  • 7/24/2019 British Army for Dirtside


    British Army for


    by Bryn Monneryand Dan Hebditch

    New Equipment

    Hyper Velocity Missile Systems (HVMS)!hese are "eapons systems firin# #$ided missiles at Mach %0 or abo&e that rely on

    'inetic ener#y for their main dama#e effect !hey are imm$ne to oint and Area Defense

    fire b$t not *M +All+ *hits are effecti&e a#ainst &ehicles b$t they ha&e no effecta#ainst infantry !hey do not ha&e the special attac' of al"ays attac'in# half armo$r, only

    if the facin# is correct does this occ$r

    !hey mass and cost the same as -MS.s

    /nly British and $ssain $nits may field them

    NoteAll DS systems are mass 2

    Montgomery Hovertank:*lass 1 &ehicle ast -V mobility, HM! po"er, Armo$r 4, %

    H561 in t$rret "6 S$perior ire *ontrol, 2 AS768, A* belt, S$perior DS,

    HVMS6H (S$perior -$idance), S$perior *M, Stealth 3

    !his is the c$rrent ser&ice ho&ertan' of the British Army 9t is broadly e$i&ilent to the8';

  • 7/24/2019 British Army for Dirtside


    Churchill Groundtank:*lass @ &ehicle ast !rac'ed mobility, HM! po"er, Armo$r

    %2, % H56 in t$rret "6 S$perior ire *ontrol, AS768, A* belt, D-6% in h$ll,

    S$perior DS, HVMS6H (nhanced -$idance), S$perior *M, Stealth 1

    !he c$rrent line hea&y tan' of the British Army 9t is smaller than its ri&als and mo$nts a

    modern %00mm Mass Dri&er *annon and a S'ystrea' missile system 9t has the hea&iestarmo$r of any tan' in e>istance (Act$ally calc$lated at %4 b$t that "as $st too far)

    Rifleman AC:*lass 3 &ehicle ast -V mobility, HM! po"er, Armo$r 2, AS768,A* belt, D-6% in h$ll "ith nhanced ire *ontrol, nhanced DS, -MS68

    (nhanced -$idance), nhanced *M, 2 9nfantry !eams

    An older A* in British ser&ice A &ariant in common $se is the Rifleman!A"#"hich

    replaces the -MS and D- (a 200M7 lasma *annon) "ith a -MS6H "ith S$perior-$idance

    "empler AC:*lass 1 &ehicle ast -V mobility, HM! po"er, Armo$r 3, H562 inh$ll "ith S$perior ire *ontrol, AS768, A* belt, D-6% in t$rret, S$perior DS,

    -MS68 (S$perior -$idance), S$perior *M, Stealth 2, 2 9nfantry !eams

    !he c$rrent ser&ice A*, it also has a missile &ariant, the "empler!A"# !his &ersion

    replaces the -MS and H5 "ith a HVMS6H (S$perior -$idance) and H56%

    Craufurd AR$:*lass 2 &ehicle ast -V mobility, HM! po"er, Armo$r 3, AS768,

    A* belt, D-6% in h$ll "ith S$perior ire *ontrol, S$perior DS, HVMS6H(S$perior -$idance), S$perior *M, Stealth 3

    !he *ra$f$rd is the standard Armo$red ecce Vehicle, a fast li#ht AV $sed to sco$tahead of Battle#ro$ps

    %owman Com&at 'alker:*lass % 9nfantry 7al'er &ehicle o"ered 9nfantry mobility,

    HM! po"er, Armo$r 2, 2 AS768, D-6% "ith S$perior ire *ontrol, -MS68(S$perior -$idance), S$perior *M, Stealth 2 (Si#nat$re 0)

    !he o$tp$t of roect 7al'in# !an' !he British Army is not o&erly 'een on combat

    "al'er b$t sees the ad&anta#es in certain sit$ations, hence the Bo"man is often fo$nd in

    small n$mbers amon# most Battle#ro$ps

    Hawk ()'ing Gun*hip:*lass 2 Aerospace &ehicle Aerospace mobility, HM! po"er,Armo$r 2, D-6% in h$ll "ith S$perior ire *ontrol, AS768, 2 HVMS6H (S$perior

    -$idance), S$perior *M, Stealth 2

    !he standard tan' b$stin# helicoptor of the British Army !he missiles may be replaced"ith dead fall ordnance on a %:% ratio

  • 7/24/2019 British Army for Dirtside


    +irefly ()'ing ,cout:*lass 2 Aerospace &ehicle Aerospace mobility, HM! po"er,

    Armo$r %, 2 AS768, HVMS6H (S$perior -$idance), S$perior *M, Stealth %

    A sco$t .copter that operates ahead of the -$nships or lar#e col$mns of Armo$r

    Hu**ar -A$ !"ank#:*lass 2 &ehicle ast !rac'ed mobility, HM! po"er, Armo$r 2,AS768, H561 in h$ll "ith S$perior ire *ontrol, S$perior DS, S$perior *M,

    Stealth %

    Act$ally a family of &ehicles, the Hu**ar !.nfantry#&ariant replaces the H5 "ith 2

    infantry teams and the Hu**ar !A"#&ariant "ith 2 HVMS6H "ith S$perior -$idance!he closely related /ragoonseries contains the same 3 &ariants b$t ast -V mobility

    Mercer ,A:*lass 1 &ehicle ast Ho&er mobility, HM! po"er, Armo$r %, AS768,

    Hea&y !$be Artillery, S$perior DS, S$perior *M

    A self propelled #a$ss ho"it;er

    Congreve M-R,:*lass 1 &ehicle ast Ho&er mobility, HM! po"er, Armo$r %,AS768, Hea&y M8S Artillery, S$perior DS, S$perior *M

    A self propelled M8S system

    -ancet A/$:*lass 2 &ehicle ast Ho&er mobility, HM! po"er, Armo$r %, AS768,

    S$perior ADS, S$perior *M

    A self propelled anti aircraft system or#anic into all formations

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