
BRITA® Management Handbook

Reference standards DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 August 2011 Quality Management


“Our vision is a world where drinking water of the highest quality

is always available to everyone.”Markus Hankammer, CEO of BRITA Group



0 Preamble Page 4

0.1 Declaration of intent Page 4

0.2 Scope of application Page 5

1 “Hidden champion” geared towards Page 6 the international market: The BRITA® Group

1.1 Milestones: Page 9 The history of BRITA‘s innovations

1.2 Strong brand – high standards: Page 10 Awards

2 BRITA B.I.G.: Page 12 Vision and Strategy

3 Who we are – what do we want: Page 13 Our Self-image and principles

4 Clear as crystal: Page 17 Information and communication fl ow at BRITA®

5 Quality that‘s planned and tested through & through: Page 18 A core part of our brand promise

5.1 Defi ning and maintaining benchmarks: Page 18 Customer and consumer satisfaction at BRITA®

5.2 Always doing our very best: Page 19 Continuous Improvement Process (“CIP”) at BRITA®

6 The future starts today: Page 20 Taking on responsibility for our environment

7 Safety is everybody‘s concern: Page 21 Occupational health & safety standards at BRITA®

8 More transparency – better for everybody: Page 22 The process-orientated approach


Declaration of intent

Markus Hankammer Uwe Belz Walter FunkCEO of BRITA Group Member of the Executive Board Member of the Executive Board Head of Technology BRITA Group Head of Finance & Administration BRITA Group

The contents of this handbook are binding for all employees of the BRITA Group.




The Management System comes into force through signature of the Management.


The BRITA Group, together with its German subsidiaries, is a medi-um-sized, family-owned company geared towards the global market and the customer.

Water is the basis of all life forms and one of the most valuable commodities of all. It makes up some 70% of our body and, indeed, more than 90% of our brain.

No wonder, therefore, that our daily consumption of water is essential to our health and wellbeing. We have been devoting ourselves to the optimization and individualization of drinking water for over 45 years.

Today, in three business divisions, BRITA has a broad range of water optimization systems to offer: household products, products for commercial use, and pressurized drinking water dispensers. Not least the numerous internationally registered patents that we hold bear impressive testimony to the fact that, thanks to our permanent commitment to research and development, we are one of the top names in technology.

We also intend to remain the world‘s leading provider of drinking water optimization products in the future, creating sustained added value for our customers, consumers, employers, business partners (commercial & industrial partners and suppliers alike) and for the BRITA enterprise itself.

BRITA is based in Taunusstein which is just a few minutes away from the German town of Wiesbaden. Taunusstein lies on the western edge of the European metropolitan region of Rhine-Main (population of 5.5 million), which is one of Europe‘s most dynamically growing economic and cultural regions.

Frankfurt international hub airport, along with the Frankfurt-Cologne-Amsterdam Intercity Express railway line and a number of major German motorways such as the A3 and the A5 are all within direct reach of the company‘s Headquarters, facilitating BRITA‘s globally orientated business.

Moreover, the company‘s “exposed” location ensures the availability of highly qualifi ed employees and potential young trainees and also allows BRITA to enter into valuable cooperation agreements in the fi eld of research and development (with the University of Frankfurt/Main and Jerusalem University in Israel, among others).

Scope of application 0.2

The company Headquarters: At the heart of Europe

Aiming high: Added value through innovations


“Hidden Champion” geared towards the international market: The BRITA® Group



Heinz Hankammer in 1966

Taunusstein (near Wiesbaden), Germany

Owner-managed family company Limited liability company (GmbH) under German law

Heinz Hankammer

Markus Hankammer

Markus HankammerUwe BelzWalter Funk

Founded by


Corporate structure

Chairman of the Supervisory Board


Executive Board


BRITA® subsidiaries

Manufacturing plants

BRITA GmbH, Germany (Headquarters) (responsible for the markets Germany, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg)

BRITA Water Filter Systems PTY Ltd., Australia (responsible for the markets Australia and New Zealand)

BRITA SARL, France BRITA Manufacturing (UK) Ltd., UK BRITA Water Filter Systems Ltd., UK BRITA Italia S.r.l. Unipersonale, Italy BRITA Japan KK, Japan BRITA Korea, Korea BRITA Polska S.p.z.o.o., Poland BRITA AG, Switzerland BRITA Iberia S.L., Spain

(responsible for the markets Spain and Portugal)MAVEA LLC, USAMAVEA Canada Inc., CanadaBRITA Professional GmbH & Co. KGIONOX Wasser-Technologie GmbHUsha Shriram BRITA Pvt. Ltd., India (joint venture)

GermanyUKSwitzerlandIndia (a joint venture on the Indian market)

Number of employees worldwide: some 990

Number of employees in Germany: some 540


Milestones: The history of BRITA’s innovations

1966 The starting signal: Heinz Hankammer establishes BRITA in Germany. The fi rst product is a fi lter for demineralizing water.

1970 Premiere: The fi rst jug water fi lter for household use.

1980 Business-to-Business: The fi rst professional water fi lter for commercial use is launched on the market. Beginning of the company’s international sales activities.

1987 Benchmark: BRITA becomes synonymous with jug water fi lters in Germany.

1992 Award: BRITA receives an award for being a “women-friendly place of employment”. Introduction of the fi rst recycling programme for fi lter cartridges.

1995 Sparkling drinks market: BRITA distributes “Soda-Club” water carbonators on the German market.

1996 The next generation: Markus Hankammer (Heinz Hankammer’s son) joins the Management.

1997 US award: Heinz Hankammer is the fi rst German to receive the “International Entrepreneur of the Year” award from the American Housewares Club of New England.Go east: Introduction of “Waterguard”, the fi rst water purifi er in India.

1998 Pole position: BRITA becomes the standard for jug water fi lters in South Africa.

2001 World premiere I and II: Launch of the world’s very fi rst kettle with integrated water fi lter in the UK; launch of “BRITA On Tap” (a fi lter system attached to the tap) in France and later on in other countries.

2004 Integrated solution: Launch of the new business concept entitled “BRITA Integrated Solutions” (expanding the area of application of the BRITA fi lter cartridge to other household appliances).

2004 Very British: A production facility opens in the UK town of Bicester near Oxford. BRITA is awarded a place in the Sunday Times “Top 50 Best Small & Medium Companies to Work For” list in the UK.

2005 Innovative strength: Launch of MAXTRA – the new generation of cartridges – and the jug water fi lters Elemaris, Marella and Liquelli (for the Japanese market).

2006 Anniversary: 40 years of the BRITA water fi lter. BRITA GmbH celebrates its 40th anniversary. Launch of the new INTENZA fi lter cartridge for BRITA Integrated Solutions applications. Launch of a new fi lter cartridge that is directly integrated into kitchen taps (in cooperation with Pegler; initially on the UK market).

2007 IT works: SAP is introduced at BRITA GmbH.

2008 Relaunch: The PURITY product line is relaunched and expanded within the com-pany’s “Professional” division and the new PURITY C line of fi lters is launched.

2009 Certifi ed quality: Successful certifi cation in accordance with quality management standard DIN EN ISO 9001 for BRITA GmbH.

2010 Moving in and a new source of BRITA water: BRITA celebrates the offi cial opening of its new company Headquarters located on the BRITA Campus in Taunusstein. A state-of-the-art offi ce and work concept to facilitate innovative working methods and the work on innovations in conjunction with the Fraunhofer Institute. BRITA On Line transforms the kitchen tap into a source of BRITA optimized water. Launch of the new POU Water Dispenser business division.



Strong brand – high standards: Awards1.2

TOP JOB – successful human resource


Good Design Award

red dot design award

Best Companies

In 2009 BRITA was again awarded the TOP JOB seal of approval which it had also received in 2005 for its successful human resour-ce management practices. The aspects which the award takes into consideration are divided into the categories of Management & Visi-on, Motivation & Dynamism, Culture & Communications, Employee Development & Prospects, Family & Social Orientation, as well as Internal Entrepreneurship.

In October 2008, the “Navelia” jug water fi lter received the Japanese “Good Design Award” in the category of “Food, Cooking, Kitchen, Household Products and Appliances”. This sought-after prize for good design solutions is awarded by the Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization (JIDPO).

BRITA’s “Navelia” jug water fi lter won the coveted award for outstan-ding design in 2009. On year later, in 2010, the whole product line of the BRITA subsidiary enviva GmbH is also given the red dot design award. The internationally renowned price is presented by a high-profi le jury as part of the largest, best known design competition in the world. The assessment criteria include innovation, functional quality and the language that the design of the product speaks.

In 2006 Ernst & Young, one of the leading worldwide professional services organisations, for the tenth time honoured particularly outstanding entrepreneurial achievements. Some 350 candidates vied for the title of “Entrepreneur of the Year” but only just short of 100 companies – including BRITA – made it to the fi nals. The reasons behind BRITA‘s success: its enduring growth and its great innovative strength.

In 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2008 BRITA UK was included in the Sunday Times‘ prestigious list of the top “Best Small Companies to Work For” in the UK. Eight workplace factors were taken into consideration when assessing the companies concerned: Leadership, My Manager, My Company, My Team, Personal Growth, Giving Something Back, Wellbeing and Fair Deal.

Entrepreneur of the Year – fi nalist in 2006



BRITA Water Filter Systems Ltd. (BWFS) was awarded “Investor in People” status in December 2001, which was then re-confi rmed in February 2006 and again in February 2009. BRITA Manufacturing (UK) Ltd. (BMC) fi rst achieved “IiP” status in 2006. Both companies have been successful in maintaining this status. BMC and BWFS are highly committed to training their staff, recognizing the benefi ts of this both for the company and the employees themselves.

In recognition of how the brand has developed in the UK, BRITA UK was awarded a place in the coveted list of the “Top 500 UK Super-brands” in 2006 and 2008. The list is compiled annually to recognize outstanding consumer brands that have performed particularly well. A “superbrand” is defi ned as one that has “established the fi nest reputation in its fi eld and offers consumers emotional and tangible advantages over other brands which (consciously or subconsciously) consumers want and recognize”.

Investor in People


Our vision is a world where drinking water of the highest quality is always available to everyone.

We offer innovative products and solutions that enable people to experience the best possible drinking water according to their individual needs.

BrandWe want to establish and own the leading and most trusted water optimization brands. For our customers we aim to make these brands synonymous with a holistic drinking water experience.

Innovation We want to offer innovative products and solutions of the highest quality. Accordingly, we encourage our employees and help them to understand our customers’ needs and to effectively contribute to an innovative corporate culture.

Globalization We want to be present worldwide in order to make our products easily available to everyone. Our objective is for our international growth to be sustainable, ensuring the long-term development of our family-owned business.

Customers Our customers are the focus of our interest. We listen carefully when they inform us of their needs and wishes or express criticism and take this as a yardstick for developing our products.

Employees and leadership In accordance with our self-image, commitment and the best pos-sible collaboration on the part of all of our staff form the basis of our success. With their clear decisions, our managers create a framework within which every individual acts like an entrepreneur and is con-scious of his/her responsibilities.

Innovations Being strong on innovations is not only essential to achieving our vision, it also means being crisis-proof. Prerequisite to innovations is the willingness to change and to go beyond what is expected.

BRITA® B.I.G.: Vision and Strategy2

Our six strategicperspectives

Our strategic approach

Our vision

Our contribution


Positive external perception Our brands, our company and thus all of us at BRITA benefi t from an attractive image. Our attractiveness is based on the quality, safety and modernity of our products as well as on the way that we fulfi l our social duties actively and in a sustainable way.

Organization and processesIn our foresighted planning we make sure that our strengths and re-sources are employed effi ciently and in a meaningful way through-out the organization. We handle relevant topics using interdepart-mental project teams and clearly structured processes.

FinancialsWe strive for growth in sales and earnings, aiming at boosting our profi tability. These give us the opportunity of making investments and of continuing to develop our company. They thus also mean protecting our independence, guaranteeing our competitiveness, safeguarding our future and our jobs.

Who are we – what do we want: Our Self-image and principles 3

Our Self-imageWater is our elementOur core competence is based in the water sector. This means that we are shaping one of the most important markets of the future. BRITA is engaged in the fi eld of treating and optimizing this vital resource and in assisting people to improve the quality of water for individual use. The approach is a holistic one, equally involving the source, the processing, and the consumption of water. On an international scale, approaches may vary, depending on the quality and importance of the water. Within the framework of our company’s goals, we take into account the cultural specifi cs of each country in which we are repre-sented, thus serving the needs of our partners and clients.

Market-oriented Only those who are orientated towards market demands are success-ful. We develop, manufacture, and market products tailored for consumer needs.


These needs are often not evident, which is why we keep a close eye on market developments in all relevant segments, register change, and act selectively and fl exibly.

Being market leader Once we have decided to manufacture and market a product or a service, we want to become market leader in this particular segment, that means become the world’s no. 1 with regard to the market share. We only accept not being market leader in single regions or market segments, if such a position serves the company’s overall goals.

Future through willingness to change All employees are encouraged to contribute actively to or to partici-pate in innovation. This is vital for preserving BRITAs market leader-ship and competitiveness. For us, innovation fi rst and foremost means developing and marketing new products and technologies. But there is more, it is also about any incremental changes, large or small, that deliver positive or better results.

To understand anything new as an opportunity Ideas for change can come from anywhere and anybody. BRITA will embrace and promote change by providing the proper environment and tools, delegating responsibility and taking reasonable risks. All employees are invited to have the courage to challenge the status quo and accept accountability for their area of work and for the whole. Success is only achieved through innovation and the learnings of every individual and every team from experiences and risks taken.

Being profi table We enhance our company in terms of value and results, we are more profi table than the competition. We reach this ambitious goal by constantly auditing and optimizing the effi ciency of all perfor-mance processes within the company.

Continued growth We consider growth to be both quantitative and qualitative. Our goal: become bigger and better. We achieve this by implementing our own resources, but also by selectively making use of external resources.

Everyone counts We can satisfy our ambitions if we join forces – with every single employee – and do our utmost in striving for our common goals. We are aware that energy, professionalism, initiative, and creativity are valuable human resources which cannot be exhausted infi nitely. We feel bound to utilizing water responsibly, and we endeavour to utilize our human resources conscientiously to the same degree. We are responsible for our employees, they are the base of our success. Only by selective cultivation of skills and by showing our appreciation is it possible to place such high demands on them.


Our policy – our principles

Defi ning valuesWe know that certain values and virtues have contributed as much to the success of our company as have business strategies. These values have left an indelible stamp on BRITA’s character, and we consider them to be of fundamental importance: latitude, willing-ness to accept responsibility for one’s own actions, trust, team spirit, respect, and openness. It is therefore a primary mission to revitalize these characteristic strengths of our company. After all, we are aware that our unique characteristics will continue to form our identity in future and will remain critical to our success.

Management is synonymous with setting an exampleWe place high demands on our managerial staff: they are highly qualifi ed for their appointed assignments. Managers set an examp-le; they represent and back up their employees and respect our values in their everyday activities and also in decision-making processes. Employees are entitled to be taken seriously and respec-ted by their superiors. Critical discussions are possible at all times. All our managers are responsible for steering numerous processes and must make competent decisions. They are also responsible for communication and the working atmosphere within the team and company.

Clearly defi ned and attainable objectives produce latitudeEmployees and their superiors jointly develop – within the frame-work of our company’s goals – personal objectives which are unam-biguous and understandable and in line with market requirements. Each individual must be aware of the framework in which these objec-tives must be accomplished. Then he can act on his own initiative to contribute towards processes in compliance with the set objectives and has the opportunity to make independent decisions. Conversely, the superior can trust his employees and delegate responsibility. To us, controlling processes – from start to fi nish – are an added bene-fi t. In this manner it is possible to further optimize processes and to improve effi ciency, thereby increasing our profi tability.


We understand each otherWe communicate with each other, discuss issues with each other and inform one another, and that works smoothly because we all – employees and management alike – speak the same open and clear language. To speak to someone using language he understands is not just a sign of respect, it also ensures that information is passed on accurately. The unobstructed and accurate fl ow of information is a vital factor for our company. For all members of the company it is a personal benefi t if information is exchanged in a comprehensible manner and if they can deal candidly with one another.

Globalism is our opportunity and futureWe are present in markets all over the world – America, Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa. Our international sites contribute consi-derably towards our growth. The number of different cultures and the number of different ways of thinking and acting represented within our company offer us a fundamental opportunity which we take advantage of. Not only do we respect the cultural differences, we are also open for learning something new from our partners and subsidiaries. We are part of a continuous and productive exchange process: a solid basis for international growth.

Actively live our corporate social responsibilitySocial responsibility is deeply rooted in the BRITA tradition. We want to give a part of our economic success back to society and therefore support projects in the fi elds of culture, education, sports and deve-lopment cooperation. We equally care about the protection of our environment and the sustainable use of resources: We believe that in the future a company can only be successful if it does not neglect sustainability. In order to safeguard a positive external perception of our activities we make sure that our words and deeds are consistent.

We offer encouragement and challenges to our employeesInquisitiveness and the hunger for knowledge are the driving forces behind every kind of change. The ability to pick up, examine, and implement new ideas quickly is an absolute must when it comes to business success. We encourage our employees not to take proces-ses for granted, but to view them critically and to introduce their own ideas. Each individual can demand at all times the latitude necessary for such autonomous action. One important task of all managerial staff is to nurture the critical and creative potential of employees.

We assess and reward performanceThe company’s objectives and the personal goals of each individual are compatible. We offer appropriate remuneration for the achieve-ments of our employees, we nurture talents and promote careers. At


BRITA, no position is a dead-end. If employees have the necessary strengths, we will at all times do our utmost to cultivate their talents. In discussions we examine and assess the performance of each indi-vidual in great detail. Open and honest communication contributes towards career advancement and also towards dealing with short-comings.

Lifelong learning Each individual employee is entitled to further training, irrespective of the position held. At the same time, it is his duty to seize appropri-ate opportunities in this respect. The learning process does not only take place at specifi c workshops and seminars, but also in our every-day dealings with one another. And here it is not as much technical expertise which is acquired, but social skills: the ability to deal with people, to respect others, to work as part of a team. These acquirable skills form the basis of fruitful cooperation.

Crystal clear water is essential to our health and wellbeing – just as crystal clear information is indispensible in lending strength and in-tegrity to corporate communications.

BRITA customers around the world are kept well informed of BRITA and its products: through the internet, email newsletters, retailed print media, and through fi lm & TV trailers – just to name a few ex-amples. And if they still have any questions, they can also contact us on our hotline number.

However, staying in touch with consumers is not the only thing that matters to BRITA, but also ensuring their satisfaction with our prod-ucts. Our jug water fi lter can be returned to BRITA within 30 days of purchase – without any “ifs and buts”. The customer then receives his money back. What’s more, our products have a whole two-year guarantee. Within this period, customers can get replacement parts free of charge.

Clear as crystal: Information and communication

fl ow at BRITA®4


Quality that’s planned and tested through & through: A core part of our brand promise

5To be able to spend more than four decades acting responsibly in the sensitive fi eld of drinking water optimization, a company needs to have products of outstanding quality.

This outstanding quality is a fundamental core part of our brand prom-ise at BRITA. We only supply our customers with products that have been developed through quality-assured processes and which we have fi rst scrutinized thoroughly ourselves. We perform numerous tests, simulations and measurements to check our prototypes and serial products through and through. In doing so, we go far beyond just ful-fi lling the (already exacting) legal requirements.

At BRITA, quality takes many forms – starting from our careful choice of raw materials and suppliers, our constant management and control of all development, production and transport processes, including all of the related hygiene regulations, and going all the way through to development activities, plus the selection and monitoring of suitable suppliers. We only work with business partners that are in a position to meet our high standards at all times.

Defi ning and maintaining benchmarks: Customer and consumer satisfactionat BRITA®

5.1In order to ensure the high quality of BRITA products, our fi lter car-tridges, raw materials and end-products are permanently tested and inspected for compliance with set quality requirements at BRITA’s production facilities, and are also checked by independent institu-tions.

If it should be the case that an individual product item does not fulfi l these high standards, then it is labelled accordingly, separated from the rest and immediately removed from further processing. A central ERP system allows all steps to be easily retraceable.

Taking the example of fi lter cartridges: Not only BRITA’s fi lter car-tridges but also its entire water fi ltration systems are checked regu-larly by the southern branch of the highly reputed German Technical Inspection Authority (TÜV SÜD) and certifi ed as being of impecca-ble quality. Moreover, BRITA’s products meet some of the highest standards in existence, including those of the Water Research Centre (WRc) in the UK, the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) in the USA and the Swiss Gas & Water Sector Association (SVGW).


Always doing our very best:Continuous Improvement Process

(“CIP”) at BRITA®5.2

Using clearly defi ned tools to underpin CIP

Our new B.I.G. corporate strategy stands for the Continuous Im-provement Process (“CIP”) pursued in relation to BRITA’s core val-ues of “brand”, “innovation” and “globalization”, thus forming the basis for each and every one of our innovations.

CIP has a long tradition in Japan. It is based on the Japanese life & work philosophy known as “Kaizen”, which roughly means “chang-ing good for the better” – and doing so in many different respects.

– CIP encourages each and every individual to be prepared to change: “Ask yourself every day what you can do better tomorrow.”

– CIP is based on the “plan-do-check-act” (PDCA) cycle and covers the optimization of products, processes and goals throughout the entire value creation cycle – from product development all the way through to “cost to design”.

– CIP aims at avoiding error, along the lines of: “Get it right the fi rst time.”

– Many of our customers expect us to have an active CIP in place, as does the ISO 9001 standard which aims at the con-stant improvement of processes, organization and systems.

– Quality circle in production: A team of experts from all divisions (e.g. production and engineering) collect ideas for generating im-provements through creative solutions for the product itself and for the processes involved.

– Internal and external audits: Whether it’s through a system, proc-ess or product audit, we regularly check our management sys-tems, our organization and structures, and the overall processes, along with their points of intersection. What’s more, we are also given confi rmation of our high, self-imposed quality standards by external auditors.

– Management assessments: Regular management assessments relating to the optimization of projects, products and processes are performed at BRITA on a variety of levels.

Our goal: Avoiding errors – before they occur. We plan quality into our products, using structured tools and processes to do so. We identify the causes of any possible errors in products and imple-ment due precautions befi tting the possible effects and risks in-volved in each case.

CIP is a management mission at BRITA in which every single em-ployee of the company is involved!

Proactive measures


Companies that work with natural resources such as water should act with due consideration to the environment, using energy and re-sources sparingly as indeed is already in their own interests. BRITA does this with the greatest possible care and respect for mankind and nature. It goes without saying that BRITA gives special attention to the fact that all relevant legal stipulations and other requirements relating to environmental management are complied with, or even exceeded.

For us, environmental protection includes utilizing water effi ciently and sparingly, using environmentally friendly, energy-saving pro-duction processes and reducing waste to an absolute minimum. In doing so, we not only adhere to environmentally friendly standards when developing and manufacturing our products, but we also con-tinue to observe this responsibility after their sale.

At BRITA, our overriding principle is to prevent environmental pol-lution as best as possible. Accordingly, the company factors in en-vironmental aspects even at the product planning stage. Moreover, because we employ integrated environmental management proce-dures, BRITA has a strong interest in essentially keeping negative environmental impacts to a minimum when designing new prod-ucts. Not least of all we continually work to develop procedures that allow us to assess environmental performance and the associated key fi gures.

Taking the example of how BRITA household products are recycled: As early as 1992, it was already possible for all components of BRITA fi lter cartridges to be completely reconditioned and the materials re-cycled. Thus, in Germany for example it is already the case that one in four of all BRITA fi lter cartridges sold is returned after use.

Taking the example of our “Professional” division’s products: BRITA reconditions and recycles its “Professional” water fi lters at its own facilities. This safeguards the attractive price of BRITA replacement fi lters that come with the BRITA full-performance guarantee. Every single component is tested and replaced if necessary. In this way, the customer always gets a practically brand new water fi lter – for the bargain price of a replacement fi lter.

The future starts today: Taking onresponsibility for our environment6


Safety is everybody’s concern: Occupational health & safety standards

at BRITA® 7

BRITA applies a foresighted approach to planning and carrying out its precautionary/corrective measures in the realm of health & safety at work. Also, its workplaces are designed to meet ergonomic re-quirements and to match the latest state-of-the-art technology. These factors ensure that BRITA upholds and/or improves its standards of health & safety for all of its employees. Occupational health & safety constitutes one of the missions of our corporate employee welfare policy where it duly occupies a place of high priority. BRITA is com-mitted to the prevention or injuries and illnesses and seeks to im-prove the management and benefi ts of occupational health & safety.

In doing so, the company on its own initiative makes absolutely sure that the applicable legal obligations and other requirements in oc-cupational safety management, to which the organization is commit-ted, and which relate to the risks of occupational health & safety, are complied with, or even exceeded.

Two major tasks relating to this are to identify any health & safety hazards (through hazard assessments) so that our facilities can be conceptually designed to protect our employees right from the very outset and to ensure that we operate our facilities in conformity with the law. Moreover, all work areas are subject to regular site inspections, all incidents are analyzed, and all measures deemed necessary are introduced.

Furthermore, BRITA provides all of its employees with regular training sessions on health & safety at work and continuously works at making technological improvements. Our employees, for their part, are called upon to inform their seniors of any fl aws or shortcomings, and to com-ply with our health & safety standards at all times. The “Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental Protection” department gives ad-vice on such issues in accordance with the legal requirements.


Good management requires good thinking: we can achieve our de-sired results more effi ciently if the job of managing and directing the company’s activities and related resources takes the form of a proc-ess. The process-orientated management system contributes greatly towards this. Within the context of applying a foresighted approach to planning, we make a point of using our strengths effi ciently and sensibly – in terms of our resources and our overall organisation.

All procedures and processes are documented carefully, with the optional inclusion of work procedures. The depiction of our proc-esses (see illustration) shows the major corporate processes and their correlations.

BRITA’s in-house processes, sub-processes, company & work procedures, plus the relevant forms are all available to our staff via the intranet.

More transparency – better for everybody:The process-orientated approach 8


Performance processes

Supporting processes


































T &









































































Imprint:BRITA GmbHGroup Corporate CommunicationsHeinrich-Hertz-Strasse 465232

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