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Book of Remembrance

Volume 1, 2013

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Over twenty years in the making! Now, finally available! Pastor Peters’ epic book detailing the WAR against Christianity in America! The WAR that Christians are in today, the WAR that most are unaware of!

The Unseen War!



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Scriptures for America Worldwide Ministry

Inside this Issue:

From the Ram Rod @ SFA


Book of Remem-brance


Books and Study Material


New Shortwave Antenna


Crying Out to God



Happy Pills!


Shortwave Schedule & Radios


January Prayer


About SFA 28

From the Ram Rod @ SFA Volume 1 2013 DragonSlayer

Greetings to the once lost but now found sheep of the house of

Israel, the Remnant. The Remnant; what and who are those re-ferred to as the remnant in the Bible? Let’s look at a few definitions; remnant: 1. Residue; that which is left after the separation, removal, or destruction of a part. 2. The remnant that are left of the captivity (read Nehemiah 1). 3. That which remains after a part is done, per-formed, told, or passed. Did you know the word remnant is used ninety-two (92) times in the KJV and eighty-four (84) times in the NASB? While God’s role for the remnant may vary, the purpose remains the same. He has chosen a small group of believers to do something big for Him as a demonstration of His power over the abili-ties of men. According to the book of Isaiah, the remnant is a small group of Israelites who survive the invasion of the Assyrian army. (Difficult to comprehend unless you understand who true Israel is.) A Remnant Will Return. Now in that day the remnant of Israel, and those of the house of Jacob who have escaped, will never again rely on the one who struck them, but will truly rely on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel. A remnant will re-turn, the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty God. For though your people, O Israel, may be like the sand of the sea, Only a remnant within them will return; A destruction is determined, overflowing with right-eousness. Isaiah 10:20-22

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The Restored Remnant. Then it will happen on that day that the LORD will again recover the second time with His hand The remnant of His people, who will remain, from Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hamath, And from the islands of the sea. And He will lift up a standard for the nations, and will assem-ble the banished ones of Israel, and will gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. Then the jealousy of Eph-raim will depart, and those who harass Judah will be cut off; Eph-raim will not be jealous of Judah, and Judah will not harass Eph-raim. Isaiah 11:11-13 The first time we see the word remnant used in the Bible is in Genesis 45. "And God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant in the earth, and to keep you alive by a great deliverance." Genesis 45:7 The LORD chooses His remnant to speak to His people, to expose their sins and call them back to repentance. God chooses those that are far from being perfect, choosing the weak and the foolish, the humble, and those that have been persecuted to be His remnant. "…but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong…" 1 Corinthians 1:27 The remnant do not choose themselves. They are chosen by God through the workings of the Holy Spirit (which is received through proper Baptism for the remission of sins, according to Acts 2:38). So is the remnant just something from past history? Quite the contrary. In the same way then, there has also come to be at the present time a remnant according to God's gracious choice. Romans 11:5 By remembering these teachings we can begin to under-stand the idea of God’s calling forth of a remnant from the body. To "call forth" is to be called to the forefront, to be a spearhead for the body of an army. This is what the REMNANT is being called to do.

From the Ram Rod @ SFA

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From the Ram Rod @ SFA

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So what’s the definition of 'spearhead?' (Glad you asked.) To go out in front, lead, bring, bring on, cause, direct, guide, in-fluence, initiate, motivate, persuade, prompt, shepherd, put the spurs to. Those called forth (chosen) often bear the full brunt of the enemies’ (satan and his children’s) wrath! They find themselves right in the middle of the battle, between the enemies' army and the body of Christ’s army. THE CALL OF THE REMNANT CAN BE SUMMED UP QUITE EASILY. It is similar to that of a call of a Prophet! And it bears much of the same obligations and responsibilities. Here are just a few of the characteristics experienced by those that God has called forth to be in His REMNANT! 1. A stirring up in the Spirit, a desire to continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ! But if I say, "I will not remember Him or speak anymore in His name," Then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I am weary of holding it in, and I cannot endure it. Jeremiah 20:9 2. Or like Lot, a righteous man that was tormented in his soul by the wickedness he heard and saw, growing worse day af-ter day. "…and if He rescued righteous Lot, oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men (for by what he saw and heard that righteous man, while living among them, felt his right-eous soul tormented day after day with their lawless deeds), then the LORD knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment," 2 Peter 2:7-9 3. Disgusted with superficial faith, lukewarm Christianity and those playing church! "Then the LORD said, "Because this people draw near with their words and honor Me with their lip service, but they remove their hearts far from Me, and their rev-erence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote," Isaiah 29:13

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4. Their worship of Him is made up only of rules taught by men. Heeding the words of Jesus to the Church Laodicea. "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I would that you were cold or hot. 'So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.’ “Because you say, "I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing," and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked," Revelation 3:15-17 5. A sense of urgency! A realization that time is running out for the church to repent! And this do, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. Romans 13:11 6. Pursuit of fervent and more powerful prayers. They sense Christ calling them forth. Confessing sin, giving thanks, and listening for God's voice, praying believing, claiming the promises in Scripture with a confident expectation of the LORD's answer. "Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one an-other, so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a right-eous man can accomplish much." James 5: 16 "Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, be-lieve that you have received them, and they shall be granted you." Mark 11:24 7. Recognition that spiritual warfare is real.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiri-tual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

From the Ram Rod @ SFA

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From the Ram Rod @ SFA

Page 5 Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 1, 2013

Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm." Ephesians 6:12-13 "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but di-vinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses." 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 8. A compelling desire to proclaim the truth of God’s word to all those that belong to Him! The remnant is responding to God’s calling of the true church to be prophetic and concise just like the prophets of old. "But you shall speak My words to them whether they listen or not, for they are rebellious." Ezekiel 2:7 "But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. 'Remember therefore from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you, and will remove your lampstand out of its place-- unless you repent." Revelation 2:4-5 How many of these qualities do you have? Are you in the Remnant! I pray God finds you worthy to serve in His army and that you will escape the things that are coming. More to come, LORD willing.

In Christ’s service first, Pastor Peter John Peters’ (Dad) second, Jonathan RR

Remember to join us on Wednesday nights for ‘Wednesday Night Prayer Meetings,’

7 pm mtn, 8 pm central. And, join us for ‘COFFEE with the Wranglers,’ Saturday mornings at 7 am mtn, 8 am central.

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But grow in the grace and knowledge of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18 We need to learn that we cannot settle for the truths we al-ready know and say, "that is enough for me, I do not need any more truth," because this kind of thinking will lead to a stagnant faith that goes nowhere. We MUST press on in our faith, holding onto the precious truths that we already have, not only through daily Bible study, but through the diligent search of all the resources God has made available, including but by no means limited to the Septuagint Bible, the Book of Jasher and the Book of Enoch. We, the true Remnant. must never be afraid to leave old "traditions" behind in favor of searching out new Holy Spirit re-vealed truths. With great reward comes great responsibility. The Book of Remembrance? For some time now, I have been contemplating writing an article about just what is The Book of Remembrance? We read about just such a book early on in Psalms 52:8. You have taken account of my wanderings; Put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not in Your book? And again in Malachi 3:16. Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, and the LORD gave attention and heard it, and a book of remem-brance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and who esteem His name. This is the only time this book is specifically mentioned. As we read further in verses 17-18, we understand just what God meant. “They will be Mine,” says the LORD of hosts, “on the day that I prepare My own possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him So you will again distin-guish between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him. Malachi 3:16-18

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Book of Remembrance Page 7 Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 1, 2013

So what is this Book of Remembrance? This book is directly connected with another very impor-tant book called The Book of Life. If a name is removed from The Book of Life, that person’s good deeds will also be removed from The Book of Remembrance. Both of these books play a vi-tal role during the time of the judgment. We read in Ecclesiastes 12:14; For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil. And on that Judgment day, satan will stand to accuse us before God that we are not worthy of eternal life. He will bring to light all of our sins, making the case that we don’t deserve to be saved. “Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the ac-cuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night." Revelations 3:10 We see by this verse that satan is the great accuser. Jesus does not excuse our sins, He opens The Book of Re-membrance, documenting all of the faithful service and sacrifices that were made for the LORD. The record that He himself has carefully kept as a witness that you do indeed belong to Him! As satan brings forth the accusations of sin, Christ proclaims that all of those sins have been confessed and by His blood have all been forgiven, and that only the good deeds remain. Could that be what Communion is for? To examine our own lives and to confess to God our sins (the ones we know about as well as the ones we do not) humbly asking for forgiveness, all the while remembering the great price that was paid. Absolutely! Hold it. Seems to me we may have the cart before the horse? What about this Book of Life? What about The Lambs Book of Life? Here is where we have to ring the cow bell.

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We ring the cow bell when we step outside of the tradi-tional box that we have been in. We ring the cow bell when we are reaching out, growing, and writing things that are still under study. We are praying for Holy-Spirit guidance in this and in all things. Let us know your thoughts on these Books. Could it be there are three key books regarding salvation? A. The Book of Life; name entered in when born, remains in the book until age of accountability (20). B. The Lambs Book of Life; name entered into when we obey the Gospel and are baptized properly (born again). C. The Book of Remembrance; the Book which holds the record of all of the faithful service and sacrifices made for the LORD. Let’s look at each one of these carefully and see what Scripture has to say about each one. First, The Book of Life - it would appear that every hu-man’s name is entered into that book at conception (when human life actually begins). Notice I said human life. We know that those that are of the synagogue of satan, those that are estranged from birth, those descendants of Esau-Edom. Those that are not a people, these are not entered into The Book of Life. Hence, their hatred for those that are. Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written. The days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them. Psalm 139:16 Here we see God knew us; He has our names in The Book of Life before we are conceived (born for the first time) and again in Hebrews 12:23. To the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect. The Greek word for ‘registered’ is apographo (Strong's #583) which means to write (a copy or list), i.e., enroll: Thayer's Greek Lexicon says it means to enter in a register or records spe-cially, to enter the names of men, their property, and income in public records, to enroll.

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Book of Remembrance Page 9 Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 1, 2013

Can your name be removed from The Book of Life? You bet it can and it will. How? Glad you asked. There are two ways that I know of. One way is if you do not become a Christian after you turn twenty (which is the age of accountability). The Bible, in the Old Testament, clearly shows that God pardoned those that were under twenty years of age. A couple of Scriptures support-ing this: Numbers 14:26-29 The LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, “How long shall I bear with this evil congregation who are grumbling against Me? I have heard the complaints of the sons of Israel, which they are making against Me. Say to them, ‘As I live,’ says the Lord, ‘just as you have spoken in My hearing, so I will surely do to you; your corpses will fall in this wilderness, even all your numbered men, according to your complete number from twenty years old and upward, who have grumbled against Me.’” Numbers 32:11 ‘None of the men who came up from Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land which I swore to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob; for they did not follow Me fully, Again it is established, with at least 2 witnesses, that the age of twenty was the age of accountability, the age when a young man could go to war. Numbers 1:2-3 “Take a census of all the congregation of the sons of Israel, by their families, by their fathers’ households, according to the number of names, every male, head by head from twenty years old and upward, whoever is able to go out to war in Israel, you and Aaron shall number them by their armies. 2 Chronicles 25:5 Moreover, Amaziah assembled Judah and appointed them according to their fathers’ households under commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds through-out Judah and Benjamin; and took a census of those from twenty years old and upward and found them to be 300,000 choice men, able to go to war and handle spear and shield.

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Book of Remembrance Page 10

The other way your name can be removed from the Book of Life is by blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. “Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people, but blas-phemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but who-ever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come." Matthew 12:31-32 “Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blas-phemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin” because they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit.” Mark 3:28-30 I think the best way to look at this is that if you are able to discern good from evil, and once you are capable of making a faith decision for or against Christ, then you are to do so. There is nothing hidden from God. For My eyes are on all their ways; they are not hidden from My face, nor is their iniquity concealed from My eyes. Jeremiah 16:17 Before the age of twenty, if you have no knowledge of true Christianity, then God in His infinite wisdom, grace and mercy grants leniency. An age of innocence, if you will. However, if you have been raised as a Christian, do not be de-ceived because you are under the age of twenty; this does not give you a license to sin. But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appear-ance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward ap-pearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 “Ah” but what about The Lambs Book of Life? Could this be the book reserved only for those that obey the Gospel? Is it for those that repent (die to their old life) and are baptized by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins? The answer I believe is yes! Although there is no specific Scripture that says explicitly that your name is entered into The Lambs Book of Life when you are baptized, there are several that support this belief.

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'He who overcomes shall thus be clothed in white gar-ments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels. Revelation 3:5 So then, those who had received his word were baptized; and that day there were added about three thousand souls. Acts 2:41 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. Galatians 3:27 Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Fa-ther, so we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have be-come united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, Romans 6:3-5 And all who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain. If any-one has an ear, let him hear. Revelation 13:8-9 "The beast that you saw was and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and to go to destruction. And those who dwell on the earth will wonder, whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast, that he was and is not and will come. Revelation 17:8 And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing be-fore the throne, books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. Revelation 20:12 The term "another book," is the roll-book of the regener-ated, those washed and sanctified through baptism in His blood sacrifice for their sins. The first death consisted in the separation

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Book of Remembrance Page 12

of the soul from the body temporarily until this judgment. The second death is the separation of both body and soul from God forever. The first death has a resurrection unto eternal life without sin, however of the second death there is no recovery. "Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrec-tion. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years." Revelation 20:6 In the daytime (for there will be no night there) its gates will never be closed; and they will bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it; and nothing unclean, and no one who prac-tices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life. Revelation 21:25-27 To be in The Lamb's Book means one is in the new covenant and has been cleansed by the blood of the lamb. If one is born twice they will not be judged for punishment by the sec-ond death, but have passed from death unto life. If you're born twice you will die once; if you're born once you will die twice (physically and spiritually). So we can see through multiple Scriptures that there are two critical gifts given to us when we humble ourselves and obey the Gospel and the call to be properly baptized. Our names are entered into The Lambs Book of Life, and we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Now that we are thinking outside the box, what if? Let’s save that for next month, LORD willing. In closing, God has perfect record keeping. For indeed in this house we groan, longing to be clothed with our dwelling from heaven, inasmuch as we, having put it on, will not be found naked. 2 Corinthians 5:2-3 May the Lord Jesus Christ bless those of you that are His, bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you and grant you His peace! In Christ's service! rr

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Books and Study Material

Page 13 Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 1, 2013

BR-006 The Septuagint Bible $60.00 The oldest text of the Old Testament, in the translation of Charles Thomson, Sec-retary of the Continental Congress, of the United States of America, 1774-1789. An actual ancient text, based on pre-Christian Hebrew manuscripts...translated into Greek three centuries before Christ. - - - - - - B-042 The Book of Jasher $12.00

The Book of Jasher is referred to in the Bible in Joshua and in Second Samuel. The name “Jasher,” in Hebrew means “the upright” or “the correct re-cord.” This book contains a more de-tailed account of the flood and Noah, and the events of that day. Endorsed as valid in 1840 by four noted religious scholars.

- - - - - - - - B-147 The Book of Enoch $10.00 Also known as 1 Enoch, this book comes from many writers and almost as many peri-ods, it touches on many subjects that could have arisen in the ancient schools of the prophets. Conflicting views are advanced on the Messiah, the Messianic kingdom, the origin of sin, Sheol, the final judgment, the resurrection and more.

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Thank you for your prayers and financial support.

Vitamin B Super Stress TR

Shortwave Radio

NEW SFA DragonSlayer T-shirt

THE UNSEEN WAR by Pastor Peters the Series on 13 CD's

The Book of Enoch

The Book of Jasher

Baal Worship by Pastor Peters

Essential Health Issues by Charles Weisman

Potassium Iodate

Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins

America the Conquered by Pastor Peters

Everything You Wanted to Know About Gun Control, by P. Peter

An Urgent 11th Hour Message by Pastor Peter J. Peters

War Psalms of the Prince of Peace

Vitamin B Super Stress TR

Vitamin D3 50,000 iud (adult)

Vitamin D3 10,000 iud (children)

Lugol's Iodine

Radio Ranch Wrangler Sample Packet

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Baal Worship by Pastor Peters the Series on 9 CD's

Firearms and Freedom, by Col. Jack Mohr

The Book of Jubilees

The Plot Against Christianity by Elizabeth Dilling


Bible Bookmarker Set

Shortwave Radio

The Septuagint Bible

THE UNSEEN WAR by Pastor Peters

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Volume 1, 2013DragonSlayer

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BB Set set $18.00

SFA-1102 radio $99.00

SFA-1103 radio $119.00


T-Shirt $15.00

NEW BOOK book $15.00

A-007 CD's $39.00

BR-006 Bible $60.00

B-147 book $10.00

B-042 book $12.00

B-079 book $10.00

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VitDChild 100 tablets $16.00

L-IOD 2 oz. bottle $16.00

NEW CD's $10.00

K-ANT Kaito KA35 three band amplified active antenna antenna $78.00


Total Enclosed

Thank you for your prayers and financial support.

Vitamin B Super Stress TR

Shortwave Radio

NEW SFA DragonSlayer T-shirt

THE UNSEEN WAR by Pastor Peters the Series on 13 CD's

The Book of Enoch

The Book of Jasher

Baal Worship by Pastor Peters

Essential Health Issues by Charles Weisman

Potassium Iodate

Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins

America the Conquered by Pastor Peters

Everything You Wanted to Know About Gun Control, by P. Peter

An Urgent 11th Hour Message by Pastor Peter J. Peters

War Psalms of the Prince of Peace

Vitamin B Super Stress TR

Vitamin D3 50,000 iud (adult)

Vitamin D3 10,000 iud (children)

Lugol's Iodine

Radio Ranch Wrangler Sample Packet

Name__________Please fill in the followng:

Address_____________________________City, ST, Zip____

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Baal Worship by Pastor Peters the Series on 9 CD's

Firearms and Freedom, by Col. Jack Mohr

The Book of Jubilees

The Plot Against Christianity by Elizabeth Dilling


Bible Bookmarker Set

Shortwave Radio

The Septuagint Bible

THE UNSEEN WAR by Pastor Peters

(please specify size)

Volume 1, 2013DragonSlayer

Order FormMail completed Order Form with check or money order made out to Scriptures for America Ministry to:SFAPO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535Office # 307-742-7582

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Books and Study Material

Page 16

SFA-T DragonSlayer T-Shirt $15.00 High-quality cotton t-shirt, printed by a Christian family on this ministry. See the Mailbag on next page for possible responses to wearing this Biblical t-shirt. Please specify s ize. Women’s and children’s sizes also available.

- - - - - - - - B-155 The Book of Jubilees $11.00 This book bridges over many of the difficulties of the canonical Genesis, like whose assistance Noah had in bringing the animals into the ark. Many Biblical narra-tives are explained and complemented in various manners, usually in an apologetical spirit. - - - - - - B-134 War Palms of the Prince of Peace $12.00

The Imprecatory Psalms—certainly a part of God’s Word. Their purpose is explained in this book. The God who never changes is described here in these Psalms, a God who is at war with His ene-mies. This book gives a Biblical answer to those that have questions about the curses read of in the Psalms.

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New Shortwave Antenna

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The Kaito KA35 three band am-plified active antenna will improve the reception on most radios on frequencies between 100 kHz though 30 MHz when compared to the radios internal shortwave whip antenna or its internal medium wave antenna. The system comes with two unique antennas that plug into the base amplifier. For Long Wave, Medium Wave and Shortwave through 3 MHz the ferrite rod antenna is used. For shortwave coverage between 3 to 30 MHz the tele-scopic antenna is used. The base amplifier + antenna should be placed on a window sill for best performance. The 18 foot connection cable is connected to the base with a BNC plug/jack. The other end of the cable has the power connection and the receiver connection. For Shortwave coverage the 1/8" plug is con-nected to the radio's 1/8" inch external antenna jack. For long wave and medium wave usage the 1/8" plug is connected to an included mini coupler and the coupler needs to be placed close to the radios internal AM antenna. Usually this is in the top center of the radio but placing the unit around this area will peak the signal when it is placed in the best spot. Because the amplifier does not use a preselector there is no fine tuning to worry about. The amplifier base is powered by internal rechargeable batteries. They can be recharged by any of three methods: 1.) With the included USB cable 2.) With the included AC charger 3.) With the built in Solar Panel. Most radio listeners know that the antenna is much more important for best reception than the radio. For shortwave reception an outside long wire or dipole is always best if the space is available, but the antenna would overload almost all portable radios causing imaging of unwanted stations all over the dial. This indoor amplified active antenna is the best for portable shortwave radios. AOR has made excellent similar systems that are now discontinued and used to sell for between $300 to $400 with plug in antennas with the same frequency coverage as the Kaito KA35. We have tested this Kaito KA35 with various radios such as the Kaito KA1103 and the Grundig G5 and found the performance was outstanding with the improvements getting better the farther we moved away from the window where the antenna was positioned. The price is $78.00, including shipping.

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Crying Out to God Page 18

The Lord looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men; From His dwelling place He looks out

On all the inhabitants of the earth, He who fashions the hearts of them all,

He who understands all their works. The king is not saved by a mighty army;

A warrior is not delivered by great strength. A horse is a false hope for victory;

Nor does it deliver anyone by it's great strength. Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him,

On those who hope for His lovingkindness, To deliver their soul for death, And to keep them alive in famine,

Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. For our heart rejoices in Him, Because we trust in His Holy Name.

Let Your lovingkindness, O Lord, be upon us, According as we have hoped in You. Psalm 33:13-22

Yea Lord, where our hope in You has waned, strengthen us. For our mortal eyes cannot see the end and our flesh falls into doubt and fear. Yea Lord, heal our broken hearts and bodies. Our spirits have been broken Lord, but not for You. They, the enemy have come upon us to deceive us, to make us, Your people, think they are here for our good but we have been deceived and ensnared as an animal in a trap, Lord. They have laid patiently to bring about the destruction of Your people. Hear our cry now Lord. Let our spirits be broken and contrite for You, not for the fear of men, nor for the fear of "they" and what they can do, but for the fear of You Lord. Yea Lord, let our spirit be broken for righteousness and justice. Let our spirit be broken for the love of our God, our King, the Lord Jesus. Yea Lord, let our spirits be broken for the deceit and destruction that will fall upon those that do not love the Lord but have believed the lie. Yea Lord, let our hearts cry out for those of our household, our kindred, our brethren that do not know the Lord. For those that think they know You but have been deceived into a false religion of You. Yea Lord, for they have captured millions in their judeo-Christian church and hold them spell bound with lies and deceit, with twisted words and falsehoods, with fear Lord, but not with fear of You.

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Yea Lord, let the spirit and truth reign amongst Your people. Let it sweep this land as a plague against the enemy. For Yea Lord, truth is a plague to evil and evil a plague to truth. Let truth reign, let ears and eyes be opened. Let hearts be rent. Let souls be searched. Let fear and trembling come upon Your people that true salvation may be found. Yea Lord, heal Your land with the balm of Gilead, with the salve of salvation, with the blood of Christ against which no evil shall prevail. Hallelujah, my Lord, set us, Your people, free from the bond-ages that we have welcomed with open arms; that we have invited in because of our sin and iniquity. Yea Lord, we know better and did nothing. We Lord are guilty and confess that sin and repent here today, this moment, before Your Throne. The sins of our fathers and our father’s fathers. We did noth-ing as a people when they cried no prayers in schools, we did nothing when they said no Commandments on the walls, we did nothing as a people when they murdered our children. Yea Lord, as in Egypt, they have dealt wisely with us and our captivity and chains grew as we sat and feasted on the wealth and right-eousness of our fathers. Yea Lord, we have feasted and can feast no more, our table is growing bare. The crumbs for the dogs are all that we can find and we are chained as an animal and unable to free ourselves. But You Lord can redeem us, You can set the table of feasting again before us. You can open up the heavens and pour out a blessing upon us, and pour out wrath and destruction for our enemy. Yea Lord, let it be so. Hear our repentance, hear our cry, hear this remnant sing Your praises from the mountain tops. Hear the break-ing of our hearts for our people, for Your people, the sons of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Hear Lord, and deliver us. Strengthen our hand. Bring healing to our land, bring blessings to our homes. Let the wicked be destroyed, let the righteous reign. Let the righteous have victory over DC and every government that stands against You and Your Word. Let every government that does not rest upon Your shoulders be broken and smashed to pieces. Let every government and law maker that calls itself righteous be brought to humility that they may know there is one God, one law maker, one Lord, and that He is the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen. (from an Acres of Diamonds Man)

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Dear Ranch Wranglers, I anoint my head in the winter time to keep from catching a cold. I use Oregano Oil. I haven’t had a cold in a long time. When I do get sick, it still helps me get well. ...the rest of the oil that is in the priest's palm he shall put on the head of the one to be cleansed,... Leviticus 14:29 In the summer time I put Oregano Oil on myself to keep mosquitoes away. "The priest shall then put some of the oil that is in his palm on the lobe of the right ear of the one to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot,... Leviticus 14:28 New York - - - - - - - - Greetings in the name Jesus Christ, I just wanted to let you know I received a response to the DragonSlayer T-shirt I ordered. I wore it to a home improvement store and a black female made some comment with mockery. I was angry at first, then I remembered: Rejoice Always! I plan on wear-ing it all summer. Hopefully it will irritate more of the wicked. Pray that I will continue to turn my anger to an opportunity for rejoic-ing. In Jesus name. Tennessee - - - - - - - - Dear SFA, We do not have a high crime rate, the highest or second highest in the world, I understand, but a low intensity war that is be-ing waged against the white man in South Africa. O, Yes!, the message of Pastor Peters the other day on the forefathers and how people look back to the "patriots" and the "constitution" and the leaders of yesteryear is EXACTLY how it is here. People would like to live in the era of Hendrik Verwoerd again, the years when you had to pay 8 dollars for a rand. So he is the man who is so very much hated these days but it was still the most prosperous time in recent history in South Africa. Cape Town, SA - - - - - - - - Quote of the Day There was another world leader who used children to prop up his radical gun-control agenda.

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Adolf Hitler once said, "The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the govern-ment is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the peo-ple will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation." Mein Kampf, p. 403 - - - - - - - - Joseph Stalin - Promoted Gun Control In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. By 1987 that figure had risen to 61,911,000. Mao Tze Tung - Promoted Gun Control China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 10,076,000 political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated in Kuomintang China, and by 1987 another 35,236,000 exterminations were carried out under the Com-munists. Pol Pot - Promoted Gun Control Cambodia established gun control in 1956. Between 1975 and 1979, 2,035,000 “educated” people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. During the short four years of its rule in Cambodia, Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge government murdered over 31 percent of the entire Cambodian population.

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Happy Pills Page 22

It sure is a fast paced, tiring world that we live in today. With the diet many of our families consume, and even for those who do their best to eat organically, etc., the food is still lacking all the nutrients and vitamins that we need to maintain a healthy life. It’s no wonder we are exhausted and moody, and our chil-dren are depressed and not so pleasant to be around and frankly, neither are we. We have a vitamin, we lovingly refer to at our house, as the “happy pill.” If someone is cranky that day, we joke, “well you obviously haven’t had your happy pill.” Unfortunately, more often than naught, my children are saying that to me. That happy pill is B-Complex. Our family was introduced to B-Complex years ago, when my mom, Cheri, was diagnosed with cancer. We had just learned of the severity of her condition and were obviously quite upset. A naturopathic doctor, who we were friends with at the time, who was helping us decide the best treatment for her, brought us all B-Complex and had us take it before we made any decisions. He told us we would be more focused to make better decisions. It did work and we have been taking it ever since. I give it, along with other vitamins, to my children every day and for the most part, they are level-headed and not very moody. Don’t get me wrong, they occasionally have their moments. I was talking to a friend of mine, who was describing how moody her teenagers were and asked why mine weren’t like the typical moody teenager. I thought about it and told her that I thought it was because of our diet, not eating hormone filled meat, dairy products, etc., praying the full armor of God on them daily, and B-Complex. I wish my parents would’ve known about it when I was a teenager. I’m sure it would’ve saved me from a lot of “attitude

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Happy Pills Page 23 Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 1, 2013

adjustments” (my parents loved to call it that when I got a spank-ing). There are many symptoms of being vitamin B deficient. Depression, heart disease, acne, high blood pressure, exhaustion, memory loss, and anemia are just a few. Adults, along with giving it to your children, you should also give it a try. With Jesus’ guidance, living a Christian life, changing your eating habits/diet, and taking your “happy pill,” you will enjoy your children, your spouse, and your life a lot more. From the Pastor’s daughter Here is a short description of what B vitamins are and what they do.

Vitamin B B-vitamins are one of the most important vitamins for giv-ing you the energy to work all day. B complex helps metabolize carbohydrates, the body and brain’s main source of fuel. The lack of B-vitamins can cause body fatigue, dizziness, memory problems, depression, and lead to other illnesses. If you are plan-ning to get most of your B-vitamins from plant-based foods, avoid cooking them or do not cook them for too long, because the heat and water will destroy a good portion of their B-vitamins. The vitamin B complex consist of eight vitamins which are B12, B9, B7, B6, B5, B3 (niacin), B2 (riboflavin) and B1 (thiamine). These vitamins are great for boosting energy because they work together to boost metabolism, enhance cell growth and division, enhance the nervous system and immune system, and keep the skin and muscles healthy. Most B-vitamins, found in various foods such as fish, meat and poultry, are essential if you intend to function normally. These vitamins allow the systems in your body to flourish by converting food into energy, helping healthy cell production, and promoting mental health. People with B-vitamin deficiencies are often tired, and suffer from mental stress. It is also a little known fact that most B-vitamin deficiencies are

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Happy Pills

Page 24

present in elderly individuals and vegans. As you age, your abil-ity to absorb nutritional intake from food is diminished. This is often a contributing factor to what seems like dementia and men-tal breakdown in older people. As for vegans, their lack of ani-mal foods in their diet prevents them from finding proper B-vitamin intake. Even those eating a handsome amount of foods rich in B vitamins may not be absorbing optimum levels. Foods simply do not have the same nutritional value they used to. It is for this reason supplementing with vitamins and minerals can be so important for your health. Just as was mentioned in this article on Vitamin B, there are many supplements that can be taken to help stay healthy. The following are just a few others that are available, and this infor-mation is provided for informational purposes only, as we are not doctors here at SFA. See the order form for ordering details. Vitamin C Vitamin C is known as an antioxidant, a pro-oxidant, an immune0system booster, an antihistamine and more. We like the “Emergen-C” brand of Vitamin C Supplement. It comes in several flavors, is readily available, and is not too ex-pensive. And, the children like it also! Vitamin D3 Vitamin D is responsible for proper absorption of calcium and phosphate in the body, for proper bone health, and it effects the immune function of the body. And, low levels of Vitamin D are often associated with some cancers, with cardio-vascular disease and with MS. We have 100 tablet bottles avail-able in 10,000 and 50,000 iu dosages.

Iodine An antiseptic, disinfectant, germicide and an emer-gency source of iodide to block radioactive iodine uptake, it has also often been used to treat gout. We have 2 ounce bottles avail-able.

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S/W Schedule & Radios Page 25 Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 1, 2013

SFA-1102 SW Radio: Dual Conversion Digital Technology FM/FML/MW/SW1/ SW2/Single Side Band SSB Radio: This radio has super sensitivity in shortwave bands. This radio comes with 3 Ni-MH AA rechargeable batteries, and the AC adaptor not only works as a DC power source, it charges the batteries automatically, and the built-in charging system gives you full protec-tion on the batteries and radio itself. $99.00. - - - - - SFA-1103 SW Radio: This high quality world receiver receives all the stations in shortwave spectrums; Scriptures for America frequencies 9.480 and 5.755 come in loud and clear; plus side bands, SSB. This unique digital radio starts FM from 76.0MHZ. The SFA-1103 can de-code (SSB) Single Side Band broadcasts though its SSB circuitry, 1 kHz tuning steps and clarifier. It is much better than other radios cost-ing much more and in a smaller size. This radio also comes with 3 Ni-

MH AA rechargeable batteries, and an AC adaptor. Thanks to the dual conversion technology, this radio has a super sensitivity in shortwave bands. The SFA-1103 uses LCD to simulate the analog dial on the radio. $119.00.

Frequency  Eastern  Central  Mountain  Pacific 

9.480 8:00AM‐9:00PM 




5.830 9:00PM‐8:00AM 




WTWW S/W Schedule

NOTE the new night time frequency of 5.830.

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January Prayer

Page 26

As we enter into the calendar year of 2013, let us repent from our habits and ways that are unpleasing to our God. We are to look to Him for our health, safety and welfare, and not to the ungodly, antichrist govern-ment that rules over us. Only if we trust and obey Him and His Word can we be delivered from the evil plans of this day, of this year of 2013. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way out of this mess. "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12 The book, Numbers in Scripture, by Bullinger, tells of the number thirteen as: rebellion, defection, corruption, revolution, apostasy, and such things... The book goes on to describe that the names of the LORD's people are multiples of eight, whereas the names of those that rebelled and the enemies of God and His people are multiples of thirteen. And, the number thirteen is the number that brands the sinner as a rebel to God, but also is the number borne by the sinner's Substitute. For example, Jehovah, Adonai, Ha-Elohim and Messiah all have thirteen as a factor in them. And the abomination of desolation, according to that same book, has thirteen as a factor in it as well. 2013 will be the time for the sinner and the saint to separate from each other. But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he should be an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler-- not even to eat with such a one. 1 Corinthians 5:11 2013 will be a time, as described in the book, when their rebellion and corruption and apostasy come to light. In 2013, HIS Remnant will have to decide WHO they will fear, follow and obey..... There will come a time when the obedient Christian is to have NO fellowship with the unbe-liever. So says 2 Corinthians 6:15. Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? We see the tares gathering together and wanting all to see who they are and what they do. They make their plans to destroy us, but God will turn their evil deeds back upon them. The time of harvest draws near. We have the protection (as the number thirteen denotes) of the King of kings and LORD of lords, of Psalm 91 and Psalm 83. We also have the promise that Gideon had, of deliverance from all of our enemies. And when they blew 300 trumpets, the LORD set the sword of one against another even throughout the whole army; and the army fled… Judges 7:22 Will you blow the trumpet, as Gideon did? Will you trust and obey the commands that God gives us through His Word?

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January Prayer

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The only escape, the only deliverance that we have, is through the blood of Jesus Christ. We must abide in Him, and Him in us, for us to be saved. To be saved in the hereafter, and to be saved today! Preparatory Prayer Heavenly Father, prepare our hearts and minds for what is com-ing. Renew our strength, for we are weak and powerless against the enemies that surround us and that desire our destruction. We know that in our weakness Your strength comes to be, and that we CAN do all things through You. We believe, oh LORD, and help our unbelief. Re-mind us, Your Remnant, that there is peace, joy and protection in Your Word, for those that abide in You. Let us draw nearer to You, and we ask that You would draw nearer to us. Imprecatory Prayer Dear LORD, we are once again faced with destruction at the hands of those that hate us; at the hands of those that hate You. Do not forget us, oh God. Remember Your covenant with our father Abraham. We turn from our sin and our double-mindedness, from being luke-warm, and from our hard-hearts and doubting minds. We cry out to You, "Save us, oh God. Deliver us from Edom, deliver us from all of the ungodly that surround us and that have taken over this land that You gave to our forefathers to be a Christian nation!" Treat Your enemies like you did in Gideon's Day, treat them as You treated Oreb and Zeeb; deal with them as You did at the brook Kis-hon in the days of Elijah; As the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 83, O my God, make them like the whirling dust; Like chaff before the wind. Like fire that burns the forest, And like a flame that sets the mountains on fire, So pursue them with Thy tempest, And terrify them with Thy storm. Fill their faces with dishonor, That they may seek Thy name, O LORD. Let them be ashamed and dismayed forever; And let them be humiliated and perish… We are put to death daily, oh LORD. Soften our hearts to the plight of our brethren. Open our eyes and our hearts to the sin that so permeates the land, and allow us to return to You, the God of our fa-thers, the jealous, wrathful and avenging God of the Bible. Avenge, oh LORD, avenge! To the glory of the one and only path to salvation, to the LORD who became flesh and dwelt among us, to the One who died on the cross to redeem His people Israel, Jesus the Christ. In His Name we pray, Amen.

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Page 28

CD Ministry:

Our CD Ministry

congregation receive two politically incorrect, yet

Biblically correct messages

every two weeks in the mail.

(Good Outreach Tool)

Satellite and Internet Radio Broadcasting

We are broadcasting on the internet & satellite (audio) 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, heard all across North

America and the world! The satellite is digital audio, KU band; see our web page, “Online

Audio”. We also have SFA-TV—24/7 video at the website!

Church Broadcast & Video Streaming

The Sunday morning Church services at the LaPorte Church of Christ

are video streamed live to our website,

from 10:00am until noon, Mountain time. (a high-speed internet connection is

suggested). You can also attend our ‘Early Morning Church’ (the previous weeks’

sermon) at our website from 8:00—10:00 am, Mountain Time.

A DVD is also available weekly for YOUR local Public Access Cable TV free broadcast

—contact us for details. Visit our Network website for the complete

programming schedule and archives.

Printed Material Write for our most current catalog

and to subscribe to this free newsletter. (both also available at our website)

Church Camps & Conferences throughout the US

This newsletter is an outreach of the LaPorte Church of Christ, PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535 and is sent free of charge to those who request it. Scrip-tures for America is a national & inter-national outreach ministry, founded by Pastor Peter J. Peters, and is supported by tithes and free-will offerings. Pay-Pal is accepted online at our website. The LaPorte Church of Christ has Sunday School at 9:15am on Sunday mornings, followed by Church Services at 10:30.

DVD CHURCH Messages of the LaPorte

Church of Christ Sunday morn-ing Church services are sent

out (every Monday) on DVD to those requesting to be on the DVD CHURCH Ministry. This has also become a GREAT

outreach tool for sharing the Gospel message.

E-mail: [email protected] Radio call in— 307.745.5913 Office phone— 307.742.7582 Office fax— 307.745.5914

PO Box 766 LaPorte, CO 80535

Scriptures For America Ministry

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What does the Bible really say about gun control,

firearms and freedom? Read these and find out.

Scriptures for America PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535

See the order form in this newsletter or ordering details.



“...and let him who has no

sword sell his robe and buy

one.” Luke 22:36

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