


NEW MEMBERS, 1868.TelE follo-wilng Iew members hiave joined the Association from the

commenicemenit of the presenlt year.

BEDFOORDSHIRE. Knill, James, L.R.C.P.Ed. LechladeJohnson. X\Nilliane U. Esq. General Iu- Liddell, J. H. M.D. General Hospital,firmar, Bedford Bristol

WVebster, Thomas, Esq. Redlaiid, BristolBERKSHIRE. XVetlsered, Charles, Esq. Stroud

Davis, Gi. H. Esq. Aortiluer WVilloughby, E. F. Esq. Redland, BristolNoad, G. W. M1.D. WVokinghamPlayne, Alfred, M.D. Maidenhead HAMPSHIRE.

Doswell, G. H. Esq. Bishop's WalthaimBUCKINGHAMSHIIRE. Evans, J. 0. M.D. Fratton, Portsmouth

Deynis, F. M.D). Fenny Stratford Godwin, James, Esq. TwyfordDufty, Frederick, Esq. Stony Stratford Langdon, T. C. Esq. Surgeon to the IHantsXVadd, Frederick J. MLB. Beaconsfield County Hospital, Winchester


Ireland, Edward, Esq. Linton HEREFORDSHIRE.MoCaull, C. N. REq. WVhittlesey Jones, Edward, M.D. RossNewton, John L. Esq., Isleham, SohamPrince, Frederick, Esq. Sawston HERTFORDSHIRE.

-Good, Joseph, Esq. Hemel HempsteodCHESHIRE. Pope, Edward, Esq. Tring

Allen, James, Esq. BollihgontoBraidwood, P. M. M.D. Birkenhead HUNTINGDONSHIRE.Jacob, Edward L. Esq. Senior Surgeon to Mecnce, W. H. D. Esq. St. Ives

the Borough Hospital, BirkenheadLamb, Joseph, Esq. Birkenhead KENT.Lord, Richard, M.D. Crewe Barrington, N. M.D. Bexley HeathMlain, XVilliam, M.D. Bromborough Blatherwick, T. REq. RochesterAlMuro, S. H. M.D. Nantwich Davies, Albert, M.D. Physician to the WVestWVhite, Archibald, M.D. New Brighton Kent Hospital, Maidstone

Duke, Allen, M.D. DoverCORNXVALL. Henderson, Thomnas A. MH.D. Physician to

Couch, Thomas Q. Esq. Ito inin the Infirmary, Ramseate-. Ilott, Edward, Esq. Bromley

CUMBERLA.IND. Joyce, Thomas, M.D. RolvendenAlitchell, 1-I. M.B. Aspatria 'Medwin, Aaron G. M.D. BllackheathIPage, XW. B. Esq. Surgeoin to the Infirmary Parsoiis, Charles, M.D. Doverand Couuty Gaol, Carlisle Pittock, G. M.MDB. Margate

teeves, William, Esq. Carlisle Plomley, Johin F. Esq. Mlaidstonetobertsons, John, M.D. Cockermouth Skimmiug, R. M.D. SmardeilTweddle, .J ohn, Esq. Eaeswick Thomson, John B. Esq. RamsgateWVhitebead, J. G. Esq. Cockertuouth _

LANCASHIRE.DERBYSIIIRE. Allcock, Christ. Esq. Waterloo, Liverpool

Bingbani,J. J. Fsq. House-Surgeouto the Broadbent, James C. L.K.Q.C.P. EvertonGeneral Infirmary, Der by Liverpool

Casson, J. II. Esq. Ridduirgs, Aifreton Buruiwell, G. M. M.D. MossleyCrightot, IR. WV. M.D. Chapel.en-le-Friih Buirton, J. E. Esq. LiverpoolGreaves, Charles A. M.B. Derby Cameron, A. H. P'. L.R.C.P.Fd. Liverpcol

Carter, Albert E. Esq. Workhouse In.DEVONSHIRE. firmary, Toxteth Park, Liverpool

Bulteel, C. Rsq. Stonehouse Farr, Charles J. Esq. SwintonFine-an, James, M.D. Assistanit-Surgeon

DORSETSHIRE. to the Lying-in Hospital, LiverpoolMliles, E. J. M.D. Gillingham Glynn, T. R. M.B. Liverpool

Hill, Matthew, Esq. BootleDURHAM. Lang, John, M.D. Southport

Alworthy, Charles, Esq. Bislhop Aucklaud Long, James, Esq. Consulting Surgeon toBrunskill, W. Esq. Staundrop, Darlington the Royal Infirmary, LiverpoolCollins, Benj. C. Esq. Bishop Auckland Lowndes, F. Walter, Esq. Northeri HlosDouglas, Al. lEsq. Surgeoni to the Hospital pital, Liverpool

for Childreni, Sunderland Oxley, Martiii G. B. L.K.Q.C.P. AssistanitDouglass, Gcorge, M.D. Gateshead Surgeon to the Infirmary for ChildrenEastwood, Joseph XW. M.D. Gateshead LiverpoolFielden, Samuel, Esq. Sheldon, Darlington Pigg, Thomas, M.D. ManchesterFoster, E. XW. Rsq. Chester-le-Street Russell, W. S. Esq. AccringtonI-utchinsoni, M.D. Bishop Auckland Somers, A. Esq. XVhitecross Bank, SalfordKelly, XWalter McD. M.D. Crook Thorp, Charles W. L.K.Q.C.P. Todmordei.Macdonald,WV.M.D. Iaswell,Feuce Houses XW'alker, T. S. Esq. Assistant-Surgeon tcMackenzie, Daniel, Esq. Bishop Aucklaiid the Rye and Ear Infirmary, LiverpoolOliver, George, AMB. Stockton-on-Tees XVlhite, -, M.D. SouthportReid,Alexander, Esq. Tow Law,Darlington ,-Reily, Max. F. EFaq. Shltton, Castle Eden LEICESTERSHIRE.

Buszard, Marston, M.D. LutterworthESSEX. Downey, Patrick, Esq. Sileby

Argles, Frac k, Rsq. Wanstead Thomas, D. P. Esq. Market BosworthBaker, Beniamin, Rsq. Breltwood

LINCOLNSHIRE.GLOUC ESTERSJIIRE . Lambdeni, Henry, Rsq. Rippinigale

Atehley, G. F. RSeq. Cotham, Bristol Macdonald, J. Esq. LincolnBernard, M. 1Esq. Surgeon to the Bristol Phiilpott, - Rsq. Barrow

Royal Inlirinaly, Cliftonillagden, . E'sq. Minchilihanupton MIDDLESEX.Bush, D. eara, 1.D. Physician to the Appletoni, Henry, MI.D. HackneyHospital for Chlildreni, Clifton Austin, Thomas J. Esq. Guilford Street

Cooper, Fredlerick, Esq. Clifton Baker, J. P. Esq. Millwall Works, PoplarD)avies, T. H. Esq. Stapleton Road, Bristol Barry, D. Paterson, M.D. TwickenhamFllis, Thomlias S. Esq. Gloucester Bonney, XV. A. Esq. King's Road, ChelsetGriffiths, S. M. Esq. M[onitpellier, Bristol Bruce, Alexander, Rsq. Assistant-SurgeorKeall, W.P.L R.C.P.Ed. General Hospital, to the Westminster Hiospital, Old Caven

Bristol Idish Street

Burrows, W. A. Esq. Essex Road, IslingtonCase, Henry, Esq. Middlesex HospitalChambers, Thos. Esq. Sutherland StreetCheyne, Robert R. Esq. Nottingham PlaceCoates, Frederick T. Esq. Euston RoadColes, G. C. Esq. Codrington Terrace,Kensington Park

Cooper, Geoffrey V. Esq. Hampstead RoadCumberbatch, L. T. M.D. Cadogaii PlaceDavy, Richard, Esq. Welbeck StreetDickinson, WV. H. M.D. Assist.-Physician

to St. George's Hospital, Chesterfield St.Dudley,J. G. M.D. Physician to the Surrey

Dispensary, Belgrave RoadDyte, David Hyman, Esq. Bury StreetEdis, A.W. M.B. to

St. George's and St. James's Dispenisary,Sackville Street

Flower, Thomas, Esq. Middlesex HospitalForbes, John, M.R.C.P. Addison Road,Kensington

Fuller, W. F. Esq. Resident MedicalOfficer St. Marylebone Infirmary

Fyfe, Andrew, M.D. Brompton RoadGay, John, Esq. Surgeon to the GreatNorthern Hospital, Finsbury PlaceSouth

Gelston, R. MI.D. Coleshill St. Eaton Sq.Gervis, F. H. Esq. Adelaide Road,Haverstock Hill

Gibson, F. W. M.D. Resideilt MedicalOfficer, St. Pancras Infirmary

Griffith, William, M.D. Belgrave RoadHeckford, N. Esq. Broad Street BuildingsHickman, William, M.B. Surgeon to theSamaritan Hospital, Dorset Square

Hill, J. D. Esq. Surgeon to the Royal FreeHospital, Guilford Street

Hopkins, H. C. Esq. Royal Free HospitalHume, F. H. Esq. St. Peter's St. IslingtonLangmore, W. B. Esq. Upper WestbourneTerrace

Lawrence, Henry C. Rsq. XVestbournePark Road

Leaf, Walter, Esq. Surgeon to the St.Marylebone Dispensary, Maddox Street

Lock,J. G. Esq. S. Bartholomew's HospitalLocock, Sir Charles, Bart. M.D. Hertford

Street, MayfairMicheB, WV. D. Esq. Delancy StreetMurray, John, M.D. Bryanstonl StreetMusgrave, J. T. Esq. Fiuchley RoadOppert, Francis, M.D. Physician to the

City Dispensary, Great Russell StreetPar soni, Edward, M.D. Lecturer on Mid-

wifery, Charing Cross HospitalPearson, David R. M.D. Upper Pliillimore

Place, KensingtonPettifer, E. H. Esq. Southgate RoadPower, Henry, M.B. Assistant-Surgeonand Lecturer on Physiology at the West-minster Hospital, Upper Seymour Street

Rasch, A. M.D. South Street, FinsburyReeves, H. A. Esq. Middlesex HospitalRiley, Jas. L.R.C.P.Ed. Charlwood St. XV.

Rogers, Arnold, Esq. Consulting DentalSurgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital,Hanover Sauare

Rogers, G. H. Esq. Old Burlington StreetRudderforth, E. H. Esq. Air StreetSanders, Edwin, Esq. St. Bartholomew's

IlospitalShuttleworth, G. E. Esq. Kilburn Pk. Rd.Sibley, S. W. Esq. New Burllngton StreetSimms, Frederick, M.B. Wimpole StreetSimon, John, Esq. F.R.S. Medical Officer

of Health to the Privy Council, Rich-mond Terrace, Whitehall

Skaife, Henry, Esq. St. James's RoadSmith, Heywood, M.D. Grosvenor StreetSquare, XV. Esq. St Bartholomew's Hos-

pitalStephen, A. M.D. Doughty StreetStewart, Alexanuder, Esq. CheapsideSutton, ienry G. M.B. Assist..Physician

to the City of London Hospital forDiseases of the Chest, Finsbury Square

Tatham, John, M.D. Pliysician to the RoyalPimlico Dispensary and the WestLondon Hospital, WXilton Place

Traill, WVilliam, M.D. Browuswood Park,Stoke ANewington

Tweed, John J. Esq. Upper Brook StreetVincent, Osman, Fsq. Middlesex IlospitalWaggett, John, M.D. Stanley TerraceXVane, Daniel, M.D. Grafton StreetXXard, Stephen H. M.D. Physiciau to theCity of London Hospital for Diseases olthe Chest, Finsbury Circus

Warinig, E. J. M.D. Talbot Rd. BayswaterWatson, W. Spencer, FEq. Assist.-Surgeon

to the Central London OphthalmicHospital, Montague Street

White, John C. Esq. Storey's Gate, StJames's Park

Whitmore, John, M.D. Medical Officer ofHealth for Marylebone, Wimpole Street

Williams, Henry W. M.D. Fulham Road

MONMOUTHSHIRE.Verity, A. R. Esq. Talywain, PontypoolWatkins, George, Esq. ChepstowWhite, Frederick G. L.R.C.P.Ed. Chep-stow

NORFOLK.Amyot, T. E. Esq. DissBousfield, Edward, Esq. ThetfordLowe, John, M.D. Physioian to the WestNorfolk anid Lynni Hospital, King's Lynn

Meadows, Daniel, Esq. Great YarmouthNorman, R. R. B. Esq. Great YarmouthPrangley, V. Esq. AldboroughSmith, J. C. Esq. Great YarmouthSmyth, S. T. M.D. GreatYarmouthTaylor, G. Esq. Mattisball

NORTHAMPTONSH IRE.Clark, William, M.D. WellingboroughCrewe, John, Esq. WeldonHunt, W. J. Esq. Silverstone

NORTHUMBERLAND.Gilchrist, George C. Esq. Surgeon to theLying-in Hospital, Newcastle-on-Tyna

Hardcastle, N. Esq. Surgeon to the New-castle Gaol, Newcastle-on-Tyne

Hope, John, Esq. Newcastle-on-TyneReid, John C. Esq. Newbiggin-on-SeaWilson, Thomas,- Esq. Wallsend

NOTTINGHAMSHlRE.Batemani, Charles, Esq East BridgefordBuckoll, Edward C. Esq. NottinghamButler, James, Esq. BeestonHett, Henry 0. Esq. WorksopMickley, A. G. M.B. House-Surgeon to theGeneral Hospital, Nottingham

Parsons, F. H. M.D. NottinghamSpurr, J. Esq. Carlton-in-LindrickStephenson, T. A. Esq. Surgeon to theNottingham andMidland Eye Infirmary,Nottingham

OXFORDSHIRE.Freeborn, R. F. M.D. OxfordGray, Edward B. M.D. Physician to the

Radcliffe Infirmary, OxfordHussey, Edward L. Esq. Surgeon to theRadcliffe Iiifirmary, Oxford

Hyde, WV. T. Esq. Bloxham, BanburyMallam, H. P. Fsq. Oxford

lOwen, Edward R. Esq. OxfordRolleston, George, 51.D. F.R.S. Linacre

Professor of Anatomy, and Physician tothe Radoliffe Infirmary, Oxford

Sankey, R. Bi. H. Esq. Asylum, LittlemoreSymonds, F. Esq. Surgeon to the RadoliffeInfirmary, Oxford

Taunton, George, Esq. Surgeon to the CityGaol, OxfordtTniekwell, Henry M.M.D. Physician to theRadcliffe Infirmary, Oxford

3Winkfield, Alfred, Esq. House-Surgeon tothe Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford

SHROPSHIRE.Clendinnen, W. E. Esq. Cheswardine

rLemon, H. M. M.D. Bishop's CastleMathias, Alfred, Esq. BridgnorthWelsh, Joseph, Esq. Shrewsbury

SOMERSET.BEnuett, J. E. M.D. KilmeradonClothier, Heury, M.B. Mineral Water

Hospital, BathCole, Thomas, M.B. Bath

iCoombs, Carey P. M.D. Castle CaryrDavis, Theodore, jun. M.D. ClevedonaGarland, E. C. Esq. YeovilIGoodridge, Henry F. A. M.D. Physician totthe United Hospital, BathGoss, T. Biddulph, Fsq. BatlLowudes, -, Esq. PensfordParsons, H. F. M.D. BeckingtoniSmart,John N. Esq. Bedminster

ITerry, John, Esq. Bailbrook, BathWine, H. C. Esq. Bedminster

STAFFORDSHIRE.fClark, James, MI.D. Brownhills, Walsall

Collins, Henry, M.D. WolverhamptonDavies, W. Esq. Smethwick

nHandy, J. Esq. DarlastonaHicks, C. Esq. Smethwick

Kelty, P. M. L.R.C.P.Ed. Walsall



Latham, Alfred, Esq. Darlaston WORCESTERSHIRE.McCarty, J. Campbell, Esq. Cannock Brown,John, Esq. OldburyManby, F. E. Esq. Wolverhampton Cooper, G. C. Esq. OldburyMartin, E. N. M.D. Burton-on-Trent Hayward, W. H. Esq. OldburyMiller, Richard M. M.D. Physician to the Macdonald, John, Esq. KidderminsterSouth Staffordshire General Hospital, Malins, E. M.D. Cradley, DudleyWolverhampton Prosser, E. Esq. Bromsgrove

Millington,'William, M D.Wolverhamipton Roden, William, M.D. KidderminsterMorgan, Herbert M. Esq. Lichfield Sainsbury, Heury,Esq. OldburyNance, James, Esq. Rccleshall Tanner, R. C. Esq. DudleyPearse, Edward S. Esq. Brierley Hill XPope, W. H. Esq. Wolverhampton YORKSHIRE.Sansome, T. Esq. Hill Top, Westbromwich Allbutt, T. Clifford, M.B. Physician to theSmith, Richard, Esq. Harborne, Birming- General Infirmary, Leedsham Atkinson, Edward T. Esq. Richmond

Summerfield, T. H. Esq. Bloxwich Corrie, J. J. Esq. LeedsSutcliffe, Henry, Esq. Vest Bromnwich Eddison, J. C. M.D. LeedsSutton, W. Esq. Smethwick Elliott, George F. M.D. HullThomson, J. L.R.C.P.Ed. Kingswinford Fox, C. B. M.D. ScarboroughTylecote, E. T. M.D. Great Haywood Hall, Frederick, M.D. LeedsTylecote, J. J. M.D. Sandon, Stone Locking, Benjamin, Esq. Wellesby, Hull

Low, B. Esq. Burningham, DoncasterSUFFOLK. Myrtle,A. S. M.D. Harrogate

Clubbe, W. H. Esq. Lowestoft Procter, William, MI.D. Surgeon to theCresy, T. G. Esq. Aldeburgh Dispensary, YorkJeffreys, E. M.D. Lowestoft Roberts, Charles, M.D. Northallerton

Warburton, Edward, Esq. Pateley BridgeSURREY. Watmough Isaac, M.D. Pocklington

Adams, Rntherford, M.D. CroydonBrown, Alfred G. Esq. Trinity SquareBrushfield, T. H. M.D. WokingConstable, J.H. C. L.K.Q.C.P. St. George's WALES.Road, Southwark

Cope, Walter, Esq. West Croydon Griffiths, T. D. M.B. SwanseaCraigie, John, M.B. Reigate Jones, Thos. Esq. New Quay, CarmarthenCuolahan, Hugh, M.D. Bermondsey Taylor, William, M.D. CardiffHamilton, T. W. M.D. Mitcham Thomas, Richard, Esq. LlanellyKough, E. M.D. Bagshot Wilks, A. G. P. M.B. SwanseaMaberley, G. F. Esq. GodalmingPhillips, Edward, Esq. Bermondsey StreetBay, E. R. Esq. DulwichSmith, Rowland, Esq. Cobham, SCOTLAND.Sutcliffe, Joseph H. KEsq. Ripley BM.Sutcliffe, W. G. Esq. Battersea Bell, Joseph, M.D. Lecturer on Surgery inTrentler, W. J. Esq. Rew Green the University, EdinburghTuckwell, D. J. Esq. Woking (dead) Chiene, John, M.D. EdinburghTurner, J. S. Esq. Upper Norwood Dickie, John, M.D. Alloa, ClackmannanWarwick, R. A. M.D. Richmond Fergus, Andrew, M.D. GlasgowWilson, G. M.D. Waking Gibson, W. M.D. Campbeltown, Argylesh.

Gordon, H. M.D. EdinburghSUSSEX. McCullocb, J. M. M.D. Dumfries

Aiford, Charles J. Req. St. Leonard's-on- Macdonald, Angus, M.D. EdinburghSea McGibbon, John, M.D. Balfron, Stirling

Barker, W. G. M.D. Worthing (dead) Muirhead, Claud, M.D. EdinburghGoldsmith, John, M.D. Worthing Reith, Archibald, M.D. Physician to theHolman, Henry M. Esq. Hurstpierpoint Royal Infirmary, AberdeenMoore, Daniel, M.D. Hastings Shaw,James, Esq. AyrMoore, Thomas, Esq. Brighton Sibbald, J. M.D. Asylum, Lochgilphead,Penhall, J. T. Esq. St. Leonard's-on-Sea ArgyleshirePhillips, Thomas B. M.D. Brighton Smith, J. G. Esq. Thurso, CaithnessRugg, Richard, Esq. Brighton Smith, J. W. F. M.D. Physician to theSmith, Edward, Esq. Battle Royal Infirmary, AberdeenTrollope, Thomas, M.B. Assistant-Sur- Tweedie, A. C. Esq. Galashiels, Selkirksb.

geon to the East Surrey Infirmary, St. Wilson, J. G. M.D. Lecturer on MidwiferyLeonard's-on-Sea in the Andersonian University, Glasgow

Williams, S. W. D. M.D. Asylum, Hay- Wolfe, J. R. M.D. Ophthalmic Surgeon toward's Heath the Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen

Worthing, G. F. J. Esq. West WorthingWARWICKSHIRE.

Busby, R. A. Esq. Leamington IRELAND.Cow,Henry, eqs. Camp Hill, BirminghamDoweon, A. H. Req. Stratford-on.Avon ODonaghue, Patrick,L.R.C.P.Ed. Lough-Figgins, Henry, Esq. Birmingham res, GaiwayHinds,James, M.D. Queen's College, Bir-mingham

Hopkins, F. C. Esq. ErdingtonHorniblow, R. E. B. Es. Leamington ARMY AND NAVY.Jackson, J. Esq. Steelbouse Lane, Bir- Black,W. T.Esq. Staff-Surgeon, Aberdeenmingham Coekburn, J. Balfour, M.D. R.E. Chatham

Jolly, R. M.D. Queen's Hospital, Bir- Crawford, T. M.D. Army MedicalDepart-mingham ment, Whitehall

Le SageW. Louis,Esq. Stratford-on-Avon Mackenzie, John, M.D. Staff Assistant-Lloyd, Samuel, Esq. Birmingham Surgeon, AldershotMackey, Edward, M.B. Joint Professor of Murray, John, M.D. Inspector-General of

Materia Medica in Queen's College, Bir- Hospitals, Simlamingham Orton, R. J. W. REsq., Netley

Macpherson, R. S. Esq. Birmingbam Turnbull, G. Esq.4th Hussars, UmballaMay, Henry, Esq. Nechells, Birmingham Wells, S. S. D. Esq. Staff-Surgeon, H.M.S.Norris, R. M.D. Aston, Birmingham Britannia, DartmouthSawyer, J. Esq. Queen's Hospital, Bir-mingham

Sproston, W. H. Rsq. ErdingtonSuffield, C. R. Esq. BirminghamThomasW. M.B. Bradford St.Birmingham C'J.OLOUNIES & FOREIGN

WILTSHIRE. COUNTRIES.Flower, F. J. Esq. Broadchalk, Salisbury Bishop, Thomas, M.D. ParisHaynes, S. L. M.D. Laverstock, Salisbury Blue, W. A. S. Esq. Strathalbyn, SouthKinneir, Richard, Esq. Malmesbury AustraliaMaurice, James B. M.D. Marlborough Kemp, W. G. REq. Government Hospital,Tayler, J. 0. Esq. Trowbridge Nelson, New ZealandTaylor, T. J. Esq. Cricklade Kilian, - M.D. Aix-laaChapelle


[FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.]ON Monday last, a very influential meeting of Mr. Gladstone's sup-porters took place, to arrange the preliminary details in connexion withthe contest for the chancellorship. The chair was occupied by SirJames Y. Simpson, Bart.; and amongst others present were ProfessorLyon Playfair, C.B., Professor Wilson, Dr. Alexander Wood, Dr.John Muir, and a considerable number of members of the legal profes-sion. Although no personal canvass had yet been made, it was an-nounced that a considerable number of letters had been received frommen of influence, expressing their willingness to act as members of Mr.Gladstone's committee. After the Chairman had explained the objectsof the meeting, and stated what steps had already been taken by Mr.Gladstone's committee, Dr. Alexander Wood pointed out the greatclaims which Mr. Gladstone possessed to fill the vacant office, anddrew attention to the fact that it was only after mature considerationthat Mr. Gladstone had been chosen as the most suitable candidate tobe proposed. Dr. Alexander Wood stated that a meeting was to beheld on Tuesday, to urge the claims of the Lord Justice-General Inglisagainst those of Mr. Gladstone. Dr. Wood contrasted the merits ofthe two rival candidates; and he endeavoured to show that the princi-ples of the Lord Justice-General were not of such a nature as to com-mend themselves to the mind of liberal men. He alluded to theScotch Universities Act, which had been passed under his auspices;and he contended that the Lord Justice-General was not entitled to asmuch credit as he had received for it, seeing that he had to a great ex-tent followed up the plan and made use of the materials which hadbeen arranged by his predecessor in office, Mr. Moncrieff. ProfessorPlayfair stated that, having been in communication with Mr. Gladstoneon the subject, he could contradict a rumour which had become preva-lent, to the effect that Mr. Gladstone was opposed to giving the ScotchUniversities two members. Mr. Gladstone was, on the contrary, de-sirous to see the Scotch Universities represented by two members.When, however, it was stated that a majority of the Scotch Liberalmembers were opposed to giving two members to the Universities, Mr.Gladstone felt that, if such really were the case, he could not person-ally, as Liberal leader, put himself in opposition to the wishes of themajority of the Scotch members. Professor Playfair stated that theopposition of the members to giving two representatives to the Uni-versities had been much exaggerated, and that he himself knew ofeighteen Scotch members who were favourable to the proposal. SheriffHector made a brilliant speech in support of Mr. Gladstone. He ad-mitted that the Lord Justice-General would be a formidable opponent;still he ventured to predict that Mr. Gladstone would be carried by as

good a majority as they obtained when Lord Brougham was elected.The meeting was subsequently addressed by several other speakers. Itwas determined to have as large a general committee as possible, andto organise a small executive committee to carry on the canvass as en-

ergetically as possible.

ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY.-At the anniversary of the EthnologicalSociety, held May 26th, at 4, St. Martin's Place, Trafalgar Square,Professor Busk in the chair, the following were elected:-President-Professor Huxley. Vice-Presidents-Robert Dunn, Esq.; Sir JohnLubbock, Bart.; Dr. Harrington Tuke; Major-General Balfour.Ron. Treasiter-F. Hindmarsh, Esq. Hon. Secretaries-ThomasWright, Esq.; D. W. Nash, Esq. Hon. Librarian-L. J. Beale, Esq.Council-Capt. Sherard Osborn; W. Blackmore, Esq.; Henry G. Bohn,Esq.; Dr. A. Campbell; Sir A. W. Clavering, Bart.; T. F. D. Croker,Esq.; E. B. Tylor, Esq.; J. Dickinson, Esq.; G. Dalhousie Ramsay,Esq.; Professor Busk; Hyde Clarke, Esq.; Dr. Richard King; Sir R.I. Murchison, Bart.; Sir C. Nicholson, Bart.; Colonel Lane Fox;Major-General Sir J. Shiel; Lord Strangford; John Thrupp, Esq.;H. H. Howorth, Esq.



ASSOCIATION.WE learn with great pleasure from Dr. Henry Barnes of Carlisle that,at a meeting of the profession held there on May 20th, it was resolved toform a Branch of the British Medical Association for the counties ofCumberland and Westmoreland. Nineteen gentlemen at once signifiedtheir intention of becoming members of the Association, which countsalready a large sprinkling of members in these counties; and will now,

Aoubtless, soon take firm root there, and bring the members of theproTession in other counties into more constant and habitual communi-ca;tion on professional subjects with our brethren in these two northernprovinces.

METROPOLITAN COUNTIES BRANCH.A SPECIAL general meeting of the above Branch will be held at therooms of the Medical Society of London, 32A, George Street, HanoverSquare, on Monday, June Ist, at 8 P.M., to receive the Report of theCommittee appointed to investigate the case of Dr. Eastlake.


ALEXANDER HENRY, M.D.) onora;y Sec;etartes

SOUTH-EASTERN BRANCH.THE Annual meeting of the above Branch will be held on Thursday,June 4th, at the Town Hall, Hastings, at half-past One o'Clock;RFRDERICK TICEHURST, Esq., in the Chair. Visitors will be admitted

,o the introduction of a member of the Branch.The Dinner will be provided at half-past Four o'Clock precisely.

Tickets for Dinner, Dessert, Coffee, and attendance, not including Wine,7r. 6d. each, to be obtained at the Swan Hotel.Gentlemen desiring to bring forward communications will be pleased

to give notice to the Secretary one week previous to the meeting.C. HOLMAN, M.D., Secretary.

SOUTH MIDLAND BRANCH.The annual meeting of the above Branch will be held at the SwanHotel, Bedford, on Thursday, June I8th, at I P.M.; C. E. PRIOR, M.D.,President-elect, in the Chair.

Gentlemen intending to read papers or cases, are requested to sendthe names or titles of the same forthwith to Dr. Bryan, Northampton,,one of the Honorary Secretaries.


BIRMINGHAM AND MIDLAND COUNTIES BRANCH.THE annual meeting of the above Branch will be held at the HIenand Chickens Hotel, New Street, Birmingham, on Friday, June igth,at 3 o'clock, when an address will be delivered by C. E. NEWNHAM,Esq., the President of the Branch.The members and their friends will dine together afterwards, at

5 o'clock punctually.-Dinner tickets, inclusive of waiters and dessert,seven shillings and sixpence.

T. H. BARTLEET, Zion. Secretary.

LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE BRANCH.THE annual meeting of the above Branch will be held on Friday, June1gth, at half-past twelve, at the Royal Institution, Mosley Street, Man-

-chester. Dinner will be provided at a quarter to five.Gentlemen intending to read papers are requested to communicate

with the Secretary as early as possible.HENRY SIMPSON, M.D., Hon. Secretary.

CAMBRIDGE AND HUNTINGDON BRANCH.THE annual meeting of the above Branch will be held, in conjunctionwvith the East Anglian Branch, at Yarmouth, on Friday, June 26th,W. VORES, M.D., President.Members intending to read papers or cases are requested to communi-

cate with the Honorary Secretary at their earliest convenience.P. W. LATHAM, M.D., Hon. Secretary.

Cambridge, May 27th, i868.

EAST ANGLIAN BRANCH.THE annual meeting of the above Branch will be held, in conjunctionwith the Cambridge and Huntingdon Branch, at the Town Hall, GreatYarmouth, on Friday, June 26th, at 2 P.M., WM. VORES, M.D., Pre-sident-elect in the chair.Gentlemen intending to read papers or cases will be pleased to give

timely notice to one of the Local Secretaries, viz.: Dr. P. W. Latham,Cambridge; Dr. Chevallier, Ipswich; or Dr. Pitt, Norwich.The dinner will take place at 5.30 P. Nf., at the Royal Hotel. Tickets

12s. 6d. each, to be obtained of either of the Honorary Secretaries; andit is hoped tllat those gentlemen intending to dine will give a few days'notice, in order that proper arrangements can be made.

J. B. PITT, Hon. Secretaryfor Norfolk.

NORTHERN BRANCH.THE annual meeting of the above Branch will be held at Darlington,on Tuesday, June 30th. President for I867-68-EDWARD CHARLTON,M.D.; President-elect for I868-69-JOHN JOBSON, F.R.C.S.Gentlemen intetnding to read papers or cases, or describe patholo-

gical specimens, are requested to communicate with the Secretary,without delay.

G. H. PHILIPSON, M.D., Honzorary Secretary.Newcastle-upon-Tyne, May i868.


THE twelfth annual meeting of the East York and North LincolnBranch of the British Medical Association was held at the Hull Infir-mary, on Wednesday, May 20th, i868, at 2 P.M., under the presidencyof HENRY GIBsoN, Esq. Twenty-one members were present, and twovisitors.

Ojccrs. -The following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensu-ing year. President: Sir H. Cooper, M.D. Honorary Treasurer: Mr.J. A. Locking. Honorary Secretary: Mr. R. H. B. Nicholson. Com-mittee: Messrs. Craven, Daly, Lunn, J. H. Gibson, King, Holden, andDix.

Meetings.-It was decided to hold a second meeting in the autumn ofthis year at Great Grimsby. The Committee were also recommendedto make arrangements for the holding of more frequent meetings for thediscussion of professional subjects.Neo Memnbers.-Dr. G. F. Elliot of Hull, Mr. S. R. Henson of Hull,

and Mr. W. H. Sissons of Barton, were elected members of the Branch.Addresses,, etc.-The President read a highly instructive

introductory address, in which he particularly alluded to the improve.ment in the conduction of the JOURNAL of the Association.

Mr. MORLEY of Barton gave the particulars of a case of HydatidAbscess of the Liver.

Mr. Dix related a case of lingering Labour from Inertia, Nvhich pre-sented some singular features.

Dr. LUNN, and Mr. LEPPINGTON of Grimsby, each related cases.Dr. KELBURNE KING directed the attention of the members to the

Treatment of Injuries, etc., by Carbolic Acid, and exhibited cases whichhad been most successfully treated by this agent.A Dininer was held at Bainton's Victoria Hotel at 6 o'clock in the




appointed examiners for the Natural Science Tripos in the Universityof Caibridge during the present year: Rev. George Henslow, M. A.,Christ's Colltge; P. T. Main, M.A., St. John's College; Rev. 0.Fisher, M.A., Jesus College; and J. B. Bradbury, M.B., DowningCollege.

UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGII.THE candidature of the Lord Justice-General Inglis for the Chancellor-ship of the University is, we are informed, supported by ProfessorsChristison, Syme, Douglas Maclagan, Balfour, Laycock, Muirhead,Macpherson, Kelland, Tytler, Spence, and Turner; Drs. AndrewWood,Alexander Wood, Smith, Adam, Hunter, Malcolm, Annandale, Eaton,Orphoot, Somerville, Graham, R. N. Muirhead, Reid, Ritchie, Mur-ray, Bruce, G. Bremner, Archibald Dickson, Joseph Bell, Myrtie, etc.

546 [MaY 30, i868.



tlemen, hiaving undergonle the necessary examinations for the diploma,were admitted members of the College at a meeting of the Court ofExaminers, on May 7th:-

Beadles, Ferdinand, Broadsway, WVorcestershire (Westminster)Drew, W. H., Gower Street, Bedford Square (University College)French, Jacob, Deptford 'Guy's)Gilland, R. B., Ml.D. Glasgow and L. S.A., Brentwood (Glasgow School'Nunn, G. R., Lyndhurst, Hants (GuLy's)Pratt, J. WV., L. S.A., Bradford, Yorkshire i'St. Mary's)

Only five out of the fifty-seven candidates failed to acquit themselves tothe satisfaction of the Court of Examiners, and were consequentlyreferre(d to their hospital studies for a period of six months.

Admitted members on May igth:-Besly, F. B., St. Martin's Court, Leicester Square 'Charing Cross)Goodsall, D. H., Gravesend (St. Bartholomnew'sGould, Henry, L.S.A., Gravesend (Gy'sGrigoon, R. E., Watton, near Thetford, Norfolk (Guy's)Harrison, J. WV., Barnsley, Yorkshire (Middlesex)Jamieson, A., Pekin, China (Cork School)Langworthy, F. W., Plympton, Devon (St. Bartholomew's)Lee, W. P., Sydney, New South Wales (Middlesex)Le Tall, F. T., Woodhouse, near Sheffield (Sheffield School)Mason, W. J., Sudburr, Suffolk (Guy's)Owen, E. B., Cleveland Square, Hyde Park (St. Mary's)Peirce, J. E., L. S.A., Gilwern, near Abergavenny (St. Bartholomew's)Rayner, J. A., Highbuiry New Park (Kinig's College)Robertson, D. K., L.R.C.P. and L.S.A., Westbourne Park Villas (St. Barthol.)Spencer, T. C. H., L. R. C. P. and L. S. A., WVokingham, Berkshire (Guy's)Spragge, E. WV., Toronto, Canada (University College and Toronto Schools)Spratt, H. H., Wairarapa, New Zealand MAliddlesex)

Admitted members Con MIay 20th:-Cuffe, A. G., Woburn Place lUniversity College"Glanvile, John, Wedmore, Somerset (St. Bartholomcwv's)Johnson, John, L.S.A., Darlaston (Birmingham School)Leslie, Armand, Battersea Park (Middlesex)Nuttall, Ratcliff, Bury, Lancashire (Manchester School)Phillips, E. A., Eling, Hanits (University College)Rice, MI. WV., MA. B. anid C. AI. Edini., Sloane Street (Edinbturgh, St. George's,

and MIiddlesex)Stephens, Edward, Ilminster (Liverpool Scliool)Thornicraft, T. C., Claphanoi (Charinig Cross)Vines, F. C., L.S.A., Vasse, West Atustralia (Dublin School'Waterhouse, Frederick, Bolton, Lancashire (Leeds SchoolYoung, Edward, Hawkhurst, Kent (King's College)

It appears that nise out of the tilirty-seven caiididates failed to acqulitthemnselves to tLe satisfaction of the Court, and were thereforereferred for six monthls.

Liccntia/vs ill .3Iidzif;g.-Tile followiing members of the College,having undergone the nlecessary examsiuations, were admitted Licelntiatesin Midwifery at a illeetiing of the Board, on May 27th.

Cremen, P. J., A.D. Quiceen's Unisersity, Ireland, Cork; diploma of menmbershipdated April 22, I 86S

Desvignes, P. H., L.S.A., Lewisham; April 28, i85r,Dickson, J. R., M.D.Queen's University, Ireland, Belf-ist; not a i-nenberGlan,ville, John, Wedmore, Somerset; Mlay 20, i868Groves, Edward, Portsmouth; April 22, i808Levy, J. L., L.R.C.P.Ed. and L.S.A., Westbourne Terrace; Mlay 22, i866Naish, F. J., L. R.C. P. Ed. alnd L.S.A., East India Road; April 23, i868Rowling C. E., Parramatta, New South Wales; April 2r, I868Smith, Walter, East Moulsey; April 25, 1867Thompson, J. A., Delamere Street; May 6, I868

APOTHECARIES' HALL. -Names of gentlemen whio passed their ex-

amination in the science anid practice of medicine, and received certifi-cates to practise, on Thursday, May 2Ist, I868.

Alford, Samuel, The Motunt, TauiiitoniEdwards, Edward Parry, Maentusrog, AlerioniethshireKirkshaw, John, Royton, near AManichesterRawson, William Fell, Low Moor, niear BralfordRees, Wllilliam, AberystwvythSpencer, Walter William, Newcastle-upon-TyneTowvnsend, Mferedith, Thturlow HouLse, Clapham Rise


THE following vacancies are declared:-BRIGHTON and HOVE DISPENSARY-Two Resident House-Surgemns.CATHERINGTON UNION-AMedical Officer for District No. 2.CHESTER GENERAL INFIRMIARY-House-Surgeon and Visiting-Sutigeon.CHONTALES GOLD and SILVER MIINES, Nicaragua, Central Americ.-

Resident Medical Officer.CLAREMIORRIS UNION, co. Mlayo-AMedical Officer for the Ballindine Dis-

pensary District.DOLGELLY UNION, Alerionethshire-Medical Officer for the Workhouse.DUBLIN, TRINITY COILLEGE-King's Professor of the Practice of MIedicine.INFIRMARY FOR CONSUNIPTION AND DISEASES OF THE CHEST,

26, Margaret Street-Visiting Physician.LITTLEMORE PAUPER LUNATIC ASYLUM, near Oxford-Assistant Medi-

cal Officer.

LURGAN UNION, co. Armagh-Medical Officer for the Tartaraghan DispensaryDistrict.

MILFORD UNION, co. Donegal-Medical Officer for the Rossguill DispensaryDistrict.

NORTH DUBLIN UNION-Resident Medical Officer, No. 2, North City Dis-pensary.

NORTH WALES COUNTIES LI4NATIC ASYLUM, Denbigh-Assistant Me-dical Officer.

OLDCASTLE UNION, co. Meath-Medical Officer for the Crossakeel Dispen-sary District.

ROYAL GENERAL DISPENSARY, Bartholomew Close-Two Physicians andAssistant-Physician.

ROYAL ISLE OF WIGHT INFIRMARY, Ryde-Surgeon and Secretary.ROYAL KENT DISPENSARY-Two Medical Officers for Greenwich.ST. PANCRAS, Middlesex-Medical Officer for District No. I.SALFORD, Borough of-Medical Officer of Health.SHEFFIELD GENERAL INFIRMARY-Assistant House-Surgeon.SOMERSET COUNTY LUNATIC ASYLUM, Wells-Assistant Medical Officer.SOUTH LAMBETH, STOCKWELL, and NORTH BRIXTON DISPEN-

SARY-Honorary Medical Officer.SURREY LUNATIC ASYLUM, Wandsworth-Assistant Medical Officer.UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW-Professor of Midwifery.WESTERN GENERAL DISPENSARY, Marylebone Road-Physician-in-Ordin-

ary and Surgeon.

MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS.BROWvxRIDGE, T., Esq., elected Public Vaccinator for the West District of the King-ston-upon-Hull Incorporation for the Poor.

LOWTHER, George, Esq., elected Public Vaccinator for the East District of theKingston-upon-Hull Incorporation for the Poor.

BIRTHS.ALDERSON.-On May I7th, at Avenue Terrace, Hammersmith, the wifc of FrederickH. Alderson, Esq., Surgeon, of a son.

BLACK.-On May 18th, at Marquess Road, Canonbury, the wife of Robert J. Black,M.D., of a daughter.

CLARK.-On May i6th, at Holborn Hill, the wife of Thomas Clark, L.R.C.P.Ed.,of a daughter.

HAMILTON. --On May 2Ist, at Oakthorpe, Windermere, the wife of ArchibaldHamilton, M.D., of a daughter.

LITHGOW.-On May 15th, at Weymouth, the wife of Jas. Lithgow, Ml.D., of a son.THOROWGOOD.-On May i6th, at Welbeck Street, the wife of John C. Thorowgood,M.D., of a datughter.

DEATHS.BANNISTER.-On May s7th, at Addison Terrace, Notting Hill, aged I year, Hugh,son of Alfred J. Bannister, M.D.

BARTLEET.-On May 26th, at Edgbaston, Henrietta, the beloved wife of *EdwinBartleet, Esq., of hipping Campden, Gloucestershire.

GRIFFITH.-Oll May 21st, at Belgrave Road, Louisa, wife of *Wm. Griffitls, M.D.*GuY, Tom, M.D., of Doncaster, at Walthamstow, Essex, aged 48, oni May 21st.HATFIELD, William Martin, Esq., Sturgeon, late of Chelsea, at Sunningdale, Berks,aged 39, on May i6th.

MACLAREN9.-On May Is5th, at 6o, Harley Street, Robert A. J., infant son of*Alexander C. Maclaren, Esq., Surgeon.

OGILVIE, Alexander, M.D., Deputy Inspector-General Royal Artillery, at Shooter'sHill, aged 79, an May i6th.

RENNIE, David F., M.D., Surgeon 20th Hussars, at Caiiipbellpore, Upper Bengal,on April 4th.

WE are informed that Dr. Aldis has resigned the Lectureship on Pre-ventive Medicine at the Female Medical Society.A HINT FOR TRAVELLERS.-A well-known German traveller, F.

Jager, in Isis Sketches of Travcls in Sintgapore, JMalacca, 7ava (Berlin,i866), describes the powder of the Pyrethrurm roseum as a specificagainst all noxious insects, including the troublesome mosquitoes andthose which attack collections. He says: "A tincture prepared bymacerating one part of the Py etlhrum roseawn; in four parts of dilute al-cohol, and, when diluted with ten times its bulk of water, applied toany part of the body, gives perfect security against all vermin. I oftenpassed the niglht in my boat on the ill-reputed rivers of Siam withoutany other cover, even without the netting, and experienced not theslightest inconvenience. The ' buzzing', at other times so great a dis-turber of sleep, becomes a harmless tune, and, in the feeling of security,a real cradle-song. In the chase, moistening the beard and hands pro-

tects the hunter against flies for at least twelve hours, even in spite ofthe largely increased transpiration due to the climate. Especially in-teresting is its action on that plague of all tropical countries, the count-less ants. Before the windows, and surrounding the whole house where

I lived at Albay, on Luzon, was fastened a board six inches in width,on which long caravans of ants were constantly moving in all direc-tions, making it appear an almost uniformly black ssu-face. A track ofthe powder several inches in width, strewed across the board, or some

tincture sprinkled over it, proved an insurmountable barrier to theseprocessions. The first who halted before it were pushed on by thecrowds behind them; but, immediately on passing over, showed symp-toms of narcosis, and died in a minute or two; and within a short timethe rest left the house altogether."




MIONDAY ...... Metropolitan Free, 2 P.t.-St. Mfark's, 9 A.M. and 2.30 P.M.-

Royal London Ophthalmic, II A.I.TUESDAY...... Guy's, 5.30 P.m.-Westminster, 2 P.i'.-Royal London Ophthal-

mic, II A. mI.-National Orthopedic Hospital, 2 P. at.-RoyalFree, 9 A.M.

WEDNESDAY. . St. Mary's, I.T 5P. 1i.- Middlesex, I P. m.-UniversityCollege, 2P.M.-London, 2 P.m.-Royal London Ophthalmic, Is A.M.-St. Bar-tholomew's, I.30 P.m1.-St. Thomas's, I.30 P.M.-Samaritan FreeHospital for Women and Children, 2.30 Northern,2 M-.

THURSDAY.... St. George's, I P. a.-Central London Ophthalmic I P.M.-RoyalOrthopaedic, 2 London Ophthalmic, Is A.M.-Hos-pital for Diseases of the Throat, 2 P. AI.

FRIDAY ........Westminster Ophthalmic, 1. 30 P. M.-Royal London Ophthalmic,II A. N.-Royal Free, I.30 P. st.

SATURDAY St. Thomas's, 9.30 A.M.-St. Bartholomew's, 2.30 P. a.-King'sCollege, I.30 P.m.-Charing Cross, 2 P.s.-Lock (Clinical Demon-strations and Operations), I P.At. -Royal London Ophthalmic,I2 A. A.


MIONDAY.-Epidcmioulo,ical Society, 8 P.m. Assistant-Surgeon Sutherland, sthLancers, "Epidcemic Cholera in the Punjab, N.W., and Central Bengal, inI867. (Communicated by the Director-General A.M.D.)-EntomologicalSociety.

TUESDAY.--Anthropological Society of London.WEDNESDAY.-Obstetrical Society of London, 8 P.M. 7 PsNi., Council MIeeting.

8 P.mA., Dr. Robcrt Barines, "On Chorea in Pregnancy"; Dr. Ernest Sansom,"On the Pain of Parturitioii and Anesthesia in Obstetrics."-GeologicalSociety.

THURSDAY.-Linniean Society.-Chemical Society.-Royal Society.FRIDAY.-Western MIedical and Stirgical Society of London, 8 i.'m. Annual

Meeting; Election of Officers for the ensuiing Session; Report of the Coulnciland the Financial Account s ill be read; Practical Eveninig for the Narrationof Cases and Exhibition of Specimens.-Royal Institution.

NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS.All Letters and Conimonications for ike JOURNAL, to be addressed to the EDITOR,

37, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, IV. C.WE CANNOT UNDERTAKE TO RETURN 'MANUSCRIPTS NZOT U-SED.CORRESPONDENTS not answered are requested to look to the Notices to Corre-

spondents of the following week.CORRESPONDENTS, who wvish notice to be taken of their communications, shouldauthenticate them with their niames-of course, not necessarily for publication.

AUTHORS OF PAPERS, desirous of having extra copies printed for their own use, arerequested to communicate with the printer, Air. Richards, 37, Great Queen Street.


SIR,-Since reading Sir Domiinic Corrigan's paper on the above subject, I have waitedduring the iss-ue of several numbers of the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, in the hopeof seeing the article mentioned by abler persons than myself.With regard to the to o first heads, into which he divides the subject-the first of

which notices the relations between the medical referee of a company and the in-surer; the second, the relations between life offices and medical men ' in referenceto lives insured without the knowledge of those whose lives are proposed for in-surance"-nothing more need be said. I should think there can be no differenceof opinion with regard to them. With the third head, however, the case is dif-ferent; he himself expresses his doubts as to whether his views will obtain theassent of all. This head includes those cases "in which an insurallce office, withthe full consent of the person proposing to have his life insured, sends a series ofquestions to the medical attendant of the insurer, requiring to be furnished with allparticulars as to past or present ailments, hereditary predisposition, habits of living,etc.", of the person proposing. His opinion is, that the questions under this headas well as those under number 2 should not be answered; and the reason for thisopinion is, that to answer them would be a breach of confidence. It is evidentthat it is no breach of confidence for the medical attendant to reveal that which theproposer knows and wishes him to reveal. The only question is, as to whether theattendant may with propriety reveal facts which have come to his knowledgethrough attendance on the insurer, and of Xs hich the insurer himself is ignorant.

In looking at the relations between a proposer and an insurance company, w,esee that they are entirely of a pecuniary character. Both parties are desirous ofmaking an equitable contract. On the side of the company, everything is openand straightforward. It says to the proposer: "If yours is a good life, X-se shall bewilling to take you on such and such terms." The proposer, being an honest andstraightforward man, wishes to give the office every opportunity of knowing all itis the coimipany's interest to kniow, and with this view not only submits to an exa-mination made by the company's medical referee, but also gives the name of hisordinary medical attendant. in order that the company may have every means ofestimating the insurance value of his life. Under these circumstances, the medicalatteiidint gives his information in order to make the contract as equitable as pos-silile, and to remove it as far .- can be done from the region of speculation.We ,vill suppose that a persion insuring has some time before had an attack ofacuite rhetimatism, and that the attack wvas complicated with pericarditis; supposehsrthbr ttiat the insurer so far recovered that the adherent pericardium could not

be detected, and that the proposer was ignorant of ever having had disease of thehcart; if the medical attendant in this case was called upon to give what informnation he could, would he be justified in withholding it? in silently looking on whilesuch an one-sided contract was being made? Would he be doing his client an in-justice by giving the information, and would it be a breach of confidence? I thinkhe would be doing exactly what his client wishes him to do-doing an act of justice,assisting the office to make a fair and equal contract. By withholding informatiomunder such circumstances, it appears to me that he is wilfully injuring the office,or rather the whole body of policy-holders-for the directors will probably look totheir interests first, and the bonuses of the policy-holders afterwards-and com-pelling his client against his will to take undue and unjust advantage of the company.With regard to the " fond mother concealing from her child that she was dyingof cancer, and laying it as an obligation on the medical man that he should neverreveal the nature of her disease, in order that her child shoulld not have the fear ofhereditary taint before her", the instance is not of much moment here. If themother died at a not very advanced age, and the cause of death were unknown,the office would very likely make an addition to the premium, and the additioaswould probably be no greater if the cause of death were known; while the breachof confidence would be nil, as the company would not be very likely to makekrnowni the cause of death to the daughter, so that the sole object of the obligationwould be attained just as well as if the attendant had kept silent. It would be in-teresting to know how the cause of death was certified in this case to the registrar;whether the medical attendant considered it a breach of confidence to give the in-formation to this office?

Sir Dominic seems to ignore the fact, that medical referees are sometimes themedical attendants of proposed insurers. I suppose that in this cass of cases(which he does not mention) he would say that a medical referee ought not toexamine his own patients, for he cannot do it consistently. If he is honest, hecomniits a breach of confidence; if he does not commit a breach of confidence, heis not honest. How must he act? Why clearly he cannot act at all. The interestsof his office and of his patient are so much opposed, that he cannot come in asarbitrator. This is what Sir Dominic's views, if followed out, would lead to; butI think Sir Dominic's views are different from those of the great body of medicalmen. I for one think that I could reconcile to my conscience the duties I shouldowe to both office and instlrer; and I also think that I am not alone in this,respect. I am, etc., MEAI. B. ."l. A.

Liverpool, Mlay i868.AN UNFORTUNATE.-YOU will come under the operations of the news regulationrequiring an examination in medicine, as the six months will not expire until No,-sember next. The L.S.A. will exempt you from the examination to which yourefer.EDWARD'S question is improper to be asked; and we are not surprised that he shouldbe ashamed to put his name.

TMEDICAL CLUB.SIR,-As I have recently received a large number of letters of inquiry respecting theMedical Club, and lest any should inadvertently have remained unanswered, Ihope you will allow me a short space in your columns to announce that the Clubhas removed from the temporary rooms hitherto occupied in Pall Mall, to morecentral and convenient premises situated at No. 9, Spring Gardens, overlookingTrafalgar Square. The new Club-house will afford increased and improved accom-modation for the members, and has been placed under the management of Mr.Webb, jun., late of the Carlton Club, who will reside on the premises. I haveevery confidence that the comfort and convenience of the members will receiveMr. Wtebb's constant and careful attention, and that all will have good reason tobe satisfied with the changes that have been made.May 20th, i868. I am, etc., LORY MARSIH, Hon. Sec.

WE are indebted to correspondents for the following periodicals, containing newsreports and other matters of medical interest:-The Dublin General Advertiser,May i6th; The Indian Medical Gazette, January ist, March 2nd, and April ist;The Marylebone Mercury, May 23rd; The Christian Times, Mlay 22nd;

COAIMUNICATIONS. LETTERS, ETC., have been received from:-Professor Laycock, Edinburgh; Mr. F. Clarke, London; Dr. Daldy, London;Dr. Gavin Alilroy, London; Air. J. T. Vale, Claughton, Birkenhead; Mr. Bartleet,Birnsiisgham; Mir. Baker, Brentwood; Mr. Mathews, Horshatm; Dr. H. Jones,London; MIr. G. H. Snape, Liverpool; The Secretary of the Western Medical andSurgical Society of London; Dr. Drysdale, London; Mr. Holloway, London; TheSecretary of the Epidemiological Society; Dr. Henry Barnes, Carlisle; Mr. E. W.Foster, Chester-le-Street; Dr. Roberts, Manchester; Mr. George Callender,London; Mr. H. Greenway, Plymouth; Dr. Lockhart Robertson, Hayward'sHeath; Dr. Davey, Northwoods, Bristol; Mr. WV. Reeves, Carlisle; AMr. Beveridge,Aberdeen; Mr. Garraway, Faversham; Mr. A. Ransotne, Bowden; Mr. Lund,Manchester; MAr. Curgenven, London; Dr. Aldis, London; Dr. Rogers, London;Dr. Maddox, Southampton; Dr. Bence Jones, London; Dr. Moore, DubliNr; Dr.Alaclagan, Edinburgh; Dr. Holman, Reigate; Mr. Joshua Parsons, Frome; Dr.Partridge, Birmingham; Mr. J. B. Pitt, Norfolk; Mr. Hcrbert Morgan, Lichfield;and Dr. Sammut, Naples.

LETTERS, ETC. (with enclosures) from:-Dr. C. Handfield Jones, London; Dr. Wilson Fox, London; Dr. F. J. Brown,Rochester; Dr. S. Martyn, Cliftor, Bristol; Mr. Wm. Parker, Bath: Mr. WeedenCooke, London; Dr. Thompson Dickson, London; Mr. Ibbetson, London; Air.Coltoii, Paris; Sir Duncan Gibb, London; Mr. J. Vose Solomon, Birmingham;MIr. Carttar, London; Dr. Rumsey, Cheltenham; Dr. Mackey, Birm,ngham; Mr.Augustin Prichard, Clifton, Bristol; Dr. Horace Jeaffreson, Wandsworth; TheSecretary of Apothecaries' Hall; Dr. John Mlurray, London; Dr. Lomas, London;The Registrar-General of England; Mr. T. M. Stone, London; The Registrar-General of Ireland; MIr. St. George Mivart, London; Dr. Stephen H. Ward,London; The Honorary Secretary of the Obstetrical Society of London; Mr. J.Morley, Barton; Dr. Stephen Ward, London; Professor Syme, Edinburgh; Mr.C. J. Fox, London; Dr. A. P. Stewart, London; Mr. T. Holmes, London; Dr.Mackey, Birmingham; Mr. F. C. Champneys; Dr. Lory Marsh, Nottingham;Mr. Francis Mason; and Mir. J. F. Holden, Hull.


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