Page 1: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder

May 17, 2011 • Issue 9 • Vol. 8



Page 2: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder

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Page 3: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder

May 17, 2011 • Issue 9 • Vol. 8



LettersHere’s the thing. If the internet has taught us anything, it’s that drunk correspondence can be fun (when it’s not ruining relation-ships we suppose). We’re just saying.



On the Scene


May 17, 2011 • Issue 9 • Volume 8

From the CouchThe age-old debate between iPhone and BlackBerry. JDM has chosen a side and you might be surprised to learn his reasoning. Stay tuned.


On the CoverSchool’s out for summer. This means it’s officially time to catch up good reads and, more importantly, your tan.


CalendarDear readers, now that you have so much more time on your hands you should probably start planning some cool events. Spring break, man! Wait.


End NotesThe intersession end notes are ready to party. But only on a highly intensive, short-term basis. You wish you could handle it.


RomanceSometimes it’s inappropriate to kiss and tell. However, if it’s funny, it’s always appropriate. Turn to page 8 to swap some spit (stories).


7 Music

Cribs is a little different this time. Meet Lauren, our house-report-ing gal who has graduated and is looking for a place to live. Follow her around Campus Corner while she tells you about her time in Norman.


Page 4: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder

Red Cups All AroundIt’s awesome that people came back all the way from Connect-I-Cut (that’s how we learned it right?) to see a Hosty show. I’ve been to The Deli a few Sunday nights in my time, and they always end up being a fun time. I can only hope that I can make a similar trip in a few years and come drink and dance like I’m still in college. Thanks for the feature!

– Heather

But of course. Either that or you can stick

around here and catch them as you please like the rest of us! Our local economy can always use the stimulation! Plus, I’m sure you’ll have better chicken fried steak options around here, if that counts for anything, which I think it does.

– JM. . .

Hooray Responsibility!As one of the many people who gets far too drunk to engage Hosty after a show, it was cool to read the interview and

get to know a little more about one of the reasons I’ve drunk my way through school. If only you would tell us about the degree! – Derek

Ah yes. Still a story for another time. Let’s be honest, he’s a better storyteller than we could hope to be anyway. Also, you certainly aren’t the first, and sure as hell won’t be the last person to talk to him while drunk. Just be sure you aren’t too wasted, lest you become a story yourself!

Which could be fun too. – JM

. . .

Summer Fun for Every-oneNow that the semester is over, what will you guys be doing with all that free time? Crashing parties and saying it’s for Cribs? – HD

Yes. We do still have two issues over the summer so it’s not going to be all drinking on the lake and listening to yacht rock. We’ll probably all take a couple classes to fine-tune some of our skills. Maybe take in an intern or two to fetch us coffee and tacos. Maybe organize the office a bit too. Who are we kidding? That’s not going to happen. There are yachts to be rocked!

– JM


Have a question? An answer? Nothing else to do?

Write us at [email protected].

A: In a perfect world, it would go off when you open each issue. We’ll have to start working on that technology.

— John Montgomery, Boyd Street editor

Q:It’s good to see the Deli light show made it in after all these years. Hosty!

— Chad

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Page 5: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder
Page 6: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder

John Denny Montgomery III,Editor-in-Chief and Publisher

From the Couch

O n the very day of my college graduation, the man at U-Haul looked at me and said, “Congratulations, the real

world sucks.” No matter how you feel about the real world, summer is officially here and people (maybe you?) have gradu-ated! And with this time of transition comes many things. Friends part ways and move to different

cities. People get engaged and married. But while you’re job hunting and avoiding the return to the nest, keep in mind that the real world isn’t that bad. Yes, there are some sharks, but it’s a time of self-discovery. And the “grown up” decisions you don’t want to make come gradually. Don’t run for the hills. Despite the sharks,

just keep swimming.

Mast Talk w/ Sarah Hill

Real World Realities


Editor-In-Chief • John Denny Montgomery IIIGeneral Manager • Emily Montgomery

EditorialMusic Editor • Matthew Parker

Games Editor • Alex BaconSports Editor • Al Eschbach

CopyCopy Chief • Anna Mantooth

PhotographyMark DoescherChadsey Brown

Lisa Hall

DesignPresentation Editor • Emily Montgomery

ContributorsLauren Abram

Elizabeth AthertonAlex BaconKate Beard

Jamie BirdwellSarah Hill

Matthew ParkerJennifer Stuart

ChauffeursMitch Lied & Ryan Kubala

AdvertisingAdvertising Manager • John Denny Montgomery III

Ad Design • Emily Montgomery

Advertising RepresentativesJohn Denny Montgomery III

Emily Montgomery

PublisherJohn Denny Montgomery III

Boyd Street MagazineP.O. Box 5382

Norman, Oklahoma 73070

Copyright © Boyd Street Magazine301 1/2 E. Main St., Suite 105

Norman, Oklahoma 73069

Phone: (405) 579-1712E-mail: [email protected]

Any articles, artwork or graphics created by Boyd Street Magazine or its contributors are sole property of

Boyd Street Magazine and cannot be reproduced for any reason without permission. Any opinions expressed in Boyd Street are not necessarily that of Boyd Street


>> Staff’s Pic

I wasn’t aware that peek-a-boo was an accepted drinking game. Where have I been?

I ’ve always fancied myself a BlackBerry man. That was until BlackBerry number three failed me in my time of need.You know what I’m talking about. It’s 3 a.m.

and you’re on the opposite side of town from your house. You’ve drunk your weight in beer and all you want to do is get a cab to come pick you up so you can pass out.Dead BlackBerry. And I’m not talking merely a battery. It was com-

pletely dead.So in a fit of rage I went to the nearest AT&T

store the next day and came away with my iPhone 4. And I haven’t looked back.

Now thanks to my iPhone I can waste even more of my time enjoying very important apps like Angry Birds and Words with Friends.I also have access to more

apps that are actually helpful. Apps that I never had with my

BlackBerry. Enjoy the issue.

So Long, CrackBerry

Page 7: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder

The AntlersBurst Apart

>> After releasing one of my favorite records of 2009, Hos-pice, the Antlers decided to drastically change themselves as a band.

Where Hospice straddled the line between heartfelt emotion and melodrama, Burst Apart goes in almost the complete different direction. Dominated by cold, electronic instruments, The Antlers’ newest album takes almost all emotion away and replaces it with textural drones with some singing on top. The songs are more forgettable than on Hospice, and none of them really make a lasting impres-sion.

Hopefully The Antlers will try to blend these two differing feels on their next album.

—released May 10, 2011

GorillazThe Fall

>> Gorillaz’s previous album, Plastic Beach, the extrava-ganza featuring such diverse guests as Lou Reed next to Snoop Dogg and members

of the Clash, was a tour-de-force exploring many different styles and sounds, yet all fit-ting together nicely.

The Fall, which is possibly the first major album to be exclusively written and re-corded solely on an iPad, is a departure from the bombastic. Throughout, The Fall is very minimalist, probably because of the unique way it was written and recorded. Even still, there are some interest-ing sounds created through Apple’s latest toy, enough to keep The Fall fresh.

—released April 18, 2011

Explosions in the SkyTake Care, Take Care, Take Care

>> Explosions in the Sky is one of the biggest names in post-rock, a genre that commits to using normal instruments in a rock band, yet making very different, instrumental, cin-ematic music out of them. It’s not strange for a song to exceed ten minutes, while alternating between loud and soft parts.

Take Care is a more streamlined approach to post-rock than pre-vious attempts; they’re more seamless in building volume and intensity than before.

The new album is a great showcase of how far post-rock has come, and how accessible it can be to the public.

—released April 18, 2011

Fleet Foxes stay on top with their second album, Helplessness Blues, which is sure to be an instant classic.

Stuck in My Headw/Matt Parker

Fall Apart, Take CareThe Antlers tries something drastically different, Gorillaz make a full album on an iPad and Explo-sions in the Sky show off their post-rock prowess.


Helplessness to New Folk

I n the summer of 2008, Fleet Foxes took the music world by storm. Both fans and critics fell in love with the group’s unique sense of melody and harmoniza-tion reminiscent of Crosby Stills and Nash, or even

the Beach Boys with banjos and mandolins. Instead of throwing a second album out there quickly to build off their momentum, Fleet Foxes have been silent for almost three years. Jump to 2011, and Helplessness Blues, the band’s second album, finally gets to see the light of day.

Fleet Foxes initially wanted to release a second album in 2009, which was then pushed back to 2010. After getting enough songs written and recorded, Robin Pecknold, the group’s songwriter and singer, decided to start over from scratch. Whether the band wanted to go in a different direction or they just wanted to rewrite and improve the songs, one thing is certain: Helpless-ness Blues is even better than their 2008 release, which many considered one of the best albums of that year.

The first album, Fleet Foxes, has a very upbeat sound to almost all of the songs. It’s fitting for summer, com-plete with lush vocal harmonies and perfectly placed rural instruments. For Helplessness Blues, Pecknold wanted the feel to be darker and more complex. Where Fleet Foxes had soaring melodies evoking a meadow in

summertime, the new album has more of an autumn vibe to it, or maybe spring at its most melodic.

Pecknold’s lyrics have also changed from the first album. From the beginning, it’s noticeable that he has something to say; it’s not just empty words ac-companied by a pretty melody. On Helplessness Blues, Pecknold explores themes such as individualism versus society in the song, “Helplessness Blues.” The lyrics set Helplessness Blues apart from a lot of new music, which is common in the resurgence of Americana.

It’s clearer to see the group’s influence on this album than their previous one. Throughout, there are definite traces of Neil Young on some of the darker songs such as “The Shrine/An Argument,” and Simon and Garfunkel on the lighter ones, such as “Someone You’d Admire.” Ultimately, the darker songs overpower the lighter ones, but that just means Fleet Foxes aren’t repeating themselves. A majority of the songs are built less around harmonization, and are more groove-based, sometimes almost trance-like.

Helplessness Blues is a great example of how to release a second album. For other bands, three years might be a bit too long of a hiatus, but Fleet Foxes pull it off, and Helplessness Blues is another step in the right direction.

by MattParkerMusic

>> These guys look like they would beat us in a rock-off. Or a vest-off.

The Melting Pot>> Put these three records together and you’ve just about got Fleet Foxes’ newest album, Helplessness Blues.

Simon and Garfunkel Sounds of Silence

Bon IverFor Emma, Forever Ago

Crosby, Stills, Nash and YoungDeja Vu

Page 8: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder

Romance by ElizabethAtherton

W hat goes hand in hand with college students, even more so than a calculator and a crazy professor? Yes, you named it, kissing. It’s an epidemic. You can’t walk along campus without

seeing lovebirds cuddling and playing tonsil-tongue hockey. However, despite the awkward moments of a first kiss, the

exact number of kisses can be lost when one is forced to think about it. How many kisses have you given in your lifetime? If you can count them on one hand, and you’re in college, I’d say it’s time to pucker up.

Although the number of kisses I’ve personally participated in eludes me, for good reason, there are a few horrible ones that stand out. I can’t be alone here.

And on that note, I have this article. I’ve searched high and low for some of the best and worst kiss stories out there ... so here you have it.

To start things off, I’ll tell you about my worst kiss story. When I was in high school my friend and I decided it was a good idea to sneak out of the house. Brilliant. We did so by climbing out of her second story window, onto the roof and down the fence. We jumped in the backseat of the boys’ silver Mustang, and I

can’t remember what we did after that -- probably something ridiculously dumb. However, I do remember the ride home ... kissing in the back seat ... braces clashing. Oy.

Upon return, I climbed out of the backseat and landed on my friend’s front yard, just in time to see the sunrise. As we climbed our way back up the roof, I realized that my lip was bleeding. I spent the next two days researching herpes, because I couldn’t figure out the red bump on the inside of my lip. I even asked the guys about it. I had heard so many stories! If high school health class taught me one thing, it was that kissing can lead to herpes. As it turns out it was just a cut ... from the braces.

Another story my friend had the joy of living happened when she was in England. Apparently the man had been calling her his “Tinkerbell” all night. Despite her best judgment she con-tinued on as I stood by in amusement mouthing, “Don’t do it!” behind his shoulder. “American Boy” blared above the crowd as he went in for the kiss on the dance floor. He then took a step back ... burped ... and ralphed all over the dance floor, hitting her shoes and just missing the rest of her.

One innocent, fun-loving person whom I asked about his

kissing experience came back with this story: At a previous Norman Music Festival, this guy had apparently managed to meet the “love of his life,” so while getting cozy in a dark corner he asked her to go back to his place, and wouldn’t you know she lifts up her hand and flashes her ... yes, her wedding ring. Ouch.

And still another person told me a story of how she ran into her high school love at a party in college. Sparks flew, and before she knew it he kissed her. Then she cringed, saying he kissed like you’d imagine a rabbit kissing: fast and furious. This same girl, who was a goldmine of stories, shared another story of how one time she was kissing a guy against a car, right along Lindsey Street (classy) and he stopped to ask, “I feel like you’ve made out with a lot of people. How many people have you kissed?”

Anyway, there are thousands of bad kiss stories out there. But, as the theory goes ... for every great kiss, there are at least five bad ones. Feel free to share your kiss stories and write in!

Kiss and TellCollege dating can get boring, but swapping spit horror stories never get old.

Ask ElizabethIf you’d like to use Boyd Street’s

resident romance columnist as a sounding board for your

relationship conundrums, e-mail Elizabeth Atherton at [email protected]

Page 9: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder




*Matt’s Picks: The shows our music editor says you can’t miss.


E-MAIL: [email protected]


Coming Soon•June 15-16: Redhawks vs. Albuquerque•June 16: Ghostland Observatory @ Diamond Ballroom•June 17-20: Redhawks vs. New Orleans•June 18: Eddie Money @ Frontier City•June 19: Widespread Panic @ BOK Ctr. (Tulsa)•June 23 - 25: Jazz in June

MayMay JuneJune

18 19 2017 21

26 27 28

22 23 24 25

*Mike Hosty Solo @ Deli

•Travis Linville @ Deli 7 p.m.

30 31

*Mike Hosty Solo @ Deli


•Redhawks vs. Round Rock 7:05 p.m.

02 03 04

•Kevin Eubanks @ Civic Center Music Hall •KC and the Sunshine

Band @ Frontier City

05 06 07 08 09 10 11

12 13 14

•Redhawks vs. Salt Lake City 7:05 p.m.

•Steve Streetman @ Othello’s 7 p.m.

•The Pidgen Band @ Deli•Josh Groban @ BOK Center (Tulsa)

•Montu @ Deli

•Anthony Nagid Jazz Quartet @ Othello’s 7 p.m.

•An Horse w/ Black Christmas @ Opolis

•Penny Hill & Bulletproof Tiger @ Deli

•Big XII Men’s Baseball Championship @ Bricktown Ballpark through 5/27

•Psychotic Reaction @ Deli

•John Vanderslice w/ Sherree Chamberlain @ Opolis

•Rocklahoma ft. Motley Crue, Poison, Whitesnake, etc. @ Pryor Fever Festival Grounds

•John Conlee @ River-wind Casino

•Rocklahoma @ Pryor Fever Festival Grounds

•Redhawks vs. Round Rock 7:05 p.m.

•Redhawks vs. Round Rock 7:05 p.m.

•Redhawks vs. Round Rock 7:05 p.m.

•Redhawks vs. New Albuquer-que 7:05 p.m.

•Steve Salewon & Dustin Prinz @ Othello’s 8 p.m.

•Resident Funk @ Deli

•Minus the Bear @ Diamond Ballroom

•Rick Springfield @ Frontier City

•Grasshopper @ Deli

•Foo Fighters @ BOK Center (Tulsa)

•Third Eye Blind @ Diamond Ballroom

•The Damn Quails @ Deli 10 p.m.

•Hosty Duo @ Deli

•Rocklahoma @ Pryor Fever Festival Grounds

•Deftones @ Diamond Ballroom

•Redhawks vs. Memphis 7:05 p.m.

•Redhawks vs. Memphis 4:05 p.m.

•Redhawks vs. Memphis 7:05 p.m.

•Redhawks vs. Memphis 7:05 p.m.

•Sleigh Bells w/ Neon Indian @ Cain’s Ballroom (Tulsa)

•9 to 5: The Musical @ Civic Center Music Hall through 6/12

•Kevin Fowler @ Diamond Ballroom

•Redhawks vs. New Albuquerque 5:05 p.m. (double header)

•Tracy Reed @ Othello’s 7 p.m.

•Blue Moon @ Othello’s 8 p.m.

•Katie Tracy @ Othello’s 8 p.m.

•Anthony Nagid Jazz Quartet @ Othello’s 7 p.m.

•Nicnos Band @ Brew-house 10 p.m.

•Kristin Stehr @ Brew-house 10 p.m.

•Hug Japan w/ Ali Har-ter & Samantha Crain @ Brewhoue 9 p.m.

•Jonbear Fourtet @ Brewhouse 10 p.m.

•Susan Herndon Band @ Brewhouse 10 p.m.

•Loose Change @ Brewhouse 10 p.m.

•John Calvin and the Cavalry @ Brewhouse 10 p.m. •The South 77 Band @

Brewhouse 10 p.m.

•The Stumblers @ Brewhouse 10 p.m.

•Aaron Newman @ O Asian Fusion

•Anita White @ O Asian Fusion

•Derek Harris of 100 Bones @ O Asian Fusion

•Live Jazz @ O Asian Fusion

•David Fasgold @ O Asian Fusion

•Studio B w/ Bruce Ben-son @ O Asian Fusion

•Maggie McClure @ O Asian Fusion

•Live Jazz @ O Asian Fusion

•Rick Jawnsun @ O Asian Fusion

•ROK Motorcycle Poker Run @ Mooney’s

Page 10: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder

Norman Nightlife

SUGERS $3.50 Pitchers 10-Midnight $3.50 Pitchers from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m.

OTHELLO’S See specials at

ABNER’S Pint Night 5 p.m. $2 16 oz. Miller High Life 9 p.m.-close $2 16 oz. Miller High Life 9 p.m.-close $2 16 oz. Miller High Life 9 p.m.-close Bloody Mary Bar 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

NEW YORK PIZZA [HH Mon.-Wed. 4-9 p.m., Thurs.-Sat. 4-Midnight $8 Blvd. Wheat Pitchers, $6 Domestic Pitchers, $7 Domestic Buckets] [$3 Well Drinks $2 Lion’s Head, $2.50 Tecate & Corona] THE MONT See specials at

LOUIE’S WEST $5 Drink of the Month, $2 Shot of the Month & $3 Beer of the Month. HH: Everyday 3-7 p.m. $1.50 Domestic BottlesLOUIE’S $3 Well Drinks $1.50 Domestics $1.99 Blue Moon $2.75 Red Stripe $1.99 Boulevard Wheat $1.99 Blvd. Wheat; $5.99 PizzasTHE LIBRARY [HH 3-6 p.m. and 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Daily: Brewhouse Pints for $2; $3 Pint Specials; $3 Well Drinks All Day] LA LUNA [HH 3-6 p.m. M-S: $2 Tecate/Corona, $1 BL Draws, $10 Corona Buckets (5), Late Night HH 10 p.m.-close Thurs.-Sat. $2 Tecate/Mod. Especial/Corona]

COACH’S HH 3-6 p.m. M-F: $2.50 Coach’s Ale; $1.50 Dom. Drafts All Day Every Day; $7 Jugs

JOE’S Check bar for daily specials

BROTHERS $1.25 Bud Light Pints $1.25 Pints $6.25 Shock Top Pitchers & $4.50 Pitchers Beer Buffet with OU ID

BISON WITCHES HH 2-7 $1 Domestic Draws $2.50 Beers of Mexico $2.50 Red Stripe $1.50 Blue Moon Bottles Keg Party, $3 Holla 10 - Close $2 Well Drinks Daily $2 Domestic Bottles $1.25 Bud Light Pints

TEXADELPHIA [$20 Towers 3-6, $2 Doms. 3-6 M-F ] HH All Day/Night, $2 Domestics $6 Coors Light Pitchers Wheat Wednesdays ($1 off wheat beer) [$1 Coors/Miller Lt., $20 Towers & $3 Blue Moon Big Sexies 6-10] [$3.50 U-Call-It Big Sexy All Day] $20 Towers All Day

BLU [HH 3 p.m.-6 p.m. and 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Daily: $2 Brewhouse Pints; $2 Well Drinks All Day; $2 Mimosas and $3 Bellinis All Day]

AUTOGRAPHS HH M-F 3-7 $1.50 Dom. Draft Schooners $1.50 12 oz. Dom. Drafts $2 Sooner Schooner Dom. Drafts $11.99 100 oz. Dom. Beer Towers

General Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

SEVEN47 All Summer: $4 Red Bull Vodka, $4 Frozen Screwdrivers, $2 Modelo Especial

in the raw [HH 5-7 p.m. M-F: $3 16 oz. Domestics; Daily Specials: $1.50 Miller High Life, $2 Sake Bombs, $3 Tecate, Pacifico, Modelo Esp., $4 Skyy Infussions, $4 Patron Shots] [Biergarten Fridays from 5-Close, Live Music & Specials on Patio]FUZZY’S [HH All Day, Everyday: $2 18 oz. Domestic Schooners]

BREWHOUSE $2 Drafts & Well Drinks

MR. BILLS All May: Sm. Tequilla Sunrise $3, Lg. Tequilla Sunrise $4, Lion’s Head $2, Tiger’s Blood $5.75 + Adonis DNA $2, $1.75 Bud Select Bottles, Sauza Hornito Shots $3; Shots: Rumpleminz $2.50, Goldschlager $2.50, SoCo & Lime $2.50, Lindsay Lohan $2.50

O ASIAN FUSION [HH 3-6 PM & 1 hour before close: $1.75 Domestics, $3.50 select rolls, 1/2 Price select appetizers, $2 Nagiri & $5 Sashimi]

Page 11: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder

SUGERS $3.50 Pitchers 10-Midnight $3.50 Pitchers from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m.

OTHELLO’S See specials at

ABNER’S Pint Night 5 p.m. $2 16 oz. Miller High Life 9 p.m.-close $2 16 oz. Miller High Life 9 p.m.-close $2 16 oz. Miller High Life 9 p.m.-close Bloody Mary Bar 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

NEW YORK PIZZA [HH Mon.-Wed. 4-9 p.m., Thurs.-Sat. 4-Midnight $8 Blvd. Wheat Pitchers, $6 Domestic Pitchers, $7 Domestic Buckets] [$3 Well Drinks $2 Lion’s Head, $2.50 Tecate & Corona] THE MONT See specials at

LOUIE’S WEST $5 Drink of the Month, $2 Shot of the Month & $3 Beer of the Month. HH: Everyday 3-7 p.m. $1.50 Domestic BottlesLOUIE’S $3 Well Drinks $1.50 Domestics $1.99 Blue Moon $2.75 Red Stripe $1.99 Boulevard Wheat $1.99 Blvd. Wheat; $5.99 PizzasTHE LIBRARY [HH 3-6 p.m. and 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Daily: Brewhouse Pints for $2; $3 Pint Specials; $3 Well Drinks All Day] LA LUNA [HH 3-6 p.m. M-S: $2 Tecate/Corona, $1 BL Draws, $10 Corona Buckets (5), Late Night HH 10 p.m.-close Thurs.-Sat. $2 Tecate/Mod. Especial/Corona]

COACH’S HH 3-6 p.m. M-F: $2.50 Coach’s Ale; $1.50 Dom. Drafts All Day Every Day; $7 Jugs

JOE’S Check bar for daily specials

BROTHERS $1.25 Bud Light Pints $1.25 Pints $6.25 Shock Top Pitchers & $4.50 Pitchers Beer Buffet with OU ID

BISON WITCHES HH 2-7 $1 Domestic Draws $2.50 Beers of Mexico $2.50 Red Stripe $1.50 Blue Moon Bottles Keg Party, $3 Holla 10 - Close $2 Well Drinks Daily $2 Domestic Bottles $1.25 Bud Light Pints

TEXADELPHIA [$20 Towers 3-6, $2 Doms. 3-6 M-F ] HH All Day/Night, $2 Domestics $6 Coors Light Pitchers Wheat Wednesdays ($1 off wheat beer) [$1 Coors/Miller Lt., $20 Towers & $3 Blue Moon Big Sexies 6-10] [$3.50 U-Call-It Big Sexy All Day] $20 Towers All Day

BLU [HH 3 p.m.-6 p.m. and 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Daily: $2 Brewhouse Pints; $2 Well Drinks All Day; $2 Mimosas and $3 Bellinis All Day]

AUTOGRAPHS HH M-F 3-7 $1.50 Dom. Draft Schooners $1.50 12 oz. Dom. Drafts $2 Sooner Schooner Dom. Drafts $11.99 100 oz. Dom. Beer Towers

General Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

SEVEN47 All Summer: $4 Red Bull Vodka, $4 Frozen Screwdrivers, $2 Modelo Especial

in the raw [HH 5-7 p.m. M-F: $3 16 oz. Domestics; Daily Specials: $1.50 Miller High Life, $2 Sake Bombs, $3 Tecate, Pacifico, Modelo Esp., $4 Skyy Infussions, $4 Patron Shots] [Biergarten Fridays from 5-Close, Live Music & Specials on Patio]FUZZY’S [HH All Day, Everyday: $2 18 oz. Domestic Schooners]

BREWHOUSE $2 Drafts & Well Drinks

•WBB NCAA Tournament 1st and 2nd Rounds @ Lloyd Noble through 3/23

MR. BILLS All May: Sm. Tequilla Sunrise $3, Lg. Tequilla Sunrise $4, Lion’s Head $2, Tiger’s Blood $5.75 + Adonis DNA $2, $1.75 Bud Select Bottles, Sauza Hornito Shots $3; Shots: Rumpleminz $2.50, Goldschlager $2.50, SoCo & Lime $2.50, Lindsay Lohan $2.50

O ASIAN FUSION [HH 3-6 PM & 1 hour before close: $1.75 Domestics, $3.50 select rolls, 1/2 Price select appetizers, $2 Nagiri & $5 Sashimi]

Page 12: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder

Well, loyal Boyd Streeters, it seems all good things must come to an end. Over the past year, I’ve visited 14 of

the best houses in Norman and met some eclectic and humorous people while writing Cribs, placing this job high on my list of favorite college experiences. Before you get too overwhelmed with sen-

timent, please allow me to formally intro-duce myself: I’m Lauren Abram, a broadcast journalism senior, and I’m homeless. Not homeless in the sense of needing charity; I recently moved out of my apartment in the first of several steps toward a career out of state. Living situation aside, I’m excited and more than ready to embark on a new chap-ter in life. However, I’m going to severely miss these past four years. Since moving to Norman my freshman

year, I’ve lived in two houses and three apartments, with seven different room-mates, a cat and a dog. Honorable men-tion among these goes to my second to last home, where my friends and I blissfully celebrated days that end in “day,” partook in roommate table dancing and had some

of the most texts-from-last-night-worthy experiences ever. Though, these moments were few and far

between due to my three jobs. But, I man-aged to stay super positive because, after all, laughter is the best medicine. Speaking of laughter, a hobo recently told

me, “Don’t squat in a fire and think it’ll solve your problems.” Despite being the funniest thing I’d heard

outside of a bar, this circumstance made me want to share it with everyone. Since it seems I’m at the end of my road with Boyd Street, I’ll leave you with some advice: Don’t take the things you consider impor-tant in life for granted; laugh, loudly and of-ten; never turn down free boxed wine; and remember to let the good times roll.

Left Breathless:Most amazing hobby by far? Scuba diving. Seri-ously, frisbee’s a million times more fun 50 feet below sea level.

Shame-less Smiles: I love the element of surprise! If I say or do something ridiculously random, I feel as if the potential laughter cuts tension and bad vibes, tenfold.



Invite over...Do you have what it takes to be in College Cribs? If you have a camera and e-mail access, the answer is yes. If you occupy any sort of dwelling and want it featured in Boyd Street, send photos of your college crib to [email protected]. Make sure to include your name and a contact phone number. Also make sure you’re an OU student.

Photos by Mark Doescher • Story by Lauren Abram

Come Here Often?I’ve spent half of my college career on Campus Corner, so there’s no better place to grab a box and camp out.

Lo.0: Walking around barefoot, searching for hilarious internet videos and reading are three of my favorite activities.

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Empire State of Mind: My ultimate goal in life is to achieve the same level of style and grace as many classic Hollywood heroines ... without all the tragedy.

At Least It’s Not a Trash Can: People often ask, what’s the thing I miss the most from Norman? Fat Sand-wich, hands down.

In a Nutshell: I’ll be the first to admit that my biggest problem is hoarding. From clothes to movie ticket stubs, I collect years of seemingly useless junk!

15 Minutes of Fame: I read every issue of the magazine after coming to OU, I mean, who doesn’t check to see if they made it in On the Scene?

Why, Yes. That’s a Real Sword: I got this as a joke at the Medieval Fair three years ago. Fortunately, it’s managed to stay out of sight during house parties.

Missed the Memo: Well, these aren’t quite the type of bars I’m used to, but I’m a pretty adaptable person.

Page 14: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder

>> On the SceneOTS


>> Bill’s

>> The Abner

>> Logan’s

>> Seven47

>> Library

>> O’Connell’s

>> Louie’s Too

>> Bison Witches

>> Brothers

>> Mont

Photos by Chadsey Brown

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*All 4 roommates must sign a 12 month lease. Valid through may 31, 2011.


Page 16: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder


>> Bill’s>> Joe’s

>> Fuzzy’s

>> The Abner >> Louie’s>> Seven47

>> Bison Witches

>> in the raw >> Library >> O’Connell’s


Page 17: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder


>> Louie’s Too>> Seven47

>> Mont

>> Brewhouse >> Louie’s>> Eve

>> Brothers

>> Brewhouse >> Joe’s >> in the raw


Page 18: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder


>> Logan’s

>> Brewhouse

>> Fuzzy’s

>> Brothers

>> Mont

>> Joe’s

Page 19: Boyd Stree Issue 9 Binder

11 2 3 4 55 6 7 8 99 10 11

12 13 14

15 16 17

18 19 20 21

2222 23 24 2525

26 2727 2828 29 30

31 3232 3333

34 3535 3636

3737 3838

3939 40 41 4242

43 44 45 46 47 48 49

50 51 52

53 54 55


1. African antelope5. Potpourri9. Watch pocket12. Spoken13.Hire14. Female sheep15. Skillfully16. Pious platitudes17. 9th letter of the

Hebrew alphabet18. Smack20. Embarrass22.Mystical knowledge25. Be in debt26.Having ears27. Room within a

harem28.Highest mountain in


32. Roll of bank notes33. Israeli round dance34.Donkey35. State of drowsy

contentment36. Bring down37. Tap gently38. Fur of a mammal39. Boldness42. Run-down part of a

city43. Frozen water44. Short letter46. Kiln for drying hops50. Printer's measures51. Bedouin52. Continuous dull

pain53. Rainy54. Lock openers55. Sharp


1. Hawaiian acacia2. An urban area3. Indian dish4. Hero of the Odyssey5. Killer whales6. Jump7. Tavern8. Capital of Canada9. Goat's milk cheese10. Is indebted11. 2nd letter of the Hebrew

alphabet19. Cover21. To exist22. Japanese wooden clog23. Temple24.Minerals25. Eccentric27. Idiot28. State in the central United

States29. Lees30. River in central

Switzerland32. Spun by spiders33. Evergreen oak35. Village in E Egypt36.Monetary unit of Romania37. Perform38. Common people39. Scene40. Peak41. For fear that42. Remain45.Metal-bearing mineral47. Very skilled person48. Fem. pronoun49. Cardinal number

End NotesNext Issue on the street June 14


*Solution published June 14

Last issue’s puzzle, solved:

* Or do they?

The Numbers Don’t Lie*The current issue, broken down for the stat books>> No. of issues since we’ve been featureless, the magazine equivalent of going out with no pants on :>> No. of writers that are still on their game this time of year:>> No. of responsible things we got done because of it:>> No. of staffers that just got too drunk at NMF to do anything:>> No. of staffers that spent the two days after NMF recovering whilst wondering if they would make it back to the real world:>> No. of staffers that met their special someone at the festival:>> No. of staffers that are leaving us to do cool stuff :>> No. of times we’ll probably listen to this Gorillaz record:>> No. of staffers that should do something responsible this summer but will probably just end up drunk on a patio:


at least 53



that’s us

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