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Vol. 6 Aprik 14, 2016 Issue 10

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Working together...Lifting up…Creating hope…one Student at a time.

By Paulina Carrillo

Kayla Flores, Vicky Minjarez, and Sirena Minjarez all clinched their spots to the state power-lifting meet on March 4th at the regional powerlift-ing meet. At regionals the Lady Eagles finished 2nd as a team. Senior Vicky Min-jarez placed first in her weight class and brought home the award of Best Squat and Best Overall Lifter on the light plat-form. Freshman Sirena Min-jarez placed first in her weight class and received

the award for Best Bench Press on the heavy plat-form. Kayla Flores also placed first in her weight class. The Lady Eagles traveled to Corpus Christi over spring break to compete at the state meet. At state Vicky and Sirena both placed first in their weight classes. Flores came in second place in her weight class. For the boys powerlift-ing team Junior Raymon Aranda and Senior Israel Rosalez competed at re-gionals on March 12th in Sundown, Tx. Rosalez finished third

in the 275 weight class. Aranda finished first in 132 weight class and was awarded the Best Lifter Award for the light plat-form. Aranda now holds the regional records for squat of 470 lbs, bench of 275 lbs, and total of 1235 lbs. He was awarded best bench press, best squat, best deadlift, and best overall lifter. With those high num-bers, Aranda advanced to state and competed in the state meet on April 2nd in Abilene. At the state meet,

Aranda came in first place and set the record for total at 1245 lbs. “It felt great to compete at state,” said Senior Kayla Flores. “It’s a whole different feeling than competing at regular meets.” “It was awesome and it was a great feeling to get to state, especially with it being my first year,” said Freshman Sirena Minjarez. “I feel very blessed,” said Junior Raymon Aranda. “I’m proud of how far I got this year and everything I achieved.” “Competing at state my freshman year makes it exciting for the years to come. I have time to work hard and break more records and break my own records,” said Minjarez. “What pushed me to win state is my family. “I wanted to make my dad proud as well as everyone who supports me,” said Aranda With this being Flores’ last year, the experience was worth every bit of it. “I cried once I finished my last attempted lift of the day. To know I don’t have to starve myself to make

weight, no more 6 am practices, or bruises from the wraps, it all hit me hard,” said Flores. Aranda, only being a junior, has high hopes for next year. “I honestly don’t know how next year will go. I’m still debating on whether to move up a weight class or stay in the same one, but either way I’m going to work my butt off as always,” said Aranda. Powerlifting has been a big part of Flores’ high school career and she learned a lot from it. “I learned about discipline,” said Flores. “Quoting Coach Humphries, I also

learned that everything I overthink is between my ears and I am able to do more than what I believe. “I want to thank Coach Humphries and everyone else who supported me and pushed me for helping me get better and get the gold,” said Aranda. “I had the pleasure of being coached by two of the best people all four years of my high school career and to them I’ll be forever grateful for everything that they have taught me. Thank you Coach Humphries and Manuel Minjarez,” said Flores

Eagles and Lady Eagles Win State Powerlifting

Basketball Awards

Newcomer of the Year- Sirena Minjarez

All District- Vicky Minjarez

All District- Bryannah Minjarez

Defensive All District- Andrea Shanklin

Honorable Mention- Asjai Anderson

Academic All District- Taylor Spiller

Academic All District- Antavery Kyle

Academic All District- Brooke Garza

All District- Richard Longoria

All District- Uriel Martinez

Defensive All District- Evan Anderson

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OpinionI’m Just Sayin’ Nikki Wilson, Journalism Advisor/

Page 2 April 14, 2016 The Talon

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Talon Media StaffGabriela Valles

Brittany Martin

Taylor Spiller

Bailee Lemon

Kaylee Mueller

Bry Minjarez

Zharia Childers

Melissa Longoria

Advisors: Nikki Wilson & Kami MillerEmail: [email protected]

Paulina Carrillo

Just a Small Town Girlby Kami Miller, Talon Media Advisor

Superman is known as the Man of Steel. Skyscrapers in New York and Redwoods in Calfornia tower into the sky with steel and concrete and wood. Steel. Concrete. Wood. These are the things strength is made of.

Chosen for its stability, its endurance under pressure, its resistance to all that comes against it, whether it be steel, concrete, or wood, these substances are known for their integrity. They do not change when storms beat against them. Only forces of massive power can penetrate their strength. What then, are we made of? Do we have that kind of integrity?

I know life is hard and people can be cruel, but let me suggest to you that with grace, time, effort, and inner strength, we, too, can be like steel, able to resist and weather and stand strong despite what comes against us.

I hear students tell me a lot that if someone doesn’t show them respect, that they won’t give it back. I hear them say “the way they treat me is the way I’ll treat them” and “if

they’re mean to me, I’ll be mean to them.” Think about it kids, what kind of substance does this make you?

It makes you someone who is dependent on circumstances and people to determine who you are. I also hear you say, “No one can change who I am.” Really? Unless someone happens to be mean to you, right?

People are going to mean to you. People are going to disrespect you. And that’s wrong. Completely wrong. But can’t you see that wrong wins a little more when you let it change who you are? And can’t you see that by carefully guarding and protecting yourself from being changed by attacks, you not only make you better, but you make the entire world better? Do you realize what kind of power you have?

Be a force. Be a person of steel. Stand tall like an oak. Be who you are – a person of strength, honor, character….a person of integrity. Mother Teresa is credited with writing some really powerful words about this. When I struggle with the slings

and arrows of the world, these words help. May they help you as well.

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

Fifth grade Circle of Champions students celebrated their good behavior with a 50’s day on Friday, April 8th. Students who made it through the 3rd 9 weeks without any discipline issues

were encouraged to dress up in 1950s clothes.

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Page 3 The TalonApril 14, 2016

By Gabriela Valles, Melissa Longoria, and Brittany Martin

On March 24th, the Chamber of Commerce brought a very special guest to the junior high special needs class and the elementary school. This special guest comes and hides eggs every year. This time he decided to come early and stay a while. The Easter Bunny took pictures, gave hugs, and gave eggs filled with candy to the students. Teachers also took advantage of the bunny being in town and took some snaps with him. “He was very soft, fluffy, and cute,” said Third grader Yenezah Martinez. Fourth graders, Raymond Rodriguez and Gabriel Soto said, “It was a fun experience and we

are very thankful for the candy.” Fifth grader, Raelee Garza said “My favorite part was the pictures and


Kindergarten teacher, Hope Martinez said “I was nervous about the kids that were scared of him but they all came around.” We wanted to do something special and fun for all the kids,” said members of the Chamber of Commerce. “It was exciting to see all the children smile and get excited. Kids are an important part of our community and we just wanted to show them that we care.” On May 12th at 6:30pm, the Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a community banquet. More information will be in the next Talon edition.

Easter Bunny Visits SISD

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By Gabriela Valles

On Tuesday March 29th the 8th graders took their ELAR and Math STAAR tests, freshmen took their ELAR STAAR test, and on Thursday the 31st, the sophomores took their test. The STAAR test is a state test that all students in Texas have to take in order to graduate. The test is different every year and is said be harder each time. Teachers and students prepare for the tests all year long.

“The test was a little challenging. But we were able to get through it. I think I did well. I thought the math test was going to be was very challenging but it was easy. The reading test was long but easy. I’m glad it’s over.” said 8th grader Juan Campos. “Now we just have to work the rest of the year.” “The test was hard. I took my time on it and kept praying to do well.” said 8th grader, Perla Gallegos. “I prayed for God to be with me and help me do well. I tried my very best. To me,

the math was easier. I’m glad it’s over with. Now, all that’s left is the social studies and science tests.” “The test was a little hard for me.” said freshmen, Es-teban Alaniz. “It was hard at the beginning and easy at the end but I’m sure I passed it.” “At the beginning of the test it was pretty easy.” said sophomore, Alberto Davila. “But towards the end, it got harder.” There will be more STAAR tests coming up. Please keep these students in your prayers.


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Page 4 The TalonSchool News April 14, 2016

By Bailee Lemon

All three Seagraves TACS teams will be competing against 30-40 teams at State on April 24th at 1 pm. Only the top 5 teams will place and receive scholarships. The Academic Chal-lenge will take place in the Bavocom Building at the University of Mary Har-din-Baylor in Belton, TX. Some students will travel on Saturday, April 23, and some will leave at midnight after the SHS prom.

The teams consists of Taylor Spiller, Michael Lara, Maricruz Mar-tinez, Quest Williams, Eli Gonzales, Mariah Ramirez, Matthew Ne-grete, Johnathan Fleming, Will Wilkins and Dejah Wilborn. The Seagraves TACS teams are being prepared for and led to State by Bethany Goen and Judy Odom. “I am extremely ex-cited to take all three teams to the State Meet,” said Goen, “These stu-

dents are intelligent and hard-working, and it was evident throughout the competition.” “I feel very honored and I would like to say that each school in Texas can take 3 teams to regionals and most don’t take any teams to State, Seagraves is taking 3,” said Odom. “Mrs. Goen and Mrs. Odom are doing a great job preparing us and be-lieving in us,” said Spiller, “They both are amazing teachers.” Goen and Odom are both working hard to further prepare their teams while the students are trying hard to prepare themselves as well. “To prepare our teams, we are continuing our weekly practices where we go over material that could be used on the State test. We are also utilizing material from our Area Meet and previous State meets,” said Goen. “We are working on a few more study guides for the kids and reviewing a lot,” said Odom. “To prepare myself, I am studying all of the material that we have to know and working hard in all of my classes,” said Spiller. A few members tell how they feel about going to State, what the most challenging thing is when competing, and what they hope to gain from State. “I feel quite accom-

plished but in a very dif-ferent sense.” said Lara, “It’s one thing to show your talent in a sport but it’s that much more mean-ingful when you win with knowledge.” “I feel pretty accom-plished and overwhelmed mainly because I didn’t even expect to have made it to State and especially in the top 3 at Area,” said Martinez. “I am very excited. It’s something new and excit-ing and it is also a good way to challenge myself,” said Spiller. “I have a friend that said Seagraves is only good at sports but when he saw that we had kids go-ing to State in academics, he was surprised,” said Williams, “I’m glad we can now say we’re good in everything we do.”

“I hope to gain schol-arship money or just the bragging rights that I’m maybe smarter than 90% of any small Texas schools,” said Lara. “At Area we were blessed to have gained a scholarship and recogni-tion from schools,” said Martinez, “At State I hope we get the opportunity to gain another scholarship and more positive recogni-tion for our school.” “The most challenging thing about TACS is the fact that you have no idea what to study for, the only thing you know is that you’re competing, nothing else,” said Lara. “You have to know a lot of information and be able to recall it quickly. The whole time besides the last round, you know what place you’re in and

you are sitting there cal-culating how many points you need to get, while also trusting your team,” said Spiller, “I’m better by my-self because I know what I know, so it’s hard to trust others when competing.” “The most challenging would have to be studying. As a teenager or student, it’s hard to study and for TACS it’s even harder because you don’t know what to study for,” said Martinez, “It’s hard being at the competition because you still don’t know the questions you’re going to get. You just have to answer what they throw at you.” Good luck to all 3 Seagraves TACS teams at State!

TACS Team Qualifies for State

By Bailee Lemon

The 2016-2017 cheer-leading squad consists of Froilan Beltran, Paulina Carrillo, Zharia Childers, Abeni Garcia, Brooke Garza, Cami Harper, Emegail Jacuinde, Caleb Martinez, Karisa Minjar-ez, Samantha Rodriguez, and Melissa Longoria as mascot.

“I think this cheer squad will be an awe-some squad because we’re all different but there is still one thing that connects us all,” said Martinez.

Upcoming Freshmen Karisa, Caleb, and Saman-tha and new squad mem-ber Emegail share their expectations for next year, and what made them want

to try out. “Some expectations I have for this year is for our squad to perform at our highest ability and for us to work as a team,” said Rodriguez. “My expectations are to build positive relation-ships with each individual cheer member so that we are all committed to complete as one and not as individuals, I also expect great teamwork,” said Minjarez. “I tried out because a lot of my friends and family encouraged me to and if I made it, I wanted to be able to make it to all of the games to not only watch, but cheer on my boyfriend, Davin,” said Jacuinde. “I want to be a role model to the younger kids

and I want to let them know that being confident is fine,” said Rodriguez. “I decided to try out because I just figured I’ve been a Jr. High cheerlead-er, why not give it a shot,” said Minjarez, “I have nothing to lose.” The new squad mem-bers also shared what they are looking forward to, how they feel about the rest of the squad, and how they feel about becoming a high school cheerleader. “I am looking forward to all the games and pep rallies we are going to do,” said Martinez. “I’m looking forward to getting to know all of the squad better and being able to support the whole Eagle community,” said Rodriguez. “I am looking forward

to getting to know every-one on the squad, working as a team, of course hav-ing fun, and also just for the great experience,” said Minjarez. “I’m looking forward to a great year with the support of my friends, family, and boyfriend,” said Jacuinde. “Everyone seems to be easy going, therefore giv-ing us all an opportunity to build friendships,” said Minjarez. “I believe that the squad is very affable and that they are outgoing people,” said Rodriguez, “I cannot wait to experi-ence my first high school year with this squad.” “Honestly, I’m excited to cheer with the rest of the squad, they’re a lot of fun to be around and they’re great cheerlead-ers,” said Jacuinde. “I am so ready for foot-ball season to come,” said Martinez. “I have a myriad of feelings about being a high school cheerleader but I feel extremely happy and I can’t wait to cheer,” said Rodriguez. “I am a little nervous, knowing everyone is go-ing to watch me cheer, but I am also excited to be able to experience it,” said Jacuinde. “It took me a while to intake the results, now, I am very excited to be a part of the squad,” said Minjarez, “Most impor-tantly I am excited to be a positive role model for all the little eyes that will be

watching.” Upcoming senior cheerleaders Paulina and Zharia share their feelings about this being their final year to cheer, their expec-tations, and what they are also looking forward to. “It’s a bittersweet feel-ing, considering this is my last year and I’ve been doing this since 7th grade. I’m excited to see what this new squad is capable of doing and I’m ready to make my last year count,” said Carrillo. “It’s bittersweet be-cause I’ve cheered since 7th grade and it’s some-thing that I love to do. When I think about it being my last year I start to wonder what I am going to do with myself when I go to football games after I graduate,” said Childers. “I feel like we’ll be able to do more things like stunts because we have a bigger squad this year. I don’t have major expecta-tions. I just want us to be loud, get along, and have fun,” said Carrillo, “It’s my last year so I want to cherish every last moment I’ll have.” “I expect our pep rallys to be good and on point with amazing stunts now that we have a squad of ten. I also expect us to be a great squad, to be loud, and very spirited,” said Childers. “I’m looking forward to teaching and getting to know the girls that I haven’t cheered with. I’m looking forward to the new friendships that will

be made and hopefully to cheer for our boys far in the playoffs,” said Carrillo. “I am looking forward to a great season and new friendships,” said Childers, “I just want to make the best of my senior year and see what the younger girls and boys are capable of.” Upcoming Senior, Melissa will be mascot next school year for the first time. She shares how she feels about making mascot, what she’s most excited for and what she is looking forward to. “I am excited about making mascot because I am really looking forward to the children looking up to me as I once looked up to the Eagle when I was their age,” said Longoria. “I am really looking forward to having a great year with the cheerleaders and I am most excited for all the little kids com-ing up to me with their happy, smiling faces,” said Longoria. Cheer sponsor, Mrs. Garza, has a few new plans for the cheer squad next school year. “We are going to do more team bonding next school year, I also want to maybe look at UIL Competitions. I want us to stunt more now that we have a bigger squad. I am really excited and glad that we are one squad, no divi-sions, we can bond more,” said Garza.

2016-2017 Cheerleaders

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Alumni Spotlight Tami Wilson

A Student SoarsApril 14, 2016


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By Paulina Carrill

Gabriela Valles is the Student Spotlight for this edition of the Talon. Gabriela is a junior at Seagraves High and was born on September 13, 1998 in Lubbock, Texas. Gabriela is the daugh-ter of Ruben Valles, who works at Higginbotham Brothers Lumber Yard in Seagraves and Christy Valles, who works at the First United Bank in Seagraves. Valles also has a younger brother, Erik, who is a freshman. Valles has lived in Seagraves her whole life. Valles is involved in band, Talon Media, FTA, OAP, UIL, and Math Club. “Talon Media would have to be my favorite school activity,” said Valles. “I love taking pictures and I would really love to go to school for it and become a professional like Carol Guzy. I also love it when students get excited because there are pictures of them, and I took them,” said Valles.

“My favorite thing about Seagraves High is that it’s a small school. Small schools are cool, large schools are scary,” said Valles. “My favorite teacher would have to be Mrs. Odom. She is such a sweet, caring, and fun woman. I’m so glad she started teaching here,” said Valles. “My favorite subject, believe it or not, is math. It’s very challenging and I like it, even though I com-plain about it all the time,” said Valles. When she has free time, Valles likes to hang out with the people she loves. “I like Gabby because she is always happy and

really nice,” said Fresh-man Sara Maddox. “She’s a good influence to me, and she helps me out a lot during band.” Valles is inspired by a famous quote by Elizabeth Edwards, “She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her away she adjusted her sails.”

With just a year left in Seagraves High, Valles wants to leave behind a positive impact on others. “I want to be the girl who anybody can come to whenever they need to talk,” said Valles. “Something I want to take with me after high school is that no matter what happens I can get through anything if I just communicate with my teachers, listen, and get good grades,” said Valles. After high school Valles plans to go to UTPB in Odessa and get her Bachelors for nursing and wants to have a small photography business.

Gabriela Valles

Soaring Eagle

By Taylor Spiller

Freshman Han-nah Spiller is the soaring athlete for this edition of the Talon. Hannah partici-pates in golf and has done well in all of her tourna-ments including 2nd place in her last tournament with a score of 89 strokes. “I like golf because it makes me think and it’s not really based on talent but it relies on skill,” said Spiller. She is good at certain things more than others and she relies on practice to get ready for the meets. “I am definitely confi-dent in my chipping and pitching the ball next to the pin. We get to the course an hour early so we have plenty of time to putt and hit range balls before we tee off,” said Spiller. “Hannah does well because of hard work and dedication. She practices on holidays when others are taking it easy and she practices until the sun goes down,” said her Coach and Father Dr. Kevin Spiller. Hannah Spiller says that there are some chal-lenges to golf. “I’d have to say that the most challenging thing is the mental aspect of the game. If you overthink a shot it might end up cost-ing you the hole, or if you under-think it and try to be quick you will mess up as well,” said Spiller.

She said that while she doesn’t have a quote that motivates her, her dad is a big help. “I don’t know if this counts as a quote but whenever I have a particu-larly good hole or a good shot my dad will chant, “Dartmouth! Dartmouth! Dartmouth!” because that is the school that I want to go to,” said Spiller. “Hannah has set some very high goals for herself both academically as well as with golf for her col-legiate career,” said Dr. Spiller. “I’d definitely like to thank my dad for all of the

long hours he has person-ally spent researching techniques, practicing with me on the golf course, and travelling with me to all of the tournaments,” said Spiller. “I know that after bad days at the golf course he can’t sleep because he wants to fix the problem and help me reach my goals. My dad has truly been there for every chip, putt, drive and victory dance.” Hannah got first place in the District golf tourna-ment. She will be playing in the Regional tourna-ment April 13-14.

Hannah Spiller

By Bry Minjarez

Coach Tami Wilson graduated from Sea-graves High School in 1986. She now has three daughters. Darrice Grif-fin is at the University of Massachusetts where she works as Assistant Ath-letic Director. Darchelle Duncan lives in Lub-bock, but teaches and coaches in Seagraves, and Devin Griffin is at Amarillo Tascosa, where she also teaches and coaches. Coach Wilson also has two grandchildren Brooke and Griffin. After graduation, Wil-son earned a bachelor’s degree in General Studies from Texas Tech Univer-sity with concentrations in Educational Sports Sci-ence, Business Adminis-tration, and Sociology. Wilson has been in her field for 14 years now. She spent one year at All Saints Episcopal School, two years at Alderson Ju-nior High, another year at Estacado High, two years at TTU, and eight years at Seagraves.

Wilson had a 97-13 record from 2001-2004. She was recognized as Coach of the year for the Seagraves district three years in a row. Wilson said she has been blessed to have been coached by great coaches such as Terry Crocker, Kelly Chadwick, Linden Weese, and Marsha Sharp. She played with Sheryl Swoopes, Krista Kirk-land, Valery Jackson, and Nicki Allen. “I had so many great experiences as a player and a coach. I try to uti-

lize all that I have learned and incorporate that into the young athletes in Seagraves. Building a program takes time and effort, and I truly believe Seagraves is headed in the right direction,” said Wilson. Seagraves offered Wil-son her first head coach-ing job, and the whole town welcomed her back. Wilson said she’s thankful that family, friends, and co-workers have always supported her and the Seagraves program as a whole. Freshman Sirena Minjares played post for Wilson on the basketball court this year. “She lets us enjoy ourselves,” said Minjares, “but when it’s time to get ready, she gets us focused and ready to play the game.” Minjares said Wilson taught her lessons that go beyond the court, about the value of a team and what that means. She showed us that “no matter what we just need to get along as a family, enjoy ourselves, and help others out when they need it.”

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Page 6 The Talon

Soaring Athlete

April 14, 2016

By Taylor Spiller

On Thursday March 24, Seagraves One Act Play competed in Su-dan Texas. They came up short in advancing, but Maricruz Martinez received Honorable-Men-tion All Star Cast, and Taylor Spiller received All Star Cast. Seagraves One Act Play, White Room of My Remembering, was about a young woman Jessie who leaves home to be-come an artist, and when her parents die, she comes home to sell the house, but get wrapped up in her memories and ends up keeping it. Cast of Characters: -Young Jess- Hannah Spiller -Margret- Maricruz Mar-tinez -Jessie- Taylor Spiller -Papa- Tyler Carmichael -Mama- Paulina Carrillo Michael- Kaden Reed

Crew: -Stage Manager- Eli Gonzales -Lights- Gabriela Valles -Music- Londyn Hernan-dez -Crew- Breanna Fleming -Crew- Cami Harper

Alternates: -Haven Borrola -Jay Wilson

Directors: -Nikki Wilson -Mary Heryford

Everyone involved in One Act Play this year had good things to say about their season. “This One Act Play season was one of the best that I have ever been involved in. There weren’t as many problems, and even though we didn’t advance, it was a good year. My favorite part was every time I was on stage. Once I got onstage, I didn’t want to leave. I loved that my character was so sassy. She wasn’t soft, and it was fun play-ing someone kind of mean,” said Senior Mari-cruz Martinez. “We had a really good play and a really good group of kids. For the most part, they were disciplined and focused and for the first time in a long time we had the same group of kids in the beginning as we did in the end. There was a lot of growth from the beginning of the season to the end and from when I first had these kids to

now,” said Director Nikki Wilson. “I feel like we could have done a little better but we still did good. We had good practices and caught ourselves up,” said Crew member and Fresh-man Breanna Fleming. The participants all had their favorite parts of the season. “My favorite part was every time I was on stage. Once I got onstage, I didn’t want to leave,” said Martinez. “My favorite part was getting to hang out with all of the people,” said Fleming. “My favorite part was having our clinic with Lou Lindsey who I used to compete against and who was very excited about the play,” said Nikki Wilson. Seagraves One Act Play would like to thank all of the administration that allowed them to put on this play, Melba Car-michael, who provided help and support and food, Seminole Theatre for donating the trees that they used in the play, and Dolores Lemon who accompanied them to the competition.

One Act Play

There were over 40 high school students participate in academic UIL on April 4th at Plains. According to UIL Coordinator, Melissa Humphries, this is the most students

who have participated in at least 14 years.

The students scored a total of 102 points, more than triple from the previous year.Bailee Lemon-5th place Headline WritingQuest Williams-5th place Informative SpeakingWIll Wilkins-6th place MathematicsAbigail Negrete-1st place Literary Criticism TeamHannah Spiller-1st place Literary Criticism Individual &TeamLondyn Hernandez-5th place Literary Criticism Individaul, 1st place teamCami Harper-6th place News WritingMatthew Negrete-6th place Editorial Writing, 2nd Place Chemistry, 5th place ScienceMarianna Dillard-6th place Spelling and VocabularyCase Clark-1st place Computer ApplicationsTaylor Spiller-3rd place Computer ApplicationsTee Rogers-5th place Computer Applications

The literary Criticism Team (Abigail Negrete, Londyn Hernandez, and Hannah Spiller, along with Case Clark and Taylor Spiller qualified for the regional meet which will be held on April 22nd & 23rd in Odessa.

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