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SUBMITTED BY: khushbu gupta rama sangal ashish soin

rachita khanna

Analysis ofIndian

Sanitary wareindustry

Fig.: Showing the presence of various sanitary ware industry in India

SANITARYWARE INDUSTRY STATISTICS:• World production: 187 Million pieces• India's Share: 6.7 Million pieces.• World ranking (in production): not in the Top 10

(India A/c for 3.30%)• Global Industry Growth Rate: 5-7%• Growth Rate (India Domestic Market): 10%• Organized sector:

% Share of Production: 43

No. of units: 6

Production Capacity: 103300 M.T. per annum

Actual Production: 95000 M.T. per annum

• Unorganized sector:

% Share of Production: 57%

Production Capacity: 136700 M.T. per annum

Actual Production: 120000 M.T. per annum


• To understand the consumer’s buying behaviour of luxury sanitary products.

• To prepare a database of future customers of Grohe products..

• To do a competitor analysis of Grohe India.• To study supply chain of Grohe India.• To develop an advertisement for Grohe India.

Research Objectives

1. Choice of Appliances is independent of Brand image ofproduct.2. Aesthetics of product is given priority over other attributes of kitchen & bathroom appliances.3. Bathrooms are considered important portion of house by the population.4. People are ready to pay more than 150,000/- INR for newbathroom / kitchen appliances.5. People always consider new brands for renovation.6. Brand image of appliance is closely co-related withadvertisements effectiveness.

Research Design

The survey research method was the basic research design. Each respondent (here as builders, architects and end consumers) were interviewed in their respective locations. The personal interviews are generally expected to last between 40-45 minutes, although the length of interviews depending on previous product related experience of research units. For example if a respondent has never been asked related question, they might not be ready to divulge their experience about bathroom appliances. Sometimes respondent looked wary of responding to certain question certain question must be skipped.

Sample size

• For any kind of business research it is necessary to estimate the size of sample necessary to accomplish the purpose of study. In the follow ing research conducted the sample size was calculated . This leads us conduct a survey and collect the sample of at least 90 samples.

• No of samples collected = 131• Builders/ Architects/Plumbing Contractors

N1 = 96• End Consumers N2 = 35

Sample Design

A survey of approximately 100 unit located in around 45 locations throughout the Pune region is provided as database for this study. The sample is selected on a convenient sampling from all construction sites. Eligible respondents were holding responsible positions at various builders’, architects’ organizations. Within each household an effort will be made to interview the individual who is the most familiar with completing the survey forms. When there is more than one respondent a random process is used to select the respondent to be interviewed.

Data Gathering

The field work was done and a non random sampling survey was conducted. The survey was based on convenience. Questionnaire was utilized to collect the data on face to face, through e-mail using internet. Google documents were used to develop an online questionnaire and link was mailed to the various respondents. The survey was conducted to quantify certain factual information, certain aspects of information are also qualitative. Although I tried to conduct the survey free of any sampling error but there are certain errors which are inevitable. Response bias occurs when respondent tends to answer in a certain direction that is when they consciously or unconsciously misrepresent the truth. Auspices bias occurs when respondent bias in the responses of subjects caused by their being influenced by the organization conducting the study.

Data processing & Analysis

• Standard editing & coding procedure will be utilized. Simple tabulation & cross tabulation will be utilized to analyze the data.

• Various hypothesis testing tools were utilized.

QUESTIONNAIRE• Q.1 Does product brand of appliances affect your / end

consumer’s choice?• Yes • May be• Not at all

Q.2. What importance does bathroom have in your/ end consumers’ home?

• Very important • Important • Not much importance • No importance • doesn’t matter

Q.4. What are you/ end consumers willing to pay for a bathroom/ kitchen of your/ end consumers’ dream?

• 50,000 -1 lakh • 1lakh to 1.5 lakh • 1.50 lakh to 2.0 lakh• 2.0 lakh to 2.50 lakh

• Q.3. Your income group (per annum) for end consumers’ only?

• a. 5-10Lakh • b. 10-15 lakh • c. 15-20 lakh • d. above 20 lakh

Q.5. What Appliances do you use/ prefer to fit in your/ consumers’ bathroom/kitchen?

• Jaguar • Parry ware • Kohler • Others.

Q.6. How do you rate following for the appliances? (1 for low 5 for high)?

• Attributes• Ease of use• Aesthetic• Functions• Affordability

Q.7. Does product brand of appliances affect your / end consumer’s choice?

• Yes• May be • Not at all

Q.8.What importance does bathroom have in your/ end consumers’ home?

• Very important• Important • Not much importance• No importance • Doesn’t matter

Q.7. Are you/ end consumers satisfied with your/ their bathroom/ kitchen appliances?

a. Yes

b. May be

c. Not at all

Q.8. Do you/ does end consumer think about changing your/ their appliances on renovation?

d. Yes

e. May be

f. Not at all

Q.9. 11. How often do you use internet?

g. Daily

h. Twice a week

i. Weekly

j. Fortnightly

Q.9. How do you rate advertisements from following sources? (1 for low 5 for high)?

S. No. Sources

1. Print Media (News Papers, Magazines etc.)

2. TV Advertisements

3. Mall media

4. FM/ Radio Advertisements

5. Billboards

10. How much are you affected by the advertisements for your choice?

a. Very much

b. Often

c. Sometimes

d. Not much

e. Not at all

Suggestions1. Brand Awareness is desired to be improved among the


2. A instalment scheme for the Grohe customers is to be


3. Grohe cube virtual bathroom web tool need to be


4. An after sales service force is considered necessary to be developed.

5. Search engine marketing of Grohe website is rudimentary.

6. Implementation of major SCM software.


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