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Border Security Market Outlook 2014-2024

Opportunities for Companies with Unmanned Systems, Biometrics & Perimeter Surveillance

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Page 2: Border Security Market Outlook 2014 2024

Contents 1. Report Overview 1.1 Global Border Security Market Overview

1.2 Global Border Security Market Segmentation

1.3 Why You Should Read This Report

1.4 How This Report Delivers

1.5 Key Questions Answered by This Analytical Report Include:

1.6 Who is This Report For?

1.7 Methodology

1.8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1.9 Associated Visiongain Reports

1.10 About Visiongain

2. Introduction to the Global Border Security Market 2014-2024 2.1 Overview of the Global Border Security Market

2.2 Technological Issues and Developments within the Global Border Security Market

2.2.1 UAVs and UGVs

2.2.2 Advanced Border Control and ICT Systems and Software

2.2.3 Communication and Surveillance Equipment

2.3 Threats and Dangers within the Global Border Security Market

2.3.1 Illegal Immigration, Smuggling and Piracy

2.3.2 Terrorism

2.3.3 Border Militarisation and the Border Security Spectrum

2.4 Defining the Global Border Security Market

3. Global Border Security Market 2014-2024 3.1 Global Border Security Market Forecast 2014-2024

3.2 Global Border Security Market 2014-2024 Analysis

3.3 Drivers & Restraints of the Global Border Security Market 2014-2024

4. Global Border Security Submarkets 2014-2024 4.1 Global Border Security Submarkets Forecasts 2014-2024

4.1.1 Global Border Security Submarkets Share Forecast 2014-2024

4.1.2 Fastest Growing Global Border Security Submarkets 2014-2024

4.1.3 Fastest Growing Global Border Security Submarkets 2014-2019

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Contents 4.1.4 Fastest Growing Global Border Security Submarkets 2019-2024

4.1.5 Global Border Security Submarkets Cumulative Sales

4.2 Perimeter Surveillance and Detection Systems Submarket Forecast 2014-2024

4.2.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Perimeter Surveillance and Detection Systems Submarket

4.2.2 Learn Why the Perimeter Surveillance and Detection Systems Submarket Will Grow by 8.9%

between 2014 and 2024

4.2.3 Understand the Technological Limitations of Border Surveillance Systems in order to Better Guide

your Business Strategy

4.3 Border Control and ICT Systems Submarket Forecast 2014-2024

4.3.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Border Control and ICT Systems Submarket

4.3.2 Global Emphasis on Data-driven Solutions to Boost Border Control and ICT Systems Submarket

4.3.3 Biometric Systems as a Source of Growth in The Submarket

4.4 Manned Vehicles, Vessels and Aircraft Submarket Forecast 2014-2024

4.4.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Manned Vehicles, Vessels and Aircraft Submarket

4.4.2 Learn why Manned Vehicles, Vessels and Aircraft sales are the Surprise Performer in the Global

Border Security Market

4.5 Unmanned Air, Ground and Maritime Systems Submarket Forecast 2014-2024

4.5.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Unmanned Air, Ground and Maritime Systems Submarket

4.5.2 Learn About the Outlook for Investment Opportunities within a Fast Growing Unmanned Air,

Ground and Maritime Systems Market for Border Security Operations

4.5.3 See what will Sustain the UAV Border Security Market

4.5.4 What does the Future look like for UGVs in the Border Security Market?

4.6 Physical Infrastructure, Support and Other Services Submarket Forecast 2014-2024

4.6.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Physical Infrastructure, Support and Other Services Submarket

4.6.2 Why Physical Infrastructure, Support and Other Services is Exciting Despite the Name

5. Leading National Border Security Markets 2014-2024 5.1 Leading National Border Security Markets Forecasts 2014-2024

5.1.1 Leading National Border Security Markets Forecast 2014-2024

5.1.2 Analysis of the Leading National Border Security Markets Forecasts

5.1.3 Fastest Growing Leading National Border Security Markets 2014-2024

5.1.4 Fastest Growing Leading National Border Security Markets 2014-2019

5.1.5 Fastest Growing Leading National Border Security Markets 2019-2024

5.1.6 Leading National Border Security Markets Cumulative Sales 2014-2024

5.2 US Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.2.1 Drivers and Restraints in the US Border Security Market

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Contents 5.2.2 US Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.2.3 Understand the Border Security Challenges Facing the US in Order to Guide your Strategy

5.2.4 See how Political Developments will Influence Border Security Spending in the US

5.2.5 Learn about the US Instruments, Approaches and Funding Allocated to Border Security

5.2.6 What Assets and Equipment is the US Using to Secure its ‘Green’ Borders?

5.2.7 What is the US Doing to Secure its Maritime Borders?

5.3 Chinese Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.3.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Chinese Border Security Market

5.3.2 Chinese Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.3.3 See how Border Security Fits into the Larger Picture of Chinese Domestic Security

5.3.4 Modern Technology and Border Infrastructure to Drive China’s ‘Green Border’ Security Spending

5.3.5 Understand the impact of drug trafficking and terrorism on Chinese border security

5.3.6 Review the Spending Implications of China’s Increased Maritime Border Enforcement Activities

5.4 Saudi Arabian Border Security Market Forecasts 2013-2023

5.4.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Saudi Arabian Border Security Market

5.4.2 Saudi Arabian Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.4.3 Understand why Saudi Arabia is the Fastest Growing Border Security Market in the World

5.4.4 See what Technologies Saudi Arabia is Investing in

5.5 UK Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.5.1 Drivers and Restraints in the UK Border Security Market

5.5.2 UK Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.5.3 Learn about the UK’s Spending Priorities for Border Security in the Context of Recent Institutional


5.5.4 Review the Uncertainties Facing the British Border Security Market

5.6 Canadian Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.6.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Canadian Border Security Market

5.6.2 Canadian Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.6.3 Understand how Canada’s focus on Arctic Security is Driving Strong Spending in Air and Maritime


5.6.4 Read about the Cutting-edge UAV and Space Capabilities Canada is Looking to Employ for Border

Security Missions

5.7 Indian Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.7.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Indian Border Security Market

5.7.2 Indian Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.7.3 Gain a clear picture of the scale of India’s border security challenges

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Contents 5.7.4 Read about the Variety of Forces and Institutions Involved in Indian Border Security - and Their


5.7.5 India’s Drive to Modernise its Border Security Forces

5.7.6 What Border Security Equipment is India Acquiring?

5.7.7 See how India is using Satellite Systems for Border Security

5.7.8 Read about India’s Investments in Coastal and Maritime Border Security

5.7.9 Read about the Air Surveillance Component of India’s Border Security Approach

5.7.10 India’s use of UAVs for Border Security

5.7.11 Border Security Infrastructure – a Key Submarket in India

5.8 Israeli Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.8.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Israeli Border Security Market

5.8.2 Israeli Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.8.3 Learn about Israel’s High-tech Border Security Systems

5.8.4 Israel’s use of UAVs for Border Security

5.8.5 See how Border Security Infrastructure is Contributing to Israel’s Border Security Market

5.9 Russian Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.9.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Russian Border Security Market

5.9.2 Russian Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.9.3 Read about Russia’s Flagship Border Security Programme

5.9.4 Russia’s Significant Border Infrastructure Development Efforts

5.9.5 The Impact of the Arctic on Russian Border Security Spending

5.9.6 Security Challenges for Russia along its Chinese border

5.10 Australian Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.10.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Australian Border Security Market

5.10.2 Australian Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.10.3 Learn about Australia’s Accelerated Drive to Stabilise its Border Security Problems

5.11 Japanese Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.11.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Japanese Border Security Market

5.11.2 Japanese Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.11.3 Understand the Impact of Maritime Disputes with China on Japanese Border Security Spending

5.11.4 Learn about the other Main Component of Japan’s Border Security Market

5.12 French Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.12.1 Drivers and Restraints in the French Border Security Market

5.12.2 French Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.12.3 See how Economic Problems are Affecting France’s Border Security Spending

5.13 German Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

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Contents 5.13.1 Drivers and Restraints in the German Border Security Market

5.13.2 German Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.13.3 Gain More Insight into Germany’s Priorities in the Field of Border Security

5.14 UAE Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.14.1 Drivers and Restraints in the UAE Border Security Market

5.14.2 UAE Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.14.3 Understand the Dynamics of UAE’s Border Security Market

5.14.4 See what Systems and Capabilities is the UAE Investing in

5.15 Italian Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.15.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Italian Border Security Market

5.15.2 Gain a Clear Understanding of Italy’s Deep Border Security Problem and the Tools used to Tackle


5.15.3 Understand how Italy’s Main Border Security Operation is Impacting the Market

5.16 Brazilian Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.16.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Brazilian Border Security Market

5.16.2 Brazilian Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.16.3 Brazil’s Strategic Border Security Priorities

5.16.4 Find out how Brazil’s flagship ‘SISFRON’ Project is Progressing

5.16.5 Learn about Brazil’s other Key Border Security Project and its Spending Implications

5.16.6 Learn about Brazil’s use of UAVs for Border Security

5.16.7 Understand the Risks of Brazil’s Border Security Market

5.17 Turkish Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.17.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Turkish Border Security Market

5.17.2 Turkish Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.17.3 Understand the Risks and Dynamics of Turkey’s Border Security Situation

5.17.4 Take a Look at Turkish Organisations that are Leading and Funding the Country’s Border Security


5.17.5 Learn About the Key Ways in which the EU is Involved in Turkey’s Border Security

5.17.6 What is Turkey Purchasing with EU funds?

5.18 Spanish Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.18.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Spanish Border Security Market

5.18.2 Spanish Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.18.3 Gain a Clear Picture of Spain’s Large-scale Border Security Challenges

5.18.4 Learn about Spain’s Border Security Budgetary and Institutional Arrangements

5.18.5 Read about the Advanced Technology Spain is Using to Combat Border Security Problems

5.19 South Korean Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

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Contents 5.19.1 Drivers and Restraints in the South Korean Border Security Market

5.19.2 South Korean Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.19.3 See What High-end Border Security Technology South Korea is Focusing on – and Why

5.20 Qatari Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.20.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Qatari Border Security Market

5.20.2 Qatari Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.20.3 Understand the Reasons and Aims of Qatar’s Accelerated Border Security Spending Programme

5.21 Rest of Europe Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.21.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Rest of Europe Border Security Market

5.21.2 Rest of Europe Border Security Market Analysis

5.21.3 Learn About the EU institutions and Funding Plans for Border Security

5.21.4 Learn More About EU’s Key E-Borders Initiative

5.21.5 Find Out About the Evolution and Implications of the European Surveillance System (EUROSUR)

5.21.6 Read About Border Security Trends and Spending in other EU countries

5.21.7 Discover the Counter-intuitive Realities of Greek Border Security

5.21.8 See How Key East-European Countries Contribute to the Border Security Market

5.22 Rest of Asia Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.22.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Rest of Asia Border Security Market

5.22.2 Rest of Asia Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.22.3 Rest of Asia Border Security Market Analysis

5.22.4 See How South East Asia is Emerging as a Leading Region in the Rest of Asia Border Security


5.22.5 Philippines as a Typical Example of South East Asian Developments in Border Security

5.22.6 What are the Iraqi border Security Market Prospects?

5.22.7 Read About Pakistan’s Complex Border Security Situation

5.22.8 Learn about the Border Security Dynamics in Central Asia

5.23 African Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.23.1 Drivers and Restraints in the African Border Security Market

5.23.2 African Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.23.3 African Border Security Market Analysis

5.23.4 Learn About the Exciting Prospects for the African Border Security Market

5.23.5 Algeria as a Key African Border Security Spender

5.23.6 Get a Balanced Assessment of Border Security Market Opportunities in Libya

5.23.7 See Why and How Egypt will Continue to Increase its Border Security Spending

5.23.8 Kenya to Become a Strong Market for Border Security

5.23.9 See How Terrorism and other Risks are Driving Strong Nigerian Border Security Spending

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Contents 5.23.10 See how South Africa is Addressing its Border Security Risks

5.23.11 Gain more Insights into other African Countries’ Border Security Investments

5.24 Rest of Latin America Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

5.24.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Rest of Latin America Border Security Market

5.24.2 Rest of Latin America Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes

5.24.3 Rest of Latin America Border Security Market Analysis

5.24.4 Latin America Adopting High-tech Solutions

5.24.5 Mexican Border Security Provisions Boosted by Risks and Resources

5.24.6 Learn About the Surprising Border Security Developments in Peru

5.24.7 See how other Latin American Countries are Embracing Advanced Technology

6. PEST Analysis of the Global Border Security Market

7. Expert Opinion

7.1 Bundesdruckerei GmbH – Thomas Löer

7.1.1 Bundesdruckerei’s Activity Within the Biometrics and Border Control Systems Market

7.1.2 Technology Dynamics and Trends in the Automated Border Control Systems / eGates market

7.1.3 Drivers and Restraints in the Border Control Systems Market

7.1.4 The Impact and Role of IT Systems within the Border Control Market

7.1.5 Future Developments in Border Control Systems Technology and their Anticipated Effects on the


7.1.6 Market Implications of Border Control Systems Technology Lifecycle

7.2 Blighter Surveillance Systems – Nick Booth

7.2.1 Blighter Surveillance Systems’ Activity within the Border Surveillance Market

7.2.2 The Impact of Terrain on Border Surveillance Systems

7.2.3 Drivers, Restraints and Market Dynamics for Border Surveillance Systems

7.2.4 Current and Future Technological Challenges for Border Surveillance Systems

7.2.5 Impact of UAVs and Satellite Systems on Ground-based Surveillance Systems within the Border

Security Market

8. Leading Companies in the Global Border Security Market 2014-2024

8.1 Airbus Defence and Space (formerly EADS Cassidian)

8.1.1 Airbus Defence and Space Analysis and Future Outlook

8.1.2 Airbus Defence and Space Analysis and Future Outlook

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Contents 8.2 Boeing Defense, Space and Security (BDS)

8.2.1 Boeing Defense, Space and Security Analysis and Future Outlook

8.3 Cobham PLC

8.3.1 Cobham PLC Analysis and Future Outlook

8.4 DRS Technologies (Finmeccanica)

8.4.1 DRS Technologies Analysis and Future Outlook

8.5 Elbit Systems Ltd

8.5.1 Elbit Systems Ltd Analysis

8.5.2 Elbit Systems Electro-Optics

8.5.3 Elbit Security Systems

8.5.4 Elbit Systems Overseas Activity

8.5.5 Elbit Systems Competitors

8.6 Embraer SA

8.6.1 Embraer SA Analysis and Future Outlook

8.7 FLIR Systems

8.7.1 FLIR Systems Analysis

8.7.2 FLIR Systems Competitors

8.7.3 FLIR Systems Future Outlook

8.8 General Atomics Aeronautical Systems

8.8.1 General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Analysis

8.8.2 General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Competitors

8.8.3 General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Future Outlook

8.9 General Dynamics

8.9.1 General Dynamics Analysis and Future Outlook

8.10 International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)

8.9.1 IBM Analysis and Future Outlook

8.11 L-3 Communications

8.11.1 L-3 Communications Analysis and Future Outlook

8.12 Lockheed Martin Corporation

8.12.1 Lockheed Martin Corporation Analysis and Future Outlook

8.13 Northrop Grumman Corporation

8.13.1 Northrop Grumman Corporation Analysis

8.13.2 Northrop Grumman Key Technologies

8.13.3 Northrop Grumman Corporation Future Outlook

8.14 QinetiQ

8.14.1 QinetiQ Analysis and Future Outlook

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Contents 8.15 Rapiscan Systems

8.15.1 Rapiscan Systems Analysis and Future Outlook

8.16 Raytheon Company

8.16.1 Raytheon Company Analysis

8.16.2 Raytheon Company Future Outlook

8.17 SAAB

8.17.1 SAAB Analysis

8.17.2 SAAB M&A Activity and Future Outlook

8.18 Safran S.A (Morpho Detection)

8.18.1 Safran S.A Analysis and Future Outlook

8.19 Smith Detection (Smiths Group)

8.19.1 Smiths Detection (Smiths Group) Analysis

8.19.2 Smiths Detection Company Outlook

8.20 Thales Group

8.20.1 Thales Analysis and Future Outlook

8.21 UniSys Corporation

8.21.1 UniSys Corporation Analysis and Future Outlook

8.22 Other Leading Companies within the Global Border Security Market

9. Conclusions 9.1 Summary and Market Outlook of the Global Border Security 2014-2024 9.2 Drivers & Restraints of the Global Border Security Market 2014-2024

9.3 Global Border Security Market Forecast 2014-2024

9.4 Global Border Security Submarket Forecasts 2014-2024

9.5 Leading National Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

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Border Security Market Outlook 2014-2024: Opportunities for Companies with Unmanned Systems, Biometrics and Perimeter Surveillance

5.10.1 Drivers and Restraints in the Australian Border Security Market

Table 5.33 Drivers and Restraints in the Australian Border Security Market

Drivers Restraints - Illegal immigration on an unprecedented scale

prompting strong Government action

- Long maritime borders drive large scale spending on maritime security projects.

- Development and investment in UAV technology for border security operations.

- Concerns over defence expenditure causing political disagreements. Possible delays or cancellations to major projects and programmes.

- Increased international cooperation may see less spending through pooled resources

Source: Visiongain 2014

5.10.2 Australian Border Security Market Major Contracts & Programmes Table 5.34 Australian Border Security Market 2014-2024 Major Contracts & Programmes (Company, Value, Date, Details)

Company Value Date Details

Boeing $4bn 2014 8 Boeing P-8As

Northrop Grumman $2.7bn (est.) 2014 An as yet undetermined number of US Navy MQ-4C

Triton unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to secure Australia's borders

3M N/A 2013 3M Cogent Automated Biometric Identification System for Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)

Cobham $7m 2013

One year supplementary contract extension from the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service to

provide maritime Surveillance services using two F406 twin turboprop fixed-wing aircraft

Telstra $32m 2013 Secure Internet gateway services for Australian Customs

and Border Protection Service (ACBPS)

Cobham $175m 2012

agreement with the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service to extend the existing Sentinel

aerial maritime surveillance contract by 2 years

Austal $330m 2012

8 Cape Class patrol boats for the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service, to be delivered by 2015. $270m is believed to be allocated to the design and

construction of the new ships, and $50m for support.

Source: Visiongain 2014

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5.19 South Korean Border Security Market Forecasts 2014-2024

Table 5.58 South Korean Border Security Market Forecast 2014-2024 ($bn, AGR %,

CAGR%, Cumulative)

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2014-24 Sales $bn

0.34 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.45 0.47 0.49 0.52 0.54 0.58 5.07

AGR (%)

8.2 5.1 4 4.3 3.9 4.2 4 4.7 5 4.9 5.9

CAGR 2014-19 (%) 4.3

2019-24 4.9

CAGR 2014-24 (%) 4.6

Source: Visiongain 2014

Figure 5.49 South Korean Border Security Market Forecast 2014-2024 ($m, AGR %)

Source: Visiongain 2014

Figure 5.50 South Korean Border Security Market Share Forecast 2014, 2019 and 2024 (% Share)

2014 2019 2024

Source: Visiongain 2014










2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024An





e (A





rs ($


Year Market Value AGR (%)


1.4% 1.4%

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Border Security Market Outlook 2014-2024: Opportunities for Companies with Unmanned Systems, Biometrics and Perimeter Surveillance

7. Expert Opinion

7.1 Bundesdruckerei GmbH - Thomas Löer

In April 2014, Visiongain spoke to Mr. Thomas Löer, Senior Vice President Marketing & Support

Bundesdruckerei GmbH, about his views and opinions regarding the development of Automated

Border Control systems and the market for ABC for border security provisions.

Bundesdruckerei GmbH is one of the world’s leaders in biometric technology secure identification

systems for border control, and has recently been awarded a major contract for supplying e-Gates

to some of Germany’s key airports.

Visiongain would like to thank Mr Thomas Löer and Bundesdruckerei for their assistance and


7.1.1 Bundesdruckerei’s Activity Within the Biometrics and Border

Control Systems Market Visiongain: Can you outline Bundesdruckerei’s current activity within the border control market?

How important is this market to your business?

Thomas Löer: Bundesdruckerei started 250 years ago as a printing house and we have always

printed banknotes and travel documents. With the introduction of the new German electronic

passport, the focus of our business activities has shifted towards Secure ID solutions. These

solutions are focusing more and more on computers, cryptography and system integration.

Our activities in the border control market are clearly following this trend. For more than 10 years,

we have delivered several thousand of our VISOTEC Expert document verification devices

together with VISOCORE Inspect document verification software to border agencies in Germany

and other states. These units are mainly used at the primary control desk and significantly improve

the security level at borders.

Last year, we and our consortium partner secunet Security Networks AG won a major contract with

the German government for 90 automated border crossing (ABC) gates in Germany. Our customer

calls this “EasyPASS” and eGates of this kind will be deployed in 2014 with an option for more

systems over the next few years.

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Border Security Market Outlook 2014-2024: Opportunities for Companies with Unmanned Systems, Biometrics and Perimeter Surveillance

8. Leading Companies in the Global Border Security

Market 2014-2024

8.1 Airbus Defence and Space (formerly EADS Cassidian) _____

Table 8.1 (formerly EADS Cassidian) Airbus Defence and Space Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Employees and Website)

Total company revenue 2013 $49.13bn (EADS)

Headquarters Leiden, Netherlands

Ticker LSE - E:EAD

IR Contact Philippe Balducchi - Head of Investor Relations and Financial


Employees 133,100


Source: Visiongain 2014

Table 8.2 (formerly EADS Cassidian) Airbus Defence and Space Major Company Contracts in the Border Security Market (Date, Country, Value $m, Details, Model/Type)

Date Country Value ($m)

Details Model/Type

2012-2016 US $181m 34 UH-72A Lakota light utility helicopters for US

Army, to be used for a variety of missions including border security.

Manned aircraft

2009-2014 Saudi Arabia


Prime contractor for Saudi Arabia’s national border surveillance programme which includes a network of communications systems, day/night cameras,

razor fences, radar systems and watchtowers

Integrated Perimeter

Protection & Surveillance


2007 Qatar $330m Advanced integrated border security system

Integrated Perimeter

Protection & Surveillance


2004 Romania $670m Comprehensive border security overhaul to

Schengen standards; integrated border surveillance system

Integrated Perimeter

Protection & Surveillance


Source: Visiongain 2014

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