From Schoolhouse to Courthouseconsiders the implications of this development.Copublished with the Thomas B. Fordham Institute

    2009 / 280 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0307-5 $28.95

    Getting Choice RightEnsuring Equity and Efficiency in Education Policy

    Jula . be & to ovele, ed.

    Very strongly recommended.Library Bookwatch2005 / 255 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-5331-5 $22.95 (cloth ed. avail.

    The Globalization ofHigher Educationu . Weer & Jae J. uderad, ed.

    An Economica Book

    2008 / 314 pp. / cloth 978-2-7178-5507-4 $59.95

    Improving on No Child Left BehindGetting Education Reform Back on Trackard . kaleer, ed.

    A Century Foundation Book

    2008 / 200 pp. / paper 978-0-87078-512-2 $19.95

    In Plain SightSimple, Difficult Lessons from New JerseysExpensive Effort to Close the Achievement Gapgordo maie

    A Century Foundation Book

    2009 / 138 pp. / paper 978-0-87078-513-9 $14.95

    Lessons LearnedWhat International Assessments Tell Us aboutMath Achievementto ovele, ed.2007 / 275 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-5333-9 $26.95 (cloth ed. avail.

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    Fm th gniZtin F cnmiccptin n Vpmnt

    Education at a Glance 2008OECD IndicatorsQuantitative, internationally comparable indicatorsfrom OECD countries reveal who participates in

    education, what is spent on it, how education systemsoperate, and the results achieved.2008 / 452 pp. / paper 978-92-64-04628-3 $84.00

    n W

    Highlights from Educationat a Glance 2010Ideal introduction to the OECDs unrivaled collectionof internationally comparative data on education andlearning, presenting concise and easily accessible dataon key topics.October / 94 pp. / paper 978-92-64-08469-8 $39.00

    Education Policy AnalysisFocus on Higher Education20052006 edition

    2007 / 164 pp. / paper 978-92-64-02269-0 $30.00

    Giving Knowledge for FreeThe Emergence of Open Educational Resources2007 / 130 pp. / paper 978-92-64-03174-6 $29.00

    Higher Education to 2030Volumes 1, 2, and 3: Demography,Technology, GlobalizationVol. 1 Demography

    2009 / 300 pp. / paper 978-92-64-04065-6 $62.00

    Vol. 2 Technology

    2009 / 150 pp. / paper 978-92-64-06093-7 $40.00

    Vol. 3 Globalization

    2009 / 500 pp. / paper 978-92-64-05660-2 $80.00

    OECD Teaching and LearningInternational Survey (TALIS)Initial Report2009 / 300 pp. / paper 978-92-64-05605-3 $85.00

    Students with Disabilities, LearningDifficulties and DisadvantagesPolicies, Statistics and Indicators2007 edition

    2008 / 234 pp. / paper 978-92-64-02762-6 $70.00

    Trends Shaping EducationPresents 26 major trends in the context of education,grouped in nine broad themes including agingsocieties, global challenges, a new economic landscape,and the learning society.2009 / 88 pp. / paper 978-92-64-04661-0 $37.00

    pbic picy

    No Child Left Behind?The Politics and Practice of School Accountabilitypaul . peero & mar . We, ed.A revealing indication of how accountability, ratherthan markets, has become the current mantra.Times Educational Supplement2003 / 320 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-7029-9 $26.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Performance IncentivesTheir Growing Impact on AmericanK12 Educationmaew g. srer, ed.Most up-to-date and complete analysis yet of the promis-ing but controversial concept of pay for performancefor public school teachers.2009 / 300 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-8079-3 $26.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    The Price We PayEconomic and Social Consequencesof Inadequate Educationclve . belfeld & her m. ev, ed.Highlights the largely ignored private, fiscal, and publiccosts ofnot educating Americas children.2007 / 273 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0863-6 $28.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    n W

    Rewarding StriversHelping Low-Income Students Succeed in Collegeard . kaleer, ed.Kahlenberg again gathers the best thinkers on how tochallenge this status quo.Anthony Marx, president,Amherst College

    A Century Foundation Press Book

    2010 / 231 pp. / paper 978-0-87078-516-0 $19.95

    School Money TrialsThe Legal Pursuit of Educational Adequacymar . We & paul . peero, ed.Examines the growing use of adequacy lawsuits as an alter-native strategy in the pursuit of improved public education.2006 / 373 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-7031-2 $26.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Standards-Based Reform andthe Poverty GapLessons for No Child Left Behindda gaora, ed.

    Required reading for everyone concerned about theimpact of NCLB on student academic outcomes.Maureen T. Hallinan, University of Notre Dame2007 / 340 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-3033-0 $29.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    n W

    University Research for Innovationu . Weer & Jae J. uderad, ed.

    An Economica Book

    2010 / 300 pp. / cloth 978-2-7178-5797-9 $59.95

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    pbic picy

    Whos in Charge Here?The Tangled Web of School Governance and Policynoel e, ed.Copublished with the Education Commission

    of the States

    2006 / 303 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-2471-1 $24.95

    When Mayors Take ChargeSchool Governance in the City

    Joe p. Ver, ed.Anyone interested in the ongoing debate about thegovernance of urban public schools and the role of mayorsneeds to read this book.Michael Casserly, executive

    director, Council of the Great City Schools2009 / 255 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-9043-3 $22.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Decentralizing GovernanceEmerging Concepts and Practicesg. sar ceea & e . odell, ed.2007 / 300 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-1389-0 $29.95

    The Global Public

    Management RevolutionSecond editionoald F. kel2005 / 108 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-4919-6 $18.95

    Governing by NetworkThe New Shape of the Public Sectorsee gold & Wlla . erWinner of the 2005 Louis Brownlow Book Award fromthe National Academy of Public Administration.Copublished with Innovations in American

    Government, Harvard University

    2004 / 224 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-3129-0 $19.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Innovations in GovernmentResearch, Recognition, and Replicationsadford F. bor, ed.Borins has assembled genuine experts insights aboutinnovation at all levels of government, and in manydifferent nations.Hal G. Rainey, University of GeorgiaInnovative Governance in the 21st Century Series

    2008 / 231 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-1377-7 $26.95

    Intergovernmental Managementfor the 21st Centuryto J. cola & paul . poer, ed.Foreword le vlThis is the most important book on American fed-eralism to appear in a long time.Donald F. Kettl,University of PennsylvaniaCosponsored by the National Academy

    of Public Administration

    2008 / 368 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-1541-2 $28.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Leading Change in a Web 2.1 WorldHow ChangeCasting Builds Trust,Creates Understanding, and AcceleratesOrganizational Change

    Jao neroSee page 2 for description.

    A Brookings Innovations in Leadership Book2010 / 142 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0484-3 $24.95

    The People FactorStrengthening America by Investing in Public Serviceda J. ble & W. so gouldA thoughtful, wise plan for overhauling governmentthat will inspire a new generation of men and women toserve their country. David Gergen, Kennedy School ofGovernment, Harvard University2009 / 359 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0141-5 $22.95

    The Regulatory Craft

    Controlling Risks, Solving Problems, andManaging Compliancemalol k. sarrowOver 16,000 copies sold.2000 / 370 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-8065-6 $24.95

    n W

    Rethinking e-Government ServicesUser-Centered ApproachesOECD e-Government Studies

    An OECD Book

    2010 / 221 pp. / paper 978-92-64-05940-5 $54.00

    The State of AccessSuccess and Failure of Democracies to CreateEqual Opportunities

    Jorr de Jo & gower zv, ed.Innovative Governance in the 21st Century Series

    2009 / 298 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-7501-0 $29.95

    Unleashing ChangeA Study of Organizational Renewal in Governmentseve kelaThis major contribution effectively undercuts archaicclichs and offers strong possibilities for futureresearch. . . . Highly recommended. Choice2005 / 308 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-4899-1 $29.95

    pbic mngmnt & ministtin

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    pbic mngmnt & ministtin

    mi / cmmnictins

    n W

    Attacks on the Press in 2009A Worldwide Survey by the Committeeto Protect Journalistsprefae Fareed Zaarairoduo Joel so

    A Committee to Protect Journalists Book

    2010 / 350 pp. / paper 978-0-944823-29-3 $30.00

    The Media and the War on Terrorismsee he & marv kal, ed.Winner of the National Press Clubs 2004 Arthur RowseAward for Press Criticism.Cosponsored with the Shorenstein Center at

    Harvard University

    2003 / 307 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-3581-6 $24.95

    n W

    Promoting Cybersecurity throughInternet Governanceoer k. kae

    A Council on Foreign Relations Special Report

    2010 / 56 pp. / paper 978-0-87609-481-5 $10.00

    The Plane TruthAirline Crashes, the Media, andTransportation Policyoer W. co & avd m. pro

    2003 / 208 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-7199-9 $19.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Through Their EyesForeign Correspondents in the United Statessee he2006 / 195 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-3585-4 $19.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    The Search for SocialEntrepreneurshippaul c. Anyone who is serious about advancing the conversa-tion in this young field will find this book engaging andprovocative.J. Gregory Dees, Duke University2008 / 295 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-5211-0 $26.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    n W

    The State of Nonprofit AmericaSecond editioneer m. salao, ed.

    Praise for the first edition

    Salamons volume presents a robust entry-leveloverview of the [nonprofit] sector from some of themost notable scholars currently in the field.Arthur C. Brooks in Public Administration Review2010 / 575 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0330-3 $36.95

    Sustaining Nonprofit Performance

    The Case for Capacity Building andthe Evidence to Support Itpaul c. 2004 / 211 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-5225-7 $20.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    United We ServeNational Service and the Future of Citizenship.J. oe Jr., kala melzer rooz &oer . a, ed.

    2003 / 300 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-1865-9 $22.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    A Voice for NonprofitsJeffre m. berr w avd F. ro

    2005 / 210 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0877-3 $19.95

    n W in p p bc k

    Wiki GovernmentHow Technology Can Make Government Better,Democracy Stronger, and Citizens More Powerfulbe soe noveSee page 2 for description.

    2010 / 224 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0510-9 $19.95

    nnpFit sct / ciVic nggmnt

    n W

    American FoundationsRoles and Contributionshelu k. eer & avd c. haa, ed.The most comprehensive effort to date to assess theimpact and significance of philanthropic foundationsin the United States.2010 / 457 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0339-6 $64.95

    Democracy at RiskHow Political Choices Undermine CitizenParticipation, and What We Can Do About Itsee maedo & oer

    2005 / 228 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-5405-3 $19.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    Investing in DemocracyEngaging Citizens in Collaborative Governancecare sraA wonderful book that arrives at a critical time. Sirianniexplains in lucid language how government can create anenvironment and ethos in which citizens work togetherto solve the unprecedented challenges that Americansface.Archon Fung, Kennedy School of Government,

    Harvard University2009 / 306 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0312-9 $26.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

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    intntin tins / scity & Fns

    n W in p p bc k

    BlindsideHow to Anticipate Forcing Eventsand Wild Cards in Global PoliticsFra Fuuaa, ed.Provides a range of ideas and insights on futurelow-probability, potentially high-impact events.

    Recommended.ChoiceAn American Interest Book

    2008 / 198 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-2991-4 $19.95

    Corruption, Global Security, andWorld Orderoer i. oer, ed.Copublished with the World Peace Foundation

    and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

    2009 / 497 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0329-7 $39.95

    Fthc m in g

    Dragon in the Tropics

    Hugo Chvez and the Political Economy ofRevolution in VenezuelaJaver corrale & mael pefoldA comprehensive account of now the Chvez regimehas revamped the nation, with a particular focus on itspolitical transformation.November / 175 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0497-3 $22.95

    n W

    The East Moves WestIndia, China, and Asias Growing Presencein the Middle Eastgeoffre ke

    2010 / 326 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0388-4 $29.95

    Includes maps

    Fthc m in g

    Italy and the European UnionFedera bdFirst in a series of books on comparative public adminis-tration, to be copublished by Brookings and the Italian

    National School of Public Administration.November / 240 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0496-6 $28.95

    n W

    Learning to SalsaNew Steps in U.S.-Cuba RelationsV huddleo & carlo paualTwo longtime U.S. diplomats argue that the UnitedStates is long overdue in rethinking its policy towardCuba and should adopt a proactive policy of criticaland constructive engagement.2010 / 239 pp. / paper 9780-8157-0389-1 $24.95

    n W

    Mass Atrocity CrimesPreventing Future Outragesoer i. oer, ed.Copublished with the World Peace Foundation

    2010 / 255 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0471-3 $28.95

    Means to an EndU.S. Interest in the International Criminal Courtee Fee ad tod der2009 / 178 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0325-9 $24.95

    n W

    Myanmar/ BurmaInside Challenges, Outside Interestsex effel, ed.

    October / 175 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0505-5 $26.95

    The Obama Administrationand the AmericasAgenda for Changeraa F. oweal, teodore poe &auree Weead, ed.Foreword sroe talo

    2009 / 235 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0309-9 $28.95

    n W

    The Obama MomentEuropean and American Perspectiveslvaro de Vaoelo & mar Zaorow, ed.

    An EUISS Book

    2010 / 248 pp. / paper 978-92-9198-160-1 $18.95

    n W

    The Perils of ProximityChina-Japan Security Relationsard bu

    October / 407 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0474-4 $32.95

    n W in p p bc k

    The Responsibility to ProtectEnding Mass Atrocity Crimes Once and For Allgare va2009 / 349 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0334-1 $19.95

    Restoring the BalanceA Middle East Strategy for the Next Presidentard haa, mar s. id & oer

    A Saban Center Council on Foreign Relations book

    2008 / 232 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-3869-5 $24.95

    n W

    Rising States, Rising InstitutionsChallenges for Global Governancela s. lexadroff & drew F. cooer, ed.Copublished with the Centre for International

    Governance Innovation

    2010 / 318 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0422-5 $34.95

    n W in p p bc k

    The Search for al QaedaIts Leadership, Ideology, and FutureRevised editionbrue edel[Riedels] prescriptions are well-evidenced, unfailinglysound, and refreshingly sensible. Publishers Weekly2010 / 186 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0451-5 $19.95

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    intntin tins / scity & Fns

    n W

    Confronting PovertyWeak States and U.S. National Securitysua . e, core graff & carlo paual, ed.A timely reminder that alleviating global poverty andshoring up weak states are key components of a morebalanced and sustainable U.S. national security strategy.2010 / 244 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0390-7 $26.95

    Fthc m in g

    Detention and DenialThe Case for Candor after Guantnamobeja WeSee page 1 for description.November /150 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0491-1 $22.95

    Legislating the War on TerrorAn Agenda for Reformbeja We, ed.Presents an agenda for reforming the statutory law governing

    this new battle, balancing the need for security, the ruleof law, and the constitutional rights of freedom.Copublished with the Hoover Institution and the

    Georgetown Center on National Security and the Law

    2009 / 420 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0310-5 $34.95

    n W

    Outer SpaceWeapons, Diplomacy, and Securitylexe raov & Vladr vor, ed.

    A Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Book

    2010 / 236 pp. / paper 978-0-87003-250-9 $19.95 (cloth ed. avail.)

    n W in p p bc kPower and ResponsibilityBuilding International Order in an Era ofTransnational Threatsbrue Joe, carlo paual &see Jo sedaWhat are the right kinds of institutions to order aglobalized world, where transnational forces that havestitched the world together can also tear it apart?This question is addressed with notable range andsophistication in this collaborative work Ethics and International AffairsSee page 2 for additional description.October / 360 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0512-3 $24.95

    n W

    A Skeptics Case for NuclearDisarmamentmael . haloSee page 2 for description.2010 / 165 pp. / cloth 978-0-8157-0507-9 $26.95

    Toughing It Out in Afghanistanmael . halo & haa serjaSee page 2 for description.2010 / 164 pp. / paper 9780-8157-0409-6 $22.95

    Includes maps

    n W

    Securing Human Mobility inthe Age of Risk

    New Challenges for Travel, Migration, and Borderssua gur

    A Migration Policy Institute Book

    2010 / 240 pp. / paper 978-0-9742819-6-4 $24.95

    The Survival and the Success of LibertyA Democracy Agenda for U.S. Foreign Policymoro h. haler & mael hoa FuA viable and progressive alternative to the hubris andhypocrisy that has undermined previous Americanapproaches to democracy promotion.Larry Diamond,Hoover Institution and Stanford University

    A Century Foundation Book

    2010 / 308 pp. / paper, 978-0-87078-514-6, $19.95

    Shooting upCounterinsurgency and the War on Drugs

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    Winning TurkeyHow America, Europe, and Turkey Can Revivea Fading Partnershippl h. gordo & er taar2008 / 115 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-3215-0 $18.95

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    Avoiding TriviaThe Role of Strategic Planningin American Foreign Policy

    ael rezer, ed.Critically assesses the past and future role and impact oflong-term strategic planning in foreign policy.2009 / 190 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0306-8 $24.95

    Budgeting for Hard PowerDefense and Security Spending under Barack Obamamael . haloOHanlon lays out the issues and their relative costs,suggesting a path for the new White House and thenation it serves.2009 / 198 pp. / paper 978-0-8157-0294-8 $19.95

  • 7/29/2019 Brookings Government & Politics 2010 Catalog


    Aaron, H.J., 9Absolute Power, 4Achieving an AIDS Transition, 9Acting in Time on Energy Policy, 7Advice and Dissent, 4Affirmative Action for the Rich, 11After the Crash, 6Ahmed, A., 2, 3Alden, E., 3Alexandroff, A.S., 15Altshuler, A.A., 10

    Alvarez, R.M., 4American Foundations, 14American Metropolitics, 9Anheier, H.K., 14Antholis, W., 1, 7Antos, J.R., 9Arbatov, A., 16

    Are New Millennium LearnersMaking the Grade? 11

    Arming without Aiming, 16Arons, D.F., 14

    Attacks on the Press, 14Avoiding Trivia, 16

    Ball, R.M., 6Belfield, C.R., 12Belsky, E.S., 6, 9, 10Benjamin-Alvarado, J., 7Berry, J.M., 14Berube, A., 10

    Besieged, 11Betts, J.R., 11Bilmes, L., 13Binder, S.A., 4Bindi, F., 15Birdsall, N., 4

    Black-White Test Score Gap, 11Blindside, 15Bliss, D.T., 1, 3Blum, K., 9

    Boomburbs, 9Boosting Paychecks, 6Borins, S.F, 13

    Borrowing to Live, 6Boyle, G., 8Brady, D.W., 3

    Brain Gain, 1, 6Brainard, L., 7Brettell, C.B., 10Breyer, S., 1, 3

    Bridging the Achievement Gap, 11Brookings Papers on Education

    Policy, 13

    Brookings Trade Forum, 7Brookings-Wharton Papers, 10Brown Center Report on American

    Education, 11Budgeting for Hard Power, 16Building Assets, Building Credit, 9Burman, L.E., 9Burtless, G., 10Bush, J., 3Bush, R., 15Busse, R., 9

    Cain, B.E., 4Campbell, D.E., 5Campbell, K.M., 4, 7Challenge of Legislation, 4Cheema, G.S., 13Chubb, J.E., 11Cisneros, H., 9, 10Climate Change and Forests, 1, 7Climate Change and Global

    Poverty, 7

    Climate Change and GlobalSustainability, 8

    Climate Change, Trade, andCompetitiveness , 7

    Climatic Cataclysm, 7Closed Minds? 11Cobb, R.W., 14Cohen, S.P., 16Coile, C.C., 6Coleman, W.T., 1, 3Confronting Poverty, 16Conlan, T.J., 13Cooper, A.F., 15Corrado, A., 1, 5Corrales, J., 15Corruption, Global Security, and

    World Order, 15Counsel for the Situation, 1, 3Creating an Opportunity Society, 6Creating Competitive Markets, 3Cubas Energy Future, 7

    Dasgupta, S., 16DeGregorio, P., 4de Jong, J., 13de Souza Briggs, X., 10de Vasconcelos, ., 15Decentralizing Governance, 13Democracy at Risk, 14Democracy in the States, 4Detention and Denial, 1, 16Diamond, P.A., 6Dickinson, M.J., 4

    Difficult Transitions, 4Digital Medicine, 1, 9Dionne, E.J., 14Donovan, T., 4Downs, A., 10Dragon in the Tropics, 15Drawing the Line, 3Drezner, D., 16Drogosz, K.M., 14Duderstadt, J.J., 11, 12Dunn, J., 11Dvorkin, V., 16

    East Moves West, 15Education at a Glance, 12Education Gap, 11Education Policy Analysis, 12Eggers, W.D., 13

    Election Fraud, 4Elkind, J., 7Ellwood, D.T., 7

    Energy Security, 7Engdahl, L., 9Epstein, N., 13Escobar, M., 9Estache, A., 6Evans, G., 15

    Exclusion, Gender and Education, 11

    Fast Forward, 1, 7Felbab-Brown, V., 16Feldman, R.J., 6

    Financing the 2008 Election, 1, 5Fit not Fat, 9Fritschler, A.L., 11

    From Despair to Hope, 9From Few to Many, 9From Schoolhouse to Courthouse, 11Fuchita, Y., 6Fuchs, M.H., 16Fukuyama, F., 15Furman, J., 9

    Future of Insurance Regulation in

    the U.S., 6Future of InternationalEnvironmental Law, 8

    Gallagher, K.S., 7Gamoran, A., 12Geography of Opportunity, 10Gerber, A.S., 3, 5Get Out the Vote, 5Getting Choice Right, 11Giedion, U., 9Ginsburg, S., 16Gitterman, D.P., 6Giuffrida, A., 9Giving Knowledge for Free, 12Glantz, M.H., 8Glassman, A., 9Global Energy Governance, 8Global Public Mgmnt. Rev., 13Global Warming, 8Globalization of Higher Education, 11Goldsmith, S., 13

    Goldthau, A., 8Gordon, P.H., 16Gould, W.S., 13Governing by Network, 13Grace, M.F., 6Graff, C., 16Green, D.P., 5Green Cities, 8Greenhouse Governance, 8Greenspan Commission, 6Growth Management and

    Affordable Housing, 10Guardian of the Presidency, 4

    Haass, R., 15Hall, T.E., 4Halperin, M.H., 16Hammack, D.C., 14Hanmer, M.J., 5Hardwick, S.W., 10Haskins, R., 3, 6

    Heads Up! 8Health at a Glance, 9Health Policy Developments, 9Healy, P.F., 9Herring, R.J., 6Herrnson, P.S., 5Hess, F., 13Hess, S., 4, 14Higher Education to 2030, 12Highlights from Education at a

    Glance, 12

    Hilley, J.L., 4Howell, W.G., 11Huddleston, V., 7, 15Hunter, J.D., 5Hyde, S.D., 4

    Improving on No Child Left Behind, 11In Plain Sight, 11Indyk, M.S., 15Inexcusable Absence, 11Innovations in Government, 13Intergovernmental Management for

    the 21st Century, 13Investing in Democracy, 3, 14Is There a Culture War? 5Italy and the European Union, 15

    Janson-Smith, T., 1, 7Jencks, C., 11Jones, A., 7Jones, B., 2, 16Journey into America, 2, 3

    Kahlenberg, R.D., 11, 12Kahn, M.E., 8Kalb, M., 14Kamarck, E.C., 5Katz, B., 10

    Keeping the Lights On, 8Kelman, S., 13Kemp, G., 15Kettl, D.F., 13Klein, R.W., 6Knake, R.K., 14Komiyama, H., 8

    Lambrew, J.M., 9Landy, M.K., 3Lang, R.E., 9, 10LeFurgy, J.B., 9

    Leading Change in a Web 2.1World, 2, 13

    Learning to Salsa, 15Leary, D., 8

    Legislating the War on Terror, 16Leipziger, D., 6

    Lessons Learned, 11Levin, H.M., 12Levin, M.A., 3Levine, P.B., 6Lewis, M.A., 11Light, P.C., 14Litan, R.E., 6, 14

    Lobbyists, Government, andPublic Trust, 6

    Lockheed, M.E., 11Loveless, T., 11, 13Lowenthal, A.F., 15Lowry, W.R., 8Luberoff, D.E., 10

    Macedo, S., 14MacInnes, G., 11MacKenzie, J.P., 4Magleby, D.B., 1, 5

    Making Choices about Hydrogen, 8Malbin, M.J., 4Maltzman, F., 4

    Managing Water for All, 8Mann, T.E., 4

    Marketplace of Democracy, 5Martinez, R., 4

    Mass Atrocity Crimes, 15Matter of Faith, 5Mayer, J.D., 11Mayer, W.G., 5McDonald, M.P., 5McLarty, M., 3

    Means to an End, 15Media and the War on Terrorism, 14Mega-Projects, 10Miller, E.A., 1, 9

    Moving Forward, 6Moynihan, R., 9Munnell, A.H., 7

    Myanmar / Burma, 15

    Mytelka, L.K., 8

    Neustadt, E.A., 4Nickerson, J., 2, 13Niemi, R.G., 5Nivola, P.S., 3No Child Left Behind? 12Noveck, B.S., 2, 14

    OHanlon, M.E., 2, 3, 16OSullivan, R., 1, 7

    Obama Administration and theAmericas, 15

    Obama Moment, 15OECD Environmental Outlook

    to 2030, 8OECD TALIS, 12Opportunity 08, 3Orfield, M., 9Ornstein, N.J., 4Orszag, P.R., 6Outer Space, 16Over, M., 9

    Pack, J.R., 10Pascual, C., 2, 7, 15, 16Patashnik, E.M., 3Patterson, B.H., 2, 4Patterson, W., 8Penfold, M., 15People Factor, 13Performance Incentives, 12Perils of Proximity, 15

    Peterson, P.E., 11, 12Pew Forum Dialogue Series, 5Pfiffner, J.P., 4Phillips, M., 11Piccone, T., 15Pindus, N., 10Pisupati, B., 8Plane Truth, 14Plug-in Electric Vehicles, 6Posner, P.L., 13Power and Responsibility, 2, 16Power Play, 4Price We Pay, 12Primary Politics, 5Primo, D.M., 14Promoting Cybersecurity through

    Internet Governance, 14Promoting the General Welfare, 3Puentes, R., 10Purvis, N., 7

    Rabe, B.G., 8Reconsidering Retirement, 6Red and Blue Nation? 3Red, Blue, and Purple America, 5Redefining Urban and Suburban

    America, 10Reforming Medicare, 9Reforming the Presidential

    Nomination Process, 5Regulatory Craft, 13Repairing Paradise, 8Responsibility to Protect, 15Restoring Fiscal Sanity, 9Restoring the Balance, 15Rethinking e-Government Services, 13Retooling for Growth, 10Retsinas, N.P., 6, 9, 10Revisiting Rental Housing, 10Rewarding Strivers, 12Rice, S.E., 16Riedel, B., 15Rieffel, L., 15

    Rising States, Rising Institutions, 15Rivlin, A.M., 9, 13Rizvi, G., 13Rondinelli, D.A., 13Rotberg, R.I., 15

    Salamon, L.M., 14Samples, J., 5Sandalow, D.B., 6Sass, S.A., 7Saving Social Security, 6Sawhill, I., 6Schlette, S., 9School Money Trials, 12Schuck, P.H., 2, 7Search for Al Qaeda, 15Search for Social Entrepreneurship, 14Securing Human Mobility in the

    Age of Risk, 16Shapiro, M., 3Sherjan, H., 2, 16


    Shooting Up, 16Simon, J., 14Singer, A., 10Siriani, C., 3, 14Skeptics Case for Nuclear

    Disarmament, 2, 16Smith, B.L.R., 11Smith, S.S., 5Sorkin, I., 7Sparrow, M.K., 13Springer, M.G., 12

    Springer, M.J., 5Standards-Based Reform and thePoverty Gap, 12

    Stark, A., 3State of Access, 13State of Nonprofit America, 14Stedman, J.S., 2, 16Steinberg, J.B., 4Stern, G.H., 6Still Stuck in Traffic, 10Streck, C., 1, 7Stuck in the Middle, 6Students with Disabilities . . ., 12Sumi, A., 8Sunbelt/Frostbelt, 10Survival and Success of Liberty, 16Sustainability Science, 8Sustainability Science Series, 8Sustaining Nonprofit Performance, 14Swing Voter in American Politics, 5

    Taking the High Road, 10

    Talbott, S., 1, 7, 15Tarasofsky, R., 1, 7Targeting in Social Programs, 2, 7Taspinar, O., 16Teixeira, R., 5Through Their Eyes, 14To Serve the President, 2, 4Tolbert, C.J., 4Too Big to Fail, 6Toughing It Out in Afghanistan,

    2, 16Trends Shaping Education, 12Twenty-First Century Gateways, 10

    United We Serve, 14University Research for

    Innovation, 13Unleashing Change, 13Urban and Regional Policy and Its

    Effects, 10Usable Thoughts, 8Using Taxes to Reform Health

    Insurance, 9U.S. Immigration Policy, 3

    Vital Statistics on Congress 2008, 4Viteritti, J.P., 13

    Voice for Nonprofits, 14Volcker, P.A., 6

    Voting Technology, 5

    Weber, L.E., 11, 12West, D.M., 1, 6, 9West, M.R., 11, 12

    What Do We Do Now? 4When Mayors Take Charge, 13White House and the World, 4Whitehead, L., 15

    Who Has the Cure? 9Whos in Charge Here? 13Wial, H., 10

    Wiki Government, 2, 14Wilson, W.J., 10

    Winning Turkey, 16

    Witte, J.M., 8Wittes, B., 1, 16Wolfe, A., 5Wolman, H., 10

    Work over Welfare, 3Working Longer, 7

    Ye, Q., 8

    Zaborowski, M., 15Zakaria, F., 14Zeckhauser, R.J., 2, 7Zedillo, E., 8

  • 7/29/2019 Brookings Government & Politics 2010 Catalog



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    Youll also find included here recent books from Bertelsmann Stiftung,Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Center for GlobalDevelopment, Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns HopkinsUniversity SAIS, Century Foundation, Chatham House (RIIA),Committee to Protect Journalists, Council on Foreign RelationsPress, Economica, European Union Institute for Security Studies,Migration Policy Institute, Organization for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment (OECD), Trilateral Commission, and United NationsUniversity Press.

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    ContentsNew & Notable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    American Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    Congress & the Presidency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Campaigns & Elections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Public Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    Social Policy Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    Environment / Energy Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    Health Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Urban Politics & Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    Public Management & Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

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    International Relations / Security & Defense . . . . . 15

    Security & Defense Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

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