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André De Champlain, PhDDirector, Psychometrics and

Assessment Services

Presentation at the MCC’s Annual General Meeting

Sept. 11, 2016

Setting the Stage for a More Continuous and Integrated Model of Assessment for Medical Licensure in Canada

Bridging the Transition


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Rethinking the Nuts and Bolts of Assessment

• Reconceptualization of assessment over the past 2 decades• Over the past two decades, tremendous amount of thought & activity

aimed at proposing models of assessment & related processes that are:◦ More transparent & flexible◦ Better linked to learning activities◦ More informative from an educational standpoint

• Concurrently, effort has been devoted to improving processes necessary to support these re-envisioned assessments

• Revisitation of assessment’s epistemological core

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Rethinking the Nuts and Bolts of Assessment• Reconceptualizition of assessment over the past 2

decades• Assessment paradigm shift

• Programmatic assessment (van der Vleuten et al., 2012)• Post-modern test theory (Mislevy, 1997)• Cognitively-based assessment of, for & as learning (CBAL

[Bennett, 2010])

• Use of technology to support this shifto Enhancement of test development practices (e.g. - automated

item generation [AIG])o For more frequent and flexible assessments

o Marking of open-ended responses & narrative texto To accommodate a broadening of measurement strategies

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Education and Assessment As Willing Partners

• Mechanisms through which learning occurs have shifted

• From traditional (paper-based) to electronic media◦ Tablet & mobile device-based learning is

ubiquitous (e.g., MedPage Today, QuantiaMD, etc.)

• Exponential growth of knowledge in medicine

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Education and Assessment As Willing Partners

• From a traditional view of education• Teacher-centered with high exam

scores as main goal

• To alternate models which stress learning, retention & integration of knowledge & skills using a host of assessment modalities (e.g., PBL, competency-based education, etc.)

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Education and Assessment As Willing Partners• Evolution of learning models & modalities not

completely mirrored by similar changes in educational assessment

• Educational assessment must evolve alongside learning models or risk fostering an antagonistic relationship

• Educational assessment must (Bennett, 2002):• Provide meaningful information• Satisfy multiple purposes• Use modern conceptions of competency as a design

basis• Design for positive impact & engagement• Use technology to achieve substantive goals

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Education and Assessment As Willing Partners• Evolution of learning models & modalities not

completely mirrored by similar changes in educational assessment

• Educational assessment must evolve alongside learning models or risk fostering an antagonistic relationship

• Educational assessment must (Bennett, 2002):• Provide meaningful information• Satisfy multiple purposes• Use modern conceptions of competency as a design

basis• Design for positive impact & engagement• Use technology to achieve substantive goals

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Assessment Paradigm Shift

• Increasing dissatisfaction with established educational assessment models

• Unidirectional relationship between learning & assessment◦ Discrete, episodic hurdles to “overcome”◦ Decay/minimal transfer of knowledge and


• Unlinked assessments

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Assessment Paradigm Shift• Concerns

• Lack of overarching framework (program) to guide the design of the assessment tools along an educational/professional training continuum

◦ Plea for a macroscopic rather than microscopic view of assessment (de Rosnay, 1979)• Reductionist lens that is applied to what is a complex, adaptive system with interconnected

components & dynamic relationships• Missed opportunity to view learning & assessment in a rich, recursive relationship

◦ Both activities can dynamically inform each other◦ Critical to feed forwarding information or handover

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Assessment Paradigm Shift

• Programmatic assessment• Calls for a deliberate, arranged set of longitudinal

assessment activities• Joint attestation of all data points for decision & remediation

purposes• Input of expert professional judgment is a cornerstone of this

model• Purposeful link between assessment & learning/remediation• Dynamic, recursive relationships between assessment & learning


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Assessment Paradigm Shift

• Programmatic assessment• Application of a program evaluation framework to assessment

• Systematic collection of data to answer specific questions about a program

• Gaining popularity within several medical education settings• Competency-based workplace learning• Medical schools (e.g., Dalhousie, U of T, UBC, etc.)• Etc.

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Wading Into the Programmatic Assessment Waters – The MCC Experience

Assessment Review Task Force (ARTF)• As the MCC approached it’s 100th anniversary (2012), a

task force of eminent Canadian medical educators was convened to undertake a reflective & strategic review of the MCC’s assessment purposes and objectives, their structure & their alignment with MCC’s major stakeholder requirements

• Report published in 2011 which contained six recommendations to fulfill including validating & updating the blueprint for MCC examinations, offering exams with greater flexibility, enhancing & standardizing IMG assessments & engaging in in-practice assessment

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Tacit Sub-recommendation – The Need for a Macro-analysis

An intimated challenge outlined in the ARTF report pertains to the need to conduct a macro-analysis & review of the MCC Qualifying Examination (MCCQE)• Applying a systemic (macroscopic) lens to the MCCQE

as an integrated examination system • How are the components of the MCCQE interconnected &

how do they inform key markers along a physician’s educational & professional continuum?

• How can the MCCQE continue to evolve towards embodying an integrated, logically planned & sequenced system of assessments that mirrors the Canadian physician’s journey?

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Wading Into the Programmatic Assessment Waters in Canada

Assessment Continuum for Canada (ACC)• Purpose

• To define the ‘life of a physician’ from the beginning of medical school to retirement in terms of assessments

• To propose a common, national framework of assessment using a programmatic approach

• ACC composition includes representation from the MCC, UGME/PGME, CPD, certification colleges, FMRAC and MRAs

• First outcomes include a definition of a CMG physician pathway with partners as well as broad agreement on key principles of assessment

• Next step – National summit (spring of 2017)

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Practical Implications of a Pan-Canadian Program of Assessment for Medical Licensure

• Programmatic assessment is predicated on more frequent & flexible assessment via a combination of tools:

• Traditional exam formats• Lower-stakes, in-practice and other observations• Ancillary sources (e.g.: narratives)

• This shift impacts core assessment tasks including test development & scoring activities

• Assessments need to be developed, administered & scored more frequently

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Practical Implications of a Pan-Canadian Program of Assessment for Medical Licensure

• Programmatic assessment rests on a concurrent development of a linked training and assessment continuum

• Both activities are equally important in informing each other• Assessment in and of itself is viewed as a critical learning activity

• Decisions are based not only on a sum of discrete elements but on a carefully developed composite of measures which reflects key learning outcomes in the trajectory of a physician’s medical education• What are the key data points that inform a decision in regard to entry into

supervised/independent/continuous practice and what learning outcomes do they reflect?

• How can key handoff (milestone) points be identified for all stakeholders that make sense within a licensing/certification context?

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André De Champlain, PhD [email protected]

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Q&AMedical Council of Canada 2016 Annual Meeting


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